Pickets Beaten Gangsters

pFpiekets f Beaten gangsters -a, Thug* Kindly ^^ja Promises I k(rrt»Wilde of Mew Tork have *2| treated to a taste ITjuuggle in ita more J* the picket line, and ? T i d o u 5 form in...

...There are many members and friends in t h e c i ty who have n o t y e t contributed and they a r e u r g e d t o respond immediately...
...Too bad i completely crippled...
...Eugene W. L y man, $3.00...
...Four thousand under-paid and underfed workers in t h e mills a t Leaksvilla and Draper are ready to s t r i k e , but t h e Federation is u n willing now t o advise them to s t r i k e against the J6.50 weekly wage for half-time a t Leak sville, or the wage of $12 in t h e Marshall Field blanket mills a t Draper...
...The n ew iddress was received with thunlerous applause from the graduates, their friends and relatives and t h e members of t h e faculty...
...H. Wolter, $5.00...
...Branch 8, $2.00...
...Merrill (on pledge), $3.00...
...H a r t ley b y a Seattle Citizens' Corntee, headed b y D r . J a m e s E. Crowther, p e s t president of t h e Seattle Federation of Churches, and i n cluding Frederick Starr, t h e a n thropologist...
...The union won ? s t r i k e In t h e spring of 1930 which w a s marked by poUce violence met b y a militant workers' struggle...
...Ludwig Lore, editor of Volkszeitung...
...of Commerce and the minois Manufacturera Assn...
...President Green was i n New Tork, and w a s to t a l k with WoU about t h e tatter's sudden conversion t o t h e Plan idea...
...Milwaukee Socialists Hold Protest Meeting On Mooney Frame-up MILWAUKEE^— M^lwaukee'lite r a l ly roared Ita p r o t e s t last week against the judicial wrong being done b y California to T om Mooney and Warren K. Billings...
...around ««•en the assault took k jig*/ Tork Joint Board -Ut on t a i l street—had •to so frith the capture...
...f e e station one of t he BtaKtibed Mtn—if as an H but the police captain I t *rty look and declarU M a t believe any of Eft a day's honest w o rk •mm what ha called them, attera," The victims of jg Hairy Spadaro, formal agent in t he children's Urmeh, Jimmie Messina b « t re taken to t h e hoekrson market court yea\ food Tammany Judge, te EnriB, tried h i s beat bil reduced for t h e slugBarney Louis Waldman later, informed t h e court |o* week-end t h e princi• for t h e pickets hac • M l by t h e defendant...
...The meeting w a s held under t he auspices of t h e Socialist Party...
...t tf he k n ew what was ah be would not appeal fase circumstances...
...J F o r six months unrest has grown among t h e cabmen as t he Parme!ee cab monopoly has subs t i t u t ed non-union for union men on each alight excuse...
...John Lasitosen, $1.00...
...Addresses were made by Kelso, William Coleman, county organ^ ^ f o r ^ t h e ^ S o c i a l i s t Party, a nd...
...There can b e no question but h a t there h a s been within the last pear and a half an enormous (Towth of conviction in t h e United States t h a t there c a n be, o r a t any rate will be, no fruitful social Jiang© save b y violent revolution" leclared Mr...
...he l a dees slash in his II busted jaw...
...There ia "rugged individual lam" for the bosses...
...William A. Neilson, president of smith College, introduced Thomas as a "creator of political t h o u g h t" t h e Socialist leader, he said, has t h e candor, t h e courage s a d t he capacity t o meet the problems of today...
...If optimism as to employers' generosity has led Woll to appeal to t h e employers who back the Civic Federation, t o assemble an industrial congress to renov a t e competitive capitalism, labor leaders in Washington share none of it...
...They are trapped...
...J o h n Stackhouse, s e c r e t a r y of t h e union, enthusiastically agreed t h a t the a c tion was sudden...
...Joseph Jordan, head of t h a t committee, was chairman...
...f a i g* with me," said ftarkers, and h e refused I the officer went PU picked u p t h e bars, tad...
