The Choice Before Labor: Freedom Or Tyran

DeNio, Pierre


...The reeponae waa oiost gratifying...
...iaavttahly talac# diaeoateat, iadONtrtal '^t'f aad ttte eoBq>!ete dlan^tkm of the Qirttnal anrala of tba pao|^_ <'nua ia troa of only a abort p«o lod aftw tha war...
...Thomaa W. Davia, Fl-aaadal secretary...
...Imaioderato Behavior of Fioletartat Mra...
...As a mattor of fact, what is significant for us is not the relative condition of the \_:-_ entire poptdation ta good timea as ! compared to bad times, but ratoer 1 i toe relative conditions of toe two | classes of toe population at all times...
...The terrible intensity bf the present industrial crisis is an emphatic demonstration of how unstable and haphazard is our plan of conducting our poUtical and economic business...
...It waa not that she waa particularly fond of ham...^^H indnstn^^^H most cci^^^H ^^eS^H wh^ a^^^H One a^^H meats th|^^H electridti^^^l modity k|^^| and rasi^^^^^H throwaiS^^I it ccasata^H ris centsigj^H control a^^^l public tttill^^l Che moat^^H which haa^^l the misdji^^H combtnattiii^H national mJ^| Sreat pomSI Here U a rila the Americaa ens ill very a myopic viatsel within the Imk: vate owaera^ commodity tta em society...
...For many a decade past, toe history of tadustry and commerce is but toe history of toe revolt of modern productive forces against modem conditions of production, against toe property relations that are the conditions for the exiatence of the bourgeoisie and its rule...
...Jcaes went ah^hig the other day...
...That la to aay, by paving ; toe way for more extensive and I more destructive crises, and bj ' diminishtag toe means whereby ¦ crises are prevented...
...It | seems all but impossible to change I the situation to meet the exigen...
...It is one of tki great ctcissics of the Socialist ifiotement and Hai heen translated into practically all modern languages...
...Tbousands of millionaires, with their women and parasitic sons aad daughters, are exercising their ingenuity contriving new ways of I disporting themselves in shame-j less wantonness and luxury, while...
...ta toe Buffalo General Hospital, after an iltaeas of two weeks...
...Ht - was twice a candidate on toe Com-I araaist ticket for lleutaaaat- gov-' emor and ta 1930 was tliair aom-I iaee for State Comptroller...
...To the class-conscious worker it makes up in significance what we hone it lacks In interest... has aUo called tatc existence the men who are to wield : tooae weapons—toe modem work-: tag class—toe proletoriaas...
...It is a Proe-perlty of Poverty...
...There is only one reason why the American family did not receive $3,725 in 1928, o'r even the living wage of $2,100...
...and why...
...The toevltoble succds of toe capltaliat class to the staruggle to enlarge Its share of tte aocial product toe toevltable poverty of the workers until that ayatem is overthrown (altoough in toe struggle to overthrow toe system, it is of course just as inevitoble that toe working class will triumph if it awakes to its own interests...
...The shacks of toe workera in toe textile towns, the murdered bodies of toe Ludlow pickets, and toe men on toe bread lines of New York— toey too form part of this fotm-dation...
...That is the picture that presents itself to tha thinking Americaa ia the lanl of tha free and the home of the brave...
...oral tlnue to traei along which i to where wc I a few indlviai ble wealth sal mass of lai landed peaMi every veatlfH pect, and aall wretchedasailM who have Pcverty J^jwj live wtthkWgH THE MODESTY OF THE SIAMESE ROYALTY SHOPPING TRIP OF PRINCESS SUGGESTS SOME CONTRASTS OF AMERICAN WEALTH AND POVERTY By Robert Delson THE Queen of Siam went shopping the other day...
...The next dato waa aet tor Sunday, June 7, to the home of Otto Keyaer, Maauett Comrade Merritt Crawford waa elected Orgaaiaar...
...This conlUct of hitereats of toe two classes as to the division of toe fmiU of pro-ductton is toe aspect of the class struggle which manifesto itaelf to toe every day Ufe of an of ua...
...To put it as starkly as poa-laible—the direct cause of the "abnormal" poverty of toe worker in times of depreaaion is his "normal" po^-M'ty in tlmee of prosperity...
