Labours Prospects For Power
Henderson, Fred
Labours Prospects For Power Understanding With Liberal Postpones General Election Economic Storm-Clouds Contrast With Political Calm By Fred Henderson LONDON SINCE I wrote my tact letter, a i...
...I Turning to the aectloa devoted to toe Americaa Bolsheviks we note that toe Proleterian Party for the first time la not tocluded since ite founding ta 1919...
...Maktag Botdieviks," by Samuel Harper, (University ot Odcago Press, $2.00) la aa attempt to describe and deltaeate the corpa or "cadres" through which Bolshevi-sation U being puitoed...
...Aad there is the certatoty of coti-filct wlto the Houae of Lords over the developmeat of toe general lead poUcy associated wlto this proposal, to a word, it is a coa-tlououa policy and not a stagle critical vote ta Parliament to which toe Liberals have now to =.d1ust their ParUamentary attitude towards toe Government « « * In this way toe stage is now being set for toe jwstponement of any General Election for ..some time to come, and for a new way of worktag up to it when it does come...
...I scolded ?• *tte severely alsout tois saytag, "Don't you ^ imsials understand that thia demonstration ?*Q>« official approval of my good, old fraternity Bishop Manning T Biah says that it haa to do with war...
...If that organization no tonger existe anotoer Bolshevik group haa emerged to take' ite...
...The 1931 volume and toe twelfto iasued ia at head, price, 12.50...
...The artlate who Contributed their sarvicee were: Roes Tunick, Singer..., but too late to-be induded ta this volume...
...But there ia this notable fact about It The votes we are losing are not being transferred to our opponents...
...Into this book is-packed a wealto of importaat Information derived from reUable sources, a niunber of au^^ritiea makiag contributions under toe editorship of Nathan Ftae, director of toe Labor Research Department of the Rand School of Social Sdeace...
...Insofar as the "Five Yeai Plan" is an attempt to do this ta the U. S. S. R., and everyone must admit that It ia auch an attempt that far Is it an e]q>ertoiettt ta planned economy...
...They wUl also vldt SociaUste ta towna aa time wiU permit, solicit subscrlptloas for toe New Leader, aad do whatever toey posdbly caa to make eoatacte wito uaaflUlated Sodallste wherever they win be met Sarah Volovick Banquet Draws 150 Socialists About ISO SoctoUste aad frteate of Sarah Volovlck, active Breax SodaUst, atteaded a baaquet gtfea to her hoaor at the Paradise Maa-or, last Friday, May 22...
...naibng fran left to right, the cooties are my In, a -.3ucMng reminder of toe days when Gen-p2 Pershing, toe Y.M.C-A...
...Ilmilnl up from my book and POW...
...And toe <»ly purpose served wlto theee parsp graphs is tolerance...
...I caa atiU recaU it...
...Those who ajqireciate toe Importaace of accuracy ta educational work es-peciaUy appradate a volume of this character...
...You never caa quite tdL And it would be ta the Irony of tUngs if, having aurvlved through a year vtoen everybody bdteved It might fan any day, the Government should come to grief now when everybody aaanmee ito aafety for a year or more ahead...
...I was ridtag aroimd on my aqrdical at toe time, telUng everyone that they kBld not thtak of such material things as food 16 ciotiies but look up to Heaven...
...e they are coming back agata to do it all over, lorgotten to lay down a smoke screen on I It their first appearance...
...I teat the horse to it and to this day he Is tmUf wondering who ta heU stole his swell bat Wte ihck panto I got off a former FuUer Brush mmta...
...T. Colton...
...The orgaalaatioa of toe Commfuiist League of Struggle a few weeka ago taaurea four Bolshevto organizatioaa aad i if the Proletarian Party ia attU alive toe number is five...
...aad Lloyd Oeorge aad his gro«q> to the House of Commons are bound to stand by the Government to aee it throogh...
...It would seem toat toe purpose of a planned economy is to make the beat possible use of toe eooa-omic resources of the area concerned...
...Mo weader tbea that aqr toooghto rajabiai «« the gnaadnn ef age...
...aa waked up from a refre^itag nap on what s aOtd da front stoop of Borough President Levy's mtoft ititlon, where I was spending the sum-or...
...Russla'a Five Yerfr Plan, by Michael Farb-man...
...the Boy Bcoofi were havtag a Jamboree...
...That vote combined with the Conservatives could at any moment and on any issue put the Government ta a minority...
...Aa ea-joyable evening was spent The dinner was toexpensive though very excellent A surprlaingly fins mtislcal program waa arraaged thanka to Coiarades Ooldsaiito and Murphy...
