Activities of Socialist Party in Many States

Activities of Socialist Party in Many States Ivertise Vicenao Vseirea's meetiaa. H abla. aad wtth tbs ratom e< thcas af ^ •ft WiU speak at ths City Cc^lege P .aor-comadas nhe mm awUac.-ai pies of...

...oonsUble, A. Cadari...
...William' The Rand School of-f oa vicinity for three weeks...
...Morris 11 Plerrepont street...
...colthe non-patisan plan, the two highest I ican Theaitre today and other sub-c organization...
...street and Broadway...
...David Kaplan, H. Saizman, R.S...
...Ths sUte office is preparing , CITY EXECUTIVE COmOTTB . Inine en how to aMke thia.ths most Wednesday, 4ept...
...n 0' the country must let these Tuesday, S^t...
...Sept 8, «: » p. m—Kings-J ^isors warn us that more is involved ^ire needed Tor addressing of the en-1 S )icrado-Wy- Monday, Sept...
...Local Allegheny 'pjn.,-327 E. 9 Stieet...
...V e Y a Sodaligtolvsfsanrtng dartea sattaS 1 Ig routed by the ItaUan Sodahst w aMBtfas...
...A niT be ksct no matter how much our short VStanteers should report at ! out...
...Vtoor IsxgeJ at 341 Bast •4th <aM ^Bi|jMH a meeting onetyy Wednesday...
...Joseph will unemployment Queens, an taviUtion to meet to the 'VI the Socialist tion of the recent^ propaganda policy demonstration Satiirday evening...
...Northampton and ular meeting of the branch will beI...
...Morgan of New London, reby former Socialist Mayor Gibbons...
...qiua iL.ril1|j|iil r tilir 2, briar-1 ^ «etaD(A ta tha: «**Tar«Ti tl is tak->-laeaday...
...Circle Four 8:30 p. m., at their^iSBaMfals...
...Bearhaltsr and Lindqulst...
...A. A. BriU...
...cases ahippad last week...
...5, 8:30 p. m.—86th' _ sixth year, beginnmg on ^Tuesday, " meeting to the neighborhood of in assembly ROOM of 7th building...
...31 was wen attended...
...IHistory, Sociology, Philosophy, raany others well known as author-over...
...Coonty Organ- man LouU aad ifer X. Rosfnkrans reqmats aU combers rendered by a frnnmr baritone ofof Woakew... 908 Prospect ave• of successful open-air meettogs were> Marjorie Dorman...
...6. The city campaign comparty...
...N. J^Last Friday Clrcls tories...
...YORKVnur KxilSlt^m^iatinm New Jersey Shulman...
...8:30 p. m—8Sthh Sant data and toterpretations to <city officials intimately by ha'vlng BOSTON...
...7th A. D. A meettog will be held:-Saturday, Sept...
...Con-vle evidenced further by the offer-Newark had as a guest Abe Belsky, are empl^ed...
...SunnyMine, where Club, and Arthur O. McDowell, state I. Steinhardt...
...striktog mtoers is now betog collectedJ to the paper...
...7, at 8:30 p.m...
...PA.—The Readmg Yip-will receive itt charter at the picnic who answer <pieaHanai Speaksm Springfield...
...Virginia, ning...
...B. T. Murphy...
...12, 8:30 p. m.— (g board...
...Ken., P1TT8BUBGH...
...sent TO each Volunteers OF the 1 tferred to the iCidiiloM Saaneh...
...F. Poree...
...necessity of enrolled Socialists turnJ...
...J. Wallerstem...
...Joseph Dean and others...
...where we have no or...
...We enMct timitantte ^ B- !r...
...j ocals in start a lively organlitog campaign...
...g will be sary to go ahead with meetings and, Sept...
...8; a:ie p. m.—Rotn snd 80-:lal standing so hardly won laat year tained at the City ofBce...
...p. aa.— » the , the: Thursday...
...Port ' They represent meettogs held on Monby the Amalgamated Houses, and will^ its regular bi-monthly meettogs be--BRichmond, S. L Walter Dearlng and day to Lowell and Walthaifi, on Tuesbe forwarded m the near future...
...y&t ^ tsadaai Thir•dd give...
...Now that vacaConsideraMe en-HaskeU, Louis Bpateiu... introduce avenue...
...Bis has tram-v-,Bright, David M. Cory, Bradtfffd to6t slight this task ad- Young...
...An &texestbic diaetsHton wa and Comrade Taylor, w#er ceort aad Bast riwrth atrert...
...H. N. Perlmutter and others...
...a, branch ,branch will be held Friday, Sept, 11...
...Aaaa ** !6;<rr...
...M. Mandel,^ I fers to workers in general and to t History of the SocUllat Movement...
...8, 8:80 p, m.—June-• twobods...
...Jerry Saba-Kane Prank• street ai>d Second avenue.^ i Jpresent ills...
...Marlupreme Court out on the grounds ?, ^ir...
...36, to the: 'leafleta—"Smash Tammany"—^to eon-D...
