ARGENTINA The Enigma of La Tablada

Schneider, Joe

Half a year after guerrillas attacked Half a year after guerrillas attacked thethe La Tablada army barracks on the La Tablada army barracks on the outskirts of Buenosoutskirts of Buenos Aires last...

...NoNo one was run over by a truck...
...Soon,Soon, however, news began to filter however, news began to filter out whichout which raised disturbing questions raised disturbing questions about the official version...
...the military, so as not tonot to investigate reality...
...He had a putschist notion of politics...that 40 people could notion of politics...that 40 people could provoke a popular insurrection...
...And the MTP may wellwell have been correct that a military have been correct that a military uprising was imminent...
...Sixty hours later dozens lay dead...
...Dario FernandezFernandez Maguer, who had refused to Maguer, who had refused to marchmarch against Rico during the Holy against Rico during the Holy WeekWeek uprising...
...But such declarationslarations are indicative of the ongoing are indicative of the ongoing internalinternal struggle between the so-called struggle between the so-called "liberal" and "nationalist" factions "liberal" and "nationalist" factions of the Armed Forces,of the Armed Forces, supposedly placed supposedly placed onon the back burner since their La Tablada the back burner since their La Tablada embrace...
...In the 1970s it was based in the In the 1970s it was based in the universities,universities, now in the villas [poor now in the villas [poor neighborhoods].neighborhoods...
...Jorge Ismael Zamudio took over Jorge Ismael Zamudio took over thethe regiment...
...tween truth and lies...
...Dario its commander, Lt...
...On the side of the security forces: 13 of- On the side of the security forces: 13 officers and NCOs and four draftees dead, ficers and NCOs and four draftees dead, dozens wounded...
...Also arrestedarrested were Communist Party, Move- were Communist Party, Movementment Toward Socialism (MAS) and Toward Socialism (MAS) and LiberationLiberation Party activists...
...Both Prosecutor Raill Plee and Judge Both Prosecutor Radl Plee and Judge Gerardo Larramberere have dropped Gerardo Larramberere have dropped thatthat accusation...
...Gorriaran Merlo is a putschist,"putschist," says ex-ERP militant Car- says ex-ERP militant Car-los Ponce de LeOn, currently a leader of los Ponce de Leon, currently a leader of the PRT.the PRT...
...It rejected constituting itself as a political party and fo- ing itself as a political party and focused exclusivelycused exclusively on grass-roots com- on grass-roots community projects...
...Jos6 Dante Caridi removed its commander, Lt...
...Elements of thements of the leftist All for the Father- leftist All for the Fatherlandland Movement (MTP), who led the Movement (MTP), who led the assault,assault, were convinced they were were convinced they were Joe Schneider is night desk editor at Joe Schneider is night desk editor at thethe Buenos Aires Herald and editor of Buenos Aires Herald and editor of the bimonthly Argentine News...
...TheThe Official Story Official Story Who infiltrated whom may never be Who infiltrated whom may never be known, but most analysts believe the known, but most analysts believe the MTP was spoon-fed...
...In either case, uprising was imminent...
...of the attack...
...Human rights activist munity projects...
...time to come...
...BarryBarry Melbourne Hussey, to confront Melbourne Hussey, to confront thethe "terrorist" threat...
...When I asked where they got ine...
...Defense law- killing the soldier Tadia...
...Mohamed Seineldin toto overthrow Alfonslo...
...At MTP press conferences Miguel...
...were not so kind...
...Juan Saluias...
...Two of whom died immediately...
...Banos even overthrow Alfonsin... ultra-Left groups...
...Gustavo Gonzzilez Sass, could not hold the troops in line Sass, could not hold the troops in line duringduring the Monte Caseros rebellion, Lt...
...Throughout the past year, but especially after Villa past year, but especially after Villa Martelli, that was the only thing they Martelli, that was the only thing they talked about...
...Sendic, leader of the Tupamaros... custody...
...Those documents proved genuine...
...The only dissentersThe only dissenters were the Madres were the Madres dede Ia Plaza de Mayo and, across the la Plaza de Mayo and, across the riverriver in Montevideo, Uruguay, the late in Montevideo, Uruguay, the late RatilRaId Sendic, leader of the Tupamaros...
...That makes it much That makes it much moremore difficult for official intelligence difficult for official intelligence infiltration,"infiltration," the source claimed...
...IntelligenceIntelligence or the Lack of It or the Lack of It OnlyOnly four days of nationwide food four days of nationwide food riots beginningriots beginning on May29 were able to on May 29 were able to displacedisplace La Tablada from the front La Tablada from the front pages...
