Meyer London Memorial on June 30th

Meyer London Memorial on J u n e 3 0 t h Gathering to Be Held at F o l k s T h e a t r e Branches Are ActiVe A MEMORIAL meeting for Meyer London h a s been arranged b y t h e Socialist p a...

...Nevertheless, meetings were addressed to Wilmington, Del.: Washington...
...TbeTo?ng Peoples BocjaHst League has initiated a campaign for the collection Of clothes end money for the West Virginia coal miners...
...A Andrashnik...
...Speakers are being seat as organisations asking for clothing s a d funds...
...Speakers, David Fenwick...
...Tuesday, June 23, 8:30 p . m.—Seventh street and Second avenue...
...It was t h i s headquarters t h a t held the Socialist movement in Hudson County together through t h e d a rk days of t h e W a r s a d t h e leftwing split...
...Friday, June 26, 8:30 p. m.—Sixth street and Avenue B. Speakers, Joseph Dean, H. Taubenschlag, A Grossman, Molly Weingart...
...Comrade Edson is an excellent speaker, knows his Socialism thoroughly and Is very well informed on conditions in t h e South, and particularly in Florida...
...An New York Tlpsels are to report at their district headquarters «or f tosi instructions with regard to the tag day...
...Claessens and t h e youngsters, made a hurried trip covering some 3,600 miles...
...The cars will start from 8 161st street, Jamaica, promptly at 9 a. m. Comrades and friends, with or without cars.- are invited to Join In the festivities...
...the winds...
...Mark Khinoy was the speaker at the last meeting...
...June 19...
...Members of the 3rd A. D. have bee I invited to make this a Joint meeting to hear Organiser Claessens on "Methods for Effective Street Meetings...
...The enrolled voters of the 14 th, 15th and 16th A. D's...
...M i c h i g a n ITERS.—Organization o: cd council demanding : (program has been sue Neten-by Arthur Oordoi SX Several members o: tare already Joined th...
...Saturday, June 20, 8:30 p. m.—137th street and Seventh avenue...
...June 22, a t 9 p. m., at 96 Avenue C. Matters of extreme importance will come before the business of the branch...
...With the aid of the Jewish party branches t h e money for the Instruments wss easily raised...
...YOUNGSTOWN, O. — From Hj Pish, who is now doing some special organizing work for the movement we get this report: "Put another pin to the Yipsel map...
...William M Feigenbaum was -nominated far Alderman, and Morris Rosenbaum...
...Speakers, David M Cory, Henry Margulles...
...A campaign committee consisting of the following members was elected: Mauls, Rosenfarb, M Raphael, Bayton, Mantes, Stai...
...As many as possible are urged to attend...
...Our speakers will then carry on with the message of Socialism...
...Speakers, Henry Fruchter, Sol Perrin, Nathan Rlesel, Molly Weingart...
...f or Assemblyman...
...This Saturday, garden and package party at our own headquarters, 8 Van Nest place...
...S t r e e t Meetings MANHATTAN Friday...
...Speakers, Jack Berkowitz,*- Klelnman, B . Woskow...
...Speakers, W. E. Bonn...
...Rats, treasurer...
...Speakers, David Fenwick, J. A Well, Bert Brastow...
...Btidweed.—The branch will hold a strawberry festival and bridge party Saturday, June 30, a t 8:30 p. m...
...Joseph Dean, John Graves and Abraham Weinfield as speakers...
...Nicholas avenue...
...We look forward to tile building of a large groinhere...
...The branch is continuing its help to the striking bakers...
...Proggtoecticut | ? R - r i > « ' next S. E. C * B »m 8UNDAY, Jam » «V ta 8outl j^WBeme of Comradi wfll be hel< ^ C o m r a d e s from al » J * Bshtag arrange1 2 * j a s d time is as % i t ^ L ^ Workba «g.°ennan sick anc h S2S...
...AU party members win be urged to be present and branches are now engaged to selecting their best timber for politic i office... anc ts all core bined to maki one huge success...
...Mothers Club...
...The highways and byways leading Into Reading the week-end of July 11 wUl be fined.with young enthusiastic Socialists coming to the Socialist mecca...
