BUSINESS LINES UP FOR PARKER; LABOR AND NEGROES FIGHT HIM Rochester Unions Urge Labor Party Central Trades Committee, Making Canvass, Finds Independent Political Action...

...The Communists broke up the >uluth meeting...
...Roosevelt talks a good deal about state's rights, Jeffersonian idea, and no monopoly...
...Especailly in this organiation where they have been so trong that they have made the led Star the leading brand of offee, soup, etc., which is sold by he Cooperative Wholesale Socity...
...Little more than a ripple disturbed the deadly quiet that succeeded this event, but Pennsylvania rulers have probably gone too Far...
...This is not a labor issue or i nigger issue," he was quoted a: telling shaky Republican Senat srs...
...The city comnittee of the Socialist Party has ailed on all branches to elect speial committses to work for the uccees of the affair In their repective districts...
...The Rochester Central Trades and-Labor Council recently passed a resolution directing a committee to canvass local unions concerning the formation of an independent labor party...
...Whatever influence Socialists have within the trade unions ought to be used to favor of* the settlement of Internal questions by less desperate methods...
...chairthe party's Committee on P •tpported the majority ret At the same time he deas?.** would have opposed, had *ware of the plan, invitA***»«w- Woil to speak at the ^ aaatitute...
...There are very few people who can speak with the authority of Dan Gallagher...
...Prisoners Left Te Die The greatest complaint is against Captain John Hall of the "night-watch", charged on two occasions with refusing succor to prisoners stricken with illness and whose dead bodies were found in their cells in the morning...
...To- resume the practice of holding propaganda meetings and distributing literature at noonday or quitting time near factory gates and to other centers of employment...
...II was proposed to return to the form of organization in a local by itself...
...We ire of the opinion that lack of progressive action on the part of exicutives in the American labor novement is largely responsible 'or lack of interest by the memberihip...
...Union executives :omplain of lack of interest on be part of the average member, vhich is substantiated by average ittendance at union meetings...
...Convention of Wis...
...and was given a clean bill despite sworn testimony on the part of prisoners that terrible punishments were inflicted upon inmates...
...but attempts by either of them to dominate or censor the other are more likely to do harm than good...
...In a recent article in the Cleveland Sunday Telegram, Dan W. Gallagher, veteran newspaperman for 37 years, discloses information which for political reasons have been kept in the dark...
...Hi lad intended to vote against Parker, but cow changed front 3off of West Virginia, who like vise had been afraid to vote foj he injunction judge who was alio an enemy of political rightffoi Jegroes, solved his own panic bj leclaring that he would not rtn or reelection...
...Night Captain Hall refused to respond to any signal- of a man who is ill and desires or needs medical attention...
...6. That the FORWARD be urged to adopt a definitely progressive labor attitude which will include criticism of the present A F. of L. policies, not only as to political action but also on such matters as Lewlslsm, the National Civic Federation tendency, and the no-strike policy to tbe South...
...ow "labor record" as compiled y the Brotherhood of Railroad 'rainmen...
...Senior Holds Six Meetings In Day on Western Trip Communists Raid His Duluth Meeting and Succeed in "Capturing" Themselves CHICAGO...
...4very phase of the workers' struggles to ' an aggressive and militant manner...
...If we Socialists claim superior knowledge of economic and social science, this does not give us any privilege, but it does impose upon us a responsibility...
...ity in the coming campaign, an since Hoover has- retained Claudi •s Huston, power trust lobbyist as his national chairman, the Sen itors knew that Hoover was in i position to use pressure upoi t h e i r influential constituent without appearing personally ii this disciplinary process at all McCulloch of Ohio, a new mat lppointed by the governor, wai the first to confess panic...
...Socialist State Secretary, has issued a call for the 1930 convention of the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania to convene at Reading on May 31...
...Significant of feeling in the senate was Senator Borah's curt •efusal of the request of Senator Simmons that the debate he post* joned three days while Simmons r. ended political fences at boras, iorah replied that the discussion of Parker would still be uade way on Wednesday evening...
...against the unfairness and untruthfulness of the attacks, it offered WJR facilities to Thomas for 30 minutes at a charge of $40 a minute, providing no reference was made to the priest's utterances The radio commission, questioned as to the legality of the attacks, replied the government had no authority to censor the churchman unless he was obscene...
...His name is .Hall...
...Thomas in...
...4. ocialism, the agrarian problem nd the agricultural crisis...
...These are: cheaper financing...
...Gallagher infers that this might have something to do with the terrible catastrophe...
...In these matters the party cannot act effectively without the unions, nor the unions without the party...
...As concrete measures in pursuance of the general plan of conduct indicated above, the convention urges the Executive Committee and other appropriate agencies of the party— "1...
...And when I say this I take into consideration the fact that I have engaged in newspaper work for 37 years, and have visited the major prisons of this country...
...Each of these organizations has its special work to do...
...Recently the attempt of an immigration inspector to •Treat the famou3 anti-Fascist refugee, Borghi, at a Cooper Union •eeting in New York resulted in the death of an innocent bystander...
...Only those who are directly concerned can rightly judge whether in any given case a spilt is Justifiable as a last resort...
...To issue leaflets and pamphlets especially adapted to convey the Socialist message to organized wage workers and get them distributed at union halls and places of employment...
...3. State regulation is so hog tied by bewildering federal court decisions that not even experts can agree as to-what forms of regulation may be constitutional...
...Above all...
...It is accused of very shady tactics among the Indiana who own these sites and to whom it has offered less than its solitary competitor, Walter H. Wheeler...
