A Salute to Labor

A Salute to Labor I T i M b o r Day Message Penned hy Dehs ^ By Eugene, V. Debs (WriUen for Labor Day, 1904) ' THE Woridnginaii is the only man in whose presence I take off my hat^ As I salute...

...We know not color, nor creed, nor sex in...
...These are some of the bloody battles fought in the past in the war of the Work'tn for Industrial Freedom and Social Justice...
...VVherc did the increase come from...
...Labor educates the ma- ' chlniat the plumber and the j steel worker...
...What happens as a result of this trade union action...
...Socialism, The Hope of The World By Joseph Baskin Geaeral Secretary, tiie Workmea's Orde rjpHE world is sick...
...j Xhe.wt^dag people are om^r- 1 liags of our powerful industrial c magnates...
...As a matter of fact, Whitney was no«extraordinary person...
...Its weapons m m «dged One that enslave tt^WH factory, mine slashing ths peaHI^H b nd the wA-ksr#iW who blackjacks i^Mfl who tells hkn but not the ^H^M it Labor must i^lO^H UntU orgaatal'^H . the pohtical P E W T A H ; it cannot b ^ J L ^ ^H I tht economic "'^^^1 ) not survive ia M I ^ H ' flank U covevsdfl^H A union la tksl^^l . Party at t l » 1 J < 2 |M • workers' resolatti(|^B...
...With nearly twenty miUions of us facing privation there is practicaUy no legislation to meet this disaster...
...Must Ffwaake Old Parties First and foremost, it is absolutely essential to cut loose from the decaying snd bankrupt ruling parties...
...Every informed person knows that this IS true...
...A Salute to Labor I T i M b o r Day Message Penned hy Dehs ^ By Eugene, V. Debs (WriUen for Labor Day, 1904) ' THE Woridnginaii is the only man in whose presence I take off my hat^ As I salute him, I honor . myself...
...In Baltimore willingness to sweep the streets is set up by a 6harity organization as the test of the siacerity of Joblus workers seeking work...
...He was just the ordinary, dull$ and commonplace individual that one will find in the upper section of our ruling classes...
...niere will aot be aad there cannot be any cymbals and trumpets at the celebration of this year's Labor Day...
...We are not complaining...
...J New World of Industry Why...
...The result is that labor is a great power in aU nations abroad...
...Ilie Amerciaa FederaUon of Labor, the Socialist Party and the other radical groups to the right and to the left—we are all la the same boat, but instead of making a coaimon effort to create a nucleus ot a real national movement, we are pulling apart, or one against the other and one Independently of the other...
...Within two years after his death his estate increased in value $52,721,270...
...A Vieioos Habit THERE arc times when a person makes a survey of his life and decides to "turn over a new leaf.- Usually it is some habit that has contributed nothing to his welfare and may even be hannfuL The habit had grown upon him over 1 number OF years but its harmful effects were not apparent till his health was affected...
...Like the rongfa-hewn stone from which tke noble statue is chiseled by the hand of man, the Toiler is the roogh-hewn bulk from which the perfect Man is being chisded by the hand of God...
...Trust laws must be so modified that they will better satisfy tbe reign of the business class...
...Can IT BE denied that almost all the officers OF the Federation are enrolled as Democrats...
...The workera might retaliate by sweeping out the city government with a Socialist broom...
...It is conservative, "but its j^Iicies that tie the workers to the companies IN k form of modern serfdom...
...Labor is ini^irad by idsals ot a aew world bf industry ta vbU^ worUag p a o ^ vJU ae * longer be underlings...
...Just IS the drug addict in time destroys his health so Ibe habitual uninformed voter eventually brings calamity to himself, his family, and millions of workers], ^Wc are today afflicted with narcotic joting...
...We win have to stand ui> and fight together or be entirely submerged...
...It leaves the field free for the great feudal corporations to expand those hypocritical editor declares: " I charge that practically every piece of legislation sponsored, by the New York State Federation of Labor is handed to Demosubstitute their feudal plans for this legislation...
...We have no representation in Congress, in the legislatures and the city councils...
...tHS constitutes a vicious hahit that is as harmful AS the persistent use of a narcotic...
...A n haH to Labor Day...
...We have the smallest percentage of wage workihg population organfted of any nation in the world...
...What's to be done...
...Vest such ownership in a dead man and workless incomes will still be heaped up in his "name...
...The future comes on slowljr...
...the Labor Movement...
...We are all one—all worka*s of all lands and climes...
...If^ A NLTSHEIX "Wbatever the facts of our economic system may be, surely they are not so subUe, so metaphysical, so elusively chemical or astronomical, that they can evade the grip of resolute and "honest men...