...The Socialist Educational Club now appeals t o t h e readers of The New l e a d e r for financial assistance in this crisis...
...In the ease of Comrade Edson...
...Jack Altaian, chairman, at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Speakers, Ben Bmmenberg, 8. « M M ^ I v? M. Kurtosky...
...Saturday, June 27, 8:30 p. m.—Columbus Circle...
...Saturday, June 20, 8:30 p. m.—38th street and Eighth avenue... 241 Bast 84th street...
...Includes all refreshments...
...In the Rand School, and hear him on the subject of "Methods for Effective Outdoor Meetings...
...QUEENS County Convention...
...Central Committee ha • by the new Consti tu J » 21 members...
...Sunnyslde.—The Sunnyslde Branch has taken on new life...
...Manhattan, have changed their meeting night from Sunday to Friday a t 8.39 p. m. They meet at 800 West 161st street...
...L. C. Kaye, J. Hughan, T. D. O'Brien...
...Friday, June 26, 8:30 p . m.—Church avenue and East 49th street...
...Write to the National Office, 628 Walnut street, Reading, Pa...
...The famous Workmen's Circle chorus and o t h e r musicians Will contribute a n appropriate musical program...
...Speakers, Judah Altman, B. Gomoerg, I . Ostrowsky, H. Lopatto, Jack Altman, h . Schachner...
...MANHATTAN 6th A. D.—A meeting will be held Monday... 8 p. m., at the Monroe Court committee room, rear 43-13 »7th street Sunnyslde...
...Roger Bush and Hyman Rheanln wffl be the speakers.' u n e A N. Y.—The newly organised etica circle is up and going, wi hear from Secretary Amy Broadhurst She says: "We are fast getting acquainted with each other and inducing others to join us...
...8:30 p. m.—Allertali and Kruger avenues...
...BROOKLYN The party meeting to which the membership of all Brooklyn branches bas been invited Is scheduled tor Wednesday evening...
...William Tsahkm...
...Collections ere being made at the various union meetings...
...8:30 p . m— Stone street and Pitkin avenue...
...219 Sackmac street.-The Scotti win rejoice at t h e dep-esskm rate of 37 cents per...
...We must know how many win be down...
...y to the messagei j the speakers, laobeda...
...The Queens County convention to nominate candidates for Judicial office as wen as candidates for Assembly and Aldermen from the six Assembly and Alderm ante districts has been called by James Oneal, chairman, and Harry r . Smith, secretary of the official county committee, to meet Friday, June 26...
...We are fortunate to having an excellent comrade who has been for a number of years state secretary to Florida...
...16th A D. — These officers were elected for the ensuing term: organiser, Jack Handler: recording secretary, M- Schatz...
...will be invited...
...firrTl 13 H cents each...
...BROOKLYN Friday, June 19, 8:38 p. m.—Clark and Henry streets...
...Speakers, Louis D. Lieberman, H. Balsman, Max Eisenberg...
...The following branch officers were elected: Emanuel Duller, organiser...
...A joint meeting of all the branches to the 2nd A D. was held last Tuesday evening...
...Thanks to his efforts, the membership of the party has more than doubled throughout the state and a a excellent local bas been organised to Tampa "Thanks to him and the local comrades, two very fine outdoor meetings were arranged, which attracted considerable publicity and a very large attendance to Tampa...
...Prominent speakers will be p r e s ent, representing t h e various organizations under whose auspices t h e meeting is being held...
...The following were elected to the executive committee to replace the vacancies: Meyer Glllls, Dan Golenpaul, Bob Simon and William Flchandler...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, V. Gaspar, Frank Poree...
...h Elated R i v e n t Since pay Cheers SoOther Party K5» «*» * P l r i t 0 1 ^ - o has.returned to erl?enced itseb " rirtt Celebration...
...Socialist May t Wisconsin, was giver thon when he assur?e tnat in spite of thi 1 set having Socialise 1 back him up, Be wouk mrasly to put across 1 nfram...
...Speakers, August Claessens...
...Comrades are invited...
...We expect the strike to be settled shortly with a victory for the workers sad then we win start to further build oui organization, says Secretary Atthes HOyer... the headquarters, 1637 East 17th street Admission 75 cents...
