I p Concert M § _** maag-rated ITtriB * concert f H E » — Bsndav evenm mg.tkwia, manaH Hpn Symphony WM$ toa-Trri aster I mat WOR was the E Bona Valdex. K7aria from "Hero• BLft and...
...Samuel Mlndtl...
...JeanH replayed a tre^ K j | her piano solo Efky and two numH BaJjaad Dan GridBjj the First FresI E, aaag a group of I Bt played "Zig- ! a'musical unstamped her as H ^fi...
...Financial Secretary Office 31 Beventh at., N. Y. Phone, Orchard 18*3...
...On account of the storm it loked as if our meeting was doomed...
...25, 10 a m., at the hall of the Finnish branch, 131 Winfield avenue, Jersey City...
...August Claessens was the speaker and gave a little entertainment that made bis hearers roar with laughter...
...Telephone Chelsea 314k Benjamin SchlCTlnger 'president...
...10* W. 3*th St.: Telephone Wis...
...A resolution was presented which would rescind the action of those delegates elected to represent the Upper West Side Branch at the protest meeting against tyranny in Soviet Russia held at the Pennsylvania Hotel...
...44 East ttth Street...
...Urn tattah...
...12, We expect to have Clarence Taylor of Baltimore as a speaker...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK KStkaflets have just E a t national o'fice, Hu income'' and "Are Eoorpo^»tions?•' The Eg timely in view of mm lor unemployment Ey state share to be •Pfceome taxes...
...Mark's Place...
...12, with a lecture by Mrs...
...T. Meet* every 3rd Sunday St...
...President: John Sullivan...
...MANHATTAN Chelsea The branch has been successful in...
...Bymaa Novocor...
...Sydney Hlllmsn, Oen...
...Eden and Jerome avenues...
...29, Morris Hillquit, "Troubles at Home and Abroad...
...Coleman B. Cheney of Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, will lecture on "Problems of the British Labor Party" on Feb...
...general membership meeting...
...Watch us grow...
...Three cartons of clothes were collected by the members for the Danville striken...
...7th A D. At a special, meeting Jan...
...William Lehman, Sec'y - Tree...
...Following the business meeting which i Includes the election of oKicers, Leonard Bright win talk en "Socialists , and the Trade Unions...
...UNITED TTEBREW TRADES *A i7s East Broadway...
...New members are constantly joining and we hope to make 1931 a banner year...
...Bee -Tree*.: Peter Monat...
...and a corresponding and recording secretary...
...6- and EJ?2La*etlng H ^ W b M m t and the possibility of taking advantage of the Danville situation by placing an organization there...
...New York State SCHENECTADY C Winter educational meetings are to begin Monday evening, Jan...
...6. at the Labor EpWty meeting, and Feb...
...Local 6363...
...Hpm attended the meet•m Haute to discuss old H model old age pension Hhntted to the Indiana Hp> by the Socialists...
...Reuben Buskin...
...13, at Hollywood Gardens and Immediately following the business...
...AH members in ••koogh the state, are Hnst and vote to discuss E i o n and to formuEjnure action...
...Cloth Hat...
...9, on "The Uhtermyer Transit Plan" Sunday morning the distribution of the new leaflet will be made...
...9, is "The Socialist Attitude Toward Soviet Russia...
...EEjhation is making E * ? members pay up flnanise the unemE B C S t L a b o r Temple HKgugjr the Los AnH** *** chairman, made Hp is am Quentin, at the E P Mooney *-<i a r.ew • H b e y will take shape •iBornia soon...
...BRONX tnd O. D. A meeting will be held Tuesday evening, Jan...
...Rooms 3700-10 Hew York...
...also be forwarded...
...Samuel Perln-.utter, Manager-See.: Max stoiler chairman of Exec Board: David Pruhling...
...MAINE The League of Women Voters in Portland, will have Alfred Baker Lewis as their speaker on unemployment insurance on Wednesday, Feb.' New Jersey STATE COMMITTEE Party branches throughout the state are called upon to elect delegates to the state convention without delay...
...Evelyn Laye in "One Heavenly Night" Note At Rialto Theatre "One Heavenly Night" win open at the Rialto Theatre Friday morning, January 8th, at 9:30, instead of Thursday, January 15th as previously announced...
...A. F. Of L 7 East 16th Street...
...Nothing daunted, our organiser went to the homes of members and brought them to the meeting ln his car...
...NORFOLK Local Norfolk met last Sunday in the Workmen's Circle Center, with Comrade George, state secretary, and Alexander Walker of Scotland, as speakers...
