Socialism and World Problems

Socialism and World Problems naCAtms this Is thal^korHay aflUoB mm ^EI a of our British coauadaa. tot-^ ^H^^Bhige towards their tnaat and •rWB W iJBiUanWjJsy^asa faj^*'"* ij^^E^^tland tea, er...

...We must have lass aad laa* money and credit Instead of goods •TBchool he had told us enough about^ ^ult and havoc ofrwar, and by the d^ated, savings and 5,, strengthening of this root-cause of be said as smaU business abstracUon al>out the woricers... something that will1 "something else" ia a very big one,, spectlon of banks and other finanteachers, we «re guides, and we muat keep eloeeJ lut worker In the place...
...In other words, ttie Do you forget that the six-hour day from within...
...I ran across met and case today, a family of worica alz to ^^^B^^ days are more likely than work to Its credit, a qnesUoo arises In schoida only work six hours...
...k had esMlH to know intimately several t . smallest scale...
...We ought to eataUiah a five month plaa As eronts have proved, th ^ IndeEditor, The New Leader: ^E **ctatorshlp, but when it is done pendent Labor party members, whom putation...
...Cormptlon In public Ufa oader eap>kHriagi of some complicated doodab...
...I think you are a little bit unfair O. F. CHETILLOT...
...Publicity reestved on • civilization...
...1ightwlup section leadeia have agreed to «ttaaa ^ in ^Ej^ftaally a part of that governmentthe economic commission by Mor-,of overcoming the abnormaUties eoooomic relations with the rest .of...
...The cUy ^^^Bt*** the septic to laugh...
...For a few years the ' dentlflc or cultural at the last mcoBaBt, it mlfbt ^^^^>ared the fate of seeing your perbaps more attpii than deUber-• called securities and Juggling them ' while the other ueemed to have This, I believe, is a correct world marveled at Germany's rec-' le in time and form to deliver here ta rtbort mb* Ej^igiit up about the peace of mind ately malign, they consolidated the the more concrete and urgent sig^ statement of the views which dom( on the^stock exchange.-uperation and could not say too • tance what has been bothering about a ^ bslfiy oa WSn British aecuritiea than about the nificance...
...our methods and educational prograiaa...
...Prices have been men everywhere, and somewhat It does the most good for our movenaeak la this•*our father was a lawyer and air^ ffailure of bourgeois society to set slashed, stocks of goods have been sense and cauUcnL Among hanktheir much heralded planning, more beavily upon the German way we can start the shape and charaotar of ourHi by the time we were ready to enter^ j ,its house in order after the tum-[ worked off, paper values have ers and brokers, who deal Inn therefore, has for Its aim the working-class,-and the same may acUvltles definitely...
...on the I governments—evils vAth which wej more or less regular intervals, for -swe-went straight to the point: Let us gather together whatever forces we have C^to neelve a handsome commission: ghave long been fajnUiar and ernments whose policies were, to5 "Madame, my trade is that of be-other hand, to continue the Inour brigandage...
...completely collapsed we find that the | firmer m our convictions...
...Broun last year la a Wa art deffcoTslaWeminded minister In Newark,-more0 these two species of antl-Intense and more widespread than after the stage waa thus set forr convulse the capitalistic economy, that if any part of it breaks the rAmt a *tian pity took one of our ten-n any previous one might have been disaster...
...The Austrian, Brit-' wenty yeara to separate our cause from the olaaa Ktts thought that low and futile and °<the outcome of political arrangethese new states to Join with the• subject to violent Internal convulstabUlzaUon is effected, it wiU be victor nations in enormouslyish, French and other participants :'or wlilch It is enlisted, and for which if kM tba as we were, we were nevertheless ments—perhaps one'might better in the form of a Fascist state, In• slons, but would be aUe to direct in the controlling group are In sn ' creased expenditure for armamly reason to existBbi after the manner of the majority msay, of political derangements— which will retain all that la worst ments, which could be met only • an the productive forces so as to equivocal position...
...At 1 p. m...
...jibasa very few opportunities thrustsingle work...
...Social eraaieat codateratlaa...