...Friday, June 19, 8:30 p . m—Pitkin avenue and Bristol street Speakers, S. H Friedman, Jack Altman and others Friday, June I t , 8:30 p. m.—Church avenue and East 49th street...
...Speakers, McAlister Coleman, May H Mainland...
...Work to organisation Is again to progress...
...our state secretary, just a little help to enable him to set his auto under way, with a couple of new shoes, some gasoline In the tank, and a goodly collection of leaflets and booklets s s cargo, he would be willing to travel around different parts of the state and organize locata...
...17th A D.—The enrolled voters' meeting will be held on Friday, June 19, at 8:30 p . m., to the office of Drs...
...Saturday, June 20...
...Friday, June 26, 8:30 p . m—31st street and Eighth avenue...
...Friday, June 26, 8:30 p. m.— Brighton Beach avenue and Ripple street Speakers, Simon Harasohn, H N. Perhnutter...
...iseonsoin t**- — An unemplove< *•» set up for the cltj of Milwaukee by UK *1 ?emmittee of the 80 H 5 » «oing ahead wltl VB probably make 1 ••eEble the unemployee I "M to work out eon ? » be placed before thi Evidences t he "jtsuu, situation wsj Jjnxweuient and tha JS* nemg thrown out a ^JJWen in speeches b; ' wmiam Coleman am '•?sylvania Hoffman...
...The Jersey Socialista a r e confident, if they can weather the present storm, t h a t with tha r e t a i n of normal business conditions their beadq u a r t e r s wUl a g a i n become selfsupporting, as i t h a s been for more than twenty years pest...
...August Claessens, organiser, will be the principal speaker...
...The branch, along with its .women's section, has arranged for an auto picnic to be held on Sunday, June 21, at Lake Ronkonkoma...
...two excellent outdoor meetings to Tampa, Fia., and a Workmen's Circle sad party meeting to Atlanta, Ga...
...Speakers, W. Montrose, B Blumenherg, E. Gottlieb...
...Because of the lack ot time involved they were not able to do as much as they wanted to...
...The first day for the clrcularisatkm of petitions Is June SO, and t h e first day for the filing will be August 11...
...Most of the members art silk strikers and are learnings their Socialism on the firing Une... o f Julius Gerber on Saturday evening in the home of Comrade Max Pollack, Hollis...
...As an added lneebUvs to those who have the workers at heart, the circles Intend tt) give part ot the proceeds to t h e West Virginia miners...
...Toward these payments .totalling over J1.2O0, there la less than $800 available, sad after all these years t h e Jersey nornrsdes a r e faced with t h a possibility of having their headquarters t a k e s from them through foreclosure proceedings...
...R Ben tien, P. Hodgson, H H. Layburn...
...nei others are studyini •tsre...
...the large crowd listenie...
...D. C ; Savannah, Ga...
...Andrews declared t h a t thinking people now realise t h a t "the problem of unemployment relief cannot be met without a comprehensive system of unemployment insurance.'* 0go Picnic pi Success...
...The Tinsels plan soapbox meetings, with the fife sad drum corps playing revolutionary music...
...By J u l y l e t over $700 m taxes a n d a b o u t $500 in interest and amortization on mortgage must be paid...
...This group meets on Tuesday evening to the home of Ma» N. Wechsler, 2133 72nd street Comrade Handler Is the temporary chairman, and t h e officers of the group are Natane Wechsler, organiser...
...rtjy ancceesTul...
...One more circle organized right in the heart of the Mahoning County steel valley — Youngs tows WUl let you know of my progress...
...3:30 p. m.—2lai street and Eighth avenue...
...This meeting will probably be held to the Brooklyn Labor Leeum...
...Bronx, which is bui a young, poor branch, contributed, ir a collection taken up, t he sum of 83 Other and more prosperous branches win be appealed to...
...Minnie Weisberg and Jack Altman were elected as delegates to the city central committee...
...LOUIS—(FP)—After a nearly unanimous vote to s t r i k e against a threatened 10 p e r cent wage cut S t Louis streetcar men voted to a r b i t r a t e . Referees have been chosen and hearings will begin soon...
