INDEX to NACLA Newsletter

(Vol. I, #1, February 1967 - Vol. III, #7, November 1969) The NACLA staff publishes the following index as an aid to researchers investigating U.S. power and penetration in Latin America. The...

...111,3)11 Smith, A.O...
...11,6)16 Mental Research Institute (111,4)13 Metals Engineering Corp...
...McGeorge (1,9)13 Bunge, Borne, and Co...
...Peace Corps...
...1,10)3 Atlantic Development Group for Latin America (ADELA) (111,6)15 Atlantic Research Corp...
...Frank (111,3)14 Cole, Charles W. (1,7)8 Colombia (1,3)5: (1,4)2-3,8-10...
...111,5)1,9 Franklin Institute (111,3)9 Frei, Eduardo (11,10)1-9...
...numbers 5-8 -- 504-ach.11 AAI Corp...
...Direct Investment (1,6)6-7...
...1,7)8 Watson, Arthur (111,3)15,17 Weir, Ernest T. (11,4)2-3,6 Weirton Steel (11,4)2 Welfare Puerto Rico (1,5)4 Western Behavioral Science Institute (111,4)13 Western Mining Co...
...1lil,4)13 15 Maxson Electronics Corp...
...111,3) 16-18 Council on Higher Education in the American Republics (CHEAR) (1,9)6-10 Counterinsurgency (COIN) Rural (1,4)1-2...
...Institute of International Education...
...111,3)9 Hickenlooper Amendment (11,5)7: (11,10)13: (111.6)8 Hlicknell, Warren, Jr...
...Andrew (1,7)8: (1.9)14 Henry Heinz Co...
...111,3)12-13 Wise, David and Thomas B. Ross, The Invisible Government (1,4)4 WNYW (1,2)7 Wometco Enterprises, Inc...
...of State and Country Team Foreign Students (1,9)16 Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs (FYSA) (1,9)1,14-15...
...American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations...
...111,3)8 Bronheim...
...1,4)7 Guyana (111,7)12 Hadley, Mrs...
...11,9)5,10 Castelo Branco, Marshall (1,1)5: (11,3)1-2 Catholic University (111,4)14 Cavalier Aircraft Corp...
...111,3)11 Mass Media (1,8)4...
...111,6)15 Puerto Rico (1,3)4...
...Americans for Community Cooperation 12 in Other Nations...
...Several general rules have been followed in preparing the index: e Proper names, names and subjects are indexed only when they are described in at least two sentences...
...111,7) 1 DoD contracts (111,6)17 Boorstein, Edward, The Economic Transformation of Cuba (11,1)9 Borda, Orlando Fals (1,1)2 Borella, Victor (111,3)14,16 Boren, J.H...
...International Development Foundation McCann Erickson...
...111,3)10 Korea DoD contracts (111,6)20 Korry, IEdward M. (i.7) I1 Kouwcnhoven...
...11,8)12Borg-Warner Corp...
...Companies which begin with initials, sich as A.O...
...111.3)16 Iarv.ard Liniversity (111.4115 (Center for International Affairs 1111,4)7 ilalvey Alluminu Inc...
...11,4)4 Armour and Co...
...American Institute for Free Labor Development...
...Electronics, Inc...
...1113)10 Kennecott Copper Corp...
...These charts are:"Non-Profit Institutions Listed Among the 500 Leading Military Contractors" (11,3)6-8...
...111,3)9 Galan, Luis Carlos (11,2)7 Garcia Godoy, Hector (1,2)3 General Instrument Corp...
...111.3)7 Amaru...
...111,3)8 Birmingham, Stephen, Our Crowd: Great Jewish Families in N. Y. (1,10)9 Black, Eugene (1,9)13 Blatchford, Joseph (111,7)5 Blanco, Hugo (111,6)2,13-14 Bolivia (1.6)4-5...
...111,4)17-18 Torres, Camilo, Obras Escogidas (11,1)9 Tower International, Inc...
...111,3)8 Belaunde Terry, Iernando (111,5)7-8...
...Henr (11.10)100.1 I Holland, Kenneth 11.9)15: (111.3)14.16 Homestake Mining Co...
...111,1)3,7-10 Patino Mr...
...111,3)8 Cultural Congress of Havana, 1968 (1,10)6 Cyprus Mining Corp...
...NIC) (11.9)5-11 NatJiolnl Catlolic Rclorler (11.1)9 National City Bank of Cleveland (11,4)3-4 National Federation of the Private Sector for Comllnlnity Development (IFEPRANAL) (Colombia) (1,6)6 National Lead Co...
...111,7)16 Linowitz, Sol M. (1,9)15 Litton Industries, Inc...
...111,3)9 Falcao, Fernando R. (111,5)12 Farland, Joseph (111,1)12 Federation of American Scientists (1,8)5 Ferre, Luis A. (111,4)10 Ferrer, Dr...
...A.A., Jr...
...111.3)9 Hebrew University 11.7)7...
...11,3)2 B & H Co...
...111,4)13 Royal Bank of Canada (111,6)15 Rubicon Foundation (1,9)1,14 Ryan, Hewson A. (111,7)12 St...
...111,2)10-11 Model, Leo (11,3)1-3...
...Charles M. (.9)14 13 Eureka Williams Co...
...Antenor (111,4)17,18 Peace Corps (1,2)4...
...111,3)9 Eaton, Cyrus S., Jr...
...111,4)2,4,10 McClellan, Andrew (111,3)17 McCloy, John J. (11,7)7 McCone, John (1,9)13 McDonnel Douglas Aircraft Co.-(III,4)13 McGregor Fund (1,9)15 McKinley, William (11,7)1-2 Meany, George (1,7)8 Medico Industries, Inc...
...111,7)12 Travel Re-strictions (1,1)6-7...
...see Cerro Corp...
