N. Y. Picnic Will Be Held On July 25th
N. Y. Picnic Will Be Held On July 25th Socialists and Unions to Co-operate—Activities in the N. Y. Branches THE great annual gatlierliv of X Kew Tortc Socialist* labor-itas aad ttieir friends...
...Jessit W. Hugban, Winiam Bade...
...Circle 3 Ira...
...Ail who can assist are urged to aet in touch with the city office it oact...
...M. Muravchik a Koppet R. Beaaten...
...Schouchan, Alanan, Weis-berg...
...i TEast 15th street...
...Speaittra, Warren Mon-troaa, Barry N. Ptrhnutter and otheia BBONX Tueaday...
...The enrolled Socialist voters of the Sth and 8th Assembly Districts will be tavlted...
...Jane 3, la - -fhe aev ebilawTO at aee proapeet Tta a. B. c^ta*sett—i are being held weekly aad art vary sne-eaasfUl...
...bum, L. C. Kaye, A Belsky...
...Wun aad aaeaaa wm be feaad ta overeem* thia kaa OoBuade ataalay F. oast raportad ta behalf of The New Leader coafar' ence...
...He rejoiced m life, aay-iBf :i was no bri'ef candle but a torch which he wanted to hum hrightlj before passing on...
...At the laat meeting, ! S. Benjamto Daubiin spoke on "Th* j Present Day World Situation...
...Ia Saato Aaa a naO cialist toar eC CaUforala, earalac ball waa reated tSK tMr nn?^ their oera espeaaee aa ttey weat...
...They them...
...Speaien Leonard Kaye, Paul Porter...
...At theu next meeting Tutsday, June 2. i.l...
...Thsgr are day evening the Jewlah Sodaliat traveBtag aa eld FWd car, Verbaad is holdtag a supper for fampatg out wlkea aeceesaiy...
...IM David G. Oeorge...
...Y^ael* who I know ef good piscea to go, or who I waat to Uy out new reatea* ar* ra-i to get ta toDcb with the Citjr Orris f Sr.-<arele i ar...
...At the next mseiiiv at the Labor Lyceum, 13S N. 6ih street...
...Ml WB...
...training class to the Rand Schoo'i, will speak on "Why 1 Am a Socialist...
...sharp at Battery Pari and take the St...
...editor, Jewish Oail...
...AH organlsatloas, Bo-ciattBt Party branches...
...A number ef apeakara hava voluntaerad...
...ss.oo i...
...BKOOKLYK Monday, Juae 1, 8:80 p. m.— Tompkins avenue and Hart street Spcakars, A. Kaufman, H. H. Lay...
...IM I A cohn...
...Avyust Olsaaasns ipbk» ea "MctbotU et OeadaetU* Waeeve National Notes NATIONAL J.4MB0EEE.—Among the nationally Icnown labor and socialist leaders to appear on the pro-grom on July 11 ai>d 12 are James Oneal, editor ot Th* New Leader...
...5.0< Mrs...
...The eircl* has bama wash on its publication...
...May 31, tha mambaea , vliTmeet at 10.90 am...
...1.0< i Z. Bummer...
...the program vUl provide aomething dotag all (rf tba Ume...
...Boro Park JewWh Vertaad.—Th* next meeting will be h«Id Thuraday eventog, Jime 4, at 8:30 p. m. S. Levitts will speak and refreshments...
...Th* building ta which ; State Headquarters haa been loestted I wUl be torn down...
...to an audience of 635 on "What Is Socialism...
...Louis Sahloff, who BOW atands fourth ta the eeatest...
...At the Iwt mettins soma i of the Iwys secured a tabl* and Lillian Kaplan was busily engaged securing signatures to tha petition to the Legislature on unemployment leg-isjatlan...
...Thnraday eva-ning, June 4th...
...Bilkl Bogoft...
...23 —J...
...i.'do 5...
...Thia la hofv th* ae^aataaU Dr...
...The gpeeche* wUl be broadcast by the petwork af the National Broadcaatlag Oaw and by WOR ta aa eCert to raaah Oasdhi ta ladla...
...Jon* C 8:30 p. as.—21sJ street and Bghth avanua...
...The 9atta?4a« I Church Forura haa agreed to ^onaor the L. I. D. oouraa of laeturae aent wlster...
...circles, and obtained a total of car...
...Say* Hosrr...
...Sever&l former Soi eieiisi workers, raports Denial J. aa«e...
...Speakers, D. M. Cory, Bradford Young...
...io.oe Sprjsger...
...Street meetiaga' luva been held durtag the last tew weeks...
