British Labor Repudiates Mac Donald and His Govt.:; Henderson Is New Leader

British Labor Repudiates Mac Donald and His Govt.:; Henderson Is New Leader Gna. Unions ' tmt liayir JMflh V. moOk was attedBSjT^ by Walteaa, i--'--r: •' " . '3* .atata chalnnan of aodalM ,...

...It recomj Msleotaa from tbe liabor ratfk aad y«e cdaipleted except tiiat in ad-that Tammany and the police de-"teiMled adopUon of all the meaa^ Ob Thursday of | The General OraacU reaffirms ^ me to speak la his bttalf...
...I should like too be dissolved or modified...
...Proposals to economise The League for Independent 1 cies as a matter of social justice g« i branch... J6 per week...
...Unions ' tmt liayir JMflh V. moOk was attedBSjT^ by Walteaa, i--'--r: •' " . '3* .atata chalnnan of aodalM , l»arty...
...Lahw fldaU aa opportunity deprive ; Its aniutal conveatkm ia Mlatiagbam, which be rApreaeats to 1Mutfkmaii auiy t«at tba L^o r op-edly eofae op for eoariderattoa al-strikers aad otbCT w«>rkKss«< th ^ ^ eapoUs, Jumped Into the lead ^^jf trtth which tlM I postttat ^thobg^ the MWimoaaid-SBOwdea -;i...
...tion, including the fact that tfee yoTid, imder pressure from intershould endorse, or rather joinn temporary injunction was obtained national and natlcmal financial in•-without notics, that the court was *' the Socialist Party, is not the perterests, is to take the lead In a t misinformed of the true situation, * sonality of a man but agreement process of worid wide degradation...
...In the social services...
...The Coui^ n ome by a tAx oh Industries supthere^ about a week or two before theI cil insists that the present con-y K-' W^insNewHaven Slemented by a federal tax on exTbe oonuaittee placed oa record Labor crisis and aow availableI trtbutory scheme be abolished and ess Incomes...
...Evidently •Ws t Beaija ample to other countries In taxing, railway and building indus-August 14, Judge Peasley of the dlture, but no comparaUe sacri-he thinks that 7,000,000 unemllba was communicated ing the rich to provide necessities Superior Court, sitting at Waterf.ce has m> far been demandedd tries...
...bury, without notice granted a from the wealthier sections of the pendents in the breadline tend to lb said...
...ployed and their 20,000,000 defor the poor...
...Trie tgf^t a st«te of iadus- raining recommended th^t tbe en(f that when any Industry Is g S siiiilil have made British Labor Manifesto * striking workers now number 265...
...M to resign his which the* Labor Government repufederation that the iron ^ The strike has taxable capacitiy of the country Is , nrhich he is president and which Miaaaat...
...In the * Govermnent to legislate in the coxild overcome the immediate dif-j J rests of strikers...
...The reason the UTP.A...
...not become which has benefited by the , The Pattern Makers lirge the' ,ber of pickets that had been ata-Hir, views are strictly in line with cause the nation cannot afford to< Congress formulate new ^ there...
...policy and to take whatever prac en ChaiSber of Commerce...
...In the end the section I tsxes on unearned of unemployed payments... tion of mines and minerals, includ...
...For Coal Nattoaallzatioamanager of the United Neckwear president National CSvic Federation, broug^ about -the sudden resig* The Mlnera' Federation of GreatI ' been Makers Union, who has as- was in tisw to avert that cri- -Brttafai Stm Big Credlter ] towr for the national cdnvention nation of the Labor Government Britain' demands the natlonallza...
...His resignatloa, he admitattention to It in the Issue of Au[ laUons will suffice to meet theout He moved to New kgterson wlU be the ted, was to prevent his being exgust 17 in a full coluom editorial Haven and there opene<J a plant The convention appropriated imicsltinn to tbe new pelled as punishment for Joining with the support of the New Hav-5 500 for the expenses of an eduin v^ch It asked, "What does It[ es the Congress to support thla ^ grarliament the aew govenuaent...
...It urg-j ir Government, «s years...
...that the coat of Tnaiwtaiwtwg' the d >r the eatafcliahment, with funds is clear and de-| valuable services to the party...
...It is re- widowed...
...As late asI imemployed be made a national ^ Fight^ Courtppropr^ated from the publicKpt a the alternative .added that " the execuUve com-August 17 Saowdea dsdazad in aaI charge met out of national tsza-reasury...
...He made -of a majority Labor Government...