...ment aad so on . . . these are paniattvee'that the year levied for tba city government > ^^HPwe Rolph to perform any such It Is a common thing here for marNew Tertt City...
...The New Leader: the payroDa of the achoola, more than with...
...CapitalisItt vasQy enlarged scale.[-•*• •1 Iby frontal attack or defence, but ^ tion has not ensued, even on the society vftry early foimd out that^ -In Germany even more than'1' In deaUng specially with the begin aU over again as In the beglnnlag perhaps...
...large of the explanation) legal monopolies, snd of the second third over or march We fBlat te emphasize the "happy family" country was in various ways commissions—aid, for that matmust remember that eighty per cent of tbe work* battle, and if now and then it does9 seems to be that what we are now sorts of old restrictions on Indusmortgaged beyond the whole also of the commission And that' of tha twaaty per ! Mr Srtabtisfaments...
...There about conditions imder tbe pres»t consumers abould bombard with their Do realise that the pabBc jKH^* who said to Oscar Amerlnger...
...real steps aid them ^ "happy Ituntment the ofMy at ETi^arards real Socialism ml^ t upset are creating the future society tnff ffrounS" for Weatem Euro, cemed, not with producing and ' plus pressure the Of the two topics, that dealt reparations payments, had Its ef-' What ahaU We do alaout labor...
...The Iminadlste taak of with a reparations debt _ which1 In the last quarter of 8 cntury...
...Cold-Spring, New York, a waek frott ttdt ^^Lns a supporter of waht was more ^dealing reapectlvely with the po-] to the growth oC tha < moat ot ttm movable ;B)eaaa of;>oC busfaeas more and more into ' I policy of so-called rationalizatlon (again a comical i lunday...
...We were to it at groups...
...Ing possibiliUes...
...every street comer concern-commission,^ and Robert Grimm of •v'hich has to be undertaken in adher utmost abOity to pay...
...On the one of the ctmgreas...
...JM Is to say, he took It on tick,1 dby their actions how much they ^ expected, because of the quickened turn to show that they could makee capitalists cannot wish to elim-down...
...controlling Interest the great < and the cheapening of German 1nd lead^e Ascussioa...
...ernment and have continued in ofin need of same...
...But alai^ they have no come...
...There was anportant to us Socialists...
...LabOT government tn Britain has gone I money, ao the private doctors refuse ^^^^P * thing that has Uooney in oat ot oftloe and we find our most I am WilUng to aak yon if that ia For thU pnrpoea the mmtaBt omvMtm Hlf to attend tbe sick wcanan and child...
...The explanation (or at least a. was getting rid of entails, guild advantage of the fact that the tnfttUmn and such nonsense, a partrules, all reports andmust leap around the dampe...
...ThtQr have be>W who was whistling happily at his3 iotic ruin...
...tiowever, this system their model... becauseAlgernon Lee...
...heads of the British labor movement ta charging that one of the difficulDctndt, BUeh...
...Oe British Socialist government Switzerland for the third...
...In mould, and must suffer the diseases aad fate otHi of bright steel peUets designed to Ition of the proletariat, using att international high finance has the long run...
...We must concentrate on organizing the skinedjfcbd I will go further and confess Jmatter of fact in no cases did the ,everything to come down, for the What should be the stand of the and unskilled, the farm-hand and tbe »'»''>«T)|fi] exBanenl...
...Men flats...
...Etfsct It has been one of the mainliarB economic conditions which of thing that can be stabilized, nomically self-sufllcient They en• give the worid a "planned econcouraged and* almost compelled of the German middle and workAnd In truth, much has transpired IB tka laatkept us alive for these past ten Hinow prevail are in large measure even if we desired iit If any I omy," which wotild no longer be ing classes...
...and then It rather suddenIt has l>een so customary a ooochalha that-8etually helpful economic interhand, the conduct of our movecondenm such a course under the • nomic system being organized on \ly realized that thla very efflclen-' iallsm and Labor are so tndlspenslble to aadh ether • course W'' • • himent, and the immediate political with the industrial* coun• so gigantic a scale within recent • name of "class collaboration," to tries...
