Municipal Reform and the Needs of the City

Rosner, Henry J.


...Of those who remain on the lead, over a million are being fed by chanty...
...For instance, the Department of Licenses which has as one of its chief functions the regulation of private employment agencies, has singularly failed in this duty...
...An Old , Age Pension bin was introduced ! and after stormy discussion was I passed to the House of Own mona, I only to be rejected by the Senate I The election came on that summer, and the Liberals were again returned to power...
...Of the Labor members, two came into prom in enee at the Winnipeg general strike to 1919, both having been arrested oa charges of sedition...
...Let as permit no ancient pnjnslsss to stese our minds, foi as Tom Peine once said: "To argue with a man who has renounced the use aad authority of reason US likt Idmlalsteriaff miilotai to the dead...
...What is t h e secret...
...Therefore, BO progressive or radical party could hope to achieve Its ends to the •naleipaaty Unless it obtained power both in the state end nation as well...
...With this as our ultimate purpose we should work for every measure that will lead to it...
...The I small shop gave way to the fee* t tory...
...Tammany could never come back if it were ousted from office by a party that stood for such a program...
...Even before Lincoln bad been interred at Springfield, the political agents of the new power had swarmed into Congress...
...Certainly our party has labored to bring the issue of unemployment iato the foreground...
...The human misery caused to parents la this way is much greater than the little relief furnished by the 'miserable handouts received from Tammany Hall...
...Angus Macinala had for years been outstanding of the municipal councils in Winnipeg and Vancouver, respectively...
...Labor has something to show...
...measures of immediate relief of the Jobless and the hungry and measure...
...There can be no great expansion e f Its activities without acquiring additional enabling legislation from Albany...
...There have been no less than eight industrial depressions in the United States since 1837, an average of one about every thirteen years aad capitalism Is only about 100 years old in this country...
...The Civil War gave as enormous impetus to the accumulation of capital aad of private fortunes while the World War gave the masters of capital and finance opportunities for accumulation unknown to any other war in history...
...What has h a » said of the shift of power from agriculture to the owners o f industrial capital is also true to general of the other industrial nations...
...War has always been a hothouse for capitalistic enterprise...
...Maaa; I time, the workmen of earlier days II who had worked by the side of I j their apprentices were also ConI j querad by the new capitalism...
...Life fi* the masses under our capitalistic into^ destroy^toe^special privilege that is eameaslbls for suffering and privation, it will occasVmsny do something to alleviate distress...
...To judge from the large number of specific complaints which are received, many people look to the Socialist Party for relief, dearly a political party which aspires to the leadership of New York's masses would make a great mistake if it ignored injustices caused by the corruption and inefficiency of our Tammany government...
...A man ont of a Job will once to a while get a few dollars from a district leader...
...But both Mr...
...Democracy is exiled from our industries sad it will return only when the working ma mes have the power to bring it back...
...The Labor members often have Ose sp pai tartly ef Issus rang THEY* 'wEftmmm mm* TmmW tajaver or opposed to Labor policies, sad their eesssttkneata at home are able to know tost where they stand... mach so that the problem of unemployment fees been thrust into the background...
...We should recognize that to permit our vast productive powers to remain to the heads of powerful corporate groups is a menace to our welfare...
...The Conservative party won the election, in pert bepromises, strhough a s t carried eat, are constantly being heat up to it by the opposition peana...
...0%sforv CAETTFERTLMS IT rive* away coal to poverty-stricken ^?©^A/ Y 0 rsa>?4RTF ^/XAS...
...Now what is striking and exj ceptional in our history when compared with the history of other modem nations is that the working masses find themselves overwhelmed by industrial disaster with no party of their own to speak and act for them to the legistaturag and in Congress...
...Some, however, go a step further and declare that the Socialist Party ought to ignore the issue of corruption and concentrate on unemployment...
...Again the Old > Age Pension bin was introduced I and this time it was passed by the : Beaste...
...I fighting now...
...Dependent upon the r owners of factories and machines, l , he had to sell his labor power ss i lap owners, If this labor power '. I was purchased he sad his family lived;if there was demand for it, he aad his family faced want and privation...
...What Is required is more intelligent political action by the working masses and all others who re fognine the need of a fundamental change ia our Industrial aad social system...
...Plenty of money would be forthcoming from wealthy groups for campaign purposes, and Tammany would be : defeated...
