Tammany Transit Board Kills Measure to Protect Lives of Tunnel 'Sand-Hogs'
Rosner, Henry
Tammany Transit Board Kills Measure to Protect Lives of Tunnel 'Sand-Hogs' Sullivan, Queens Tammany Man and Transit Commissioner, Misrepresented Stand of Union By Henry Rosner TIE...
...not only farmers, producing food stuffs, but the small individual merchants have a common cause with us if made to realize it...
...W. a "high-power" union, able to get action on any n ew proposal on short notice and with a minimum of discussion in meeting...
...No further voting will take place, but the document approved by this commission will be duly promulgated as the l aw o f the union...
...Shorter Hours Asked The men w h o w o r k in compresse d air obviously labor under unnatural conditions...
...Hence, any effort to improve the labor law regulating their condition of w o r k ought to be warmly supported by all socially-minded people...
...of Durham has also cut wages and the Golden Belt Hosiery Co...
...Paralysis and "bends" are v e r y common diseases f o r them...
...Here are the five points which Germer has been stressing as the constructive program of the reorganized U. M. W . o f A . "First:—The organization of t he unorganized miners in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and W e s t Virginia...
...There were in attendance approximately 300 delegates from county organizations as well as farmer and labor economic organizations...
...In this fight not only producers and workers with hand or brain...
...A c cording to the same survey, the workers in all other departments in full-fashioned hosiery mills in Durham get only $15.12 a week...
...The plaform declares for national development of* river transportation under government control...
...Broach Wins I.B.E.W...
...This wa3 one o f the most phenomenal battle: ever waged by a freshly organized union in St...
...They do not belong on the other side, they belong on our side...
...In this chamber, the pressure is gradually reduced so as to prepare the body for emergence into the open air...
...If this precaution were not taken, the sudden change f r om a high air pressure to a normal air pressure would be disastrous...
...Nevertheless, the strikers are determined t o fight to a finish...
...Of that, whatever may be the cause, there is no doubt whatever...
...Thomas charged that Transit Commissioner Frank A Sullivan, who is an important Tammany leader in Queens, was instrumental in killings bills introduced in the State regislature designed t o protect the lives and health of the "sand-hogs" engaged in subway construction work...
...Settlement was delayed several days while the company insisted that union buttons on the j o b were taboo...
...All strikers return to their former posts, the company having lost its battle to leave three militant strike breakers, alias "agitators," out ia the cold...
...There is talk of firing him...
...Olson plegjged his support to the other candidates named by the convention...
...The Farmer-Labor movement is still championing the cause of the farmers and workers...
...Labor Names Olson For Governor Farmer-Labor Convention Picks Wefald To Run For United States Senator (By at New Leader Cerrespoadent) MINNEAPOLIS- — The most successful Farmer-L a b o r state convention ever held has just ended...
...The bill proposed to establish the six hour day f o r those who n ow work eight hours, and the onefourth hour day f o r those who work one-half hour...
...The Ruth Hosiery Co...
...The slaters' union in Bangor, now seeking t o revive itself, asked f or affiliation with the central body and the request was granted...
...Schubert, on April 7 (election d a y ) , word was received that Hershon and his gangsters were hanging round the union's office and were waiting, for some of the strikers to come out...
...Germer Goes T o " E g y p t" while these legal manoeuvres *ere under way, Adolph Germer tackling the toughest Lewis *t rongho!d in the coal-fields— BjtrPt" that flat, desolate count y 0 ' tipples and cornfields and and bootleggers and klans**n (yes...
...It also provided f o r a reduction in the rest of the schedule...
...Business Attacks Party A new line of attack against the Minnesota Parrner-iLabor party is being developebVJ>y the old guard opponents of the Republican party in the stae...
...It has its roots in economic groups who have a common cause...
...G. Bastis of Minneapolis...
...one of the swankiest that Dig town affords, looking gloom•r out of the various windows o f jjor five room suite...
...The competition f r om these l ow wage states with their miserable working conditions has sadly1 damaged the coal industry of Illinois...
...They contend that there is no substitute for a well informed militant rank and file movement The rights of men and women should be equal and sacred—marriage should be perfect partnership— children should be governed by kindness— every family should be a republic— every fireside a democracy — Robert O. Zngemoa Anti-Lewis Injunction Permanent Court Says Pres...
...A. Lindbergh and his associates on the Nonpartisan League slate were attacked as pro-Germans, disloyalists and traitors...
