Uruguay: Armed Struggle and the Electoral Path


Last month's elections in Uruguay, despite the apparent defeat of the Frente Amplio (FA), must be considered in many important ways a tremendous victory for the Uruguayan people--especially in...

...e) Coordination and harmonizing of subsidiary bodies...
...6 The country's problems will be resolved when the land is placed in the service of society and not a clique of the privileged...
...Erradication of the credit interven- tion practiced by the so-called parallel and collateral financial association, and any other method of the parabanking marketing of capital...
...For those who live marginally in their own nation, for those who build it and do not own it...
...Now to the violence of the regime, the people responded with their- V10o- lence, the violence of the students and workers in their mass mobilizations, in their street confrontations, in their occultation of factories...
...On the other hand, 30 percent of the holdings occupy only 0.7 percent of the total farm area...
...government stepped up its intervention in Uruguayan affairs by expanding CIA operations and sending in Green Berets...
...Development and coordination of passenger and cargo transportation ac- cording to national and local needs, considering them a public service...
...2 Delinquents will be rehabilitated by means of indoctrination nd work before and after their liberation...
...Revision and eventual rejection of all international treaties, covenants and resolutions that contradict the princi- ples previously stated...
...3 Conduct of the Republic's international economic policy in ac- cordance with national and popular interests...
...This policy, as well as prices, interests and profits, will be planned with the basic participation of the sectors involved, and should lead to a just redistribution of profits in accordance with people's necessities and the requirements of investment...
...Material and moral stimulus for the development of the sciences and arts...
...c) Amnesty will be used as an instrument which, together with the suppression of the forms of violence endemic to the regime in power...
...When the right of all to culture, shelter, health and work becomes a reality, a thing which will become possible only when the walth that now goes abroad for luxury goods and speculation in nonproductive activities is invested, instead in these areas...
...Strict observance of the coretrtu- tional regulations governing education and cultural and religious life...
...Recent conversations in Washinton, D.C...
...The economic crisis has generated enormous unrest among workers, students and even elements of the bourgeoisie...
...Address all mail to Box 57, Cathedral Station, New York, N.Y...
...Guarantee of pensions based on salaries of active workers...
...12 0 Creation of a rational system of norms oriented toward insuring the individual well-being and tranquillity indispensable to the full development of his personality, covering his life cycle from birth to death...
...According to the Uruguayan weekly, Marcha, Brazil's apprehension over the Tupamaros' successes, the FA's strength, and Brazil's traditional rivalry with Argentina led to the formation of "Operation 30 Hours...
...Active partici- pation and effective control of the citizenry, expanding the use of institu- tions of popular initiative: the plebis- cite and referendum...
...Institutional Policy 00The oligarchists are the ones who control the vast economic means of financing the costly electoral campaigns...
...The government alone employs 260,000 out of a total work force of 810,000--a situation which the established government parties used to their advantage against the FA in the election...
...Industrialization to the greatest extent possible throughout the country of raw materials and agricultural and dairy products and of national state farms...
...Denunciation of the false policy of integration of the Latin-American Free Trade Association which aggravates the process of Latin-American dependency...
...Taking its name from the estimated time needed to occupy Uruguay, the secret plan purportedly envisioned intervention even if the FA lost the election...
...Because the profit of large landholdings can remain sufficiently high without the use of technology and other methods for increasing productivity, the owners have allowed these conditions to prevail...
...What has caused this upheaval in the usual calm of the Uruguayan political scene...
...Integration of the action of the armed forces in the process of national liberation and the economic, social and cultural developments of the country, elevating this institution to the highest level of professional and ethical perfection based on the national concept of the fulfillment of the peceeding commitments...
...It has persecuted teaching and all forms of culture, has controlled Par- liament, the Constitution, individual and collective rights, has miserably sold the country to foreigners, has closed down trade unions and prohibited trade union activity from taking place...
...3 Small rural industry will be retained for those who work in it...
...Solidarity with all the peoples of the world who struggle to free themselves from colonial, neocolonial and imperial- ist oppression, especially the peoples of Latin America...
...b) Salaries and living and working conditions that contribute to im- proving social progress in the countryside...