...need in our times is not the philosophy of the little business man against the big business man but the philosophy of common ownership and control of things necessary for our common life...
...j f iB J, attention to Senator Walsh's services in the j |PH sm matter of oil leases...
...After Senior had inished speaking several people ame up to the front and insisted in talking, rather than asking luestions...
...Following the Cooper Union tragedy the Italian paper, H Nuovo Mondo, to its everlasting credit, took up this issue and stirred up certain individual Americans.and certain American organizations to work together r o r t n e establishment of a "committee to reassert this liberty which was lost in the narrow and intolerant reaction following a war waged for democracy...
...The Socialist Party and its aims are very dear to Mr...
...Of course this made maters no easier and now there is o be a knock down »M drag out Ight...
...On the question of political campaigns and immediate demands, the committee on policy and practice was able to bring in a unanimous report...
...At the April meeting of Typoxaphical Local 15, the proposition 0 endorse the formation of an lnlependent labor party was uaninously carried...
...115,000 in Rochester, and •5,000.000 in Chicago since 1923, pith another half million coming fay 1. At the same time the Amalgamated will demonstrate in :avor of state unemployment inlurance for all...
...President,*' he aaM...
...One of the matters to be discussed, local members say, is'the proposed drive for the Sloventa* Socialist weekly, "Proletariat" Milwaukee Socialists are also generally celebrating May Day...
...Delay Is Refused This pretense that judges enow more about high considerations of human justice than do the people who are seeking liberation rrom industrial bondage, drew hot rejoinder from labor unionists who were canvassing the Senate membership against confirming be injunction judge...
...Michel Faviesky will conduct...
...If Socialists are to acquire Intellectual and moral leadership to the labor movement, it must be by such service as will win the confidence of the organized workers...
...planned and coordinated control...
...had endorsed barker as a friend of their race...
...The warden's court, as Gallagher saw it, was a disgrace...
...Gallagher describes one case worth noting...
...Plans for the entertainment of the out of town delegates, are being arranged, but so much business is before the convention, which will have its closing session Sunday night, that an advance announcement cannot be made...
...Hardly an important industrial center in the United' States but will witness impressive meetings in halls and demonstrations in public squares... 8:30 On "Social Leglslaion" to 30 persons in the group vhich is going to San Francisco his summer for industrial work, d together about 350...
...Senator Allen of Kansas, sponsor of the notorious compulsory labor court in that state, and spokesman on the Senate floor for President Hoover, prefaced the lay by a public statement denyng that Parker was anti-Negro, tnd declaring Lhat the Senate oust not be frightened by organred labor...
...therefore, be it RESOLVED: 1. that the executive secretary be held responsible for having surveys made of (a) the trade unions to New York City for the purpose of outlining tbe most practical procedures in different cases for bringing the message of Socialism to the workers and for cooperation with Unions, and (b) of the factory, office and workingclass districts of the city for the purpose of ascertaining the best time, places, and mettiods of conducting factory gate and open-air meetings...
...A motioi placed on the agenda by the agenda committee called for termination of the present system of on* party local for the entire city...
...Men who had quarreled were told to "fight it out on the spot...
...We do not gay that Senator Walsh is Anaconda...
...Tickets h a v e already been Placed on sale at the general city ieadquarter3 of the Socialist Party, and at the Rand School, 7 Cast 15th Street Tickets will be ivailable at all Socialist institutions throughout the city, the Fewlsh Daily F o r w a r d , the Srownsville Labor Lyceum, the Borough Park Labor Lyceum, the Planish Socialist Hall, 2066 Fifth I venue, and at various other agtncies...
...Copper Company's man, We do not know his motive, but the Anaconda Copper Company could hardly desire him to take a different line on the lease of the Flathead River power sites than he has recently taken on the floor of the Senate...
...That is why the workers need a party with a clear cut program and some sort of discipline...
...Let a convict, in solitary in winter, complain of being cold and this Captain Hall will make it his business to shut off what heat there is and open the windows...
...They took six of the prisoners and put them in "standing-up punishment", The guards fixed them in a steel girdle that reached from the floor to above their heads, enclosing them all the way down in steel, so that they can't.move, sit down or anything— a punishment that makes their feet swell and "sets men dippy" according to one of the six man confined...
...This order according to members of the commission would have saved the lives of every one of the 322 men burned to death in the great fire...
...5. State regulation is practically powerless to deal with holding companies which cross state lines and enable two or three men to control a whole string of utilities.- These holding companies may be simplifying the process of socialization...
...Before the investigation many of the men had been "good conduct men" but now they were down among the "untameables...
...supporting Parker... which began August 30, 1920, and is still unsettled, and & t the confusion of 3tate and federal rights Tat Niagara Falls and on the St...
...Mayor Daniel W. Hoan and Hair-net Bartel, editor of Tyorwaerts," will be the principal speakers...
...Through his direct contact with the inmates he has heard from their own lips of the cruelties inflicted upon them... 4 I'clock to the Industrial Commission of the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A., in "Negro Labor and the Trade Jnion...
...The question of a daily paper was placed on the agenda at the request of several branches who in turn had acted on the suggestion of a group of members who a few weeks ago formulated a program on party policy and activities which they desired to place before the convention...
...Prison guards called this a "vicious offense' . . . The guards delight in torturing the men . . . The worst in the lot is the night captain...
...And lome of the Negro educators and justness men, too...
...You let a man die in his cell last night...
...At the request of Louis Stanley, who, with Leonard Bright and Theodore Shapiro, were the leading proponents of this program, a committee had been elected early in the Sat irisy session to consider the props* and make recommendations j dee convention...