...A dance and entertainment will be held this Saturday, June 30, at their headquarters...
...June 26, at 8:30 p. m., at 327 Bast Ninth street...
...Saturday, June 27, 8:30 p. m.— 47th street and Greenpoint avenue, Sunnyslde...
...Every member Is urged to attend...
...Dinner may be reserved by writing to the state office, price, 50c per late...
...Motormen and conductors average less than 335 for a 7-day week...
...Speakers to be announced...
...The Juniors had Jacl Shur of Brooklyn, N. Y , s s then speaker,, and the Seniors bad tin good fortune to listen to N. E. C Member Pearl Green berg and Juliui TJmansky, former New York secre I Ury...
...Speakers, L. O. Kaye, A Betaky, p . Heller, A. Betskto...
...Comrade Claessens has been asked to deliver at least one talk a month for new members on various phases of the Socialist philosophy and program...
...Friday, June 26.8:30 p. m.—163rd and Simpson streets...
...Our BrownsvUlltea were getting rather tired of seeing depression gain a foothold on their comradeship, treasury and ability to throw care to...
...Sneakers, L. C. Kaye, T. D. O'Brien...
...Any contributions, large or small, will be gratefully accepted...
...Wednesday, June 34, 8:30 p. m— 180TH street and St...
...New York City...
...All loyal and devoted Bronx County members are urged to attend...
...Our social activities included t picnic and a card party thus far Our dasensston msstings are heic every other Friday evening...
...Man] The monthly meeting o f tt* S o cialist Educational Club of J e r s ey City on Wednesday, June 10, was devoted to special consideration of i t s financial condition...
...Wednesday, June 34, 8:30 p . m.— 13th street and Seventh avenue...
...8th A D.—The branch has taken 1,000 UckRs for the picnic and hope to be successful in disposing of them...
...3rd A D.—A well attended meeting of the branch was held last Tuesday evening...
...MONTREAL, Cassali — Sei Berman, who is coming to the Jamboree tens us that bis circle just had election of officers and the fonowtog proved the victors: A Saunders, president: Sol Berr...
...The regular meetings win be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month during the summer, the second Tuesdays being reserved for the executive committee...
...BRONX Friday, June 19, 8:30 p. m.—183rd and Simpson streets...
...This was the largest meeting held for some months...
...Speakers, John D. Graves, Joseph Dean, A Weinfield...
...Friday, June 26, 8:30 p . m.—72nd street and Broadway...
...BRONX General membership meeting of all Socialists in Bronx County has been called for Monday, June 29, a t 8:30 p. m., to Hollywood Gardens, 896 Prospect avenue...
...I n the Face mt Dueiisssas s i j d ii Tonight Is the night when Brownsville Yipseis of carde Two Sr...
...Branch meetings are held every first and third Tuesday to the county headquarters, 809 Prospect avenue...
...August Claessens win speak on "Present Economie Conditions...
...Frrr ipiwb li to a freat^peopii tortail^rsaissa^waabh waSt^awsy t hi...
...Joseph Dean Is the new organiser, and' Arm C. Holmes, the new recording secretary...
...This branch has organized a women's group end Is forming a young people's group...
...339 Macon street Brooklyn Comrade Sunarsky, Kings County organiser, is working diligently to an effort to organize a functioning branch in t h e 17th A D. 18th A D.—The corn rades helped make the outdoor mass demonstration and parade a huge success...
...Petitions will soon be prepared...
...Speakers, D. Kaplan, L Klelnman and others Tuesday, June 23, 8:30 p. m.— Kings bridge road and Morris avenue ^Speakers, P. J. Murphy, G. L Stelahardt, Samuel Orr, Charles Bradford, Ida Schwartz...
...Plans will be made for future meetings during the summer months, and for outdoor propaganda work...
...The street meetings are highly successful About 125 tickets were taken and will'be'disposed of...
...I n a abort while these petitions will be given to the various branches...
...Organizer Claessens lectured on "The Essentials of SocialIsm...
...He makes an infinitely better Impression than any outside speaker who would be sent Into that country, . , "Our Florida organization has no funds whatever...
...Saturday, June 27, 8:30 p. m.— 28th street and Eighth avenue...