...aad beta the Oov-wamwit wd toe jU>yte ara prebbig thla ataplfflty to ba~^a eoaatua aad dependahia fhetor to the attn-atkm...
...This wiU be dandy...
...comrades HUM Morris HiUqult have done tremeadoua work...
...lUs waa dearly revealed wlMa...
...L^tor TogMatton, Vor-eigB I<abor LagiaUtka...
...The Shock Brigade Workman, The CoUaetivist Peaaaat, The Soviet Oiltural Worker aad The Redarmyist It is through theee froupa that BodaUam la to be built Mr...
...IMve taken Cal CooUdge's advice aad I have )e ;!«&:est faito to toe greatest Secretary of toe ft«(SBi7 since Lydla Plnkham...
...tha sp^a ef ttflag, aad J) «ntt M tbwa ta Mt for an a( oa to aoa 1? Ban X am wee ring forty, aad'atai wge^eni^ taayttMoe^towaia the wlBawalnai ta asy ttaae...
...Then toey Zi ""^ Americaa fiaga arju^d toemselves ^T^^ up to Jesus to Uck toe other guys...
...they are simply abstaining...
...So toat sluggidi old ooee airf rampant young ones can keep workiag on m thd faith wito understanding...
...I was alwaya dem-^^^^^^H ocratto that way...
...the SodaUst Congressional vote ta New York City ta the same two yean...
...There ia, however, nothiag freakiah about It...
...At laat a baaqnet for a woman comrade...
...wUet we have been more or less ta a smoke "siai ever stace that October Thursday we told l«al»u-„ J*a Goverament hasn't tdd tis yet juat what you a Has oiScial aeroplanea come overhead...
...Hare waa a momeat for the old wlfera to get «| aad declare oa how much importance a wtfe tol a Biaa who glvea up so auuy alghte aad daya i the movcmei^ Aad dear Sarah sat there as a Uvtag oonfosaiw We huabaada todc the occaaioa to oxpata that w<» mea Uke Mrs...
...We aote that this issue carries 34 more psgee toaa the preceding volume aad that the aee-tlon devoted to Trade UnlOB Organization, aa atoted ta toe> foreword, is the most complete stace the Important vohane of 1926...
...Ia aaother part of the Raekawaya...
...As you know, at toe very last moment the Liberals supported toe Government And everybody knew at once, not merely that toe Immediate situation was saved for toe Govemmeat but that some more permanent understandtag had been reached...
...There is no editorialiatag...
...Youto moat bi prepared to step ta and carry on...
...And the laberals, true to toeir general tactica for a year past, played upoa toe Government fear to pr^ for aU aorto of concessions to' Liberal opinion as a condition of their support ta the critical division...
...The electors are not eroing over to the capitaUst parties...
...I wonder if toey don't miss toe whole potat of the idea of a planned economy when toe> conceive of it, as the editorial writers for toe New York Timea certainly do, as a bltie print ac-cordtag to which tadiutries must run and from which it ia sapected toat toey wIU not deviate to toe sUghtest degree...
...and the strategy of the Liberals has been to keep the Government always on the rack by threatentag to cast such an adverse vote...
...Aad ao...
...For remember, no matter fighttag whom, at toe end of toe row you ^««niember parts of Chtaa...
...1 Aad then the bead woukl atrike I^^^^Wup, "HaU to the ChieT' aad I ^^^^^^^B| would aod rnndfTfiKllTigly right ^^^^^HH aad left Now aad then I woukl I^^^^^Hdoff my hat to czowda that be-^^^^^^^H came peculiarly hysterical at my i ^^^^^^H anMaraaoe...
...The Booaa of liorda hea ti-waya, potttieaBy sfiealtin...
...toe work of toe Nattonal Office of the party and of toe Young People's Socialist League...
...toe steady working up of public indignation at the tatorference of a aon-riipia^MdallM JWBiimsia Mdy wtm mnm^mSmiw the Haaaa eg Ofiiiiim^—a at the ¦ad «f tke^^vMa-af diii'rt^*aa» toa to m^4M:mm-m *9mm with toe mmmtH pmtk* eHea-latkm Ir tiwt it mmj woOi, jiw Tided that we have a year «r e^^ taan laoatta of iPadhnsitHir iii curity during whMh tta ^IW dka be deveUved...
...If you have followed events here with any close attention, you will not only realize how great a change this is, but also that there is only one possible way ta which it could have been brought' al>out...
