Sirovich Pleads For Liberty Or Death In Long Harangue To Empty Congress Chair
Sirovich Pleads For Liberty Or Death In Long Harangue To Empty Congress Chair Tammanyite Sees War by 1940, Defends Capitalism, Democracy, Russian Church WASHINGTON.—(FP) .—Rep. Sirovich...
...Farm relief, world-peace and reorganization of the judicial system to speed court action are advocated...
...Chairman Snell of the rules committee sat at ease, waiting for revelations...
...Senior will speak at the Forum at 8tiles Hall, Berkeley, Thursday noon, April 10th...
...The next meeting at which the topic will be discussed wfll be held in the I. O. O. F. hall in Royal Oak on April 8. Panken, Claessens in Hennington Hall On April 15th A mass meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening, April 15th, at 8:30 p. m., in Hennington Hall, 214 East Second street, New York City...
...31 26 Tat-s 8 9 Total: 1929-1930—23,533...
...Senior w i n address a public meeting in Oakland, Thursday, April 12th...
...They are preparing fertile soil for Soviet propaganda...
...The Governor should know these facts before leaving the victims of unemployment to the good-will of the industrialists...
...He would deport all their paid...
...The affair will be held in the very commodious and inviting hall of the Temple Israel Community Center, 210 West 91st street There will be a short program of entertainment consisting of the following artists: Dora Wolinsky, pianist...
...Two Tammany members waited to ask questions about religious persecution...
...The Governor has gone into the missionary business...
...Independent Political League in Hazel Park (By a New Leader Correspondent) Detroit,—Preliminary steps towards bringing an unemployment insurance act before the next state legislature through the use of the initiative have been taken in Hazel Park...
...He will be in the vicinity of the Bay District from April 8th to 12th, inclusive...
...Socialist of Spain Demand Monarchy End Cheers for Socialism and a Republic Resound at Meeting in Madrid MADRID.—A Socialist mass j meeting: In Madrid Sunday broke the government's ban on - public political gatherings with rousing demand for a Republic Two thousand Spanish Socialists crowding the Pardinas Theatre in Madrid at the first public meeting since tr...
...Only an amateur hand in that field does not know that the industrialists of our state, generally speaking, have never shown any good-will in eliminating industrial accidents, industrial diseases, child labor, and long hours.' Every bill that was introduced to reduce industrial hazards, to eliminate industrial diseases, or to curb child labor, was fought bitterly by the industrialists of our state...
...The Independent Political league, is affiliated with the Socialist party...
...This had been advertised as a speech exposing the menace of Communism...
...In a period of two years, the increase exceeded 5,000 in the State...
...The ether ten are believed dead from heat and gas which filled the shaft after the blast had crippled the ventilating system...
...Lawrence 38 85 Saratofa 88 81 Schenectady 199 268 Schoharie 35 24 Schuyler 13 13 Seneca 9 12 Steuben 76 76 Suffolk 81 77 8ullivan 63 54 Tioga 18 31 Tomoklna 46 75 Ulster 58 65 Warren 30 42 Washington 26 33Wayne 27 42 Westchester 433 470 Wyoming...
...Pastor Eaton of New Jersey and the General Electric was on hand...
...Such futile course can only arise from a lack of appreciation of the economic facts or a misreading of our Industrial history...
...Part of this, of course, was attributed to mere curiosity to see the paper in its new dress, but ^here was very little falling off on subsequent days, and in the opinion of the proprietors the circulation is n ow stabilized at something1 more than 1,000,000...
...They are weakening our national resistance in the inevitable conflict that will come between Communism and Sovietism on the one side, and democracy, capitalism and individual liberty on the other...
...and possibly a singer...
...It also seeks restoration of increasing wealth created by society to the community for social purposes through imposition of higher income and inheritance taxes...
