For Socialist Culture
Stanley, Louis
For Socialist Culture Drama, Movies, Music Present Rich Field For Expression of Labor's Aspirations By Louis Stanley p H E establishment of a Com X mittee o n cultural and Spor A c t i v i t...
...He wa arrested...
...The International Committee for Political Prisoners is to be congratulated for its story of what is occurring in the inland, a story which appears on another page in this issue...
...The bench it sWJM with floral - tributes frost Btfl "boys", and the smiling apptadrS sits surrounded by fellow )Atm and representatives of oraWswS tions come to do honor to ttwIOJ who made good...
...It finally stBSBSB|, down to the fact, as one Js*l*M| it, I n more words than art • » «* in this piece, thai fc« owed* B * j 1 to his mother, and that hat Mm] he would not be where at * * j , Someone later added that * * J Providence also hadia hand • > f l but this was allowed to PSS»-^B A cynical bystander iaasjSJ...
...J F Y o r k City he wrote and s p j j l " ] the candidacy of Norman Inwaf • ,| Recently he opened a free SatjsU...
...All the trends of our time cry out t o Socialists...
...Who will be the next Moses...
...pounced upon the lifeless thing and tossed it out of the windowas it fell with a thud to the sidewalk below those imps of evil took possession of it...
...of West Virginia discovered that a number of its supposedly safely yellowdogged miners had been secretly organized into the union...
...9 | W h e n the down - and - osUhl turned and struck and tat ( 3 peting charity-business caaj3 took advantage of the sthhl fJ t a k e over the associatioa's enmM tions the Director, fearful of ksl losses, settled the strike.' j f l same "charity" organization, | 9 terry fought the bread-lint s j3 sored by the independent miiM butions of a couple of aaa 9 moderate means...
...W h a t is needed is the cooperation of all those talented and would-be talented friends and i tomrades with the Committee on ^ulfural • a n d Sports Activities...
...W h e n first born, yellow dog's bark was much worse than his bite...
...It is sun to follow changes of the tariff E v e r y fluctuation in the world o: commerce, every depression, everj crisis, every change brings unemployment in its wake...
...The earth's whole 1,750,000,000 population are now forbidden to organize or utter a w o r d of criticism against y e l l ow doggery in this "up and coming" Pennsylvania county...
...Of course, there can be no So cialist and labor culture unless wi also have a virile Socialist and la bor movement...
...If the frills am futilities of the middle class an reflected in plays, music, painting sculpture, cartoons, jokes a n d n o* els still amuse us, then our So cialist philosophy is still prett... faith in the people governed is illimitable.*Charles Dickens...
...Huxley's vole b a a long since been yflenced b death, but the one art ran h e ask* of A m e r i c a fifty-four years ago i v e r y much alive today...
...A Labor Sports' Conference Is being c a l l e d for Saturday, June T, at 3 P. a t , at t h a R a n d School, f o r tha purpose o f r J " - * f for t h e sports activities a t tha annual picnic a t Ul - mer Park on July 26 and establishing a c c K i r d i n a t t n g and promotional agency...
...The opportunities for labor cultural and sports activities are limitless...
...much mixed up with capitalists notions...
...On the other hand the development of a working class culture will help to build u] a working class movement...
...then president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, declared that the unions obtained less from this "progressive" thai from reactionary executives...
...On appeal the IT...
...Neumann is the leader >t the EShical Culture Society of hooWjfn...
...XmrnWi burgh Association for m^mt provement of the Poor, c s n sJ largest professional naalajVin the city, has led thaSB the taking over of the itffl private trade in paper wants* used articles which they tafia contributions instead or^H nominal price given by WsL"junk dealer...
...a My faith in the people who govern ia infinitesimal...
...We urge our readers to write the Senator in support of his resolution...
...Georp IM De Luca, a member of the Dastdal Attorney's office, a good patf/fl worker, and a good prosecutor, mm been named by His Honor t h t s tM or to a higher and better P*T*m position...