...In the New York press the most banal and obvious statements of the mal-administration of the Walker administration will get front page publicity whereas a reasoned attack on the failure at oar political office holders to take constructive action on behalf of the unemployed wUl be either buried in the back pages or cast iato the waste basket...
...Finance rapidly rose to a privileged position of equality with invested capital...
...Farmers must be insured against the hasards of crop failures, storm, hail sad insect pests...
...Now that the corruption issue is with us, it is our task to take, advantage of i t This is easier said than done...
...He lasted just four years, to be replaced by one of the dumbest Mayors New York City has ever known, John F Hylan, a product of the McCooey machine in Brooklyn, which in every way is just as corrupt as Tammany Hall...
...Ten years ago two Labor men were elected to the Canadian House of Commons There were at that time in the House the two historical parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, corresponding roughly to the Democrats and the Republicans to the United States...
...They were induced to Invest in railroads to obtain cheap transportation only to have the railroads wrecked by wizard financing and stock jobbery...
...Moreover, there Is no evidence of a recovery this year...
...He bad acquired as a result of his investigating activities a reputation as a proponent of 1 clean government...
...The best case in point is the Mltebel i Administration of 1913 to 1917...
...Such a party most provide adequato housing faculties tor over two saftlton seen...
...A. A. Heaps, and Mr...
...This stolen money should have been employed to acquire sites for perks and playgrounds in congested areas...
...So there are now three Labor members in the House, two from Winnipeg, and one from Vancouver...
...In short, the times sad the problems all point to the need of socializing and democratizing our industriai Ufo...
...The war ended to 1016 and twenty years later came industrial depression...
...It presenta an absurd contradiction...
...Capitalism conquered agrarian power...
...This system emerged to the Northeastern States following the War of 1813...
...For sii these r?sumas, I ssa s socialist aad believe that the Socialist program i s adapted to our needs...
...n I s!"is ?fie t?Ti a Is Oli Age F u l l si They lewisiti I t of tea les dim of both the Liberal >/ aad Conservative parties, a statement of policy with regard to this legilation...
...The entrance of Labor tato politics in Oaaada is dee to large measure to the Incoming from Great Britain of large numbers oi English aad Scotch immigrants who have been trained to the L a bor party aad co-operative movemeats to Great Britain...
...This economie revolution to American society carried with it a politicai revolution...
...They pointed out then that the city had failed to speed up public works sad that there was great need of a large municipal appropriation tot direct unemployment relief...
...This is obvious from the present drift of affairs to our legislative bodies...
...In the first place our spokesmen have become recognised by the public ss leaders who can be trusted to this fight...
...For Instance, the City ofNew York pays out annually over $50,000,000 for private property which it acquires for public purposes through its use of the power of Eminent Domain...
...In all these nations farmers and industrial workers have come under the dominion o f ' t h e new power o f concentrated capital allied with great banking institutions...
...Clearly, a rminkptpot administr?t...
...It would be clear te the average worker that he stood to gain infinitely more from a municipal administration that sought to use ita vast powers legitimately to promote his well being than through the insignificant dole of Tammany...
...on, which supported the c a n t of unemployment insurance, would help greatly to obtain it...
...The high tariff of the war period, considered ss a temporary war measure, was retained after the war and the rates were increased in the ensuing years...
...The latter had been Commissioner of Accounts to previous adminis- i •.rations...
...The ruling party WsJ to soothe us with com fortini words sad the apposition is content to criticise but agrees m ftm• samsntals with the ruling party Meantime we have drifted in i » see of misery for a year sad seves emn conference to Weehtagton last March, decided to Investigate what is happening, and then adjourned...
...The great danger is that Tammany Hall will be defeated la the next election but by i a reform administration of the , cenvenaanea» •^j^B^^Q^ will undoubtedly^ make some very s r a ^ o f f i c e . Certainly the tovestigations tato the Magistrate's courts and the District Attorney's office is indicative of the sort of thing that an able investigator can unearth...
...Woodsworth aad Mr...
...Macinata are native bora Canadians of the older Eastern stock...
...Nevertheless, It would be a grave mistake for us to abandon the corruption issue now...
...This can only be done by sesne fiata» of Bsaalahj n housing...