...Patrick J. Murphy takes the lead ln getting advertisements for the journal, with Irving M. Knobloch and Henry Gross running in order...
...305 West 14th St...
...Secretary-T*o»* urer...
...Paul Jeleneck, an accomplished musician, is in charge of the musical program with the entertainment chairman, Irving Morrison...
...Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, * P. M. Executive Board same day...
...Comrade Klein was elected delegate to the city central committee...
...ST MAKERS' UNION v Amalgamated clothing Worker* of America, M. Green berg...
...Louis Waldman will speak Friday evening, Jan...
...D O T O B E R 8 * U N I ON ° Local 334 A l lO at B.W...
...Entertainments and Balls...
...The subject for discussion at the meeting Jan...
...Children's Players Give 2 Plays at the Princess Following a successful a arias during the holidays, Adrienne Morrison's Children's Players' neat offerings are The Happy Prince" and "The Stolen Prince," two oneact plays, the first of which commences at four o'clock on Friday (Jan...
...Joseph J. O'Connor...
...Executive Board meet* every Monday...
...22-23rd A D. The Washington Heights Branch has drawn up a plan for an executive committee of 11 members as follows: the chairman of the following committee, propaganda and literature, (two chairmen), publicity, finance, house and reception, entertainment, education, and canvassing, ln addition to an organiser, a member-atiarge...
...The branch is paying all express charges...
...The Sunday evening forum has started with a series of lectures on "Heredity and Environment" by August Claessens...
...WAITERS as WAITRESSES UNION Local O L 4i nut Sam •t-l * T _ Aahlan* 6*4...
...M Brown, Vice-chairman: M Feinstone...
...14, at 4th Unitarian Church Beverly road and East 19th street...
...Comrades Yudell, Heller and Reiff are doing splendid work...
...Pudovkin is wan known here as the director of the "End of St Petersburg" and "Storm Over Asia...
...S-CT -Trees...
...This condition, declares the state secretary, is undoubtedly due to the work of Special Organiser H. J. Sutton during and since the fall campaign, and to the Interest created by the primary steal engineered by the Democrats of Utica...
...Jacob Levin...
...A mass meeting on unemployment and our insurance bill has been arranged tentatively for Jan...
...The first meets in Hunts Point Palace every Sunday morning and is run jointly with the Jewish Socialist Verband Branch 2. Audiences numbering as high as 800 have and are attending in one of the large halls in Hunts Point Palace...
...15, in the headquarters at 1581 Washington avenue...
...Junior Y. P. S. L. West Philadelphia Group, 8 p. m - 1117 "Tth tii TisisjrJ Ooro*ha...
...Downtown office, (40 Broadway, Phone Spring 4548...
...David Dubiasky...
...Miss Ellen Wilkinson, M, P. will lead the dig cussion...
...of N A 179 E. B way Orchard 7766 Meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday SAMUEL BUSHMAN J. BELSKY ISIDORE LIFF Secretary Business Agents H. T. JOINT COUNCIL pAPMAKSRS Cloth Bat...
...63 West 21s* Street...
...Sec'y and Tress...
...Cnarles pnaum...
...New York City Telephone Chelsea 5766-5757 a Snyder...
...The goal set is 150...
...Ifi ing-lf i •"' D R E S S E R S ONION Local 8. A c. w. A. Executive Beard meets every Thursday at the amalgamated Temple, 11-37 Arion Place...
...This I Kyaajes Tuesday, and ' Extend* Engagement ait the Ambassador J, ~1 ^J"*T4, 8*P L__Se-y?_c^3_N,l?s_ ^H_E2^* , 3^r^__P__ffif^f •'•"* -'^cVj3t73Hl B K . ^ _ _ l Fritz Leiber will be seen in Repertoire fee- at least one more week at the Ambassador Theatre...
...STAOO 384* Labor Taple^NEVroSSg** Workmen'* Educational AsiaeUtW Free Llbrarv open from 1 to 10 p m. Halls for Meeting...
...eVirion Church in Boston, at Hudson, Middletown and St James Church of Cambridge...
...Wayne White, "Socialism and War...
...Bec'y..TressAlex Rose...
...The previous name of the forum has been changed to the "Midtown Forum" because of the similarity of the name of another forum...
...With her are Leon Errol and John Boles heading a superb cast...
...Every branch and local should appoint some member,- the local Socialist press correspondent...
...A very enjoyable time was had...
...BROOKLYN WfTHamtburg Branch meetings are held every Monday evening ln the clubrooms at 167 Tomkins avenue...
...every month at Stuyvesant High School, 15th 8tr Bast of 3nid Ave...