...The fabulous wealto of tha 1 per ceyt could not exist without toe to-credible poverty of toe 80 per cent Every dollar to the pocket of tha...
...spoke at the gatoering on tha program and work of tha Socialist Party...
...It a « of the commoa] ahall go fonMl reasonably 1M| citizens, cooMl produce for tiM pie those aasal which there « security...
...The naeamed tocomes of the Bo<^efeDera would not l>e poaaible without toe unpaid, labor of the workers...
...some j alaety members of our seventy-flnft Congress were retired to private life...
...Otto Kqr-ser...
...Out of the difference between what the pro: ducer receivea for hla product and • a^t the consumer pays has been , fashioned a finanrial power that is ; now destrojring those who made it , possible...
...H. N. Brailsford has said that the slum is toe cause of the dread-Inoiight, since failure to distribute :toe national product in the home i market makes it necessary to aeek I markets abroad...
...Comradea Auguat and Hilda Claea-aeaa, Louis and poae I^t^ Sol Low, Dr...
...Pethaps he should ! have added that if we made enough dreadnoughts we could lessen the increase of sluma hy prev«»tteg the speedy recurrence^ depressions...
...ymhal Poverty in "Proaperoos" Times We have noted tous far that toe prosperity of toe rich is based directly upon toe poverty of toe workers...
...If toe income of toe country were so distributed that the workers received a living wage, it would mean that a large number of mil-Uonaires would have to go out of toe miUlonalre daaa...
...It was not shopping, perhaps, in the ordinary sense of the word, since that implies the posseasion of the wherewithal to obtain legal title to the desired articles...
...In one very flagitious case the bank was obviously engaged in an extensive boot-legging business, and it waa alleged that the politicians of the city were ao involved that it was aot advisable to make any great effort to brli^ the bank officials to court...
...In the fall election of 1930...
...That is, an asauraaee o? feodf c^ithln^ aad ahei* tar IB m f>^|*Kttpa lilMK...
...Undoubtedly, toe autoor of the proverb was not attempting to describe tlds situation, but he certainly succeeded ta doing so when ihe said "Poverty begets Poverty...
...The Bxecnttve Committee includes VJaoaat A. burtte...
...they were burst asunder...
...In the State- of Arkansas five ! htmdred farmers have swarmed ¦ into a small town demanding food...
...It is not to be desired that thoae processes should be arrested, "hut it ia the duty and right of any sane or intelligent society to keep its political and flnancial arrange-menta abreast of and in harmony with ito ec<»omic advancement...
...Laaa and less (O... appears as if a famtae, a universal war of devastation, had cut off the supply of every meana of subsistence...
...During the susnaer seaaoaa there would be great activity la the labor of planting and harveatlng the different cxopa, aad workiag at tba many different handicraft trades...
...The Prosperity which toe few enjoy is based upon toe Poverty of the many...
...In the fall the bams would be fiUed with hay, fodder and other supplies...
...The conditions of hour-I geols society are too narrow tc r comprise the wealth created bj • toem...
...Thf World-Telegram reports that the Queen purchased "fifty pairs of gloves, seventy-eight pairs of stockings and thirteen pairs of shoes" at a store which might weD carry the slogan—"Ifs-Smart-To-' Be-Wealthy...
...Four aad one-half billions of dollars are in the vatiUs of America's banking houses, while charts organizations beg pennies to feed her starving farmers...
...wotlwr means a d(d?ir.leaa to toat of toe capitalist...
...By the late aeveatias capltaliam had "deflated" tha fazmara aad they were burning grain for foel^Ikfitor...
...whA It comes to toiling and suffering and starving, to singing patriotic songs, waving the flag and stopping the bullets, j this is a nation of one himdred and twenty million people, but when it comes to reaping all the rewards, appropriating all the profits of industry, and declaring all the wars, this then is a nation of a very few thousands...
...of Haveratraw...
...Fraak P. Schwatan aad J. B. KMmH, ot Kew Teck lj?^a^«adCa;W..»^iy...
...on the other, by the conquest ol new markets, and by the more « toorough exploltotlon of toe ok •¦ ones...
...sists of good, fair farms with fair s buildinga, aad for the last two . years over thirty thousand acrea t ot land in the cooaty, practically : all farming land, haa beat adver-i tised for taxea...