...Open air meetirsri Sib very successful Samuel Seidman is the prtocial speaker and is delivering -a series of lectures every Monday evening af 68th street and Bay parkway...
...Everywhere throughout the South and particularly to that state, economic conditions are frightfully severe and our comrades are to many instances out of work and penniless...
...W. Hade, McAlister Coleman...
...A f ew weeks ego, t h e annual visit to Meyer London's grave was made by a number of N ew T o r k Soc i a l i s ta NEW YORK C RT Julius Gerber leaving for Europe.— Julius Gerber, executive secretary of Local New York City, leaves for Europe June 24...
...We meet at party headquarters...
...Canvassing continues...
...Z have taken it upon myself, ss a committee of one, tc interview a number of New York Socialists and branches to s a attempi to raise a fund for propaganda and organization work to Florida...
...Skier I s Speaker Irtmrid spoke in detai tpioyment, pointing ou* on the working class is well received...
...Weiss, Franile, Shalnbloom and Ashes...
...Thanks!—Due to the splendid coop?ration Of a number Of *NEIIVEUTE« who volunteered on the huge Job of typing some several thousand names and addresses of the enrolled Socialist vote» of New York City, i t is completed considerably ahead of time...
...Old branches are being strengthened and efforts are being made to organise new branches County Organiser Sunarsky Is organising a new branch m the 17th A D. Another branch was added to tha ?NA ktod*to ti^Um^dFLSTOL5*OR^ vs—ilBSHon , of the^?ZTH* A *d...
...Speakers, Joseph Dean, H. B. Layburn, Harry N. Perhnutter...
...Nearly $1,000 is required t o meet the pr?sent situation, but practically all possible local sources have been exhausted...
...Saturday, June 20, 8:30 p . m.—Columbus Circle...
...The p r o p e r t y is a s sessed by t h e d t y a t n e a r l y $40,000...
...Ray Zolan, financial secretary: M. Kurtosky, recording secretary...
...Downtown.—The branch meets Fridays i a the usual meeting piece at 123 Ptsrrepont street Street meetings to the district are very linn i—fill s ad will continue throughout the summer months, with David Cory and other speakers...
...Speakers, Joseph A Weil and others Monday, June 33, 8:30 p . m.—Albemarle road and Plscbush avenue...
...949 Willoughby avenue...
...Prom • growth has been Uu lecal Tampa, » « : h ii rigorous campaign foi tertians...
...Monday, June 23, 8:30 p . m.—68th street and Bay parkway...
...Thursday, June 25, 8:30 p. m.— 176th street and Crescent avenue Speakers, S. Goodman, H. Woskow, J. Davidson...
...Volunteers will be urged to obtain the signatures necessary for the placement of the Socialist ticket on the ballot far the coming primary and election...
...Circle Two Sr...
...Brighten Beach...
...Meyer London Memorial on J u n e 3 0 t h Gathering to Be Held at F o l k s T h e a t r e - Branches Are ActiVe A MEMORIAL meeting for Meyer London h a s been arranged b y t h e Socialist p a r t y , East Side Branches, Jewish Socialist Verband, the United Hebrew Trades and Workmen's Circle, for Tuesday, June SO, a t 8:30 p . m. This meeting will he held a t t he Folks Theatre, 12th s t r e e t and Second avenue...
...A prominent speaker will address the meeting to held' this Tuesday...
...I believe that there are enough comrades is New York City who will sense the importance of contributing a little, ai a Utile money goes a long way is Florida, I believe that without much effort we could raise 50 or more dollars to a abort time...
...B. Boyle, L. Ogus, P. Goodman...
...June 24...
...WaMesssaesa.—MqbBbbb are held Monday evenings at 167 Tompkins svenne...
...The principal business win be the endorsement of candidates for public office in Kings County for the coming election, and matters pertaining to the campaign...
...A Joint meeting with the Amalgamated Branch was held for tthe purpose of nominating tmndrrt»t— fox the """»<"g elections...
...Speakers, Jack Berkowitz, I. Klelnman, H. Woskow, H. Salsman...
...Friday, June 2ft 8:30 p. m.—Pitkin avenue and Bristol street Speakers, Mason Morrill, H. Maltsman, Judah Altman, Jack Altman and others...