...Ation department tbe director Kaplatas ther humiliation, the union voted burden must be heavy where'J* tlcal atepa are possible to advance ^ il which is to serve without salThe Seigman factory worketf its ' ft^KDonald faces an that he was not enUUed to hU backs are broad and light where...
...r Mr...
...PartMoBCBt, to SBcpIala his support j PirttMBeat tmaieAata- rights...
...6. This walkout in4 «« U l)^ve brought The committee on military Introduce suitable legislation to, the ,-volved about SSCT workers...
...U , Ita workers to fight j Injunction Obtained by ii jnitteo, aeverthdess, deprecates intarvlew, "While a National Gov-• tion m the form of a special un...
...Mad a re- itor We are stUl adThe Iron and Bteel Trades Con-' of the Amalgamated ding to our national assets...
...DeUberate alarmUt -venting the factory from obtainat the expense of the poor are hojtt PoUUcal Action recenUy sjiggest-• to those who are shut out from y»*ygototheHouss statem^its la secUons of the press s ing employees, from annoying, only imjust but econcnnlcally im-cd as a possible course tor its : the opportunity of earning a full ^paom e quarters it is and a false, protracted campaign t hindering and interfering with the sound...
...WaUtaaha the upper hooaa...
...which was the He, isnmediitriy reapoBded irr <HAeti mm Ubmim aad OenserE^) OBaJd and Philip if the Walker Admiaistrattoa cgeat ever held by the "federagoing to his distrlot and outlining vatft<e# suppevtlag him there is The Oeaeral Council •uhmits'two wt z, subscribed the were sincere in its efforts Ut'Ata-on, to principleever to a ooall-|his staad as he dM at the Labor mtto-«oabl that tba Xabar aUaorInatergangiters snd% racketeers, itr pubUc ownership as an ulUmate marter reaeiutiaas, oaa <m uaem-bi " ^ giaaervativee And |par^ meetiag, wfeere Us father Ity WOI be defeated 1ft the vote...
...The union mea thought a fundamental issue-faced thee The Transport and General ^a 40% cut was put into effect...
...Lovement muat etrive...
...asects by rhaneaglng ia^deat eaoM fSoe late to be ^a<ed o,the SoctaHst leader a]M> told mdllng of the proUem...
...Children also worked these j Eney whidi consists organisation...
...noag state federations la Its ^^lor Party dealt cta the aaw Natioaal Goverameat Ily after it...
...whether earned or derived from Seigman, N. Y. Run-^ A brisk debate took place relK^sfemment was set, , J. H. Thoaaaa Is Fired eration of all parttes in the House i intereat aad profit away, Is Modified ativ> to the section of the constibgire of banking in-James H. "Riomas, who has been o* Comnipns...
...i! O'Sulllvan refused to follow a de-r clslon In the Supreme Court of the The preaent crisis is essenUaU'yy Whether I shall be nominated,or e United States rendered by Chief part of a bigger oooe: The policy accept for the future ^ is entirelyof the labor movement for national*1 to decide...
...Thia resolu-diates all responsiUlity, has been s and steel industry be reorganizedJ been successful not merely from' •aot exhausted...
...Thomas States Views on ' ion, enjoining It and some thirty elevate the standard, and he would Sacrifices by-the workers are c ntlnue that condition in pref' and in this country, has, within limto be andI 1932 Presidential Race !of the strikers their repreIntended certain the erence to a regular allowance pro^••• J MacDonald said its, provided for the imemployed, sentatives from conducting the sacrifices by the other sections unI- • ' ••iiigahis seat at the agM, aick, disabled, orphaned aad t strike, from picketing, from pre-vided through governmental agencertain...
...a««r heen equalled , ploymeot laiufaaee sad the other alnady has sufficient power at it* °':bjectlve towarda which the labor was deposed as laadar with eely The gqfrtnimtiM prti^am is aot disposal...
...not *^ riot at which upwards fall In prices and measures to ,workers' charter, comprising work ^ of '2,000 ciation and the big anti-union em-1 reduce the burden of the war ployers...
...f. C. neckwear manufac-d elegates...
...It also declaredmjfgl^ which appears Its apprecisjUoa of Saove^a's carry cautious statemeats by Mac...
...dtUea to a redoctkm ta UBeBtploypartment refuse to dose speak-° res advocated by the A. F. of U ^itat manifesto was ment iaauranee the ecraamy pro-the British trade unkm -move-^ Saowdea has aanoinM^ that ho eaaies, "preferring to collect In-^jr the reUef of unemployavent , poUcy of rtisrtnt Union Coua-will, aot tOer himself afaia aa a. gra=i tochides reductions la the aieaf s support of thestead...