...Revision and transformation so that it responds to the people's interests...
...Urban Reform 3 As in other areas of national activity, the administration of educa- 1 The large owners of dwellings tion will be sought from among thrse w1...
...Further, the economy supports a huge service sector comprising 62 percent of the GNP...
...Manufacturing as well as commerce, Old Age and illness credit and the economy in general will be carefully planned in order to facil- Everyone unable to work will have itate production, eliminate competi- all his needs provided for...
...In 1968 the government enacted the Emergency Laws, and froze wages and prices...
...9 Promotion of a rationally planned demographic policy (births, external and internal migration) which, on the basis of improved living and working conditions resulting from the measures proposed, provides the coun(i1nC 0-Reform of the Economic and Social Structure . . _ .q_ WNNW_ 000-1M_ ______ 'l I 1 , i , I:ltry with the human contingency indispensable to its development, driving out organized attempts at birth control...
...10025 or Box 226, Berkeley, California 94701...
...It has done so in the name of order...
...supermarkets, groceries, meat stores and shops, etc., will be socialized and Education administered by their workers...
...Intervention has been particularly pronounced in the area of police training and assistance--urban counterinsurgency programs...
...Decisive participation of the state in basic industries that are not na- tionalized...
...What will happen then when these same people decide to change the structures, take over the latifundia, throw the monopoly capitalists out of the banks, industry and commerce...
...b) Institutionalization and develop- ment of neighborhood and work committees, both urban and rural, as organs of communal ac- ti vity...
...The best technical means will be 2 Luxury mansions will also be placed at the disposal of the sick person expropriated and used for cultural or in the service of all the people without other public purposes...
...Looking at the results on an individual rather than a party basis reveals that the FA actually did quite well...
...Extension of the system of social security to salaried workers in the interior, and to the peasantry...
...14 Integral functioning of democ- racy with multiple political parties...
...These laws outlaw the Socialist Party, the Oriental Revolutionary Movement, the Left Revolutionary Movement, and the Anarchist League, all revolutionary left groups...
...V, No...
...Copyright O 1971 by the North American Congress on Latin America, Inc...
...15 Broadening and developing administrative, political and financial autonomy of municipalities and local organizations on the following general basis: a) Precise delimitation of municipal control to strengthen and ex- tend its economic, social and cul- tural commitments...
...In the private sector, this will be strongly indicated...
...What will happen then when the people decide to substitute for the power of the oppressors, the power of the oppressed...
...Real wages have shrunk by an awesome 47 percent in the last ten years...
...SUBSCRIPTIONS: $6 per year for individuals ($11 for two years...
...Nationalization policy can take the form of state industries and others, including the participation of private producers and workers, depending on which provides the greatest advantages in terms of efficiency and economic dynamism...
...This has caused great concern in the United States, for unless the Tupamaros are stopped they will continue to radicalize Uruguayan society and provide a clear example of the power of urban guerrilla warfare for the rest of Latin America...
...7 Susan Cantor FOOTNOTES 1. The Frente Amplio is composed of elements from the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, left-wingChristian Democrats, and dissidents from the traditional Colorado and National Parties...
...Support for the admission of all countries to the United Nations...
...d) Creation of nurseries and daycare centers in neighborhoods and private and public enterprises in cases where i: nilmhlel of women working makes it advisable...
...Practically all of those captured by the police have been liberated in spectacular escapes...
...5 Agrarian reform which prom- ises an integral transformation of the country's agricultural structure in ac- cord with general planning...
...and Actas Tupamaros (Shapire Editor, Buenos Aires, 1971...
...of its order, of the order of privileges for the latifundist, the banker, the big businessman...
...Participation of the masses in creating and enjoying culture...
...Liberties, rights and guarantees International Policy t1 -4 Independent national planning of the economy, with social objectives that aim at contributing to the struc- tural transformations necessary and to the integral development of the coun- try...
...Re- cuperation of AFE t and the creation of a national merchant marine...
...With priority: a) Dissolution of the law of COPRIN...
...2. The Tupamaros were founded in 1963 and took their name from the Inca Indian chieftan, Tupac Amaro, who led a rebellion against the Spanish conquerors in 1780...
