Turksib--Russian Triumph at 8th St. Playhouse

Turksib—Russian Triumph at 8th St. Playhouse The Stage The Movies Music THE WEEK ON THE STAGE By Joseph T. Shipley S H E IS . . . A N D W H Y : "LET AND SUB-LET." By Martha Stanley,...

...I t is interesting to note that the •ailroad construction, which is one R e c o n s t r u c t i o n P l a n o f S o v i e t R u s s i a , should b e filmed as t h e first film i t e m o f t h i s plan...
...The French Hamlet will be that of Georges Pitoeff and b i s w i f e following Shaw's "Saint Joan" in their repertory...
...A l s o on the program at • t he Strand is Horace Heidi and hia Californians in a V i t a p h o n e "short," and ' T h e Wedding of Jack and JuL" a Vitaphone Variety in Technicolor featuring the thirty Vitaphone Kiddies in a f a n t a s y of childhood dreams...
...Caligari," "Variety," "The L a s t Laugh," "Homecoming" and "Hungarian Rhapsody...
...By Martha Stanley, Biltmore Theatre...
...Naturally, the operetta of Victor Herbert are in great fa vor...
...Lawson, Louis M. Simon and HenriPene Dubois...
...He has been v e r y favorably received, and numbers many famous people among his students, among them Luther Burbank, Madame GalliCurci...
...Browne, hi association with Charles Cochran, has undertaken London's first international theatrical festival since before the w a r , beginning at the end o f M a y . That the Shakespeare season should occur simultaneously is partly the by-product of this International Festival and p a r t l y happy accident Closely o n the heels of tonight's premiere of "Othello" win come three productions of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," one in German, one in English, and one in French, all running about the s a m e time...
...H e l en J u s t s and B r o t h e r Charlie, colored steppers...
...Petersburg, the love of a young impetuous dancer f or an impoverished colonel and the succeeding tragedy thai befalls them, was produced b y teach Pommar, guiding genius of the U F A company f o r m a n y years, who h a s been responsible f o r those artistic successes: "Dr...
...Her absence from the theatre meantime has been due t o t h e lacs of a suitable medium...
...In t he ipinion of many who have seen he p i c t u r e she eclipses even her vork in "Stella Dallas...
...a practical, scient i f ic technique of concentration aad meditation and a method of recharging them f r om inner cosmic energy...
...W i n t e r Garten Theatre, this talented actress days another mother role...
...Beacon A series of Sunday afternoon soncerts for residents of midtown Manhattan will he inaugurated i e x t Sunday (June 8) at 1 p. rai t Warner Bros...
...Playhouse The Stage The Movies Music THE WEEK ON THE STAGE By Joseph T. Shipley S H E IS . . . A N D W H Y : "LET AND SUB-LET...
...K a t e Drain Lawson, technical director of The Theatre Guild, is designing the settings and the costumes will be designed by Mrs...
...Her perormance still is considered one if t h e b e s t portrayals t o reach the screen...
...and T h e Qea dollars...
...The Queen's Ian Handkerchief," b y Johann Strata* "The Geisha," "San Toy," "a* minie," ' T h e Chimes of Nor mandy," "The Blue Paradise," "Rose M a r i e " "The Spring Maid," "Maytime," "The Vagabond King," T h e Student Prince...
...A s w a s the case this year there will be 2 4 weeks of outs tana i n g operetta hits of the past as* era...
...That the piece l a s not merely comic values but an underlying vein of sound thought and right facing toward ife was not the least of the reasons that persuaded Miss A d a ms o come under the Erlanger m a n - tgement...
...B u t i t has fortunately remained for the E r l a n g e r offices to find, and obtain Miss Adams' warm IllnnV for, a modern romantic comedy n ow in process of completion by a weU known American playwright...
...The principals of the revue will be Albert Carroll, Sterling Holloway, James Norris, Otto Hulett, Ray Featherton, Theodore Fetter, Edwin Gilcher, Donald Stewart, (no Ogden in that name) Roger Stearns, William Hannen, Nan Blackstone, Ruth Chorpenning, Imogene Coca, Hildegarde Halliday, Edith Meiser, Cynthia Rodgera, Edith Sheldon, Thelma T i p - son and V e l m a Vavra...