...Labor Institute...
...It was postponed for further action at our next meeting...
...Cinema f ——••• -i— Corpse" (Redemption) wfflhaveUa liwerican premier at the vagMh Street Playhouse *-g>—'-g Saturday, January 10...
...Furniture has been obtained and the room will be arranged to accommodate at least 150 or more people...
...RICHMOND Local Richmond held an interesting meeting Monday night, and" elected officers...
...We are bury now on petitions, trying to obtain 5,000 signatures as our quota...
...Jewish Branch 1 A meeting will be held Thursday evening, Jan...
...Ha_ branch secretaries Belt that their members • B to date immediately...
...Phone Watkins 8188...
...The various committees of the 8th A D. and Amalgamated Branch will meet Thursday, Jan, 15, in the Kingsbridge road clubrooms...
...Five new members joined...
...ROCHESTER Local Rochester is planning to hold an unemployment meeting in Convention Hall in February with August Claessens of New York, as the principal speaker...
...3. A very appreciative audience...
...L dean of Brook-wood •JEatonah, N. Y...
...18th A D. Branch 3 As the Board of Education has concelled the permit of the public school forum, the branch has decided to continue these Friday evening lectures in the headquarters, 3820 Church avenue...
...Our strikers" relief committee accomplished fine results, nine boxes of clothing, shoes, etc., were already forwarded to the Danville strikers...
...Harry Begoon, General SecretaryTreasurer...
...Friday, Jan...
...A splendid concert program has also been arranged by the social committee...
...Carolyn O. Coffin on "Impressions of Leningrad...
...16, at our auditorium...
...Cap and Millinery Workers International union...
...Mothers Cry" and Fun Carnival at Hippodrome At RKO's Hippodrome for the veek starting Saturday, January 10th, "Mothers Cry," the most human story since "Over the Hill" is the screen feature...
...At its tost meetin son Friday, Jan, 2. at the Lyceum, the branch heard, H . ^ UNION DIRECTORY DONNAZ EMBROIDERS ?00011 I i»te«»i»>'ftfVk °iT!fii?rl*B*MiT>r Br«rr Touday KigbX In tlx Onto* of the anloa...
...Alwln Boettlner, Secietary...
...Annabel R. Hicks, Mrs...
...Phone, watkms 8081...
...Norman Thomas has promised to be one of the speakers...
...Hat tie Hall...
...This is already the case ln Erie...
...4 Offices and headquarter*, 96 W. 30** ' St...
...m., August Claessens will speak on "The Fundamentals of Socialism" for the benefit of the many new members...
...9, in the school room of the building at 808 Adee avenue...
...Two new members and New Leader subs were gained...
...secretarytreasurer, Winston F. Dawson: executive committee, the above and Mrs...
...The program of lectures and topics for the month is as follows: Jan...
...Speakers: Emanuel Swities, Frans Daniel, Joseph Goreiick...
...Executive Board meet* every Tuesday evening...
...Pittsburgh, Reading and Philadelphia...
...beginning Wednesday, a silent travel picture- of Sweden will be shown for the balance, of the week...
...I. L. G. W. U., 2 W. 18th St, Phone...
...They are Murray Baron and Julius tftnansky of New York City, Herman Kiobbe of New York State...
...Leader, Arthur Flkcher...
...Peter Rothman iFin.-Bec'y .V BROTHERHOOD OF PAINTERS, DECORATORS OF . America...
...S3 Wei* rsth Street...
...Our headquarters at 600* West 181st street are 'open every night from 8 to 11...
...William Welngert, PrMtdeot...
...Joint Executive Board meets every Tuesday night at 7:30 Board meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 ln the office...
...A Mooney E f ^ w i n e l d l n t n e •auditorium oh Jan...
...5, Rev...
...N. Riasel, financial secretary and treasurer...
...for the 8th DisH and South Park E l l hold a state-wide Hriertnce Sunday, Jan... WJcainent WashingH C J e j e c t e d secre-I H'JfioeaL His address K l!s?u e- Sympathizem B k B a a?*** M r s - EJ S J^?™1 * avenue, EsSr?!?10* 5 8 organsnyeie university neighCJ1 0 : 1-PetroU, win •TF-fif* Qratlot and E S ^ ^ B g d a h s t s and Bjj^^ta^jetroit is • ! * • coeamittee will Bji^Ba20 n 0 1 niemBHMmLS...
...J-T0R DRESSERS' ONION a? Local 3. International Fur "Workers Union...
...The executive committee will attempt to place the plan on a working basis...
...August Claessens will be present and will work with this branch In an effort to increase its membership and to help ln Its various activities...
