Drollery and Detection in "Riddle Me This" at the Golden
Drollery and Detection in "Riddle Me This"at the Golden The Week on the Stage By Joseph T. Shipley ____ ¦> RIDDLED BY RADIO "FIDDLE ME THIS." By Dam N. Rubin. At the John Golden. A good title...
...A good title introduces a goo play at the John Golden, and a excellent cast, headed by Franl Craven and Thomas Mitchell, car rles It swiftly and merrily on...
...Either way, it's a delightful show, with Thomas Mitchell as the Captain of Detectives bowling Strike for strike with Craven, and with an ingenious background for the entertaining front...
...From presidents r | and stocks a quick transition takes j I us to Deodore Thrlcer, whom the c i South tried to put in the stocks t i but his purely Platonic Love (ad. mlrably conveyed by James P. . Coombs) could not outvie the vis. ion of our dearly beloved James J. . Walker while listening to a Board r of Estimate hearing...
...Di Tlndal has neatly done away witi his wife in such a manner as t< throw the guilt unquestionably 01 young Frank Marsh, who, in truth has been toying about with thi woman...
...The Morris Plan, i, I God's gift to America in search el of some plan or other, carries all t j before it, in spite of the fine fren; zy of the D. A. R.-llngs in quest 0 of a program...
...It wai , fun, too, to watch Mac Colemai I in megaphone action, and to heai the deep tones of Sam Friedman, and Louise Severn's answering strains, and half a hundred gay comrades, Including our own vociferous Eddie Levlnson, in the chorus, helping "Crab The Works...
...and by a quick figuring with a wrist-watch and a radiodial he riddles the story and traps the worthy doctor...
...Kirk gradually sees that the circumstantial evidence is too neatly set together...
...but frivolity merrily ; masked sound serious criticism of I American affairs, until the final ¦ chorus crying "Thomas For President," and the parade of significant signs—among which we liked especially "Why not government | ownership of Congress...
...Morris ol n the Morris Plan...
...Then he turns to the girl for his reward, and calls up dear old Daisy, But I do think he'd have 'phoned to his paper before he arranged the party...
...THE L. I.'DVS OFF...
...Mary As tor in the feminine lead...
...Robert Armstrong, Joel McCrea, Dorothy Jordan, Hugh Herbert and Ralph Ince...
...An allblah cast of candidates stepped 'forward, presenting the claims o! ''' the various know-it-alls, cure-alls 'panceas, pancakes and belly-achei a with, personal political ambitions n We were especially struck witt lc the naturalness with which our owi ¦.Sam De Witt played the role ol r. the "biggest banker," tipping th« h' aforementioned scales in favor oi oj George Novack, as Mr...
...With Heyivood Broun and All-Blah cast...
...Commandeered by Master of Ceremonies Heywood Broun, on a smaller scale than on Broadway, but releasing his drawled, imbonderable drolleries, the BIG CONVENTION met to pick the next stuffed shirt-for-presldent...
...It took no small effort to "Crab The Works" the other night, in side-swipes and straight - handed bludgeon blows at things as they are...
...What Jlm'. mle dreamed of can't be put in 1 words...
...Supporting Richard Dix la a cast of well-known performers, including Erich von Strohelm, in the character of the thrill-crazed director...
...Beginning on that basis...
...What I'other foolery Broun was brewin' , we can't say, for every few ralni utes he would skip a part of the . program that called for "Three or I four minutes of humor from Hey. wood Broun...
...The lost Squadron** Stays on at May fair ...I "The Lost Squadron," RKORadlo Pictures' air drama, starring Richard Dlx, will remain at the Mayfair Theatre for a second Week...
...as the French say, you don't i mention It, you Just do It...
...The marshaling of cluei marches Marsh toward the chair but he has a pretty sister whc catches the eye of "Kirk," stai reporter—inimitably caught with all his human weaknesses by Frank Craven—and Kirk Just 'can't let that pretty girl's brother die...
...Brook wood Players At the New York Labor Tempi) tonight .(Saturday), the a- Brookwood Labor College Players tg will present "Mill Shadows," by ty Tom Tippett...
...This four-act draB. ma of the Southern Textile Workers and their struggles has been 16 hailed as an effective and authen•" tic American labor play...
...CRAB THE WORKS:'A unique performance at the L. I. D. dance at Webster Hall...
...Signalizing a departure from the usual type of air films, 'The Lost Squadron" presents a story of a picture in the making, disclosing the perils and dangers encountered by the unsung daredevils who provide the thrills...
Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 12