...Indeed, the Governor's statement that he counted on the industrialists of this state to strive to overcome recurring unemployment in their industries, 'with the same good-will as they have overcome so many other adverse conditions, such as industrial accidents, industrial diseases, child labor, long hours, e t c ' shows that he is a stranger in the struggle for social legislation...
...London Daily Herald Has Million Readers The Daily Herald, official organ of the MacDonald Government and the British Labor Party, publishes a net sale certificate showing that daily sales increased from 300,000 copies t o 1,058,000 in a f o r t n i g h t The Daily Herald first appeared as a full-sized newspaper March 17, and now is the third largest British daily and has yet to open northern publishing offices...
...Give me liberty or give me death...
...Cook stating that world Socialists must unite to end capitalism...
...The Governor's committee, Waldman declared, was authorized by the Governor "to lay before the employers and the workers of this state, every worthwhile significant practice for the stabilization of employment which has cdme within their range of knowledge, and to work out with the businessmen of the state "such practical methods as can be devised for the future control of employment...
...The best friends of Communism in this country are the promoters of these giant mergers...
...38 65 Genesee 7 18 Greene 39 37 Hamilton 1 4 Herkimer 84 49 Jefferson 55 75 Kings 7,628 6,093 Lewis 8 4 Livingston 20 . 14 Madison 41 51 Monroe 469 499 Montgomery 41 42 Nassau 115 133 New York 4.069 3.094 Niagara 118 131 Oneida 264 197 Onondaga 312 389 Ontario 37 47 Orange 107 176 Orleans 8 5 Oswego 53 40 Otsego 43 53 Putnam 15 4 Queens 1.163 918 Rensselaer 84 84 Richmond 161 96 Rockland 76 67 St...
...These are plain facts written indelibly into our industrial and legislative history...
...Socialist Enrolment Up...
...Largo Caballero, one of the Socialist leaders, said: "We have the only party in Spain that can end the monarchistic government, and we must work to strengthen that party In order to • so, without . changing our aims to work with other republican parties but letting them follow if they wish...
...26 A social gathering will be held an Saturday evening, April 26th, under the joint auspices of three of the New York City Upper West Side Socialist branches, namely, Upper West Side Branch, Mornj n g s i d e Heights Branch and the Washington Heights Branch...
...However, he predicted a world war by 1940...
...Inasmuch as The Herald is the only daily publication in the entire country devoted to the cause of the Labor party, it was easy enough to get the workers to do this, and 100,000 o f them formally enrolled and devoted all their spare time to the job for two months in advance...
...Thanks to the most efficient work conducted b y the members of these branches, some 200 s ew members have joined the party...
...The increase has occurred in all the industrial sections of the State, and is taken by Socialist party officials to be a healthy indication of the increasing hold the Socialist party has on industrial workers...
...Its members are Frank W. Roe, John Panzner, C. H. Boyd, James Garner and William Healy, all of Hazel Park, and H. M. Bell of Royal Oak...
...No funds are made available to the committee for doing adequate work...
...August Claessens, pantomimes...
...An analysis of the enrolment figures made by Herbert M. Merrill, New York State Secretary of the Socialist Party, discloses the Socialist enrollment increased in 26 counties out of the 62 counties in the State, remained unchanged in three counties, and decreased in 33 counties...
...that the state advance, at least by two years, the time when children are permitted to g o to work so as not to have them compete with their parents for jobs...
...The Socialists renew their requests that the Governor urge the shortening of the working week to, say, forty houra...
...A big scarlet flgwer in Sirovich'a lapel seemed to portend a sensation...
...Tar Albany 130 144 Allegany 17 25 Bronx 4,849 4,257 Broome 32 130 Cattaraugus .' (1 94 Cayuga 44 M Chautanqua 237 344 Shemung 71 91 Chenango 21 28 Clinton 37 25 Columbia 23 19 Cortland 22 42 Delaware 51 39 Du tenet* 137 147 Brie 1,40» 1,299 Essex 7 IS Franklin 40 20 Pulton...
...In other words," Mr...