...fee, incidentally a recent jtpointment, and formerly to Judge aftCeo?, caught lany Spadaro, one of t h e nor man is able to come ' said the Judge indigni serve of Harry...
...Mary Sanford, $25.00...
...Judge decidedly and vigaWendly and Mr...
...They a re 18 miles from t h e nearest place where they might hunt for other Jobs...
...Selma Hibborn...
...Criticism b y t h e speakers was directed fibiefly against Judge John M. Wilson, who in t h e trial of t h e Centralia men In 1920 excluded evidence which i t w a s declared would have proved conclusively t h a t there w a s a conspiracy t o r a i d t h e I, W. W. b a n . I t w a s contended t h a t Judge Wilson w a s prejudiced...
...to this fact ss police told them t o go g » earn...
...As a background for discussion of Woll's phrases about beginning " t h a t march toward permanence of machinery without which we cannot infuse into industry that democratic urge and authority vital t? i t s life as a field of human endeavor a n d v i t a l t o i t s s a l . vatlon from an onslaught of s t a te political control t h a t cannot be avoided in t h e absence of self-con-1 t r o l , " f t h e Federation had a fresh r e p o r t " on textile mill conditions in North Carolina...
...M. Freeman, $2.00...
...When interviewed by Federated P r e s s a t 2:05 a m...
...This p h r a s i n g w a s ta line with a s t a t e m e n t made by Gov...
...This challenge of a c tion ia n ow u p to Green...
...H a r t l e y . Speakers a t t h e m e e t i n g included Professor Paul Briasenden, member of Columbia University faculty and a u t h o r of "The Hist o ry of t h e L W. W . " ; J o h n Nicholas BaffeL author and former newspaperman, who r e p o r t e d the, Centralia trial for t h e N ew T o rk Daily Call and o t h e r labor papers...
...These men and women, usually intellectuals o r at e a s t college graduates, a r e simply ?ompensating for t h e futility of their actions by t h e violence 01 their opinions.'' While h e w a s doubtful of a revolution here, Mr...
...He t o l d t h em that when t h e y ceased "demanding" a c t i on o n t h i s ease a n d a s k e d f o r "executive clemency" t h e y might hope t o g e t somewhere...
...The hill h a d a l r e a d y passasi by t h e senate by a comfortable margin...
...He urged the graduates t o fight against w a r "with such vigor of t h e informed imagination, such energy of t h e will a s t h e world h as scarcely seen...
...The executive committee of t he union, which h a s long h a d full aut h o r i t y from t h e r a n k and file to c a n a s t r i k e a t a n y t i m e , met l a te a t night and adjourned suddenly a t midnight, issuing t h e s t r i k e call a t once...
...Aferahle heated discussion...
...f One leader has urged Green to a r r a n g e t h a t every salaried labor official shall make a street-corner speech, demanding work and c r i t i cising government inaction, every day from Labor Day until relief ia secured...
...Presta Hillman said: "It apis fBBgsters were/hired h. for certainly no other an far assaulting the «mon will make every ^ej who a r e behind t he k aktarman at Turner • wtract with the Man• tetsssge and h a d ev•kabjr to ask for remeta rnevances that they _ *T bad under that ^ & appears t h a t they > « a e r methods to set? essate...
...J. Eisenstadt, $6.00...
...Any violent revolt in America however, on a n y l a r g e scale in a ny near future would be far more likely to be Fascist than Communist," he said...
...who has been guiding the bill i n t he house, withdrew t h e bill after, he announced, several members of t h e assembly who w e r e previously for the measure indicated they would vote against i t Igoe said a new a t t e m p t will be made to line up enough support, hot t h e chances of success a r e n ow doubtful...
...He suggested t h a t what i s wanted by t h e army of trade unioniste who a r e now finding it difficult t o buy groceries for their families is s t e a d y work a t good w a g e a He did n o t s e e how the workers can w a i t p a t i e n t l y and quietly for a number of years while a n experiment i s m a d e in g e t t i n g voluntary agreement among competing business men t o reduce their production on a quota basis...