...Pennsylvania . Herman- Hahn of Buffalo...
...Boer i Ury-Treasurec...
...The group will organize a discussion at the general membership meeting of Local Allegheny on the subject of "Socialists as Legislators...
...WHITE GOODS WORKERS U N I O N Local 62 of L L. O. W. U. S W. 18th Street...
...Joseph Schlossbarg, Oen...
...6, election of delegates to the several committees was held with the following results: three to the city central committee, Marion Severn, Simon Berlin and Alexander Kuhnel...
...We will hold our lectures regularly on Thursday of each week until May 1, when we will hold a gala celsbrat-on...
...6, the organizer's plans for literature distribution and the holding of two meetings on Monday, Jan...
...The speakers will be Theodore Shapiro, Robert Bobrick and August Claessens...
...Attorney ami Goons**, 33* away...
...Algonquin 7678 Regular meetings second Wednesday ot every Month at 162 West 23rd Street Max Shack, President...
...UNION MEETINGS The Qulncy Carpenters Union and the Lynn Lasters Union have arranged to have speakers on our unemployment insurance bill...
...Labor Institute...
...Executive Board meets every Monday at 7 p.m...
...Madison Square 1834...
...L MaehUn...
...A candidate for Governor will be nominated and plans will be adopted for an intensive campaign of agitation and organization during the year 1931...
...TelP l a r a 4100-5416 • P h i l . P Zansner 3eCy: Robert Sembroff, Fin Sec'yTrees.: Samuel Mandel, President pAJHTSBS* UNION No...
...Chairman ot Executive Board...
...To present to American children the works of the best modern playwrights written for children...
...New York Local No 1. Offices, Amallthon* BIdg...
...Sec'y: J. Rosentwett...
...Brotherhood of Painters Decorators and Paperhangers...
...Treasurer, H. He lb...
...Morris Rosenblatt...
...To train them in discrimination and taste so that, in later years, they will demand excellence of the adult stage...
...Five hundred New Leaders were again distributed last Sunday...
...3-ta X Mth St., Beam IX aegolar meeting* every first and third Sunday at 10 a.m...
...This is a result of the increased interest shown In his plays...
...14, ln the Paradise Manor, Mt...
...and Alexander Walker of Scotland...
...The next meeting will be devoted to the discussion of unemployment and the proposed unemployment insurance bill...
...VV BRIERS' JOINT COUNCIL r OF N. Y. LOCAL 101, 105, 110 and 118 of The INTERNATIONAL FUR WORKERS OF U. a and O 33 West 31st Street Perm...
...Massachusetts CHURCH MEETINGS Alfred Baker Lewis and Comrade Hill have spoken at church meetings at the Mt...
...Local correspondents are urged to cooperate with Federated Press, the labor news service, in gathering such material...
...8th A D. The Hotel Manger orchestra will supply the dance music for the affair to be held on Valentine's Day, Saturday, Feb...
...28 in the East Flatbush Jewish Center, 48th street and Linden boulevard... goK the Los Angeles SoKat the Young People's E J K Feb...
...Our membership increased to 100...
...Operators, Local i. Regular meeting* every 1st and 3rd Saturday...
...Any other comrades who can give us any time are requested to write us...
...21st A D. Our new organisar, Frank Klein shows great promise...
...Jack Lasher, Pres...
...Gottesman, SecretaryTreasurer...
...Leader, Rebecca Berg...
...11, 2:30 p. m., at 105 Springfield avenue, Newark...
...This picture was brought to America by A. H Woods...
...A. MenCelowlts, M. Goodman, Lucy Oppenhem...
...Orchard 13*7...
...Write State Secretary David G. George, P. O. Box 893, Richmond...
...i To stimulate children's appreciation of the imaginative and artistic in literature and drama...
...15, Economics Study B. L. West Philadelphia Group 8 p., Grou i No...
...Office and headquarters, 343 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn...
...Monday Jan...
...Local PbSadelphia, 3:30 p. m...
...VicePresident: E. Meyer, Rec...
...JOINT niacsji'ivg COSSTMTTTBB •-"w»»»"»»mw*w*wm*w«»ws».«m.sMm*^ NEW YORK | V POGRAPHICAL UNION No...
...R enisling...
...U St...
...Regular Meetings every Wednesday Evening, at the Labor Temple, 243 East 84tb Street...
...Jan, 20, at 62 East 106th sweet...
...8th A D. The branch has been chartered and has elected officers...
...Morris Blumenreich, Manager...