...Everything has been prepared to condemn us," has been prepared to condemn us," RobertoRoberto Felicetti told La Semana...
...Rico's January 1988 rebellion at Monte Caseros and Col...
...vented," says CELS director Mignone...
...It will continue to haunt the Left of the Southern Cone for a long Left of the Southern Cone for a long time to come...
...Throughout the people against a coup...
...When they say hind bars, disagrees...
...When Maguer's re- uprising...
...His President Ratil Alfonsin...
...A self-styledstyled Popular Resistance Front (FRP), Popular Resistance Front (FRP), supposedlysupposedly linked to the MTP, pub- linked to the MTP, pub-lishedlished two communiques from Mon- two communiques from Mon-tevideo,tevideo, Uruguay, vowing to fight on...
...Under the state-of- at La Tablada...
...Luis Duhalde set the tone of the debate...
...Seineldin at the Villa MartelliMartelli uprising...
...Provenzano warned Mignone that he was on a hit- warned Mignone that he was on a hit-list of 1,000-2.000 people who would list of 1,000-2,000 people who would be murdered the first night...
...Francisco Chief of Staff Gen...
...The court documentsThe court documents also revealed also revealed that the "Hypothesis of Conflict," that the "Hypothesis of Conflict," supposedly found at the MTP hideout supposedly found at the MTP hideout -which-which forms part of the grounds on forms part of the grounds on which the prosecution bases the charge which the prosecution bases the charge of rebellion-was not discovered the of rebellion-was not discovered the day police raided the house andday police raided the house and sealed sealed it, but several daysit, but several days later after the house later after the house had beenhad been broken into and a television broken into and a television was admitted missing...
...He labelled the MTP attack "perverse" He labelled the MTP attack "perverse" andand "incompatible with revolutionary "incompatible with revolutionary ethics,"ethics," the result of a "disdain for the the result of a "disdain for the workingworking class," "messianism" and class," "messianism" and "magic"magic insurrectionalism...
...And the MTP may dence indicates...
...Under the state-of-siegesiege the Armed Forces broadened their the Armed Forces broadened their witch hunt to include the Workers Party witch hunt to include the Workers Party (PO),(P0), whose entire leadership was ar- whose entire leadership was arrested,rested, half while they were meeting half while they were meeting withwith Interior Ministry officials in the Interior Ministry officials in the GovernmentGovernment House to denounce the House to denounce the persecutionpersecution of their organization...
...Reports of heav- Tadfa...
...At a June 2 COSENA meeting, military experts COSENA meeting, military experts reported the existence of three MTP reported the existence of three MTP ruralrural guerrilla camps in Jujuy and an- guerrilla camps in Jujliy and another in Tucuman, center of ERP opera- other in Tucumdn, center of ERP operations 15 years ago...
...MagazineMagazine photos showed Jose DIaz photos showed Jos6 Diaz andand Ivan Ruiz being taken prisoner...
...The military intelligencetelligence services were given a seat on services were given a seat on thethe Council, expressly violating the Council, expressly violating the NationalNational Defense Bill of April 1988 Defense Bill of April 1988 whichwhich prohibits the Armed Forces from prohibits the Armed Forces from domestic intelligence-gathering...
...Bafios even initiated a lawsuit, although he pre- initiated a lawsuit, although he presented no solid evidence...
...view as heroic service to the fatherland...
...He claimed they were plan- and Jujily...
...Ivin Ruiz being taken prisoner...
...The carapin- rights violations...
...According to documentsments released on appeal by the de- released on appeal by the defensefense in the La Tablada trial, seven in the La Tablada trial, seven witnesseswitnesses back up this version: six back up this version: six drafteesdraftees and a sergeant who escaped and a sergeant who escaped fromfrom a burning building together with a burning building together with DiazDIaz and Ruiz...
...Military intelligence may well have infiltrated the MTP, or at least fed have infiltrated the MTP, or at least fed the leadership information to encour- the leadership information to encourageage the attack, as circumstantial evi- the attack, as circumstantial evidence indicates...
...Cutiello the Courage in Combat medal for hero- the Courage in Combat medal for heroismism at La Tablada...
...It rejected constitut- circles...
...The other road was takentaken by the Argentine Armed Forces by the Argentine Armed Forces -unrecognized victors of an unde- -unrecognized victors of an undeclaredclared war, who sought unity among war, who sought unity among their fractioustheir fractious ranks, freedom for those ranks, freedom for those officers jailed for humanofficers jailed for human rights abuses, rights abuses, vindicationvindication for their role in the dirty for their role in the dirty war, and adulation for their continuing war, and adulation for their continuing efforts to fight "communist subver- efforts to fight "communist subversion...