...Joseph Tuvim, Theodore AI I forwarded Schneirov... to be arranged J. L Polsteta...
...Mathew ticiences which he may select...
...editor of^ Tuesday...
...Soeialtst aad unusually high qoality, opwatic num304th steSet and Ferry aveana* Ber-ttmts 'ef Principlesstudy the new bulletin, t » register outstand-people to be pnseat...
...auditor, Lillian elections of Rochester are now RUN on,n Saturday...
...SUte17 street and Avenue B. W. Karlto...
...aad BOUT atteeU...
...Study elasses will be started houae...
...mem-jrote may increase in particular local!-y palgn Comoiittse is oanOnnoutly pha>-OOald aad ethers...
...8, 8;30 p. m.—108thjI . Only an Intelligent understand-,ford and Is expected that a Thomas meeting The New Leader...
...Tlie: mlttee meet to various socttocs of ai ! R. Buicke-branch hold an ': avenue and Eastern parkway...
...Elmhurst territory was socqited for...
...9. >:S0 p. a.— r I ir...
...X last throughout should set Id In So-tures on a petition to nommate their list of 18 charter mwnbers is headed^ man...
...The state secretary re18th A. D. Branch 1. Now that-Brown, Frank Poree, V. Oaspar...
...nue, to discuss plans for the coming I Saturday, Sept...
...4, at 8:30 ' mb avenns snd 44th atreet...
...No reports were received Si Smith seting, after head<tjarters, 615 East 140 Street...
...18, to the Debs' Avdtbtr «Party sad the thtkma...
...Hsrry ular meeting place...
...8:30 p. m.— >: tional programs on "Objections to Soordering...
...Smith, sdneattOBal|^HMHH|^Ss^-^4 a ] y, AUerton and Cruger avenues...
...Marks avenues...
...2 Thomas...
...1:90 p. . ofTs tatroductory description of the SJ Us decided to issue a tabloid of four ,requested to take up their branch acSaratoga svenus between Pjtkin t clothing to trip, on the accompUahmenU ot the...
...BiM ^j |p I'tldffij1 w. r. school commission...
...JAnita Block...
...9, 8:30— City...
...isth A.> . BnuM* X. Tha b«wb kii lor the Supreme tJotirt position Sefaaehner...
...Bosenbaum, Joseph Tuvim, ! news that ;andkiate...
...Oeorge H. GecbeL ne used , roho W. Slayton...
...At each session a number of creased...
...also reporte apm have met by tha iBas an rest actiTt&f.^ _ ttat iiwiiw aad set tbe whasai« T» Several vsteraas in the Sodshst 1 aasdan S*/ene of the asost aeiars bei IStates «lovement have recently joined the JSig Campaign:rsagsl ^ ha Utb AJD...
...J. Berkowiti, Tr I ,will participate to these series are: and lists good prospects...
...Encouraging' reports> MH...
...9, at 8:30 pjn...
...Since"A to Boston at Tremont and Hammond Education ta spite of the fact that ,tte« has ' January we have distributed about streets...
...S, It m.—Washing-a,, prtjtnisea a , inly to write to the name of our jNITHIZER...
...The f ter...
...Wal-tl Greenfield, together with another ter S. B. Daublto, D. R. | ci held on Monday...
...5. 8:30 p. m.—^Hara flMt comer meetings both morally and financially, the 3 come aid from one or two of the older CESS sale of pamphlets amotmted to ten ririson and Richmond avenues...
...Goldowskyd'lems and a practical application ^'I'HOUGH the coal strike is over latest officer the that a special organizer has been do-Henry Jager, Andrew P. Wittel...
...ot CaU-wealthy county se^ pf Montgomery and its Issues...
...Ac-' RRotkln, M. Kurtnsky...
...Young Socialists throughlugs...
...It this meeting...
...We must actcialism" using Comrade Work's clasBRONX ACnYE.-^mar vuaabsr at^Uchmond edition of The N^ Leader had been by tbe attempt of Democratic electionIn 181st street and Wadswonh avenue.J *Movement...
...BichSou ttsstate convention ing held by youngCr members of the adise Manor...
...Cleveland League of America...
...gusting scrambles for office by facSthVA...
...V. Oaspar.r-Psychology, Literature.r Music etc., ities on their subjeeU.meetings a night la the schedule with that will be used te tour Mew Tort Admission ast Mon-HAMDEN...
...Selectture Socialist nomtoations to the 7th.jj street and Brook avenue...
...Sol Marcus...
...i Jr...
...Antust ! Massapequa...
...families are out of work...
...All the" Leader subscription was ordered sent[ QUEENS g st< tbe suc-legheny County...
...Gertrude Oelman, William Oelman...
...Davis and chairmen once more emphasizes the Tuesday...
...Z E. 15 Street... tbe i seemsmsdBisa, Jack Altaian, Judah Altta On Mondiv, Sept...
...d Penwick...
...Comrade Lsemans Fraak C. Perkins is running for cit ~ In co-operatioa with publishing 11 student in the School...
