THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National _„» VIENNA PAMPHLET . 1P7 thipmer.: of tbe pamphlets VLtart Dannenberg. "Vienna Under *B*«t Rule " has Just been received •StTNatic"3-- office. Comrades...

...The success of the last entertainment and dance has emboldened the comrades to try something on a large scale...
...QUEENS CUONTY Jamaica Branch The last lecture of the forum was leld on Monday evening...
...The discussion Was spirited, Sam Rothenberg, Ethel Lurie...
...Comrade Claessen's address on "Ambition and Incentive" was delivered to a packed house...
...64th street and 20th avenue, on Friday evening...
...Accidents are increasing on the P.R.T...
...after an operation at the Crown Heights Hospital 16th A, D. Branch 2 At oar last meeting April 28, the branch endorsed the stand taken by its delegates In favor of tbe minority report at the city convention...
...The last meeting on Thursday...
...In their orders will b^LJSd their copies immediately...
...The answer of the Mitten company to depression and unemployment is to throw more workers out...
...N. Y...
...organiser of the Upper West Side Branch, and Comrades Presser...
...Our Kings County membership is desirous of finding the best passible candidates, including county, senatorial and assembly Castries...
...BRONX 4th A. D. An important meeting will be held Tuesday evening, May 6, to the headquarters, 1167 Boston road...
...The business session will end at 9:30 sharp when Irving M. Knobloch will open the talk on "Municipal Housing...
...This will be a continuation of the work done last year and these meetings have resulted to a fine increase in membership...
...l-3-8th A. D. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening...
...The committee on arrangements consisted of Leon Gllbson...
...James 3. Graham, state secretary, reports aaJtn applications to Join the sartf from one county in western sjaasna this month and an expectsaas at an increase in party member - nap at over two hundred within the ant thirty days...
...Astoria On Friday evening...
...May 3. in the Workmen's Circle Center...
...Members are grieved at the news of the death of Dora Jacobson...
...Among the features will be sterling entertainers, "card parties, balloon, broom, Virginia reel and Russian Scher dances, and first-rate dance music...
...nrtce for the pamphlet of P ^ n s j e s . profusely illustrated Minnesota DULUTH rejash Socialists have been at work JsettO force the city council to 2^t*« the unemployment situation aesawtttate construction of a num• ^projects which -.hey have sugprojects Include...
...Organizer Claessens was present...
...I are well attended...
...stock was large enough to carry control cf the company, the Mitten group deftly took it over, and in the manipulation realized a profit of several million dollars at the expense of P.R.T...
...a card party .cabaret and dance will be rendered at Hoffman's Mansion, Watkins street and Pitkin avenue...
...State Senator to the 4th District...
...The principal speaker will be Norman Thomas...
...A large mailing will be sent out and an Interesting program is being arranged...
...The state executive committee adapted a resolution opposing the nomination of Judge Parker as an associate Justice of the Supreme Court...
...The branch is without a meeting jlace and the committee has been empowered to obtain club rooms...
...Hereafter the branch will alternate its meetings with programs and social evenings and purely business meetings...
...A joint Kenosha-Racine picnic is to be held this summer...
...MANHATTAN Upper West Side There were over ISO people at the social gathering *of the Upper West Side, Momtogslde Heights and Washington Heights Branches...
...The report on unemployment of tbe civic affairs committee was read, and a petition approving: tt was sent to the Mayor...
...chairman of the finance committee...
...And on that date their trustees, acting, employes charge, under circumstances amounting to undue persuasion, compulsion, and duress, and by untrue inducements, exchanged the whole lot for stock in Mitten Bank Securities Corp...
...Branches two and three, con- I tinue to meet regularly and are show- I Ing fine signs of growth and activity, i The street meetings Friday evenings ! it Pennsylvania and Sutter avenues...
...7 East 15th street, and will make plans for future organization work...
...New York City CENTRAL COMMITTEE The monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, Msy 7, to room 402, Peoples House, East 15th street, at 8:15 p. rr... the Polish Hall, 3814 Harper avenue, corner of Joseph Campau avenue, Detroit...
...An ad was placed in the MayDay edition of The New Leader and jlans were made for future activities...
...The C— „ sesion was so well worked out B challenged the attention of «_ ssttre community...
...Endorsement was not given, as the comrades failed to: see, the necessity...
...This branch will begin its open-air educational work within a week's time and an effort is being made to obtain prominent speakers...
...On Dec...
...The executive committee will meet within a week or so and work out "plans of cooperation among the branches and with the city office...
...m. In Room 4 of the building at 142 West 138th i street...