...We feel that the policy of majority rule in our trades unions is i sound one...
...That no lesson has been earned is too clearly demonstrated Bfithin the very area of the Convention seat, the Socialist city of Reading, where within the textile mills of eastern Pennsylvania com>any lawyers vie with bench warning judges to enact industrial peonage in the city of (ironically) Nazareth...
...To hold periodical conferences of party members who are also members of unions, in order that they may exchange and formulate their views and that the party organization may have the benefit of their advice...
...The conference will be in session from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. and will take up various matters of interest to the Slovenian Socialist movement in this country...
...The Socialist Party is making every effort to insure the succes: of this presentation for manifnlc reasons...
...The next day at noon I spoke o the Saturday Lunch Club of 50 iersons on 'Socialism in the United States' and got a very hearty reponse...
...April 16th Senior stopped Kff at Helena, Montana, between rains and had a talk with James X Graham, about what might be lone to build up the party in Monana and the northwestern secion...
...French Socialist Conference... should also seek to get the views of trade union representatives authoritatively stated to Its own members...
...Particularly is this true with regard to labor legislation, social insurance, and other public measures which especially affect the lives of the wage-workers...
...If the final results ire the same, the Rochester Cental Trades and Labor Council will lave a very important matter to onsider...
...Directors bound to get maximum profits for stockholders will always fight effective regulation and in the fight will try to exercise private control of government itself through political machines and through such misleading propaganda as the power trust has used at great cost to the public as citizens and consumers...
...Only on such an economic basis can the individual in this age of collectivism enforced by a machined civilisation get the chance which Jefferson in his simpler day desired him to have...
...Tuesday, April 15th, Chas...
...Socialists This Week-End 175 Delegates Come to Milwaukee From All Parts of the State— May 1 Meetings Held MILWAUKEE, Wis...
...We want bolder thinking and planning* THE SOCIALIST PROGRAM rE danger is so real that public indignation at the private owners of public utilities, and especially power, will dissipate brain, energy, time and money in the impossible task of trying to reform the companies by regulation that it is worth while to restate briefly the points made in favor of public ownership and operation rather than by regulation by the Executive Director of the League for Industrial Democracy, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Socialist Party, to the New York Legislature...
...He finds it altogether possible that the party may come out a few dollars ahead, financially, on the trip in addition to the vast amount of j propaganda, publicity and organization work accomplished...
...They are even guests at the warden's tabls while the other prisoners are fed on mouldy bread...
...He will have far more trouble to prove that bis own program, which we suppose is the minority program of the Knight Conumsslon, will works much better...
...The statement will be printed in the New Leader next week...
...It should avail itself of every opportunity to state its views at onion meetings and labor conventions and conferences...
...The National Ceuncll of the rench Socialist Party which met j Paris on March 23rd decided to old the ordinary Party Conference l Bordeaux...
...York City local of the Social ist Party, convened last week-enc to discuss questions of city organ ization...
...The Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the Workmen's Circle, and the West Allies Socialist branch celebrated May Day on Thursday and the Jewish branch of the party on Friday...
...I imagine that they will nean a decisive rout for the Comaunists in the Cooperative movement...
...He would bring them water when they were thirsty and then slowly spill all of it on the floor...
...Treated like Beasts" Loeteiner, when asked why he and his 16 followers attempted to escape November S. 1826, said: "We tried to escape because we were being treated more like beasts than human beings . . . Guards are permitted to grab prisoners and throw them 'in the hole' without first consulting the warden or other officers, and subject them to 'standing punishment' 'which is just'about hell on earth...
...When two men died in two nights the other inmates began to yell, "Take him out...
...6. State regulation at best cannot adequately deal-with national industries in which the state lines are arbitrary...
...The agenda is as jllows: 1. The statutory reports...
...Finally, the party should give all practicable aid to the organized workers, in the ways that may be most welcome to them, to all strikes, lockouts, and organizing campaigns...
...Kings County, vas the second branch to appoint L committee for this work...
...Vile Conditions In Ohio Jail Are Revealed Men Beaten, Cruel Treatment Given Prisoners— Two Died Without Medical Attention By Hyman Fish CLEVELAND, — The appalling prison disaster that took the lives of 322 inmates of the Ohio State penitentiary has brought to light shocking conditions prevailing there...
...Kish is also accused of slugging the men...
...The bedbugs are fairly eating us alive", is the complaint cf most of the inmates...
...When complaint was made to the Goodwill Broadcasting Co...
...Many of the victims are of the colored race who are without influence or money *and who are treated worse than any other group of prisoners...
...The German branches will held a big celebration in Jefferson Hall on Sunday afternoon...
...Hall called six other guards and they rushed to the cells...
...There will be 175 delegates in attendance in the state convention of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin, which opens in Brisbane hall, Milwaukee, at 2 p. m., Saturday, May 3. The forthcoming meeting is attracting great attention throughout the state and Secretary Al Benson today reported that various resolutions* were coming in as well as suggestions for the Socialist state platform for 1930... 6 o'clock to a dinner if about 40 persons on "Socialsm...
...Under an arrangement made vith those in charge of this event, be Socialist city organization will lhare in the proceeds and enable ill branches of the Socialist organization to derive a.profit from be t!cket3 they sell...
...The irs't recommendation of the stanittee was on the matter of s bflj paper...
...I myself and five others were given 'standing punahment' because we tried to summon aid for a prisoner, stricken ill in his -cell, after another prisoner refused sid the night previoasy, had been left to die unattended in his cell...
...Leonora De Cisneros, as New ._**eder readers have already been *fonned, will be the Dalila...
...vere given private talks by Waton...
