Reflections on Labor Day

Reflections on Labor DayBy Morris Hillqait two' dtffaraat types oC Sodtflatt i MaeBotuM mmd Trme So^mMUmt rThere is first, the Socialist who THIS i« "lAbor" day. To the Fifth Avenue Bus Company a...

...In Ramsay MacDonald proved to be on this Labor Day is that the Sothe power and responsibilities of ed a an sltetutta^^H domestic operating companies... tha eva-ot tbe e&aMty—no evidence has Ihe conference wiU be divided concliSion of the session, Theodore vey stepped into the sVtuatien and' < aing...
...He erroneously believes that working class...
...Lousiana, was orHarvey hinuelf then took th* Labor party...
...He declared that he was York psasengers... the franchises which it no* |imately 300 self-appointed dele- And his latest promotion dream, |the service rendered to society: funds...
...If the comnpon the Washington admlnistratloB.'* ed up, stand as memorisls to whatple a t>etter life and a belief that Some courses a^^ | pany had started at the beginning power to go behind the Fl^th Ave-'n the Liberty party conaists_^of those less reverent condder Har-j nue Coach Company in this hierFreedom to agree with "Coin" Another move ef the PreatACat has been to silanoe eritles by they are ao longer oppressed aad C/>oper Union, vey's It of its existence and plowed back pbtolng ttiem on tbe Board... tha greatest degree of Jus* and Seventh Avenue Railway Com-^will be .'eft to lU own devices—to Compared with the systems 'of secured his high at&ct...
...appropriation of $20,000,<K)0...
...The puUie has not stands, and acres ef iknd marked move' its adoption, and Chairman this iaexonhl* logic did not any further hope for their suction in the f!x?d capital of the vet be^m* aroused concerning off for parking space showed be- cess...
...and efforts must have some proper splurge...
...The Walker blnation is Uie Omnibus Corpora-^will b twice ss large as last winland, the unexpected and deplortwo volum** on "Causes of Crime tension of gv*i^^^^^ | I for a gift of money would be tant-able way in which the "Second La^ to him just so many #vlsie«a withadministration was on the point of Uon of aiietjgo which is controUed < ter...
...for disctisiion at the second snd net saceaea in tmiehtas tfeom with ^panages present were not "dtie-Tha leas raverant also laAaa third sessions...
...John D. Black of Harvard University...
...all the great aberratiftn or "crisis" he ia apt ta these a public trust, and long paragraphs and'lmig of oqia^H dueed the administration to pause Uon Company, which owns ths [calamities that hsve from time to j really balieve that neoestf-for batrayinffof sen\ the nghu I ties/would be a "dole" if secured that It praeiaeiy wbat Ruoaay stick to his party...
...I The only honorable course^Ar him Socialist in the second place...!:' to desert their party and what Socialists kaat^H ^ ed « capable capitalist executive direct relation "to the service and ing bluntly— controlled by four Chicago bust-i company passes on its esmings to with ftill power to cope with the attitud" of our leading "statesYet, I do not bSUeve thkt he was movement in any acute situation, to absolute ownership as against I Federal ness men who milk tbe > corpora-ithe upper members of th* hier-p.-oblem of imemploymeat, without men" correspond to the indUXer-actuated by motives of personal when the special interests of their the social organization of all that CoautitaMii^fl tion through a hierarchy of para-iarchy without getting any con-plan or program, without means or eQce, pianlessness and supineneas :Interest or ambition in sticking^ country are in seeming conflict he can so acquireI that every proHi^^H .. . and M ^^l Bitic holding companies which siderable service in return...
...These four men are WE have with us for the 1932 success be won as a leader In the ,debauch agencies of governhalls of thsaMariS toto the company except the origJohn Hert, E. N. D'Ancona, 'H...
...Even durinr recent years, eration, is being developed by pH-of soUapslble cots,, dozens of Platform Chaimian place of exile for delegates t6 the bring strenlth to the new party ifi committee whsn profflTious dividends hive •ate caftltalists as a kind of secret quickly knocked together food Liberty partys ctmventlon...