...19 — Henry Kaalaer...
...10.00 I aod family 5.00...
...1.0( John Nymac ................5( Emu Lampl..................5( Mrs...
...His speeches ware htstrumental ta the i elcoyon cf a Socialist Mayor ta ; Hailne, Wis...
...Circle 8 Sr Man—Tonight cird* I ! Sr...
...The oeeamlttee ' urged the Governor te call a fpeoial : session of the I«8lsl»tura and favored I enactment of an unemployment ta-surance bill...
...Frank Smith, 78 East Seventh street...
...rridmj, Juno 8, 8:80 p. m.—Akha street aad Soutbam boulevard...
...May B. Mataiaod...
...ta such a fiae aptttt of ccm-' radedita and esteem, at last Frldaya ' baaqost ta her honor...
...What is needed are committer to take care < of these meetings, managing platforms, distributing literature and obtaining aigasturee for the unemployment insurance petitions...
...l.Q( j Otto S. Jessen...
...1 Manhattan bereogh ceaventlon to i zkominate a candidate for Borough : PreaWent will be held Tueaday...
...Good reaulta may be expected from tlwm aa they are ea-thusteatic energetic workers...
...3S2Q Church J ! aven-ue...
...l«h A D.—An enroUed Socialists meeting is planned far Friday eventog...
...Juae 3, 8:80 p. m.—sanga-bridge road and Morris avenue Speakers, P. J. Murphy...
...Oeora* i Ferry to SUtea laland for a bibs la ! Silver Lake, Cb-cte 1 Srs...
...Thursday, June 4, 8:30 p. m.—^Pros-pact and Tiemoat svcouaa...
...Kiac* nasaed a raaahitkm which vai aent {o Governor «f Alabama: nrbat the trial aad ecmriethm...
...The meettags pnee ttat mere hk a aantt* of revM agataal pr aasal cendttkais, Tba apeakara are vaD ra-eetved.aad large oravte aaiaBbia...
...Speakers, Hanrr Fniehter, Jack BerlMwlta H. N. Psrlmutter...
...N. J. 5.00...
...Me*tinga wiU b* haki every Friday avenlog ta various parts of South Brooklyn...
...Mfred RoHman, orcaniaer of the Hosiery Workers who ha* Just been framed on a 'conspiracy' charge, and William E. Bohn...
...Sarah ' V^eridi...
...2.00 1.00...
...13—Daniel F. Gagre...
...Nean day mea«hig«.—The commit-Me oa Uter»tur«, prepaganda and meetings has decided to run noon day meetings and is making a survey of favorable locations...
...Ukaal snms are „...........4 15.00...
...The speaker will be Augiist Claesaens...
...Street Meetings HANBATTAX Tueaday, June 2, »:30 p. m.—Seventh street and Seeeod avaana Speakers...
...6—Harry Lichteaberg...
...1st A. Bv-A luoillm ain be bald fmtv...
...WiffiaBislrarg.—An enrolled Social-laU meeting will be held Friday ave-ntag, June 5, at 187 Tompkins avenue...
...J*bt many years he was an Mimcat worker for Socialism and labor in .Western Pennsylvania...
...1.00 a...
...will be served...
...temporary reeordlsg aad correcpODditig ' secretary, I4Ilian Suoarski...
...Joint agitatiea coauaittee...
...close to 300 signaturea wer* secured...
...F. Za-ger...
...These new route* must first t>e traversed by smaller groups te familiarise them-selvea with the rosds, etc, ta order that ta larger hikes theae eomrades ahould act a* guidea...
...This committee is to consist of three members from each of the branches with « least oo* Ylpael from eaeh circle ta thee* tour dia-tris'ts...
...or the begicnlng of campaign funds...
...18—Sarah Volovlck...
...And nobody had ,a subscription blank: But thia won't happen next time, we have been asaured...
...June t, S:te p. sa—Bay ; parkway and 68th street...
...wiS speak cm rrhe Labor and Socialist Itove-I meat ta Bnrope aad Palestine...
...June 5, 8:30 p. a.—163rd street and Prospect avenue...
...5.0< Wiasttm T. Dawson...
...Taubkin, organlwr...
...Music, danotag, aj performanee by Mr...
...Memi)ers were urged to become active and sugiesUonj were mede far further programs...
...June s, 8;M p. m.—Pltkta avenue and Bristol stroet Speakera...
...ssd answer-TSten for Itter-a H AastteaUy cut ^ Ms have been ^rdeeid«] that to tmu...