...In addition the Party is aide { being, we are told, th* ooneentratlon sumers Oaop*ratioiaiirVi«TII" rfS* . • % srman R. Mrs...
...Henry Frushter, L Kleinman.' ,John Dewey, John B. 'Watson...
...Ws atmjiiyy a larga thinks it will be held hereRand School...
...8:30 p.— i' I'orman Bela Low and j as soon as the outdoor speaking Is Ing placed at tha deer -staps twlea,mittee will meet at the Workmen's That Republicans do not always_ 137th street and Seventh avenuee...
...8:30_ Mil be a aerias of debatea oa ques-AU SociaUsts to Kof Sept...
...4. 8:30 p. m.—139thosiums on such important subjects t Parker...
...from the Astoria...
...HaU, Parker, The Miners' Benefit concert and mass explanation of the essentUl detailss RICHMOND Trimble, Kalish and Lewis, with welmeeting proved to be a complete suc' of the Mooney case...
...14, at 8:30 pan, athighway and Bast 14th street...
...8:30 p. m.—Har-t Irtin one of the most The past week's meetings are typical...
...imter Deartag, MoDy Wetagaxt...
...snnerly ot the Independent Labor _D',„__fEW TOKK CITT Ieras btid last week...
...Mollyij Ii"men's Circle and the Young Circle ( The circles have been invited...
...oin 1 as Proposed Road for LAbor,aembers...
...m and all members are urged to coopr'--" resulted in the Sunnyslde Branch1 JamesJi Oneal...
...Rpbert ^ will be at the Vtbor Lycemn... proceeding nicely^ came to Queens Saturday night and1 J J. D. Graves, Philip F. Bost, Jr...
...5.'«:30 p. m.—lS7th...
...T BfEW TORK CTTT re appre- BUFFALO.—Local Buffalo has sent 8. 8^0 p. m.—Bum-Woodworth...
...Since the adop-ipaign Committee was elected...
...The Mooney hearses street and Jamaica avenue...
...Marcus, John Davidson, Walter Dear-I lext year at a point wbtte it is hnpossible to whose number is 10 on the primar books...
...Jessie Wallace Hughan,' Morris and 1< city to speak atsupply of strllcera rcDBiiMB9S...
...This " on Friday evening, Sept...
...D. Graves, Philip F. mond J. mi M M Jan...
...The woifc as-Ttiaaday...
...19, at 141 Street and St...
...A STATE NOTES.—The state executive cuss plans for the coming campaign...
...Letters are being sent out to0 BRichmond, S. I. David M. Cory, Wal-« qcwaaklng...
...The gtontog September 1 and meets thee aothers...
...sBBHI t Otae a']Of relief...
...A few shlrte are stiB bh head The the are urged to Norwalk, Meriden, New Haven and New York State Fourth street and Avenue C; Sixth _ committees asking forPlenty of eaUblea will be prepared coat of a shirt U tl JO laehidh« tha strike relief...
...MS Vienna SociallsU...
...861 Marcus... to Wobum and to Roxbury at attention of the branch is now fo" 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 8:30 pjn...
...t leadership tterf, business manager, aivd Mauriceare, requested to come and assist to I Rosenbaum...
...8, at 8 p. m., wi;a see Let's make it a 100 per cent anatr...
...Work on the ball »15.00 on the recent County Picnic...
...ler Socialist ganisations have been invited to a Rand Studio...
...D. An imporUnt meeting' Rockaway branches, their delatesr Young,ij Spear Knebel, S. Rafranoff, 5. Kent rep-tions of the capitalist parties yet witwill be held Tuesday evening...
...Tbe musical laofrsm was of as Mayor pisewds, stc...
...8. 8:30 p. m. Seventh...
...list of Queens labor organizations ar,d\ RH...
...tervale aad WUkln^ Henrryy 1nesday, October 21st: scholarships should apply at' the probably Fruchter...
...The Pah Ssent $4tjto ?ar 'ths mMm*^ ISjm, be...
...5, at 304th street ^ an enlarged programs ^ MANHATTANWITH prospects rade Trimble of Boston, to Springand Perry avenue...
...8, at 8:30 pjn...'Viola, Theodore Shapiro, Walter Dear, state see-by The Now Leader, the demand for ; • tog...
...10, 8:30 p. m.i^ until the ooiuts...
...8. 8. LABOR DAY PICNIC...
...Juliusjg lerstein...
...H. J. Lohr of Blacklick...
...11, 8:30 p. m—72nd ^ to announce the names of a nima-irking class...
...candidate for memSocialist party in New Jnsey...
...ishow the working class of America sic...
...le-: of the or judge of Supmte Sourt our otfl-,lOpcs and enrollment lists can be ob...
...CastigUonl and Berquist...
...SUte Organizer performed valuable work to assisting street between Lextogton and j to iU students...
...for a most effective campaign m Arthur G. McDowell are on the perman...
...tion toto a concrete shape and form...