...At {nreaent we do not Ubormowneat la lU defease of Its see a geaulae labor party oa the the true aaUoaal interesU and its iw horisoB...
...Asooclated Society of Engineers ^ o' the poor and without i%strict- under non-u^ion conditions, but ?StS...
...Nothing administration...
...socialistic phllosoidiy and pro->-of the strike of the Fancy Leather Ilje forces of labor are vitalllyy gram...
...You submit ass 'was obtained requiring the manuand Industrial chaos...
...It answered that "the...
...poUcy, declares ernment...
...In January, 1931, <lalled attention to the fact that ill «Ueh says: ' workmen...
...Asocial order...
...Ada Cooper,' ittsdj ^demaada which ao Labor is invaal^ .^road...
...ploymeut benefits or 'insurance.' ^ because the nation's reaources and came in contact with a numsecurities and other unearned Inoar national flnanc-* to a' tfoned The wasthe National Manufacturers Mtl e shoulder the ma-have suddenly diminished...
...Delawcltten statement in been too successful In associating these incidents MacDonald and] ers and the protection of the con-^sometimes amounted to as low isgates of the Typographical Union l«(Us course, the lead-with employers to siUt British Snowden made their decision andJ sumers against exploitation...
...Waldmaa declared ° labor and So- on economic plsaaing...
...Matthew M. Levy, of Panken & i^bor," 5 Levy, attorneys for the Union, andjj referendum on four possible ] national and local services will 1 Mr...
...ii a dole' and would tend t<}.l0Ker cation for the cuts In social expen-' the standard of living...
...out Donald and Saowdea...
...Wall 1itf want oa the otherpart...
...League in which hd-said: power of the masses...
...They will Increase unemmembers in 1932 the endorsement ]conduct of the business, etc...
...A numataadards aad services have greatt" make it clear that neither the Par-'-ber of grounds was presented in ly contributed to raising the'* ty nor I authorized this asaiHBp->-support of the Union's applicastandards of life throughout the tion...
...the ^foreign Investment, by temporary , [nisrspresented and misinterpreted ^fUasttre but to pursue It seeks to enforce a complete 'suspension they and other transport undertakings, entire scab force from the tie factheigJMdown by past na-cuange in the national policy, not of sinking fund, ,and place them imder a national ^tory came out in mass formation principle Of so-called unemg" «o«e , tha t the by taking fixed-interest-bearingK ',transport authority...
...They are opposed to the week, ^ interfering •••iililDyment .^enefit bscause the budget cannot be bal- or maintenance, a 40-hour' peo^e congregated, l>Wity MacDonald to aaced, but primarlljf because the debt, [workers' control of overtime, pay^ , a number care of the •nctlma of capflallst wKh traffic and causingIMllliiBbip for this dl-financial interests have decided The pharse "equality of sacriJ for holidays, adequate pensions at* ,of bruises and injuries on both mismanagemenV Woll charges it fice" has been Invoked as justifithis country la setting a bad ex^* 00, and nationalization of the min-• ,sides...
...he American Legion, Is printed In Workers' Union presents a resolu-^Resentment brought a 100% walk-: •ririeriids which, un- non-union shop...
...Including reconsidera » -opinion that the Socialist Partyy rendered, which was relied upon tion of the problem of debts and now as always will welcome andd hy the Seigman factory, in wliich reparations, provides the only baa-gladly share in a genuine move-i-the Coimecticut court issued a sis for restoration of credit anidd tnent for a true farmer-labor par-blanket injunction against all world'* re-estaWlshment of prosty which necessarily will have aa picketing and against the conduct perity...
...the view that this can only be se*tions, to riake a new...
...he Legionaire, official organ of aaMiBly faced with Thomas wore his eveabig clothes Labor Party...
...We should View with greatit Goods Workers Union because the e<mceRied with the naUonal inttsuspicion a last nuMaent convi1-pickets had merely looked threatterest, but we emphatically rejecctt tion, following cdd party nomtoai--eningly at the scabs...
...AA By August 20, the pickets were cured by Impoverishment of thbee vital political Baoveniait must resItt back on the line...
...xlging houses to supply destitute einmeat is out of tbe question, his action in joining the new gov, eo^Ioyment levy on all Incomes ^ idividuals and families...
...tald thaaa Ua asla porpoM ta-ga-liaalntslned that graatiar power ^^Politicfl— BRjrnSH Tiada TTaida IT...
...The recommendaiMrilfB aad soabroad that Great Britain is on then jaad direct share In thc/Control and1 The strike has been conducted : on—of causes of which have not e tion was adojpted...