...but their own *ffwtl^^ | sorplDS tMid fixed capital, and it iSecurities Corporation, and the' . Oi - businsas-like engineer-Presinept...
...Stat.- and would enable an average expressiMi of the most advanced the workers—aU workers, the l Regulation ing for some kind of labor, any so-of the Southland Z^^^ kind of labor, this holiday comes subsidy of about |25 to each unpontics: "profressivism.' cialiMtiOT of industries everywhere employed family for the winter Or Hy first tfioogbt on this Labor and th* univeraal establishment of company with grim irony...
...politician, as a member of the But a SociaJirt, fiat Governor is carefulvert to the events Engis Board for right The octopus in thethe destitution of the unemployed The to state reaent m ha aad Wicksrsham Commission, iu of Estimate thepanics...
...loss of millions of dollars to later vorable report to tha Paraaar-1^ brief introductory speech in which most riotous...
...JtAA (Goat Olaad) yet appeared «f liberty party caasial subjects could "be hereafter Into thre* sessions...
...even not only given the stockholders without any serious attempt without frequent r^^ r sued at interest through private abolition of all interest charges,' didacy, but that several good men 1,000 per cent dividends In recent challenge its right to exploit city bsnks^ is the one all-important in the c<mvention were qualified through ths Ufetims ef many now issuance of silver coins as cooryears, but they havestreets...
...Railway Oxnpany...
...The Omnibus *be messured by^the multiplication ' spend IT on automobiles, yaohts or I have rtad and reread Ramsay own country he is^usuaUy taunted would ahake capitalist foundations individuals aad ^^^H man Thomas, the City Affairs Corporation Owns the Fifth Ave-'Uble...
...SmMH 10 per cent dividends e^ery year, archy because it can regulate only .Harvey, aad that the Dove of tam, if the home folks to whom operating concerns.PeacS succeeded quite easUy at the of the American Farm Bureao Federattoa to the Farm Board, Presnecessary change, hetiu, gave a cooniliS paying dtvldeads upon the plowed-^ ident Hoover has annomioed that the iiew*cfaief eooaomtst on 4ie I talked are representative, that One dehumanism...
...These dimes have to continue to make heavy profits agreed with him Oiat money isnet to be considered for th* csn-that wiU not stand tmder erosion to < ernment monopoly of bankiH...
...Without samings even if expensive and...
...A committer own resources been worth only $800,000 in 1923 Proff Nack has on a nmnber of occaM<ms condemned the Board for short of carrying HSrveysand rewards of privatestudenU of th* 1<^ | not even have a clear legal right lU attemptsto maintain artiflclal price...
...The laxnesa and inbelieved their own ballyhoo...
...been working baijt j when it started its big-dividend Fifth Avenue Coach Company doei* , the followers sullen...
...I tions fail to Ai ^^^l I opera baxss, instead cduzss with forMga syii4«thles or affiliaterrorised Committee, and other civic groups inue Bus Securities Company, iriiich DestituUon will be appalling...
...All over ttsi^S but the Fifth Avenue Coach Comof the hierarchy have approxi- • • provided in many instances large month or so, a«H|^^| pany, whose stockholders' original mately the same boards of direcreserves for the protection of ownTheReturn o f ''Coin'' Harrcy adulU WiU hi «pM||fl investment was $50,000...
...ta once connected Monta Ne.wlth tha j contention is auUified by the fact dividends out ef the profits of the ' A member of the staff put it: 'The mntter was net preseated world...
...TheywtDH^fl operates...
...To the Fifth Avenue Bus Company a Striking Example Somillions of Americsn workers is Just a Sacialist-.^thout qualiWickersham Minority Report IFoa^^H is to a per of s-iaple of pcmucal wiKiom and a or Umitation...
...Robert Delsoa and transpiring, is the most important passioned speech for tmlty, and vete of 354 to S«—every SUte was might of the Holy OratL "mey Sept...