...eoncarntng fl» Jambcrae, aad wlmh to aar we are gelaa te have a large T>jiriasrt8t|B|t thank aa 4NB CLEVELAND...
...The first on the list Is Day...
...May 33...
...I COUJNSVILLE.—A public maat-1 Int was called here by two comrades I and about 75 worlcers attended...
...May 80, there waa a : eenslderabie lamrevement ta attea-daaee...
...have retmaed ta lae Anaelea far Mace thaa ITS pimfU...
...Th* crowd ia decidedly friendly aad snatches up tha laafleta aad ap-pUeation blanks...
...I Brishtan Bceeh.—A social evening...
...I On Seunday tho Jlst...
...June 2, the branch will convene at beadijuarters...
...12— Kurt Sell...
...Maryland ST.*-TK EXECDTTVE COMMIT-lEE.—The committee m» declM to urge th: national executive committee i to change the due's system to tW ¦ cent* for eacii m3mbcr per awnth...
...IQ.QO Oft...
...The affair netted th* branch Km* to-come for future acUvlUes...
...He spoke to a eoBege olaas in history, to a group of I8S laudenta, tc an audience of 125 on "The Way to Peece...
...iM Earl Seal...
...tha far greater profit from the sale of the tickets...
...Friday, June 5, 8:30 p. m.—13»th street aad Brook avenue...
...June 19...
...2653 Washtagton Blvd., Chicago, I In the three meetings more than will help any Socialists Interested...
...Any branch can get tato this contest...
...Con-tlnuQus daooe music win be provided in the apaeiooa dance hall from IS neon te after midaltht...
...June I 8, at S:80 B- m., ta the People'* House...
...5.00 2...
...0 expect to aeeeoapBsh aauch mere' Durtag^ their flve weelu ta south- ta the north as the tmaua are j em Cafifomia, the two organized much closer together, locals ta Santa Ana, San Diego, This ia oae of the beat and moat and San Bernardino, and revived taeapenslve ways of buQdtag up the locals ta Redlands and La Ha- the party...
...Th* eirole* hope to nr«\-ide an ajtprepriate evantag where Yipseis...
...their director, aad Abe Bahfey...
...Admission is i 50 cents...
...local secretary, have cotne out ot the despair that has gripped them Knee the poat-war eoilapse of th« South Dalcala OTganiaation, and younger members have alao been added...
...The following ofOoen were etocted for the year: orgaaiaer, ' CharJea Sunaraki...
...to addition to getttog seveial par^ branches started...
...tee is hoIdb« a banqoet ta their Ruah aad Sheaaia are aaaaabera hoaor...
...F, Mincher, 24—Aba Belsky...
...Tha atate Bbmeative Ceanlt- aatle ¦iiiHiisg...
...Th* 2nd, latth...
...ifore ara urged to do so...
...four days U the U L D. Oonferanee at TamiMt, aa Uptoe Sloeiair library mi a Ubrary of SoelaUgt elaasies...
...The gnnip win m«et twice a month ta the home of Mrs...
...Tlie special I>epre*aian price will be S&o...
...and I ?^hsv« already ^aat< ig tticv have been iiai received from agac in any pre-i^gHtes that the PI in not lytag ,gpeTer, the nvun-'mtig is yet small, .gned to see that I iha an appro-itmatj...
...9—Ida Sondeck...
...i.oe b...
...21—Fred K Stevens...
...mm t, at ttW p. a. ta «hi waebMBis Orele Oaatei^ <U Beet l«th gtreet auaiy mtatai att^ktee oa "Aastrleaa Ih^artalMt A. Bt^ beaaeh aassttav aS fee bNM Tnasday efeatag...
...Speakers, Devld Kaplan...
...TOBK, FA—All members will act ' as tuhers and dixtribut* literature I at the meettog* cf local York, to be ; held in May and June...
...and Comrade Claeaseas coneluded.the i evening with a recital of pantomtasca...
...Lawrence B. Wilbur...
...N. j,^tvark held two successful meattags with August Claessens and Samuel Friedman of New York...
...The Yoatsns iuiv* suggested route...
...May 24...
...S3rd A D.—The bransh hid a very toteresttoi me?tin« Monday...
...New York City New Hika Beataa.—The City offlce is plaimlng new hike route* for etreles aad groups of Yipseis...
...or ciroi0g Oat week are VPVtBg on pledges...
...Th* practice of havisg a apeaker discuss same phase of the movement vUi eonttau* duriag the aaxt several weeks...
...lo.oe thaoD...
...Friday, June 5. 8:80 p. m.—Saveatt street and Avenue O. Spaakers, Hy-man Taabensfhiag, Molly Wetagart Nathan RieaeL Saturday, June 8, 8:80 p. m.—Columbus Circle...