...V i r g i n i a *E be employed' as stab • 8 Jul...
...This comrade, M E. Edson, lives to Tampa, and since he has lost his position with the Seaboard Railroad, which he held for many years and is now one of the vast army of unemployed, has had sufficient time on his hands to do party work...
...s t i a Rosen, recording secretary...
...JSjTT0* branches an K ^ ^ t h e state cod July 12 saatfjg-, tane, in Maen • a t Haven...
...Strawberry festival, auction and contests, and all around good time...
...A successful open air meetinj was held where to addition to thi above a former Mew Yorker, now » Denvertte...
...they pat their beads together and evolved the idea of celebrating themselves out of the "Hooverjan r u t " They wffl get together s t 8:30 tonight at the Brownsvnle Labor Lyceum...
...Along with the office staff, these volunteers have facilitated matters considerably and saved the party considerable expense...
...A little help from all of us will be more than appreciated by the sSlassBl g r o u p o f oomrartas in the State of Florida, who a re so willing to work if they would bave the tools and materials .to work w i t h...
...2nd A. D.—A meeting of the branch will be held on Tuesday, June 23, at 8:30 p. m., to Paradise Manor, Mt...
...Trie extent o w is so g r e a t t h a t i riievaale misery amonj ttors...
...For admission— a package...
...j^rjgaa Thomas bani m m t later which wee 1 tee Annual PicJ L p , park, Sunday ^ J E J » well attendee I|«ae»herj were astonl 9 B r t to etnee we w e n l f J K I weeks time lib adItnrfc ter' t h e picnic 4, to the fact t h a t we gjBfBsd of a lock-oul rjsj cooks of t h e unl^ riDT our principle...
...Monday, June 23, 8:30 p . m.— Tompkins avenue and Bart street...
...Each member brought a package of eatables and when the word was given an digged to A donation was voted to the struggling West Virginia miners and a committee was elected to devise ways and means for further support...
...QUEENS Saturday...
...Determined t< carry their ssaaaaani of SorisJIsm tc the heathens with m tarif as well ai speech, the Los Angeles Tinsels have organised a 15-plece fife and drum corps...
...Characterizing the l a r g e sums doled out In c h a r i t y a s "grossly inadequate to meet t h e needs of t h e army of idle workers whose wage loss h a s recently run a s high sa 3180,000,000 a week," Dr...
...The state committee in Florida is quits penniless The national office is not able to assist very much because oi the many calls for help that come from ah over the country...
...Since then, t h e anniversary of his death h a s been commemorated by mass meetings in New York City and other p a r t s of t h e country...
...June 33, st 8:30 p. m„ in t he headquarters...
...eifuss, county secre the itatement of th< uty of Cook County 01 ulures...
...Saturday, June 30, 8:30 p. m.— Knickerbocker avenue and Linden street...
...I am happy to announce that the first branch that Z visited, namely the Third A D...
...Important matters are to be brought before the convention which will be of Interest to t h e workers of Connecticut...
...Eden avenue, near Jerome avenue...
...Workmen's Sick * Death Benefit Fund a nd similar organization...
...Our next executive committee meeting win be held next Tuesday...
...The comrades are so pitifully poor —they have no funds for literature and would be happy to contribute some while they are making contracts...
...We want to put the journal out to time as well as clear up outstanding debts...
...He a l so madi I appeal which brough ssouat of money, triage r was t h e clos >Be struck the humor his stirring talk, hold iwd for over an houi pell of his wen knowi dancing...
...Branches are now making nominations for candidates for public office...
...His study of conditions abroad should prove an tovaluable aid to the work of our organisation in New York City...
...and Mrs...
...H N. Perhnutter, L. Epstein...
...The principal need of this branch is an injunction against Jupiter Pluvius restraining httn from vetoing our open air meetings...
...Thursday, June 25, 8:30 p m.— Kings highway and Bast 14th street...
...A specia l s e a s t d s s < I niliaj | S J s ^conditions a being distributed among the variouj June 39 and 21...
...Speakers, Max Deteon M. Muravchlk, E. Koppel...