...oppos e 'ederttion compulsorytransferred from private to public j atfH 4mm, unemploy- = Since that time, the United Neck-1nilitar/ training in the state vmiownership or control provision Is-,wear Makers Union has been con-i V shM* disappear aad On MacDonald Govt...
...8UU FedeAtton of Labor Goveiameatf wiU iiadoid>t-flc to of tM Bassettow Diviakta ia Nei-'^Vbe latsat isformatioD is tha...
...FP)-^ . Malcolm MsgPnnsVI, •oa «C tta» 1iag ta ^f ^buM* was to ooavert to the paltBe to amat Idle pm-\ adopting the report of its unrm ^ ^Future is m^-wrngm iara«ct :iBaaday a A the eadt «f the w« aptoymeat cwmitiittfie, the MlnPriau Itiaistar, was calM 1900 J^ filknr Oaart to tba gospel of QpagresB wm mfA ia PistolSOBS would be uaooastitlaaat Md by the Labor czeentlve cooudHtae I railway mea...
...I [ New Haven in the Union's efforts...
...1livan, organizer of the American Forces In finance and politics $30,000,000,000) Im British capital 1 Won addressed the state federaa Ing by-producta, and declares thatI Federation of Labor...
...verge of bankruptcy...
...The Immediate ( the point of view of showing the tie declared was designed to take formed...
...over on fair terms the railways arrested...
...the Mtiiatloa calls for tbe coop...
...tion calling on the Government to' ^ out on Feb...
...Le ^' s argument persuaded °-In principle and program...
...led hy his father...
...ovttbitii abide by the It Is determined to attack the •• and Firemen, the National Union ^ tea ^.fteiplea of ing national and local expenditure , alao because of the Intense interalso attacked state unemthe standard of living of the workers directed to the developmoit of the* (of Railwaymen, and the Railway^ ^ est has manifested in Woll that beenployment insurance...
...Of all the inversions . ployment and aggravate the basic[g of Norman Thomas for president, i of reason and logis this is thes The temporary injunction was proUem tmderlylng the present^ Thomas made his position on this e made returnable by Judj^-e Peasley most astounding exhibition that point to crisis by reducing the consumingg clear in a letter the 1 ias ev«n been witnessed in a conon first Tuesday of September...
...ichidlng modification of the VolE^tM of the Labor | for PadiaaMBt from srlartes ofimemploymeat iasurance as' abrsadlddj^ e goverammt miaisters, II^e%d Act, and in addition recom-E| | consultative com-(Colae Valley dlvtskm of Yorkmember s of ParUameat aad solutely aeceasary for'the protec-— lended "that a aystem of public K^farliamentary La-,shire and this was accepted atJ-jdgea...
...Union Advocate said editorially: •t private banking intereata...
...On August 6, 1931...
...tion of the owners of industry to P a nemployment benefita be eatahrepudiated the | NeqkwV Union ° special meetiag of the executive Listi a Herald Caaameat provide a market for the labor shed, the cost of which is to be B ^(lil by KacDoD- committee of the' lAbor party Tasnss of the London Herala, power of the workers...
...Well, there Fundamentally it is an attempt I blanket injunction against the Unl**tn say about it for to r«verse the social policy Vhlch, community...
...Nothing RepuUicans or maa and women of good-will o rv-Denopccats will do will make them' ataad firmly against the aew govhe the p«3ltlcaltatstrumentthe workcraaisat aad raUy to the aid of the of ers need...
...rerslty and urged the regents to made to insure that the workers, ^ Md« M the wcridng . ducting the strike, paying weekly •jermlt the student to determine through their trade union repres-t• benefits to the New Haven strlk-• kstaviaid anything by xrhether or not he shall take milentatives, shall have eers...
...OotmcU advisesN...
...Roberta went to New Haven lead to attempts to enforce simJ, courses of action by that body in-, ;on Saturday morning, Aiig\ist 15,,^ 1932 leads me to write you to cor-i ilar cuts in Industry generally and ,^ recV^what may be a possible mis--' 193J...
...resolutionA new coalition government for formerly3i4 usual sales talk for the Unioncotmtries...
...Justice Taft and also a decision recoBfitrucUon and International ^ "Speaking unofficially, it is myy py the Connecticut court ifecentlycooperation...
...C99 vote eoafl-oa K^^s t week whM 1 I hqMB9^te> of the regular ageada.^ IfGov...
...An equal numef wealth on one control of which the public has no next session of Parliament to take !ber"In {"iscuasing the subject of Acuity hy mobilising the coimtry's , " of strike-breakers have been unemplqyment insurance...
...the Socialist platform of 1928...
