B'klyn Socialists To Hold County Meeting Feb. 14
B'klyn Socialists To Hold County Meeting Feb. 14 "Shall the Socialists of B r o o k l yn e-establish their,county office and estore the county form of or•anizetion?" \ This question will...
...I n order to insure a large a t - sndance t o a c t on a question that j a y determine the f a t e of t h e ounty activities during the'next sw years, the organization comUttee has selected a centrally loated hall, s o t h a t party members 1 various sections of the county an get to the hall without losing luch time...
...Auspices, Brighton Beach Jranch, Socialist Party...
...Monday, February 10, 8:00 pan.— Jacob Bernstein—"Marx—Wage, Labor and Capital"—3068 East 3rd St., Ampfcea Ooflnllfft Party, Brighton Beach Branch...
...9:00 p n .— inns Ingerman—'The Future o f Soi a l l sm i n America"—4215 T h i r d averue, near Tremont avenue...
...February 7, 8:30 p.m.—Jesie Stephen—"A Message to Ameri» n Youth"—Bronx Center of the foung Circle League, 2075 Clinton .venue...
...Epstein so much in his 1 lectures In the Arts course that they | wanted him to go on with the Ring - Cycle...
...Socialist Party...
...Morris Hillquit has greed t o b e present, and address be meeting...
...Auspices—Socialist Party, 16th LD...
...Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston Road, near East 172nd street, on Sunday evening...
...A l l branch meetings scheduled or that House Labor Committee To Hear Old Age Pension Pleas Feb...
...Auspices—Upjer West Side branch Socialist party...
...1 These performances are driven because . the students asked for them...
...Sunday, February 9. 6:00 P-Sn.— Jessie Stephen—"A Message to AmericansYouth"—129 Swmner avenue...
...B r a n c h Jamaica and W o m e n ' s Section...
...Williamsburg Branch, corner Rodney and Broadway...
...His subject will be Handicaps t o S o c i a l i sm i n t h e Americ a n Political System...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the 8 o'clock Fellowshin Service at the weekly meeting of the Bronx Free Fellowship...
...BRONX Friday, February 7. 8:30 pun.—Heny Jager — "Machine — Blessing...
...THE BRONX FREE FELLOWSHIP "Where God Can Be Found" win be the topic of Rev...
...February 14, 8:30 pjn.— Wm...
...Auspices -Socialist Party, 7th A . D . Thursday, February 13, 8:30 pjn.— essie Stephen—"Labor's R i s e t o PowT in Britain"—Auspices Socialist •arty...
...ee to Lecture At the R a n d School next Tuesday at 8:30 Algernon Lee will continue t h e course o n Socialist Problems and Policies begun by Morris Hillquit and Norman Thomas...
...Auspices, 23rd AX...
...He will tell the stories • of the Ring and will play the char- ] acteristic passages of the music...
...20 WA S H I N G T O N (P.P...
...Thursday, February 13, 9:00 p.m.— August Claessens—"The Roots of Prejudices'*— Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association...
...At the Rand School On Wednesday evening, February 12, at 7 o'clock, William H. Bridge , will start a new course in Psychology...
...20-21 as the date for the first hearings on old age pension bDls introduced in the present Congress...
...Bridge is one of the founders ; of the League of Creative Youth...
...Herman Epstein is going to give again his famous course on the Ring 1 of Niebelnng...
...Auspices — Socialist 'arty, 2nd A . D . b r a n c h . Tuesday, February 11...
...Br., Socialist Party...
...Savoy Mansion, 65th street and 20th aveme...
...S im day, Februarv 9, 8:30 pjn.— Jessie Stephen—"Labor's R i s e to P o w er in Britain"—Workmen's Circle Center, 8906 161st street, Jamaica, L. I. Auspices...
...House hearings will be followed ' by hearings before the Senate : committee on pensions, where Sen...
...8:30 pirn.— William KarUn—"Socialists at W o r k " —Temple Israel Community Center, 110 West 81st street...
...Friday, February 7. 8:30 p.m.—Esher Friedman—"A D a y i n R o m e "— JrownsviLIe Labor Lyceum, 219 S a c k - nan street...