...W h a t worker, with the whip of hunger playing about his shoulders, would not sign such a contract to get bread...
...A t that moment a holiday in Hell must save been declared...
...The final conclusion is that American business should "make all the hay it can in Russia while the sun shines...
...Several comrades are forming themselves Into an amateur photographers* club...
...The order will be appealed to "the s t a t e supreme court, and probably t o the U. S. Supreme Court...
...Humanize humanity...
...While Hughes was be in: tried in the county court housi the minions of mobbism gathcrei outside and made a dash for thi handcuffed prisoner...
...He took the f o rm of a contract which a m a n o r woman seeking work was required to sign...
...In the thirc place, foreign language and racia groups can be reached in the initial stages of work with them...
...In 1908 the Hitchman Coal and Coke Co...
...Capitalism in Court REAT economic changes have always beer registered in politics, sometimes destroying old parties, or making a new political combinatior out of fragrnents of the old, or forcing to the front a minor parry...
...For jpholding' this injunction, as well as for other services to capital...
...W i t h ghoulish glee the...
...This grou...
...Size is nc grandeur, and territory does no make a nation...
...Very often these' straggling, unwashed elements are perfectly contented with the sorry role fate has decreed for them...
...June 1. At t h e nine o'clock open forum...
...Speeches are many and **?H commendations sickly with SsfM ment try the patience of UWaSjJ gathering of court officials, ayfj yers...
...Sherman, Texas, like so many other Southern outposts of American' civilization before it had done, made a lonvincing answer to Huxley...
...President Coolidge went out of his way to praise the Machado regime when he visited Cuba which gave an official approval of i t Calvin went so far as to praise ''sedf-governrnent'' in the island at a time when editors were in exile, Machado opponents had mysteriously disappeared, tmdc unions had been destroyed, and decayed bodies of his victims had floated ashore in the harbor ot Havana...
...Their unenvisible role ia to bring up the rear end of civilisation...
...rushed to court...
...Some volunteers are anxious to begin work with young children...
...Is i any wonder that workingmen even leaders of workingmen, sue cumb to capitalism...
...Herbert Hoover, now being deflated within fifteen months after assuming office...
...Cultivate the arts of peace...
...Everywhere wi turn we are confronted with thii world of the bourgeoisie with it' code of ethics f o r robbing the oth er fellow, its worship of materia success for the individual, its glor ification of useless leisure pas times The newspapers, the mov ies, the novel, poetry, humor, thi drama, the concert stage, the ar exhibit, the athletic field—all cat er to middle class standards...
...Obviously it is the t a s k of the vorkers of both races—when they K c o m e enlightened and conscious it their common interest and orranize politically as well as indusrially to safe-guard that interest —to carry to their brothers in hose benighted sections of the Jnited States the torch Of dvilizaion and thereby quicken their usee in the protracted march to high umanlt^r Job Insurance And Beyond OV E R fourteen years ago, th' Socialist congressman, Mey er London, introduced a resolutioi calling upon Congress to appoin a commission fund for the mitiga tion of the evil of unemployment His plea fell on deaf ears...
...In the best capitalist tradition of 1930...
...Probably Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida and other such :itadels of ao-called Christianity ind white supremacy represent in iur day examples of this sociologi:al fact...
...Finally they have educated the people t< the point where an old p a r t y polit ician has asked congress to taki some steps looking toward socla responsibility for unemployed am the aged veterans of industry...
...This contract stated that "in consideration of employment," the worker agreed, as long a s he toiled for that particular boss, never to join a union..." will K the topic of Rev...
...But this growth'is not a matter o f automatic development independent o f human will and desire and education...
...I i the first place, cultural activities will strengthen the moral fibre oi aur comrades in the ranks...
...For that reason...
...For Socialist Culture Drama, Movies, Music Present Rich Field For Expression of Labor's Aspirations By Louis Stanley p H E establishment of a Com X mittee o n cultural and Spor A c t i v i t i e s in N e w T o r k C i t y pro vides the machinery f o r consden tioualy building up a Socialist am labor culture in this cuuaUy...