...Unless such a party triumphs to 1933 Tarnmsjtea in 1937 Caesuorfgfl feated as the resjH disclosure* ' Mare* more difficulty to As] its strength sfisaH To SocuUista <(ffl We ere the onrymH to Tammany aJsjH stand for a prasjH over the sassseajfl against TAAUNSAFVJL sotldate aad tearsaji ' that we gained Mm we will have A.JFL I portunity to <"*VflJ the people of thffl going to be safin Borough Presidency| The latter, besides „ portant iiiliiiliilslijjj joys two votas akl Esumata aad jj which is the real a of New York City, delist campaigner this office, conversa* pal problems, week educational job...
...Each L?OAKFFTJ with a free pass oa ala so that in this way tki are reduced TO tot nusjea In the House the Seask ber has his spessa TM out cost to himself or k i t At a very low matjH tain as many COPISI a h i either in English Sjkfha the two official lasK">,fl speeches often CONSENSI propaganda pampnsm?j frequently distributsIB Labor union and Sofism ings...
...AU three have had Trades Union experience, and an are avowed Socialists...
...The two Labor men decided to set up their own party banner, and came to be recognized as a fourth group in the House...
...Railroad speculators were voted empires of land and millions of dollars out of the Federal treasury...
...They did not 'threaten the special economic aeJe^BsgXsv sssssfiSaBsadb} ess* " Tammany Hall, of course, » ease toterests^but'it is orach more skillful at it than either the Republimenta, tt sssesre hew be dtapeeee charity to the disinherited very cleTVfcriy...
...There was also a farmer group, which, following the American precedent had taken the name "Progressive...
...Their primary purpose was and still is to cut out the grosser forms of maladministration, reduce the tax rate, and give the taxpayer a dollar's worth of service for every dollar spent This, the Mltchel ad! ministration did...
...The Libaries then the government, promised concrete legislation during that I very session.' The Labor men, by I their vote, gave the government the chance to carry on...
...In the ten years, three more seats have been wen aad two lost, ose of the defeated Lshor members, however, coming back as representing s Farmer's constituency...
...much hampered for mat and lack of OPPOITOSFIY hfl ing publicity...
...Sheer preservation requires that the unions should join to the movement for independent political action . It is essential t o win public power so that under its protection they csa organize the millions now reduced to serfdom to the company onion industries...
...Soeialkari assairas millions of toilers all over the world who are convinced that it is the heir to a decayingsocial order that can no longer serve humanity...
...the speeding up of public works...
...II toe tillers of the soil could sot wii economi c security in the day: when capitalism was weak, it it etopi an to expect us to win thu independence aad security by fre« I Teas to lands in this period whet Capitalism has become s vast • • • Agriculture' in the days of gen tiemen proprietors and plante: aristocrats was s ruling power ii the repuhlis but it has ceased ti ! ta a power since the Civil Wai I roads and banks became the ruling factors in industry sad politics since Lie surrendered at Appomattox...
...ShsWfj ganza "The Apple CTRRJ some of the anomalies » some OF the posslblllton existing under the BRTTST mentary system Can ads is curiously JJ halfway between Grati sad the United Statai rather e Strange BLESS j and American iasttkfl ideals...
...depression Norman Thomas and Louis Waidman...
...How are we to account for the return of the corrupt Democratic party to office after four years of so-called reform administration...
...What it does most requently is to rob both the lick and the poor for the benefit of ram many Hall...
...They would also be impossible without stato action...
...This has happened before m the history of New York City...
...The discussion on each bin on each measure, on the government's policy affords a good opportunity t o r the presentation ef Leber's point oi view...
...I think that the Utter attitude reveals a failure correctly to analyze political realities...
...When the city administration finally appropriated the terribly inadequate sum bf two million dollars, part of which will be used to purchase materials, he warmly congratulated the administration...
...I a practically all our legislative bodies there is sterility sad no effective action In the gravest emergency that has ever faced the working people of this country...
...When they could not be obtained, wage workers were discharged...
...Railroads had their lawyers In the two houses of Congress within a few years...
...Reforms m tsxatton • o a l J saajataa a r e a fede r a l action...
...A national bank act almost doubled the capital of the bankers...
...This is impossible without raising the tax rate and attacking special privilege...
...For IlkTtSimi aad OsasewaMiu parties wee as ^atoifaTto *uuTV>J^*iTTn fafi?Ugata to...