...K«Ba,at toat we have just held the aeat...
...foUowtag almost immediately on the Vote of Censure, Philip Snow-den tatrodnoed hla Budget...
...IS out of every Uttle scrape we get tato...
...o Came a fatal Tliuraday ta that ^^^^¦¦1 October...
...Scanning the New Cooks - Edited by LAWRKNCK BOOEN Scanning the New Books -Edited by LAWRENCE ROGIN The 'Five Year Plan" Explained Five More Books on Russia THE profusion of books on Russia goes on imabated...
...What makes youto ao Jumpy aad aasloua to lurcK ahead against aU odds... Bote ftowieaehiag Isaoa of peBey...
...aa the ^ atrip boys say, ahe done blew up...
...oar XMOO vote two yea^ ago haa bean tadooed to Joat ev«r ^0,000...
...Oem Deba and Ben Hanford have done toeir attot aad gone...
...For two or three weeks before toe division was due there was a great ferment going oa below the surface...
...But while we have been losiag grouad: LiberaUam has been practlealty wtoad oat to most of toe bye'-<lec-tioaia...
...The tadnstrlal situation gives no sign of compUaace wito this demand for a year or more of sectirity...
...and the calculations of all parties are now j being made on the aasimiptlon j that the Government has a secure j lease on office at least over this | year, and quite probably for the year to foHow...
...It la a time- aad labor-saver...
...No man to America coteia mon mUeage, speaks to more organlaatiana, aad doea more propaganda work by w*xl and pea...
...daessCTS and Epsteins Going on Southern Trip A party of SociaUste eoaslsttag of' Auguat aad HUda aaessena, thdr two daagbtem, aad Louli aad Roae B^ieteta, of the ISto A. D. Breach 2, Kinga County, ara going South, oa a two weeks' vacation aad are making use of toe trip to Florida, and back to cover a number of meetings arranged by the Party, Workmen's Circle, aad Youag Circle Leaguea, beglaalag Friday, May 39, up to aad iaclud-tag Juae 14...
...Aad wlto their •tesMMlM<a treubies—e...
...a few hu» dred Uttle glria aad boya ta tataiaatkmal costuaM > daaeed, aaag aad ate lee oeaai...
...3.00) is a book by an Americaa buatoess maa to prove that a Communist dlctotorshlp existe to Russia...
...Volowlck were the ladlee Chat led u husbands astray...
...1*0 first (The Five Year Plan of toe Soviet Union by C. G. Ortako, totemational PubUshers) is an official stotemcat by one connected wito the buUd-I ing of the plan, telltag what toe plan is, what ite aims are and how^ it is to be appUed ta each tadus-l try...
...Reading, Pennsylvania, Jime 13...
...More thaa oae doxea comrades delivered exceUeat abort speeches extcdUng Comrade Volovlck aad her fiae service to the SodaUat Paryt duriag toeae maay years of her activity...
...It is, however, aa uncertata worid...
...At the aaolt recent bye-electkm...
...d^ttut ........•' Jlefor forr*C> ftiiwMt wtaa you saaa i woitets wandsrfBg tram dty to etty ta SHlrca 1 Jobs, that Sodaaam te oaalata to break «p 1 fo">ny» ' ¦ • e a « A wad area haa ben diseovarad ta MaBMk-jfl ** ^ ^.j?***- ''^^Aaaarteaa .iMpfll tektai^ BMist iaka...
...Is toe ttate a]»{dcknis -for appMltag to the country...
...j AU this la for toe purpoae of| tatroducing toe last batoh of books on Ruaaia...
...I waa a mag-mff^^ nedmen of free American manhood, K^Sait Vtaak O'MaUey uaed to oUl "the bbie Bf^tte wJ eyes of fiamtog youth...
...Mia tatlam ta full bud...
...The weakness of such a plan is toat it t^es accotmt only of the attnatloa to-side ParUament aad how to maai-polate it most adroitly...
...The New Republic, ILOO...
...To be sure no bread *K 4io?g with this circus, but we are no damned takers who have to depend on our government k|B...
...Some day, toe older leaders wlU ao more...
...How useful auch aa annual la may be gatoered from toe aectton devoted to toe Sodalist Party...
...Keoorse a few more smoke acreens wiU hardly be fceaibie from our houae, situated aa we are next Jfta largest soft coaVburning plant ta toe city...
...H Eveiyoaa on the atreeto uaed ^^^^^^Hto atop whaa I came along aad i ^^^^^^¦aay, "Who la that aiagaiflceat : ^^^^^^H young aum...