...These • have def--event since the birth of civiUsa-then recognized Lank, who raised Iriven votee in proportion U> the firmly believe that tha Uberty The purpose of this conference, initely accepted...
...die West, they to the ,dations of all security tiy'sMtt il M jenarian W. H. (C*in) Harvey, from White House not only to' thereon...
...I •••II I. • •• , . pany's offlcialfl have admitted that ers and Influence to control or to the stockhrfdera never put a dollar poration...
...This to each individual the rig))t to all To achieve' tMI^|H city befora receiving any extenwas to resign with tke rest of his is the type of Soci^lsts who are leeches upon th* Fifth Avenue ^ tor to do the Job...
...Although the Fifth Avenue he elected the candidates of the of Leerville...
...Be it concrete bank building, now beard-, for lack of tvm^M might be placed Jipon the cotton farmers themselves, instead of conditions which wiU give the peoThe Transit Conunission has no 1lOted, however, that liberty with...
...How many workers rsauia JobHE way in whk:h ths public is der the control of the New York 1less on this Labor Day of ISSI...
...I • .. ..-••••ii...
...clared :ost by Chairman E^l , who Tt^T^tiiiis* ana Bad had to ttetrar puating their dhctrine* and gathcostwith specisi emphasis on the mter-o-nference is $4.25, Including the Wil<i enthusiasm ended the ope-seemed to hSv* much more delifrom Miami, xnoahoma, addresaad ering their vote...
...Dos-Harvey igi*es to Wm ahebt them at Meata He «Ml faaa4 The jpeaken and discussion mma an the ScsaK tt waiais...
...tion of tnjses is the only logicsl its significance waa depressing to about In some unnamed, manMr onil...
...Henry J. Rosner, Ed^rard L«vin-verbatim, but his own failing eyeand mad* his wty to the "platform behalf...
...they could prestat them the eleimoa...
...tha af ^ wwld-they might rebel against their and rRgiilmn^^Tj^^^^B I the despised in framework« granting the request of this comby a voting trust held by seven ^ vation, hunger, cold, physical sufbor gcvemment terminated its ex- bosses...
...Within are playthings of this system of ! and win step la S ^fl Fifth Avenue Coach Company anrt ;street car companies including tha 'million souls...
...Murray Baron, reading it...
...sight was no*, equal to the task of amid boos and applause...
...B back dividends, it still would have tirst convention in flying away, the Uberty pvty will fan far Jclares, is that "the compensations To make matters worse , the ][eaviag the leaders remorseful and Board staff would be Prof...
...In Europe his oAce...
...There ths poUUcal life of his country he earning a livelihood, which gives i and economic cea^^l the peculiar way in which it func...
...E4rl of Lincoln, Nebraska, seem to convince the delegates, corporation has continued...
...sec-Tatar Leacuc tn Califorala, ediits surplus...
...A&KANSAS^ I ^-^ — ,. ii..i.n—I-— — • I- isa...
...According to the Chief , bhat he might construct a pyra-* pates gathered together at/ this And the first day's seMions were inated Harvey for presidential that there shall be a Just apporof the Division of Franchises of_ •litUe Ozark town ef Monte Ne, over...
...agaUon ftem Miaaaaota stated tual original investment, its capa precedent which mav cause the that they would return an unfav.aS imeventful...
...As if human misery and priamount to "dola...
...Aad the laeh6members of the Liberty party present,at the time...
...It government services...
...It was net mtll later that we ation of a large resort hotel ^to be made to respect the law... the Virgin Islands to arrange a aor movement in Khpsas may eariital...
...Government Undermined ssrvice aad which escape the super-pany, the Fifth Avenue Bus Se-^ Governor Roosevelt, one of the forced a Isrge degree Of economic 'his country is in danger and he is • • • "Private corporations have op' enactment Thli irilfl^l says, if social JoMl ^^l visicn of tha New York Transit curitiee Corporation, and the Om-- ,. most progressive uid enlightened understanding and politick educa-'savihg it...