...Shipstead, whose house at Glenwood had been painted yellow in 1918 and whose campaign in 1920 was hounded by patriotic mobs, triumphed in 1922 as did Kvale and Wefald...
...fired five shots at the workers of his shop who are on strike for decent working conditions...
...A s a result, they were never reported out of committee...
...As a consequence, Kellogg, Volstead and Steenersen met defeat at the hands of the Farmer-Laborites...
...a state owned printing plant to d o printing of the state government and its political subdivisions...
...a uniform primary election ballot which will contain names of all parties: organization of public work of -the state and its subdivisions to grant relief to the unemployed during seasons of industrial depressions...
...Sometimes the bucket gets jammed up in the entrance with the result that men a re n o t able to leave the caisson despite the f a c t that they have worked the required period...
...which is a subsidiary of the A m erican Tobacco Co., is expected to follow in line...
...If he doe?, it will be an abrupt departure from the Lewis tradition...
...of labor injunctions...
...classification of property for the purpose of reducing taxes on farmers homes and personal property and on the homes and personal effects of city dwellers: state ownership and develoriment of water power...
...Therefore, the second bill would make mandatory, the use o f a type of chamber which would provide seats for the men and which would necessitate a different entrance for materials...
...Mak ran for office in Missouri several times on the Socialist ticket...
...As the union is specifically recognized, the corporation's first argument that it was a "wildcat" strike toppled over under labor unity...
...Louis history, according to fighthardened labor men...
...At the time he lobbied against them he said that the members of the union concerned were opposed to the legislation...
...Can't Take Over Illinois mine Union—Operators Deal With Reorganized Group By McAlister Coleman SPRINGFIELD, Illinois...
...In the anti-labor policy of the Board of Transportation we have another argument for the entrance of labor into politics with a party of its own apart and opposed to the Democratic and R e publican machines...
...Klarenc Wade Mak, one time editor of "The Fool •. Killer," and resident of Kansas City* Mo., died here at his home, [ 3428 Second Blvd...
...Besides, the same entrance or exit is used f o r the transfer o f materials...
...former Farmer-Labor representative in congress was endorsed for United States Senator...
...garagemen work 44 hours a week with Saturday half holiday...
...Adolpa G:rmer, Vice President of tie reorganized U. M. W. -of A . aid the ether day that the present spire* T3 policies of the A . F. of L. co-old -be traced directly back to that famous day in 1919 when John L. Lewis in answer as "to what stand he would take in the fice of the vicious Anderson injnnction against the striking min'." said: "I will i not fight my government...
...Thus, at the present time men w o r k i n g under f r om 1 to 18 pounds of pressure have an eight hour work day...
...Commenting on the change of attack, H. G. Teigan, a veteran FarmerLabor campaigner and secretary to Magnus Johnson during Johnson's senatorial term in Washington, says: "In 1918, Chas...
...Cuts-Wages DURHAM, N. a (F.P...
...Commissioner Sullivan lobbied in Albany against the bills and declared that the Compressed A ir and Subway Workers Union, Local 63, were opposed to them, Mr...
...State Senator Henry A. Arens, of Jordon was endorsed for Lieutenant Governor...
...Predicated upon this, one bill provided for a decrease in the work day...
...Hosiery Co, Nets Quarter of Million Profits...
...The strike was called by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union some f ew weeks ago...
...Broach seeks to make the I.B.E...
...Six days supplant the 'i —day week...
...McPartland has been forced to write to all interested in the bills that the membership is 100 per cent behind them, and that Commissioner Sullivan had no authority from the local to represent it at\Albany...
...In permitting the board to oppose such obviously necessary labor legislation, the Tammany administration has given another illustration o f the fairweather character of its 'friendship' towards organized labor...
...O'rcn, Hennepin county attorney, was selected as the endorsee for governor...
...The Montreal membership is supporting the strikers morally a n d financially...
...I feel confident of the result, not because of individuals filed for the various offices, but because of the cause we represent," Olson declared...
...Reduction of the w o r k day would mean more employment," Thomas said...
...The strikers .are having a very hard time but are shooting a spirit that is to be admired...
...They d o everything to curry favor but when important legislation is being considered, tney receive no backing because other factors intervene...
...Even the most ontteistic of the r e o r g a n i z e s did not expect that the court would ict ?s quickly as it did...