...Here is the majority report R-hich received 48 votes: "Socialists And The Unions" "Political action and Industrial action are not alternatives, between which the working class must or should choose...
...over to the Socialist party...
...He was .found lifeless the next morning . . . Time and time again inmates have been put in solitary confinement just because they tossed crumbs of bread to the sparrows...
...Neither the Democratic administration of 1924 nor the Republican administrations before and after 1924 have attempted to alleviate these horria*» a*t»anions...
...5. N v onal defence and the organizaion of peace...
...Institution of a thorough «s4y of the possibilities of startar t (huly...
...against the use of the injunction in labor disputes," according to the party manifesto...
...Business and professional people—except the progressive and independent few who hold to democratic ideals—look upon the nomination as a further guaranty Lhat industrial unrest will be held in check foV the long future...
...Overman of North Carolina, political waterooy to the Duke jiower interests of the Piedmont region, rose to defend the nomination of Judge |ohn J. Parker of his sratc to the Senate debate April 28, he confessed i!>e class issue involved...
...One factor in this awakening is the deadlock which exists in the city council between the city manager group and the Monroe County Republican machine, neither of which appears to be willing to give labor any recognition...
...found much of its time oc cupied by a discussion of party relations to the trade unions anc methods of winning trade unionist...
...along specific lines of propaganda among the unions was urged by t minority of a special committee or Policy and Practice...
...Borghi, had he been caught, could have expected only deportation to one of Mussolini's prisons or at best the choice of deportation to some country less illiberal, than our own...
...Therefore a committee is canvassing the local unions as to seniment in regard to a continuance if the present so-called non-partilan policy or the formation of a abor party...
...The Montana Power Company is closely identified jn personnel with the Anaconda Copper Company and is a subsidiary of the Electric Bond and Share Company...
...The guard's statement...
...2. That the Executive Secretary call meetings of the trade union members of the Party not for tbe purpose of capturing unions or affecting Internal trade union policies but for the purpose of organizing them into committees by trades or otherwise, so that they may carry on Socialist agitation in the unions and bring their fellow-workers into the Party...
...Heaphy stated that a complete eport would probably be made by he committee to the central body ,ithin the next month* Timely Topics By Norman Thomas The Democratic Party and the Power Interest* -Walsh Apologizes for Them, Wheeler Attacks Them (in .New York) and Roosevelt Would Reform Them—Socialism and the Utilities SENATOR WALSH'S EMDORSEMEMT r|"iHAT excellent organ of the railroad workers, "Labor," has come X out in strong praise of Senator Walsh of Montana and ardent advocacy of his reelection...
...Gallagher went on to tell about a certain trusty by the name of Kish who became a favorite of Hall by torturing the prisoners...
...Demonstrations were to be held by the Socialist party in a score or more of other American cities...
...This committee is actively at work in the unions...
...Party to Share in Profits of Undertaking The cast of principals for the .*** gala presentation of 'SaintPens', Biblical opera, "Samson :**d Dalila," has been completed...
...The Amalgamated will celebrate n all its strongholds and particuarly in Philadelphia, last of the lig non-union clothing centers vhich was organized last year— ilso in Cleveland and Montreal rcbere strikes are on...
...3. That at their union meetings the Socialist unionists upon every suitable occasion point out that the Socialist Party is the political expression of the working class or stress the need for a Labor Party: 4. That the Labor Committee alternate outstanding progressive labor leaders at the Labor Institute, if conservative labor leaders who are utterly opposed to our policies are invited to speak: 5. That the Labor Committee hold conferences, call mass meetings when working class problems are pressing for solution and adopt such other ways and means that will aggressively push forward the labor policies of the Party...
...It says that his Republican opponent is an Anaconda Copper Company man and calls...
...A resolution re-defining the party's pa sition on unionism coupled wit...
...Senator B. K. Wheeler, at a Jefferson Day dinner talks about public ownership and operation of water power sites as the next Democratic issue...
...Only a year ago Senator Walsh publicly declared at Rollins College that water power might be the great issue in the next campaign...
...Look, for example, at the New York Telephone Co...
...When", his was refused they changed the iemands to a $3,000 outright donaion...
...I have been overwhelmed, Mr...
...Pageant Given The Socialist demonstration in Sew York is backed by the Emergency Conference on Unemploynent, representing 300,000 workers n several international unions and >0 local unions affiliated with the F. of L. Workers dance groups and singng clubs are giving a pageant *epresenting labor's struggle, from slaves to robots, and at last to libsration and solidarity of all the peoples...
...Socialists expect a capacity house at Bronx Coliseum to demonstrate "for unemployment insurance, a six-hour working day, old sge pensions to mitigate the scourge of unemployment and poverty...
...There isn't any way out ex' oapt public ownership and operation with non-political functional ' administration of public utilities...
...The same Captain Hall, aged 71, who, according to testimony given by prisoners and guards before the investigating commission appointed by Governor Meyers Y. Cooper, refused to issue orders to "open the doors...
...No investigation ever follows...
...Some of the prisoners spill gasoline in the cracks to kill off this vermin...
...The local daily Communist pa>er Tyomies, which was once a Socialist organ, carried several >ages of instructions from the Central Executive Committee of he Comintern, as to what the Communists should do to the coiperative movement...
...ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC VERSION OF POWER WHILE Senator Walsh help3 the Montana Power Company, his colleague...
...specific recommendations for increased party activity among th< workers was adopted...
...The next morning he spoke at 8 o'clock to combined classes, numbering 150, on "Labor's International Relations," dealing with the r V. T. U. the L. S. I. and the Communists...