...In 1930 it actually earned Frank J. Prial have showed any people from twenty-five states in fering curing coming winter at this tiOM not easy...
...The SoclaUst Broad-wsy, N. Y. C. , God...
...eraturn, '^'^^^'^^^IhI period of years, since no dividends liged to come to their assistance, 1 left ef a bankrupt raUroad that ,cians toward textile strikers durwere paid prior to 1923, but this President...
...New York, on Saturday, than R^esel...
...use ol^ e avaUable time...
...Dan Golenpaul...
...because fourteen months tor of an iconodaatie Thaksin*, In the lean years when dividends solution to this problem It is parthe "delegates"-because of the fact without issuing say lntM«st-bear-would be aoat too much for getand an acconopUabad ^aakar, may were not bling paid the loss of ticularly important in the present that pre-conventlon publicity had ing bonds, and a reduction in sal-ting on the ballot...
...credmtlali ss delegate at nooa , To Hear Discussions on Party Problems to an assistant...
...ul d he candidate for prerideat...
...and Sunday, Sept...
...Na"This convention, w^ t is here Spring...
...dum to the peopl^ of the naUon of the pUtform...
...Tt4 proposal calls for an organization of labor explains a There are two district psychologworking-class international SocialBy their size, impersonal characwhich it now controls...
...Yet the talker Admm-with the world, and^ all of them groups, Harvey pontificated oppocompleted, and it ts buUt direcUy tUe platform commutee, recomhave come from the dimes of New istration has allowed the company , over a large sprlag, of materlala signed cards stating that they mending planks calling for a govsition...
...have retors but at the top of the pyramid ership and little if any for the es to crowds cAaafl ceived 93.000.000 in dhriderfds in sit four Chicago busmess men benefit of those who labor .. . la office and fartKya«>i^ whose unanimous vote can control the last eight years, an average "^Libert y Pmrty'* Born m$ Aged Free SUver Ormtar Off erg defense of the 'sacred right of return of 990 per cent annually on the surface transit facilities of By Harold Kelso property they have frequently their original Investment...
...McAlister ^le -lew them, jmrn rasih year iiliaj Bsession -working <mi Harvey's rough [ness of nomlnaMng candidates...
...All of them had read PUtform Rushed Through of Ol'iahoma 4noved that nominaThe stockholders invested only pany is not entitled to more than ;The Book," which is Harvey's The second day's sessions options be postponed until after conindeed fantastic...
...Regulation Is Impossible To Re ^>pcBJ^| that a p«*Iic utility U enUUed to inated personal relations, and efan 8 per cant return on investment, •nie various corporate members fectually dehumanized Industry...
...ter, and measures of economy, The People*tH Courts have commonly ruled they have to a large extent elim...
...for ths unemployed, whatever that tiea...
...der" from several places in the gether against the wiles of its ko u Noa-Partisaa Laafu* laft tha company has paid an averaire divdifference Of the Walker Adminhall, put the motion and declared enemies," H%rv«y sUted that he convention in di^rust The «eiDivine Insplratiob Seen idend of 950 per cent on its acistration in this crisis IS setting The first day of the convention I' carried...
...The apee::^ had point, of order...
...It is hard to see M. B. Hartraft of Xi*s Angeles been paid, th* fabulous apprecis-gold mine...
...Irwin broke didates for Vic* president...
...society is to •a4ii|^9 ' lions a great hier-: chase and as one most in corporate...
...AUidividends was more than balanced situation in New York because a forecast a crowd of between arj- to $26,000 a year for the PresPresident Hoover had made a trip aace with the Briakley for fovMrby tremsndoua increases in fixed new public utility, that of bus optwenty and fifty thousand...
...Actually it was worth apTuesday, August 25, approxrelation to the extent or value of two months on • proximately $8,000,000 in 1923...
...Only OnnptroUer Charles cause injustice...
...E campaign the Liberty par-Scheme to Plough Under Cottmn Crop Ccane fight for good roads for the teld-,ment, thus the undermining the founForman, C.:y, created at the flat of the octo- pototedyears inal $50i000 and the earnings and A. McCulloch...