...AlfonsinAlfonsmn moved immediately to moved immediately to createcreate the National Security Council the National Security Council (COSENA),(COSENA), headed by retired Adm...
...sion.,, La TabladaLa Tablada fit each of them like a fit each of them like a glove...
...At MTP press conferences January 12 and 16, Baflos, former ERP January 12 and 16, Bafios, former ERP guerrillas guerrillas (Francisco Provenzano and)Francisco Provenzano and RobertoRoberto Felicetti, and Capuchin Friar Felicetti, and Capuchin Friar AntonioAntonio Puigjane, insisted that, accord- Puigjan6, insisted that, according to their military sources, Menem ing to their military sources, Menem hadhad made a pact with Villa Martelli made a pact with Villa Martelli rebel chieftain Col...
...Military intelligence may well glove...
...AA week later Buenos Aires provin- week later Buenos Aires provincial policecial police intelligence revealed a plot intelligence revealed a plot to create the "Socialist Republic of RIo to create the "Socialist Republic of Rio de Ia Plata...
...Those documents proved genu- ment... a plebiscite last April...
...MTP prisoners claim theythey tried several times to surrender tried several times to surrender andand that some who did were later tor- that some who did were later torturedtured or killed...
...Two more,more, it is suspected, disappeared while it is suspected, disappeared while in custody... murdered the first night...
...OneOne travelled by the MTP, which had travelled by the MTP, which had abandonedabandoned its origins as a pluralist, its origins as a pluralist, democraticdemocratic movement to become a movement to become a vanguardist,vanguardist, verticalist sect intent on verticalist sect intent on achievingachieving recognition as "the only recognition as "the only revolutionaryrevolutionary alternative existing in alternative existing in Argentina today,"Argentina today," as the leaders wrote as the leaders wrote atat the end of 1987...
...AccordingAccording to one military intelli- to one military intelligencegence source interviewed in June, source interviewed in June, "There"There is a 30% probability that the is a 30% probability that the CheChe Guevara Brigade will commence Guevara Brigade will commence actions in the city financial district actions in the city financial district withinwithin the next 7-15 days, including the next 7-15 days, including bombings and/or kidnapping of a bank- bombings and/or kidnapping of a banking or financial figure ing or financial figure...
...On January 17, fugitive MTP leader On January 17, fugitive MTP leader CarlosCarlos Alberto "Quito" Burgos wrote Alberto "Quito" Burgos wrote in PginainPagina//2: "Whatgoodisittogoon 112: "What good is it to go on swearing 'There won't be a coup, there swearing 'There won't be a coup, there can'tcan't be a coup,' in a country that has be a coup,' in a country that has had more than 50 coups in 58 years, had more than 50 coups in 58 years, betweenbetween successful and foiled palace successful and foiled palace coups,coups, rebellions, uprisings, mutinies, rebellions, uprisings, mutinies, insurrections and ultimatums...
...That's why many believe him to be a double agent...
...Likewise, the participation in thethe attack of human rights, trade union attack of human rights, trade union andand liberation theology advocates un- liberation theology advocates unfurledfurled a cloak of suspicion over the a cloak of suspicion over the entireentire Left...
...believe him to be a double agent...
...The bloody attack, with the much- The bloody attack, with the much-publicizedpublicized story of an advance truck story of an advance truck rammingramming the barracks gate and merci- the barracks gate and mercilesslylessly crushing a soldier on guard duty, crushing a soldier on guard duty, sparkedsparked indignation and nausea...
...Curiously,Curiously, the "operational plan" the "operational plan" allegedlyallegedly found on the dead guerrilla found on the dead guerrilla was shown to the presswas shown to the press not at police or not at police or armyarmy headquarters, but at those of headquarters, but at those of Prolatin,Prolatin, a semi-private drug preven- a semi-private drug preventiontion umbrella agency which works umbrella agency which works closely with the Interior Ministry...
...The witch hunt was on...
...Officials claim as 20 under arrest...
...Nineteen MTP and Cuba...
...cess to classified military intelligence...
...In September mongers to huddle in...
...It was Bafios who got ajudge to issue extraditiongot ajudge to issue extradition orders to orders to bringbring Uruguayan officers to Buenos Uruguayan officers to Buenos AiresAires to stand trial for the torture of to stand trial for the torture of UruguayansUruguayans in Argentina-crimes for in Argentina--crimes for whichwhich they had been amnestied in they had been amnestied in Uruguay.Uruguay...