...Andrew (111,7)16 Gordon, Lincoln (1,7)8 Gotaas, Harold (111,3)14,16 Zoulart, Joao (11,3)1-2 3ould, Samuel B. (111,3)16 Grace, W.R...
...111,7)12 Koehler and Sons (111,3)10 Kolko...
...Commercial Banks and 77eir Trust Activities: lEmerging Influence on the American conon (11,6)14-17 Committee of Returned Volunteers (CRV) (111,7)6-7 Companhia Auxiliar de mpresas de Mineracao (CAEMI) (Brazil) (11,3)3-4 Companhia Minera de Alumino (Brazil) (11,4)4 Companhia de Mineracao Novalimense (Brazil) (11,3)3-4 Compton Advertising (111,4)2,5,10 Consolidation Coal Co...
...111,4)3-4,10 Warner, Rawleigh, Jr...
...111,5)3-6 Foreign Service-U.S...
...World University Service World Wide Broadcasting System Ccrro Corp...
...Cessna Aircraft Co...
...111,6)16-23 Non-Profit Institutions (1967) (UMC) (11,3)6-8 Project Themis (111,1)15 Military Interventions-U.S...
...Peru) (111,6)5-6,14 Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (MNR) (Bolivia) (11,10)10 Movimiento Pro-lndependencia (MPI) (Puerto Rico) (1,3)5 Mrak, Emil (111,3)14,17 Muller, Herbert (111,5)12 Multinational Corporations (11,7)12-15 (111,4)3 Muncie Gear Works, Inc...
...1,8)1 Minas Gerais Iron Ore (Brazil) (11,3)1-5 Mineracoes Brasileiras Reunidas (MBR) (Brazil) (11,3)3-4 Minas Gerais Iron Ore (Brazil) (11,3)1-5 Mineracoes Brasileiras Reunidas (MBR) (Brazil) (11,3)3-4 Mineracao Morro Velho S.A...
...111,6)8,15 Chase International Investment Corp...
...111,3)11 National Liberation Army (LLN) (Colombia) (1 .4)3 National Security Act (1947) (11,1)7 National Steel Corp...
...and Research Corp...
...Esteban A. (111,5)11 Fiero, Charles (111,2)16 Filters, Inc...
...111,3)7 Alliance for Progress (See also Agency for International Development), (1,1)4...
...Industries, Inc...
...111,3)11 Murden, Forest D., Jr...
...11,4)3 Pennsylvania State University (111,4)14 Peralta Azurdia, Col...
...Country Team...
...To Katanga and Back (1,4)4 Odria, (;cncral (1111.6)2.14 Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs tCIAA) 11,.9)3: (11.1)7...
...111,3)9 Eastern Tool and Mfg...
...Jova, Joseph John (111,7)13 Kaiser, Edgar F. (1.7)8 Kaiser...
...Crescent Precision Products, Inc...
...of State...
...Lack issues of the Newsletter are available on a limited basis at the following cost: Columns I and II: $10 a volume or $1 an issue...
...1,4)7-8 Asia Foundation (1.9)14...
...Project Themis Grants for 1969" (111,1)15...
...111,7)5,6-7,8,9 Pearson, N.W...
...see also the following organizations which reportedly received or passed CIA funds and/or have other CIA connections: Aaron i. Norman Fund...
...111,5)11-13 Council on Foreign Relations (111,2)25...
...111,4)5 Kerr, Clark (1,9)7-9 King, Spencer M. (111.7)12 Kingsbury, Frederick H. (11,8)9 Kirk, Grayson (1,9)14 Kisco Co., Inc...
...111.6)15 Hlercules, Inc...
...111,3)9 Empresa Petrolifcra Fiscal (EPF) (Pcru) (11,10l 1 Inglehard...
...1,4)1 HRB Singer, Inc...
...1,10)9 (11,1)7...
...111,6)2, 4-5.8-9.14 Bejar, Hector (111,6)13,15 Belcher, Taylor G. (111,7)13 Bell...
...Urban (111,5)18 Country Team U.S...
...111,3)9 Eisenhower, Dwight D. (11,7)3,6-7 Ejercito Nacional de Liberacion (ELN) (Colombia) (111,6)5,14 Ekholm, Dr...
...11,7)714 l.jniumai...
...111,3)10 Lundberg, Ferdinand, The Rich and the Super Rich (11,3)9 MacLeish, Archibald (1,7)8 MacLdish, William (1,7)8 Magalhaes Pinto, Jose (11,3)2 Malaysia DoD contracts (111,6)21 Mann, Thomas C. (1,7)8 Marcus, Edward S. (11,8)11 Marks, Leonard (111,4)7 Marquardt Corp...
...111,6)10,14-15 Ccrro de Pasco Corp...
...111,4)2,5,10 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co...
...1,10)7 Chrysler Corp...
...111,3)7 Aluminum Co...
...111,3)5... Bund between Florman and Foley...
...Smith Co., are also indexed under the first full word, Smith...
...111,3)12 Time, Inc...
...111,4)14 Programming for Utilization of Resources, Inc...
...111,3)7 ACI' Industries, Inc...
...Ill, 6)8,11,15 Florman, Irving (11,10)10,12 FMC Corp...
...111,4)14 Operation Bootstrap (1,3)4 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (11,2)8 Organization of American States (OAS) (1,8)3...
...111.,3)8 Anaconda Co...
...111,3)11 Meloy, Francis E., Jr...
...111,3)13 Republic Corp...
...111,7)1 Dol) contracts 111il6)17 Breed Corp...
...11, 1967 (1,1)1...
...HIenry J. 111,3)4Labor Chile (111,1)3 Mexico (Including braceros)(l,3)1-2...
...ABC) (11.9)3-11 American llcctric, Inc...
...111,6)15 Van Buskirk, A.B...