...The dition to, not instead of, its geneffect of this, if not its purpose,, chooses to go...
...Mass... its present debacle...
...The credit for whatever we have Instituted Now that the Sodalisf International tbe ei ^ has on its payrolls...
...way of spoken and written word, brlaglBC M r —t" I trary, at onethe commission which is responsible Wlwsaine, Wis...
...ployment relief, old age penalona, claaa geverabeen announced that tlie taxes this ^•BlfJ ^ t in the coU of a stUL" And your readers...
...And^ the same time so complexly built as Socialists...
...b*<*a, we are here but a moment: Barton...
...worUng hand In baoA with the ene-J So that It la no remarkable prediction, nor is it ' ties of the British Labor government : • • • ' tnies of the working class to-"save th^ Indicative of exceptional prophetic vision for us was the fact that certain Left Wing oountry" from the present crisis...
...On the con-forth clearly the class character of ELI A COHEN...
...prevent actual fraud and embez- to our professions...
...and It was done by govgoods out of other markets...
...This danger consists ed poUtHjal motives, but partly al• the French Revolution, and when crease the tenaon—on the one sensaUon waves Is aa useless as Bps tewitory in which to employ our d known...
...Or if w* have speakais ot plainelectric company puts down "de• Pad militia, merely pointing out 'prevented the government from being a English capacity, they lack proper fandaaiattt and In the present situation...
...The smalV ' fore tbe house...
...but by that very thing thsy ' >f aneieoat evils might be tn place...
...MK that's what will happen to father is hustling around trying to And not a word aaid about tt Bow to teach them hi the field of orgiaiWtleM, method, White I am writing this note, the ^^^Hi^ days to come wlU dare tc 0et a doctor...
...And that soon...
...schools are one of our big industries...
...At bottom, it is but the so to serve Immediate interests of court to hand their the mows of yesonly in militar- t a lady of the ventured to protect Interests evanescent Wttit ^ natives thereof to buy bondsI nnot nationalisticlatest In the series of depressions particiilar banking or bond-holding shuttingteryear And a great deal moreE^fsejeet pay our ownI ism and the arbitrariness of class whioli have been occurring,J tax him with inconsistence his an-elsewhere by German For the other, I sincerely present this program...
...jdanger under two masks, has been What distinguishes i tusually have a certain touch withb could dream of such a thing, be-ried to the dangerous ex' that even at the end of two years treme, "nie resultant misery of ing and midd^ class distrtcU ought to jala0 tot us, aad took a flfteen-doHar-a-• ^made possible only by the spreadthe forces which ordinarily make reality...
...The city TL is for us to concentrate on the twalafb psti> TkwnMlm ^^^Bff^ ^ prison bars acroas their a very ^ifulmy hnmble mind aa to what taeth if tU ampk^es days each tioBlng them grant saivatiOB iitn three, the mpther sick In bed with a week...
...R «Pb , Jr., of California, in regard them...
...nomlcally undeveloped countries... tbe the little red schoolhouse on the hill,' years of campaigning on local and petty reform islarge consimters who can better bear One s^rt paragraph In the story, out on the Kansas prairies, "books sues, bepause of their dramatic lure aad our ia^ H^*** *ct Justly .are but Uttle to ask the burden electricity is cheaper, but a.Just above the I. L. P. statement, may being penalized for practicing thrift reoesB of 15 mtautes along i^ut and straddled and finally flopped completely on • F^w" to ask Indeed...
...tot-^ ^H^^Bhige towards their tnaat and •rWB W iJBiUanWjJsy^asa faj^*'"* ij^^E^^tland tea, er whatever aort ^ t «alta4 patrlitiaBi aad ilJBfttii fBHf . . . tkl ^^^(s e boys consume for what they eoedod in oamtnUatag eMAM *i} * By Algernon ^.ee Industry them more eamfiaUty c umy aad eaaaned Scot from tnwlwawitfc'^Jtwq^ ^RT^ ^ seem as thoogli th«y had nrtHE attention of tlM Vleonn , tthan in any other large ooaatty, i « r how tbe Seohr prooeaaee tha AnL^JOHaUaf 'J KgiMioaghly depresstaig: nightmare...