...Socialist Politics in Canada Workers Take British Labor as a Practical Model By Grace Woodsworth IN Canada, Socialist propaganda i s printed at government expense and circulated through the mails without cost aad appears in the headlines of the leading dailies... then, with ha toot SH the false heaves ef Bssssjl hypocrisy, and th^^rySS^eri| in from U u n u te seek —Walter Crane...
...Our party and spokesmen have waged a continuous fight ea behalf of the unemployed...
...He who thinks ot a 1 solution of our grave economic 1 problems must think to terms e f this industrial sad political revolution with its enormous shift of 'power iato the bands of the masters of our Industrial system...
...It dees nothing, e f course, to provide these people with decent housing centrally heated or with economic security to that they would not have to he dependent upon the mise re hie sfaarity...
...Having no political power to the legislative bodies, the victims of our industrial collapse have ao other resource at hand, unless in some states they capture the legislatures through a party representing them and presenting a program that will bring some measure of relief...
...Following the British lines, the Labor party has a distinctively Socialist program...
...I f some of the trade unices took one-naif of the interest m this problem that our party has, the unemployed would be much better off than they are now...
...As a result the public conscience will be s h o c k e d , j Samuel Seebury will begin to ear ' sums formidable proportions in the public eye...
...Thus, subjects hitherto outside the range of parliamentary ks rasai m art coming to the front aad standards of^pubiic astrato are being ere» Not only in education hut also la conerete legislation...
...The development of machinery, the enormous expansion of industry and transportation, and the centralization of capital shifted social, economie, sad political power from the proprietors of land to the owners of industry, transportation and credit...
...There are those who believe that access to lend by the distressed • H " T would solve our difficulties sad yet during the past fifteen years more than 0,000,009 farmers have deserted the farms...
...It" oc»>"sssV W Indicated here...
...Since the disaster of 1894, each collapse has become more sad more worldwide and -the one that afflicts us saw embraces not only all of the industrial nations but many of the leaser developed countries that supply raw materials...
...ONCE mime Commons, the Labor SUA Parliament bas a rents paid by the GOVERNASI though In Canada, a k l ables him to live fatte] year...
...They I save literally wasted their voting power upon two parties which every intelligent student of e a t party history knows ers dom lus I sd by the new power that rates the republic...
...Banks must be nationalized and cheap credit be assured the formera...
...It Is obviously impossible to describe to detail what that program should consist of to the limited space of a short article...
...The farmers ware compelled to pay excessive prices for their supplies aad machinery...
...A fusion ticket ef the so-called better elements may he formed, possibly with Mr...
...Thus, though In torn under the rule of a nw...
...e The explanation Is to be found in the nature of American civic reform movements...
...I The economic and political rev, oiutioa following the Civil War i indicated' that a new.power had ; ' come to rule the republic...
...In fact the Cuassivatln government now to I power, Is pledged to enact a Dominion wide achaat'lflPensiona...
...The railroads mast become publicly-owned and rates reduced...
...I t is obvious that a system Which collapses every thirteen years, which inflicts misery upon tons of millions of human beings, is fundamentally diseased...
...The Producing Masses And The Depression Workers in Cities and an the Farms Must Unite to Reorganize a Failing Economic System By James Oneal [An Address Delivered Over, Station WPAP] NPHE present Industrial depreeX slon is mors widespread and more disastrous than any other in the history of industrial civilization...
...The labor unions must shandoa the folly of useless support of this sad that candid s te of the old parties sad become a part of that world movement of labor which seeks the transformation ot* this wretched capitalistic system...
...About $25,000,000 of this, it has been estimated by the City Affairs Committee, is excess payment The chief beneficiaries are Tammany realtors who buy up property in advance, of condemnation on the basis of inside information and Tammany lawyers specializing in these proceedings like ex-Judge Tailey, who at one time was prominently mentioned for the leadership of the Hall...
...AU Indications are that the general distress win become so acute next Winter that food riots will occur in many cities...
...To Socialists who are aware that the distress of unemployment far transcends In importance the sugai lug caused by the corruption of the Tarn m any-lf cCooey ring, this position is a betrayal of the n—mplnynl With that viewpoint this writer Is in agreement...
...Obviously, the latter can best be administered by the state...
...The result was I a fusion reform campaign In 1913 and his election to office...
...The shop workman gava way to the capitalist proprietor, He was transformed into a wage - laborer...
...Was it because the people of Now York City prefer dishonest government to clean government...
...Chairmen of the Public Affairs Committee of the Socialist Party, appeared befor» the Board of Estimate sad Appropriation and presented a constructive program for unemployment relief which was uniformly ignored...