...Roxy in Summer Dress The summer season and i t s a t tendant accessories of comfort and convenience have been installed in the R o x y Theatre...
...the two Daveys, comedy jugglers: Mr...
...Already internationally acclaimed for his discovery of the outstanding British war plays, "Journey's End" by R C Sheriff and "B...
...The "Yogoda" system, which he discovered, teaches harmonious and fun development of body,' mind and soul...
...There are different uniforms for day wear and evening wear...
...Marinoffs Russian Canine Actors...
...Naughton and Gold, Scotch Comics...
...Tew people of t h e s t a g e or screen Lave made so auspicious or lastn g an impression as did Miss 3ennett in this picture...
...A s laid out by the Erlanger iffices Miss A d a m s ' t o u r will begin he middle of next September >riefly adjacent t o N e w Y o r k , later o be followed b y her appearance* a one of the local Erlanger heat res Operettas to Go On at Joltasl Encouraged by the great an cess of their series of operetta'nj r i v a l s a t J Olsons' Theatre earn...
...Jr., Leon Jeanney, Dorothy a/ard, Charlotte Henry, D o n M a r - o n and Byron Sage enact the rounger, members of the group...
...A special feature is "Anchors A weigh...
...Therefore Martha Stanley tries a trick Shakespeare has often used, mixing identities for the f un to follow...
...1 The comedy is of a quality familiar to Miss Adams' public and her part is of a prominence and nature comparable to her famous roles of the past...
...It is planned to st g i n the revivals sometime early a October, and to continue tab April...
...M a n 's t o n q u e s t o f t h e d e s e r t p l a c e s o f h e w o r l d is s h o w n w i t h g r e a t d r a - n a t l c f o r c e a n d a l s o w i t h n a t u r al l u m o r . . . a g e n u i n e a n d i m p r e s sive w o r k o f a r t a n d s h o u l d be shown in our c i n e m a s . " — D a i ly s'ews...
...Hence the full meaning of the word ia a method which can i m part harmony and equilibrium f or the perfection of body, mind and soul...
...The stage and screen celebrity toes not w a n t t o be v e r s a t i l e She rants to remain the screen's most ovable player of mother roles...
...I t is likely that the forthoon ing series w i n include several 4 Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opaf as, aa the e a r l y returns inuhal many r o t e s for these works, la v o n tea t o date are "The Wis-a^' "The Pirates of Penzance...
...Yogoda is derived from "Yoga" which means harmony or equilibrium, and "da" aasfatsfsT that which imparts...
...Viktor Turin, the director, however, by means of montage (editing) i a s finally wrought a nun that has won recognition as a fine work of cinema construction...
...This will be Miss Adams' first appearance is any play in thirteen years—since her last appearance in Sir James M. Barrie's "9 K i s s f o r Cinderella...
...The I n n which w a s recently damaged b y fire has been redecorated and rebuilt The restaurant was once owned by Col...
...On the s a m e bill will be a Laurel and Hardy t a l k i n g comedy, Sidney Ross and Elmer Rice to Produce Plays On the eve of sailing for a trip if two o r three months in Europe, Sidney Ross, formerly associated xith Kenneth Macgowan, the A c - or-Managers and others, announced that he has definitely deeded t o embark on a career as an ndependent producing manager lext season...
...The B l a i r house has been sublet...
...Alvtn Hun sicker...
...and here t h e present intricacies fail to leave u s altogether guessing...
...The regular program of feature photoplay and "shorts" will be shown in conjunction with the con:erL "Back P a y at Strand "Back Pay," perhaps tha most celebrated at all Fannie Hurst's stories, finally has found i t s w a y t o the andirne screen, w i t h Corinne Griffith in the featured role...
...but daughter : j a n e is missing...
...Other original presentations that Mr...
...this generation and was briefly seen in this count r y two years ago in Gilbert Miller's production of "The Patriot...
...Lyons win present for the first time in any burlesque theatre his satirical comedy of a gob on shore leave entitled "On L e a v e ," the locale of which is laid along Riverside Drive in the neighborhood of 9 6 t h Street...
...F i r s t goal for M r . R o s s on his Surope an trip win be the premere of Maurice Browne's producion of Shakespeare's "Othello" at h e Savoy Theatre, London, as his rien da h ip w i t h Paul Robeson, who vill have the t i t le role, dates back 0 Robeson's days at the Provinceown Playhouse...