...most enlightened and sincere of from which Is one wiilch they, as Iketams.grave^ and imminent danger at the lic debts so huge that arrears of itterly give vep wasting our energies, our talaats same time to democracy and to f the benevolent autocrats of his capitalists, -will not "knd cannot tnd our resources on campaigns, local or aatloaaL • • • 81 Tbe economic depression vdiich Interest continually have to be had applaudedbfVlence as a bond salesman was our I1International i)eace, and conse-has prevailed since 1929 ia, if we converted Into neiw loans...
...One remindbWBg in a frank mood, we will admit ^ tending at the present time...
...We i the masses to hope and to reason...
...triumph of Socialism is not to be3 itJs this plus something else...
...rrodnetlOB" aad loading Germany name for an irratlontf procedure...
...The any has tbe International In maUng through Socialism...
...By a policy which wasI what are somewhat humorously < admittedly the more fimdamental, where else...
...For this reaaoa 1M tfMoM np and telling unemployed men ris Hillquit and Jacob Panken, of present-day capitalism, of enthe world, to reduce the bulk of^ corporations is nOW almost Invar-<Industrial products, caused by such 111 be there, and seek a common and Mftt aiaaav ^^y^ own conatltneney that yonand in the political commission by^ abling the productive system to her pc^mlatlon to extreme poverty,, Ubly held by banks or financial 1 excessive technological develop-< if party precept aad-proeedora...
...even while It nanc...
...1 inder all consideration, that the os^Ieal aalflorHke that bird in the Bible giving mmeasures which it advocates, mu^t describe it as an attempt to "stab- • years, expressed the hope and ' The German great capitalists 1 night with all justice snivel back at laa had aay Eins not like some one else...
...It would seem that the c<Hn- for training our available edacaton aatf mfimtMim...
...Sm, aot peddling Justice at bargain made by nations aad groups of in capitalism and lack its redeent- ' satisfy human needs with a min-German industry they benefit by ' by lowering the living standards icononuc aad human—to separate oQr fSUIaaaplurBI^Mfnn-workers at the monotonousnations^ since the World War...
...c kler comrades consider their aelf-groaptaf M WKfR ^^lamented Ramsay MacDonaldof^ the present world situation... L'" • • • in least issue, namely sage them In thetr own language aad With a* that of cutting down still further on for this condition...
...and of all capitalists, the more resource to draw upon...
...ittact fraia the ntovamaat as • iRtqi% that our speakers here have hadOUo Bauer of Austria reported ;the Socialist movement at this thay ought to i naaca cai^tal has definitely put ^ q| hava known (aad : oughness...
...force ta public schools for Workers...
...Yet he turned against dictory p«l'cles which only In;lala, Judges and the Uke...
...They have been trylnj...
...llhiatrioaa rtmnAm in the Brttiab not something to ta& ahoot...
...citiair^gf^ Swoboda, Socialist Mayor of fice at all costs even though the Xaijot companies are getting "something lor and the five-day week has been in tbe so-called success of tbe Amalgamated Clothing ^PJSUte ' s second city, sent to Gov-movement in England had repudiated nothing...
...recall that when you were attending...
...TheI c^tal is dragged wherever It 'Ity of German industry was in-1 creased out of aU proportion to ^ rorth fan eaeouragemeat for tbe good ot tha pmm...
...Just how subject to the same influeacos that degrade Jndgaa,•isg sabotage had been going on, I majrors, governors and cabinet members in the t X dan never forget the expression < Oh yes, this ia a great system we ConservaUves and Liberals...
...they have' Frenzied despairt seldom winsi...
...It cer-m up seven new national states, six to ever the certainty that this would ars Inside International . . two subJeoU uaraare be adapted to the economic rela...
...E^aakers ^ missicma andthereby cut off Russia fsom mu• fairs, as saw ecoof British sharply separated...
...has adjoomed with mnch In my neighborhood...
...TheI sjrstem of state regulation and in-® new type of super-capitalists sue-(CanUooeS n Tmf Sis) half are out or gx>ing out rapidly...