...1,10)8-9 United Kingdom Dod contracts (111,6)22 England (111,6)23 Ireland (111,6)23 Scotland (111,6)23 Wales (111,6)23 United Nations (UN) (111,1)14 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (11,2)6-8 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (111,1)14 United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners (USLA) (1,2)7 United States Information Agency (USIA) (1,9)34...
...111,3)8 Ceylon DoD contracts (111,6)18 Chamberlain Mfg...
...111,4)14 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (111,4)14 University of Hawaii (111,4)15 University of Illinois (111,4)13-14 University of Kansas (111,4)14 University of Maryland (111,4)13-14 University of Michigan (1,8)5 University of Minnesota (1,8)5 University of Missouri (111,4)13 University of Pennsylvania (1,8)5...
...111,7)4 Viet Report (1,10)5 iVirgin Islands (111,2)8Vision/Visao (111,4)8 Wages Puerto Rico (1,5)3 J. Walter Thompson (11,9)4-5...
...111 6)12.15 Israel Dol) contractsI 111.t)19 Israel Discount Bank 1111,6)15 Italy DoD contracts 1111,6)20 Jalee...
...11,7)4,11 Drug Addiction Puerto Rico (1,5)2-3 Duggan, Stephen P., Jr...
...Utilcrsitl Cenlcrs of (-orcim'lW A/: fairs Raecal( ih...
...111,4)13-14 University of Pittsburgh (1,8)6...
...11I, 3)7 Advertising Latin America (111,4)1-11 Top 100 Network TV Advertisers (111,4)6 Top Ten U.S...
...111,3)13 Belgium DoD contracts (111,6)16 Berle...
...of Canada 111,4)4 Irin...
...111,3)10 Marusi, Augustine R. (111,3)17 Mason and Hanger -Silas Mason Co...
...111,7)13 Organization of American States Association (11,8)16 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (1,3)6 Pace, Frank, Jr...
...1,6)2: (1.7)6-7...
...111,3)8,10 Bayfield Industries (111,3)13 Bechtel, Stephen D. (1,9)13 Beebe, George H. (111,3)15,16 Beech Aircraft Corp...
...Henry J. 111,2)2.4 Kaiser Corporations and Industrial Comple, (11.,2)1-5: (111.6)10 Kalama/oo College 111.4)14 kampmann, I i, I lora (Cameron (111.3 11 7 Kanarr Corp...
...111.3)9 Ilaya de la forrc...
...111,3)11 Rice University (111,4)14 Ridgeway, James, The Closed Corporation-American Universities in Crisis (11,6)14 Riland, Kenneth W. (111,3)17 Riverside Research Institute (1,8)6 Rockefeller, David (1,7)8...
...111.4)14 Heiskell...
...1,3)5, (1,6)4-5...
...David E. (1,9)13 Bell, John 0. (,1)3 Ben Barka (Affair) (1,3)9 Bendix Corp...
...Brazil (11,1)4-6 Agrarian Reform Chile (11,10)2-3 Colombia (111,3)2 Peru (111,6)4,10,1 2,14 Agribusiness (1,1)7...
...111,3)13 Stinson Family (11,4)6 Sulphur (1,4)7-8 Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs (1,7)8 Superior Steel Ball Co...
...111.6)8,15 Chicago Board of Trade (1,8)2 Chile (11,6)12...
...1789-1945) (II, 5)14-17 Military Strategy U.S...
...Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board...
...Harriman and Co...
...111,3)10 Hoover...
...6. The number after the parenthesis (5), is the page number...
...see Standard Oil (N.J...
...11,2) 1-5...
...Asia Foundation...
...of America (ALCOA) (11,4)4...
...111,4)16 Bulova Watch Corp...
...11,4)5-6 Banking (11,6)14-17...
...111,2)21-24 Rockefeller, Laurance (111,2)1-3,8 Rockefeller, Nelson A. (1,9)3...
...1,4)5 Tree, Mrs...
...oluime I[: numbers 1-4 -- $1 each...
...Ramlnpart.(11.2 1 9 Hughes Aircraft Co...
...1,4)5 Sayre, Robert M. (111,7)13 Scholastic Magazine (111,4)9,11 Scovill Mfg...
...111,3)12 Supreme Products Corp...
...the UMC has an index of its own...
...The Pillage of the Third 'tori.d t11.11)9 Jamaica (111,7)12 DoD contracts (111,6120 Japan I)oD contracts 1111,6)20 John Wood Co...
...Venceremos: The Speeches and Writings of Che Guevara (11,3)9 Ghana DoD contracts (111,6)19 Gibbs Mfg...
...and Co...
...1,8)1 Center for Applied Linguistics (111,4)14 Center for Higher Military Studies (CAEM) (Peru) (111,5)10 Center for Inter-American Relations (CIR or CIAR) (1,7)7-9...
...John N. II 1111.1)12...
...For further information on the military and the DoD, see the UMC, available from NACLA for $1 plus 25c postage...
...However, there is a system of cross-referencing...
...111,3)13 General Services Administration (GSA) (11,7)7 General Time Corp...
...SDC) (111,4)15 Taft, Robert A. (11,7)2-3 Taiwan DoD contracts (111,6)22 Tariffs Puerto Rico (1,5)8-9 Television Latin America (II,9)1-11...
...111,3)11 Military--Latin American countries Chile (111,1)4 Peru (111,5)1-10...
...111,3)10 Knox, Clinton EI...
...1,1)5 Transitron Electronic Corp...
...Army School of the Americas) (11,6)3-4 Fort Sherman (U.S...
...111,7)11 Melpar, Inc...
...If no author was given, the article is listed under the name of the publication...
...111.3)12 Adair, Charles W. (111.7)13 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) (11,6)7 Adventure Line Mfg...
...1111,3)10 lumnan Sciences Research, Inc...
...111,1)13 United States Steel Corp...