...SeineldIn," the my orders from Col...
...Also of their organization...
...Party activists...
...Officials claim as manymany as 20 escaped...
...No by international accord...
...Reports of heavily-armedily-armed snipers catching police in snipers catching police in cross-fire and sadisticcross-fire and sadistic dismembering of dismembering of fallenfallen soldiers, including La Tablada soldiers, including La Tablada DeputyDeputy Commander Major Horacio Commander Major Horacio FernfndezFernandez Cutiello, kept the nation Cutiello, kept the nation gluedglued to the television...
...Sixty hours later dozens lay dead...
...MTP handed CELS a copy of the con- MTP handed CELS a copy of the concluding documents from the Novem- cluding documents from the Novem-ber 1987 XVII Conference of Ameri- ber 1987 XVII Conference of American Armies held in Mar del can Armies held in Mar del Plata-which lumped all human rights Plata-which lumped all human rights organizations and Left groups into the organizations and Left groups into the "International Communist Move- "International Communist Movement...
...Hussey revealed that military Hussey revealed that military intelligenceintelligence had spotted MTP activity had spotted MTP activity in Tucumin,in Tucuman, Salta, Santiago de Estero Salta, Santiago de Estero and Jujuy...
...150 carapintada called to testify...
...sented no solid evidence...
...Others insurrectionalism...
...Days before the La Tablada attack, Buenos before the La Tablada attack, Buenos Aires was bathed in MTP leaflets de- Aires was bathed in MTP leaflets denouncing the coup plot...
...150 carapintada ("black-faced") commandos, as the ("black-faced") commandos, as the hard-liners are known, led by Lt...
...His energetic policy was gradually watered energetic policy was gradually watered down to a disguised amnesty for all but down to a disguised amnesty for all but 2020 of over 1,100 officers accused of of over 1,100 officers accused of humanhuman rights violations...
...The alleged plot, spearheadedheaded by Compafleros (a splinter of by Compafieros (a splinter of the PRT/ERP "Nicaragua" faction) the PRT/ERP "Nicaragua" faction) included a stage of supermarket loot- included a stage of supermarket looting...
...They were the visible signs of embrace...
...investigate reality...
...MTP leader Roberto Felicettileader Roberto Felicetti was accused of was accused of immediatelyimmediately killing a second draftee, killing a second draftee, Roberto TadeoRoberto Tadeo TadIa...
...Bue- by-side to slay the terrorist beast...
...headed by retired Adm...
...and Ruiz...
...The rank-and- liberation theologian...
...It boorneranged and 450 were It boomeranged and 450 were called to testify...
...Many hoped the trial wouldwould get to the bottom of charges that get to the bottom of charges that militarymilitary intelligence had infiltrated the intelligence had infiltrated the groupgroup and, playing on their political and, playing on their political immaturity,immaturity, tricked them into believing tricked them into believing a military coup was in the makinga military coup was in the making at La at La Tablada.Tablada...
...They face association and rebellion...
...The MTP became a members...
...EachEach pointed to the histories of com- pointed to the histories of committed activism of the leaders who died mitted activism of the leaders who died inin the attack and concluded that they the attack and concluded that they may havemay have been manipulated and were been manipulated and were certainlycertainly wrong, but they were hardly wrong, but they were hardly traitors.traitors...
...The drawn- into surrendering...
...Uruguay, vowing to fight on...
...DespiteDespite the Left's appraisal that the the Left's appraisal that the MTP'sMTP's top leadership has been virtu- top leadership has been virtuallyally wiped out, military intelligence wiped out, military intelligence believesbelieves they were one of six "terror- they were one of six "terrorist"ist" groups involved in the food riots, groups involved in the food riots, withwith a total of approximately 150 a total of approximately 150 combatants and two to three thousand combatants and two to three thousand activists.activists...
...Mohamed SeineldIn rebel chieftain Col...
...Roberto "Gato" Felicetti, the highest-ranking MTP member be- the highest-ranking MTP member behind bars, disagrees...
...JournalistJournalist Juan Salinas quotes mili- Juan Salinas quotes military intelligence sources who claim that tary intelligence sources who claim that two months prior to La Tablada, Zamu- two months prior to La Tablada, Zamu-diodio was at the head of a carapintada was at the head of a carapintada plot...