...9th District...
...May 2. A large attendance is expected... of the active members...
...titude of the party towards the trade unions was vigorously debated...
...She was also a member of tbe Workmen's Circle Branch 399...
...Meetin gwill be held Saturday at l p. m. Kings County Committee The county committee will continue to function and every effort will be made to increase Its efficiency...
...K ^ have noticed in the press •^?ar the Socialist papers that a«*w^t l r.' 0<r:c» was out of these •"J3*» can get them if they will •JfjisTlJedate:: •JJ...
...David Breslow...
...Nuff Sed...
...8906 161st street, Janaica...
...May A in the Bast Harlem Educational Socialist Center, 62 East 106th street, at 8:30 p. m. 21st A. D. A meeting will be held on Tuesday evening...
...utsespu by local Communists to _ 3 en the Socialist meeting when Saoct Senior spoke last week has STwry unfavorably against them...
...219 Sackman street...
...Following the business meeting, Max Delson will speak on "Water Power...
...Ohio CINCINNATI The Cincinnati local is publishing a leaflet regularly called...
...Comrades who...
...Everybody growls,,while Mitten takes in over a million a year from the public on a subway the city built at public cost...
...A program of music and ntertatoment has been arranged...
...The main business will be to get this branch into functioning condition...
...The branch is holding a mass meeting on May 6, in the beautiful auditorium of the Community Center at 210 West 91st street...
...7th A. D. Tbe next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 13, at 8:30 p. m., to the clubrooms, 4315 Third avenue...
...They were easitnTi of the intercollegiate chapkr of the League for Industrial OrjetCTCy...
...It will be tbe practice to have a speaker at every meeting...
...It ends with tbe demand that the dry operate the car lines for tbe benefit of tbe car riders, rather than' the bankers...
...Comrade Jacobson was a member of the Socialist Party for scene 33 yeans...
...An excellent program has been arranged and Hyman Nemser will be tmong the speakers who will address :he gathering...
...when he spoke on jaaitpajjiiier.: in Pittsburgh, recently, rbt Budeaa were held without allowat tbam to communicate with lawJBB x friends for over five hours mat* they were released... earnest attempt is to be made to secure new members at the meeting...
...William B. Robinson: State Senator...
...It was decided to experiment with a permanent chairman Instead of a rotating chairman for three months...
...The membership of both branches was out in full force and after both had met separately, they got together for a half hour and made the foUowins' recommendations for nominations: wrllliam M. Feigenh&um for representative to Congress in the 8th District...
...A musical program has also been arranged...
...William K. Snow, former state secretary of LUnois...
...Joseph Stein...
...A joint meeting was held recently and the following •ecommeadations for nominations were nade: Congress...
...Robert Bobrick, one of our most promising new members...
...Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH Tbret University of Pittsburgh stuaati ware arrested for distributing jsvtbti ar~"'"/-<"g the meeting for 1mm H. Maurer...
...Michigan STATE CONVENTION A political state convention of the Socialist Party will be held Sunday, May 18, 3 p. m...
...An effort will be made to interest the enrolled Socialist voters - and every member to obtain a record turn out...
...The branch will continue its drive for lew members even after the drive is sfficially off...
...On the suggestion of its delegates » the Central Committee, the branch j us elected a committee on Public affairs which is authorized to utilize all feasible means to bring to the membership a complete knowledge of an new development* and the party's stand on vital questions...
...Although the men objected they had to pay, because the company union representatives had already endorsed the deal before they had a chance to vote...
...These students will not only do propaganda work for the Hortaltet program, but will lay the foundation for organiza toons of tbe party to sections that have not been visited by Socialist speakers since the war...
...Comrade Claessens, who acted as master of ceremonies, entertained with a series of delightful pantomimes...
...Also to adopt a platform for the coming campaign...
...16th A. D. Branch 1 Members have worked diligently in preparation for the May Day festival in the Savoy Mansion...
...9th District...
...The admission is 75 cents...
...Speakers are William M. Feigenbaum...
...Connecticut Want N. E. C. Meeting At a meeting of the State Executive Committee held Sunday, April 27th st New Haven, it was voted to ask the national executive committee to hold Its next quarterly meeting to New Haven or Bridgeport...
...Contributions toward these student tours may be made to Morris Berman, PleasantvlJle...
...18th A. D. Branch 2 Meetings will continue every Monday evening in the Workmen's Circle Center, 3820 Church avenue...
...May 8, room lOrof tbe build-, tog at 800 West 181st street...
...May 17...