...Deartng,the Rand School is prepared to iingstown carry on its work for the twenty-™ lation of Greenfield...
...A caravan is btfag purchasedist cam-Circle Center Friday evening...
...This wlU be the » some clerical work.first FallShapiro, Harry Schachner...
...Unless we have a nominee ^:ar« of their dlstrlcu...
...aad wtth tbs ratom e< thcas af ^ •ft WiU speak at ths City Cc^lege P .aor-comadas nhe mm awUac.-ai pies of I ontey aftemaoo...
...It win be necessary to to- •being arranged fer Octoh« taT^l eWeE, neographea ^ n tbe primary date of Sept...
...nan elec-get a crowd and tbe party Is now ballot...
...aaih akj arty...
...Clothtog and shoes for\ the branch urging them to subacripaa Saturday, Sept...
...5. 8:30 p. m.—47th |. namely...
...Igue, the Trade-Unions, the Work-, Hamden reported tickets had LACKAWANNA...
...Juda& Altman, H. on trial for manent editorial board...
...A. J. Moste and A. I. Ship-i to rattdarty e««|CjRHEsiMldiM members Socialist primaries Tuesday, Sept...
...7 Bat ISth street be^ ^ Thursday, Sept...
...The time is signed to tbe vaitans tumuilttsss has = ? land road sad Rockaaay parkway...
...P. tm sad Sidney Tellen, members Udke Comrade Frame, aad total tocome exceeded tbe most op' dollars...
...The Soa... tbe Krtttah imbtx Qtf-RO —-M the ranks, mahmA ^tastiaa: . The iitamien ] IMiajr... offer free Scholarships to ^ 170th street and Walton avenue, Sol t 8:80 naking a cialist caodklate is James Battistoni, 01 thors who win discuss tteir latest 1 p. m. -:YJT^^.^tBi^ • traffic...
...James Oneal...
...9, 8:30 p._1 made to present outstanding au-\«fore...
...It was voted to secure a' HHavcmeyer and South Fourth streets, FI 3. J. Bouma, picnic and rally at Campbell's Mills, Sth A. D. Thursday evemng, Sept...
...5, 8:30 p. m.—168th *i thie coavlc-and begins life with a fre« speech which will be held on Satiirday eve" Soaayslde...
...II, 8:30 p. m.—141st edly the lattest <lem<mstraij<m by ths Snnday evening...
...The next reg...
...Murphy, ^ a the hope of the School StaffUvered to ths Maw York Ctty offkse meet to be held at &>rntt Ths WK'..Wfm...
...candidates for Alder• for the Assembly and Alderman toj side...
...i' Among the speakers who i ourses which can be given at var-| ClfVELANS... international and affects everythat amendmentsTuesday, Sept...
...8. 8:30 p. m.—lS3rdM ous centers in the greater city Lea^e shows sn active membership One Sentor en "rhiUMJli^BR M. < Q .nd went town planning commission, Hansen The state secretary In a general,i I and Simpson streets...
...Our avaran J» nlaa rsQlas that and ' to tcountry is determtoed to fight for the om Nor-clothes had been sent to the Mtoers tions as they did two years ago...
...has palgn ported all to the the weather is t>ecomlng more bear- j , ° Unemployment broug:ht on whoae state constitution were carried...
...II, 8:30 p. m.—Hop-UJ the 13th and 1 ^to welcome the many new members Jgn of con-tag, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...f Montana...
...The municipal1^1 Davidson.iJ ,cial and Economic Planning...
...will be candidate's night at the : offer to-send them speakers on »ub-I Retzkto.x Phil Heller...
...U . ™ jared to see that the name of John People's House, 7 E. 15 Street...
...Next week we have meetings schedOpen-air meetings have been reuled to be held by Comrades Hutchins bey have sumed, and the next will be held thisft Street Meetings 1 party in and Wicks of Greenfield and ComSaturday...
...Each circle of IMi cities, and Hartford is getting signaCounty, has been reorganize...
...Two aiMl three fine open air weekly...
...The ttoo of Local New Haven is doing the George H. Ooebel and Thomas W.^' Karlin...
...3820 Church avenue...
...lightened' of Laborcapitalism...
...I •s ariN during the sum-especially Comradea Hill...
...on the ballot to the general election.n Tuesday, Sept...
...inglon avenue and Claremont park-tl vwood Broun, J. Brooks Atkinson, t 0 offer to each new meml>er of literature aad propaganda meetings Senate in ing out to voU on primary, day...
...IciUo Massachusetts aU to make this year's aSair an holdtog the largest open-air meettog{ Wednesday, Sept...
...not :ampaign work...
...D. M, Cory, Bradford propaganda...
...Painkenad poU<7, Tha Ozat at Uiaae wfll he for one or more eoursea, aad t« a...
...of the exhibit, delivered a powergilj a Hill...
...itobe it...
...Morris han the mere lack of a state-wide , Branches are urged TO talje i Sthelred i'elopes...
...Robert R. ( membership dating from May 1st... that section of the city...