...The programs will be given on Friday evenings, at 8:30 beginning February 14...
...Shiplacoff and W m . M . F e i g e n - jaurn—"Current Eventr...
...B r a n c h 8th A . D . . 2459 Davidon avenue, corner Fordham road Comaroff S c h o o l ). BROOKLYN Friday, February 7. 8:30 p.m.—A...
...Auspices—Les Amis Youth Circle...
...Auspices—Socialist Party...
...convention 0 be held on F r i d a y evening, Febuary 14, a t t h e Odd Fellows Memorial Building, 301 Schermero r n street, near Nevins street, (rooklyn...
...16th A. D . Friday, February 14, 8:30 p.m.— Esther Friedman—"The N e w Germany"— Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street, auspices 23rd A D . Branch, Socialist Party...
...14 "Shall the Socialists of B r o o k l yn e-establish their,county office and estore the county form of or•anizetion...
...February 9. At the nine o'clock Open Forum, Rose Blank will speak on "Conflicts Between the Older and Younger Generations: Cause and Remedy...
...February 7, 8:30 p j n ,— •frank Crosswaith—"The Economics if t h e Negro Problem"—3069 East 3rd treet...
...A few iestivations for The New I Leader dinner next Wednesday Bight ! are still available...
...Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN Sunday...
...M. Feigenbaum — "Current Events"—Savoy Mansion, 65th street and 20th avenue...
...February 9, 8:30 p j n .— august Claessens—"Our New Millionaires"— M Avenue C. Auspices, Socialist Party 6-8-12th A.D...
...Auspices — Socialist Party, Brighton B e a c h Branch...
...150 B e a c h 123rd street, R o c k a w a y Park...
...Dill's old age pension bill is now ! pending...
...Auspices—Harlem Branch...
...Friday, February 14, 9:00 pjn.— Charles Solomon—Subject to be a n nounced— 3068 East 3rd street...
...At the Rand School - he will lecture especially about the ; dual-adjustments of the individual in : our present mechanical civilisation...
...Friday, February 7, 9:00 pjn.—August Claessens—"The Results of the Recent Election"—123 Pierrepont S t . nnuSC norsslisf Party — Branch 1-3-Sth A.D...
...Wilhamsbridge nod and Matthew avenue...
...This is the first time since Representative Meyer London, Socialist, offered a resolution fourteen years ago providing for a com- , mission to study and report on i a plan for social insurance, that i the question of general old age pensioning has come before any . committee of either branch of i Congress...
...Chairman Kopp of t h e House committee on labor has fixed Feb...
...February 11...
...Telephone The New i Leader, Algonquin 4622...
...rVblf Adler—'"Capitalism and the New t syenotogy"—Educational Center, 62 Sast 106th street...
...Proposals to restore the conns' f o rm of organization have been dvanced b y active p a r t y workers 1 that county, and at the special lunicipal convention held in D e - ember a motion to restore t he ounty form of organizations as oon as practicable was adopted, h e Committee on Organization nd membership, of which Julius ierber is chairman, has conferred nth various county groups in an (fort to determine whether a bange is practicable at t h i s time, nd, if not, h ow soon it can be unertaken successfully...
...Auspices Socialist Party, Williamsburg Branch...
...Many of them will be attending this course in preparation for the Wagnerian performances at the Metropolitan...
...QUEENS Saturday...
...It has involved an dditional expense, which the comlittee has incurred to assure a irge attendance...
...First applications I are first served...
...Auspices -Socialist Party, 6 A . D . Friday...
...They enjoyed Mr...
...Sunday, February 9, 8:30 p.m.—Dr...
...or Curse"—Auditorium...
...Saturday, February 8, 9:30 pjn.— Jorman T h o m a s — " W h y I A m a Solalist"— 105 Clarke place, near W a l - on avenue...
...This question will he presented o them a t a county...
...February 8, 9:00 p j n .— Morris Hillquit a n d August Claessens —Lido Lodge...
...Here he is trying out a variant of the Freudian psychology in the education of young people...
...Monday, February 10, 8:00 o a . - August Claessens—"The Essentials of Socialism"—1S7 Tompkins avenue...
Vol. 10 • February 1930 • No. 1