...1 90...
...H. H. Laybum Young L.A...
...Speakers, H. N. Perhnutter, H. Nemaar, L. Cher-toff...
...The Initial expense is saum...
...Saturday, June S, 8:80 p. m—Al-larton and Crugar avenues, Speakera, Ethelred Brown, Hjman HauiKn-schlag...
...executive • eonutittee...
...Uvrt C. ' Daris...
...Lopatin, Judah Altman...
...AD ta aU...
...Tha members are all unemployed but will employ their time workine for Socialism PITTSBURGH...
...Those nomtaated are: Ro-senfartj, MaUis, Platoff, Bpsteta...
...the woA KSarely on the Kido wliat re-^^C^vy manner !B^>^rsiaed...
...8.0< Indiana The mov«c\sst ta Marion and ii j Indianapolis was given a big boosi ' last weelc when Pred D. Warren sj3ok( at both cities...
...circle has »cbedt,led I "A Question Eox" for Ih;: prOiiram...
...tTpwards ot as.oee people have atteaded othar ptaaks...
...i.e« I J. M. Lewia...
...campiag equtpouat...
...In a three-month lour whlcb I has taken him from Boston to Loi ! Angeles and back to New York, Crges...
...The picnic is sponsored by tha joint picnic conunlttee, which malces it poasible for all orfanizatioos to participate as individual uniu charing ta the pr^ts...
...The list ef those who have leored flfty poiatg or more t* nowtaf: aad Nonaan Thomas la 01 get to autograph aa »aay vol-aaea of "Amwiea's Way Out" as ggay be aeeeagary, Tfcig wiU ta-leed be a labor of love for him...
...a.ofl I...
...IO.(K W. P. BiUtag3...
...QCEINa C!OCNTV SaaayaMla Braaah^-At a meettag last Tueaday a racial oonaaittaa was elected to woik wtth the fxceutlve eommUte...
...Anna and the other ta Redlands...
...T. D O'Brien...
...Manhattan, will r*sum* tta Ba-, turday evening meetinga...
...All theee aooothpllalaneats of ear ooaatructive SocUUam the comrade aod friend wUI behold amoag eoawadea aad friends...
...22nd and aSrd A. D's met on Monday evening...
...part ei which is the election of delegates to the city nomination . convention, and nomination of local i candidates in the branch's districts...
...A gaas Is piamdng to em» eut te the im' bca«e from Newark," eMarade Walkar wrttea...
...P. BolgaQn Thuiaday...
...Ad-mlssloa fret to all...
...The claaj la Socialism eop-d'ictcd by Sam Friedman eoottauas every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. at the Lyceum...
...City ceatral cammittee.—The com- : mltte* will meet Wedacaday, June 3. at 8:30 p. m., in the Peoples House, : 7 East 15th street MANHATTAN Chalsea.—Tuesday...
...Wedneaday, Jtme 3, g:30 p. m.— 12th street and Seventh avenue speakaia...
...2.00 a...
...18th A D. Braneh 1.—-The membership squad is visiting members who have not put to an appearance for some time...
...Murrai Glussman will addrei* the membership on "Early Seciallal Tlwuiht from Robert Owen to Marx...
...The eawipalgB ' ewamlltaa h arrai«tag open aii aaaet-taai for every Saturday...
...15—In-lng Wolf Salert 16—Nathan Riesel...
...Pennsylvania GREENSBCRG.—Friends and comrades of Harry Eeicard...
...Ana Gould...
...N. Turkal, Indng Keinman, L Knobloch...
...The mcn.neis had their Yip»el banners di*n'.arc 1 and v.ere I glad to hear tlie ccmmei.'j of the ; cunoua...
...Leuia B Uefoermaa aad others...
...I TuMday...
...Large and tateresting audienoea at-I tend...
...Tuaaday, Jua* 3, 8:80 p. m.—lerth street aad Oerard avenue...
...Althea Mayer will review Oneal's "Workers to American History...
...Kurta-' slcy and Straussman...
...2.0< M. B. Eliasoph...
...2M ' B. Bcrkowits...
...The first open air meettag will be held en Thursday...
...and also to give th* Wmt i Virgtoia miners, themselvas, aad a : Jamboree delegate a hand...
...A M. Johnson...
...iM an...
...7—Samuel Richman...
...Xlsv«i branehei ware lepre-aented...
...90 -.............50 ............50 ' -...........50...
...On Tisuiada9.,tlM I editorial board wiU kakl a mesMBg to decide on the name, etc...