...f Wisconsin EA CINE-KENOSHA The Socialists of Racine and Kenosht are outlining an intensive propan of activity and propaganda for Be...
...Brighton Beach The last meeting was well attended md the membership was conslderably mheartened by the discussion and deiisions...
...She joined the 8th A D. to New York and later on was active in the 33rd and 22nd E D , Is Brooklyn...
...Following the business meeting, a lecture will be given by Dr...
...This vote was taken In answer to a letter from Clarence Senior, national secretary, suggesting that the Connecticut party arrange a meeting place to the state for the June meeting of the Committee, it was suggested that the meeting be held Saturday and Sunday June 14 and IS...
...Delegates to the convention used their own discretion and common sense...
...2202 Mermaid ivenue...
...Next Men...
...Recently they asked...
...The branch meets sfonday evenings in the Workmen's Circle Center...
...The main business was on the set of resolutions supported by various branches to the city...
...Montana NEW MEMBERS 1 new local has been orgagiixed to JBJB) City and there are prospects of grsssjajnc s colored branch...
...Organizer Claessens congratulated the comrades on their splendid activities and the seriousness they displayed...
...In this manner, as soon as the employes' accumulation of P.R.T...
...Be la Low, "Fundamentals of Socialism" 22nd A. D. Branches one and four, because of peculiar conditions, do not function well...
...Mitten Stock Plan Blows Up In Shabby Deal TTJHILADELPHIA — ( F P ) — 11"^ Shameless betrayal of workers through the much-touted employe stocty ownership scheme of the Mitten-owned anti-union Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co...
...May 12, David Kaplan, 'Unemployment...
...April 34...
...A good attendance is expected...
...nember of the Midwood Branch, was inanimouslv nominated...
...William Karlin, A. I. Shlplacoff and James Oneal...
...A vast amount of ajntere has been distributed in both astern and western Montana and the •arty ateetings held for Hoan and sxsrer have helped in getting pubhay tod members...
...subject to be announced: May 12...
...This second story was prompted by a current magazine article by Ida Tarbell, hailing trie employes as proud partners and profit-sharers in P.R.T...
...Norman Thomas, Edward P. Cassldy and August Classsens will be the speakers...
...Serglus Ingerman...
...Director Howell of the "Reconciliation Trip" group, composed mostly of university students, will be one of the speakers...
...CLEVELAND The Y. P. 8. L. of Cleveland is holding its first annual interracial dance on May 1. Tne dance is expected to be one of the high spots of tbe national membership drive... bared for the second time in 10 months by the Philadelphia Record...
...and erarfirrvwl the street car company's receipts and expenditures to show that nearly three cents out of every fare goes to the...
...23rd A. D. Branch meetings are held Monday evenings in the Labor Lyceum...
...The at...
...Topic, ••Socialism and Democracy...
...Miss Dora Woltosky, pianist, and Miss Olga James, soprano, completed the program of entertainment...
...The entertainment was followed by tlanctng and refreshments...
...The Y. P. 8. L. is to be strengthened and a fall ticket for the fall election at to be put to the field...
...The practice will be ;onttaued of having a speaker present titer our business meeting...
...Considerable success has been achieved to several districts... whose devotion and labor earned these stocks...
...The company assessed the men i0% of their wages for a period to build a $250,000 memorial for old man Mitten, founder of company unionism in Philly...
...Boro Park An excellently attended meeting of the 9-16th A. D. Jewish Branch, and the Boro Park Branch, was held last Friday evening to the Boro Park Labor Lyceum...
...Coney Island A May festival will be held on Satlrday evening...
...8th A. D. A short business session will be held on Thursday, May 8, at 8:30 sharp, to the clubrooms, 2469 Davidson avenue, corner Fordham road...
...Assembly 22nd A. D., Theodore Shapiro...
...What it still advertised as an unexampled move towards industrial democracy has become a shabby masquerade," declares the Record...
...The city has petitioned in an equity suit for the ousting of Mitten Management, complaining of exorbitant fees, manipulation of funds, diversion of public property aad the violation of public rights...
...Kletoberg and Kuhael...
...May 2, a social ratherlng and celebration will be held n Bohemian Hall...
...William KaNln...
...P hill peon...
...Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport reported that practically all arrangements had been made for the Norman Thomas meeting which will be held in Bridgeport, May 13th...
...Second and Woolay avenues...
...The officers and educational committee will report on plans for summer and fall activity...
...The branch is mailing letters to nearly 1.000 enrolled Socialists, and handbills are to be distributed at the subway and "L" stations on the night of :he meeting and on that preceding it...