...Kolb, tate secretary of Oregon, arranged i small luncheon to talk over bings with party members and at 1 o'clock Senior met with some if the Y. W. C. A. people in Portend...
...I suggested that instead of siting there wasting the rest of the veiling that we let the Communsts capture the meeting, which ve did...
...In Western Pennsylvania the crescendo of insolent brutality was reached in the Barkoski case when two of the agents af one of the Mellon baronies, the Pittsburgh Coal Company, beat to ieath John Barkoski, miner, causelessly and with extreme and barbarous cruelty...
...That message carried the hin of administrtion favor or hosts...
...Perhaps he meant his endorsement of Governor Roosevelt of New York for the Presidency to imply endorsement of Governor Roosevelt's policy...
...No wonder that under such conditions Ohio State penitentiary was the scene of a holocaust that took 322 lives...
...WLW and WMAQ under the auspices of the Radio League of the Little Flower of Jesus...
...In Its general propaganda through meetings and literature it should give special attention to this task...
...the augmented orchestra and an unusually large choral ensemble and corps de ballet...
...A resolution seeking to instruct Socialist...
...The article in the Sunday Telegram describes the horrible tactics used by Warden Preston E. Thomas, who was subjected to legislative investigation in 1913...
...In this public utility field Governor Roosevelt still talks regulation and advocates a little government ownership only as a sort of yard-stick to make regulation easier...
...One new development of th« lay was the appearance at the apital, as advocates cf Parker f two forcnsr legislative agents >f the KikKlux Klan...
...But what is that...
...democratic control of giant Power for public good, especially in the interest of consumers in general and particularly of the farmers, which interests are now neglected...
...He has small trouble proving that the Republican program of regulation, most of which he vetoed, is not sound...
...In this state, which has long groaned under the heel of as oppressive and ruthless an oligarchy as America's industrial history has found parallel to, there has been of recent years but little stirring of that discontent that the meanest must feel at times in the face of such shameless brutality and exploitation as has long characterized the rule of the Mellons, the Grundys and their ilk, in Pennsylvania...
...We mean the right of political asylum for political refugees from other lands—a right which Americans were proud to o*fer to the Hungarian patriot, Kossuth, and which our courts defended for the protection of Russian exiles who sought sanctuary from the Czar...
...While James H. Maurer specialized in meetings, before trade union groups and Morris Hillquit, James On sal and Mayor Daniel W. Hoan addressed meetings of widely varied characters...
...4- Regulation at best cannot give advantages inherent in efficient public ownership and operation...
...Sarah LimMT bach...
...M f i The plain truth is that Senator Thomas Bipvf^^B r^ga Walsh, nemesis of the oil interests, is playing in the Senate the role of apologist for other interests, even mightier, which seek from the government a con' eaeaeon potentially more valuable than Teapot Dome...
...Early indications were that the New York meeting in the giant Coliseum will be a memorable one...
...After the investigation they were often put into the punishment cell...
...August Gerber lad Meyer Gillis lead the-discusen tor the Steinberger resolution, Irbiie Norman Thomas, Julius Geres and Edward Levinson argued m rejection of the introduction ad tha...
...The question of organization was disposed of Saturday...
...These men verc assigned to work on Senatirs who wej-e elected as pro-laboi aen, but who had been endorsed y the Klan leaders in various tates...
...they nullify regulation...
...Overman Calk Fight Class Issue Workers Against Confirming Reactionary Judge, Capital Is For Him, Senator Indicates WASHINGTON — (FP) — When Sen...
...The committee report neiiaf mined emotions on the Itstytct While an introductory rexafraph said that it was "visionrv" to talk of a daily paper at j 'in treat, an accompanying resolutm proposed that the matter be [hated into...
...May Day should mark the institution c-f a campaign to take from the Supreme Court the power it has usurped to declare laws unconstitutional...
...WHEREAS, the Socialist Party as the party of the working class must assert Its moral leadership of the workers, and be active in...
...Addresses before six different groups in a single day, a struggle for a meeting with the Duluth Communists, and conferences with scores of party workers and others, were but part of the routine for Clarence Senior, national executive secretary of the Socialist Party, during his trip west in connection with the Los Angeles meeting of the national executive committee...
...l atiaority of the committee supported the resolution and stateMat of Stanley...
...Warden Thomas is accussd of making pets of some of the criminals such as Prisoner Schooley, former councilman of Cleveland, serving time for land grafts r, of Jake Nesbit, the slayer of his young wife at Troy, Ohio...
...The New Leader must go to press too early to record the May Day celebrations held...
...When and where normal relations exist between them, they may profit by each other's friendly advice...
...ut that Parker was compelled, *-hen the issue came before him, to determine that these contracts vere binding and that the United Mine workers must not ask signers of yellow dog contracts to join .he union...
...James Oneal . Jhlius Gerber were among *ao spoke for the majority F"' aatward F. Cassidy...
...All groups will stress unemployment as a main May Day issue...
...Allen said he disapproved of yellow dog 'contracts...
...Through the experience of consultation and joint action in this field much may be done to dispel prejudice and cultivate fraternal relations...
...NEW YORK— (FP) —Daily News Ucord, textile organ, reports that everal Urge mills in the Charstte, N. C. section have recently ut wages 10% and that other mill mplovers of the region feel this ras the wrong thing to do, with injons jnvadipg tne south, N. Y. Socialists Lay Plans To Win Trade Unionists...
...Gallagher discloses the fact that prisoners who spoke fraely at the Investigation five year.s ago paid dearly for their testimony which was unanimously against Warden Thomas...