...These workers need more clothes, more blankets and shoes, as well a s more food...
...See New Betrayal On 8-Hour Bill For Illinois Women SPRINGFIELD, HI.—(FP)— A new betrayal of organised labor on t h e women's S-bour labor bill ' is forecast as a r e s u l t of withdrawal of t h e bill from consideration Just before i t was t o come u p f o r a final vote...
...Fgj, Amalgamated men Lginr throw their iron _ t a fence of t h e New Sw| They called the p attention...
...who did not want their names used, pointed out t h a t the A. F. of L. h a s continually o>tnanrtec1 g r e a t e r purchasing power and consuming p o w e r f o r the masses, r a t h e r than t h e reduced production of goods which is the core of the Woll scheme...
...H a r t l ey t o SO S e a t t l e labor unionists who dssaasaeasl t h a t b e f r e e t h e Central i a prisoners...
...One of t h e h i g h officials of t he Brotherhood of Electrical Workers remarked cynically t h a t "We will all b e under t h e daisies" before the 10-year period of restoration of prosperity for business is nearly through...
...E l i o t White, $2.00...
...500 workers a re jT** **ge reductions kJ / * f atat out-of-town 2?* * Turner case...
...The problem of peace requires establishment of the basis of enduring peace in world-wide co-operation and t he discovery of substitutes for violence i n t h e struggle for Justice, he added, and a pacifist who does not recognize this is possibly more dangerous than an avowed milit a r i s t Secretary Say g P r o p o s a l Was Made by Head oi National Civic Federation president of «lis N a t i o n ? f ^ v ic Federation, a n d n o t a s one of t h e eight vire assai lisait s « g t h e Amertan Federation of Labor, when he made his proposal t h a t a n ia* dustrini congress be summoned to d r aw u p a n American Ten T e ar Plan...
...The climax came when the company announced their intention of p u t t i ng 150 cabs in storage s s a result of the decline in business...
...Workmen's Circle, 50 • c e n t s ; Mary A. Hurd, $10.00...
...The union asked postponement of t he action and w a s refused...
...W aid?t bat firmly insistent, •Bowed to remain as it lording to a rumor, the te assaulters, one Manaste, the one who said laakrUker, is supposed east of a club of eight e joo?j like a fight to i In a statement which a* about his opinion confi » alleged assault...
...The mass meeting appealed for "executive clemency'' on t h e ground t h a t continued imprisonment was u n j u s t ta view of t he evidence before the executive...
...a n d Mrs...
...In a ny event, one dollar as a minimum contribution is asked and i t is hoped t h a t this average for a l l will be maintained throughout t h e city...
...Ladies' Club, Branch 83B...
...The house committee recommended Its passage by a good measure of favorable votes...
...S**yr of t h e Chill i bruit», Louig H o i . |b72 and t he ™ ara in charge of ?^JCHES of the 2 iuve in" a t a ^ * ^ orders for l i J * * «s easy to a f ? » their open air branch has N s g * * 8 " * «?er for ^ B ™ > »ee to it ^ ^ ^ • • t a j o u r next MoreDonations Given D r i ve In New York Merrill Moves State Office to N. Y. a t y — Rockland Meeting June 21 * W | t T T H t h e t e m p o r a r y removal tV of t h e s t a t e headquarters of t h e Socialist P a r t y f r om Albany to New T o r k City t h i s week...
...Joseph L. Watnick, $35.00...
...I t does not require ten years...
...J gf Silverman * TurV}tli avenue, who have fL- toe premiaee for a JjTjMaulted with Iron j^vo* b e n threatened !L by a gronp of n a t ty ^Lmea who h a d been E ground' the firm's ^ the ssjngatere were j ^ I police and a r e beS «000 bail each for t he 1 Perhaps the fact 2as doxens of AmalgagLagers t*"1...
...Michael Igoe, Dem...