...Those of the members who have gotten ads be sure and rush them to...
...June 20, 8:30 p. m.— 47th street and Greenpotot avenue, Sunnyslde...
...Wednesday, June 34, 8:30 p. m.— Intervale and Wilkin avenues...
...Frank Smith, 78 Bast Seventh street, on Friday, Jane i s , s t 8 30 p. m., to which the enrolled Socialist voters of the 12th A D. were invited...
...Speaker* W. E. Bonn, Eliot White, May H Mainland, Friday, June 19, 8:30 p. m.—Seventh avenue and Avenue C. Speakers Hyman Taubenschlag, Nathan Rlesel A Grossman, Molly Weingart...
...5th A D.—A meeting will be held Tuesday, June 23, at 8 : SO p. m., to the county headquarters, 809 Prospect avenue...
...Jamaica.—A number of members ot the Jamaica Branch will meet with Organizer Claessens on Saturday, June 20, at 2:30 p . m...
...The company claims it Is broke and wants to cut t h e p a y of all officers and employes...
...22nd A D. Branch 3. —Meetings win be held Friday evenings to the Workmen's Circle Center, 318 Van Sioklen avenue, at 8:30 p. m. . 23rd A D . — An enrolled voters' meeting win be held tins Monday, June 22, a t 8:30 p . m., with A I. Shlplacoff and Charles Solomon as speakers...
...Thi ehes sad the Socialisi Bl helped tremendousBg over this Annua F l o r i d a r cent increase irfsynembis state is reported b; «arte secretary...
...Secre i ^ o . N. Y., Socialis T«» noder the auspice SJJ^JWlay, June 20, a ^ » W a r e . MTork State 2,jaembers In goo< CT"* Pouring in iron <wT* *ent to all enroue* f?™0* meetings will b. t ^ o e r months...
...Vacancies on committees have been filled by responsible members...
...Upper West Side...
...READING, Pa.—The gang bad a grand time at our pound party last week, says Organizer Seibert...
...Aa enrolled voters' meeting will be held Thursday, June 25, at 8:30 p . m...
...The parade ended at Sutter and Pennsylvania avenues, to the territory of the 22nd A D. 18th A D. Branch 2.—A meeting win be held Monday, June 23, in t he Workmen's Circle Center, 3820 Church avenue, at 8:30 p. m. Organiser Claessens win speak an "Methods for Effective Street Meetings...
...Friday, June 36, 8:30 p . m.—Clark and Henry streets...
...Friends and members of other branches welcome...
...I ab» urge that those of you who read this article and wish to respond to send whatever contribution you are willing to make to me directly, Socialist City Office, 7 Bast 15th street New York City...
...Speakers, David M. Cory, Ben Blumenherg...
...I t is Just five years since the death of Meyer London...
...corresponding secretary and M Afron, treasurer: Circle One « meetings are held regularly every week with aa excellent attendance ALLENTOWN, Pa.—At we go tc press we receive an encouraging communication from the recently organized Allentown circle to which we arc informed that they are making fine progress...
...H H Layburn, Jessie W. Hughan...
...Mb A D.—A meeting will be held an Friday..., vice-president: Fay Marse, recording secretary...
...Dominlck B. Sanfflllpo, financial secretary, and Nagler, social director...
...Contributions should be sent to Socialist Educational Club, 2S6 Central avenue, J e r s e y City...
...Louis Street Gir Men Accept Arbitration ST...
...Speakers, H. Schachner, A Kaufman and others...
...Cat—From the Fresno Cal "Socialist Voice," we clip the following good news: "A new Presnc circle of the rapidly growing Young People's Socialist League win be organised Monday night June 15, al 1010 Echo avenue...
...Speakers, Louis Epstein, M Kurtosky... secretary...
...Eliot White...
...June 26, 8:30 p. m.—Utica avenue and Eastern parkway...
...341 Bleeckei street" DENVER, Goto.—Last week sai three out-of-town guests at the Denver circles...
...Saturday, June 37, 8:30 p. m.—Allerton and Kruger avenues...
...The branch hold two street meetings weekly...