...But it took a terrible conflagration, with the loss of 322 lives, to bring it about", is the opinion of Dan Gallagher...
...Success to this struggle...
...On his arrival at the national office here...
...The motion to re-create the separate borough locals was defeated by a vote of 51 to 57... 10 o'clock to combined classes totaling 75...
...the |Searity report asked that proIpnaffi leaders as well as conservF*» leaders be invited to speak F*> Labor Institute of the party, P** the majority report providrjjjet union spokesmen of "all H*9hi of opinion" address the InL** miaority wished to have SoPest unionists specifically called P * *» represent the view of the Pj* at their trade union meetP> whenever possible...
...Lee Emerich SmberJ L * i a SchaeSer...
...2. Regulation means setting one body of men to set another body of men to work, a process which is the supreme form of bureaucracy and essentially wasteful...
...1. There is an essential conflict in the effort .to run a private utility for the private profit of absentee owners and at the same time for the public good...
...Senior appears to have spoken principally before organizations of young people...
...Frank's heart, his family having been among the party's pioneers In those days when it first struggled to gain a footing...
...Both are needed, whether for the defense and promotion of tbe workers' rights and interests under capitalism or for the ultimate reorganization of society...
...And "Labor' under its non-partisan program has little choice except to trail along with him...
...What the party can and-should continuously do is to use all Its moral Influence to bring into union membership all Socialists who are eligible therefor, to impress upon them their duty to be loyal and active union members as well as loyal and active party members, and to educate them to Socialist principles, so that they may act intelligently on both the industrial and the political field...
...Other prisoners corroborated Losteiner's story...
...And | M ^ ^ H H t n c part Labor'' has not told calls attention L D Bdr I o n c e m o f e to the weakness inherent in the -• • I plan of rewarding one's friends and punish - 5 aPnanLl m ? o n e s eoemies within the framework of the [. B^B^LmH Fi r T i e s - both ot which belong to the same 31 [ j I || set of interests...
...It -will hail be institution of worker-employer unemployment insurance, which las paid out to Amalgamated vorkers $305,000 in New York this rear...
...It realizes that musically the evening will be one ir which all opera lovers may revel It likewise aims to swell th< treasury coffers by means of its participation in the sale of tickets for this event v.-hich occurs on Saturday evening, May 24...
...organizer, Socialist Party of Milwaukee, will be present, and Mayor D. W. Hoan will make an address...
...Maurice Frank, the artistic director of the entire production, is well known for the lavishness and general excellence of the musical festivals presented tinder hi3 direction...
...A notable gathering of Slovenian Socialists from Middle West points will also be held Sunday in the National Avenue clubho-ise, Third and National Avenues...
...Joseph Viola and Harry Kritser were the main proponents of the reorganization proposal, while Joseph Stein, Joseph A Wei> and Bruno Wagner were among those who argued for continuance of the present organization form... mutual understanding and aid both are strengthened...
...Yet in the face of these facts he is not only fighting but actually apologizing * for the Montana Power Company...
...Both the majority pel minority resolutions asked for jet reamiption of the practice of pashg factory-gate meetmgs...
...These refusals were usually answered by a severe punishment...
...The motion of Gerber m passed by a large majority...
...Losteiner in his conversation with Mr...
...Both on principle and as a matter of expediency the Socialist party should refrain from giving or appealing to give any such instructions to those of its members who belong to unions and from sanctioning anything resembling the Communist device of "cells" or "nuclei" within the unions...
...Seats are now on sale at all Socialist headquarters...
...The women's organization...
...The P y t t y rspcrt proposed periodic LT****8 of Socialist trade unP*1 f°r the exchange of opinP» as that the party organization PVsave the benefit of their adP* The majority also favored ^aasking of "opportunities for ff**8** of the party to address atetings.' The main oppoto the minority was based P» feeling that it tended to inEy **» Socialist party in the C J * J* attempting to interfere Eternal union matters...
...While the party and tbe unions have their distinct tasks, there is also a large field in which joint action is practicable and . desirable...
...and that it cover fully and occasionally review critically the activities and meetings of the Central Trades and Labor Council...
...The cooprators have reprinted this and ranslated it and are passing them ut to the delegstes to the con•ention... thousands and thousands of telegrams and letters from all over the United Stat— from almost every town in the country— from members and unions of the American Federation of Labor, from Socialists a a d Communists and the colored people, protesting against Judgr Parker's confirmation On the other hand, the aged Senator declared, he had received great numbers of telegrams and letters from lawyers, chambers of commerce and other business people, and from most of the judges in the Fourth federal judicial •ircuit...
...The wonder is that such a catastrophe was so long avoided", said Gallagher...
...Possibility that organized labo would be driven to defeat on th issue of the confirmation of Judg John J. Parker, sponsor of th yellow dog injunction agains West Virginia coal miners, a. nominee for the Supreme Court was seen April 24 when Senato Jim Watson of Indiana, majorit leader, issued, a new slogan-fo the Parker forces...
...Dual unionism may sometimes be unavoidable, but it is always an evil...
...Socialists of Pennsylvania without too much ado but with high lope and some grim resolve, hope JO gather in an event that will nake political history in Pennsylvania and in the Union...
...He told me they refused to empty ft or permit him to do so—that it had not been emptied for nine days...
...on "European Youth Movement" at 12 o'clock on "Vienna Under Socialist Role" to a luncheon group of 40...
...No union can safely permit its members to take instructions from outside organizations as to how they shall speak,.vote or act within the unions...
...Heflin had just published as...
...It is an issue of whethe: you are going to stand by you: president, the head of your party in a fight...