...2 Massacre (11,5)8-9 Meyer, Charles Appleton (111,1)12 Michigan State University (MSU) (1,9)10-13 Microcom Corp...
...111,3)12 White, John R. (1,7)8 Whittaker Corp...
...111,6)1-15 Puerto Rico (1,3)3-4...
...111,7)12 Boys Clubs of America (11,8)8 Bradcn Copper Co...
...11,8)1-2 Stewart-Warner Corp...
...111,3)13 Bowdler, William G...
...111,2)26 Panama (11,5)7...
...111,3)10,13 11oover Ball and Bearing Co...
...111,7)13 Panama Canal Zone (116)3-4 Pan American Broadcasting (11,9)5,10 Paraguay (111,7)13 Partido Accion Popular (PAP) (Peru) (111.5 R: (111,6)2,4,8 Partido Democratica Cristiano (PDC) (Chile) (11,10)1-2...
...11.7)6-7 Horowitz, Irving Louis ed...
...Tupac 111,6)10 Amazon D)cvelopmeot (1.8)7-9 American Broadcasting Co...
...111,3)13 Lewis, William Bennett (111,4)1-2 Libby, McNeill and Libby (1,3)1 Lieuwen, Edwin, The United States and the Challenge to Security in Latin America (1,6)2 Lightner, Edwin, Jr...
...1.,7)9 Murphy, Robert D. (1,9)15 Museum of Modern Art (111,3)14-15,18 Museum of Primitive Art (111,3)14-15 Mutual Security Act of 1951 (11,6)1 Napalm (111,2)13 Nash-Hammond, Inc...
...111,3)8 "Charter of Algiers" (11,2)7 Chas...
...111,6)10,15 Spain DoD contracts (111,6)22 Special Forces (Green Berets) (111,1)13 Eighth Special Forces (11,6)4 Special Operations Group (111,2)27 Special Operations Research Office (SORO) see also Center for Research on Social Systems (11,6)7 Sperry Rand Corp...
...ITT) (11.9)3: (111,6)15 Intra-uterine device (IUD) (11,1)2 Iran Dol) contracts (111.6)19 Ireland I amil) (11,4)6 Iron Ore Co...
...111, 7)14-15 Wharton, Clifton, Jr...
...Institute for Comparative Study of Political Systems...
...111.3)10 Kellogg foundation (1,9)9 Kelsey Hayes Co...
...Oveta Culp (1.9)15 Holland...
...111.3)13 Intercultural (enter of Documentation (CIDOC) (Mei co) (11...
...111,3)8 Bache Tool and Die Co...
...111,6)15 International Telephone and Telegraph Corp...
...111,6)15 Ramirez Beltran, Luis (1,8)3-4 Rand Corp...
...II, 2)3 Chile (11,10)1-9 Colombia (111,3)1-4 Peru (111,6)34, 8 Alsco Corp...
...The second number within the parenthesis (6) indicates the issue number, No...
...111,7)11 DoD contracts (111,6)16 Arguedas...
...11,6)7 Australia DoD contracts (111.6)16 Austria DoD contracts (111,6)16 Automatic Sprinkler Corp...
...In citing references, the following system was used: in a reference such as (III,6)5, the Roman numeral III within the parenthesis indicates Volume III...
...111,4)7 Texaco Inc...
...111,7)12 Guerilla Movements Colombia (1,4)3 Peru (111,6)5-6,14 Guevara, Ernesto Che (11,9)11-16...
...Government departments, such as the Department of State, are indexed as State, Department of...
...11,1)8 Yale University (111,4)15 Ydigoras Fuentes, Miguel (1,1)3-4 Ylitalo, John R. (111,7)13 Young and Rubicam (11,9)4-5...
...111.3)7 Action Mfg...
...111,6)8 Church, Sen...
...111,2)13 Military Assistance Program (MAP) (1,8)1...
...i Books reviewed in the Newsletter are indexed by author...
...IPC) (111,2)12-13...
...1,9)1,14: 111,3)16 National Union Electric Co...
...An Inventory of Government-Sponsored Foreign Affairs Research" (11,5)10-17...
...Public Works and Occupational Training Centers (COPTO) (11,1)5-6...
...111,5)1-10;(111,6)1-15;(111,7)13 DoD contracts (II,6)21 Petras, James and Maurice Zeitlin, Latin America Reform or Revolution (1,10)9 Petroleos Mexicanos (Pamex) (1,3)6 Phelps Dodge Corp...
...RAC) (111,4)15 Reynolds, Clark (111,3)17 Reynolds Metal Co...
...Marxist Strategy in Latin America", New Left Review (1,10)9Defense...
...111,3)8 American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) (111.l )3,4 American Institute for Free Labor Developmenrt (AIFLD) (1,1)6...
...III, 3)14-18 Rockefeller, Winthrop (111,2)1-3 Rogers, William D. (1,7)8 Romauldi, Serafino, Presidents and Peons (11,1)9 Roosa, Robert V. (11,8)4-5 Rostow, Eugene V. (1,8)3Rowland and Co...
...111.3 )9 Ilayes International Corp...
...Brazil) (11,3)3-4 Minimax Stores (Argentina) (111,4)10 Missionaries Ecuador (11,8)15 Mobile Oil Corp...
...Multinational Corporations Advertising in Latin America (111,4)3 Aerojet-General Corp...
...111,3)13 Universities-U.S...
...1,7) 8-9...
...Dodge Foundation...
...111,4)16 Poloran Products, Inc...
...1,4)9-10 Puerto Rico Teach-in (1,4)10...
...Brown Brothers Harrniman and Co...
...Indiana) (111,2)10-11 Standard Oil Co...
...David (111.3)16 Bronk, Dr...
...111,3)13 Metropolitan Museum of Art (111,3)14-15,17 Mexican Student Rebellion (1968) (11,5)1-9 Mexico (1,3)6...