...Next came the Frente's candidate, Liber Seregni, an army general who retired in 1968 because of his opposition to the government's reign of terror...
...Stimulus and development of physical education and collective participa- tion in all sports...
...Despite frantic and massive efforts by the regime to stop them, the Tupamaros have not only survived but have grown stronger and gained a widespread base of support among the Uruguayan people...
...Each time that a workers' strike for modest social improvements or for salary increases affected the "order" of the privileged, the dictatorship's response was one thing only: repres- sion...
...Simplification, unity and coherence of the tax system...
...With priority: a) Assistance and solutions that pro- vide stability for the small and middle producers, tenants and middle men, assuring markets, setting prices, offering credit, education and technical aid...
...4.4 percent of the total number of farms occupy 56.9 percent of all the farm land...
...Effective support of University efforts to assume a leadership role in scientific investigation, cultural diffusion, teaching and assistance to the entire population...
...Most of the debt is in the hands of the U.S.-controlled International Monetary Fund...
...2 Defense of national sovereignty...
...Adoption of measures to avoid the evasion of taxes, to better equalize responsibilities and attention to services, without privileges for indebtedness or postponements...
...1 The state will insure complete- Credit ly free education, maintenance and Savings as well as credit will be necessary materials to students until centralized by the state, which will they complete their studies...
...Without some understanding of their operations the recent election returns can easily be misinterpreted...
...Our principal points for the stage of the reconstruction of the country by a revolutionary government are: Agrarian Reform 1 0 The huge cattle ranches, the great plantations, the large dairies will be expropriated and their exploitation will be administered by the workers.2 With the understanding that the principal wealth of the country lies in farming, the countryside will be capitalized ad its exploitation mechanized in order to multiply rapidly its production...
...The FA lost the presidential election but won several congressional seats...
...3. La Crisis Economica (Editorial Nuestra Tierra, Montevideo, 1969) p. 48...
...The country is now enmeshed in a constantly worsening economic crisis...
...The fact that it has the elections as its immediate objective does not make us forget that it represents an important attempt to unite the forces that struggle against the oligarchy and foreign capital...
...But it has no intention of disbanding...
...Modernization of state services...
...They originated in the rural regions of Artiguas where they worked with the sugar cane cutters to organize a strike...
...when it produces the riches that it must produce and these riches come to serve the needs of the people...
...Recompense for Worlk 3 The sentences passed by bour- 1 The living standard of all geois justice against persons who had workers will be raised on the basis of incurred alleged crimes, will be revised the equalized distribution of the coun- completely, as will the absolution of try's wealth and the increase in na- the crimes that have been committed tional productivity...
...Direct and majority representation of teachers in the directive councils of primary, and secondary education, workers' niversity education and physical education...
...BROAD FRONT PROGRAM 1 Full enforcement of legal and constitutional liberties, rights and gual- antees...
...those who, from high public position, can determine the destiny of thousands eligible for retirement and other numbers of public workers...
...d) An end to the intervention into middle education and reinstitu- tion of the legality of its respective entities...
...Demand for the reinvestment of profits from enterprises located in na- tional territory...
...62: May, 1971), indicate the political reasoning behind the participation of the Frente Amplio with the conditional support of the Tupamaros in the recent election...
...The cost of living has constantly been rising...
...orient investments toward the produc- 2 Education will be oriented totive centers or toward construction of ward certain specialties that have to interest to them...
...d) Fulfillment of the law that pro- hibits the existence of incorpo- rated associations for the owner- ship and exploitation of land...
...Industry 1 0 Large factories will be socialized and will be administered by workers...
...However, it is only because he was credited with the votes of the other six candidates of his Party, that he succeeded in winning the presidency...
...Safeguarding and extending the autonomy of educational institutions and coordination of the educational process...
...3. The CNT is the National Workers Convention and has a membership of 200,000 and is the largest workers federation in Uruguay...
...The emergence of the Tupamaros paralleled the upsurge in mass unrest...
...The front can become a people's current capable of mobilizing an important segment of workers in these next months and after the elections...
...When the unworthy ties that bind us to foreign exploitation are severed and we develop a patriotic and truly independent foreign policy...
...during the election campaign...