...It is in no sense a state agency and is not expected t o make any reports or findings that may be helpful...
...Trade Unions Gave Herald Million Sales Further Increase of 400, 000 Circulation Expected When Manchester Plant Starts ONDON.—William Mellor, edit o r of The London Daily Herald, in explanattion of the phenomenal increase of the circulation of Labor's newspaper f r om 300,000 to 1,058,000 in three weeks, declares it has been done b y organizing the trade union and Labor party workers- for the campaign to get new readers...
...They work 54 hours a week, according to the company...
...22-'.c to operators of two-man cars...
...Enrollment by Counties 1929-1930 Conntr Prrv...
...One of its main purposes is the protection of workers against the four great risks of industry, accidents, illness, old age and unemployment...
...Waldman declared, "this is a 'good-will' committee...
...Sirovich explained, would be due to the success of the Soviet Union in producing and exporting a huge surplus of industrial goods, within the next 5 to 10 years, to the world market...
...The audience was noisy and shouted, "Viva la republica," but oftener "Viva socialismo...
...Senior Is Addressing Many Meetings In West (By a Now Leader Cirrilj illisjl) S A N FRANCISCO...
...Harry Slavin, Detroit attorney, addressed a large group at the meeting in the Hazel Park L O. O. F. hall on "unemployment Insurance...
...Sixteen Miners Die in Blast KETTLE ISLAND, Ky (F.P...
...The decrease has occurred in the smaller ' counties, where the Socialist enrolment at no time runs over 100, and in which the agricultural population predominates...
...But wait...
...In 1928, it was 20,517, and in 1927 it was 18,249...
...After the advance work had been done The Herald increased its size and the number of its pages with the issue of March 17 and on that day the sales were more than 1,000,000, as compared with less than a third of a million on the Saturday two days before...
...National Secretary Clarence O. Senior spoke in Fresno, April 6th and 7th...
...As to hours of labor, every effort to reduce them, either through legislation or trade union activities, has met with stubborn resistance from the industrialists...
...Thereby it would upset the commerce of capitalist countries, and the world would g o to war to crush the Soviet state, and the Soviets would be duly crushed...
...Immediate remedial legislation against the ravages of unemployment and the embarking upon a permanent state policy to deal with the problem will have to be fought for the same as all social and welfare legislation needed to be fought for in the past...
...This affair will be in the nature of a get-together and the purpose will be to celebrate the successful season's activities by all three branches ,and to make the acquaintance of one another and the many new members who have joined all three branches during the last several months...
...President Hoover tried it four months before the Governor did, and with what results...
...Applause from Republican front-bench listeners came when he declared that democracy was the guardian of capitalism, and that Communism was the enemy of religion...
...Imported propagandists, but he warned the House that America itself would be rapidly...
...At the same time it was announced that H. Philipson, who has been in charge of the canvassing of enrolled Socialist voters, as a result of which most of the new members were enrolled, had personally interviewed during the last three months 250 enrolled Socialist voters...
...Nobody applauded very loudly, however, when Sirovich, who formerly was the head of a hospital, pleaded for old age pensions, unemployment insurance, abolition of child labor and the stopping of big business domination...
...Others Lose 3,000 More Enrolled Under Party Banner in 1929 Than in 1928 riE Socialist enrolment in N ew York State continues to grow, while the enrolment of the two major parties declines, figures just made public by the Secretary of State reveal...
...A further increase of 400,000 is exp^-ted in July, when the Daily Herald's new plant at Manchester will be ready to supply readers in Northern England...
...The next great conflagration will be the world revolution . . . However, as long as Soviet Russia is content to conduct its experiment within its own borders and does not attempt to proselytize the rest of the world, its sovereignty should be respected...
...government closed down on campaigning after former Premier Jose Sanchez Guerra'i speech assailing the King, cheered Socialist Party leaders...
...Large detachments of police were in front of the theatre and in the surrounding streets, but t h • crowds dispersed quietly...