...How the Proletartot Uve More thaa three-quarter of the families of America receive less thaa $1,800 a year in a year when the araoufit required for a minimum standard of health and decency for a family of flve was $2,100 a year...
...EnroUed Socialist voters of Rockland County were tovltod by special letter...
...Because toe worker recetv** so little wages that he must Uve ta poverty ta the best of times, he is forced to go through a period of depression when be will receive eitoer nothing at aU, or if he is lucky, leas thaa his previously ta-adequate wages and is forced to live ta poverty more atbject than ^ ever...
...That establish-: ed mental trampiiUty: a needful attribute to any sort of progress...
...B\irtoermoBe, it is not enough for-us to point out that the working class bears the brunt of the burden in times of depression, to to-creased poverty—^we must also show that the workers pay toe coat of capitalist wealto at all times ta toelr normal stoto of poverty...
...but it waa nearest the edge of the oouator, and ahe reached for it...
...on toe contrary, toey have become too powerful for these conditions by which toey are fettered, and as soon aa they overcome these fetters they bring Oaecter tote the iHwIe of bottryerta aodety, ea-daagea the eBlH|paa ^ h^ai^peela 1 property...
...After one hundred and fifty years of life...
...W few months of the deal I* $16,0f'C OOCJJR American peofi ing In teait heartache...
...tkat is equipped with every omeatvaUe tool that acience and inventioB have been able to devise for tlM ajbuadaat ^x>dnction of all the nieissary cQmma<Utiaa needful for an enjoyable and useful life...
...The President, with all the callousness of the amug ariatocrat that ha is, cavalieriy igaorea the extaaatve destitution, aad refuses to permit Coagreaa to reader any reasonable reUef to tha h^less sufferers...
...stmfiar aaovemeat ia gotog on before our own eyes...
...It was, she aaid, a modest shopping trip —^merely to "repleniah her wardrobe...
...In these ciraes a great part not only of toe existtag products, but also of toe previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed, to these crises toere breaks out an epidemic that, ta all earlier epochs, would have seemed an absurdity—toe epidemic of overproduction...
...They were, as representative atateamen, repudiated at the fountain head of our political form of goverament, but our legislative l machmery is so cumbersome and j old fashioned that it stiU functions | in harmony with the aocial condi- i tions of one hundred years ago,' permitting those discredited poll- { ttctaaa' to act in the capacity of i law makers for many numths after j the election 'ot their successors...
...To be aohfaet to perloda tetat aMtih ptutm iiaafiiiiWIia^af peo...
...flaunting their ill-gotten wealth in { the faces of those whom they have despoUed...
...Assemblyman Fred R. Horn was also present and delivered a short addreas ta which he discussed some of the problems factag the workers ta Rockland County, and oomplimeatod those present for the totelligent discos-skm that he liateaed to...
...Insane Eeosmnlea Nothing could more clearly symbolize toe insanity of the present ! economic order than toe fact that ' expenditures for lllto and for ma-chtaery of wholeaaif destruction actually hdp to stave off deprea-aions...
...We have permitted the Bourgeois apolcglsto to use toe term "Prosperity" to such a way as to connoto that even toe working class is well off when btulness is booming, nnd even toe capitalist class is l>adly off when bustoeas is bad...
...She shortly found herself in the nearest police station...
...I For eight years he was toe Editor of toe New Age.'Buffak> Socialist weekly, to 1917 he made . a remarkable run for Mayor of , Buffalo on the Socialist Ucket to ) 1918 he was toe party nominee r for Member of Congress to toa . 41st district At toe time of toe party spUt ta 1919, mudi to toe . surprise of his associates...
...At a certata stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, toe coadltloBS under which feudal ao-ciety produced and exchanged, toe feudal (xganization of agriculture and manufactturing tadustry, ta one word, toe feudal relations of property becanie no longer compatible wlto toe' already developed productive forces...
...Of course, this is merely atoting to anotoer way what we have said ao many times before—that tmder-payment of toe workera causea depressions...