...10, 8:30 p. m.—-t Young People's Socialist Lea-Letters\ pouring ta from various the Junior Circle Two charter party...
...on Friday to Boston at Trethe appropriation for it was made by down to mont and Hansen streets, and to the City some two years AGO...
...I In Crescent avenue and 18Tth street 8. run tw9 speakers at a dedication banqu^Jn for M. Bacone, H. tween Rand SchoolMore than ever the Rand Bchool NEWABJE.—Everythiac is setthe ZnwoOd headquarters of the COlar-Romauldi, Montana;^ the and tlie wind up the Labor Day unempibysisnt dim- jst Woskow, J. Davidson...
...and , thuslasm by Dr... treasoffice of supervisor...
...are aaked sided...
...Port ^•tBighUy...
...Twenty-five apeafeaTa oaa* to return Relief Committee to Pennsylvania...
...Sad-m — Una larger :panding membership activities,tions are over all active workers are " was arousedThnrad^, Sq>t...
...Tlmble, Hill -'.d a number of are being hekl regularly...
...The Secre-wi from a few dosen to 300 thU current ^ , r^rted 250 water and street, r: , unempkjy- to cooperate with the Ylpsels at their tary having distributed• J. court East Fourth week...
...L. BiArtek, UaaoB Morrill...
...Ar-" 8,000 leafleU and New Leaders to the " community, about 1000 (monthly at at Announces ; Spring-Rockland...
...Nicholas avenue...
...lave every new Party m«9her as from all parta of the city...
...Visitors I f welcome...
...D. R. Fenwlck, i ers speaking-tour for John Carrabtoe of resentativeIU READING...
...Local Hamden nomkind is indicated by news fromm BRONX^ *it ' is offering a number of symp-i I reserved for paid-up Party the following comrades as speakers: and New Jersey...
...The heart aad ^ lo ita*.< ex-' , mlttee be on stone aad Behaont svedvea...
...ociallsts the :County, imder the pressure of ex-^ Upper Weat Side...
...Indiana * received from Jamaica, Elmhurst, and H County will be host to a Socialist campaign...
...Esther Friedman, candidate FORI the September endorsement meetingJ Saturday, Sept...
...board candidates ta the primary to appear„ ken...
...Hey-i vhere suitable arrangemenU are seems to be to van...
...a luce every Party member and sym-ibranch wtiSes to espcws SMKS^ t^,Tuesdi^r...
...R. •? nember and supporter must be pre-] will held Wednesday isoul of the entire membersb^i " 8. I aa Denver evening, Sept...
...7 E. 15 Street There wlB be • ioriar Oenban> rade and not aspire to the Jodidal • Eastern paikaMor aad Ratfekvar pai^-iSatartfay...
...4. aL.-put^<Aatoos tha a^aakapl wm«C their frlaila ».M ha ICocw ^ ^^^nr Rouge Park...
...W. Oaobarg...
...t^aard — lext nionth, jlominee for Supreme Court judge, ,though there are N O CONTESTS...
...J. L. Afroa, Mortia arty in Brcat Britain, has joined...
...We have had our Brook-' Boston at Tremont and West streets...
...August Claessens, Ethel f mtoers...
...Edwta Kop-1 a u« good I State Organizer Cederholm reported following speakers willJ I-alist world is unable to solve, worktog to get the Stamford local to The address pel...
...Demo-g hotisee arrangements have been strikers am seen be very maeh ta need' league, on '.The HmmaMcfcedal Mi but this was also refused on the eraUc and Socialist tickets, but he ii,s rin, Sidney Hertzberg, TyfeU Wilson...
...treasurer, to whom all conAll who wish to meeting of the season...
...A meeting of the Executive ' I Sutter avwues...
...rollments ta LACKAWANNA and Utlca, ^_ Saturday, Sept 12...
...H. , jects of taterest to them, starting ^ Kenoaha So-7...
...3:30 p. m—Clark :eno6ha has BuUding, Tuesday evening, Sept...
...j tarttng...
...Show„ street and Broadway... have en-, n. Slayton appears on tbe Socialist B. Lcvatln...
...tbe reason Prospect aventte...
...Enve-1 The meettaff at Autust ownsard A. O. Brown...
...BHaa^iBI ''ImiA g. street and Perr>-avenue...
...urging to tojg side and Walton avenues...
...14eth street andj^ FREE ^YOUTH d with it problems which the capityour colors, turn out...
...if necessary, carry the issue toto th* NASSAU COUNTY.—Jamas Oneal Scholafahtpa OCered School office...
...on PlUBg|i^^|H&<M^ |Mm.— i Jefferson ground that it voukl mterfere with NOT the Socialist candidate...
...If i . ac otMoafdcy...
...5. 8:30 p. 'fe.—204th ;! ,temporary Psychology, the Amer-i who spoke of doings of the New York CIRCLE ONE...
...1. ta swe en the eoeax ^ Mday, aapt...
...A. N. " to order...
...Denver ; ,idckers for the ballot but every party ,K meeting of the City Bxecottve Com-iefTectlve campaign...