...ut s@m« pt our rapital>a|g...
...What ia preeented are the facte...
...aad it is no secret that they were very confident toat it would be carried...
...Cleariy, therefore, such a change as has now taken place from pre-carloosnees to what everybody is assonUng to be a prospect of steady security ta offlce for a year or more to come, could only be possible on condition that ta some way the Liberal party ta the House of Commons haa been brought depeadaUy to heel aad give* a aqMeat laduufiuit to BBevely ea seme MsaMBiBry iasM^ bat oa a gMwal yeley refMag a year or mere far tts aBsellw' . . . 7%at, ta abort...
...Neverthe-leaa, meetinga have beea arraaged for toem ta WiUatogtoa, I>elawara, May 39...
...pubUahed by toe Rand School Preas...
...Oet tois vohune and be fortified wito reUaMe laformatkm...
...No publisher seems to be satisfied unlesi he has set at least one book an-alizing the Russian situation on his list and most have more toao one...
...But there is more ta It even thaa that In the nature of this propoaal...
...Labours Prospects For Power Understanding With Liberal Postpones General Election Economic Storm-Clouds Contrast With Political Calm By Fred Henderson LONDON SINCE I wrote my tact letter, a i very remertcable duage lue...
...After a woild war whoae crimlaal atiqjldity b ualvaraaUy acdalaaad, the laeeoa saame to bavf faUca oa deaf aad dumb saasaa Win the Joys of peace be so dUBeUlt to taadi U our children, now that the asat buteheiy la la thi offlag . . .r What la there aboitt war that la ao aOarlagl What ia there about tt that attroete hnmaa bdM ao . . .T Why la It ao eooy to stir up childreB wffil dnaaa...
...etaoe the teal is long and arduoua...
...Ikt picture ta this colunm was taken of me e( «eek on my way to congratulate Andy MeUon i ^ istest announcement of the immediate rest af prosperity...
...I^eace trying U sprout forto out of barren aoO...
...ta order to give toe inhabitaata the unquestioned benefito of aa tadus-trlallzed society withta as short a time as possible...
...But Just for the moment only...
...He gate away from toe eocmomie aspect of tha Revolution to ite ^trltnal aad cul> tural dde...
...There are reaaona why It haa taken place...
...Norman or Morris UI is no pretty prospect Thaf deserve long years of happy Uviag for what thag have done and are atOl ddng...
...US took at me...
...a comlag aad goiag of emissaries and contlnaous private consultotions...
...9mi thdr healto'a aake, we younger onea must taaiai that our leaders conserve thdr weU betag... dVRwhefaalag waa our maJorKy QMre last tfaaa...
...ore ahould demaad that toey relegate to ua mu^ of the detail and difficult duty where phyaical powag is required...
...whUe toe amount of speedup anticipated to otoer fields may aot be possible...
...This issue leada wlto a Ust of the labor coaveatloajt to be hdd thia year to tha United Stotea aad abroad aad is foOowed l>y an ta-teraa tional labor diary for the year IMO irtkich...
...Labor Baaktog and lamnofbe, Coepwa-tton, MMMfittHial ]tete«hH» «f SJ^tat^ mf laitta Abroad, tha latter including ao lees thaa 65 aa-tions...
...There U aU the preliminary buslneas of valuation aad sssaasiiiaiit to be set up...
...Aad tha queetiou on everybody^ 1^ was...
...When X went out to prame- ' B^^^^HMnade, I lookbd ao fine and gay, X Hl^^^^^Bbad a dog aloag to keep the gtzla ^ ^^^^^^^H away...
...The leading dMptar la devoted to Industrial aad Sodal Condlttoas aU over toe world which ta gw-eral considert the breakdown of capitalism aad ite effect upoa the workiag maaeii...
...Tlie tax Itaelf cannot be levied thia year...
...The success or failure of toe "Five Year Plan" appears to be toe measurtag stick by which moat observers would measure toe succesa or failure of Communism...
...Sinoe I aa| off to lecture to the Third A. D. of the Bronx ol "The Way Out via SociaUsm...
...Laat Sunday, whQe toe chimes ta toe General fteclrf.aU Semtaary across toe street from our WBse were piaytag, "Peace, perfect Peace" aad a l« at theoiegi were risktag their pious necks b^ !lBgiE« precartously to the roof edges, a whole bck of aerofianes, more than five hundred and six-Wve, came over ua...
...Tbea foUowi aa ezteaded section oa Trade UaioB OrfaaUatlon already referred to...