...Hh* have their branches Hi *~" discussion at the Hm» Members-at-large Hh—r dues and suggesEM* s t a t e ° f f l c e ' 2 6 5 3 EHrrard, Chicago, HI...
...Algonquin 7082...
...Executive Board meets every Monday at 1 p. m. ln the office...
...Junior Y. P. S. L. mass meeting, 7:30 p. m...
...Samuel L. La viscount and Howard Matson, Feb...
...Offioa, IIS Second Ave...
...The Sunday forum is being carried on successfully...
...Board of Delegate* most at the Labor Temple...
...F. Wouensack...
...SOIL Executive Board meet* every Thursday at the office of the Union Maurice W. Jacobs...
...meetings, 1st and 3rd Mondays, President, L B. Hertsherg...
...Business Agent, H. Kalmikoff...
...O. W. Noonan is to talk on "Problems of Organization" at the meeting of Jan...
...P. 8. L., Boulevard *ou^ g n, » , « m .Orenobat* street...
...Darlington Hoopes has asked that there be a widespread discussion of the entire subpect of just what measures Socialists should urge and attempt to secure by such measures...
...Trank Schel, Fin...
...Ben Kaufman, delegate to county committee...
...obtaining a permanent meeting place at 8 Van Nest place...
...Tea, cake and discussion followed...
...Gazette Building...
...14, Economics Sbdy Group No.% 8:30 n, m., 3533 Sdith Second street...
...Wednesday, Jan...
...Louis Waldman will speak on "A Socialist's Attitude Toward the CensorShip of Books and Plays...
...Why I Am a Democrat" Julian Ralney...
...boxes of clothes...
...The film is silent and was directed by Fedor Ozep with Pudovkm in the lending part, the role which was portrayed on the stage by John Barrymor e and recently in the films by John Gilbert...
...It was about 6 a. m. when the that banquet of the ffniteisti in Nassau County ^^^mThe second course of our forum will start on Jan, 8, with Be la Low as the lecturer on Kautsky's "Contribution to Socialist Theories...
...Philip Orlolsky Manager...
...Manager, N. Bpector...
...12, Junior Y. P. S. L., Strawberry Mansion Group* 8 p. m„ 0006 West SUsquehanna avenue Discission leader, Franz Daniel...
...Meet* every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. Charles Stetsky, Manager...
...The Living Corpse" to Have First ShowingHere At the 8th St...
...All locals meet every Wednesday...
...Stuyvesant 5556...
...A meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Jan...
...6th A D. A meeting will be' held Friday evening, Jan...
...26, and Prof...
...Our regular meeting wfil be held on Tuesday, Jan...
...The Utica organisation has the largest percentage of members in good standing...
...Junior Y. P. S. I? South West Philadelphia Group, 8 p. m., 6030 Larchyod avenue Discussion leader, Rebteca Berg...
...New York City SPECIAL ELECTION There are two vacancies for members of Congress in Kings and Queens Counties, namely, 7th and 9th Congressional Districts...
...Hsskel on the new unemployment insurance bill of the party...
...A Mollin, 1405 Walton avenue...
...Marion Severn, chairman of the educational committee, reported that the next forum meeting would be held Friday, Jan...
...N. Y. Morris Goidin...
...80 on Masholu parkway, which will be preceded by a wide > distribution of leaflets...
...He stressed the importance of constructive organization among the electorate...
...Subjects and speakers are: "Why I Am a Republican," Mrs...
...This matter should be taken up at the next meeting of every organization...
...Meetings every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening...
...Business meetings usually follow the open forum conducted by this branch...
...H faith Van VaJHHusre s reading of Eat concerts are •Ejnr evening at the HE lad this program E & s high standard HHtace for the club •fSft Avenue . • } Ansae Playhouse, • • H i t beginning Sat• H B H , will be a reEapLfc of the Swedish H^Hi "For Hermes HHtt Ekman...
...The three district organizers reported splendid progress along constructive lines ln each district Comrade Chaiken, the chairman of the finance committee, presented an extensive plan for raising funds...
...A number of people handed ln their names...
...343 K. Mth Street, en the last Saturday J each mcata at,*:** p. m, THE INTERNATIONAL ? ADIES' GARMENT WORKERS' UNION I West loth Street New Tor* City...
...Kuhnel, Coryell...
...S. "Has Religion a Place for Politics," Rev...
...261 ^^^^B^^^P O C K E T B O O K . W SWSMT ^ ^H * UNION 4K-"V i ' : ,T,*^®H Bee Tors joint Board, afflTsitoe wish the American P«dcr»tl— of Labor oensrsJ office...