...ia h a v i n g i t s effect...
...We didn't give t h y " any more time than they gave our men when they took away their Jobs," he said...
...That was t h e reply of Secret a r y F r a n k Morrison t o a n inquiry a s t o whether the A. F. of L. chiefs had discussed the Woll scheme a n d were favorably ina* pressed by it...
...The l o i unwritten law t h a t college commencement addresses must be a compound of p l a t i t u d e s a n d hesum was broken here Monday, ivhen Norman Thomas, Socialist seder, addressed the graduating :laas of 404 of S m i t h Collega Mr...
...But "if things drift," he predicted t h a t ' t h e first large-scale violence would be t h a t of a n ew World War...
...But o t h e r efBclals...
...The native, untaught, more or less spontaneous radicalism of America hates with about equal fervor Wall Street, foreigners, recent immigrants and Negroes...
...Abraham Back, $1.00...
...that h e spoke a t a patriotic gathering ta Tentaox, Wash, i n J u n e , 1919, voicing enmity for t h e I . W. W . a n d saying It w a s u p t o t h e r e t u r n e d soldiers and citizens t o g e t r id o f t h e radicata, This c h a r g e I s in one of t he affidavits before Gov...
...S t a te Secretary Herbert M. Merrill ia u n d e r t a k i n g t o clean u p t h e l a s t of t h e Socialism Forward Drive in New York City...
...Freedom for Centralia ?WW Urged by 1,000 Meeting in New York Sends Appeal f or Clemency to Governor ONE THOUSAND p t i s a n s a t t e n d i n g a saass meeting in Union Square l a s t Saturday joined te a telegraphic appear ta Gov...
...Merrill arrived on Monday and established headq u a r t e r s in t h e R a n d School building, 7 E a s t 15th s t r e e t . On Sunday, J u n e 21, sferrici will speak a t a public meeting in N ew City in Rockland County which has been a r r a n g e d b y t h e local a t Nyack...
...The United Textile Workers cannot now finance a big s t r i k e for them...
...Herbert If...
...Pittsburgh workers are already roused by t h e s t r i k e of coal miners in i t s a r e a and t h e bosses a r e stunned by t h e militancy of t h e h u n g r y miners...
...Mary W. HiUyer, $5.00: Rev...
...The indications a r e t h a t t he vicious campaign against t h e bill by t h e Chicago Assn...
...S t e r n faces la t h e crowd at court-house square wess lit b y r ed flares as they listened t o Byrd Kelso, Mooney's friend for SO years, describe t h e open shop conspiracy which culmina t ed m t he conviction of t w o Innocent men...
...I ts ignorance and prejudice could be b e t t e r exploited by a n American Mussolini or Hitler than by an American Lenin...
...David Blankenheim, $5.00: S a r a h Volovick, $3.00...
...New York City...
...Margaret I. Lamont, $25.00...
...Those who c an afford t o give ten, o r twenty, or fifty dollars, or even more, should do so...
...Henry Godo, $2.00...
...In other words, the Hoover regime has abandoned labor t o t h e mercy of wage-slashing bosses, after keeping labor quiet through nearly two y e a r s of slow depletion of i t s strength...
...I n s o doing they will have the satisfaction of knowing that t h e i r generosity will make u p for those members and friends to whom misfortune has come and which prevents them from contribu t i n g even one dollar...
...Gertrude F . Tone, $25.00...
...But we will ? * • anderworid to gain * • » hi the clothing * <rf specific instances" *Jrid, "where employai our officers in t he '***» that unless they . ^ • t o n s they can get tte underworld in J** the union...
...The s t r i k e can went around b y word of mouth and by t h e hour set, 2 a m., t h e l a s t cab was parked In the company garage...
...They have been informed, on "high" authority, that the Hoover cabinet agreed, in i ts meeting June 9, t h a t the admini s t r a t i on had done all i t reasonably could t o oppose general wagecutting, and t h a t it should now let events take their course...
...Cornelia Valenstein, $1.00...