...Enrique (1,1)3 Perkins, James A. (1,7)8 Peru (1,9)10...
...11,4)4 Western Washington State College (111,4)13 West Germany (111,3)4,6 DoD contracts (111,6)18-19 18 Westinghouse Electric Corp...
...11, 6)1-2 Military Bases and Installations--U.S...
...Antonio (111.1)4 Armas, Col... Latin America (III, 3)4,6 Aircraft (1,1)9...
...1,10)7, 8-9 Agricultural Development Council (ADC) (111, 3) 14, 18 Agriculture Chile (11,10) 2-3 Peru (111,5)4 Airport Machining Corp...
...1,1)5 ECOPETROL (Colombia) (1,3)5 Ecuador (1,3)5...
...111,4)13 Sta-Rite Ginnie Lou, Inc...
...11,7)1-8 Hanna, Marcus Alonzo (11,4)1: (11,7)1-2 Hanna, M.A...
...111,3)11 Philippines DoD contracts (111,6)21 Phillips Brothers (111,6)15 Planned Parenthood Federation (11,1)2-3 Planning Research Corp...
...111,6)15 D'Arcy Advertising (II1,4)5 Davis, Nathaniel (111,7)12 Dawson, Donald (11,10)10,12 Day and Zimmerman, Inc...
...111,6)8,10,15 Grant Advertising (111,4)2,4 Grant, Will C. (111,4)2 Great Lakes Steel of Detroit (11,4)2 Greece DoD contracts (111,6)19 Green Giant Co...
...Articles from other publications reviewed in the Newsletter are also indexed under the author's name...
...1,5)5 American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA), (Peru) (111,5)4-5,7-10...
...of (DoD) Department of Defense Information Analysis Centers (DoDIAC) (1,10)3 Federal Contract Research Centers (FCRC) (1.10)3 International Logistic Negotiations Office (ILN) (111,3)4,6 Delgado, Julian, "Industria, El Desafo a la Argentina", Primera Plana (11,6)13 Deltec Peruana (111,6)8 Denmark DoD contracts (111,6)18 De Roulet, Vincent (111,7)12 d'Harnoncourt Rene (1,7)8 Diamond Ball (1,9) 16 Dillon, C. Douglas (1,9)14 Dodge Foundation (1,9)15 Domhoff, G. William, Who Rules America (1,10)9 Dominican Republic (1,1)4...
...111,3)7, 12-13 Acronca, Inc...
...111,3)11 North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) Conference, F:cb...
...The Rise and Fall of Project Camelot (1,7)6-7 Houghton...
...111,3)13 Exploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras Izabal (Guatemala) (11,4)4 Export-Import Bank (111,3)5 Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp...
...1 16 International Basic Economy Corp...
...Thomas (111.3)15,17 Howard...
...1)13 (III.4)9,11 "Diary of Che Guevara" (11,3)9 Gulf Oil Corp...
...of America (RCA) (11,9)6 Ralston Purina Co...
...Arthur A., Jr...
...Carlos (11,3)2 Land Grant College (1.,9)12-13 Langley Porter Institute (111,4)14 Lansdowne Steel and Iron Co...
...Sources of lx\port Ilinancing"' il,6)13 International Development Advisory Board (111,2)6 International l)cvelopment I oundation (IDF) (111,1)3 International I executive Service Corps (IESC) (111,2)26-27 International Monetary Fund (IMF) (111,1)2 International Nickel Co...
...of Texas (111,3)8,12 American Metals Climax, Inc...
...111,3)11 Middle Sectors Peru (111,5)4,7 Miller, Dr...
...11,9)5,9,11 Tin Bolivia (1,6)4...
...11,6)9-12 Military Supplies U.S...
...111,5)4 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) (111,3)12 17 Stanford University (1,8)5-6...
...111.4)13 Ilinphire . (.eorge M. 11.4)2-3.6: (11.,7)1-3.6 Ircland Dol) contracts (111.6)19 Imperiablisl I S. 11.2)5: 11.,5)1-1() Rcv.'art I Apparalus 1.10)4 India DoD contracts (111.6)19 Indonesia DoD contracts (111,6)19 Industria e Comercio de Minerios S.A...
...A subject such as Agrarian Reform has subheadings for Chile, Colombia and Peru...
...Pfizer and Co...
...111,3)11 Norway Dot) contracts (111,6)21 O'Brien, Conor Cruise...
...111, 2)12,13...
...111,3)8 Bunche, Ralph J. (1,9)14 Bundy...
...11.10)7,10 Braden, William (11,10)10-11 Brazil (1,1)5-6:(1,3)9...
...1,5)5-6 Cornell Aeronautical Lab (1,8)6 Cornell University (1,8)6 Cortina, Humberto (111,5)12 Costa Rica DoD contracts (111,6)18 Cost of Living Puerto Rico (1,5)34 Council for Latin America (CLA) (1,6)7...
...111,3) 7 Agency for International Development (AID) (See also Alliance for Progress), (1,8)5...
...11,4)4 Whirlpool Corp...
...111,4)2-3,5 Norman, Norman B. (111,4)3 Norris Industries, Inc...
...I rederick I . (111,3)17 Howard University (111.4)14 Hudson Institute 1I,8)7-9...
...alter l)eSelles...
...111,2)1-2 Rockefeller, John D., 111 (111,2)2-3 Rockefeller Foundation (1,9)9-10...
...111,3)9 Debray, Regis, "Latin America, The Long March ", New Left Reriew (1,4)4...
...111,6)8 Foreign Affairs Research (FAR) (UMC) (11,6)8 Foreign Debt Colombia (111,3)14 Peru (111,6)6,8,12 Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1,9)15 Foreign Investment (111,5)2 U.S...