...Struggle for independent Latin-American inte- gration and joint action in order to break political, economic, social and cultural dependence...
...Bordaberry was hand picked to succeed the current President, Pacheco Areco, also from the Colorado Party...
...Around 1965 they transferred their locus of operations to the country's capital, NACLA'S LATIN AMERICA EMPIRE REPORT, formerly NACLA NEWSLETTER Vol...
...do with a highly technical production...
...17 Administrative reform...
...It is also important to note that the Front was conditionally supported by the guerrilla organization, the Movement 2 for National Liberation (better known as the Tupamaros...
...But Bordaberry, with many of his rich backers from the agricultural sector, switched to the Colorado Party in the 1960's in support of the hard-line Pacheco government...
...10 Radical reform of the tax system so that it basically affects the accumulation of wealth, unproductive capital or capital with a low yield, antieconomic activities, social vices and high profits, and progressively reduces consumer taxes...
...There was more than a two-fold jump in U.S...
...Annulment of all arbitrary meas- ures against teachers and students adopted during the inter- vention...
...The individual candidate receiving the most votes was Ferreira Aldunate from the conservative National Party who ran on a rather progressive, reformist platform that probably channeled votes away from the FA...
...The peso has declined in value from 100 to the dollar in 1966 to its recent level of 250 to the dollar...
...When all the money stolen by the big political and economic groupings is returned to the people and the nation, and those responsible for these crimes are punished, when the workers can really fulfill the ,role that by right is theirs in the conduct of their own destiny and that of the country...
...Immediate payment of state debts and adequate attention to the educational budget...
...In the 1971 elections, the Colorado Party alone ran a total of seven candidates for president, while the National Party ran two and the Frente was united behind a single person (one other candidate ran as an independent, bringing the grand total to 11...
...There are many left and progressive forces that seem to have overcome these differences or some of them, and have joined this front which, although it does not constitute a grouping of all the people's forces, is already one of the preoccupations of the reaction...
...For instance, in 1967, seven hundred strikes rocked the country...
...4) July-August, 1971, p. 15...
...Unrestricted enforcement of the prin- ciples of self-determination and non- intervention...
...3 The present governors, who have had no scruples in beating and killing men of the people, who have violated the Constitution hundreds of times, who have jailed more than 5000 workers in one year because they exercised their rights, are not going to surrender the government passively to these workers should they win an election...
...Second-class postage paid at New Yo-r> N.Y.3 Montevideo (population 1.4 million) where they successfully carried out numerous armed attacks against the government and the capitalist class...
...Ever since its founding a year ago, it has emphasized time and again that it was a political and not an electoral movement...
...Despite the apparent loss, the FA surely succeeded in awakening the Uruguayan masses and deepening their struggle for national liberation and socialism...
...He led the revolt against the Spaniards between 1811 and 1815 which paved the way for Uruguay's eventual emancipation from Spanish rule...
...but also all that which has certain perspectives in the internal or external market...
...and March, 1971 (available from Marcha...
...The projection of this program does not mean that we have ceased our support of any other transitional program that has the same ends, such as that proposed by the CNT3 (Workers' Center) and other people's forces...
...The total number of livestock remains the same as in 1908...
...12 per year for insitutions ($22 for two years...
...Thus he is closely identified with and will probably pursue Pacheco's extremely repressive and anti-working class policies...
...The result is that Uruguay has built up a foreign debt of $800 million, the highest on a per capita basis in all Latin America...
...It included the restitution of liberties, unfreezing of salaries, rehiring of those fired for security reasons, liberation of political prisoners, etc...
...Elimination of the distortionist intermediary...
...Im mediate payment of the obligations that the Bank maintains with its contributors and of the debts that the state and enterprises have with it...
...8 Promotion of cooperativism as an instrument designed to contribute to economic and social development both in livestock and industrial activity and in consumer goods and services...
...Commerce 1 Exports, imports and foreign trade in general will be turned over to the direct administration of the gov- 2 To the degree to which it perernment...
...mits, the increase in production will institute the distribution norm, "To 2 Wholesale commerce, the big each according to his needs...
...7 The armed and clandestine struggle of the Tupamaros will not cease...