...The men md women who prof e s s t h i s belief rery seldom belong t o t h e small Communist p a r t y . Some of them u n a r a t h e r undesirable ' t y p e of sartor Reds...
...The m e e t i n g will be held m t h e home of J o h n B. KarreU on H a v e r s t r aw Road, t h e m a i n street through New City, and will begin a t 3 p . m. L e t t e r s have been mailed to many votera in adjoining towns t o attend the meeting and t h e problem of t h e jobless will be t he main theme of t h e speaker...
...Checks and money orders should be made payable to Herbert M Merrill, State Secretary, 7 East 15th street...
...Louis Budanz, editor of L a b o r Age...
...1,000 Pittsburgh Cabmen Strike Against Scabs PITTSBURGH — ( F P ) — With the swiftness of a hammer stroke, a n ew p a r a l y s i s seised t h e P i t t s burgh district a s n e a r l y 1,000 union taxi drivers went o n s t r i k e a t 2 a m . , J u n e IS, o n t w o hours' notice...
...At the first sign of revolt these 4,000 families will be evicted from the company houses...
...F u r t h e r contributions to J u n e 17 are as follows: Amy Blanche Greene, J 1.00...
...What is asked 4s a minimum of one dollar from each person who can contribute...
...Indications point to double-crossing of organized labor...
...Thomas said he would expect very, serious riots and revolts within the n e x t three years, "despite t h e amazing docili t y of t h e workers thus f a r , " unless we s u b s t i t u t e plan for chaos in relief and in t h e whole economic order...
...pFpiekets f Beaten gangsters -a, Thug* Kindly ^^ja Promises I k(rrt»Wilde of Mew Tork have *2| treated to a taste ITjuuggle in ita more J* the picket line, and ? T i d o u 5 form in court...
...r Democracy Found Wanting There is no s t a t e socialism in the textile industry in N o r t h Carolina...
...Hafenan said, "we would • increase in bail and •sold consider a decrease Usable...
...The Marshall Field mills charge an additional $1 a week rental for a bathtub, and all w a t e r is metered and paid for b y t h e t e n a n t s . If there is anything democratic in the ordering of their lives, they have not found it...
...I t w a s pointed o n t t h a t evidence attesting t h e Isnorrsira of t h e prisoners had been placed before Gov...
...52 win begin the l a t - b Wee*- and win con- ss.iL*1*" is settled...
...The telegram to t h e governor follows: "We, one thousand working people residing i n N ew T o r k , assembled i n mass meeting in Union Square, u r g e you t o g r a n t execut i v e clemency to t h e five men now imprisoned i n t h e Centralia Armistice D a y case, and t o E u gene Barnett, who i s o n p a r o la I n view of t h e evidence before you showing t h a t t h e L W. W. defended t h e i r b a n t h a t d a y a g a i n s t an unlawful raid we feel t h a t their continued imprisonment i s unjust...
...Walter Starrett, editor of "The Road t o Freedom, and Max Del son, for t h e Socialist P a r t y. The Centralia Release Committee a r r a n g e d t h e program...
...A r t h u r J a - cobson (on pledge), S5.00...
...rhomas delivered a forthright adir?es, stressing the dangers of tew wars unless t h e forces of lawr and peace bestir themselves jo determined action...
...Workmen's ( Circle...
...Meantime an urgent appeal Is made t o t h e p a r t y members and sympathisers i n G r e a t e r New York to cooperate in sewing t h a t t h e l a st section of the drive for p a r ty funds Is completed...
...Roland H. H a r t l e y of Washington State, asking him t o r e lease s x L W, W. mersbeis serving 25-to-iO year sentences for t h e killing of a n American Legion member shot while t h e y ware defending that.* h a i l against a mob is C e n t r a l i a o n Armistice Day, 1919 This a p p e l w a s a u t h o r i z e d aft e r twelve speakers b a d explained various phases of t h e case...
...Emilio Levy, $1.00...

Vol. 12 • January 1931 • No. 25

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