...aad to wttUa « N . tut two yaas tikst USk/t la ) | K o e m ^ waa tatUd aad : IMMf #Hitiag...
...A N the workingmen of the earth are necessary to the whole Workingman—and he alone will survive of all the human race...
...While the oooatry is seethlag with radical ideas and radical sea'timent...
...Socialist philosophy will bring light and hope, the training and organization, necessary to abolish these frightful contrasts...
...And the answer, the only answer, is...
...make no mistake about it • • • Farm prices have dropped S3 points in a year, the trend is still downward aad every point is a SociaAst argument for the tillers of the soil...
...aad be who k e ^ back the truth or withholds it from men for motivea of tzpedisocy U either a eovard or a crtminsl or both.—ICax Muller...
...Throogh our party wa wOl send thouaanda ot ov^ own trained members into the legislative bodies to Mkter down the legislative and judicial walls-ttiat imprisda ua.^ Wa wffl alao lead ^ statute b o ^ iflth •vaiX jMMpM^^tftat wax mag f lief, that W I U bring us power, and that win lead to a cooperaUve w->rld of industry...
...French, and English and wiU contain about 800 pages...
...The times are out of joint...
...What great man said this...
...Our coaaervatlve cries aad banners are out of date...
...Our old ^ civilization based upon private and j corporation ownership of Indus- j tries is In convulsions aU over the j world...
...We know only that our hearts throb with the same proletarian stroke, that we are keeping step with our class in the march to the goal and that the^solidarity of Labor will vanquiah slavery and Htunanize the World...
...Abroad one may ob- ' serve labor a great power with its , more powerful and more progressive trade unions...
...we must beware of "sociali:tic measures" but the railroads should receive a dole in higher rates, although nothing is said about the ocean of water they carry, and tariffs should be carefully studied from the point of view of the standard of living and the "legitimate" needs of his class...
...If that seems absurd, IT IS still more absurd that in crowded areas of A e North there are many voters who in voting die Republican ticket think that they are voting for the party OF Lincoln...
...The injunction is a sword in the vitals o: every trade union...
...Socialist political action never injured A.farmer or worker and it has helped them in their battles for a better world...
...everywliere penury in the midst of plenty...
...farmers are starving because they have produced too much food...
...We are sUU within old parties led by hackneyed leaders empty of ideas and representing property interests...
...organized labor abroad has its own political par- ! tiei with its own representative^ in city councils, provincial assem- ! bUes, and national parUaments...
...And so a distraught mankind lifts Its eyes unto the mountains and cries, "From whence shall my help come...
...A Baml&er's Program " D A N K E R K A H N is a class conscious man in ^ outlining what is necessary to get us out of our troubles...
...Workers are destitute because they have created too much wealth...
...What a contrast...
...It is eating its way into old Instl- i t u t l o ^ phanglag them, aa^ 1 adapting th«tt to its interests, g Thus out of a decaying civlliza- J tion a wonderful thing is happen-| i ing...
...It would be well for many workers to think of this in terms of all workers on this Labor Day...
...Never l>efore haa capitalism shown itself so helpless, so visionlesa, so utterly caUous to hiunan suffering, so utterly blind even to its own interests...
...I ymposaly tmj Ltkbde aad Orgaated Labor baeaaaa' I aas aatisflad that orfaaiasd later b « l dme everytl^ it could to ataas the tide' of wage redw^tiaas aad vampiaymtat...
...In the first seven months of this year 838 miners were killed in the industry, but think of the "risk" which the capitalist takes wbea taivesting ^is money...
...If be possessed any of these qualities they were buried with him in May, 1927...
...Payne Whitney, one of the leading representatives of our American nobility, died in May, 1927...
...unemployment benefit plan established by a group of sixteen industrial corporations, of >i^ch the-EcCjOnan corporation is one...
...All truth is safe, and aothing else is afe...
...Think of Coeur d'Alene...
...The struggle must be' woi^ for Peace will only coipe when she comes hand in hand with Freedom, The right is with the labor movement and the gods of battle are with the Wm-king Qass...
...In normal elections as many as 50 per cent OF the voters have remained away from the polls...
...N A atnngtt aa^ t^ vaUs of...
...Think of Victor...
...Forget not the past on Labor Day...
...How many and how fierce and Moody shall be the battles af the' future ? Comrades, this is the day for Workingmen to think of the Qass Struggle and the Ballot, the day for LalM>r to clasp the hand of Labor and girdle the glol^ with the International Revolutionary Solidarity of the Working Class...