...Telephone Drydock 8810...
...Thh meeting k being well advertised and it is held by bosh Boro Park branches...
...Patrick J. Hanlon, Vice-President...
...and Patricia Eg donna of the' H Kg the aria from ^Hnsgo's "HomEhftHi showed exI E Georgia MacH Be Pas tore" by < •EHjgslsying the vio...
...William Karlin delivered an interesting lecture on the Socialist Party's program on unemployment...
...Local 584 meets >n 3rd Thursday of the month at Beethoven Hall...
...A N. Weinberg, delegate to the central committee...
...Telephone* Algonquin •SO0-1-3-3-4-S...
...The branch received $36 as donations for the maintenance of headquarters...
...A. F. of L., 7 E. 16tb St Phone...
...In the event that the new Congress will not be called, these vacancies will be filled at the November election...
...Manager BROOKLYN LABOR LYCEUM Mt WiDemgkST Ave...
...On Monday evening, Jan...
...Regular m e e t i ng every 2nd and 4th Thursday at Bert Always Leek for hoveri Han, 310 East This Label 8th 04, Workers...
...I. H_ Goldberg...
...I. Mo— Grath, Secretary-Treasurer: Ttioudms V...
...9th), the second to follow shortly after...
...ot Executive Board...
...x PITTSBURGH A group of the younger party members and a few of the L. I. D. h a « formed an educational group under the title of the "Young Working People's Educational Society...
...State Secretary Merrill announces that of the locals so far reporting for 1930...
...A Barnes Wolf...
...We had excellent music, fine eatables and a short speech on conditions in Russia by one of its former commissars which was very enjoyable...
...The branch win meet every Friday evening in the Cloth Hat and Cap Makers headquarters, 133 Second avenue...
...Jbnior Y. P. fl.- L , South PhlladelPhtt Group, 8 p m , Fifth and Wolf l&efcs- Discussion leader, Bernard Kas^nbaum...
...Two big issues are LBsd during January B f f f l r e , the New Era ES» a weekly on Feb...
...16, Senior Y. P. S. L., West Philadelphia Group, 8:30 p. m., 3810 Brown street...
...g. L. FTMdstaa...
...president and Business Agent Max Llebler, Secretary-Treasurer SEX THAT YOUa MILK MAN WEARS Ot'E EMBLEM UNITEL XTECKWEAR CUTTERS' I I Union...
...uptown office...
...Vice President...
...I "The Stolen Prince" is a dramatization by Rita Benton from the story by Oscar Wilde...
...The aims and ambitions of the Children's Players as put forward by adrienne Morrison, former actress and mother of Joan, Barbara and Constance Bennett, are, briefly, as follows: To represent in dramatic form a child's natural sense of beauty and fun...
...Hesgiuting for a model Hnaaoks and one for unHkM^kore are increasHBBI t w o w e e l c s the HP...
...Plans are also under way for the publication of a branch newspaper...
...Plans for a city-wide conference on child labor will be discussed...
...D. Oingold...
...N. Y. Tel Hunters Point 0068...
...L L. O. W. O. Office...
...Office: 31 W. 15th St...
...Tin Sec T Prank r. Lata, Treaaurer;' Andre* Strait, Bus...
...All meetings arc held at 133 Second Avenue, K. Y. C. NEW YORK ^LOTHING CUTTERS' UNION A C W. of A Local "Big Pour" Office...
...Dorothy Peterson, Helen (jAndler, David lanners Sidney^Hackmer, Edward Woods and Ewlfyn Knapp all -lay important rotes in Helen Urace Carlisle's sensational novel In addition to thHthrill-packed Tiother-love story, flj>t RKO acts -.eaded by Larr^flpch and his •fests stage a fimcarnival...
...SALEM There will be an organisation meeting in Salem at • Liberty street at 8 o'clock, for the next few Wednesday evenings...
...Eat Only la Reetaaraass That Employ rnJee Workers WATERPROOF GARMENT WORKERS' UNION Local 20...
...13, in the office of Dr...
...All comrades not present at the special meeting are urged to help in the literature distribution by coming to 4215 Third avenue, between 10 and 12 a. m. on Sunday, Jan, 11...
...BilrtlJB Large and small hall suitable for all occasions and meetings at c—snmmtm rental...
...LOWELL The newly formed Lowell local meets Sunday evenings at the Polish Hall, 10 Coburn street, at 8 o'clock...
...The class In I ABOB SECRETARIAT * ' OP NEW YORK CITY A 0»s«jiw»*tfM Qigiiimine of Labor Unions to protect the legal rights of the Tin III— and their members...