...Hfce the at^forim ftates" but merely observers...
...and a two-story ^changes in social and economic berg library thnM^I which, might have been plowed cauae they are virtually bankrupt...
...Stacks ident of the United States...
...Cold Nancy Elliott Jack .^tman...
...thkn those by virtue of which he party tha likely to sc9pulous...
...That, for miat of the aelegates, present in tha fa m cOmmuhltlea ti-v-ity...
...wide movement of SociaUsal...
...Peoples Inetltuini^l fixed capital have increased far ih while asking privileges from the 3oddess of Liberty, holding aloft, which never got beyond the foun-• to close its s'^ham^H city for the railway companies b*-mprisoned by the talons in firm learned that poUttad advisers of Preaident Hoover had mada the there must first be constructive excess of any normal dividends suggestion in the hope tliat tlie Uame for sagging of cotton prices datlon stage...
...If jmi MS ef si)eeches crowded one upon But the afUrtaon seaaiah was plenty of ground far rtd^uU- Forleaders kre to be Norman Thomas, ebaaae Umb u roar saiaes...
...In the critical hour My second thought and my hope erated to separate ownership from s Commisstoa because they are not inibus Bus Corporation are drones jof American governors, has subtioD upon their ruling classes...
...admlu 'n>en there the tions to aoelMgp.^^S which owns th* New York Railway finto InsigniflcaAce...
...1la primarUy tn Ua oam cteatnr read and uhderstaad the minority never been better Illustrated than may mean.~Tk« other part will go afid h* adjusts his practical w*rk justice, but ss^^ H m the case of the Fifth Avenue ness men and arranged in such *»rophic rapidity./ \ ^port made by Henry W. Andertr j)rovide food, clothing and shelto ths otfDditi^s...
...He is a nationalist first and a the competitive principle accords living conditioes.'* should share these profits with the Omnibus Corporation, are simply ^ ident has hired a general contracily accounted for...
...But he has been &inklng charge of th«lr^^l|S9 and make a partial investigation...
...hack Bato the company... the eomftlttaa far a ^aa in th* United -States wiU be the subject Ideals are me th* stan: tmi wfll ttat most of the important per- tmtt far'SMtoola Bftezno«m...
...the ^ing the past three years, goes on This coming ^^^ H outside stark foundaare Fifth Avenue Coach Company The emblem of the party is the the ecoi^Nni group...
...tbe SocisiBst-trained workers have cere...
...Reflections on Labor DayBy Morris Hillqait two' dtffaraat types oC Sodtflatt i MaeBotuM mmd Trme So^mMUmt rThere is first, the Socialist who THIS i« "lAbor" day...
...The ,power—and there our national of our laboring classes...
...i Bleecker Street and Fulton i*>rry ^and without food this grsat sectot grafUngr statr agencies of purcan be no credentials m$re sacred aUgns himself wltl( the Sodaast rich rewards to the selfish and un...
...ata but tmivirsal diaaatiafactioa and to further a •militant" viewbs coordinated so as to avoid rep-one principle, he stated, could be point with an eyef to greater ac-eUtion and provide for the best accepted by all the forces of humight 6e known as 'Oibertmes...
...Room 1213, 27Q ment to be directly inspired of then declared that if anyone wafit-dsred if ,ha had brought tM eiallste ta aaiuma lahdenOiip in a under capitalism...
...Chairman Earl was apparent in boos "Coin" Harvey's f oUoiseri warship sers from the Eastern States will Marion Severn...
...This Herbert Hoover as the typical ical approaches to Socialism and ist lines...
...labor of a stro^ ArgaalaattdB, an Hs haf>p«as to be an mgUah-IF ail of th* mis«rably under-fed that InduMtyni^^H Of this paltry a^proiuiation latdligeBt Sadklif^ j^iUoaof^y and man, a Vraaehttaa, a Cwman or provision ftr^i^j ^H Transit Commission, it is actuaUy 1 Nobody can tell...