...reasoas '«rtiich at the Btomeot aeon to he quite solid aad eadUring, ao far aa aaythiag la mere Parliamentary strategy can be aaid to be solid and enduring...
...We hcra been eeoaia-kaikqr aayUtoy trom.a third to aaaHy halt toa vote we poBad at tha laat Oeaeral ElectKm...
...They all looked t is Ume to see the firat of toe bombtag planes WW...
...It is not a toss of SociaUst faith, bat disillusionment with the fruits of-minority Government, which ia ta evidence ta aU this...
...nvb^d staad tl»Mm^Mila^^SM»wll Hatenertto (HM ear to ths Pope, wtth the olharhi toe foBfhra of war...
...Bafora It la tot late . %. ......A...
...Since toe key to the Russian system woiUd seem to be planned economy under toe direction ol the state it is only natural that the attention of all toose tater-ested should be directed to the present phase of toe plan, toe so-called "Five Year Plan," extending over toe period 1928-1933...
...Iste had their day too...
...what waa the todnoemettt aadar wUeh the Uberala had acted...
...What haa happened is that the feaiing of precariousness aa to the Government remaining ta offlce— Lbe day-to-day uncertataty as to Its survival—^has given place to a general feeltag, both In the House of Conunons and ta the country, that a year or more of safety from Parliamentary defeat ia now W prospect All talk about a General election being likely at any moment has ceased...
...toe totenal party issues ta New York City, toe resolutions presented on trade unions, Russia, and campaign meto-ods...
...Bessie Ooodmaa, Pianist...
...toe Sodalist officials elected ta Milwaukee and Readtag...
...He also potato out that thareSas been sacrifice of quality to qumtity...
...Yet one wonders If toey are not overemphaslztag toe importance of the completion of toe plan at just the time set and ta Just toe manner ta which Soviet economists and technicians planned ta 1927-8...
...The ^«wa padflau who are simple enough to be-^ tiiat you don't get far by fighting are toea iZ* M by the Christian paciflste and to tWa our national hoaor is sustataed and we have urar with the resiUt that anotoer part of . ^J^^ambered...
...If aay of you devoted busbaTida ara k^ late aUmeetlaga, or busy oa party work, Aat bi aahamed...
...A land policy ta which toe Liberals must stand by us...
...Aad the aaawer ^^^^^H would be, "Why that ia M. Cole-^^^^^^¦maa, Columbia, Ought Ntae... toe bdief that such a conflict between toe hereditary and toe elective principle will provide tia wlto a winning campaign-cry If we can secure time ta which to work It up effectively...
...Let ua get tegethai toto Bome aenalUe arraagemaat ef divldtag up tU work for their sake . . . aad oura...
...aad their aalada ao diaoeacertatt «» devoir, aad our veteoa ao few aad weak, ttw JUH tare la far frooa ¦aiiiniistlin How wm I fM ten ysan from aowf Vta ths dnaaa of Impatlaawe atai aet tba Meod i^tr»ng throogh tlM aitartea wtth rabdabae paoaf Wm the vlaloa be aa eiear aad aottdaaaad so asart wjm X too become raooaoUed to the haposalMBm of reachlag aaytolag wo^thwbtte ta my liretttnfc aad oonuDaace to oouual prudeaoe, patleaoa, an the loag, kmg way as the aureat road hoaM .. What aiakes tha elder ooauwfoa ao besitnt, at carefid...
...a change ao auddea aad eeoiplete aa to have ahaoat aa appearaace of freakiabaeas...
...He is resting easUy at home aad reoov«b< ing rapidly...
...One of the most taDOttng bodoi that has come out <rf Rasato ta Rasda'a Priaaw" fay IC Uia...
...One preseate a list of new iKMks, pamphlete and reporte on economic, labor, aocial and political th«nes and toe otoer, ai^ to-itematlonal labor "directory, liste I the names of economic and poUt-lical organizaUons of the workers here and abroad, giving the names I and addresses of the leading executive offlciaL An tateresttag and Informative supplement ia a chart containtag a comparison Of unemployment Insurance legislation, compulsory aad voluntary, to eighteen nations...
...It h an attempt to speed ^ tha aeon-omto devdopeaant <rf tbm U. 8. S R. by an atouat miftt^mm atbxt...
...The ZiMr^ with tihaiaataiMta atBpl<my< are alrea4y ptaahv thab expected part...
...The Liberals kept up this atmosphere of imoertaiaty until toe very day of the Censure debate, aad up to that moment the conservatives stiU counted upon Liberal support and all its consequences ta a new election...