...Suggestions foa>the convention agenda should be mailed to state secretary, Andrew P. Wittel, 44 Linden avenue, Belleville, or presented to the state convention at its meeting Sunday, Jan...
...13 at our headquarters and at the Workmen's Circle headquarters on Daly avenue, in connection with unemployment were accepted...
...3-5th A. D. There are two large forums now conducted by this branch...
...Jules Umansky will open the discussion on "Socialism and War...
...Sonia Rich, of the Amalgamated Apartments, Bronx...
...PANTS MAKERS* IRADI BOARD of Greater Hew York, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...S0 P. M M Tigel...
...210 East Fifth St Executive Board meets on the 3nd and tth Thursdays at Beethoven Hall, 310 a Fitth St...
...Leon H. Rouse...
...Phone Watktns 7764 Regular meetings every second and fourth Tuesday at Arlington Hall...
...Business Agent...
...I. c. of T. »Office: 358 W. 14th St...
...Samuel Free dm en, Secretary-Treasurer...
...The local will meet hereafter every Monday night in the law office of John C. Davis, in the Dickson building...
...17-18-ZOth A. D. The meeting to be held last week was postponed for Tuesday evening...
...166 MUBSar^P Esst 56th St...
...Alternates, Montross, Severn and Murphy...
...Tickets at only $1 per person for this gala event can be obtained from Dora, room 601, 7 East 15th street...
...At the next meeting...
...30 West 37th Street, Wisconsin 1370...
...INTERNATIONAL p U R WORKERS' UNION OF TEX UNITED STATES AND CANADA Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor...
...Members at large and sympathizers are cordially invited to attend...
...Sam Kroll...
...Phone Orchard 8*60-1-1...
...The firm was made by the Russian film company, MeschrabpomFum, and the PrometheusFilm, Berlin...
...The convention will meet in Jersey City, Sunday, Jan...
...3; 8:30 p. m% Labor Insti. tute...
...Junior Y...
...E j * tte Danville textile W*.% great deal of pubHKsao&ed sympathizers Hfc unemployment conB F * * * a Iar8e tanresentatives from E J 0 0 of Labor unions, HP4 Workmen's Circle Hm>er friendly labor orBayS*^ o f Baltimore •new the Washington HM^flnemployment lnK" n'"^ °* the naHnnal E a ^ * e l < » ' convention nn aaalnaie candidates E^L* the state come POB» and information B T L S S J * ' 1 * and get- mwpaehtae in the field...
...The Hj control of AmeriKpaf banks and corHjrsibtcnbers to the ••kf progress, accordH Henry, the new Ha...
...New Tor*, rasa* Orasnercy 1023 Philip HershOeld, Chairman...
...Two to the New York county committee, Warren Montross and Bernard Schutte...
...Cap and Millinery Worker*1 International Onion...
...If Christ Came to America," Harry Richardson, Feb...
...District aw* a m m\ with the American •2*wfVnisw7 Federation ot La*fc wMx^ST\Bm * D o r a n d National I SsBwaHSosawa Building T r a d er *T*svSes«T^P • C o u n c i l . Meets *^waa^n*nr^j*v e v e r y Thursday "IBsSTSjaW evening...
...AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA Amalgamated Bank BIdg., 11-1* Union Square, 3rd floor...
...The state secretary also reports on the last enrollment so far received indicate a substantial increase for the Socialist Party in this respect NASSAU COUNTY The New Year's Eve banquet and entertainment was a success...
...An outline of the program wfil be available with tin a few weeks...
...STATE OFFICE In answer to our appeal for outside speakers, four comrades have already offered their services...
...Topic to be announced, Boro Pack A mass meeting oa unemployment and the proposed unemployment insurance bill win be held in the Boro Park Labor Lyceum at f p. m. on Sunday, Jan...
...BOSTON CENTRAL BRANCH The Boston Ylpsels and party branch have an educational program every Friday at 31 Essex street at 8:30 p. m., and study class between 7:30 and 8:30 p. m. every Friday...
...Albert a Castro...
...Amalgamated Cooperative The branch is arranging a huge mass meeting on unemployment in Public School No...
...Other meetings are scheduled at churches in Worcester, and a second meeting in Middletown...
...SOCIALIST NEWS NEEDED News of Socialist activity throughout the state is at a premium at the state office...
...and well known radio speaker, can be secured for speaking dates in northern and western Pennsylvania through the state office, 613 Lyceum Building, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...N. Y., candidate for Lieutent Governor on the Socialist ticket, lb lS2g...