...This whole situation has brought a massive deterioration in the domestic economy...
...For the past several months a U.S...
...e) Full reestablishment of the rights and guarantees of newspapers, political parties and groups named illegal by decree of the Executive Power...
...For a long time now the battles that have been repressed, the fighters hunted, imprisoned and tortured and the most committed militants assassinated because of their search for social justice, should have been united in a single front against the same common enemy...
...Investigation and intensive exploita- tion of energy resources and of mineral and marine riches...
...The Tupamaros (a history in comic book form by Rius, translated by NACLA, and available from NACLA for $.35, postage included...
...investors) and finally pushing through a freeze on wages and prices (which primarily affects the working class...
...The MLN (Tupamaros) has projected a small platform of six points that could have led to a normalization, but which were refused by the government...
...18 Reintegration of the police with civilian and predominantly preventive responsibilities...
...For example, private 3 0 The construction of hygienic sanatoriums and the large laboratories homes for families that lack them will of pharmaceutical production will be have priority in economic planning...
...Navy warship has been conspicuously cruising around Montevideo...
...And their hunger was also the same...
...Control and restriction over sending royalties, interest and debt amortizations abroad...
...And their sacred rebellion against the regime was the same...
...Establishment of a just fiscal and credit system and of mechanisms for integra- tion and control that insure defense of the popular and progressive character of the system and avoid possibilities for detouring it...
...b) Related to this, the reinstate- ment in their jobs, with all rights, of those dismissed...
...Elections by departmental and local organs should be held on dates different from those for national elections...
...In case reconversion is not obtained, adoption of the unilateral measures necessary to achieve the aims stated...
...Thus Furthermore, Brazil, Uruguay's right-wing neighbor to the northeast, reacted strongly to the FA's popular strength...
...expenditures between 1970 and 1971 ($285,000 to approximately $624,000).6 The famous Dan Mitrione, the chief of the AID Public Safety program who was kidnapped and executed by the Tupamaros, specialized in interrogation techniques (i.e...
...For those who were tortured and humiliated, for the exploited, for the lowest...
...Maintenance and increase in the sources of existing work, under- taking - if necessary or convenient for this purpose - their nationaliza- tion...
...With priority, we will struggle for: a) Fulfillment of the constitutional disposition which imposes the integration of the directorship of the Social Welfare Bank by representatives of active and passive affiliates and of the contributing enterprises...
...4 The National Liberation Move- ment (Tupamaros) understands positively the great importance of forging a union of people's forces, although it regrets that this union is precisely aimed at the elections and did not take place earlier...
...The inability to transform relatively unproductive land into more productive land grows out of the concentrated latifundia system of landholdings...
...In other words, the party receiving the most votes wins the election, with the office going to the party candidate with the highest vote total...
...Rejection of the policy of the Inter- national Monetary Fund and other international organizations that act from a similar orientation...
...To achieve this objective, it will include those accused of or connected with political crimes committed for the purpose of modifying the present political, economic and social bases...
...With priority: a) Lifting of emergency security measures...
...c:fa c / a ;/ladE to (9taLt The election laws in Uruguay are most unusual...
...The Front came in third in the election with just over 20 percent of the total vote...
...Guarantee of adequate availability of all means of dissemination...
...7 Nationalization of banks, big monopolies and essential branches of foreign trade, in order to extricate them from usury and speculation, eliminate power groups, both national and for- eign, and place internal taxes, credit and foreign exchange at the service of national development...
...19 Accentuation of the definitely national character of the armed forces, strengthening the continuity of the tra dition of Artigas, centering its basic action in special commitments to the defense of sovereignty, territorial integ- rity, independence and honor of the Republic...
...6. NACLA Newsletter (Vol...
...Nationalization of the meat processing industry...
...that exceed their family living necessities, assuring shelter to those who lack Public Health housing...
...When monopoly capital is erradicated from the banking centers, industry and commerce and these three key sectors of the economy are placed in the service of the workers and the people...
...the U.S...
...Defense, consolidation and develop- ment of state industrial and commercial independence: participation ot the workers in the administration and con- trol of autonomous industry, decentra- lized services and associations of mixed economy...
...Effective financial, functional, and organic independence, creation of a judicial police...