...The way has been lon^ and weary and full of pain, and many have fallen by the wayside, but the Unconquo'able Army of Labor is still on the march and as it rests on its arms today and casts a look aiiead, it beholds upon the horizon the first gloving rays of the Social Sunrise...
...Cut every tie with them forever.' We may do anything else and if we do not do that labor is doomed to servitude...
...Everywhere chaos, fear, crime...
...In andftef^ ^lumn there is the report of an address * y the treasurer of the Eastman Kodak Compaay, AN anti.-union corporation, who recommended an...
...Rapp< »TEUR8: Grimm and GrabA'), Cartel QuesUons (Rapporteur: Relnhard), Fight for Old A^e Pensions (Rapporteur: HugglM-,) So clallat International (Rapporteur: Grimm...
...Think of Croton Dam...
...Uighty and important , changes are ahead...
...Hoover has seen to it that miUioos of us have plenty of leisure to enjoy it...
...Think of Virden...
...It has iU giant cooperatives, its flourishing workers' colleger, and other ir"''-itions ' that help and inspire th- ling masses...
...labor formulates its ' own programs and instructs these .epre?entatives to fight inch by ' Inch and day by day for the intercstand welfare of the working people...
...Aside from forceful criticism of the peace treaties and the neid of international cooperation, the above is his hopeful program for the hopeless...
...How Is it here in the United States...
...It has plunged millions into AN economic hell...
...Labor Day I&^"A good time for taking a vow that we will abandoir the habit...
...That power is due to his ownership in many industrial and banking enterprises...
...I" ^^TW» JMO^swse UI L A I 1 • B « - tteir m m ^ h S ^ ^ S S e r f a a d t tS M S E A S S . BMe It I S tha* yrtik H » - B S R I S S B S E S S M msfc St ^^a^ n p J M t f t M J , ' ' ' ' ' . ***** Challenge Of Our Times Labor Day, 1931, CaUs on iMhor to Strihe Out to Win Power for itself By James Oneal i raTHINKING men and women in j A the American labor move- . ment this Labor Day muat cer- , tainlj- recognize that our old order ^ of society la decaying...
...Think of Chicago...
...Before us is also a copy of the Rochester Xafcor Htrald and Citizen...
...It is logical for'intelligent men to think in terms of the economic group or class with which they are affiliated...
...Tbe t^nes caU for lndep«ident thinking aad action...
...To reach the woitors that are still in daikaeas aad to open their eyes, that is the tsak...
...Labor has been defeated and helpless in the face of an onruAing tidal wave which is submerging most of its achievements and victories...
...C A A M M ^ ^ ^ ^ I J^ABOR ^^^^1 is'^^S^^^^I makes tfea gisg^^^L the pathsCMTi^^H Uke Mew , $ M A ^ H bor's higli^llK•a^^H solvec mj^j^^M Determluti^^^H cent liviaga^^^^^H ingman'i O W S ^ ^ ^ ^ I er workH^l^^^^^H from 'tatal^L^^^l legal protteuS^^H rights, etnas .ttM^^H to naught ^<iJH|^^^| ter and pwl^^^^l the GruB4]^^^^H Associatioe, ml^^^M py the " C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L PhUadti;4i»|^^H p-atedly tha.^j^^^H spectacTe of i^H^^I complaisant I M ^ ^ ^ ^ I exploitatioa MIJ^^H the laboring l^flj^^H purely out OFSIS^^H with the e m y l j ^ ^ ^L tor Schofleld S ^ ^ ^ l {of 't-rikebtajSI^H h'unbers of Vlfi^^^l dared cefsnd'S^^^I against the l O M ^ ^ I standard...
...B This orgaatasM^V ers must be A D B P ^ V , never ceasing...
...On this Labor Day, therefore, let us dedicate ourselves anew to the task of working for the Inauguration of the Socialist commonwealth, where there shall be neither exploiters nor exploited, neither conqtierors nor conquered, but where all ^aU work for the c-mmon weal, and the welfare of each sbaU be the concern of all...
...Their unearned wealth is matched by the unmerited poverty of the workers who are uninformed as to their own best interests...
...That is the drift of our time in this and other nations wher< the masters realize that their old order is sinking...
...Becauae labor abroad is ] net content to (oUow the aacient ; ways of our ancestors...
...The Workingman—and this is the day to writ<e him in capital letters—has given n e what I have, made me what I am, and will make me what I hope to be: and I thank him for all, and above all for giving me eyes to see, a heart to feel and a voice to speak for the Workingman...
...Organized labor is stUl clinging to ideas and methods that belong to the infantUe days of every labor movement in the whole world...