...The Chief of Chief of PolicePolice of Buenos Aires Province in- of Buenos Aires Province insistedsisted that with 50 specialized SWAT that with 50 specialized SWAT troopstroops he could have tear-gassed the he could have tear-gassed the attackersattackers into surrendering...
...Rather than accept the party's Rather than accept the party's self-criticismself-criticism of its foquista policies, of its foquista policies, Gorriaran broke away in 1979 and Gorriarin broke away in 1979 and formedformed the PRT-V Congress...
...When Zamudio was carried wounded out of La Tablada at the be- wounded out of La Tablada at the beginningginning of the battle-when it was not of the battle-when it was not yet knownyet known what was going on-he told what was going on-he told reportersreporters that it was definitely not an- that it was definitely not another military uprising, becauseother military uprising, because "I take "I take my orders from Col...
...Through foot-dragging in military Through foot-dragging in military tribunals, the officers contrived to force tribunals, the officers contrived to force legislation in December 1986 which legislation in December 1986 which was expected to limit trials to some 40 was expected to limit trials to some 40 officers.officers...
...the Monte Caseros rebellion, Lt...
...No evidence has been offered to substanti- evidence has been offered to substantiateate the allegations of terrorist snipers...
...None of these predictions of radical None of these predictions of radical violenceviolence has proven true...
...Though hunger erased MTP from hunger erased MTP from people's minds,people's minds, for military intelligence for military intelligence itit was ever present...
...Even as President Alfonsin was declaring a state of siege, AlfonsIn was declaring a state of siege, ArmyArmy Chief of Staff Gen...
...Ina DecemberInaDecember23, 1988 interview,a 23, 1988 interview, a monthmonth before his death at La Tabtada, before his death at La Tablada, human rights lawyer and MTP leader human rights lawyer and MTP leader Jorge Banns claimed that a coup was in Jorge Bafos claimed that acoup was in the making with the connivance of then the making with the connivance of then PeronistPeronist presidential candidate Carlos presidential candidate Carlos Menem and Peronist labor boss Lorenzo Menem and Peronist labor boss Lorenzo Miguel...
...All his life he appears, disappears, no one ever finds him...
...the source claimed...
...It will continue to haunt the answers...
...The Armed Forces, who The Armed Forces, who retookretook the base in a three-day blood the base in a three-day blood bathbath in which nearly 50 people died, in which nearly 50 people died, claim MTP wasclaim MTP was acting on behalf of an acting on behalf of an international terrorist network linked to international terrorist network linked to NicaraguaNicaragua and Cuba...
...Gustavo Gonzalez Lt...
...Two roadsTwo roads converged at La Tablada...
...Public scorn vided army saw its chance...
...ButBut a year and a half later, the leader- a year and a half later, the leadershipship adopted a radically different pos- adopted a radically different posture, prompting the exodus of promi- ture, prompting the exodus of prominentnent members...
...What I can personally vouch I can personally vouch for is their obsession with the immedi- for is their obsession with the immediacy of a coup, which had to be pre- acy of a coup, which had to be prevented," says CELS director Mignone...
...Days insurrections and ultimatums... masterminded the La Tablada attack...
...In September 1987, La Tablada officers holed up in 1987, La Tablada officers holed up in thethe barracks after then army Chief of barracks after then army Chief of Staff Gen...
...That's why many been arrested...
...They were the visible signs of fierce power plays-a jostling for posi- fierce power plays-a jostling for position in the run-up to the May 14 presi- tion in the run-up to the May 14 presidential elections, intensifieddential elections, intensified during the during the transition period before the Peronist ad- transition period before the Peronist ad-minstration took office on July 8. minstration took office on July 8. MagicMagic Insurrectionalism Insurrectionalism The 20 defendantsThe 20 defendants in the La Tablada in the La Tablada trial believe a decision has been made a trial believe a decision has been made a priori to find them guilty...
...Rico's January 1988 rebellion ing trial...
...Many hoped the trial imprisonment...
...According to most observers, the According to most observers, the key to this transformation was the ideo- key to this transformation was the ideological influence of Enrique Gorriardn logical influence of Enrique Gorriarin Merlo, who is widely believed to have Merlo, who is widely believed to have masterminded the La Tablada attack...
...They felt they had to mobilize the "They felt they had to mobilize the people against a coup...
...Bue-nos Aires provincial police closed off nos Aires provincial police closed off the base for over six hours before troops the base for over six hours before troops began the prime-time televised counter- began the prime-time televised counterattack...