...Advertising Agencies in International Billings (111,4)2 U.S...
...111,3)12 American Manufacturing Co...
...111,3)13 Susquehanna Corp...
...11,4)2-7 Continental Oil Co...
...11,10)10 Gulf Sulphur Co...
...Department of Defense (DoD) contracts relevant to those countries...
...New Jersey) (1,3)6...
...1,9)14 Dungan, Ralph (111,1)5 E.I...
...111,4)14 New Zealand DoD contracts (111,6)21 Nicaragua (11,8)3...
...PURI) (11,4)8 Project Agile (1,7)7 Project Camelot (1,7)6-7...
...111,3)11 Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR...
...111,3)9 Foley, Paul (111,4)2 Food for Peace Program (111,3)5 Foote, Cone and Belding (11,9)4-5...
...111,3)10 Martin Marietta Corp...
...111,6)15 Bush, Prescott S. (11,8)5 Butler...
...111, 2)8 Quadros, Janio (11,3)2 Radio Corp...
...111,7)1,9-13 see also Dept...
...DuPont de Nemours Co...
...111,3)11 Screen Gems Inc., (11,9)5,10 Searle, Leroy S. (111,3)17 Selden Resolution (1,7)1-5 Selser, Gregorio, Espionaje en America Latina: El Pentagono y las tecnicas sociologicas (1,10)4-5 Service of Investigations and Promotion of Agriculture (SIPA) (1,9)10 Sessions, Edson O. (111,7)12 Sharif, Omar (11,10)11-16 Shaw, Eric W. (111,5)12 Simulmatics Corp...
...111,1)2-3 Ford Motor Co...
...111,3) 14,16-18 American Machine and Foundry Co...
...1,4)8-10 Peru (11,10)11,13,14 (111,5)4 Venezuela (111,2)13-15 Olympic Gaines (1968) (11,5)2-3 Operations and Policy Research, Inc...
...11,9)5,10 Woods, George D. (111,2)26...
...111,7)10 Norman, Craig and Kummel (11,9)4-5...
...111,5)14: (111,6)4.7-9,12-14 International Police Academy (11,6)6 International Proteins of N.Y...
...William (111,3)15-16 Buxmont Ordnance (111,3)13 Camara, Archbishop Dom Helder (1,1)2 Campaign Contributions Republican Party (II, 7)4-5 Canada DoD contracts (111,6)17 Cannon, James M. (111,3)15-16 Caribbean Networks, Inc...
...111,3)10: 1111,4)16 Institute of Inter-American Affairs (111.2)4 Institute of International Education (Il) (1.9) entire issue: (111,3)16 Inter-American defensee Board (IADB) (11,6)6.9 Inter-American D)cfense College (IADC) (11.6)6 Inter-American Defense I orce (1.1 )5-6 Inter-American Publications (11,9)5,10 Intercontinental Nlfg...
...111,2)4-5 Office of I \tcrnal Rescearch...
...111,3)14,18 Wheeler, Monroe (111,3)14-15,18) Wheeling Steel Corp...
...11,7)8-15 Prado, Manuel 1. (111,2)12 Preston and Associates (111,4)14 Princeton University (1,8)6...
...111,7)12 DoD contracts (111,6)18 Education Chile (11,10)3-4 Colombia (111,3)3 Egypt DoD contracts (111,6)18 Eisen Bros...
...111,4)10 FTS Corp...
...111.4)12 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (1,1)34...
...Rubicon Foundation...
...11,4)7 Copper Chile (11,10)6-8 Peru (111.5)3...
...1,4)5 Lodge, John David (111,7)11 Love, George (11,4)3,5-7 Lovett, Robert Abercombie (11,8)4-5 L.T...
...Il, I )11-12...
...11.3) 1-5...
...Executive Group for the Rationalization of the Northeastern Sugar AgroIndustry (GERAN) (11,1 )5-6...
...111,3)9 Hanna Industrial Complex (11,3)1-5...
...111,7)13 Mexico City Oct...
...11,4)4 Republican Party (11,7)1-7 Research Analysis Corp...
...111,4)15-16 Raytheon Co...
...111,3)9 Finland DoD contracts (III,6)18 First National City Bank, N.Y...
...111,5)18 Bidwell, Percy W., Raw Materials: A Study 0f American Policy (1,4)4 Birma Products Corp...
...111,7)4,7,8,9 United States Army Forces Southern Command (CINCSOUTH) (11,6)34...
...111,3)11 Republic Steel Corp...
...11,10)7 Kennedy Administration (111.6)3.4 Guatemala (1,1 )34 Kenya DoD contracts (111,6)20 Kenyon and Fckhardt (11,9)4-5...
...McGregor Fund...
...of Office of Foreign Direct Investments (O1 1)1DI) (111,2)16 Colnittee on Banking and Finance of House of Representatives...
...11,4)5 Uruguay (111,7)13 DoD contract (111,6)23 Utah Construction and Mining Co...
...111,3)16 France DoD contracts (111,6)18 Frank, Andre Gunder (1,2)2...
...11,8)16 Bermuda DoD contracts (111,6)17 Bertolone, Orlando (111,5)12 Bethlehem Steel Corp...
...of (11,5)10-17 see also Agency for International Development and Alliance for Progresss Division of Cultural Relations (1,9)3 Military Assistance Program (MAP) (II, 6)1-2...
...11,4)4 Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (Brazil) (1,9)11 Sarkes Tarzian, Inc...
...111,7)5 Amron Corp...
...1,8)6 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1,1 )6...
...111,3)8.13 Commerce...
...I Direc(tor ( 11.6 )8 Olfic of Ilnlcr-Amlrican Affailirs (OlA) (111.3)14.1 6h.1 8 16 Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (11,1)7 Oglesby, Carl and Richard Shaull, Containment and Change (1,2)5 Ohio State University (111,4)14 Oil (1,3)6-7 Bolivia (1,6)4-5...