...J- D. Zook, President of the ™nois Coal Operators' Aasociag" has sent to all his field agents copies of the court order making tte injunction against Lewis perSttnent with the plain intimation PJt his association will deal only *jth the wage scale committee o f Otatrict Twelve...
...the United Mine Workers union is concerned, of course, it has been on the toboggan ever since John L. Lewis became its chief...
...D r . M a k P a s s es Detroit, — Dr...
...This plan provides that eleven members shall be named by the executive board, to represent eleven districts covering the United States and Canada...
...Whether on o r off duty, employes ride the busses free instead *of paying regular fare, as before the union made its bow...
...This movement is unlike any political movement now existing, because this movement is not founded upon individuals...
...The strikers • luckily escaped...
...The result o f * * trip was to win over many of •J* wavering, to put guts into men * • » walked in fear of Lewis .-and H gunmen...
...Sullivan undoubtedly represents the viewpoint of the Board of Transportation...
...It editorializes: "As far as...
...the McNary-Haueen scheme of farm relief...
...It is clear that these proposed laws are in every^ w a y desirable...
...There is a hint as to what these invaders w ere to -do in the statement of a bootlegger in Southern DliEois to the effect that he had received an order for $400 worth of moonshine from a Lewis organizer to be distributed in one little town alone...
...International union...
...The Lewis men ksd besn boasting that the injBBction would be vacated and tfcey were preparing to throw a young army of "organizers" into tais only thoroughly organized (Hftrict left in the miners' union...
...Thomas said John McPartland, secretary-treasurer of the union, has informed him that Commissioner Sullivan was not authorized by the union t o oppose the bills...
...opposition to railroad consolidation...
...These are the extremes of the .schedule...
...Its rogram is the same as in 1918, hough there has been change in hraseology and arrangement of be party's case against the plunerbund and its political astellites...
...Out of the Nazareth strike situation has come a revival of the entire labor movement of Northampton county— which is beginning to attract widespread attention...
...It is just another illustration of the sterility of the so-called non-partisan political philosophy...
...At once there was a rush to the headquarters of the union, which was only 3 blocks away, and within five minutes a whole army of workers had assembled ready for battle and to teach Hershorn and his gangsters that their methods will not get them anywhere...
...It is the plan of the reorganizers to file affidavits •sowing that Lewis and his hired oen are in contempt 'of court every day they are in the Illinois district...
...Insurance xompanies will not insure compressed air workers without charging prohibitive rates...
...Not one point did the strikers yield...
...The company agrees to meet a union grievance committee without discrimination against its members or union officers...
...Men working under 50 pounds of pressure hour a day...
...Will Use Injunction There will be a show-down on this entire injunction business in the near future...
...The second proposal may be briefly described as f o l l o w s : before compressed air workers can emerge i n to ordinary conditions of atmospheric pressure, they must remain in a special chamber for a period ranging from several minutes to almost an hour, depending upon the pressure under which they have been working...
...The result is that the men are compelled t o remain under compressed air a longer period than is consistent with health and safety...
...The employer's hostility melted quickly under le S t Louis central body's announced readiness to g o to bat with strike relief machinery if needed, the 5,000 street car men's vote to assess themselves $1 a month, along with advice that the international union would p ay benefits...
...Olson was given the unanimous endorsement of the icmmittee on nominations, which consisted of one delegate from each congressional district...
...Sullivan happens to be counsel for many American Federation of Labor unions, as well as one of Queens eminent Tammanyites...
...His" funeral was on Tuesday, the day after his death...
...Committees from the union shops visit the strikers, bringing gifts and encouragement During a skirmish that nearly ended up in a free-for-all fight on Saturday morning, March 29, Charles Hershon, boss of company, fired five shots at the strikers...
...These men will revise the constitution in order to bring it up to date in effectiveness...
...The convention vote on United States Senator showed 100 f o r Wefald: 27 for Lundeen and 11 f o r Lawson...
...In 1922 these bogus issues of the old gang had become stale and' the G. O. P. found itself compelled to face real issues...
...Consequently, the shorter the period spent in compressed air, the better the health of the workers is likely to be...
...At its meeting in February only seven delegates were present But in March they had grown t o 50 in number...
...Easton Labor Movement Revives During Strike EASTON, Pa...
...That means this must not only be an enthusiastic "movement, but an organized movement...
...Where the men have been working under great pressures, they may be compelled to stand on a, ladder for aimosc tux hour...
...Wefald was placed in nomination by Alderman Al...
...A pressure of 52 pounds will kill a man...