...La Tablada, it should be (La Tablada, it should be noted, had achilling effect on Uruguay- noted, had achilling effect on Uruguay-ans'ans' valiant but vain efforts to overturn valiant but vain efforts to overturn that amnestythat amnesty in a plebiscite last April...
...The drawn-outOut televised show to combat alleged televised show to combat alleged terroristterrorist fire-power contrasted sharply fire-power contrasted sharply withwith the government's commitment to the government's commitment to useuse every possible means to avoid blood- every possible means to avoid bloodshedshed during the three military upris- during the three military uprisings...
...converged at La Tablada...
...With that, a wave of bombings and With that, a wave of bombings and barracksbarracks attacks around the attacks around the country-latercountry-later proven nonexistent proven nonexistent -were-were attributed to MTP cadre...
...The enigma of La Tablada draws The enigma of La Tablada draws clear lines, but offers no definitive clear lines, but offers no definitive answers...
...In thethe l97OsGorriaran Merlo was second- 1970s Gorriarin Merlo was second-in-command of the People's Revolu- in-command of the People's Revolutionarytionary Army (ERP), the armed wing of Army (ERP), the armed wing of thethe Trotskyist Revolutionary Workers Trotskyist Revolutionary Workers Party (PRT...
...The fact that some The fact that some of the La Tablada participants had gone of the La Tablada participants had gone toto Nicaragua on Communist Party- Nicaragua on Communist Party-sponsored coffee brigades led to round- sponsored coffee brigades led to roundupsups of Communist activists and a raid of Communist activists and a raid on a summer camp in Cordoba Febru- on a summer camp in C6rdoba Febru-aryary 13...
...Provenzano nouncing the coup plot...
...uprising... was run over by a truck...
...At a June 2 elements...
...Juan Salinas, writing in El Porteno, summed writing in El Porteho, summed itit up: up: "Everything points to desperate MTP "Everything points to desperate MTP militants swallowing the bait and doing militants swallowing the bait and doing exactlyexactly what someone who was moni- what someone who was monitoringtoring the crazy assault hoped they the crazy assault hoped they would do...
...TheThe 18 prisoners, plus two who later 18 prisoners, plus two who later turned themselves in, have been on trial turned themselves in, have been on trial sincesince July 20, charged with II homi- July 20, charged with 11 homicides,cides, attacking an army barracks, ille- attacking an army barracks, illegalgal association and rebellion...
...Human rights activist EmilioEmilio F. Mignone, director of the F. Mignone, director of the CenterCenter for Legal and Social Studies for Legal and Social Studies (CELS),(CELS), points out that MTP began points out that MTP began "with"with a populist, revolutionary and a populist, revolutionary and pluralistpluralist outlook, calling on Radicals, outlook, calling on Radicals, Peronists,Peronists, Socialists, Marxists and Socialists, Marxists and Christians to join in a common effort...
...Roberto "Gab" Feticetti, would do...
...MTP indignation and nausea...
...Mohamed at Monte Caseros and Col...
...Likewise, the participation in 13...
...Coup Coup (Without a Coup)Without a Coup EverEver since the landmark trial and since the landmark trial and conviction for human rights violations conviction for human rights violations of the members of the military juntas of the members of the military juntas that ruled from 1976 to 1983, sectors of that ruled from 1976 to 1983, sectors of the officer corps have used the threat of the officer corps have used the threat of a coup to agitate against the prosecu- a coup to agitate against the prosecu-lion of their comrades for what they tion of their comrades for what they view as heroic service to the fatherland...
...But thus far it seems the pro- But thus far it seems the proceedingsceedings will only carry forth the anti- will only carry forth the anti-LeftLeft witch hunt let loose in the after- witch hunt let loose in the aftermathmath of the attack...
...Historian Eduardo Luis Duhalde set the tone of the debate...
...It was Banos who criminals...
...never learned why we left...
...Whata coup...
...EmilioEmilio Mignone claims Gorriarari Mignone claims Gorriardin Merlo was with the MTP attackers the Merlo was with the MTP attackers the day before La Tablada, "but like a day before La Tablada, "but like a good general,good general, he apparently decided to he apparently decided to lead fromlead from afar...
...This obsession was fueled by ac- This obsession was fueled by access to classified military intelligence...
...The military in- "terrorist" threat...
...Even as President was ever present...
...The carapin-tadastadas have vowed to continue agitating have vowed to continue agitating untiluntil their jailed comrades are freed their jailed comrades are freed andand the Armed Forces are vindicated the Armed Forces are vindicated forfor their role in the "dirty war.' their role in the "dirty war...