...The Cuban Terror NOTHING in post-war history, not even the sadist brutalities, in Hungary and Fascist Italy, exceeds in horror what has happened and is happening in Cuba under the dictatorship of Machado...
...a a « George Hughes, like most Ne groes who die at the hands o Southern mobs, was accused of as saulting a white woman...
...Moreover, this hideous regime is supported by American business and financial interests in the island...
...This means intelligent work, persistent agitation in meetings, distribution and sale of literature, and participation in political campaigns...
...The Bronx Free Fellowship •Suggestions for Vital...
...Please communicate with Louis Stanley, chairman, 7 E a s t 15th Street, Room 602, A l g o n q u i n 4620...
...A s the flames enveloped the carcass ol :he Negro, white men, women and :hildren cheered repeatedly and sang the popular ditty "Happy Days Are Here Again...
...Uniformei guardsmen are said to have driver the mob back...
...This may help .the Bolsheviks to complete their program of socialization which may be followed by "destructive price competition" but "we do not expect business men to guide their conduct by such considerations, and do not believe they should be coerced into doing so...
...There is no philosophy and no program that correlates s o well with all phases o f this industrial revolution as the Socialist program and philosophy...
...Others with a keener and mor civilized sense of social appraisa recognize in such orgies of barbar i sm as was recently staged t Sherman...
...O n that occa aton the noted physiologist de Glared: "I cannot say that I am i t h e slightest degree t m p r w i r l b your>— or b y y o u r maierii resources, as such...
...B y the establishec standards of Southern justice whenever a N e g r o is involved Hughes was foredoomed to die Outraged Southern womanhocx (white only, not the mothers o: the millions of mulattoes in thi South) had to be avenged, anc white supremacy again vindicated W i t h the court house reduced U ashes the mob then made theii way through the smoking debrii and dynamited the vault in whicl was encased the baked body "ol Hughes...
...but not so in Sherman Texas...
...Not an occasions thing, but an incident of industry I t can always be predicted so fa: as seasonal industry is concerned I t is sure to come with applies tion of every invention...
...He Ovres It I All/' etc...
...we have had labor unions that have supported a "progressive'' for President only to later learn that they had approved the "yellow dog" contract...
...Court decisions, drenched in the class interests of big business, and increasingly highly spiced with capitalist dictatorship, are the diet on which he is developing aavageness...
...The latest stage of yellow dog madness has been reached in the town of Nazareth, Pa...
...And how will you define this peculiar hybrid of American p o l i t i c s? a • • . They who crouch to those who are above them always trample on those who are below t h e m— Thomas Henry Buckle...
...Those ' w h o accep these views point with pride t her factories and marvelous tram porta t i on systems, to her numei ous industries and her unlimite natural resources, as well as to be imperial jaunts in the Wester Hemisphere, aa a most convinc ing reply t o Huxley's skepticism...
...W h e n tile Kraemer Hosiery Mills there installed the y e l l ow dog contract, the workers struck...
...j W h e n the sponsors of the atBjjfl line under pressure closed fmm kitchen, panhandling, which mmm shown a marked decline, naajfl manifested itself on the totttl and the Schenley Farms Piatal i t i v e Association, residential awl d a t i on of wealthy resadsaSj-ifl Pittsburgh's Fifth AvenaaH§9 trier, warned its members Jt call the Oakland police station taal the first occasion of a pronMaaal being coarsely interrupted by si plea for "a dime...
...Woodrow Wilson, whose dictatorship exceeded anything ever charged against WUhehn H ohenzoiiern "Al" Smith, floated by General Motors and a gift of Tarrrrriarry Hall...
...There are soma people who as aert t h a t a fitting answer t o Hux ley's query is t o be found i n th fact that the United States is noi t h e richest nation in all recorde history...
...Al right, but what is a "progressive...
...What happens in Cuba is ot special interest to us considering that under^the Piatt Amendment the United States exercises an ill-concealed protectorate over the island...
...Let the Socialists of othsr cities f o l l ow suit...