...Each year thousands of children forced on to streets crowded with vehicles for lack of playground space are badly injured...
...Immigration of laborers on a vast scale was encouraged to keep wage scales from rising...
...I k s mors its productive powers increase the less Is It able to guarsatee economic security to the millions of tollers who use these productive powers...
...Hers is another great weakness of ««»k«4f»i fusion sao res saliti They confine themselves to the city...
...No matter what the wants of human beings might be, the main consideration was the profits for owners, not the welfare of the Bufficela of human beings dependent upon the continuous operation of industry...
...One was acquitted and the charges against the other dropped...
...urge action by them...
...Lawson Purdy of the Welfare Council only a month ago requested from the city administration an appropriation of ten million dollars to provide odd jobs for the unemployed...
...An entire year passed before the social workers who were most directly concerned with relieving actual distress appeared before the city authorities to...
...They lost I j their investments and In addition ] faced a transportation power that , jacked up rates, leaving them to ; the mercy of extortUosers...
...Here is the explanation of Tammany's great strength With the people...
...For instance, Leonard W??lstein, counsel for the Citizen's Union, was Mltchel's Commissioner of Accounts...
...The elected House of Commons, rather them the appointed Senate, is the body to which the country listens sad to which is initiated nearly an legislation...
...They must be sided in pooling their resources to great cooperatives and equipped with all modem methods of reducing their hours of labor...
...Once an OFFLEWFJA undertook to seize nhffi garded as "red propali was rather nonplusseeS Issued by none othefa King's Printer...
...The conservtive reply was unsatifacrory...
...The city is a ovattare of the sovereign state 1 ii ISM • in mil its pu sans are carefully defined and circumscribed in the charter granted It by the 1 egIstoture...
...Meantime, to many cities throughout the country, workingmen have res eked the stage of mortgaging their household goods to pay the rent...
...The newspapers would line up fat back of him...
...The session bsti j or five months, sai tftjj stona he Is tree h) seal slderable part of ah toa| Bng about, Wrarisfwli dieu ces...
...That l a why TssMiasj HaH always r e turns to power...
...The profit motivi should be'eheeked, controlled, mm* ultimately driven out of our In ilaslllll life...
...It was a Domtnion-proi vine lai arrangement and was ac; cop ted by the five western provi usees Last year, to these prov, Iacea, 40,000 old people were rer ceivtog pensions, a great relief to , them especially l a these times of • Mute unemployment I t , i s only I a questi en of time before this • measure Is adopted by the remaining tour provinces...
...THE SOCIALIST PROGRAM AS THE ONLY OPPOSITION TO TAMMANY By Henry J . Roaner In New York City, municipal corruption Usa apparently become the issue of the hour...
...They toast summon their fighting spirit to resist declining wage scales sad take up the fight for unemployment insurance...
...A herds of useless middlemen who stand between the farmer and those who purchase his products must be eliminated, The drift towards serfdom in agriculture must be checked and the farmer be helped to take his place to a cooperative world of assured income, short hours of lshor, and forever guaranteed against the hazards and uncertainties that have brooded over him since the end of the a vil War...
...Three times since the seventies, our farmers have either homed their grain for fuel ST fed it to their hogs...
...3. S. Woodsworth, who is recognised as the leader, had previous experience in Social Service work...
...The simple head tods wars i lucceeded by power-drives ma» t chlaery...
...That action cannot be obtained within the two parties committed to the fundamentals of the existing system...
...We brought pressure to bear upon the Department of Licenses and helped a great many men who had been cheated of their last-dollar get their money hack...
...Profitable gains for the masters of industry became the motive of capitalistic enterprise... the past these have always been essentially business men's movements...
...I t is time that we recognised that the capitalistic system la an countries has entered the twilight days of Its dominion...
...e-, e — >•• The moral to he tenera from these facts is plain...
...Needless to add...
...Obviously, a Socialist Party that fails to take an interest in a specific abuse of this character Uinsvese ra tsg.rand opportunity to gain Many of these workers felt a bitter resentment towards Tammany Hall and were highly appreciative of our efforts on their Norman Thomas's attack on the Magistrates' courts undoubtedly won for the Socialist Party a great deal of respect among the thousands of New York's humble citizens who have been denied justice to these courts...