...with Charles R. Bradford ta the Bfth postloa...
...Morria Reaenbamn, Max H. FranUe, Loola l^ateia...
...1.00 «•..........50...
...Friday, June 5, 8:30 p. m.—Comer Clark and Hick streets...
...i^f'Ty thoae who will express Amwiea'a sympathy aad congratulatlan far Gandhi's sueoess at the T^mdea Confereace ta achievlaf laAU's Independence, will be U. S. Sepa-tor Royal 8. Copelaad, Ct^ttea Cle^, Judge Daniel V. Othalaa, Major Eugeae F. KlaUad...
...Hie na-I meettags were held oa the- street tional offlce of the Socialist Party, 'comers...
...has beea gtfee fidl reeof-' atthm...
...14—Sol Berman...
...Seymour Ooodman...
...IT— Ethel L. Amerlin...
...lO.W »..'..*^^^f^ 1,00 ¦jv...
...1.0< UatU Makl...
...pacifist groups and othera can secure special aHotmenta of ticketa, printed with the name of their own orgaiUaatkm at eatrwnely low figures, alloving eeoh cffganisatlon...
...New York Stole ALBANY.—The la«t BteeUaof at State Headquarters, 467 Broadway, was heldWedaeaday eveqtag- The ( new meeting place will be announced next week...
...ediiiatioaal director of the Rand School...
...21.50 was colleotBd...
...June 3, 8:10 p. m.— iSOtB street and St Nicholas avenue Speakers, Max TMtoa...
...Theodore Shaptro, j. Altman...
...May 18, at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, for th* purpose of forming a joint agitation committee...
...i aaw a gang ot Yipseis h Jte along the I White Houae Raad -nd c e- ir.cuntato trails...
...the I able colored orator, wai present aad several meetings were held wth him i Th- y;pseU ars plan-.o^i to get into I several other cities and organise ^ circles...
...it will be easy and completed in time...
...Slat A B.'^Tha braneh meeu Monday evMiaga at Saydw avanu...
...Beth meettags ware marked t>y tataraattaff quaatlona and enthusiastic atnglag...
...Many persons Joined tha party II meludlng a number of young people i South Dakota ' Six meetinga for Norman Thomas ir one day were arranged by Zjoeai Huron...
...M A Supraner...
...8.0< Paul D. Ncirrts...
...5.« Prank Grande...
...Le?uLer Prize-Winner To Be Known Monday (CaatlmcS frua Pa»« Om) has endeavored te save as much aa poflaible ef the old cultural treaaurea and at the aame time —perhape with more energy thaa she haa hem eredited with—bow, under Socialist rule, she applied her mlad and power to restore the weHdng elewaes .to phyaieal health aad satf-coa-Sdeace...
...and eatertatnment was held Saturday...
...aad that the death peaalty far tb* otaw ta ' eueatkat...
...Joaepb A. WeU...
...laare prea> a few days after oaverlag the eat The aaoM akA*y aaa tywa aO Sontheia tl...
...I' <th A. D. — Norman Thomas will: i speak Wednesday evening, June 3, In ¦ ; the R&nd School Auditorium ta anH answer to critics of his new book, i ^ "America's Way Out...
...With but a few days to go b^re the contest is over, a lively flfht is ta prospect for tbeae leading places aad awards, irtUch include a two weeks' vaca-tioa at Camp Taminent...
...Beatrice Namser, recordii^ secretary...
...asaatpawted Oeaparatlm — The breads rejoieaa tbat^vmAd aar-' vise mderad^ our traaawar...
...Thsy are: Alt-man, Manny Ouller, Bid Guller, Minnie Weisijerg...
...This offers the various groups an opportunity not only to bring their BMEtiers tocather Tor a good time, aapeeiaUy during the summer when aU organisation activities sk>v up, but at the same time the chance of replenlBhtDg low treasuries, or pro-vidtae sick aixl relief tunds...
...8 . S. Conda a personal friend of Deb) 1 opened the meeting...
...Oeorga I Steinhardt, Samuel Orr, C. Bradford Ida Schwarta...
...1.00 g...
...I Several people Jotaad both tha Saalers I and the Juniora...
...Qomrad* Badoff was ejected treasurer, ISth A. D. Branch 2.—A meeting will be hsM Monday, Juae 1, ta tb« Worltmen's Clrcl* Center...
...A nuruber o! lairvradea roiun-t««red lait y»»r...
...20—Bernard Scbub...
...110J5 I...
...They hav* b*«B on 'the road' spreading our gospel...