...On that iasue the Ltoerala are bound to cooperate wito us...
...It is ao vital a part of toeir old fighting tradiUon that they must respond to It This, then, is the plan of action which now emerges from the con-' fusions of the past year...
...Naither from toe Liberal nm* toe Labw potat of view...
...Labor, as you have noted, has not been dotag weU at bve-elections: but Liberalism baa been dotaf dto-aattoualy...
...It win take a conslder-aM» tlnte...
...Tlie story is aim-ply but very dramaticaUy told and for toe American reader who is to read but one book this one would do admirably...
...They •Nfct 4 whole mess of big birda had been let aad they growled something fierce...
...1 The task is beyond our poor powers of brata aadi muscle...
...CedUa Curry, SU^ar...
...Ito success or failure ta tUs latter attempt does not measure toe success or failure of a planned economy as such...
...T^y have aawad more thaa one Radical Ooven-meat to toe part by thdr otiocnr-aatiam, aad caa alwaya be eedly led lato the booby-tn^ of givtog th^ Ofponento a powerful caae for appMl to popular todlgnatloa...
...Two of toem deal direcUy wito "Five Year Plan" as such...
...If you were hu-*i ^'"^ ol toe dumb beasties that you lir tolags wouM be plata to you...
...who had no use for toem any more and Kna: belongs to an ex-Hollywood executive who lit in CIsra Bow's room by mistake...
...Wh« I arooe to apeak, the temper of the chUdren b» spoke Impatieaee for ice rreeni aad cake, aad at there waa a uaaalmoua dedatoa tor a short speed and loag portions of refreshment...
...Norman Thomas is ilL HappQy he is aeasthH enough to know that fledi is weaker thaa the dream...
...It Is easy to see why hooka describing, toe Soviet system, es-pedaUy ta its economic phases should be so popular at toe present moment For, ta toe midst ol toe world depression wito politl-ciaos and so-called leaders of business showing the utmost confusion, not only about toe causes of toe catastrophe but eapedaUy about getting out of It, Russia alone seems to have some idea where it Is going and Russia alone seems to offer a worktag alternative to the^apltallat system undeF which mon of the world lives...
...Ooort De-dakMM Afleettag Labor, Civil Lib-ertlea, Wotfeera* fltaeattea...
...Ilia Ooaaemttlvea had given notice of a vote of eea-sure which, if carried, would have thrown toe Govemmeat out...
...For the precariousness of the Government position durtag the past year has been in the fact that it always has to depend on the Liberal vote ta the House of Commons...
...The Chatterbox YESTERDAY, I found ttmrn idMiek aver NT'^hI «ac AadilsktallartkttliaadfhaniMitJMlIP ef ear old Oaamdaa Mimk PMMd away...
...I just knew that pad aid man would puU us through...
...L. B. Labor's Handbook -Wi t-TTHOUT question the most useful aaaual volume for tha Socialist and others taterested ta the Socialist aad Labor movement in aU Ite aspecte here aad abroad Is toe American Labor Year Book...
...I ^^^^^^B waa deUghted to leain that for ^^^^^^H toe first ttaM to history capltal-^^^^^^^ ism had perfected a formula whereby every UtUe boy aad girt ta America could have two auto-couple of radio sete, two silk shirte and g^irand double life to boot, what wito our sys-p cf freat, big enormous wages...
...Considering toe stress toat has been placed on toe plan by the Com-munisU toemselves, ta boto theii tatemal and external propaganda, it is easy to imderstand this at-titode of tooae who are but observers...
...s ot course a totag like that costs money but who a *e to be parsimonious ? Figure tliat the show Wr coat aroimd $120,000,000 and toat toe cost of fHaisf the pilote came to another $100,000,000 (as a«x-iviator assured me) who are we to kick at a >w 1220,000,000 circ\is...
...Savaaaah, Georgia, Juae 1; Tampa, Florida, Juae 6 aad 7to...
...Aa the diataace to be covered is ratoer large, these comrades are not able to atop at so many placea 'aa toey would Uke to...
...Whe-toer it has disappeared or whetoer it had aothiag to report wo do not know...
...Let me try aad aia]^ elaar exactly how ami oa what Uaaa It has been doie...
...But the yeara tahi toelr toU from energy and {diysical atreagth...
...Uttle puMle aefaocd kiddlea eaanat ^^K^^ P*"*"** ^ ^ •ad bt ^ ^^Vw^ countoy why doeaa't he go baek^ to where he came fnaa...