...Justice Foreign Capital 1 The present laws conceived for the protection of private property of Big industry, commerce and banks the capitalist regime in general will completely or partially controlled by be substituted by others that take into foreign capital will be expropriated consideration essentially human values...
...Passage of an electoral law and a meth- od by which political parties can function, guaranteeing the respect and free will of the elector...
...AL9 2 National industry will be stimulated and protected, especially those industries that use national raw materials (meat, wool, leather, vegetable oils, etc...
...Just five years ago the combined vote for the groups participating in the FA this year totalled only 10 percent...
...reparation for those sanctioned...
...This could quicken the radicalization process, particularly among the middle sectors, thus enabling the Tupamaros to take more of the initiative...
...Adoption ot measures that prevent the flight of capital...
...University collaboration in de- termining the strategy of planning and development...
...Liberty or Death National Liberation Movement (Tupamaros) December 1970 3. MLN PROGRAM HE National Liberation Movement (Tupamaros) has summarized the principal points of a .revolutionary government inspired by this ideology...
...he expropriated of those holdings interested...
...4 0 There will be the best technical assistance for all rural producers, including fertilizers, seeds, fences, and other instruments to improve exploitation...
...c) Activating institutions of direct democracy and representation of workers, producers and consumers in various municipal ser- vices...
...Especially, the processing of meat, wool, milk, leather and other livestock derivatives, establishing a clear public control over this process and eliminating all form of trusts or foreign penetration...
...All of these factors have been very detrimental if not ruinous for Uruguay's export earnings...
...16 Creation of the legal mechan- isms that will revent all forms of relationship between the discharge of public duties and private interests, such as the use of public office for personal gain...
...Restructuring of the foreign service so that it effectively serves the true interests of the country...
...interests in Uruguay, including 71 corporations with a book value of $89.9 million, were threatened by the program to nationalize foreign holdings...
...d) Designation by popular suffrage of the members of Local Counl- cils...
...Thc violence of the armed forces of the MLN and this radicalization of the class struggle took place when the workers demanded modest increases in their inadequate pay...
...tion, and completely do away with the superfluous and speculative middleman process...
...Re- lations with all countries of the world, established by the free accord of the interested parties...
...In' Uruguay today, radio, television, 90% of the written press are under capitalist control and are 100% cen...
...Nevertheless we consider it desirable to give our support to the broad front...
...Most landlords also have other investments in the industrial sector to offset losses in the agricultural sector...
...V, No...
...by certain personages in the regime...
...Denunciation of the past and present role of the OAS as an instrument of imperialism...
...Erradication of all forms of imperialist penetration in education...
...The problem is compounded by an inelastic import demand mostly for fuels and capital goods...
...Economic and commercial relations with all countries of the world...
...c) Promotion of the formation of livestock and farming coopera- tives, with facilities for the con- struction of installations, the acquisition of machinery, seeds, fertilizer and other needs, and for the commercialization of their products...
...The wealth acquired as a result of one's own work as well as its inheritance will be handled in a special way...
...What will happen when the people decide to liquidate and not reduce the percentage of their ill-gotten divi- dends...
...As the situation in Uruguay has worsened, the Fund has stepped in several times to dictate financial policy, urging devaluations (which open the door for U.S...
...Armed Defense of the Revolution Both the ascent to power and the fulfillment to the end, of the objectives of the revolution, can only be guaranteed by arming the people in their own defense...
...For the dispossessed Uruguayans, for those without land, without work, for those who have nothing to lose and everything to win, we say: "If there isn't a homeland for all, there won't be a homeland for anybody...
...Bordaberry had been a member of the "Liga Federal de Accion Ruralista," a movement of right-wing landowners who helped bring about the first presidential victory of the National Party in 1958...
...6 * A vigorous policy of indus- trialization...
...It is, or it can be, a powerful instrument in the mobilization of the struggle for a national and people's program for the liberation of political and trade union prisoners, for the reinstatement of employees fired, for the lifting of security measures and of de- crees dictated under its command...
...Social and Educational Policy 11 Establishment of a new and just policy of public and private salaries, on the basis of the principle of equal work, equal remuneration and in accordance with the cost of living...