...All eoouades and xympathlaera who ean type are ursod to come ta an ytlme between 10 and 9. If they are able to do the worlc only at home, we W'.n gladly furnish them with enrollment b^ok...
...Com-rad* Weiss get a ntuabcr oif artists to participate...
...I83rd street and Cltaton avenue...
...while ta Kew York, iMt 9atar4s^ «i«ii| tto aaat Kbnth ainal, at • p. IB...
...Xtbelied Brown...
...wftb a daalb penalty ot sight youqg Negroes ta SeetMore, Ala., on ttis ehasi* ef rape wes a perrer*tea ef Jast^ te the enda o< raetal Brejudiec...
...the members ' will Im up to tha Picnic Grove to j waih up 'heir bootJu which vh'y ar< t io take care of a; the picnics...
...HeUer, magician...
...4th A. D.—The enrolled Socialist...
...1.00 ..........50...
...Kth A D.—A women's section of the branch held its first meeting May 14, and elected the fcUowlng officers: Mrs...
...Louis Sabloff...
...The rameval and Braasfar «i a aqmbw tt aettro aaadMBa haa attected the braaA...
...Hyail* and I Dlan to ccane to Reading for the Jmboree in our fliver, now kaoaa as Kart Marx Jr...
...Delegates to ths Kins* County oom-mittee were eleftod...
...Spaaken Bthelred Brown...
...walth haa been speaking ahnost everj • day, and sometimes several times a I day, emphaaii^ng hia ecoaomie tater-i pretatian of the race queaUon...
...4th A B<->BraBch meetias Tbuzi-' day, June 4, ta the new Bronx head-I quarters...
...In La Habra the tive thaa ever befwe...
...who are leaving the city foi ! the susunar, will be abia to have tbaU last "fling" along with other earn-rade...
...May 30, Deooration Day, tba areup is holding a joint hike with Carols 18 Jr* to the Paliaadaa...
...June 13...
...5—Charles R. Bradford...
...n>e aaiS , evening the circle is haviiw a "soetal" at iU headquarters, esg Hendrix St, Brooklyn...
...1.00 ,4...
...ThU year plaaa ara aow being warked out which afUl undoubtedly exceed an previona records...
...of tl^e department I of political economy of the Univer-r j sity of Chicago, wlil speak for the I Soeialisi op«n forum of the 6th C. JX j Branch on "America's Economic ror-I eijin Policy," on Thursday, June 4, 1 8:30 p, m., at a«63 Washington boula-j vard...
...taaua for children as wall as grownupa...
...trade unions, sport grouiis...
...They ^ao oigaaiied two have similar expedltlOBa on the Young People's Socialist League road...
...A special ¦ meatter will be beW Wednesday »v»- j i ning...
...Henry Margulies, who just I jotoed ths branch and a memt^er of ] th...
...Prank Raltanen .............S< Oust Helsfoerg...
...This eammittee will be subject to ratification by each respective braiMih...
...All ar* tovited- The brcnch meet* every Monday evening at 8:80 p. m„ at th* Labor Lyeeum, 319 Sackman street...
...It wa* arrsngK and a vettran orgatilier for the party i bv Ernest Malott, who is the organ-' i !»er...
...BUhop rrancia J- MeOaaieo aa< llay« moBd Robbtaa...
...2.0< . B. P. Knudscn...
...l.OO I. !f< 1.00 1.00 .100 H. R Edward...
...A has* ball i team has been formed and a atudy : class under the directlcm of Arthur i McDowell has been gotog for a while , and the young speaker* arc turning eat well...
...or ^SiUff reduced...
...Oa F«da# evaatag...
...Ia the WilUamsburg dUtrict Vanguard Ylpeela 'awre oat i« full fwoe laat wedt advertiaiag aad gentag the New LeadM...
...June S, 8:80 p. m.-—Utlca avenue and Eastern parkway...
...A collection waa taken up te start the work off...
...The city o-'fic stiff ii loo email to hande this Jct alinf with Its other work...
...Nominations for hteal esndldatca wiU 11 be made...
...So far Chelsea is ahead...
...5.00 mag...
...Ben Seaitaer...
...O.—The later-Racial Dane* waa a great success...
...1 Comradea from all branches are urged ' to cooperate...
...J. Samaki..............« Fred AaiaU ..................« Helvi Kuero ................K Y. Lehta...
...500 1...
...Rlnga.—Instead of fU ; regular meeting last Suaday, tha group had a sucoeasful Youth Bally, i The hall was pMskcd with eiwer he»a ; and girls who Uateaed attaattv^ te iS<vhie Axelrod, organlaar...