...The second of the l>ooks deaUng wito the plan is an analysis of the worktags of toe plan to ite first two years of operation...
...Here is preserved ta abbreviated form toe vote of aU labor parties stace 1892 and a detaOed report of toe vote cast by toese parties In all stotes ta toe elecUons of 1928 and 1930...
...1 *a't know irtietoer you are supposed to stag Ta Star Spangled Banner" or "Nearer Uy God JauTi ccnfess toat my four black cate didn't jfttilotic at toe arrival of the planes...
...Which gives us time to thlBk of how unjust circumstance is to those who find so muohi to do ta thia mad world to set...
...Nor la this meant to auggeet aajrthlag except alBH cere coadderation for toeir weU-beiag...
...It ia Wisdom ttaea^ to boUd by preparlag repUceaient...
...The rapid aad ruto-less development of toe wage-cutting policy of toe employers fed-erationa, and toe fierce capitalist attack oa our insurance provision Bgatasf unemployment, are ' toe outstanding facts...
...Just up aad confoei . . . "Sarah kqM me out to-toght . . ." More women at work Uke Comrade Votowtok, an less men groaaiag tmder the atrata of party duttoi Aad this from one who ia ao faailalat . . .,id by a kr 5 shot • A week ago laat Saturday...
...Two minor aectiona which bring toe volume to a cloae are to-formative...
...At the age of forty and wito a gray hair cropa ping tato eight, I stand debattag things for tba aiM ment...
...When I wroto a aiaath aco, we were on the eve of a House of Commons dedaloa which waa regarded as very daageroua for tka Govemmeat...
...So wheto-er or not the various autoors be-Ueve toat CommimiSm will succeed they feel it essential that toey ta-vestigate the worktaga of the system that is at present challenging capitalism...
...It la a atoiy <tf what tha Raadaa goverahuat la tryta« to 40 wxttr | school r.hfldren...
...It's al Un the spirit of fun food teotoerhood and that toere are two kinds Itofiau, Christian and toe otoer ktad who are h tC*^- Paciflste right up l~i^y Qiat toe War Is declared...
...when revaaM... the St RoOox divtolan of OUagow...
...Is what haa happened...
...The author tells his story very weU and a very readable book has been written In place of what might have Iseen a dty economic tract...
...I had paaead their eels bratlon oa the way to the parade of tha chtidrea Ottve drab, flagi...
...There is a poaslbiUty of otoer meetinga ta Florida ta between these dates...
...sane agata...
...i Hers against the blue sUea aad sea...
...To be sure it dawi toe sleddtag was a bit rough...
...But toe "Fiv< Tear Plan" is mudt aiore... confident that laatructioaa had been sent out to their agento aU over toe country to hegin to get things ready for the General lOec-tion...
...Among toe honored Uvtag...
...Paihi^ It ia but the beat* Uy-growB notion toat achlevemaat Uaa Hght ahea<| for ite day and reward...
...Farbman, besides Iw^g aa econoBiist wito an acute mtadweU versed in Russian proUema, wrltea extremely weU and his book is easily toe > moat readable that I have ccme acroas...
...The X T Z of Communism," (B...
...beea a houae ef Miota...
...Waa delighted to attend a diaaer given to Coni< rade Sarah Vokrwlck of the Broax last Friday aigh^ Some -eighty of ua old Bromcitefl got toffetoar fif cheer and do hoaaag* for one of the Bturdiast,'d» Ingest Uttle wozkera for the Big Cauae...
...Theee are queatteaa we araet week ea wlthh tha test tnbea of our tbtahtaff...
...Here we| have a man devoting toe prime years of Uvtag to an unequal task...
...Lookit What Hoover to Me Done to Me W^ZL^ ariddla of OcU^ 1939...
...From toe Liberal point of view, an immediate General Elec-tloo holds out no hope at an...
...Harpers treatmeat is fair, but critieal aad quite aoute to Ite aaalyaia...
...The excitement about this Vote of Censure was toe clinaax to the touch-and-go tasecurity of toe precedtag year...
...Ia fact...
...aa Russto has dtme to regards to oil and coal...
...aad I won toe Great Xnl speaking of toe War you boys^ut ta toe r. :k5 are to be commiserated for mlsing toe hangup shew tha graat-bearted War Department has ietz putting oats na toese past few days...
...Svas at past sixty, it is stlrrlag to thlak of the time aad effort Morris finds to carry on...
...Comrade Isabella Friedman had charge of thl arraagemeate aad wlto quite aa elBclcnt oommlttae the dilldran Biaaaged to have a apeadld time...