...Sketches in the production will be by N e w m a n Levy, Benjamin M. Kaye, Ruth Chorpenning, Louis Simon and Sterling Holloway, Carroll Carroll, H . Alexander, Landon Herrick, Leopoldine Damrosch and Gretchen Damrosch Flnletter and Dorian Otvos...
...In the French capital he also expects to confer with Const ant in Stanislavsky, of the M o s c o w A r t rheatre, and with Mrs...
...Since that time he has been lecturing and conducting courses throughout the country...
...A year later it was produced as a sklent picture with Seena Owen in the featured role, and n ow it is asj all-talking production f r om the F i r s t National Studios...
...B e f o r e the r e l e a s e o f " T u r k s i b" t h e film w a s r e g a r d e d a s j u s t a n o t h e r local news r e e l . However, w h e n the film w a s p r e s e n t e d by T u r i n it w a s i m m e d i a t e l y a c c l a i m e d . C r i t i c s d i s c u s s e d the r e l a t i v e m e r i t s o f i t a s a s t o r y - f i lm o r a f a c t - f i l m The g e n e r a l d e c i s i o n s e e m s t o b e t h a t i t i s b o t h. I t i s b a s e d e n t i r e l y o n f a c t u a l m a t e r i a l i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e r a i l r o a d , b u t t he f a c t s have been p r e s e n t e d in a s t i r r i n g , h u m a n m a n n e r , and t he t h e m e h a s b e e n d e v e l o p e d w i t h t he d r a m a t i c t e n s e n e s s o f a g r e a t a nd a f f e c t i n g n a r r a t i v e. T h e Britsh press, w h i c h h a ve b e e n r a t h e r s k e p t i c a l o f R u s s i an films, a r e u n a n i m o u s In t h e i r p r a i se of " T u r k s i b . " B e l o w a r e s o m e o f t h e i r c o m m e n t s. " T h e film is a r e m a r k a b l e p r o d u c t i o n . . t h e r e is o n e w o n - l e r f u l s c e n e o f a T u r k e s t a n c a r a - r a n o v e r w h e l m e d b y a s i m o o n in the d e s e r t . . . t h e p r o d u c e r h as Duilt u p a n o v e r w h e l m i n g i m p r e s - rion o f m a n ' s s t r u g g l e w i t h N a - n i r e . " — M o r n i n g P o s t. " A r e m a r k a b l e film...
...It waa originally managed b y James B. R e g a n f or whom Col, A s t o r subsequently built the Hotel Knickerbocker...
...Luigi v on Kunits, conductor of the N e w S y m phony Orchestra of Toronto...
...T h e film rises t o g r e a t h e i g h ts . . a p o w e r f u l and s t i r r i n g film v h i c h is ' d r a m a t i c ' in t h e f u l l e st sense o f t h e w o r d . . . a t once serious and e n t e r t a i n i n g . " — M a n - t e s t e r G u a r d i a n. Belle Bennett Plays Lead in 'Courage" a t Winter Garden Flappers, ingenues, screen "bad vomen' 'and other such characterzations have no place in tha hisrionlc career of Belle Bennett...
...Ross discloses the fact hat he has made special contract s ! arrangements with Elmer lice, author of "Street Scene", ind that, among other plays which le will bring to - B r o a d w a y next all and winter are "The Potter's field" by Paul Green, author of I n Abraham's Bosom", and a n ew play b y L y n n R i g g s , author of "Big .•she...
...Negotiations and rumors of them have promised Miss Adams' return tc the stage from season to season, and have at times almost been accomplished...
...Beacon Theatre, Broadway a t Seventy-fourth street, ["he Vitaphone orchestra of fortyrive musicians which provides the score for films made at Warner Bros, east coast studios, in Brookyn, win p l a y f r om the Beacon orchestra pit, Harold Levey directngA r t i s t s of note in the concert world will appear as soloists on rarious Sundays...
...Some years ago, "Back P a y" was dramatized by the author as a starring vehicle f o r t h e l a t e M a r garet Lawrence...
...a song of (and b y ) the U . S. N a v y . Garrick Gaieties a t Guild The Theatre Guild n ow plans to present "Garrick Gaieties" at the Guild Theatre during the week of June 2. The cast has been selected, sketches ' a n d music obtained and rehearsals have been under way for a fortnight with Olin H o w - land staging the dances and Philip Loeb supervising' the production generally...