...Maybe It's a which was written -with much haste...
...These are pe<9le who have been ^^Ml> a tribute to tbe innate decency evicted from their apartments or Editor...
...For one h . more than a century, and which cm hand, and concentrate thorn in woddng class Enssf hot a greater extent than ever before, German , against which we have in the past ing a monarch...
...yoa • ^ ^ » New Yorit speakeasy...
...Wa must r has to be combatted, not only gamblers' psychcdogy...
...We are »layalty and devotion to the manage-J tavralted...
...The appropriation of sur-its upon credits xmtil the struc...
...has been going on for M. or 100 yeaia...
...I 1 higher spheres...
...time, Joseph and take... intelligent solution of what must be moat impel him to pursue such a course...
...This t ' tlvely diminished room for the worse...
...We can do nothiag with tbe organizations that remain intact...
...Tbe is petition goes to the oae who doas tbe gtvtag...
...There was a herent weakness for drama, that we have dawdled • glw yon breathe out there In Racine, 10:30, and then school was dismissed carry this unintended implication, and • gjt that you do not realize what a we agree with Comrade Lewis...
...the State seta a price, this is or means has it arrived at this commaterial...
...Even though they feel noo cause they are capitalists pure unemployment and lowering of branches in m<Ae proletarian sections neailyy aad taring obituary •notices for "The Sun...
...The9 crisis of overproduction, but that tect Itself by building up a whole on disarmament—are to be reM tt them had delivered quite a touch...
...direction ffoa...
...fl- •with exceptic»al speed aad thor-t blng...
...has done Ita^orst Taking with the whole International in dadlBg with "poor old Mac" who is a ation, economic aad political...
...The capitalists' crea^ of production in districts only...
...wbicL bar the flow of industrial BoV tpaoa alWl.-• • • two commissions are therefore to statesmen are more and more 1 waa a pretty theory, hut it 2iad one damage ttie Industries which they ' ows for only a presentation of what w« oagkt ta as and agricultural goods from • the Is be regarded two parts of a 5 fatal weakness... its employes eiglit hours...
...Here is something that has come | ^^fc a fine gesture of old fashioned you charge with causing difficulties panles have been given carte blanche to my attention only recently aad I We ought to decide in temocratic ooBclave oa for the Labor government, were actuby the Public Service Commission to am surprised jua t what of ualoaism ally closer to the desires of the Labor tax the small consumers, for we are to recall that nothing, form working «lass wa • • • party's supporters than the men who compeDed to pay them for power we so far, seems to be said about it, I j should advocate...
...The atbooia only five days...
...function, so that the forces which aa^ to make har a, syndicates, which are directly con-< topic WlU be, tentatively thii wrttlag...
...because economic circumstances comat 13 m. for one hour...
...Capitalism apsituation in Germanyt therefore, We must forget that there are labor natsaa aad yet i above all by such measures as will necessary as the financiers were• elsewhwe, having^ had a free hand laasMsnsa All of them have Insistedpears to have lost Its capacity for to its the was dealing declare for the unity of workers aiamg broad elaas 5 galleviate the general wretchedness development their ways there ever since the war, high fl-Vienna Congress plants, a readjustment situconscious lines...
...By what method HOW COME...
...It is places where each can best be likewise dominate in their respeo-< k> about gatherliag the workers bade te oar foM...
...conscious groups, through political educatUm by tbeit board should be plowed under...
...which they produce as well as In to eliminate themselves as capital-would save us considerable expense aad give us ' expansion of capitalism Into eco- tion is like that of other coun• • •I the' causes from which they spring, Manufacturers and merchants,I...
...Capitalism is not the sort • capitalist production and would 'profited by all this, at the expense ' wt of them...
...It waa tbeinitely a pOllUcal party for the workers, aeddng , democratic mob movements show financiers'>' and It is Just the thing which the ..-hole thing is likely to come power for them on the baUot, and with otir geoap...
...great moment M>d worth...
...To they the whole 'ciency...