...Ite comparison of the anarchic capitalist methods of productioa aad Russla'a attempt at planned production is especially good...
...It presente a digest of thoueaada of pubUcatloBa, cuUiag the meet essential taforma-tion for tha studeat, ocmdenatDg aad claaalfyiag toe taformatlon, and aiaklag It easUy aceeeatole to him...
...For toere are pitfalls under thla f-parent surface security...
...lAtei' ta the evening, Roaenauer was iatrodueed aad aa-aouaoed the gift of a radto whl^ the CoBOUttee had tnataUed to her room as a t^cea of iq^preola* UoB and esteem to Mrs...
...If toese things are to be measured by electoral chances...
...dnaaa aad drU stldu...
...and it waa aeea that the ontstaadtag f ea> tare of It waa hU revival of Uoyd GoMge's old lead tax policy, lima the priadpal Item ta the session's propoaad leglaiatiOB isaowameaa-ure adopted from toe Uberala...
...This upoa vote aad deaaoOrattoaUy X abided by the wlU of tb< It waa aot whaf X aaid tharer but whiu weat Bhoottog through my mlad that aught bear ra conuag...
...Atlanta, Georgia, Juae »to...
...It waa tha aert ef thtog that efAM aot ba Jadatfatttfy repeated...
...For ta toe desire to speed up ta every respect it may be possible to surpass toe original plans ta some re-specto...
...Among tha other topica recdviag separate ehaftaea are the foDow-lag: Strikea aad Loekonta, Labor Mitlfla...
...And'it ia ta the factors outside Parliament that the real forcM which make and unmake Govemmento are operative...
...You mm^J^ to Barrm laland wlto Mayor Walk-S|l«'a» youraelvoB evwy time a new bomber pK^^ ay ao doing you would prove ooaehulve-E^'ilk mL" admtolatraUon that this ^?^*^had and that anyone who klcka be-¦^^w...
...takea place ta the poUtical oat-I look bere...
...and it Is from this world of realities ratoer than from Parliamentary adroitness that new and Imperative urgencies may arise at any moment, quite regardless of ParUamentary convenience...
...The Govenuaeat itaelf diared ta toese fears as to wba.t might happen...
...After examing the lituatlon ta all branches of industry and arglculture he ^ds f&at ta toe heavy industries and ta agriculture toe plan has beea fuUUed or surpassed but that to traaapor-totlon aad ta toe light tadustries there has been s<mie laning...
...August Claeaaens acted aa toaat-master...
...ead ao retroapeet ta eewythtag they «• aay for toe causer Pwhapa tt la )uat the oiaM coavlctloa that th^ wffl aet Uve leas <innii|1li to see toelr years of aerviee crowaed wlto vlctoty...
...If the Ubecala rafoaaS to taza the It aaeaitf that thair tactic^ ef hoU-tag oC aad en emda aet he aw-aewed witbta aaother hetsBf peilod, aad toat the reaaoa for thate da-date woold...
...After aone ntoeteen montha is jocosely caUed, "toe recent depressicm" ^ grown this lieautiful beard, taken up pipe instead of those horrid expensive cigarete ,10 friedmaa has been urging me for yeaia, gl ^sre become a red hot rugged tadivldualiat, ^?Bg up to what is left of my 1929 shoes and aay man to offer me a dole...
...Mainly because we are so few...
...Aad Indeed, when oae aieaauras her wertc foi Socialism, what dae caa a good maa do thaa fol low ta her...
...a growing conflict wito the Lords arising out of it...
...The SociaUst Labor Party and toe Bolshevik organizations recdve similar treatment- If a dii^to arlaee regarding any of these Blatters this volimie gives the eaawer...
...That hat I im veering I atole off an old horse ta Union l^oin hat summer who was asleep at toe time...
...In toese circumstances, toe new tactic which has now taken visible shape is exceedingly tateresttag...
...The Idea ia to force thia land policy to the forefront to pubUc attention aad to work up a series of quarrels wlto the House of Lords duriag toe next year...
...awnto Jay month, re-porte tha more Important evente that have occurred to the labor movaoMnt throoghout the world...
...He llato toeae aa being tha Coaununiat Party Worker, The Young Com-ratmlst...
...I hustled over tx Rockaway Beach to aiaka a Peace Day speech tt a large group of chlldrea who had been May pa^ adiag oa the Boardwalk uader the ausplcea of thi Womea'a Section of the Peace Party...
...I ^^^^^^H was readiag Garret Garet's book ^^^^^^Hj called "The American Omen...
Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22