...111,2)10- 1 Standard Oil Co...
...Carlos Castillo (1,1)34 Armco Steel Corp...
...11,4)3 Vaughn, Jack Hood (111,7)11 Velasco, Juan (111,6)10,12-13,15 Venezuela (111,2)8,13-15,27 Victor Comptometer Corp...
...111,3)13 Population Control (11,1)1-4 Population Council 01,1)3 Porter, General Robert, Jr...
...111,3)4,6 Northrop Corp...
...Victor Raul (111.514.7-8.10: (111,62.14 liayes-Albion Corp...
...111,3)15,17 Powers, John J., Jr...
...Companies with a full first name, such as John Wood Co., are indexed by the first full word, i.e., under John...
...1946-69) (111,5)17 Naval Strategy U.S...
...National Student Association...
...111,3)7 Aaron E. Norman Fund (1,9)15 ABG Instrument and Engineering (111,3)7 A.C...
...tries (11,10)14-15 El Salvador (111,7)12 El Tiempo (New York) (1;8)4 Emerson Electric Co...
...Alan (111,3)17 Miller, James R. (1,1)4 Miller Research Corp...
...111,6)15 Philco-Ford Corp...
...Chile (111,1)2-5...
...111,3)11.13 National War College (111,7)16 Naval Activity U.S...
...11I, 3)14-18 Rockefeller, John D., Sr...
...111,6)15 New York University (1,8)5...
...111,3)12 Sweden DoD contracts -(III,6)22 Switzerland DoD contracts (111,6)22 Symington, John Fife (111,7)13 Systems Development Corp...
...11,9)5,10 Batesville Mfg...
...111,3)13 Crockett, Kennedy McCampbell (111,7)13 Cuba (11,1)9...
...11,6)8,12,14 Classified Research (1,8)5-6 University of California, Berkeley (11,6)12...
...111,3)8 Balaguer, Joaquin (1,3)2-3 Ball, George W. (11,2)8 Banco Continental (111,6)15 Banco Credito (111,6)15 Banco Internacional (111,6)15 Banco del Prugreso (111,6)lS Bank of America (111,6)15 Bank of London (111,6)15 Bank of Tokyo (111,6)15 Bankers Trust Co...
...111,6) 2-5,8,13-14 American Red Cross (H.8)8 American Smelting and Refining Co...
...Ronald A. (1,9)14 Tri-Continental Conference (1966) (1,3)9 Trinidad-Tobago (111,7)13 Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas (1,8)4 Tufts University (111,4)14 Unemployment Puerto' Rico (1,5)2 Union Theological Seminary (11,8)8 United Aerotest Labs, Inc...
...111,4)5 Le Tourneau, R.G., Inc...
...11.8)1-10 Brown, lames (11.8)1-5,8 Brown, William (11.8)2 Browne and Shaw Research Corp...
...111.4)6 Hill and Knowlton...
...111,7)1-5, 7,8-13 Creole Foundation (111,2)27 Creole Petroleum Corp...
...1,4)6 KIll Precision Products, Inc...
...111,3)15,18 Woolley, Knight (11,8)5 World Outlook (1.3)2 World niecisity Service (1,9)15 World Wide roadcasting System (1,2)7 Wurlitzer Co...
...111,3)10 Lang, William E. (1,1)9 Larmon, Sigurd S. (111,4)2 Lasko Metal Products, Inc...
...11,4)4 Zenith Radio Corp...
...The index covers the first 27 issues of the Newsletter (through November, 1969...
...111,3)9 Fulbright Scholarship Program (1,9)4-5 Fusion Rubbermnnaid Corp...
...11,4)2-5,7 National Student Association (NSA) (1,2)7...
...111,3)16-17 Center of Intercultural Formation (CIF) (Mexico) (11,1)6 Center for Research on Social Systems (CRI-SS) (1,4)1-2...
...John A., Partners in Banking An Historical Portrait of a Great Pate Bank...
...Companies whose names are composed of initials, such as FMC Corp., are indexed alphabetically: 1C Corp...
...ICOMI) I Brazil) (11,3)3.4 Inflation Chile (11,10)8 Institute of Advanced Projects of the East-West Center in Honolult and the International Programs Office of Michigan State University, International Progrtams of American Unirersities (11,6)8 Institute for Comparative Study of Political Systems (ICOPS) (11,10)14 Institute for Defense Analyses tlDA) (1,8)6...
...111,3)9 Georgetown Research Project (11,6)7 Gerassi, John (ed...
...John D'el Rey Mining Co., Ltd...
...111.6)15 Honduras (111,7)1 2 Honeywell, Inc...
...JThe following rules of alphabetization has been followed...
...111,3)16-17 American Institutes for Research (111,4)13 American International Association for Ecooonic and Social Development (AIA) (111,2)5, 19-20...
...II1,3)11 Mellon family (11,4)3,15 Mellon National Bank and Trust Co...
...111,3)12 Wyant, Jack E. (111,5)12 Wyckoff, George W. (11,4)3 Yacimientos Petroliferos FIiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) (1,6)4-5...
...111,6)1,5,10,12 Somoza, Anastasio (1,8)4 Southern Peru Copper Co...
...11,7)8-15 Chase Manhattan Bank (1,1)4...
...111,7)13 Nielsen, A.C...
...111.2)5, 19-20:(111,3)14.16-18 Minima Stores (111,4)10 International Coummierce...
...111,6)8,15 Antunes, Augusto Tranhano do Azevcdo (11,3)4 Arbenz, Col...
...1,9)14 Housing Chile (11,10)4 Colombia (111,3)2 Dominican Republic (1,1)4 Puerto Rico (1,514 Hoving...
...1111,3)13 Johns Hopkins L nBiersity 111,4)1...
...111,3)13 State, Dept...