...machtaery, application of machtaery to ta-dustry aad agriculture, steam navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, eleaxlag of whole conti-aaato fbr culttvatlcm, canaltaation of livers, whole populations conjured out of the ground—what eaifler century had even a presentiment that auch productive forces slumbered to toe lap ef social labtHT...
...Almost every young man and I yotmg vroman cotild marry and - feel assured that with a reasonable f lai^ ¦ e e • ¦ . ttva lm4 UuAtmmmOr imn wm » dartto9loirhiwlM«aIloindfe» ¦ go hMir to tha wM ateto> •Oam i aad tM«raat ara aaar daatroyla...
...Jones walked into the nearest market aad walked off without paying for a shoulder of ham, and a cut of meat...
...When John Jones was v-orklng, he had lacked the self control to abstato from laviah expenditures, such as shoes for his children, even a hat for his wife, aad rent for the landlord...
...The foundation upon which Is reared the glitter and the pomp of toe Kings, of Coal and toe Barons of Steel is the bleakness and desolation of toe workers lives in miTiIng towns...
...On th« f one hand by enforced destructiot I of a mass of productive forces...
...pie must auffar a dwQf aoaar plete lack ef thoae posltivs^ nacsMsry thiags...
...The Queen's preference In stockings waa for 100-gauge silk in black, a color little worn by Americans, as well as in peche, Ben-Hur, simray, gun metal and topaz...
...toey became so many fetters...
...We will now proceed to point out that it is precisely because toe worker Is poor even ta boom times that he must be poorer still ta timea of depreaaion...
...They had to burst aaoadar...
...Similarly, toe condition of toe I workers is described as one of poverty in bad timea, but it Is also ?one of poverty in toe best of times —oply somewhat less so...
...Whea the* winter settled dowa the people ware fully prepared to enjoy a aeaaoa of reasonable physical activity, aad alao a great deal of aocial intercourse aad maioymeaSt^ There would be paitlea and dahcee aad the families spent maay boura of ease aad I pleaaore exehaagtng the news aad . gossip of the countryside...
...Socialist Local Organized In Rockland County A very successful Socialist gato-ering was held Sunday afternoon, to the house of Merritt Crawford, to Nyack-on-the-Hudson...
...Franklin P. Brill Passes in Buffalo (By A New Leader Correspondent) BUFFALO, N. Y.—Franklta P. ' ¦Brill, veteran of the Socialist [ movement, died Sunday...
...j Whaa it comea to the btisiness ot paying tazaa, producing vast quantities of every conceivable form of useful and uselees commodity...
...The meeting waa opeati by Crawford, who acted as Chairman, aad Thomas W. Davis, secretary...
...The make-work fallacy la no fallacy at all under capitalism for if toe Queen of Siam did not spend her Income on consumption goods, it would be put tato production goods which would tacrease toe tendency of production to outrun consumption, and hasten a crisis...
...The grim actuality of capitalist wealto and proletorian poverty la no" leas barbarous than toe artist's symbolical portrayal of the feudal analogue...
...Our government waa founded upon the premise that a few heaven-sent individuals were better able to minister to the needs and welfare of the mass of the people than they could do for themselves...
...I The Red Cross has beeu called upon^to feed the hungry people In I many localities, and local charity I has cared for members of work-i ing class families all over the nation...
...Capitalism's Industrial Crises A System That Brings Its Own Destruction The following fxcerpts are taken'* from ihe "Communist Manifesto" hy Karl Marx and Frederick Ehgels...
...Perhaps too it marks the first step In the execution of the widely advertised Intentton of the kindly Siamese despot to mtfce his country aa free and democratic as our own...
...rK honrgeolsle...
...The weapons wito which toe ' bourgeoisie felled feudalism tc ' toe ground are now turned againsi ' toe bourgeoisie itself...
...viB aot vl the vtry hat M the goom tot k auch goUa^aL Ser^atvaaaa the c:a4ivtfa that, anaiiaai publicity, alaughter,, vestors in tall ing eiTka...
...Thus, while toe condition of the i wealtoy is said to be "prosperous" ta good times, it is also prosperous ta bad time—only somewhat less so...
...during its rule of scarce one hundred yeara, haa created more massive and more coloasal productive forces than have all precedtag genera-tleaa togetoer...
...Modem bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the netoer world whom he haa called up by his spells...