...graphical divisions as they are, we anat ma laonly seventy-five In common, thetempo of progress and the rela-appallingly bad yett to do would be Oat M had cents bhave in in effects aa situation inate, because so only thoae districttf" where the workers raaide...
...Eltf college, when, with Joyce Kilmer, q [ take into account Its severity, its uid newspaper publicity, regarding our atUtnda to , quently to the Immediate and vil- and patronized the writers who therefore to put off the crisis by All thla and more of the aor Mt (Bploy of a plausible old scoundrelI titimate interests of the working, duration, and its universality, the tt were exposing all the evils of state simultaneously following contrajid party, grafters, corrhpt and inept ptffiUe o«ihp^ of liberality, gave us New Jersey' clclass and to the very existence of most formidable the world has yet was dona largely from short-sight-and church...
...It has to he accom--have been doing since the war ' zlement but still more to guard come businesses patterned largely la tha eapitalistla Mited of holding a tube, down which0 ^plished through the conscious ac--and pretty much everything that...
...What audacity for the companies to past 50, perhaps 100 years...
...mand charge" of $3...
...Millions of pec^le when Britlsb capitalism touches...
...ward ruthless and brutal dictator- that faint brand of hypocritical action on eur name' IflHt Bates most prominent bankrupts,} vship under either the Bolshevist] tlve purchasing-power of capital-without such expert advice, coujdi plus--value is just the thing which ture has become top-heavy, and at kun iftemoon we collapsed upton the s : 1st society...
...nrhere our programs lead us lato puMle 4ateta...
...In all this, the German situait flat time...
...lUze capitalism," is altogetherof which (as well as mutilated Au' who the "since when these so Bp to be very frank with you, we have-tion.s and tendencies of the time.' misconceive the purpose and the • put an end to the "anarchy" of fliiancial group have of course 'b< ated make Ik Making sympathy with that par-"ti stria) could not possibly be ecothat you must a compottod aqttattaa But on the other hand, the pecumeans...
...I would even go so fso-as to keep Eiw staggered through New Jersey,L abeen able to make, head—but also • resiUt from the fact that the powbeing guided by the "best minds"" trade is that of being-capitalists mass and cheapness, in which EM<tag and what we thought was a b ers of capitalist production tend aU nominaUons blank in middle daas aad silk 1 and above all in the strivings to-oJ organized big biislness...
...bring In Induatrlal our the Others orgmnlaatiOB...
...This r*> ^whta naughty too, and I leave It to !sition of the Left Wipg would have month is more than one-third higher by an almost unanimous vote repu-, quires a process of re-educating ^ edueaton...
...The productive capao-i tutude of searching...
...But first wa anst kaear wbat > Its afOUsted bodies reeponaihie to it...
...not to the small consumer who is thus took up" at 9 m...
...for the city enemy win offer or have offered wheaever tliey ried women with children and ofttmea ^^^Kpele as to walk uprightly over schools fU9,000...
...or Jadastzlal caplfallmn,*wlth its i a who atytoloadg IhsawTixa ttaitnl»«i m f^ tetn nothing less, for a Socialistentered^ upon the work of ,diMOK and economic patalysia la Th» statanosn bqraa, ia 1»18-:Incrsaatncly ocm^itf drgaaia-1baaks aad credit oorpoeatkML I ^ •noa made it poastbte ta carry ]asty are arraqgiac ta hava a c eafST"—< -#bJP—t • ^E^aoT, to say nothing of integrity.•econd and third commiasiona, .Just the state of aftalra moat aa-'19 bgr atxipfbtg Caatrat EaropaI<tlflo...
...What shall we da yon have handed out It Is about To permit tbe present extortionate HOOTER "PROSPERITT" other tatermission of 15 minutes Shout now about getting the workers organised for So^^ P^^^y inside the maze laid down rates to remain is to serve notice on 2:30 and then at 4 p. m. school was H[^^Wgs as it Is to come home on a Editor, The New Leader: all the other public service corporadismlsaed for tbe day...
...That and aoChiag else is the aaatter be* One bears or reads so many stories tions to go and do likewise...
...We are to be no critics or Judges about what remaiat...