...Tammany Transit Board Kills Measure to Protect Lives of Tunnel 'Sand-Hogs' Sullivan, Queens Tammany Man and Transit Commissioner, Misrepresented Stand of Union By Henry Rosner TIE labor policy of the Board of Transportation was subj e c t e d t o sharp criticism Wednesday b y Norman Thomas, chairman of the Socialist Party committee on public affairs...
...there are still kluxers ™»ei and "Bloody Williamson" •J Zeigler and a long, black tea-' •Won of violence...
...He is also counsel for the union which sponsored these bills...
...John L. Lewis of the old United Mine Workers is the Tacoma Labor Advocate, which speaks for the city central body...
...Gangsters hired by the I f i rm and police sent out by the I politicians have attacked the strikers and beat them brutally, and do not let them come within one b l o ck of the f i rm to picket...
...They are ex-coal miners and a press- I^ent sad they constitute the " P r o - J^ocsi Government" of District •reive of the United Mine Workaf of America sent here b y John I. Lewis to take over the affairs ,f the Illinois Mine Workers...
...Criticizes Sullivan • "About fifty per cent of compressed air workers are unemployed at the present time...
...Prolonged research revealed ro such provisions and the court brwuely announced that the injjEet'an was made permanent...
...Four men sre sitting in the Leland gotel...
...As Thomas pointed out, there is no group pf workers who labor under such hazardous conditions as those who w o r k in compressed air, building tunnels...
...There was introduced in the 1930 session of the State legislature several bills which had this purpose in view...
...Members o f the two Seattle electrical workers local unions are not agreed that the n ew plans for centralization of authority and responsibility announced b y International President Broach will work out for the best interests of the o r ganization...
...A committee was appointed to look into the county political situation and to report on action which the central body should take...
...Involved in the scheme is a system of regional conferences on technique of negotiation and other routine work of union agents, these having' the effect of schools o f instruction in the latest methods of handling any problem on the j o b . SEATTLE (F.P...
...Men have t o stand on ladders while this process is taking place...
...The committee on nominations had reported the names of State Senator Victor E. Lawson and former Congressman Ernest Lundeen to the convention without favor to either...
...Knud Wefald, o f Moorhead...
...Judges Startliefi, Neihaus and Eldredge of toe Appsliate Court asked Lewis's lesancsl where they found anything in the Constitution % g i v i ng Lewis the right to sat up proviojml governments and take over jroptirty b3longing to the various districts of th...
...Thomas charged...
...Third:—To restore democratic practices to the running of the miners' union and put an end to p e t t y politics and factional strife inside an organization whose purpose should be the protection of the workers rather than the enrichemnt of union officials...
...That afternoon, when the leaders of the strikers and the active union members were attending a special meeting called by the St...
...Fourth: T o bring about wage agreements which will insure fair play t o both operators and miners and put an end to destructive warfare between employers and e m ployees...
...LOUIS—(FP)—Just 37 days after their first meeting to organize, St...
...As a result o f Sullivan's actibn in Albany there is a greal deal of unrest among the members of Local 63...
...The central body reported a number of n ew affiliations, particularly from textile unions, which have a total membership of 1,700 .in Easton...
...There are cases o n r e c ord when men standing o n t he ladder have become suddenly ill and have fallen on the men working below...
...With John Hindmarsh, Frank • W n g t o n ' s old-time enemy, GerP * went to one hostile local after • • h e r , explaining the program of the r e o r g a n i z e s , pointing out the crucial situation which confronts the miners everywhere and winning new converts at every meeting...
...Nevertheless, according to John McPartland, secretary-treasurer of the Compressed Air and Subway Workers' Union, Local 63, Frank X. Sullivan, one of the Commissioners of the New Y o r k City Board of Transportation, which is in charge of subway construction, went to Albany and lobbied against the bills...
...It has been shot to pieces in almost every state except Illinois, and when Illinois blames Lewis leadership for this condition it has prima facie arguments on behalf of its position...
...The Hosiery Workers reports excitement running high over the wage cut...
...Fifth: T o apply the latest findings of t he economists and technical men to the n ew problems created b y the use o f machinery in the mines, frankly to face the question of unemployment and overproduction and finally to build our union into the industry as anintegral and constructive part of it.* St...
...The entire incident is typical "of the manner in which labor unions are knifed by Democratic politicians...