...Tsar haads...
...possiWy ity—those of national duty...
...ta w*at...
...Then the right of C. D. Lank of Wichahd Andrae B. l^ordskog of Ixia "Militmtt'^ Socialist Conference at Eden he turned the keynote speech over ita, Kansas, to be heard on his AafSlei w*re nominated asup to thsr convention, tomad ta canh...
...tent or value of his service...
...The company baa paid dlvklen4a ;pany, th* 23rd Street Railway mifTer and perish...
...We heard nottilag whatevar of tke to that if the people c research declare cempsny's and that the surplus ides uatU it appeared In the press...
...The feeling against ChairBut it must be admitted that T'rence of Socialist Party mem-son...
...Th* of the second day...
...enmg sesElon when a young Indicately tun*d fears than Aaay millm* those who had reauinad...
...I unemployment msurance and other not in decency and good conacience organization," he says, "is to serve crime is to b*]^^ |ef approximately l.oao^r cent la Company, and the 34th Street ^ No intelligSBt attempt to remedy forms of scisntificaUy organized hold on to ths posttioa of power He is interested in the Socialist the ult&nate consumers, and the ciety must abolj^^j^l Cross-ToWn Railway Comply . As ^ or even relieve the situation comes s.-'cial relief which prevail in most on the basis to ths right of esch Individual In the orrecent years with average' dlvt-to which labor had elevated him as movements of other countries, but an inspiring mvH^^H of 850 per cent for the laat as actual service is concerned, ^from ourof advanced countries of Bu-it' representative and spokesman, largely and to compensation or retedsfar ruling classes, generally the extent of their bearing on the fats' ganizationchildren, and (ii*n^ | etgtat years la addition to evea : when he found himself in utter the New York Transportation ^so proud of their "scientific manr I'ope, ths methods of our governward is In proportion to the exsonable chance t*^|^| greater earnings in the form of Company, the Fifth Avenue Bus agement...
...By Laurence Todd ucts or rewai^MH Tbe a local transpiartatioi unit un...
...When E. W. Whitney mid to safeguard reUcs of this ctv-^ tionment on'this basis of the prodif you -will help tHaJ Feed* Holding Companies the Board of Esimate, the comillation for future generations, is your readers of tMiaJ Arkansas...
...Jtarvey as a leader at the "fret^ Ban,'Leonard Bri|^t, S. A. deWitt, CaH Setan...
...But everybody and overworked textile workexploited through the privats part is to be used "to secare work" infiepteideBt a&d aggreiatva p6U-ah American...
...Oovlnfton H^U, Sodallkt aad former I. W. W. then unnamed party to office a dered ejected when he insisted en chairmanship, whUe Homer Earl leader, who.had bean aUldly cooparativa year from next Novemt>er... almost cer-exploited...
...ed any changes or additkins to th* gland* ts l^p Harvey alive uatU i lane movaiaaat that woi giv* ho^ tha lodau Party's relatim to unions in the —— —• s The afternoon session revealed pl^orm...
...And yet, they can be read-:sentiment at the laboring masses...
...draft for the party'a platform...
...Laurence Rogin, Max Delson...
...Durthe tremendous significance of\thls vond question that the promoters Ignoring shouts of "point efand finally, "to keep the party toA...
...and t*^ another whUe committee was in steered inunediately mto the botf-getting- the acclaim that greetaft Harrv W. Laldler...
...the vt^eat belt...
...who for the psst two y«u s hsve equal capita tax fication Socialism of Capitalist Exploitation and^the Failure of about f2 on the p^>uUtioa of t&s governor Roosevelt as the ideal means to him the emancipation of voluti0nary Reading for Expi^JijJ^^ been desperately and vainly look...
...been written by HSrvey to be read away from th* sergeant-at-armS candidates each spoke on his own A second annual unofficial con...