...The dty hospital alao turaed them •liivuBicnt aiaUug in Qopperstioa with Ogdaa, INsk ^mOMMt • down as^i^^ey^had ^ao^eiaerginsy tte.aaaades sf tbs wmSSmmm^m •-^ A. 4t...
...electricity is cheaper...
...Whstever we have clamored for, mdk aa aaamdepression, the incidents I am about protests the Public Service OommiaHere is a local Insteice...
...Hj — M. congreas ot the Sodaliet In-, and lodgring^ this eoatrei ia Uaa I a* WB talk aboat Ipbar aad Xj*or Day...
...itewage disposal works seem a highly' and recklessness which enwealth almost as if It were theirr feet is to give the world Economic sued in almost all social strata, classes have been used up, but the there more of the anarchy on a model and neither capitalist nor The next step then is to make clear sad own, Is muchB new a which are eonrtes • usual stimulus to renewed produc- ^proletarian...
...There are mora than saw fit for their own safety aad comfort te (raa...
...Of course, they cannot inated the proceedings of the com-power of the Bolshevik regime andl Many economists and men of af-' much in .praise of German effi- < he labor question aU these yeara...
...I think it Is very 1 ELECTRIC RATES to declare that craft unlonlam It azista Laborites, generally membm of the you think that the time has come for as today * the wholesale promulgation of the lIndependent Labor party, voted Editor, The New Leader: British labor to take a hand and "save la doomed te uselesaness...
...the soul la order &'mid oa(» ^^fdfoit answers to the questionsto^ the congress for the second particular point in histozy—a task pn^Ufa did kiiow) far exceeded[ tbe U t la Its teeth, and Inddatrial < toward the goal U aAidiablf •« « act...
...iae^tably throws the eontral ' favorable« f throtigh a 1blea...
...this which Bolshevism Is willing to produced to those where It la most famous ofI tlve countries...
...tries, except that It is there carfmm up to that time had been <16.89,j ^These new dangers, or this new however, Is from the nature of their business,I, great financiers are the last who ittost'Hiose of our memt>ers who liv* ta ailk stockt l cbnclusion that the field of high... of unexampled misery among' for recovery are not even begin-social responsibility, its place Iss a id simple, appropriators of sur-real wages falls upon the working-give of their talent snd material aaslstaaee wherethe masses of the people, by the partly supplied by practical goodd phis-value and only that All ntag to operate...
...and stiuggle...
...whole families to sleep out in the city THE BRITISH LABOR PARTY ^^^P* and mantraps California 350 employia, including teachers, on Whatever we luive wasted In that dtoectloa It dene ofparks...
...And whOe aaither tbior BOr «BKJtf « • ^E^ii "Mhe Socialist regima" of thelitlcal and the economic aapeetaproletariat ia material ^aA saoral ; thetasmdsof the flnaa^ers...
...A t the endi °somehow happen if and when" cap-for It Includes pretty much every-• clal enterprises, not merely to - M troand a comer upon a loyal andI ^italist society has fallen into cha--thliiig that capitalist statesmen...
...As mssters of Many, msny things have taken plkM-H^bUtleal...
...That ' ^^^^^^Pened to Debs, that's what four-day-old child who is dytog...
...across plainly...
...are in a diight here and now...
...aaioont to $447,000...
...know and every day makss M kept the most contented of all his ]Editor, The New Iieader: starving In the mklst of plenty...
...with Comrade Howard Bru-•votes of such Left Wing Laborites Public Service Commission to give Socialist International in making its force the Labor government into any legal sanction to electric service comaffiliated bodies behave according to pert, the white collar and the offlee slave into classMljs that he thinks that every third ! of the decisions which have resulted panies to boost their rates, is to bring International Socialist principles...
...Do you advertise to t%e newspapers that "now, The fact ia we have been so busy wasting our •K »ooney . In one part of It he said, ALFRED BAKER LEWIS...
...It-has Just ^•^M^ Baa can no more go straight to relate, -will, not surprise many of Bton aad tbe Ooveroor of our State...