...OsjAe^se^^^i^nF1 TeT^s^ALIIAI eresse to death to their squalid and ugly ten amenta Bef ore Passover it gives away mstensto» to poor Jewish semina* who Otkeav wise could not observe their dietary taws...
...F o r every dollar in charity that it dispenses to the poor, it steels much more from them in many subtle ways which are not obvious to the untrained mind...
...Though Basnfl much smaller than tki States, it may be a SA penmen tal station vAnfl able to offer osrtsstfl value to Socialists SS* line...
...There has grown up a myth about Tammany Hall being a sort af Robin Hood organization, robbing the rich for the benefit of the poor...
...The todependent Farmer representation has bean reduced from fif to 11...
...During these periods, workmen of the cities have been in want of bread...
...In the past twelve years,, the value of farms end their equipment have decreased from 78 billion dollars to 00 billion dollars, while the fama mortgage debt has increased shout eight billions in the same period...
...Parliament, under the British system, is an excellent broadcasting station...
...s e e precipitated s dohato^waseb'uMted candidates aad parttoThad U take a 11 Sali I saaaa...
...We cannot help it if the press and a large percentage of the population cheeses to make of corruption the paramount issue to the exclusion of unemployment...
...For generations down to the twentieth century ours has been s aation of free leads for the distressed and yet the workmen ocaepying the free lands have beer eenquered by tat capitalism that Sallowed them tato the West...
...Sea- : bury as Its candidats for Mayor...
...Forknre wke Bee in our slams...
...he was much less vigorous than oar spokesmen, who appeared at the same time...
...In the hut year and half there has been turned ever to me m my capacity as Research Secretary to the Public Affairs Committee many cases of workers who have suffered because of the incompetence or corruption of Tammany departments...
...Canadian labor, though largely affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, has taken a leaf from the book of British Labor and decided to carry on its fight on the political as well as on the industrial field...
...Our ultimate purpose should be to socialize themthat is, the people should succeed the present masters as owners and operate them for the welfare of sii Instead of for the profit gates of a few...
...Here is an open Forum, with the publicity afforded by an excellent Press Gallery sad with the speeches reported verbatim la the official publication known popularly as "Kanaard...
...In March, 1929, the Industrial Survey Commission, a state legislative investigating committee, recommended that this'function be transferred from the Departmentof Licenses to the State Department of Labor because the former had not stopped the "gyping" of the unemployed by these slave markets, notoriously crooked employment agencies with political influences are permitted to stay in business...
...tlce there is perhaps a| dom OF expression than many OF the countries aj publican forms...
...of the Tammany district leader...
...It mast ptotkle sdegnate unemployment insurance...
...Nevertheless, since the municipality Is expected to hear a large share of within the scope of municipal politics...
...Behind the tariff walls the owners of manufacturing capital grew fat and insolent...
...Respectable reform administrations abolish the charity of the Tammany district leader, which is made possible by graft, but substitute nothing In its place...
...In March, IMO, almost at the very outset of the present industrial...
...It behaves to the aoossstty for ea sosaasae revolution which would sstsWhOh a co-operative earn aeon wealth At the same time the Labor members have steadily persisted la the advocacy of esitato Immediato reforms whisk Labor, through its Trades Unions, has long urged...
...That eliminates at ones the typical respectable reform movement...
...Remember that in the Mltchel cabinet were to be found some of America's outstanding civic reformers...
...Tammany will never be destroyed permanently entent by a politicai party that stands for clean government phis a program of genuine social welfare tor the great masses of people...
...Tail means a philosophy which keeps it sated our «sai ssms sad a progrsa that contributes te the rssheartoi of these aims...
...fer the transfer of ow nei ship aad power fresa fi few te all...
...Working farmers must uniU with the working people ef th< 04v©phy mmm\ ^f^MffmXt?.' ttl&y taaSaVl . unite la a party of their own anc win the public powers so that they may be used in city, state, and nation for these purposes...
...When profits could be obtained the plants were operated sad wage workers were employed...
...Old age pensions for the veterans of industry sad nation-wide unemployment insurance for the jobless are two essentia] Immediate measures...
...but there has been worked out a scheme of doee co-operation between these twelve farmer members and the three Labor members...
...It mast provide adequate recreational facilities to the shape of more and better public parks, playgrounds aad beaches, These things would be Impossible without heavier income taxes oa the wealthy and taxes on land values socially created by the construction of public improvements...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 20

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