...Candidates for these avenues...
...received Cederholm will speak at a mass meet-and advising local officials to proavenues... ta meeting of the Sth A. D., IN the • Taubenshlag...
...Louis Pato-1 ^ tig of a number of eatension I through OttosOn...
...The branch will resumee r;rison and Richmond avenues...
...0|Mn:air maetlaBi10 people inated a ticket for election to be held Rochester...
...tha tan tcaaAvaC tt» UtlL |M« ederatkm...
...Mandel Freed...
...elrtle p. m. were oined the the police refused...
...I a 5. \ and social problems has never f Jtown...
...William Bohn,J street and Madison avenue...
...8:30 p. m.—Utlca ^ regular party press...
...So-NORBISTOWN.—A Socialist branch Assembly, and Samuel Orr, candidate° of the Union Label Council of Queens.^ tion" boulevard and 38th avenue, c n a letter to has again been organised to the for Judge, will discuss the campaign, The treasurer reported a profit ot( Corona...
...jglBiutier, : »um...
...f ~ members the ( now...
...SocialisU are developed...
...Speakers will be William headquarters...
...tea -Daublto...
...Simon Saraaon...
...ibeen fcSy cacdSf The Oam-Banarsky, Martha SotaiBOD...
...Friday, Sept...
...4, 8:30 p. m—72nd and many new acti'vlties, a n an or-field...
...Vltisaa^tad n Socialist snd Labor ConcnM held «Chafes ScKiankl will lead the diaras-aa IMPORTANT!—Tbe Attorney Oen- aanltb atieeta-lX,)''^Carr...
...S. S-.JO p.m.—RavS' tfa hat "a carpenter should sUck to his Jm opportuntty for qusstkma It isoutdoorI mmtiii <n' TRica ahd <« *t wnch...
...thh Friday, Sept...
...b BROOKLYN h been more keen...
...Fred Hodgson, J. Wal-that one group of young people in this distributed, and moneycrooks to capture Socialist nomina1-It is happy welcome back text...
...are also furnished to tha-Mau tradeloney for by the state secretary...
...Phil RCUer, AhS BSldcy, H. Ta^ iwrship 01 ^ery reglstersd Socialist in Peim-'Primary wUl be beU on Tuesday, benalilag, Molly Weiagart, Josetm Sn mi be blaiik on ths Socialist baltot...
...A IEpsteto ss OrcaahHr...
...The place is Parto lU history...
...4, 9r» p. m^-teWit-|g Blamaa have i ecome active asfaMxs... economic cx;al and Connecticut ning...
...iS^SsT BS^VMas ma he atven eat StawLaK...
...Edward Levinson...
...Taunton and MUford, timistic expecUtlons and amounU to" bf The • New Leader to t<ter Dcarlng and others...
...Let's ported that 300 copies of the hunger The reorganization was precipitated^ 180th street and St... also food aod etotba^.' '4k»''iunitr'ls »= state «e -, yivania therefore must go to the poUs zSept...
...Bthetrsd Brdwn...
...Louis BadoflT will relate his tanpres-**• I BIANHATTAN ) w >allot to sufficient number to foil oui ^ slons gained doling his recent trip Sth A. D. A meettog will be held ' Wednaaday... and 16th Wards, presumably for the Murray Gross, David Oullob, John' a ion between Party aad School •will NEWAKK...
...wl6i Joe VMa gtaw EarsaoQ...
...Lsibor unions and fraternal orI J. L. Afros, Morris Rosenbaum, 8. B. affair to be held on Sept...
...rge crowd rades to be present before i o'clock tbe' Royal Hungarian^<^wa Com- others...
...p. m.— csts...
...Oeorge Soule^ John T. :.931) any course ta the social CHABTnU-A, chfcSKlSBBBlBiMia Tuesday...
...Abe Belaky...
...Ocjunction with an enrolled Socialist of Friday, Sept...
...The new press BRONX QUEENS L(Lopatln, W. Oomberg, 8. Tomsk... the Monroe Court Committee room, ->Harold and Hollander streets, on Wedcused upon the urgent need of theI are nesday ta Taunton, Attlfcboro, and to entire neighborhood FOR a new school, rear 43-13—47 street...
...1. Polsteln...
...1. SHlBTS MAKE nFi^^>«^aUa froas uel eague ia tag good work in New Haven and jj Tuesday...
...Molly Weingart, Jo»epli ~ r union men charge...
...Be is he...
...The depression committee met at New London Sim-•t street and Seventh avenue...
...10, 8:80Bunlttee tor tnittee headed by Samuel S. Rosen-,OfBce will be open dal...
...Others are was Councilman Oeorge W. Snyder, all parts of tbe ooabur aMwaMtaaTallman...
...f be held at fundamental educational work of the ;was held Tuesday, Sept...
...offensive on Adams of Pittsburgh, organizer of Alroad, near Jerome avenue...
...LouisIj | "ing of social and economic prob-A CALL TO ACnON them appear on their prograau, ths ta your activity...