...The Blair family is about to start to Europe...
...Other operettas and cona operas f o r which there have baa a large number of requests aa "Floradora...
...The railroad, which was competed about a month ago, w a s engineered b y BUI Shatov, a former American workman, and is regarded as the greatest engineern g feat of Soviet Russia...
...Mona Maris, Carol Lombard and M r s . Jiminex play important parts In this thriller of the w i l d and wooley...
...Ross ixpects t o confer with Alexander rairoff, founder and director of h e Kamerny theatre of Moscow...
...F o r t h e opening concert, the soloists will he Douglas Stanbury, baritone who w o n a treat measure of popularity a t the Roxy, and Maximilian Pilxer, vioinlat, who same years ago l ed t he Capitol grand orchestra...
...While n London he will also initiate nereflating with other English playvrights and producers...
...But Dorothea Chard brings good charm and humor t o her part...
...Warner Baxter On Hippodrome Screen W a r n e r B a x t e r in "The A r i z o n a Kid" which w a s ao favorably received b y t h e critics will begin a week's engagement a t t h e R K O Hippodrome this Saturday, M ay 31st...
...N i n a Petrova" at 5 5 th One of the newest of the U F A super-productions, completed st tha studios in N e u Babelsberg, "The Wonderful Lies of N i n a Petrova," i s having i t s first showing in America at the 55th Street P l a y h o u se This silent U F A production, which tefiS a romantic story of pre-war St...
...Lawrence Leslie in "The Last Mile" Lawrence Leslie, who will be remembered for his performances in "Meteor" and "Remote Control," Jrill play the part of "Killer" Mears n T h e L a s t Mile' n ow in its sixteenth week at the S am H . Harris Theatre...
...Miss Bennett, who i s herself the nother of t w o children, has a faml y of seven in "Courage...
...A t the Roxy, WTO Rogers remains for second week in "So This Is London"—the stage presentation boasts of a condensed version of "Carmen" with Jeanne Gordon, "Turksib" New Soviet Film At the Eighth Street Playhouse 'Turksib,'' the Russian film acclaimed b y the Manchester Guardian a s the finest example of Sovient cinematography, had its American premiere showing a t the Eighth Street Playhouse (formerly the F i lm Guide Cinema) last week...
...Rice, who i s now in Surope completing several new (lays...
...Turksib" was originally intended t o be a document of the building of the Turkestan-Siberian Railroad, which n o w links for the first time in eternity the natural resources of these territories...
...H e r first outstanding hit in a aether part waa in "Stella Dallas...
...He will enter the cast on Monday evening, June 2, and continue with the play for its run' through the summer...
...and the uncle she adopts is a pleasing mixture of incompetence and geniali t y , and those who seek mild a m usement for m u d weather win be satisfied...
...A.corps of upholsterers have put into condition the summer chair covers, draperies and hangings, amounting to 24,000 individual pieces...
...Shaba are making preparations for | more ambitious program next sat son...
...and J a n e pretends t o be the niece the n ew tenants (how thoughtful of t h em t o have a niece...
...Lyons win offer a t the C i t y Theatre are "Life" and " W h a t Win Her O ld Lady S a y ?" Paul Robeson in 'Othello' Heads London Shakespeare Season W i t h the premiere this week at the Savoy Theatre, t-rm^in...
...This young actor i s accounted London's greatest Romeo of...
...A n ideal spring vaudeville show featuring Dave Harris in "Varieties," a l i t t l e o f everything...
...She plays h e part with more restraint than n her previous success...
...The title role of T h e Wonderful Lies of N i n a Petrova" i s played b y Brigitte Helm, w h o will be remembered as the fascinating robot in "Metropolis...
...The primiry purpose of his trip is to coner with Mr...
...Piss fore,'* "Iolanthe...
...I n "Courage," the current featire at W a r n e r Bros...
...B l om rime," and "Katinka...
...He w i n also liscuss with Simon Gantillon, auh o r of "Maya", the possibility of 3ringing hia other plays to this lountry...
...r!E grand old game of farce takes a leap forward when warm weather neara, and t h e present cool spell is no more than a short hold-off...