...In addition to the usual reports and elections the foUowing items are Included in the Agenda: Economic Crisis, Working Class • and NaUonal CouncU Klections...
...Union treasuries can be seized in strikes...
...The rest is not cautious but clear and positive, for each item has reference to measures that will serve the masters of American industry and finance...
...They have been such A tail IN this and IN j^mf, o t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ''^ 0>*°y y*"* VID i s the pres«flt i a m « . becuae dE Jtsamnediom with m ' oates a»'alfy of ^mlerhti «aii-ipfam m fostering terfdoiB for tlie mtx^loag ^ is ( djcir plants: * P m r m M e IiiemM BURY t^ master of a great empire of aptai and his income will coirtimie to inacMC Whether living or dead it makes A> difference., Tbe capitalist system of producticm is so organized that the proprietors of millions of capital whether crippled or insane, whether living or dead, will continue to accumulate worldess mcomes out of workers who sell their labor power to him...
...If they did the labor movement xwould have more influence and power than it now has...
...Think of HomesteadT Think of Latimer...
...They vote without thinking of the changing worki IN which they Hve...
...The reaolutloas adopted wlU appear in a aupplemeata^ taiUetla...
...Thmk of Teiluride...
...Was it due to his "thrift," his "initiative," his "brains," or his "genius...
...we must be tender in taxing capftal if we would not dry "up the springs of incentive...
...From Socialism, the world's (mly hope of peace, plenty and happiness for aU...
...s«:tions, the lirst in^ eluding reports the Swawtarlat aad the second the proceedings of th4 congress and ooafereacea...
...A trade union cotrvention and anti-union firms are agreed IN oppnsitTOttTto unemplo>-ment insurance legislation...
...If we do not try TO undermine these "welfare" plans by social legislation big capitalist exploiters will more and more cratic legislators with the sole purpose OF.advancing t.he Democratic party in this state...
...and in' every other arena of strug;^ Where iU welfare is ; inwdfiBd...
...TTiis sMaas independent poUtIcal action ta a party of our own, A party that we control, that we F L Z L A A C E . that is i^edged to reorgaaizati< m of society on a basis of social aad Industrisl democraqrOnly, a party of the workers can servis the taffi^ masses...
...As the old ruling classes de- ( cline ia vigor the giant labor be- I enaes strteg...
...cheaper government must be provided by a program of ectmomy...
...Swiss Socialist Congress The Ordinary Congress of the Swiss Social-Democratic Party wlU be held Sept 12th and IStb in the "Volkrtiaus" at Berne...
...The Socialist Party and the Trade Union Movement must be one today in celebration of Labor Day and pledge each other their mutual fidelity and support in every battle, economic and political, until the fidd is won and the Workingman is free...
...The volume wUl be divided Into two main...
...Possibly he faced a nervous breakdown and sheer preservation required that he abandon the habit...
...If they didat da man, it isn't because they didat waat to but beeausa they didat ?sel the strength to carry out a real ctmstzuctive .^program...
...That Is tlie road to power and we need power more than anything else...
...which 1 means aearly twenty milUoos facing want: Where ia organized labor in this . significant period of menacing ' changes...
...wSO^^M polite laagt^sl^^l cooperatioa cspu^^^H Quite as wl^^H litUe regard ftd^H righu of t b r l S ^H working elQi^^^^l judge elevated<!|E^H the poUtlcal professes its 1 M | ^H t-ips over ttat M ^ ^ l haste to add bkjE^H the police lal^^H pressed OA bor is tm«a|iii|^^| f usal of thstSS^I the polltiefl ^ S ^H to do * B y ' ^ W i . « ^ | burden oa tSi V | ^ M ^ | The Rq^liktHaJM^I Ing ih'movMtoiiMH its fictioosl iSi^^H onslaughts #'Mi^l|H surance, a i i a l | | M y 9 ' uef, high miiiSW increasedjip «Mla l^be I ^ B l b N I » awaitinafl^^istBilMJ for it« i M j M tbi m tion of ^H^feii^iaH th-> same M B E C .- W What resot^Hajl this Labor DSM^^H What high b^^^l Only in orgaS^^^H olutio 1 possitH^^H achievement of liberty and tbs MH| ness...
...Our large basic industries are mostly oompkny-unlon or anti-union...
...Perhaps the most vicious habit they have indulged is careless misuse OF the ballot...
...Courage, Comrades...
...They provide a contrast with tlM millions of the jobless and the ragged who labor to make these parasites happy...
...Jf we have any complaint it is with Ihe working masses the ^ s t majority of whom do not yet display the same class consciousness...
...Think of Buffalo...