...Winston Dancis and Georgf « tbe Unlvnrsity of Michigan Socialist P It was also voted to send a candidate^ street and Greenpoint avenue...
...4. have clean hands to matters of this Bthelred Brown...
...L •deration of Is not intended to supplant the more . lst A. D. A well attended meeting Queens Ceaaty Cottmittee...
...Thousands of'laaflsa are ba...
...Friday, Sept...
...m._ ics...
...Th* committeemen from Bridgeport...
...C<»nrades, at 8:30 p.m., ta the headquarters, 123 A' i Avfntie J and East 14th street...
...Help is needed...
...A eomer was then assigned ryyJie Workers' Traintag Course to...
...the Young People'a SoeWUt Laaaiaa irting at a special relief stamp...
...t~ot closed urer...
...He speaks Italian aad I ate giRiiBc Cor battxr ^ eaavaiEB nm p Party I ThtM Rtysn 'i^reparmg for inmmWm nglish...
...9, 8:30 p. m. Ml mmltm committee has STATE NOTES.—Mectmgs are beoutstandtag one...
...Jamaica, u Moorfey and fight...
...This sort of co-opera-the girl comrades as chalrladies being handed out ta :fraat of tM* So-t orge pre-men...
...Bristol I street aad Pltkto avenue...
...Max Delson...
...tkVL a, «-ja p. Bi/-^«htfk $ The Colo-Pemujlrania u BLBOATEB to tibe Xatmatlrgaal 1hfouabt fanb atany intereattna visvs...
...especially where'yaiiag paepis clerk, Willism E. White...
...The branch his also decided: tee mat in...
...assesscH', C. Mahoney...
...Sol Per-, lined the snggested to the poliee another ccnmer ctanptreller on the Republican...
...Max Lutalcy and iget to touch with Leon Gilbson, 160 we have gatoed, and to discuss plans st Be sent to at Rocnn 913, Lyceum Build-, of September should [ ktkinson and St...
...Bra^ar^ f]" n Vietma will report maiy eve-b(ion this wa*-00 "the SoaWst T O ral has ruled our candkUM for SUte IUng, Sept...
...Republicans are out to capFriday...
...coreet dch We ees rate...
...ILesigue in particular an opport-' the countryThe West Reading Circle Three Is Greater New Yock...
...The Chelsea Circle is going are being dlstrlbatsd tram-teaas^ta...
...It Clethteg Sh^pad U Strike Arass.— to a group of l«0K'JtgBtSm ^tlfm Hudson branch was recently reorganthizers them vote the sre VHa^ ised and upon notifying the poUce ot 5. George I. Stetahardt, P. J.yl WoU...
...Sam18 of the Sledman, Henry Green, William,.' others.]Jofo such knowledge will remedy our •a thousands of mtoers a^d their circle meeting on Tuesday...
...Annej the August meeHng and the commitcopies at open air meetings has risen i Friday, Sept...
...uunity to become informed and en-| one week for th ^ victims of at present having a series of educastreet...
...Davis... signify committee members...
...jLet as no our true legal Social-, tetterJS.OOO n-ill l>e enrolled Socialists...
...What's 80 and What Isn't" as a street meetings has beam ataedlly ta...
...8 at 8:15 pjn...
...e ^.Cnrtkshank...
...This series wUl begin on 1members of Socialist nod Labor Q. ing, Henry Fruchter...
...Louis Reilf.'d!I jscts...
...Bt and l>ages to be distributed free to the ,tivities...
...general argaaieer .a^^^^MpanttaN question lector of taxes...
...Bea Hoepwttfc Alex Betskta...
...Leonard Kimball of candidates of the lower Sth A. D,: to the Queens County Labor Lyceum...
...and SUM Secretary Merrill were the r* More inthnate eo-oyeratite be-fore the (^aning of the Fan tem... Insignia, Order yours now from • that SecreUry and some speeches will be ic...
...Alex r te for Oon-near Blairsville...
...This circle their lungs, inchidlng nv* mate apeak-possible, of the sUt# organisation street and Broadway...
...lies from ^. Max Delson...
...Wednesday, Sept...
...8, at 6:30 p.m...
...Ben Horowiu...
...Sept.• being absent...
...Saturday, Sept...
...New York City, atn whan aside of Hope-ticket...
...a check tog on the central gteen Saturday evetecting the poUUcal totegrity of the^ ' strong...
...N. B. Cruikahank, ai utlve board, nessed...
...Labor Our st.'ike relief committee has issued been nommated to their towns and Merrill reports that Lackawanna, Eriiee Weinberg, August Claessens...
...1. A Camcording to a staggestion that the comFriday, Sept...
...A Gerber, who was sent up-sUte as repJ...
...9. 8:30 p. in— ? a treatment memIes...
...n eleoted...
...number of 10.000 copies each week {Committee wiU be held Tuesday, ! Altman, 8. H. Friedman, Louis 1 ^ o, the only Comrades are being solicited to under-,Sept...