...He is a :apitaiiat not f o r his own interest but f o r ours...
...This has happened in this country a number of times, especially with the rise o f factory production, the ascent of the cottor magnates in the South, t h e expansion of industry into the West, the coming t o power of railroad property, the rise of capitalist production in the South in the past twenty years, and s o o n . Considering this history, it is certain that the industrial revolution of our period, bringing merger property in production and distribution tc power, destroying the old merchant class, bringing scientific management to agriculture, impoverishing the farmers, and transforming-great masses of workers into robots facing a life o f insecurity, will bring a new political alignment in American politics...
...n » » I f we understand most of our professional patriots it is a crime against "Americanism" f o r workers to organise, strike, and vote for themselves although they will concede us the right to work and vote for anything else...
...Stop murdering one another for the profit and g l o r y of the ruling classes...
...Each and all came from the protest of the martyrs and victims...
...The great isau about which hangs a true sublimit, and the terror at overhanging- fat* i s what y o u are going to do ant all these things...
...and went on organizing...
...Thi committee is an outgrowth of th) activities revolving around th M a y D a y Pageant that was hel< in connection with the local eel elbratton of International Labo D a y . W e are living in a capitalist civ iHxarkm...
...Capitalism has no defense before the bar of Socialism...
...The American people have been made accomplices of the bloody rule in Cuba...
...What mm comment could be inade sshssssi i tire capitalist system wa*K : very charitable uli i iiilaai^ , age to create the very M S they would remedy...
...This is the basic point in the Red Jacket Coal Co...
...They tied it tc the rear wheel of an automobile and dragged it triumphantly through the streets of Sherman Upon arriving in the squalid Negro section of the town they strung the emaciated corpse to a tree facing a N e g r o drug store, ind built a fire beneath it...
...stubbornly they adhere •JO the customs and habits of primitive life...
...If the story in the news papers of the rise to power of th big business man who waa one a a office boy still g i v e s us a thril then our Socialist philosophy ha not y e t seeped down fax enougt I f a display of luxury a n d lelsur in the movies still g i v e s us pleas are, then our Socialist sentiment are still diluted...
...affairs, and that the invested it terest of her parvenu rich is noi world wide...
...In the second place, the youth can be brought nearer to us...
...That they must be "progressive...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the 8 o'clock Felowship Service at the weekly meetng of the Bronx Free Fellowship, tzure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston 'oad, near East 172nd street, on Sunlay evening...
...that her meteoric rise t dizzy financial heights—since ah helped make the world safe fo democracy—has added greatly t her prestige and influence in wor...
...This attitude reminds us of the statement of Wendell Phillips that the Yankee would risk a leap across hell if he saw a dollar on the other side...
...It has intervened on two occasions for financial and political reasons but this regime of murder has continued for years without inviting even an investigation...
...The only factor considered in the editorial is the matter of profits for American business...
...3enry •Neumann will speak on "Ulima T h a i e : A Tale of Moral Triunph...
...And the court, also in the best capitalist tradition, granted "the relief prayed f o r ." Judge Russel C. Stewart ruled that the hosiery company had a right to extort from its workers a promise that they would not join a union, and that "it is the clear d u t y of the court t o protect those rights...
...Judge John J. Parker was supported for the U. S. Supreme Court...
...of a moral law into the sphere of life where the l aw of force rules today...
...Little Rollo with his tin soldiers could not dq worse...
...I f be owes J$ a l t a j mother, what does he owe saanJIB many H a l f . J f It was all very plsaafaf^n...
...S. Supreme Court upheld the sentences...
...They observe Germany and Great Britain doing a good business with Russia and this evokes the envy of the .\rnericans who are especially in' need of trade...
...Approval is given the American policy of not recognizing Russia and yet "business men will trade with Russia anyway, if they feel like it...
...And what is the test these politicians...
...One comrade is hard at work gathering musical scores in preparation for the workers' orchestra that will grace the next musical season...