...A new war is already knocking at the door of all industry...
...The mergers of big business," he cried, "are false to the fundamental philosophy of economic capitalism...
...Sirovich also declared that the idea of Communism could not be suppressed by force...
...All that Sirovich revealed was that he had read carelessly a lot of newspaper dispatches from Russia, skimmed through a school history of the ancient and modern world, and then planted a political program on this foundation...
...A committee was formed to organize the Southern Oakland County Independent Political league...
...Demands Definite Legislation "What we need now are definite legislative steps and not more pious wishes, nor idle gestures which look impressive upon the surface, but which, upon analysis, are found t o be part of the ancient game of politics, that of 'passing the buck.' The committee which the Governor appointed is without power...
...And in answe.- to a question the wet Sirovich charged indignantly that the clergy are denied, in Russia, the right to vote...
...Almost $400 have been raised for the sustaining fund, which is to be used for the opening of a clubhouse...
...He will probably address the San Francisco Center (League of Women Voters) Monday afternoon, April 13th...
...Governor Roosevelt has indulged in that ancient game in politics, that of "passing the buck," Louis Waldman, cochairman of the Socialist Party's committee on public affairs declared in an address in Sunnyside, Tuesday night...
...A large mailing has been sent out to the citizens of the district and every effort is being made for a successful meeting...
...The Increase would give 8c an hour more to operators of one-man cars...
...Speakers include Judge Jacob Panken, A. N. Weinberg, Abraham Beckerman and August Claessens, who will speak on the problem of unemployment, measures for immediate and ultimate relief, and the task before the Socialist Party in relation to the passing problems of the day...
...Sees a War This world war, as Dr...
...There was a catch in that prediction, because Dr...
...The 1929 enrolment under the Socialist banner was 23,533...
...An executive committee of eleven, on which there are now some veterans of the Socialist movement who have been drawn back into activity as a result of the persistent efforts of the organizer and his associates, is mapping1 out plans for continuing the branch work with a series of open air meetings...
...This was the anniversary of the death in 1925 of Pablo Igleslas, father of Spanish Socialism, and an afternoon groups of workmen passed before the new mausoleum in the civil cemetery, to which the body of Senor Iglesias was transferred recently...
...Upper West Side Socialists Enroll Their 100th Member The Upper,West Side branch of the Socialist Party, which takes in the 7th, 9th and 11th Assembly Districts, and which operated in what Socialists regarded as difficult territory for membership, has just enrolled the 100th member, Leon Gilbson, organizer of the branch, announced following a branch meeting held last Tuesday night at the Temple Israel Community Center, 210 East 91st street...
...Enrolled Socialist voters, sympathizers and citizens in general will be invited to this mass meeting to be held under the auspices of the 6th A. D. Branch...
...Rescue workers striving to save 16 coal miners trapped by a gas explosion in the mine here, have found bodies of six...
...Arrangements are being made for meetings at Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco...
...F P ) — Street car men tne country over will watch with interest the outcome of the Memphis union's demand for Increases for its 500 members...
...Indeed, he opposed the imprisonment of Communists in this country...
...During the ^ame period the enrolment of the two old parties declined by 25 per cent...
...The sound education of the workers and their thorough organization both economic and political, on the basis of class struggle, must precede their emancipation.—Eugene V. Debs...
...The present scale ranges from 54...
...It is understood that the chief sufferers among competitors in point of circulation have been the London Liberal newspapers, particularly in the industrial districts, midland counties and South Wales...
...Cook Addressee Miners The executive committee of the Miners' International met here, and Arthur J. Cook of England and representatives of the French and Portuguese Socialists each spoke in his own language, Mr...
...Sirovich Pleads For Liberty Or Death In Long Harangue To Empty Congress Chair Tammanyite Sees War by 1940, Defends Capitalism, Democracy, Russian Church WASHINGTON.—(FP) .—Rep...