...Because they were wounded by the shots of the same police and suffered in the same dungeons...
...b) Establishment of national health security which guarantees' adequate attention for all the people, especially poor groups in the city and the country...
...Montevideo, March 20, 1971 National Liberation Movement (Tupamaros) Liberty or Death FOOTNOTES (by the NACLA staff) 1. The AFE is the State Administration of Railroads, currently a public corporation...
...In turn, official repression has steadily escalated...
...Its long range goal is to create a mass political movement to transform Uruguayan society...
...The causes are multifaceted but primarily stem from adverse world trade conditions and concentrated land structure...
...4. The Emergency Laws have been enforced for most of the present government's term of office...
...An ordered fiscal policy not only as a basis for state resources but also as an instrument of economic activity and for a more just redistribution of profits...
...The government determines what can be released and what cah't be...
...The name was adopted by the Gauchos who fought with Artigas in the Uruguayan independence struggles of the past century...
...The dictatorship is disposed to grant elections in order to revitalize a bankrupt government, and will accept even a change of guard among the oligarchists, but we doubt that it will offer to surrender the government passively to its prisoners and to those it tortured yesterday...
...10003 for $.50, postage included...
...The total outflow of capital between 1962-66 "without explanations" amounted to $246.43million, with 40 percent going to the United States...
...Last month's elections in Uruguay, despite the apparent defeat of the Frente Amplio (FA), must be considered in many important ways a tremendous victory for the Uruguayan people--especially in the face of the new election law (see box...
...No doubt U.S...
...Inflation alone rose 136 percent in 1967, an all time high...
...What will happen when the people propose to take power and not modify power?, This oligarchy which jails, tortures and kills to defend its dividends will scarcely cede its lands and its banks without a battle...
...5 We maintain our differences of method with the organizations that make up the front and with the tactical validity of its declared and immediate objective: the elections...
...It is not clear whether Uruguayans are sending more capital out of the country or foreigners are taking more out as investment profits...
...Their actions ranged from bank expropriations and assaults on army barracks to the seizure of radio stations and the kidnapping of well-known government figures and diplomats of major exploiting powers...
...As Pacheco's Minister of Agriculture it was Bordaberry's job to forge a strong alliance between the traditional landowners and the urban bourgeoisie for the 1971 election...
...Agrarian reform will erradicate the latifundia and the minifundia, replacing them with a just system of land tenancy and exploitation which contributes to social and economic development, raises pro- duction and productivity, increases the profits of producers and workers, and guarantees social justice so that the land becomes, for the man who works it, the base of his economic stability and well being and the guarantee of his dignity and liberty...
...Independent foreign policy: partic- ipation in international organizations will be in conformity with the defense of this principle...
...5. For details on these and other actions see The Tupamaros: Urban Guerrilla Warfare in Uruguay (articles reprinted from Tricontinental magazine and available from the Liberated Guardian, 14 Cooper Sq., New York, N.Y...
...The Brazilian dictatorship deemed this necessary to prevent the Tupamaros from escalating their armed actions as a result of a right-wing victory...
...This system permits the major parties to run simultaneously several candidates encompassing a wide spectrum of political views...
...Adoption of mechanisms which, on the basis of these transformations, facilitate public access to education...
...4Defense, consolidation and development of national sovereign culture...
...Within this context the FA emerged to unite all left forces, which in turn deepened United States' concern...
...They have continued at a high rate in subsequent years...
...2. Jose Gervasio Artigas is considered the father of Uruguayan Independence...
...It must also be understood that the FA did not have the apparatus that was available to the two traditional parties--the Blancos and the Colorados--such as control of the mass media...
...They also have permitted arrests without warrants and long detentions without charges...
...7. For more information on the Frente Amplio see Cuadernos de Marcha (Nos 46 and 47) Feb...
...For those who have died and those imprisoned...
...But the very success of the Tupamaros and the growing strength of the left in general forced the Uruguayan government to lift a degree of its repression (some of the harsher techniques were shifted to right-wing terrorist bands to lower the government's profile...
...Creation of an organization to direct planning in which the trade unions, the producers, the technicians, and representatives of political power par- ticipate...