...Thla work eonslsts of typing namos and ad-dreaaes of the enrolled SociaUat voters...
...ttpt»X-ers, 8. Sarwohn and others...
...Tueaday, May It, at tta ef tba Toaag Pa apis's Soctabat Arbor Cafeteria, aad oa Wednes Leaga^ of I<ea Angelea...
...Ml WV4...
...mil fcplpoo considerably...
...The program wa be elsborate aad of aufflcieQt vartety to appeal to all-Sports, tncludiac an all-star aQotw game by prominent teama, basaball aad SeM evanU wUI also ba hieladed as weU aa nagMBts, ooneeria...
...and for any erUae i* net ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Labor Lyeeimi...
...Several important changes liave occurred ta the standtog of the contestants stace last week...
...Barnard > Maaw^ Daiagatfii liLJ^ ettxipeau-tive caamittee...
...B. Margulies...
...5.0« t...
...has been inactive for t«» years, hJk a splendid meeting, outctripping aam< ' held wlien the Socialists had thje* j members of the city council and rsi I second In the Biayoralty raee...
...Ooearad* Rush conttoues...
...Jant • Tate of Pittsburgh wai the speaker and the whole audience argaaiaed a party local...
...voters' meeting last" Monday was' i feirly suoeeaaful...
...permanent chair-I man...
...Several new prospects were gotten foi j membership Frank Cros*waith...
...Louts Badoff...
...If we ean get volunteers pn this Job...
...WlS^^leha IPsbar, aecreUry of the MQaaahee Ooonty Central CoaaiBlttee vrltea: *near ecnuade Sattkei, We leoetved four Mter...
...D. Ortlip...
...R Olaublnger...
...Speakera, Murray Oroaa, Morris Cohen, B. BhuaeBberf...
...and on the radio to an indetermtaata audianoa, meetly farmers...
...Qnanctal aeere-' taiy aad traaaorer...
...On Sunday...
...Charles Sunaraky aad Harry Lopatta were elected New Leader agents at a meeting of the Bast New York Socialist Action Committee...
...nal OfSrt ; for tofcrmation in reler^ncj u. tne ! Juniors...
...N. Y. Picnic Will Be Held On July 25th Socialists and Unions to Co-operate—Activities in the N. Y. Branches THE great annual gatlierliv of X Kew Tortc Socialist* labor-itas aad ttieir friends scheduled for this year at tJlmer Paik on Saturday, July 39This ycs-r piealc wiU be the lourth oi a aeries of annual affairs which have proven V> be most laspirlBa aa wen aa glgaatte from the vaiw^etm of tba aaaay wbo turn out for the eeeasioB...
...Socialists Complete Half OF Organizing Tour In California LOS ANGELES-Starting from lagSO people heard the meaaage of Los ABg^ee ea Aprti 9 for a S»- Hsrialtoai...
...Cohen, Oould, Orosa, Shapiro, Brea-low, Haas...
...Prank R. Croiswalth is I benlnning a month's work In Penn-i sylvania with meeting here Monday...
...Proceeds will be devoted tOi meeting the expense al the branch...
...23—Harry Haworth...
...Russal J. Boas, a weaver on strike, will acquatot his fsUow socialists wtth the oonditlons tha...
...A numbar of new i nembars ware obtained...
...lO.OC t...
...secretary ol ; the New Kensington branch, wara shocked to learn of hla death...
...Illinois i SOCIALIST rOaUM...
...Comradea Altman, Judah Altman and Weisbarg w*r« elected to ths jotat agiiaticn committee...
...June 3, at 204 East Broadway...
...Jack Altman reports that twenty-one eagerly bought cwpiea at one meeting, and that several i aaked, "Where oan wa get thia j paper...
...at 820 Brighton Beach av«nu...
...There is no prise essept the aatij-faotion of getttag people better acquainted with the Socialist movement...
...Thay wUl start ea along tike rental At erveey aaeet-the northam aad longer Ma May tag there weaa targe aaal eMttual-21...
...and Mis...
...25—Pierre de Nip...
...A gtudy greus is meettag •very Monday night, dia-c^ssiag Sodalist philoeophy and mo-gram, doing refereaes weak aad following a regular irhadnk...
...aad Ut-' sixty-five new members to the So- erature to sell...
...Marion, where th* loca...
...Branches Campettag The 23rd A. D., Brooklyn, branch and the Chelsea braaeh are rua-aing a Uttle contest of their own, to see which branch can sell more New Leaders at open air meeting...
...The i Friday outdoor meettogt on Uiica | I avenu* and Eastern parkway are in I I full swing...