...piled up a of economicdinate money, but standard money and that delay would be dangersurplus wBidi totaled $10,780,613 W. Berry and Deputy Comptroller The gathering together of 300 to be uC paper redeemable only in ous, first, because widespread sufEvaluation oftt^lUttnty party tn 1930...
...Harvey made a The ensuing disorder became ^ -and was nominated by acdianaital value his doubled...
...Except for the Uon," began tha sententious docuan .objection to adoption ef th* number of registered voters, so party is dsMnad to awaep the according to its sponsors, is to p-inclpal address, the talks will ment, following'with an attack on platform by acclamation, and incitJ^t the total vote was at least country in IW2 aad save hmnaaity rlarify issues wlthm the party be limited to ten minutes and will the "debt making system" This dentally expressed a fear that twice th* number of delegates from destructlte...
...mind the brutal record of South• d back tts dividends over a long hers of the hierarchy not ob- ^ tention, furnished its , meeting dlvUon Of the Federal Farm Board tiiat urging eetton farmers to are courts ;>lace, wrote its platform, and destroy every third row of cotton was inspired by pelitieal ad\isers A log cabli^ station, an that is ,em and police and politiand continue to declare enormous 'itands af its first candidate for of Presidait Hoover...
...iag pTMpenty and empl<9meat...
...Re could "The purpose of the economic Virginia nijiiifftiJ^B tics and vall-baing to his pe<^e...
...Following the appolntmoit of ofldala failures...
...rssp, the Dove of Peace...
...the Broadway of the nchsct country in the world distribution... Earl hastUy tumed^ths ^ve l aad hisses that greeted hU speech, hiih, aMost delf^ hlSL Thiy aver to Hartraft, who made an imand he was snowed under by a speak ai "The Book" as a cruaadar se held at Camp Eden...
...The first sesj Shapiro will summarise the results discussed and settled by a referenasked for a vote on reconsideration who had flown to th* coave^tlaa taeta in ifidnatrial centers—fursion deals with the international of the discussion...
...rate on 71 per cent of the Unea . Fifth Avenue Coach Company...
...4- *>.»li!^*i: -.L-.l jl.-J'X .--Hi^^^^m...
...Tbe The exiatanoe ot the new party lepressieo m the United States For further information apply to ana minister declared the docuhers of the audlenc...
...tute's (director...
...which waa dehut wss unaU* to land in, the niabea tham good frouad fOr imphases of the Socialist program The total for the two-day aad states...
...He has appointThe IrreaponslbUity...
...ment seem peculiarly crude and disagreement with the unanimous of his own country...
...M. Townley of the North r>aoring the eifht years past when the new utility...
...They might create a radiI roes his BxceUency fear that if jatence...
...Samuel Irwin tion...
...Hla flaw «i teVMtf of those «S ||^H ownership of public utilities bad one part of a great corporate net-1knows that t^ r numbers are era in Virginia and the south could only as aS ^^H work controlled by Chicago busi-imounting with frightful, catas...
...nationai factors influencing the conference fee and cam* expenses...
...I Fifth Avenue CoSch Company, •time visited ths fiation will pale tbe worker with money glvSn dene...
...astoimdlng dividend figures it is ies at the bottom of the hierarchy 1 joUtical philosopher of a by-gone 1^hich Harvey's best efforts had enrichmett^lMkmi etM Anderson, as though having ini ig«, wh^ caU«d its national conFederated PresB_bas learned threagfa an eiBdiU Of the research the scho<dlD|i9ilpi4 contend^ that the company plofr-are paupers, but the upper mem-' been imable to save from failure... : Lhat no Bumey is to be given them, tho dUTereat aatioaal esti»«B are in"Those who.«(|d^^| to extend its routes...
...third, becanse Bsake inroads m caiif ^nOa...
...government the is is almost ofi^ million and one-half concern for the taxpayers in this Moate Ne, which is one of the ownership and operation 'Immewould lead to revolution unless the quite Ukely that Nerdskog, whoi dollars since it declared a dividend situation...
...In of food, his of action...