...itallsm brlags similar deeadeace la any otbar fera b at the moment we came upon the of life and conduot under that systaai...
...Tills ws us »re hvlng under...
...We win be handlcaMMd a freat t m anand their and realizing3 and make It possible once more for were fun of danger...
...Think of the^ things, with by the third commission is may have (^portunlty to develop pean aad American financial ad-• marketing goods, but with floating >feet on Industry aad trade everyIn case my topic la shifted onto some other jkasa, ^^^fades, and rejoice that you at any ^ and to act ventarers...
...each stage ^ • ••• ^h^f tifxr^r-' haa'provad foti^ jban dolafl^ with or Vrttiaait gov^fi Tbe evObitbn < • hand.: of few rlosety «anaa^tad That delightful aad stirruiUTfng gm|f'>4ryMa#i . Br • •ternaUonalA wu to a great extmt .prlate to the sltoattaB...
...Most of us are pretty hazy oa refer to the agitation in favor of the were at the head of the Labor govhave not used as we are not actually that subject Some cry, reform tbe A. F. ef L. but rather naive letter which six-hour day and the five-day week...
...i try and commerce, It had to proter, firsters are not unionized : • • a so, the fruits of its victory al--experiencing Is not only a typical »-amount of its actual wealth, the cent who have had some union experteao^ folly •. ways slip from its hands...
...As a At a time when tha tendency is for .the country" for the working class...
...The deal by the Jebris of tbe old craft ualoaism...
...Others ask for dual unteaisai...
...5 ed of the saying the Theybond salesmen, lawyers or great ^ Never before was there such risk, and it is tl^ which the Sobi demand, snd by piling up pubt Emperor-JosejA H. Perhaps the lemma, the only way of escape For one thing, I earnestly baliava wa «agkt ta cial Democracy combats...
...Capitalism rots everything that tt • tt the he-man manufacturer when he A CORRECnON Now has... acted and i littlf of scientific deflnltkms as possible...
...Labor Itadas, he -was directing this stream of efs who are not conscious of their class aad araIkW out of the factory window and The NcW Leader Nail-Bag scornful of a social phlloootdiy Uke a w owa, ara Iwok which flowed below...
...Bful products to the United States •against them on certain Issues...
...A dIsanaMoa ••aot shoddy goods for shoddy people, hiTht dlsoissions and reports of the the great capitalists and their « "Er war* xu schoen gewesen"—it there...
...W e ^^werno r of the capitalist State of ',reduced tbe government's expenditure than it would have been at the pre-diated the MacDooald-Snowden poHcy are lacking In speakers who can bring tke sab^ect op the price of products by the '•if their point had been carried, and --Tlous rate of 7 cents per Ic w. h. T^ie—Editor...
...Don^ •I not for sabotage...
...against reckless speculation...
...That it would be more hardly have done so bad a job...
...the super-exploitation practiced torn the slaves It proposes to free...
...It is to this that of the masses, by Imposing tariffs I imum of conflict and of waste...
...The sniall businew j < '•or tUi reaaoB thaa qnlta a anmber of tba ap-caOad^L|yMig, think of the unhappy positionUrJted States was represented in ,eral and sg:e-Iong tasks-^ that waa to dislocate all Germany'sI men are of course helpless, and a <the needs of the country Itself 1 ^ . and Its normal foreign maricets...
...Within a day or two after the above In the use of force o f vio-' expenditures on armament, the oppoMy bin for electric service for this was written the Labra...
...The running of Comrade Heywood , or Fsiscist More and 3, gives rise to the disorders that case in point the form...
...Ws must live, tklak , and handle anarchy in production, and its efpcC law in New York City to make a' sense ot insecurity, tlje fear, hat-the Invest-who other people's8 to the \ ments of the poorest and middle •t.en, farmers, and other elements and work with and for them...
...At the same time they set cy -was an International danger...
...Pro-—that ia, of appropriating surplua-process they have pyramided credstocking districts, since we cannot atford even fSt, eaning upon a list of what turned a [ always to outgrow the total effec-fessional statesmen and diplomats,I... began agata...

Vol. 13 • September 1931 • No. 10

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