...The Socialists of Hudson County, N. J., t o meet legal requirements, a re incorporated as s club, in which i s vested the ownership of F r a t e r n i t y Hall, headquarters for over 20 years, of the Socialist P a r t y , labor unions...
...l z th A D.—A mectiaa wffl be held to the home of Mr...
...A well attended meeting was held last Monday evening Jointly with the Y. P. s. L. Comrade Claessens addressed the meeting en "Methods for Effective Street Meetings...
...The order of business will be the endorsement of candidates for public office and other campaign matters...
...Furt h e r particulars will gladly be f u r nished t o anyone interested August Claessens...
...If you have made up your mind to enjoy the festivities let us know...
...For more than SO y e a r s t he Club h a s been self-sustaining, b u t t h e unemployment of t h e p a s t 20 months has drastically reduced t h e Club's income, and for t he first time in i t s history there) ia a deficit...
...Spueskers, Morris Rosenbaum, Louis Epstein, Joseph A Weil...
...Lester Mike Srmknan, addressed the crowd...
...New York City Socialist organizer, has Just returned from a two weeks' vacation trip down South and had a n opportunity of meeting a number of comrades to many states...
...Max Rosen, corresponding secretary...
...srfsoixed labor, helc 1 activities pending- a I Of course, this seriaeree the work, bui errance Committee oi I Federation of Laboi mm Party to g o aheac C . after thanking ui Irai to help settle the I of Party 'members B tnd their families at [was by far the best H years In this reaped tetncially, the Partj tieead several hundred...
...Speaker, August Claessens...
...Friday, June 19, 8:30 p. m.—etica avenue and Eastern parkway...
...The party with whom he traveled consisting of Comrades Louis and Rose Epstein, Mrs...
...The union h a s 3,700 members...
...Speakers, Samuel Seidman and others...
...He will attend the I n ternational Socialist Congress in Vienna ss one of the American delegates and visit Socialist party offices in various European countries, particularly In Germany and Austria for a study o f party methods, e t c A farewell party has been arranged by a number of devoted friends and connu...
...Thursday, June 28...
...wUl defy depression's wee by setting together to the midst ot good Yipsel fund and frolic at their "sapessi on dance...
...You may carry your own lunch If you wish and enjoy It to the open where there are tanks and aesswass" I Local Bridgeport is holding their picnic on Sunday, July 18, to Voights Grove...
...s ad Jr...
...w h i n g t o n kjs Local Spokane hai **eek organised sevei •the dty and three li •fcwith more memben est enthusiasm running W mass meeting to bi •jOto Park made thi Spalane newspapers...
...He wUl speak on "Present Economic Conditions and the Need for a Strong Socialist Party...
...Tuesday, June 23, 8:30 p. m.—183rd street and Prospect avenue...
...America's Dole Passes Quarter Billion Mark MINNEAPOLIS.—That America's unemployment dole through organized charity relief alone w a s more t h a n a quarter of a billion dollars in 1930 and t h a t it is mounting much higher in 1981 a s minions of Jobless men w i t h family savings depleted face a third winter of unemployment, was t he announcement of J o h n B. Andrews of New T o r k City in opening t he joint session here this morning of the National Conference of Social Work and t h e American Association for Labor Legislation... explained the neces lag and strengthening ! Party...
...Several company officers get as high as 330,000 a year and, t h e union pointa out, these would not suffer if 10 p e r cent were sliced from t h e i r fat p a y , where the $S5-aweek employe can ill afford t o dig into his pocket end furnish money t o p a y t h e company's bills outstanding complimentary ads...
...L. I. The membership of Local New York wishes Comrade Gerber a safe and pleasant Journey and will await his return with great expectation...
...Comrade Rie • nlue for this work li to Local Hopewell...
...The first real outdoor meettog of the campaign was held Saturday, June 13, with...
...Come on, Yipseta...
...June 23, a t 8:15 p. m. Comrade Leon Gilbson is getting full data for the drive tor subscriptions to The New Leader...
...Comrade Claessens is collect ued particularly relative to conditions In Florida...
...I n case of rain?—we'll use the headquarters proper...
...An important meeting is to be held this Friday, June 19, a t 8:30 p. m. at 325 Brighton Beach avenue...

Vol. 12 • January 1931 • No. 25

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