...We therefore taU upon on on basic principles, not chance rethe maisrs of the pec^e and all m sentment at particular old party tto choices...
...ia a t^agraaa be seat ?ouventioiB Urines Aflvw* < Sti tka CoagreMGonmeslItiii* ^ mtnaerson I5 N e v u Leader dmy at Bristol—Mae-toto tte asajc^ aad fiiaaottty , Slices Be Paid from Isadera la...
...llseted Arthur Hen-RaUwaysoea, with which be has phrase "equality of sacrifice" be[ economic development and effec-^ Oppose School DrUIa o of work.J needs of the present day...
...wmld give uafrisadly pnbtie qt-" Mota...
...t « V loan certificates, A FINANCIAL crisU, the true have created the impression , an adequate• itary training...
...Iin New Haven by J. Roberts, the explained, i Matthew WoU, of the tm had to face the been publicly has could be further frdm the truth...
...An order to show cause bring about embittered conflict understanding...
...result a Asso-\ be no reduc-provide for its unemployed...
...fiiaat Bcttain 1 tion "ia behalf of the American a thla should be (ne of the first acts, a' member of "the Joint Board of ^h'oonsidered this let-Government could accept"' l3 star one of the greatest cred-( the Union, and Carmen Lucia, Federation of Labor...
...sity of maintaining and improving y ngs, and a collection ft>r the two long hours...
...tiMoBS of pounds...
...on his speech, the Minnesota to tnim the naUonal caused by the policy pursued by Ing the Congress to urge the If the will were present we J There have been some fo^ty «ur...
...Congress ths* 'Nothing short of vas upheld, and Walter' Frank, genesal political resigned as sec^ planningturer, left New York in 1930, ^epresenting the M i n n e apolis ff the Parliamentary retary of the Nati<»al Union of In the meantime, however, the comprehensive of our throwing ISO members of the jhiilding Trades Council, was refg Foreign Minister been affiliated more than' thirty came current and the Herald gave[ tlve regulation of our trading re-T.United Neckwear Makers Union ;used a seat by a vote of 247 to 50... show cause why the . OUlB oa Labor to Fight as probable Socialist nominee forr temporary Injunction should not Great Britain, whose social the Presidency...
...It passed a resolution askemployes from 68 to 70 hours per . 'fii-pa^tkm before his pension on retireatent from the backs are weak" and oppoeed cuts "keeping always In view the neces-e ng pat don for Mooney and Billweek...
...Roosevelt, ia his wire, that The cMiventloB...
...situation can be met without fur, manufact-irer the lack of wisdom ;the place of insurance companiea *« , u the HBCutivea of persons acting without authority The three railway unions—the | ther depleting the slender means ' involved In attempting to operate which are hostile to labor's intersm IWi f sf the lAbor from the people...
...It nationally and Internationally, iry...
...Thee insists J Clothing Workers.L/ibor Life Insurance Co., of ^Tw...
...It is a govemmMit Of * on the l^asis of a public utility...
...of community eating and Kto Labor Party...
...vention of the SUte Federation of Cuts In wages and salaries injj "The publication of the L.I.P.A...
...The weekly wage ! Smb . He had seat For many years Thomas has Within ten or twelve days afterf the standard onivlng of the work-j abor prisoners netted $60...
...ttis «at a Bsasfa ad Donald More b Up Taxes « a tbe Wealthy^ He Wffl said that 8aowd« aaa^ alaa g» to Mmo oftao, atttaoo^i he alw ^ Lower HOtsBC... choice an endorsement of mee facturer...
...Tbe fallowing day f^imi that the upper ' Woold Flaa ladnstry ution which prohibits seating tryiag to keep one foot ia the the Cabtoet agreed oa the figures t Hsr the load by mob- ' On planned production and dis-Jommunists or' sympathizers as LAbor party aad the other ia the of a balanced budget but it conJf^ RTHUR SEIGMAN, INC., a C tributioa the the ^IH«igu investments new government, gave up when he tained BO reduction in the amount...
...sisted in New Haven by Rose Sul• it to come upon us Four thousand milUons (about t 5f the Photo-Engravers' Union...
...As' a furmean...
...We do see a growiag SoflSnatruetiv* efforts towards a afsw cialist Par...
...Commenting Ia>cr-liiiwmut and de-In order to meet a situabon * Clerks' Association—unlta In ask-j country's resources...
...Your The effective resistance of the laown declaration, so far as theyy the court to reconsider Its treatbor movement can alone prevent go, are practically a rewording ofif ment of the problem, and Judge ^ this calamity...

Vol. 13 • September 1931 • No. 10

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