...Her charicterization has the relieving effect also of a sense of humor...
...and the remainder of the p l a y . has rather t o unravel the complications...
...R o s s expects a extend an invitation t o Browne ind Robeson t o collaborate with irm in bringing their "Othello" to his country next season...
...of Shakespeare's "Othello" with the American negro actor, Paul Robeson, in the title role, Maurice Browne will achieve still another distinction, that of sponsoring the most ambitious Shakespeare season in a generation in the W e st End theatres of the B r i t i sh capital...
...Strand Theatre In N e w York...
...The g i a n t cooling system, the largest of i t s kind in the world, has been set in m o tion...
...Maud Adams Returns The Erlanger offices have exchanged contracts with Maude A d ams for her return to the stage early in September...
...J . One" by Commander King-Hall, Mr...
...Fresh flowers, plants and foliage have been distributed in the lobbies, condors and auditorium to carry out the vernal atmosphere...
...New Woodmanaten Inn To Open Season The opening of the n ew Woodmanaten Inn near Pelham Parkway, the Bronx, was announced by Joseph L. Parti, veteran restauranteur and formerly of the Knickerbocker Grin, the Colony restaurant and Castles-by-theSea...
...are expecting from the west The arrival of the niece natura l l y complicates the situation, but tt has already been considerably complicated in an amusing first act...
...and the Li b o y Dancers in "Sports A La Mode," a youthful revue of beauty, speed, humor and originality...
...Distraught as BBBW are, t h e f a m i l y sets out without the girl, whereupon—of course —she pops up...
...Although his program f o r his first season on his )wn responsibility is still incom>lete, Mr...
...Ross win have he author associated with h im as he co-producer of one or more of lis plays next season...
...This is always a bit more : difficult to manage so that the audience win be at once in the dark and eager t o f o l l ow for the final light of eTTlieht*nT™*Tl...
...I n acquiring the producing i g n i s to t h e existing and future >lays of Elmer Rice, Pulitzer prize day winner, Mr...
...It il the attraction this weak a t W a r ner Bros...
...New Director at City Theatre A n announcement of interest to many is conveyed In the' report that Jack Lyons has been engaged to produce the n e w s u m m e r revues to be presented at the City Theatre on E a s t 14th S t r e et Joe Lyons, the n ew s t a g e producer at the City Theatre, was the former partner of Tom E . Howard, and the t e am of Lyons and Howard was a byword in vaudeville and burlesque...
...What more can such persons a s k o f a cigarette—or an evening's f a r c e? Swami Yogananda to Lecture At Carnegie Hall Swami Yogananda, educator, psychologist, and metaphysician, win give a short lecture course in N e w Y o r k , beginning June 4. The l e c tures announced- so f a r are on June 4. 6, 7 and 8 at Carnegie HalL Tney will he given at 8 p. m. and there will be n o admission c h a r g e Swami Yogananda came to America in 1920 a s a delegate from India to the International Congress of Religions in Boston...
...The German "Hamlet" will be that of Moissi, inaugurating the International Festival at the Globe Thea t r e A t the s a m e time at Maurice Browne's other London theatre, the Queens, the O l d V i c production of "Hamlet", in English, of course, win be running with the title role in the hands o f John Gielgud...
...Three tailors are constantly at w o r k keeping in i m maculate condition the uniforms for the house-staff of 125 men...
...I n Paris, in addition to confermces with Elmer Rice, Mr...
...George Liebling, pianist-composer, and many others...
...this season, the Messrs...
...Ross also announces h a t he m a y interest himself in )ringing several plays and dramai c companies f r om Europe t o this iountry under arrangements which te expects to make while abroad...
...John Jacob A s tor a n d w a s adjacent to the old Morris Park race track...
...Maran Nixon plays the role of the i d e s t child, while Carter D e H a v - ax...
...S u n d a y Concerts at Warner Bros...
...V l a dimir Rosing, famous tenor...
...Paul Green's "The Potter's Held," a n ew p l a y b y L y n n Riggs, ind any foreign plays and com>&nies which he m a y s i gn up in Surope will be produced and presented under his own name alone...
...N o r m an rlapgood, who has been engaged n translating Stanislavsky's new >ook on the theatre...

Vol. 10 • May 1930 • No. 17

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