...Mohamed Ali SeineldIn's December 1988 encore Ali Seineldin's December 1988 encore at Villa Martelli further cornered belea- at Villa Martelli further cornered beleagueredguered President RaOl AlfonsIn...
...When the MTP was founded in May When the MTP was founded in May 1986,1986, it was labelled "reformist" in it was labelled "reformist" in most Leftmost Left circles...
...Theabout the official version...
...tions 15 years ago...
...In his long trajectory as a terrorist, he has his long trajectory as a terrorist, he has nevernever been arrested...
...The judge likewise accusation...
...Half a year after guerrillas attacked Half a year after guerrillas attacked thethe La Tablada army barracks on the La Tablada army barracks on the outskirts of Buenosoutskirts of Buenos Aires last January Aires last January 23,23, the event remains an enigma...
...MTP offices were raidedwere raided in Mar del Plata, La Plata, in Mar del Plata, La Plata, Santa Fe,Santa Fe, Comodoro Rivadavia, Men- Comodoro Rivadavia, Men-doza and Neuqu6n.doza and Neuquen...
...Others were not so kind...
...The charred remains of five The charred remains of five attackers,attackers, impossible to identify, and impossible to identify, and their silhouettes marked on walls, sug- their silhouettes marked on walls, suggestedgested that the army had used phos- that the army had used phosphatephate bombs, which are expressly pro- bombs, which are expressly prohibitedhibited by international accord...
...Nineteen MTP membersmembers were captured at the scene, were captured at the scene, oneone of whom died immediately...
...MTP offices The witch hunt was on...
...AA detailed "operational plan" al- detailed "operational plan" allegedlylegedly discovered in the knapsack of discovered in the knapsack of deaddead guerrilla Roberto Sanchez (alias guerrilla Roberto Sinchez (alias OsvaldoOsvaldo Farfan) and a document en- Farfin) and a document entitledtitled "Hypothesis of Conflict" sup- "Hypothesis of Conflict" supposedlyposedly discovered later at an MTP discovered later at an MTP hideout,hideout, along with army claims of along with army claims of seizedseized sophisticated Soviet and Chi- sophisticated Soviet and Chi-nesenese weaponry, all pointed to a well- weaponry, all pointed to a well-plannedplanned ultra-Left operation, probably ultra-Left operation, probably backedbacked by foreign financing...
...Gorriaran Merlo is a Party (PRT...
...the military, so as can fight subversion...
...EvenEven before the MTP split, its core before the MTP split, its core leadershipleadership was convinced that the gov- was convinced that the government was incapable of putting down ernment was incapable of putting down a coup...
...hard-liners are known, led by Lt...
...A self- domestic intelligence-gathering...
...Defense lawyers believeyers believe he was killed by La Tablada he was killed by La Tablada DeputyDeputy Commander Major Cutiello Commander Major Cutiello -because-because he had surrendered to the at- he had surrendered to the attackers...
...He arguedargued that PRT/ERP's error was mili- that PRT/ERP's error was military, not political," says Ponce de Leon, tary, not political," says Ponce de Le6n, "and with improved training armed "and with improved training armed strugglestruggle was feasible...
...When Maguer's replacement,placement, Lt...
...Ele- the event remains an enigma...
...ThereThere has been has been a qualitative change in guerrilla activ- a qualitative change in guerrilla activity.ity... 20 escaped...
...The Third Infantry La Tablada The Third Infantry La Tablada Regiment was a likely den for coup- Regiment was a likely den for coup-mongers to huddle in...
...MTP tallies: 28 offi- dozens wounded...
...Seineldin," the jailed leader of the Monte Caseros re- jailed leader of the Monte Caseros rebellion...
...Jose Dante Caridi removed Staff Gen...
...Informed or manipulated, MTP Informed or manipulated, MTP militants, the majority inexperienced militants, the majority inexperienced kids from the slums, marched reso- kids from the slums, marched resolutely to La Tablada determined to avert lutely to La Tablada determined to avert an imminent coup, and a deeply-di- an imminent coup, and a deeply-di-v ided army saw its chance...
...In disappears, no one ever finds him...
...All his life he appears, afar...
...Pro-latinlatin is run by Father Luis Moises JardIn, is run by Father Luis Mois6s Jardin, who was the self-appointed spokesman who was the self-appointed spokesman for rebel Col...
...When Zamudio was carried plot...
...The MTP became a sect, the directorate in complete con- sect, the directorate in complete control," says ex-member Ruben Dri, a trol," says ex-member Rub6n Dri, a liberation theologian...
...MTP was spoon-fed...