...Constitution Plan WASHINGTON — ( F P ) — A l though the referendum ballots will not be canvassed until May '15, enough returns on the present voting ' within' the International Brotherhood of* Electrical Workers have been unofficially reported to make certain that President Broach's plan for revising the constitution of the international has been adopted...
...This friendship consists of nothing more than the distribution of j o b s to a f ew chosen labor leaders, while the rank and file of the unions is left out in the cold...
...Instead of denouncing the Farmer-Laborites as bolsheviks and free lovers as it used to do, the party of reaction is declaring that the one time progressives have gone conservative and are not really worth voting for by enlightened citizens any more...
...Great forces will be brought into play to oppose the election of the Farmer-"Labor candidates...
...Will Lewis fight the injunction iBd thereby render himself liable for contempt proceedings...
...In a way t h e v u b e **** o l <* Horican army, all generals and BO privates, for with great and enthusiastic unanimity the rank and He of the coaldiggers o f Illinois keep away from the "Provisionjjg" and continue to send their does in to the regular district which has given its allegiance to Alexander Howat, Adolph Germer md tne others who are out to retafld the U. M. W . o f A . s . • . within one month after the njuk-and-file convention at SpringSeid on March 10th, the reorganised United Mine Workers of Amerfica is standing on its o w n fsrt swapping blow for b l ow with John L. Lewis and his reactionary crew and landing some heavy ones aa the Pershing-like j aw o f the Oar of the coaldiggers...
...The Easton central body, up to a month ago, had not met regularly for three years...
...So l o n g as operators from Kentucky, West Virginia and other states where there is no union can continue to function as dangerous, competitors o f Illinois, just so long will our industry in this state suffer...
...Louis Bus Strikers Win Short Fight Union Scores Within 37 Days of First Organization Meeting—9 1/2 Hour Day Fixed ST...
...Joining the growing body of official labor papers that are taking a more or less hostile stand against Pres...
...Such Lewis adherents as the sUck A. T. ("Always Talking" the miners call himl Pace, Mayor of Ken-in during the rioting in 1922 and ex-State Senator William Sneed, have been going about the Southern Illinois field revoking •a&rters of local unions and maki »g them over according to the dictates of John L. The past week has also seen an•f>er definite advance on the part •f the new movement, at the •Pearhead of which is District Twelve, in the announcement that tte Illinois Coal Operators' Asso•Sation would recognize only the "sguiarly elected officials of D i s - BP4 Twelve in wage negotiations...
...Court Ruling Unexpected The swift decision of the A p pellate Court upholding the injunction which forbids Lewis to jjterfere with Illinois affairs, came is s surprise to all parties concerned last week...
...Must Have Organization "This campaign will be a strenuous one...
...In 1920, Henrik Shipstead was denounced as desiring to usher in a social system of free love, home wrecking and atheism...
...Louis' bus drivers and conductors have won a strike, spanked a hardened rabid union fighter and returned t o w o r k with union buttons adorning their uniforms...
...Louis Labor Club, to arrange plans for the reelection of our labor alderman, Jos...
...Second:—To rebuild the union in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Kan as a s and Southwest territories where the union was once strong...
...v The Durham Central Labor Union recently made a survey of wages and conditions of work in Durham Among other l ow paid workers the full-fashioned hosiery knitter, who is considered the best paid and higly skilled worker In the east, averages in Durham the magnificent sum o f 51c an hour, or 930.60 a week of 60 hours...
...Another Labor Organ Pans John L. Lewis TACOMA, Wash...
...A t the present time these chambers are very badly equipped...
...A flat 9j/?-hour day is established to replace the old order when the men had to be on duty as long as 13 hours in order to get a day's work...
...Of course, there was nothing in the platform in either year to justify these charges, but the propaganda succeeded...
...The agreement can be opened on 30 days' notice, the company losing its fight t o put over a 3-year airtight pact at present wages...
...They jumped into their cars and away they went like the wind...
...Montreal Clothing Boss Fires Five Shots At Group of Strikers (By aNew Leader Correspondent) MONTREAL.—The owner of the Hyde Park Clothes Co...
...While the Wall Street News reports a net income o f $262,523 during 1929 f o r the Durham Hosiery Mills, the workers o f those mills report a 10 per cent, wage cut...
...Aside f r om the'discomfort, there is v e r y great danger in this procedure...
...But C. Hershorn and his gang did not wait for the lesson...
...There were about an equal number of delegates representing urban and rural communities...
...The amount of time n ow spent working varies directly as the air pressure...
Vol. 10 • April 1930 • No. 10