...B U T C H E R S ' U N I ON Local 174, A. u. c. a B. W. ot S A. Office and Headquarters: Labor Tempie...
...Employment Bureau open every day at 6 p.m...
...Regular meeting* every Friday ai 310 Ka*t Fifth Street...
...Telephone RBOent 1003* i Government of the people, far the people, by the people shall net perish from the earth.—Lincoln...
...31 West Uth Street, Mew York, N. Y Telephone Watkins 8091 . Hyman Blum berg, Sidney Ressman, Managers: Abraham MlUsr...
...Saul Hodos nanjc WAGON DRIVERS* UNION Local 6*4...
...12, in the clubrooms at 96 Avenue C. Following the business meeting at about 9:30 p. m., Dr...
...In the event that a special session of Congress will be called special elections will be ordered to fill the vacancies...
...Negroes Without Money," Alfred Baker Lewis, Jan...
...The work is most important and requires the assistance of every member and friend...
...A N. Weinberg, organizer...
...Virginia Norris and David O. George...
...Why I Am a Socialist" Earl Lawson Sydnor, Jan...
...15, Norman Thomas, 'Wanted— A New Social Order...
...16th A D. Comrade Nemser was the principal speaker at our get-together in our clubrooms Saturday evening, Jan...
...Preparations are being made for a Sunday forum in a nearby public school...
...The other is exclusively Under the auspices of the branch and meets every Thursday evening ln the Hollywood Gardens, 896 Prospect avenue...
...Morris Kaufman, General President...
...Heller, the chairlady, reported that further shipments will be made shortly...
...Jacob Engefenan, Recording Secretary: W. Blac...
...And all comrades are urged to contribute someI thing to cover the expense of bringing speakers to the "spearhead of the South...
...A business meeting win be held Mondsy evening in the headquarters on organization matters...
...Such a call has not yet been made...
...Anna Ingerman will deliver a talk on "The Future of Socialism ln America...
...Scores of copies of the L. I. D. magazine, "The Unemployed" were sold, as well as party papers...
...The Council meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, a Herahkovlts, Sec y-Treaa...
...I Jackson Art., Long bland City...
...22,' A L Shlplacoff, "What I Saw in Palestine...
...Meyer Glllis, Chaiken...
...Very important business was attended to...
...K7aria from "Hero• BLft and Walter GSeser...
...The first of this series held last Sunday evening was attended by a capacity audience...
...The dale for our dance is Valentine's Day, Saturday Feb...
...All news of labor and Socialist interest should...
...9. These lectures will be given in the headquarters of Local Schenectady, Patternmakers Hall...
...Earl Lawson Sydnor, a series of five open forums Is planned at 464 Massachusetts avenue, for five consecutive Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock...
...S Mm meet...
...Twelfth Night" will be played for the first time on Wednesday with Leiber as Malvolio, and Mary Hone as Viola...
...The meeting was concluded with an admirable lecture on "The Lessons of the 1930 Campaign" by William Karlin...
...8th A D. Headquarters, 20 East Kingsbridge road, near Jerome avenue, and from Mrs...
...Hathaa SMeri, Secretary• ! •envjmessbm • safest leeseav eel wmoaaiitij Ave, races stage «j i oocc a i r K Regular •utingi every ruesday evening...
...Board meets every Tuesday evening at the office...
...Trtirsday, jaa...
...New organisation plans to link the Junior Y. P. S. L. closer with the local will be presented...
...Those elected were: chairman, George W. King...
...Emily Graham has one of the leading rotes in "First Night" which Richard Herndon is presenting at the El tinge Theatre...
...A. Weltner...
...Ha, at the Workmen's E)k Kedzie and Ogden H—go...
...The Negro is Still a Slave," Louis Rabinowitz and Arthur Gordon...
...Upper West Side At the meeting in our auditorium Tuesday, Jan...
...Under our educational, director...
...The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, Jan, 13, at 8:30 p. m. ^ 6-8-12th A D. A meeting will be held Monday evening, Jan...
...13, Louis Stanley will speak...
...This glamorous romance is Evelyn Laye's first motion picture...
...Seven delegates aiV three alternates to the city convention, Simon Berlin, Bessie Vogit, Andrew Regaldi...
...NORTH SIDE BRANCH Members of the branch last Saturday held an open air unemployed meeting and Branch Organizer Paul Hess reports it to have had a larger and more sympathetic crowd than any similar meeting...
...8 P.M...
...Attendance was 50...
...M. Schaffer, recording secretary...
...Miss Seligman entertained comrades and guests with recitations and dramatizations of excerpts from plays...
Vol. 12 • January 1931 • No. 2