...Pittsburgh '"^Essai By Arthur J. M r O w nJ - « arONTESQUTETJ deseeM JVlPana as a piece w b n H put a f ew people la hSBBssti rums to convince tha wanail ' the rest were sane...
...A Boohing Bureau win he established to meat the constant liemanrls of mgawlia tions upon t h * time of the talented pars an a w h o have offered to cooperate with the Committee on Cultural and Sports A c t i v i t i e s . A dramatic g r o u p will be formed in the near future...
...t s The Kraemer company...
...There is no instance of them ever having constituted themselves a separate labor group in any legislative body with a thorough labor program and fighting for it...
...oyer, step SP * I ye shall be heard the new xsnsSli t r a t e sits in attendance...
...the meter of material values the...
...It remains his code of life and it offers its own commentary on his professed ideal of "Service...
...Texas, a more eloquen and accurate answer...
...For this reason there should be a marked and steady growth of the Socialist movement in this country...
...The great economic changes of our time must be interpreted to the masses if those changes are t o be registered in political organization and power...
...There should be a tremendous wave of protest all over the nation...
...Tha is their historic function...
...rightly rlnimg that the difference between a savage and a civilizepeople is not measured merely fc...
...No a rare thing...
...But there is also the danger of the Russians repudiating debts where credit is involved, especially if they stabilize their socialization program...
...London said at the time, "Unem ployment is not an accident...
...IN A NUTSHELL While millions of unemployed workers walk the streets Congress is also unemployed in dealing with this distress...
...happen to possess, but also by th speed registered in the struggle t rid themselves of the rude, primi tive instincts of the jungle...
...W h a t puzzles u s is t h a t every successful exploiter it tha working masses la also opposed to Socialism >n the ground that it would enslave us...
...Righto, and voting serfs have created the labor injunction...
...If the commercial stunt of organized sport still" k e e p u enthralled, then our Socialist out look upon life is still confused...
...Ii the fourth place, various sympathizers can be induced to cooperate with us on specific projects A.t the May Day celebration, foi example, the Ojeda-Crespo group }f Mexican dancers, now performing a t the Hippodrome, J. del Castillo, Pauline Koner and other professional performers, offered then services because of their interest n our work...
...Pinchot Vas Governor some years ago and "Jim" Maurer...
...It is not so much the economic advantage— although that will not be slight— which will accrue to the masses at the introduction of a principle ol ethics into industry...
...Thi movement is l a r g e l y to blame We rationalize, we mtellectualize but we do not enlist In our canst sufficiently the feelings of me...
...Cms habit of accepting professionals on the ground that they measure up to the needs of the working class is an old one in American politics...
...The emancipation of the working people must be achieved by the working people themselves.—Wendell Phillips...
...One tiling we do know about the "progressives...
...This, however, is the "long-run" risk and it is not an immediate danger as the Russians have too much at stake to "risk destroying it soon by credit default...
...Nobody loves the Bolsheviks, declares the writer, and trading with them is probably the "long-run" interest of the United States...
...When suddenly yellow dog developed teeth...
...I TI E scene is a Magistnunl Court in the Bronx The eel casion is the induction of a sari M a g i s t r a t e into office...
...The next step in yellow dog's s;rowing ugliness was to have it declared punishable to organize yellow-dogged men even if they ruit the boss upon joining the union...
...There is no consistent answer...
...I t is the job of the Socialist anc labor movement to build up a cul ture which will counteract thi culture of American—and foi that matter, international—cap i t a l i sm and make us immune tc the temptations of the bourgeon world...
...and women and—what is Just ai important—children...
...H e forbade the union and its representatives to interfere with the "business" of the company...
...Yankee "Service'' \ N editorial in a recent issue of The Business . i f eek presents the curious reaction of American capitalists towards Russia...
...Human society will become something more than a mere aggregation of bipeds each seeking to devour the other...
...litigants and *A~tnessei...
...If you do s o t think t h a j cooperation ia necessary, watch what happens to a wagon if one wheel cornea jff.—Exchange...