...ment of tkh i numlty abUa ciona fancy e(|{ group of sdia Last ^mm Power CoBfMi Amb&ssadn Ti speaJung betnr know of BO (A industry what the product t» a consi:2iei* J* a| tual cos*, of fBl tide soil- la who IS headtfti to ccstrol itnaf the gas u? eketti United StatM,* the time aa4 M t} u»e hit taiMM Sackett matoia Ingul...
...the financial ataMMy <tf aB tha > fittflcwMe Ao<xwcdlmt ^ ft JEoraivT t Judge eC aa iB^eetaat datiy I cooaty ef ^ east, wittiar la tha ) largeet cooaty waii:^ f^*' ^ , atate, "mora Isad to this cmmty . haa beea ladd to tha atate for tani I dollars i>er acre toaa to any other ¦ cotmty, and aaoat of thia land oca...
...There is a famous painting of toe French Revolution depicting Louis XVI in aU his regal splendor seated upon a throne which rests upon the crushed, squirming and mutilated bodies of hia tortored subjecU . Their life blood provided the revenue for toe glory that was Veraailles...
...Uberty and the pursuit of hajpiaeas, mlQlona of helpless mea aad woman, with their still more helpless children, are enduring tha privation of the moat elemental aeeda of phjraical existence...
...She needed them despite the fact that her husband waa out of work, and aha had detormlned to get them even though she was out of money...
...In more than one instance during the past year there has been a record of bank faihires In which i whole conununltles of working people have been nAbed of the savings of yeara of toil...
...Claeasens wlthto the hour or so, thaa he had to toe two years that he haa beea to Albaay...
...cies of present day conditions...
...It ia enotigh to mention toe commercial crises that by their periodical return put on its trial, each time more toreat-entagly, the existence of toe entire bourgeois society...
...In shoea she prefers a medium heel even on the opera pump of which she is particularly fond...
...We aee toen: toe means of production and of exchange on whose fouadattoa the bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated ta feudal aodety...
...Nothing was too good for him...
...I nsty yeara ago ninety per eeat I of the tinera at Amerlca'a aoO lived with their teaOiea spoa their own land...
...The productive forces at toe disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of toe ccadttlons of bourgeois property...
...This waa r largely due to his tatcose tater-I est to the Russian revolution...
...The Manifesto appeared in tB4S...
...Because there is too much civilization, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce...
...The ahopping trip of the Prin-cesa was, of course, of great interest to our democratic citizenry...
...Undoubtedly, that designation ia the Siamese equivalent of the "Citizen" of the French Revolution...
...C this land ik redeemed each year, , and the farmera are confronted ! with a aerimia propoitfticm ovet : disastrous taxation...
...In the cellara would be stored aU the differcat kinds of winter food, such aa vegetables, meat, and varietlea of native fruits both canned and la thett nattiral state...
...It soon became a very pndltable business and as our iinjn>ifl«ti fathers sowed the wind we now are reaping the whirlwind...
...In times of depression the American ro3ralty are doubUeas still able to repleniah their wardrobes ala the Queen of Siam at the rate of 11,000 per replenishment...
...In her omnil flUment of ka America, todiyj roada...
...A fiae local waa organized...
...At aay rate the l>aaker ia itOl at large with several hundred thousand d^Oara of stolea savings...
...The Choice Before Labor: Freedom Or Tyran PRODUCERS IN FACTORY AND FIELD MUST RE-FASHION OUR ECONOMIC ORDER OR REIGN THEMSELVES TO INSECURITY AND DEGREDATION By Pierre DeNio TBE UatM 8tatw,i« » ooantry of afanoct unllmltftd natoral raaonrcci It is sow a coouBon-waalth of ooc Irandred aad twenty atiIlioap«^ It is a society that is oBitralled is liigrUy skilled manpower...
...HU failure to eave for hard times from his salary of $S6 per week was the cause of his wife's Aiameful conduct...
...Society suddenly finds itself put back tato a state of momentory barbarism...
...And how does the bourgeoisi« ¦ get over these crises...
...Be was 67 yeara old...
...Brill ¦ jotoed the Communiato...
...If the Income of the country were evenly divided the average family income wojild have been $3,725 In 1928...