...David Kaplan of the 4th A. D., Bronx, gave a very interesting talk on the problems of old age...
...SPECIAL MEETING The Executive Committee of Kings County will hold a special meeting to the office of the city Executive Secretary...
...Considerable time is being spent by our comrades in calling meetings to make nominations for public office...
...Comrade iobmmWm died on Tuesday April 22...
...A recommenda:ion was .made for the nomination of ;andidates for member of Assembly n the 2nd A. D. Morris Rosenbaum... now the organizer for these two cities...
...because of boss-economy, speedup and undermanning of cars and trains...
...a city m m\i, a municipal auditorium, a ISsdnposal plant, road improveJ2B sad other public work...
...Ross . for valuable assistance which greatly contributed to the success of the affair...
...Why cant we have free cent fares...
...Much credit is due to Mr...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National _„» VIENNA PAMPHLET . 1P7 thipmer.: of tbe pamphlets VLtart Dannenberg...
...18th A. D. Branch 1 A few more meetings like the one Thursday evening, April 24, and Branch 1 will experience much difficulty housing its rapidly growing family...
...Organizer Claessens will be present at the next meeting of the county committee and work out more efficient methods of cooperation between the county and city organizations...
...August claessens was the lecturer...
...was wen attended, Fallowing the business tferksi...
...STUDENT TOURS State noniilas j Men til enniiunr re that tentative routes have been laid out for ten student-team tours to August and September...
...His topic vas "Incentive and Ambition: A 3tudy in Human Behaviorism...
...He has kindly consented to give us a return engagement and we look forward with eager anticipation to Claessen's next appearance...
...New York State SYRACUSE Local Syracuse and the Workmen's Circle will cooperate to a May Day celebration to be held Sunday...
...MIDWOOD A joint meeting of the three jranches in the 2nd A. D. was held ast Thursday evening...
...May 8, at 8:30-p...
...Assembly in the 9th A. D. Carl Cummlngs, Assembly In the 21st A. D. Judging by the spirit that prevailed, the campaign in Boro Park should be more energetic and efficient than ever before...
...The fare is 8c...
...The next meeting will be held on May 12...
...Labor and the Law" May 19...
...12th A. D. The enrolled Socialist voters were callled to a meeting in the home of Frank and Elisabeth Smith...
...The branch is going to great expense to make a success of this affair...
...Next Monday evening a business meeting rill be held and plans will be made or future activities...
...The program for the coVntog weeks includes the following: May 5. Jacob Axelrad...
...31, 1927," the Record declares editorially, "the men's total holdings were 221,475 shares out of 600,000...
...Street aawXsalBOa are to be held...
...May 2, to the meeting place at 122 Pierrepont street...
...Plain Talk...
...recently—for the benefit of Mitten employes and the public, it was of course alleged...
...Mitten controls every means of transportation in Quaker town...
...August Claessens will be present to erve in several capacities...
...Washington Heights A meeting will he held-on Thursday evening...
...The party state constitution requires the publication of the agenda at least four weeks prior to the convention...
...Tbe committee consist* of M. Severn, A. KuhneL A Regaldi, H. Pburpaon...
...Zjaal Socialists who have been fStm "i"5 u > l e Communists were SSial cured and the community tnmwi against the rowdyism and lapter tactics of the Communists...
...The city's corrupt Vare-Atterbury gang forked over another $10,000,000 city built subway to P.R.T...
...17-lS-teth A. D. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening...
...Jack Afros, Simon Sarasohn and Joe Viola leading their respective adherents...
...On Saturday evening...
...May 5. Samuel H. Friedman will ipeak on "The South—Our New Lajor Front...
...Ir^^J-jujy -en...
...Tbe.number of such tours made by Union Theological Seminary students wUl ittyriYd on the amount of finance raised for this particular work...
...Alexander Pichandler will preside...
...July and August...
...Attorney General, United States Senator...
...The attendance was poor, but branch members got together and planned future activities...
...stockholders of the corporation...
...Comrade Philipson was presented with a book to recognition of bis meritorious work to connection with the membership drive, having almost single-handed brought more than forty new members into the party...
...State Secretary Merrill again reminds the membership that propositions for the agenda of the state convention should be filed at the state office at an early date...
...Comrade Viola and members of the committee are busily engaged to building new branches, strengthening e x i s t i ng branches...
...Thev purpose of this convention is to make nominations for the following offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, state Treasurer, Auditor General...
...The men are* no longer part owners of P.R.T., but investors in private schemes of Mitten interests...
...She was loved and respected by ah who knew her...

Vol. 10 • March 1930 • No. 13

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