...Then, as tha crown of his order, h e added, "The public is in the position of the defendants...
...a • o Just h ow progressive must a progressive be t o be really progressive...
...Vhe Progressive" NOTE that in some labor publications Gifford Pinchot, who has won a nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania, is acceptable...
...This is not their b a w l except for the one whose caWJ, called first and wbc is pramfmj, discharged as a gesture Sf mWM lease oblige...
...If we call the roll of tins breed it rrtchaoVs William Jennings Bryan, the child of the famoti: Dayton trial-, Theodore Roosevelt, whose mair contribution to politics was a loud noise...
...A m o n g a civilized peopl* the recognized process of lav would have been permitted te rui its course...
...A gavel ia presented ay M\Democratic club of which is a member and he accepts h f* gracious speech saying he B W a w a j f the gavel at home as "it **B good to be used in this essrtj ( W e wonder how he meant ••J1, The speakers vie with eate****!^ In finding expressions of f S a a jM De Lues's accomplishrntnts ,' qualifications...
...injunction in W e s t Virginia in 1922...
...The company haled the union officers to court...
...Other possibilities suggest themselves...
...Texas, • Gap In Civilization By Frank R. Cross waith • Or...
...n » • No reform, moral or intellectual, ever came from the upper classes of society...
...the ol< parties proving once more thei: inability to look beyond their noses F r om that time to this, the- So cialista, whether they have hat representatives in Congress o r not have pressed for social insurance especially unemployment insurance and old age pensions...
...Those who have been murdered, those in jail, and those who survive under the terror cry out against this monstrous thing...
...tMJ least impressed are those W / SH charges...
...Promises extorted by force have been recognized as not binding, from time beyond the memory of man...
...Probably Governor Roosevelt...
...These guardsmei are reported also to have offeree Hughes the choice of attempting flight f r om the court house, or be ing temporarily locked in a stee vault located on another floor...
...a Sociologists have steadily pointid out that in the march of society, jpward and forward, out of the jungle of primitivism, races and tribes sometimes fall behind: they i r e unable to keep pace with the j r e a t body of onward moving humanity...
...And in the end the worker will pay for it all...
...Senator Shipstead has been unable to get any action on his resolution to investigate the dictatorship...
...Trustingly, the doomed . mai chose to enter the vault and wai roasted to death therein...
...It drugs us w i t h a cap italist culture which aims, ti deaden our sensibilities so tha we might the better be able ti stomach an industrial system based upon private profit and thi exploitation of the workers by th< capitalist class...
...I k n ow the struggle foi bread will continue to be bitter and that the emancipation of the masses can become a reality only with the abolition of the competitive s y s t em of society in which the propertyless are at the mercy ol a class that control the land and the means of production...
...Also, he pointed out that there was only one right way, one humane way, to cure this evil: "The worker should not be asked to assume all the burdens, all the risks, all the hazards of modern industry, with its accidents, occupational diseases, life-sapping intensity, with its sudden rushes and its long slacks, with its constant fears and its anxieties...
...It deciarnl nl vital danger to the romxaajS was involved in the giving I | something for nothing," aaWmi3 1 the deadly effect on the a x eM of a s t r v i n g man of a howl i l 1 s o u p and piece of bread o s i| ; without him registering on mmW charity list and rendering al "equivalent" amount of work 1 i Investigation brought oat 9m f a c t that this associaUoa't 9 quirement of the recipients of H bounty that they should sajfl a number of hours each tatVTatM before leaving, effectualtjr j H j vented them from seeking jota J : e v en securing the odd tasks m%\are the only thing within the BB-fl er of m a n y of the human s aw scrapped by "the wealthiest mM tion that the world has seas...
...o a o The news service of the American Federation of labor declares that the labor injunction creates serfs...
...What immediate steps f»n be aken to build up a Socialist and abor * culture ? T h e Workers' Dancing Group a n d tha Workers' Singing Club which wars formed during tha preparations for th* May Day |Bigsswt have been meeting since May 1 o n Thursd a y etaialBas a t the B a n d School, the first at s i x o'clock, tha other a t eight o'clock...