...1,2) 1-2 As Coalition (Brady Tyson) (1.2)4-5 Research Projects (1,3)8-9...
...111,6)15 American Stock Exchange (1,2)7 Americans for Community Cooperation in Other Nations (ACCION) (111,2)27...
...1,4)8 Hlobby, Mrs...
...Army Jungle Warfare School) (11,6)4 Ramey Air Force Base (11,6)5 Roosevelt Roads (11,6)5 Salinas Training Area (11,6)5 United States Army Tropic Test Center (USATTC) (11,6)4 Vieques (11,6)5 Military Contractors--U.S...
...CIIC) (111,2)17 Chemical Bank New York Trust Co...
...IBEC) (1.1)5...
...Gordon F. (111,3)16 Elbrick, Charles C. (111,7)11 El Comro mrnplumado (11,1)4 Elections Schedule for Latin American Coun...
...11,9)11-16 Latin America (11,9)1-11 Massachusetts Instityte of Technology (MIT) (111,4)15 Matrix Corp...
...Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs...
...of America (111,3)8,12 Automation Puerto Rico (1,5)3 Avco Corp... Latin America (see also Counterinsurgency and Naval Strategy) (1,6)2...
...111,4)13 University of Rochester (111,4)13 University of Southern California (111,4)15 University of Texas (111,4)13 Upper Class Chile (111,1)6 Peru (111,5)3-4,6-7,10 U.S...
...Albrook Air Force Base (11,6)4 Eighth Special Forces (11,6)4 Fort Gulick (U.S...
...and Mrs...
...11,4)4 International Petroleum Co...
...1,4)6 Nixon Administration (111,7)10 Latin American Policy (11,8)16...
...I . Roland (11.X)4-8 Iairliian.i . Aserell (11.84-8 larli...
...Public Safety Program (11,6)6...
...Jacobo (1,1)3 Arevalo, Juan Jose (1,1)3,4 Argentina (1,1)5,9:(11.2)5,6;(11,6)13...
...1,10)7 Grey Advertising (111,4)2,5 Grimes, Francis E. (1,7)8 Guatemala (1,1)3-4...
...see also DoD) Antipersonnel Weapons (111,3)7-12 Demolition Bombs (111,3)12-13 I:oreign Policy Research (111,4)12-16...
...Hobby Foundation...
...111,3)11 Staldcr, C. Norman, How to Read The Financial News (11,2)9 Standard Oil o. (California) (11,4)4...
...11,10)10-12 Colombia (1,3)5...
...Special Operations Group...
...11,8)1-10 Chile (11,10)4-5 Peru (11,10)14 Banking Act-1933 (11,8)10 Barbados (111,7)11 Barrientos, Rene (1,6)4-5 Bartell Media Corp...
...1,9)11, 13...
...111,7)11 I)oD contracts (111,6)18 Choco Development Project (1,8)8-9...
...There are no subheadings listed under countries [with the exception of U.S...
...1,5)10 Conference on Campus Military and Paramilitary Research (1,6)1...
...111,3)9 Golconda Statement (11,8)13-15 Goldenson, Leonard H. (1,7)8 Goldwater, Barry (11,7)2-3,6 Goldwater, Robert (111,3)15-16 Goodpaster, Lt...
...111,4) 2-3,5 Forbes Magazine (1,10)7 Ford Foundation (1,9)13...
...111,3)12 Vietnam (1,1)6: (1,2)7...
...Maurice T. (1,9)14 Moos, Malcolm (1,8)5 Moscoso, Theodoro (1,1)3 Motorola, Inc...
...Dcltev W. (111,3)16 Brown Bros...
...Gabriel (1.8)5 Kollsman Instrument Corp...
...111,3)12 United Fruit Co...
...11,8)15 Thailand Dod contracts (111,6)22 Thiokol Chemical Corp...
...11,4)4 Moore Family (11,4)6 Moore, George S. (1,7)8 Moore, Mrs...
...111,2)1-3,15-I 8,25,26 Rockefeller Empire (11,4)5...
...11.4)6 Ilughes ool ('o...
...111,3)13 Latin America (11,3)5 Latin American Common Market (1,6)3,4 Lebanon DoD contracts (111,6)21 Lennen and Newell (11,9)4-5...
...1818-1968 (11,8)1-10 Kuss...
...111,4)16 Hudson, Michael "The Sieve of Gold...
...111,3)9 Falen Research and Development Corp...
...111.3)1(1 Kayser-Roth Corp...
...111,3)12 Smith, David S. (1,7)8 Sociedad Nacional Agraria (SNA) (Peru) (111,5)6,9-10...
...111,4)13 Siracusa, Ernest V. (111,7)11 Skagit Corp...
...There are a small number of exceptions to this rule, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), where every reference is included...
...111,1)4 Puerto Rico (1,3)2-5...
...1,8)2 Netherlands DoD contracts (111,6)21 Newmont Mining Co...
...Morris (1,9)14 Haiti (111,7)12 Hamilton Watch Co...
...111,7) 11 DoD contracts (111,6)18 Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) (1,9)9-10 Colorado (1,3)7 Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) (II, 9)5-11 Columbia University (1,8)6 Columbus Milpar Mfg...
...111,1)15 Cullman Metalcraft Inc...
...111,3)11 McBride, Robert H. (111,7)13 McCann-Erickson (11,9)4-5...
...111,3)11 National Academy of Sciences (111,4)13 National Association of the Partners of the Alliance (NAPA) (11,8)11-12National Broadcasting Co...
...o Charts published in the Newsletter but also published in the NACLA pamphlet The University Military Complex (UMC) are not indexed here...
...1,4) 5-6 Puerto Rico (1.,5)1-4 Lacerda...
...111,3)12 Westmoreland, General W.C...

Vol. 3 • December 1969 • No. 8

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