Vol. 32 • September 1998 • No. 2

Newsbriefs 1
Letters 4
Taking Note 5
Puerto Rican Workers Strike Back 6
Reyes, Héctor R.
Walking Through the Nightscapes of Bogotá 10
Dudley, Steven
UNEARTHING MEMORY The Present Struggle Over the Past 15
A Time Forgetting: The Myths of the Chilean Transition 16
Moulian, Tomá
On Patricio Guzmán's Chile Obstinate Memory 21
Godoy-Anativia, Marcial
The Minefields of Memory 23
Jelin, Elizabeth
Truth Commissions: Exhuming the Past 30
Hayner, Priscilla
Guatemala's REMHI Project: Memory From Below 33
Ogle, Kathy
Unsettled Accounts: Militarization and Memory in Postwar Peru 35
Burt, Jo-Marie
Reviews 46

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