...From New York to Los Angeles, the Socialist party will hold meetings, jointly with local unions of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and A F. of L. affiliates such as the International Ladies Garmentj Workers Union, the Cloth, Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers Union, the International Pocketbook Workers Union and the International Fur Workers Union...
...Under the present organization, while there is to be a single local in New York the formation of county committees is optional with the branches in the respective boroughs or counties...
...The resolution which was attached to the minority report and which received 38 votes, as against 48 for the majority, said...
...The meeting was in an lproar with everyone shouting lither "shut up" or "let him talk...
...Tickets will range in price from SI to $2.60...
...LABOR AND NEGROES FIGHT HIM Rochester Unions Urge Labor Party Central Trades Committee, Making Canvass, Finds Independent Political Action Favored ROCHESTER, N. Y. — (FP) — Events of the last few months justify the hope that the labor movement in Rochester is about to emerge from its long period of inactivity and domination by the Republican politicians...
...Beginning of the work of preparing a general Party program...
...He does not explain how he would deal with the power trust or any other great corporation which crosses states' lines on this principle...
...He is probably too Intelligent to hope much from that outworn method, but he has utterly failed to see or to say that what we...
...Recenty they demanded that the head f the exchange loan them $3,000 or Communist Party work...
...Thise men are allowed the run of the place ?.nd are occasionally permitted to walk up town...
...The Socialist Party and its spokesmen ought scrupulously to refrain from any act or utterance* which may even appear to Incite schism on the industrial field...
...He was a frequent visitor at the prison and was usually given the run of the prison...
...Nobody seemed to think tc ask him Where he stood on the Flathead River sites in his own state...
...Working people—white and black—look upon the Parker nomination as a direct invasion of their remaining liberties...
...Other Republican...
...We cannot possibly get the best results by having the government piecemeal develop a few water power sites, turning over to private companies the distribution of power, although even that may' be better than giving the whole business away to private companies...
...Trade Unionism Up I The discussion on trade unionism Was came on the report of the [aieiel committee...
...Friday night, April 18th, we tad a grand time in Duluth, where : spoke to an audience of 150 leople on Socialist and Communst tactics," Senior said...
...It is claimed that prisoners are fired at for the least offense...
...Thereupon everyone but ifteen Communists left and the Communists had the satisfaction ' ? ) of talking to a 100%" converted ;rowd for the next half hour or nore: "The next day the local evening >aper gave us a very good ediorial on the difference between socialism and Communism While am not altogether satisfied with his as a policy...
...To carry out the plan of holding symposiums or institutes for the purpose of discussing all aspects of trade unionism and its relation to Socialism, and to invite union spokesmen of all shades of opinion to address such gatherings, so that their views may be compared...
...he outline any comprehensive program...
...In the afternoon I visted the Central States Cooperative Exchange in Superior, Wis...
...In addition, se held three private conferences >f five or six people each, talking ibout what they might* do after bey get out of school...
...The question is whether the highest court in the land is to reflect in future the politics of the moment, or to remain aloof and independent, subject only to the highest considerations of human justice...
...the workers must organize in their own poliJcal party and in their unions for Jie purpose of reorganizing economic society so that the workers nay receive .the full fruits of their abor and industry may become the lervant of all and not the property 3f a few...
...However from a soil riven by such bitter conflicts as have long characterized class clashes in the Keystone of American industrial capitalism, something was bound to eventuate...
...We don't doubt the first ' W \ i I statement about the Republican candidate and I <|^^a^H w e s n i r c "Labor's" enthusiasm for Senator j •Wa^aVi Walsh's work in the oil cases...
...ifonday and Tuesday of this week, hey are having a convention to ry to oust the Communists, who isve made inordinate and extra varan t demands upon them...
...In discussing trade union policies and methods, our task is to convince and persuade, not to ridicule or rebuke...
...I think that was nuch better than using the police o kick them out and, of course, t was much better than starting nything ourselves, since we did lot know how many members of he audience we could depend up« . However, everyone- who was here who was not a Socialist was horoughly disgusted and several if the local Socialists who had •een flirting with the Communists ot back into line...
...Discussion On Daily A motion instructing the execu' ' » e committee to make a complete survey of the costs, possibility and advisability of starting a daily paper was passed at the morning session Sunday...
...Hostility, distrust, or indifference between unions and party are injurious to both...
...He has talked personally with the prisoners and is in a position to disclose deplorable facts...
...The antiquated prison built in 1660 is infested with vermin and bedbugs, yet no reference was made to the fact that throughout the whole prison, prisoners were forced to set fire to wads of paper and blow the flame into cracks in order to kill off some of these pests or else go without sleeping...
...Nor die...
...Opposition Lines Up Borah...
...RE-ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF ASYLUM A FIGHT has been begun to reestablish in America a right which is one of the proudest conditions of Anglo-American liberty...
...In February, 1927, I talked with Loeteiner (an inmate) in prison, at that time he and 22 others were confined in what was known as the birdcage', a terrible place, denied all privileges, consigned to spend their days and nights in the foulest "prison I have ever gazed upon...
...To seek opportunities for spokesmen of the party to address union meetings and other labor gatherings...
...A majority of he (MBunittee favored a statepaat, prepared by Algernon Lee...
...In the face of the storm of popular anger and outrage the ruling class of Pennsylvania refused to abolish their pririte armies of thugs and coolly ixerted their economic power to reach into their farcial court of justice and snatch from punishment the representatives of the despicable Coal and Iron police system...