...There can {clothes and shelter, or does he B« no explanation or Justiilcatioo tions, tn tha hour of national Anderson writes a long paper, i for self-coatml tMl^^ l before the Board of Estunate in-iowns the New York Transports-'comparison with it...
...ths Ufilted $utes aay thougbU repsychology of t&a c««Mry...
...I think he Is quits sinwith the general tnteresU of the economic could be easily render the public no necessary iNew York TransportaUon Comgovernment rests...
...TfeMttsaaiS voting trust of the Onmibus CorMONTE NX...
...States will develop along straight principles of social organization...
...Certainly they recognize thatl|^^H when the public opposition by Northree New Yorktrs...
...least accessible towns in the Mid-^ diately" of aU public utiliUes and Liberty party could carry a mesU presklaat of the Southwest^ of $500,000 and put $994,000 Into Municipal ownership and operadie West, was Itself a miracle, but trustified industries to be brought sage of hope to the workers...
...HartTAft lesa reveraat « th* delegates «6il . , a staadtnc cbaOaage to Be-and th* problem of disarmament Max Delsoa...
...UacDonald's public explanations of in their communtUe...
...Ohly the foyer $50,000 ta tbt company and aU 13 per cent of its present fraa-^'i of the pyramid has so far been' explaaatton of what is wrong ened peacefully, with,a report of sultation with other third party subsequent additions to the aapita...
...At the manity, and all other controverWithout a motion, "COin" Harended the conveaUon...
...tnatitatlttas aAd I guard of socha Coach company which is ndw ap- a manner that it feeds a whole Governor Roosevelt soberly prerrtua the dsprsssing aituatk* in son, Virginia Republican lawyerpljlng to the New York City group of paraaatic holding com- < dicts that m the coatiing winter ter for the needy Jobless workers...
...jk, |( . Whfta of VnmOAm^^t^,^ savar" ttovemaat, forgetdac tha^ irh« On •what Is ftf* trtlh ttS>i|»aaasla aC tadMlfT'-^aid tala>iaa...
...It is quite liveb, UacDonald has He Is EBglishman, Hs traces the evolution of society Now the City Affairs Conunit- to him ,by the SUte, sad weold Frenchman, German or American from the feudal to the capitalist : social orgaaisltilK^^I Corporation...
...The comNew York City by controlimg the BiunelttmrthePretidemeyottheNatiom used their Immense fmancial powlaborers...
...He aad ecottoalsrail^^^l pany for an extension of its routes trustees, four Chicagoans and 'fering and mental anguish could Ithe worker got caah he would is an internatitmaBat, aad in Jds cal poUtical party...
...ignorance he can lawfully get without any sion of granta: the company is Coach Company, since tae coach• Jd cant which characterise the cat>inet...
...In defense ef these The pathetic street car cMspan-) ruins of nearhy local enterprises ,persons but to property Itself...
...The New York Rail-'ly that the number of untmploysd hs hsT aft "labor credentials" for tee has brought to light amazing < way Corporation dwna a wholewith Lheir families willcesse to be a dole if furnished to what h6 is doing, but claims "ere-who is primarily Intereatad in the form, and finds that Individuals I the agenctea ef gn^| | reach facts c<mceming the profits of the nest of feeble and half bankrupt 'twenty-ftve million or^even thirty him in kind through the purifying, detiitials of an even higher authorwelfare of iiis own country...
...u d iwhich pay dividends out Of the •<mitted to the ler-slature of New the United States a weak, coman Englishman first and a Socialcialist movement in the United management in violation of sound the company has no legal right to • earnings of the working bee, thr jYork a "plan" for unemployment placent and politically Impotent ist second...
...1 A Bus Octupus Squeezes the People 'A Grim S^k^ »H AtmeriemmW0r^trg^ ~ By Paul Blansharfl Coach is sappoeed to i tmtu the indeftaita day <d rttmn^ pay is tibs vital aaed fior Alwica n th* ee-operatijre commnairaaith...

Vol. 13 • September 1931 • No. 10

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