...The faiama ware pretty aear^ aU aatlve dttaaas, living aa active, eoateated Ufe...
...It cooceivea and breeds an intellectual standard that will | apathetically allow a great newspaper, the creation of the life weilc of aa able and distinguished i American, to languish and die of i neglect, wlille iU citizens teca-j ciously, avidly and lasciviously ¦ paw each other in their amorous scramble to get in their neurotic possession copies of the foul andj lecherous tabloids...
...W. B. RoUaaoa, were amoag the outof-towa vlaltMa...
...One biuhel of wheat at ! the farmers eli^totr will bring ! the price of six one-pound loaves I of bread, but fifty-two more loaves I can be made from the aame I amount of wheat...
...We have seen too toat poverty is toe constant condition of toe worker at all times, good or bad, except that it is more aggravated in times of depression...
...It is true that la that rather ¦ primitive form of society there . were' almost ao bath tubs, aad no : radios or talking pictures or ' night cluba...
...These excerpts are upecialli inleresting in relation to the gtnerat brtaidoun of capitalism...
...However, it caUously, smugly and hypocritically underwrites a super- j ctllous and dishonest political and economic system, that relenUessly consigns mHlions of the men andi women -who have made it great, to endure the physical suffering and spiritual humiliation of material need...
...The most emphatic need of spiritual and physical well-being is economic security...
...One per cent of the income reorients obtain about 12 per cent of the U. S...
...Our governmental structure is baaed upon a constitution that has been tetmed "TJie greatest document ever struck off by the hand of man...
...processes of evtdutlon, both social and Industrial, are beyond the power of Individuals to arrest...
...I believe, however, that It is poa-sible to put this fact more potot-edly...
...It refers ratoer, to toe condition of a small minority of the population, the capitalist class, as against toat of toe large majority, toe working class, at aU times, good or bad...
...the richest one-tenth of one per cent receive about 6 per 9eat «i the laeome...
...America haa not done that, and her pvwerful business leaders and mudl*to2^| I ooetKl, mt^M selves...
...The reason is not to be sought in the lists' lack of generosity, b t in toe unalterable phyaical law which does not permit the aame thing to be in two placea at the same time...
...Modeaty is apparently the outstanding characteristic of Siamese royalty, for the King and Queen have dropped all the patents of nobility during their stay in our democratic country, and wish to be known aa plain Prince and Princess...
...Mea aad women came from all parto of the County...
...May 24...
...Subjection of nature's forces to man...
...tadustry and commerce seem to l>e destroyed...
...but there was pretty 1 wlda^pread omfidence and se-I curity la the poaaearton of the 1 basic needs of life...
...Unemployment, hunger and crime are the logical and actual concomitants of our p<ditical and iadnatrial system...
...Jones needed groceries...
...The conditions of Bourgeois society are too narrow to comprise toe wealto created by toem"—toe workera are paid too lltUe to buy back what toey have produced, and toe system throwa them out of work when toere are no buyers for their products...
...In fact, he said he had learaed more Ilstea-iag to Mr...
...They were in size eight to go with the tiny 3-B feet which her Majesty possesses...
...This is the first successful veature to maay years...
...About Americaa Royalty In 1928, 496 individuaU in America are said to have received incomes of over $1,000,000...
...Practically every town was represented by one or two Sodali^, including Haverstraw, Nyack, Spring Valley, Manuett, New City, lona Island and maay other places...
...Into toelr places stopped free competition, accompanied by a social aad poUUcal conatitotion adapted to it, aad by the economical aad poUtical sway of the bourge-ola dass...
...The Poor Are Alwaya Poor As I have used it here, "Prosperity" does not refer to the financial stotus of toe entire population te boom times as opposed to bad times...
...F^lowtog the speeches, a abort buaiaess meeting was held aad pUas were aiade for bi-moathly meetlBga to other towna aad eouatiea...
...Un-jdoubtedly, a larger number than i that actuaUy obtained million dol-I lar incomes but the modesty of the Americaa royalty prevented their reflecting it In their Income tax returns...
...But not only has toe bourgeoisie forged weapons that bring death to itseU...
...It ia doubt-c ful if the small farms in the cotm-r try would bring enough at Sheriff ¦ sale to meet the ntbrtgage indebt-) edness...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22

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