...They were reinforced, in their caustic comments on Allen and his pretended reverence for courts, by testimony given by Ralph Hayes, former secretary to Secretary of War Baker, that Parker engaged in •eprehensible practices in connection with his handling of the *-ar fraud case involving a big Harness contract In that case be judge before whom Parker L P P E A R E D found that Parker had •bared in suppressing evidence of he innocence of the accused...
...The newly organized Branch 2, of the 18th, As.embi.v District...
...To date over 50%- of the affiLated local unions have been canvassed and the results show that he large majority favor forming L labor party...
...who roades at iottr sessions, moved lite only taWSaWtjautlon be adopted, taic Iraer.c- Stelnberger, reportkf for the committee, favored efepuos of both the introduction ad tbe resolution...
...For^ • e t o de Angelis, the well-known •aaatic tenor, will sing the role of Samson, and the San Carlo Opera favorite, Mario Valle, will be heard as the High Priest, The old Hebrew has been entrusted to Prince Obolensky, the famous Russian basso...
...The swore he told the truth...
...No Help Offered by Government Against Lying Radio Speakers The League for Industrial Democracy has complained futilely to the federal radio commission against indiscriminate and false attacks made on Norman Thomas, Socialism and Communism by a Detroit priest delivering sermons over stations WJR...
...National and interational action for disarmament nd against war...
...But unforruLS Q \ y^mJ n i t e l y that is not all there is to the story...
...Julius Gerber...
...Senator Heflin of Alabama inti-Smtth Democrat, went Soutt >n April 24 to campaign for hii iwn reelection as an independent vithout securing a pair for the xite on confirmation of Judge >arker...
...The minPlijeo proposed periodic meetP j of Socialist trade unionists P* for the purpose of capturing Pjaions but for the purpose of P"a',ibg them into committees" ptist they might carry on SoPJstagitaUon to the unions...
...Cast Announced for "Samson and Dalila...
...Canvass Half Completed "The fact that labor parties in 'oreign countries have risen from be smallest of minorities to dominant positions, and in several cases lave taken over the government las fortified the argument that the rades unions of the United States should build a labor party to project the interests of the working ind middle classes...
...I I* tame respects, the recommen|**aws of the majority included Mpetions contained in the min[**T report...
...The slop bucket in his cell was filled to overflowing...
...Could a " greater prostitution 3f the Senatorial prerogative be •een," he asked, "than that which vould exist in the power of particular groups to force their political will in a case as tan of neaning to American institutions is this one...
...Senior has begun a report on the entire Western trip...
...The Upper West Side Branch if the Socialist Party, which is aislng a fund to acquire permanmt clubrooms, has undertaken to sell a minimum of $500 worth of ickets, and a special committee I at work planning th* handling if the ticket sale...
...I thought he had a weapon on him", wis taken for granted...
...Typos Want New Party "We feel that the question ef a abor party is one that must be aced sooner or later by the Amerian labor movement as the ever [rowing power of the controllers if finance and their control of oth of the old political parties, heir control, of the judiciary"to idvance their own interests and heir absolute domination of indusry, make it necessary for the porkers, organized and unorganEed, to protect themselves on the olitical field...
...The party should try by all means to acquaint the rank and file of organized labor with its e)rtooiples and purposes...
...Some of his words may give encouragement to the people who quite futilely hope to break up chains tores and the big mergers by law...
...Committee Chairman Richard A. Heaphy, an international organizer of the Metal Polishers Union told Federated Press: "The progressive members of local unions affiliated with the Rochester Central Trades and Labor Council have for some time been seriously considering whether the present policy of the American Federation of Labor—'Elect four friends and defeat your enemies* is the best and most efficient ine of action for the trades unions n the political field... show that he was a rood friend of organized labor...
...May Day Observed in Score Gties Socialist Party and Unions Hold Rallies in Cities Throughout the Country -1 930 WILL see a more elaborate celebration of May Day as International Labor Day than any year in decades, according to plans of working class groups...
...Each must, in the main, solve its own problems and learn how best to conduct its own affairs...
...Al Bensod...
...Gallagher has seen cases where the prisoners declared that they would not fight for "the amusement of the warden...
...LaFollette and other leaders of the opposition, waiting to begin what may prove the most effective counter-attack ever made against the encroachnent of the appointive judiciary upon the right of the American people to determine by legislation the manner of their own government, smiled at Overman's confession of the class line that has been drawn through the Parker case...
...Hall was just laying for us to do this", claims Losteiner...
...his inefficiency has permitted irresponsible men to run his prison for h im "He and the likes of Captain Hall are done for, so far as Ohio State prison is concerned...
...It is a right denied under our present immigration laws...
...Arguments ior the minority were made by Stan ley, Bright, and Norman Thomas among others...
...Senior arrived at Eugene, Oregon, Sunday afternoon, April 13th, had dinner with a group at the International House, met in the afternoon with the members from the Veneta local of the party, had dinner with some professors of sociology and economics, to talk over the current problem...
...Policy Statement Adopted Possibility of Starting Daily Paper to Be Studied — Reorganization Plan Defeated TIE city convention of the Nev...
...The majoritj report was carried 48 to 38 aftei an hour and a half debate Sunday afternoon...
...Inlugu rating a state bulletin to pubish the Cause and its progress and idvancing to a position for batJe in the coming election when Tim Maurer will lead the charge igainst the ruthless power and ts evil exercise which he among >thers has long known and fought io throughout the state of Pennivivania Comrades are being urged o spread the cry, ON TO READING...
...The uiili jpjnieveg perform 'their own functions to the best advantage in the absence of a strong party of the working class, and no working class party develops normally to the absence of a vigorous trade union movement...

Vol. 10 • March 1930 • No. 13

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