...9 and lO li OMk Cleveland Soclal-Boston branch an dtbe Yipsel League, Amalgamated Cooperative Branch., Socialist Ulk to connection with an1 BRost, Jr., Joseph Dean, A. Kaufman...
...abroad, tiarticularly to Rosaia... I conference in Room 615, Lyceum been arranged for Sunday...
...Anns avemie...
...1. • and Henry streets: Wyckoff and t to the face of one of the mc»t distober 4, to take place in the branch ganizatlon... disavenues...
...Orders are stHl aeatfaa ta...
...A New5 Weil, M. Goldowsky...
...members of the Socialist Party, «brave men anS their families sUrve, jptember...
...Collection and1 Saturday, Sept...
...t. : gj 4215 Third avenue, Tuesday-between Lexington andJ ° Interest ons were at evestreet Third Sept...
...Saturday, Sept...
...I gc u :u»t been ox ,or^be tmmedlate future...
...tenclls j next branch mcetiac wCl he held on ^Tuesday...
...School A party has[ the Sth A.D...
...Bber of new ones who have import-jsels are getting to know the Socialist in the tovestlgation of fraudulfnt enon Labor Day...
...Boston Ylpseh unions aad party BMStlMa.Ution to NEW HAVEN...
...ahturday, Sept...
...There Claeaaens, Murray Gross, ^ School is offeriag...
...Swen Ottoeon...
...The Weingart, A. Grossman, Louis Lieber...
...A meeting of the, atem...
...Jn AtUsboro...
...Jack V unlttee...
...on Saturday to Amesbury, rangemenU ARE betag made to crys-^ cost of nearly $50.00...
...81 sf littee which tributions for the new organ should jjoto the Camp ISden <»nference onI All members are requested to attendI Friday, Sept...
...Samuel Orr, * Bundles <A Old etothes «eause and HtTDSON COONTT...
...QtarstaM la eeting in the first Monday to October...
...Readers of this should rememryy^ Wednaday ^ighU b^{inning Wedconsidering whether it will be necesber this when they go to the jirimar Thursday...
...a llikers In-and Cavallero: register voters...
...8, 8:30 p. m—ISBth one...
...8, 8:30 p. m.—Wash-i aade...
...and lira toeaaehes have done their I&k tor 9»""
...who delivered an address "The the new Ytpsc] blue ahhrt with ths blacklisted...
...The North a letter to the Socialists and sympai^' Flynn, Lewis Muaiford...
...He reported j Lleberman...
...Therefore the nomination 'bt first er a series of meetJags the oway and Rotlaad xoadr eoirtlBMg vsry mayer aad Sooth Voarth atrteU...
...TO vote to the Primarv even ttion for tbe aerriess noOmtiWUfls tee and Johnson atreett...
...B. Brastow,^ John Davidson...
...The School Is prepared, as here-tO, warm apvetlasa Debt a>b« downThought...
...Begto-, Dewatmra...
...Fluahtog and ParI y streets...
...Kathiyn Bmit St number of features whidi, the Socialist movement and aB of its nneapoU^ ofQ . street and St...
...our leg-^ runty...
...In addition " have collected tl37.50 for the striking wnxiAMSBUBO...
...8:30 p. m.—Inr arganizations...
...8. Ooodman.' i Party is bywill ths center the htust branch of Nassau Goonv^\ast " SociaUst indicated a be study afMstratlon in IClltazy Pul^ undoubtig Indoor...
...Mandel Freed.IBmany of its former instructors and \ the "regular" questions pat l>y anti-per week...
...non-readers a l b campaign to make Oomrade Ooldwell from Providenoe...
...the afternoon of Sept... iU regular course in Ecconom-r is Hilquit, B. Carney 'Vladeck...
...WPmSi the un- Polls are open from 12 noon to 9 p. m.n 1. M. KnobUoeh, Charles Bradford...
...letter to officials of h)cals and counttyy Wilson...
...the construction of which, has been wood ta our and ! Rand School Thursday Lynn, Mllford,taexcusably delayed by the Board ofi graduates ranks * = ie Union, on to and ;i have jtist enrolled the fifth...
...11, 8:30 p. m—Bright-i...
...nd Paull Newburyport and to Dorchester at Ullze resentment of the entire secWinter Oass work in Blue Hill and Woodrow avenues...
...Byrd Kelso, to chargee LLiberty and Lefferts avenues...
...Bthelred ture and day...
...ta BducatlaBal Comnittee is planningsucceaafoBy...
...OI sow m•Trite the first ten issues by a com-ning Tuesdi^, Sept...
...30 Bast Kln«sbridge^ with unemployment insurance...
...N. Perlmutter...
...8. H. Fried-half of the Claremont avenue...
...Sociaiiam, Labor Unionism...
...Jack Altman...
...Among these affiliated orgsnlaatloas and Intsrbe^ thwe will be a ]oadq>eakK, aaric banners, ber of Assembly to the 2ad A. D., preSaturday...

Vol. 13 • September 1931 • No. 10

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