...In a long address he turns a benevolent face to the disinherited and avows that it is our duty to care for the distress and at the same time "keep a stiff upper lip...
...Kites and Tails T H E same page of the New York Times tvm news items throw light upon conservaTI\-E labor policy in relation to the unemployed...
...IT used TO be an old slogan of the A . F . of L . IN TQ)positiqn to independent labor party politics that A e unions must never "be A tail TO any party kite...
...These incomes are purely parasitic...
...j j To Publish Vienna Debates Tie pubUcation department of the Labor and Socialist International at Zurich, Switzerland, wiU publish the proceedings of the Vienna Congress late in October...
...A perilous abyss yawns ahead...
...We are dependent upon the hateful char:ty of the rich and even that is far from sulficient The fact is that we are pariahs b fore the legislative bodies of this coimtry, beggars kicked from tbe doors .or handed a few crumbs...
...Eather that or we wiU pass on to our children a corporation oligarchy, possibly buttressed with Fascist mercenaries to keep us at our tasks In the mines and the industries...
...Mat is going to solve the unemployment problena...
...The ycUow dog contract has judicial sanction...
...Organized la- ' bor has thousands of daUy papers ' there to speak for it and many ' more thousands of monthUes and weeklies...
...the present flies like an arrow, the past stands Airever stUl.—SchiUer...
...A few brief references to the plight of the slaves of capitalism and a cautious affirmation that something should be done for them is his contribution to them...
...and in spite of increased armammts, -vhlch our miUtariats wmild have us believe are the surest protection against war, war has never been so imminent...
...That is th< question that must be faced in every trade union body...
...What Labor Faces Here And wbat Is our reward...
...However, he is clear and positive on other matters that are of concern to his class...
...In some isolated sections of ^ South there are voters who think they are inting for Andrew Jackson...
...Labor makes the law and enforces ' the law...
...and to this we must give ourselves with all the streogfii we have, with patieww tha\ never fails, aad aa aUdiag faith ta the ultimata ja,«rtafy.-rl^wii V. Debs...
...Modem capitalisUc eiviUzaUon U coUapsing about us -and organized labor is Just awakening to the perils ahead and the tremendous responsibUties that face i t Will Americaa Ubor act ia ttme, vriU tt^et before we siiak Into aa ahyaa, aad lead ia tiie Job of reooastmetiea as oar brothers are in every modera nation ia tiie world...
...The publication w<^ ^pear tn three languages...
...Some have even been SO indifferent THAT they have not used IT at ill...
...a a y f t a ^ * ^ imm * t*xam at ^txtm, aot la t l « A A af pnapittx...
...labor places these men in office...
...It is estimated that there are nearly a million jobless workers in Pennsylvania, about the same number as the Hoover majority in 1928...
...Think of Cripple Creek...
...Ncme other thaa MattheW* Woll who knows how to "grip" something that is "meUphyslcal...
...Shall we organize to bridge it or blindly waader oa only U. tombie in aad rei^i aa lagtorious heritage of servitude for oarselves and those who come after us...
...0 And in the midst of this worldwide chaos, fear and misery stand our ckpitaUst master minds, our captains of industry, snd do nothing to clear away the mess into vrhich their own selfish greed, brutality and short-sightedness have phmged the world...
...Labor Day ia a good day t o rest the hands and give the brain a chance—to think about what has been, and is, and is yet .to be...
...At the convention of the New York State Federation of L i b e r a clause in a resolution by Abraham het^p^St approving unemployment insurance leg rtjitkin.-was struck out by the committee and this actwim .was approved by the convention...
...In spite of the Kellogg Treaty and other pious gestures at peace, the nations are arming as never b^re...
...Hqw to meet the jobless problem is not stated but this vagueness is his sole contribution to the issues...
...tba radical aad labor mqyecoest is weak, divided aad vacillating...
...Think of Panal Thiiak of Leadville...
...He in• herited the power to exploit labor from his father...
...as the oiA capital- I istic civillxation sinks the new civUisation of Ubor U risiag...
...AU I can wish is that when we get to the next few Labor Days, we may find the labor and radical movement more tolerant of each other, more strongly united and more dearly conscious of tiieir immediate aims and taotics...
...Others who vote have become "hereditary voters," THAT IS, they vote according to habit and tradition...
...Has Political P( Above all...
...because la- I bor is conscious that aa a special I group la society it must fight its I own battles ia industry, tai poi- , itlcs...
...Lct'is IENI?fii Let's "turn over ^ new leaf...
...At least six mllUons ot < OS are outcasts in industry...

Vol. 13 • September 1931 • No. 10

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