...They also allowed the government to close Epoca and El Sol, two left-wing newspapers, heavily censure tie press, ban even the use of words like "subversive," "cell," and, of course, "Tupamaro," from use in any media...
...But although the struggle has been more dramatic than any, unfortunately there have lcen differen:ces in methodology and we have presented a disunited front...
...In response to this use of the law three Cabinet Ministers have resigned and impeachment proceedings began in the Senate against President Pacheco Areco...
...8 / December, 1971 Published monthly, except May-June and July-August, when it is published bi-monthly, at 160 Claremont Ave., New York, N.Y...
...Throughout the campaign the FA's urban rallies and demonstrations turned out an unprecedented number of supporters...
...Today he is a national hero...
...In supporting the broad front, then, we do so with the understanding that its principal task must be the mobili- zation of the working masses and that its labor among these masses does not begin nor end with the elections...
...between Brazilian dictator Medici and President Nixon may have touched on this sensitive topic...
...Casilla de Correos 1702, Montevideo, Uruguay...
...Negotiation of the reconversion of the foreign debt, postponing payments and eliminating its one-sided conditions to insure, for the period necessary, that the entire capacity of the national treasury be devoted to the economic and social ends of this program...
...Due to the "Ley de Lema" passed in 1966-67 during the last revision of the Uruguayan Constitution, all votes for the different candidates of one party are pooled together and credited to the leading candidate of that party...
...Approved by the Plenary of the Broad Front on February 17, 1971) 2. MLN POSITION ON THE BROAD FRONT 1 During these last three years, the dictatorship of the oligarchies has closed down newspapers, has dissolved political parties, has lowered by force the salaries of the workers, has thrown into jail and military barracks thou- sands of Uruguayans, has savagely beaten and assassinated students and workers, has instituted torture as com- mon and current practice, has censured publications, meetings, quotations from Artigashas prohibited words and songs...
...It also offers an important advantage tp the traditional Colorado and National (Blanco) Parties by minimizing factional splits...
...13 Democratic reform of education to raise its humanist, scientific and technical level responding to the necessities imposed by economic, social and political transformations based on this program, with special attention to rural promotion...
...Full respect and integral develop- ment of trade union rights and liberties...
...4 All those who collaborate with the counterrevolution, as for example, those who have committed assasination and other crimes in the service of the present regime or those who, taking advantage of organs of the press have printed calumnies and lies against the people's cause, will be punished with jailing according to the seriousness of their crimes...
...the rural workers who today have precarious rights over the lands, as renters, workers and middle men, will be given effective rights over it: "Land for those who work it...
...when the land shall be and is in the service of the lowest, as Artigas said more than 150 years ago...
...It is not valid to apply the experiences of other countries...
...Therefore, everyone who cast a vote for tne Front knew they were indirectly voting support for the Tupamaros...
...In the service of this "order" are all the repressive and Iner- cenary forces of the oligarchy...
...without indemnity...
...Agrarian reform will guarantee protection to the small and middle landowner...
...permits the reintegration into legal political life of all sectors of society, in order to facilitate the normal develop- ment of the country's political and social life...
...Coming in third was Juan Maria Bordaberry from the Colorado Party who will probably be Uruguay's next president...
...With 75 percent of its exports composed of wool and meat, Uruguay is dependent on the international price of these commodities which over the past years has steadily declined...
...b) The effective establishment of a minimum national wage...
...The result is a domestic stagnation in production...
...Effec- tive application of just norms of pay, promotion, hierarchy and qualification of public servants...
...both official and private, without ex- clusion and without pressure of any nature, especially political or economic...
...All this makes impossible a free expression on the part of the citizens and their free vote...
...oppressed will conquer power only through armed struggle...
...Economic planning will provide a harmonious nationwide distribution of industrial activities, with development based in the interior of the Republic...
...The following documents, reprinted from Tricontinental bulletin (No...
...2 Moreover, we do not honestly believe that in Uruguay today, the revolution can be achieved by elections...
...Reaffirmation of the right of asylum in conformity with the criteria and practice traditionally observed by the Republic...
...those who cheat the people's will with their slogans...

Vol. 5 • December 1971 • No. 8

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