...I we do find ourselves surrenderuu our emotions to capitalism, it t not our own fault merely...
...I f it is upheld all along the line t h e scope of injunctions win be tremendously extended...
...A n d a s for yellow dog, he will have g r o w n ao u g l y that nothing can curb him— except the organized might of the militant workers...
...When the nation's politicians are considering what should be done about unemployment, they should not neglect to take into account something besides the patching up yt a bad s y s t em with social insurance...
...n o Together with pensioning aged workers in industry we favor pensioning and retiring old ideas that Have consigned aged workers to neglect...
...o • We are not certain what is meant by the "flexible clause" in the tariff bill but we presume it permits stretching schedules when our capitalists think they are in need of more money...
...Yellow Dog Grows More Vicious YE L L O W dog, the employers' house pet, is not only getting older, he is also growing uglier as the years roll on...
...they have been known even to relist the humanizing influences of culture and education acquired by their brothers in the v a n of human progress...
...ment office which supplied JPJM ' more than eight hundred B t an l a s t week he sent a tidy c s sj tion to the aoup kitchen_#H Women's Section of tha Ml P a r t y . 1 _ lass!ILL should remove the mU...
...Work, Education and Organization...
...The union sent in two representatives who launched a local campaign against yellow doggery...
...Yet in goammM highly profitable nature of M a c t i v i t y the $9,000 par yea, j rector decided that in order tt hi in style with Hoover v— Ttaaay must have a wage-cut mmi aa] ceeded to cut the wagas stW drivers of collection trucks teethe former commission bteaS a flat 12.50 per day...
...This universal injunction was upheld and made perpetual b y the county court early in April...
...After all, we are Socialist: because the ethics of capitalist exploitation are incompatible with our w a y of looking at things, because we feel a sense of solidaritj with the working class, because we believe that every man anc woman should work for his living These are not intellectual things We may have arrived at them bj a process of reasoning but the extent to which they get into oui bones determines our resistance tc the pressure that capitalist culture is constantly exerting upor us...
...o • The lines of the jobless who crowd soup houses throughout the country are simply an extension of t h e lines of voters who supported c a p i t a l i sm • a * The bowl from which the workmen eat ia filled with the produce of the national labor, and what prevents them f r om fetching more out of it is neither the narrowness of the bowl nor the scantiness of its contents, but only the emallness of their spoons (i.e., their wages).—Marx...
...In the fall a series of exhibits are being planned of the work of A rt Young, R y a n W a l k e r and the hundreds of young artists who are proletarian at heart but have Utile opportunity to show their work to those who should be m o s t i interested in their efforts...
...A n investigation is being conducted into the practicability of showing, under party auspices, moving pictures, domest i e or imported, that deal with subjects in which we as Socialists a r e interested...
...S o he dutifully granted an injunction...
...A special d | I f i c er has accordingly beta mm \ signed to the gilded t*ow^9 ; p r o m p t l y slap any one-rasa cssr| itable agencies into the Da«ia*l bastille...
...So the unions laughed at yellow dog...
...They were found g u i l t y of "inducing breach of contract" and sentenced to jail...
...We should answer this pathetic cry...
...n o Quit going to war...
...They should realize the fundamentally unsound base upon which capitalist society is built...
...That is a test which they never will meet and it is the onlj one that distinguishes a genuine labor group fron1 the professionals...
...T - F O U R years ago, Thorn X as Huxley delivered a lectur a t Johns Hopkins...
...friemdly and one walked t s B W g l | courtroom insured to do mmrj I and better things Hard » » * • • ; • virtue will triumph over snmv' stacies- and the just are d t d T ^ [ warded...
...Civilixe civilization.—Eugene V. Debs...
...Had hi elected to flee, he might have es caped being roasted to death, bu a bullet fired from a rifle in thi hands of a guardsman, a sherif: or some other allegedly cdvilizec Texan, would most like have mowed him down...
Vol. 10 • May 1930 • No. 17