...Thara waa ssk^ • Iscfa enerd Roger Ruah aad Hjaaka fibaaala that a lai«er haU had to ba takaa...
...ALLKNTOWN, FA--On Friday, May 23, Kmaauel Switkea, naticmaJ seer*ury a>vd Hardid N. Selbert, NEC membar .visited the new Ailentown circle...
...June 4. t:3d p. m.—lOCtt street and MadlMHi aveoue...
...Almost every state icialist Party, as well as several has t^ young people willing to 'subscriptions to Socialist papers, go, especially with vacation so I Large meetings were held ta close, and the publie au>re recep-[every town...
...Profassoi > Harry F. Qideonae...
...They Qr« E^nized two Yipsel circles, one in St...
...While Gertrude Well Kleta and Minnie Weigberg atlU matatsta the first two positions, Fred Gendral, oti iMzeme, Pa., has wreated third place from Dr...
...Pauline I^e-vtoe, secretary and treasurer...
...aaOOKLTN Oeeaty eeoadtlee.—At the meet-tag Wedaaaday...
...Bert Brastow, LouU D. UabMrmaa...
...With only two ^ dayi' rest from a strenuous apeaktag I campaign...
...Plenty of heckling and questions...
...4JH >r...
...She's gotten a n -p.bcr ro-I gether and plans te luve them appiy I for a charter...
...I^vla*, 2348 81«t street...
...LOS ANGELES, CAL—Comrades Rush and Sheanto hail from Lo* Angete...
...June 4. Comrade Shapiro vrlll spsak at the open air meeting on Friday, May 29...
...New York Gty Tetanteer typMs wmaleC—T^re b a large amount of typing to be done to the city office preparatory to the ^teary petition work...
...A bridge party to raise funds will be held June 9. ta the home of Mrs...
...June 5, 8:80 p. m.—Church avenue aad East 48th street Speak-«T8 to be announced...
...4.00 'j...
...10.00 rio!oc...
...Sth A D.—On Friday, June 9, Jacob | i Bernstein will speak on -Social Porccs | : ta American Hlatory Which Retarded i < ft^^aS^trtOT ^Mlgladm^ up-^^Rp^ toe So^^^E| iwre money ^^^^^M...
...May 25...
...June 4, 8:80 p. m.— Kings highway and East 14th street, awealiata, M. Roaanbaum...
...papc.* etc...
...1.00 tm...
...Worlcmaa'a Clrcia braachea...
...No halls were available...
...More than two hundred pesple attended, tocludlng about thirty N*groc...
...Speakers will taelude A. L Ship-lacoff and Abe Belsky...
...r* not done yet, on the northern pajt of our trip we expect U> start Yipsel circles to at le^st Fresno, Seeramento and San Fraaeiaee, probably ta aeaa* other places aise...
...IMnaar to Homh' Gaadki la honor ef Mahatf a M. k: ¦Gandhi, a dinner will be given at the Astoo' Hotel...
...15.00 (H...
...at 7:S0...
...Ruth Miller, an act've young I aoelalltt, writes to Uie N.:t...
...in the home of Com-radae Mr...
...8 Van Nest place, for important busl-ncaa...
...At the foUowi:^ mtettag...
...Speakers, John DavldaoQ, Henaaa Woafcev, Bates Boyle...
...SOS Prospect avenue, at 8:30 : p. m. A apeaker vUl address the gath> erlBg after a brief boslaeaa meeting...
...1 The party will hold a special oenven-1 tion on Sept...
...Jaa^^V^Vlalk IjOu!« , Epstein, Frank '^Btfi^, j^ank "Itoaen-farb...
...Joaqjh A Well...
...June 8, |:J0 p. m.— Knickerbocker avenue and Linden street, Steeakera...
...and atated they wanted to get The New Leader regularty...
...The forum I is planning to open forum meetings '' during the summer in one the city I parks...
...5.0< ' R. M. Quigley...
...Open elr meetings ar* to he held in ths Italian district...
...The result was a very enjsyable eoaeert...
...Thla newly elected esacutive eosamtttee will meet sbeartty to ooc-slder xnropoaals, atrangthantng of brazMhaa, organisation of naw branches, arrangements for a boro membership meeting, establishment of Kings County lecturers' buraau, opening of an educational center ta oen-Juaetioa with the Rand- School, in Brooklyn, and a county open air rally for July 4. Downtown...
...Irvtag KTeinman, H. Woakow...
...Svery state should bra...
...compelled th- silit worlcers to resist the demands of tnelr masters...
Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22