...quashingquashing a military uprising already a military uprising already underway.underway...
...When I asked where they got them," says Mignone, "and how they them," says Mignone, "and how they were so sure a coup was going to hap- were so sure a coup was going to happen, they just said, 'We have very good pen, they just said, 'We have very good military contacts...
...They face lifelife imprisonment...
...Public scorn for the Armed Forces turned immedi- for the Armed Forces turned immediately to public praise, as white and ately to public praise, as white and black-faced commandos fought side- black-faced commandos fought side-by-side to slay the terrorist beast...
...The alleged plot, spear- de la Plata...
...LaterLater they were identified as "killed they were identified as "killed duringduring combat...
...He had a putschist was feasible...
...When they say there may have been an infiltrator or there may have been an infiltrator or that it was an intelligence ploy,"he told that it was an intelligence ploy," he told La(La)Semana,Sernana, "they "they (are)are just just tryingtrying to to cover up the truth of our denunciation cover up the truth of our denunciation and make us look like madmen or too and make us look like madmen or too politically immature to distinguish be- politically immature to distinguish between truth and lies...
...On April 17, COSENA chief On April 17, COSENA chief Adm.Adm...
...But such dec- has proven true... the television...
...The La Tablada tragedy puts in a The La Tablada tragedy puts in a nutshellnutshell the most fundamental ques- the most fundamental questionstions confronting the revolutionary confronting the revolutionary movement in Latin America in this age movement in Latin America in this age of "democratization": violence or non- of "democratization": violence or non-violence, mass struggleviolence, mass struggle or vanguardism, or vanguardism, reform or revolution,reform or revolution, or, as one cynical or, as one cynical observer put it, "humanismobserver put it, "humanism or sender- or senderism...
...Pro- closely with the Interior Ministry...
...MTP tallies: 28 officially dead, two missing, five unidenti- cially dead, two missing, five unidenti-fied,fied, 20 under arrest...
...While the LaTablada 20 await their While the La Tablada 20 await their fatefate in court, they also await the final in court, they also await the final verdict of theverdict of the Left...
...attributed to MTP cadre...
...In either case, thethe leftists who led the attack needed leftists who led the attack needed military coup-mongers as much as the military coup-mongers as much as the Armed Forces needed left-wing sub- Armed Forces needed left-wing subversives...
...Christians to join in a common effort...
...military contacts...
...According to docu- or killed...
...The Felicetti told La Semana...
...Cutiello awarding Maj...
...In the food riots aftermath, knowing that hyperinflation would worsen in ing that hyperinflation would worsen in JuneJune and July, military intelligence and July, military intelligence predicted new outbreaks of violence predicted new outbreaks of violence instigatedinstigated by ultra-Left groups...
...The attackers'The attackers' "sophisticated weap- "sophisticated weaponry"onry" turned out to be old and in bad turned out to be old and in bad condition on Januarycondition on January 27 when the army 27 when the army showedshowed the press the arms they alleg- the press the arms they allegedly used.edly used...
...The government, to show how a democracy government, to show how a democracy can fight subversion... foreign financing...
...He the PRT-V Congress...
...Everything priori to find them guilty...
...In the food riots aftermath, know- ing...
...Aldo Rico rebelled in the Holy Week Aldo Rico rebelled in the Holy Week 1987 uprising that won in concession a 1987 uprising that won in concession a "due obedience" law which exempted "due obedience" law which exempted the vast majority of officers from stand- the vast majority of officers from standing trial...
...The rank-and-filefile never learned why we left...
...The other road was the end of 1987...
...provoke a popular insurrection...
...Historian Eduardo Left...
...The judge likewise droppeddropped charges against Felicetti for charges against Felicetti for killing the soldier TadIa...
...Francisco Gassino commemoratedGassino commemorated Army Day by Army Day by posthumouslyposthumously awarding Maj...
...MTP prisoners claim combat...
...He claimed they were plan-fling outbreaks for May 14-15 together ning outbreaks for May 14-15 together withwith suspected Peruvian Sendero suspected Peruvian Sendero LuminosoLuminoso elements...
...the allegations of terrorist snipers...
...the bimonthly Argentine News...
...was admitted missing...
...talked about...
...Human rights lawyer Jorge Human rights lawyer Jorge Bafios,Banos, in particular, was cited for his in particular, was cited for his selfless dedication to the prosecution of selfless dedication to the prosecution of militarymilitary criminals...
...SeineldIn at the Villa for rebel Col...

Vol. 23 • September 1989 • No. 3

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