...Rankest" Politics "If one refuses to believe that the Governor's appointment of this private " voluntary 'stabilization' committee was the rankest politics, he must ascribe to the chief executive of our state a pathetic faith in the 'good-will' of the industrialists that they will, If their attention is only called to it, eliminate unemployment...
...undermined by Communism unless it "set its own house in order" by granting social insurance, solving the problem of unemployment, abolishing the employment of children, and checking the tendency of capitalism to f o rm big business mergers...
...and, finally, to take immediate steps for the formulation of legislation looking to the establishment of a system of unemployment insurance so that the horrible sight of bread-lines, by selfrespecting working men, shall never again appear in our community life...
...Elizabeth Stuyvesant, poetic readings...
...I n those sections, campaign actvities are conducted, they point out, while in the agricultural section the difficutly of conducting a campaign with the meager resources at the party's command la responsible for the failure to register an increase...
...The total number of English men and women to which these agents could make their appeal on grounds of party loyalty was theoretically 8,300,000, for that was the size of the Labor vote in the last election...
...A parade estimated to contain nearly 50,000 persons visited a monument to the memory of Senor Igleslas In the civil cemetery, while heavy police patrols kept strict watch along the line of march...
...There were generous rewards, not only for the workers personally, but for the trade unions and district Labor groups to which they belonged, according to the numbers of n ew readers obtained...
...They tend to concentrate the functions of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth in a few hands and usurp all those powers, by completely destroying all competition and reducing the middle class to penury and want...
...shouted Sirovich, "No man here loves his country more than I. There never was a time when I would not give m y life for her...
...c an hour for the first year to 6 4 ^ c at the end of the second year for oneman cars...
...Unfortunately, this 'good-will' promotion among industrialists as a solution for the serious social disease of unemployment does not work...
...It cannot investigate the causes of unemployment, or collect information and data to aid in the formulation of a permanent state policy...
...One vict im was 17 years old and the 15 others had wives and children, Waldman Hits Roosevelt on Unemployment Socialist Says Governor's Committee Has Neither Funds Nor Authority to Accomplish Results BY appointing a special committee for the "stabilization of employment" without power and with no funds with which to make a real inquiry into the causes of unemployment and possible remedies...
...The following tabulation of .the enrolment by counties for 1929 and 1928 has been compiled by Merrill: ENROLLED SOCIALIST VOTERS N EW YORK STATE (1929-1930) Totals for comparison: 1927—18,249...
...The Dr...
...49c f o r the first year and 59c at the end of the second for two-man car operators...
...There will be no admission charge and an effort will be made to interest every member of the three branches, their friends and acquaintances...
...Oldsfield of Arkansas gazed anxiously at the orator, and applauded when he spoke of God and country...
...But the event was disappointing...
...preceding year—20,517...
...So confident were they of the results that the personnel of the paper was greatly Increased and the mechanical equipment trebled so that fourteen new modern presses were ready to run off the first big issue of 1,000,000 copies...
...And when Sirovich pleaded with him, before the House, for an O. K. from his rules committee for the Sirovich old age pension- bill, Snell's eyelids dropped again...
...3 Upper West Side Socialist Branches to Get Together Apr...
...Julian Bestiero, Professor of Logic at Madrid University, and three other speakers who followed, reiterated the same sentiments and all hinted plainly that international Socialism is their ultimate goal...
...Sirovich of the 14th New York district, which lies east of Seventh avenue between Fourth and Fourteenth streets, approaching a hot campaign against the Socialist Party, delivered a catchall patriotic speech, with a few suggestions of reform thrown in, to some 35 members of the House, April 8. Applause from the dozen Democrats came when he mentioned Woodrow Wilson and the American home...
...Wants Liberty or Death Snell- scratched his head, trying to catch the drift, but gave it up...
...This is one of a number of meetings arranged by the branches and the city organization in behalf of the unemployment situation and the membership drive...
...There will be refreshments and dancing...
Vol. 10 • April 1930 • No. 10