In Review

The People's Remedy: Health Care The People's Remedy: Health Care in El Salvador's War of Liberation in El Salvador's War of Liberation byby Francisco Metzi, Monthly Review Francisco Metzi, Monthly...

...efforts to "modernize" the country's criminal justice ize" the country's criminal justice system... strengthen injustice...
...important text...
...This slim struggle for independence...
...South End Press, 1989, 92 pp.' S5 (paper...
...Done in the style of the organ- subject...
...El Salvador in Crisis produced by El Salvador in Crisis produced by LindaLinda Gray McKay, 34 mins., color Gray McKay, 34 mins., color VHS, Unitarian Universalist Service VHS, Unitarian Universalist Service CommitteeCommittee (78 Beacon St., Boston, MA (78 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02178), S20 (video only), S30 (video, 02178), S20 (video only), S30 (video, organizer'sorganizer's guide, study guide and guide, study guide and brochure...
...FranciscoFrancisco Metzi is a Belgian biolo- Metzi is a Belgian biologistgist who has lived in the rebel-held who has lived in the rebel-held zones of Chalatenango since 1981...
...The People's Remedy: Health Care The People's Remedy: Health Care in El Salvador's War of Liberation in El Salvador's War of Liberation byby Francisco Metzi, Monthly Review Francisco Metzi, Monthly Review Press, 1988, 200 pp., S22 Press, 1988, 200 pp., S22 (cloth),(cloth), S8 S8 (paper...
...An important text...
...His rudimentaryrudimentary scientific knowledge quali- scientific knowledge qualified him to leadfied him to lead the FMLN's health care the FMLN's health care programprogram for the region, training para- for the region, training para-medics,medics, teaching preventive medicine teaching preventive medicine andand treating the wounds of war and treating the wounds of war and poverty...
...Jean Zwickel first met Pedro Albizu Jean Zwickel first met Pedro Albizu Campos in 1944 in New York where he Campos in 1944 in New York where he was hospitalized following his release was hospitalized following his release from the Atlanta Penitentiary...
...Written by former Central America...
...policy in Central policy in Central America reported over 300 incidents of America reported over 300 incidents of harassment,harassment, including over 100 break- including over 100 break-insins (one was at NACLA...
...Densely written as a Central America...
...Morally,Morally, no more should be paid...
...South End Press, 1988, Holly Sklar...
...It is good to know someone is still talking to good to know someone is still talking to thosethose who know nothing about the who know nothing about the subject...
...This useful (one was at NACLA...
...The "entire modem history [of The "entire modem history [of Central America and the Caribbean] Central America and the Caribbean] has been held hostage to the demands of has been held hostage to the demands of the American imagination," writes the American imagination," writes George Black, former editor of Report George Black, former editor of Report on the Americas... more will be paid...
...Densely written as a detailed historical narrative, the book detailed historical narrative, the book offers in one volume what previously offers in one volume what previously could only be found in Spanish, scat- could only be found in Spanish, scattered among the numerous writings of tered among the numerous writings of Central American intellectuals...
...efforts to "modern- the failure of U.S...
...Provides a well-or- World countries...
...MostMost sources of information on sources of information on CentralCentral America deal in ever higher America deal in ever higher levels of detail and sophistication...
...S6.95 (paper...
...British political scientist James British political scientist James Dunkerley, author of excellent works Dunkerley, author of excellent works on Bolivia and El Salvador, has turned on Bolivia and El Salvador, has turned his formidable intellect to the task of his formidable intellect to the task of synthesizing the modern history of synthesizing the modem history of Central America...
...This useful pamphletpamphlet compares such incidents compares such incidents againstagainst the anti-war movement in the the anti-war movement in the 1 960s and 1 970s, offering helpful ideas 1960s and 1970s, offering helpful ideas on how to minimize their damage...
...What comes through loud and clear is the almost habitual lying that charac- is the almost habitual lying that characterized U.S...
...His zones of Chalatenango since 1981...
...With 150 photographs and cartoons, he documents the self- and cartoons, he documents the self-serving ways North Americans have serving ways North Americans have imagined the region over the past cen- imagined the region over the past century...
...Dialogue on Debt: Alternative Analy- Dialogue on Debt: Alternative Analyses and Solutions by George Ann Pot- ses and Solutions by George Ann Potter...
...Care- war from Carter through Reagan...
...policy from beginning to end, U.S...
...Metzi is also a marvelous storyteller...
...South End Press, 1988, 472472 pp., S15 (paper...
...attempts to sabotage peace negotiations and its use of secret spe- negotiations and its use of secret specialcial forces, foreign governments and forces, foreign governments and drugdrug smugglers to circumvent Congres- smugglers to circumvent Congressional restrictions and public opposi- sional restrictions and public opposition...
...Po- no more should be paid...
...policy from beginning to terized U.S...
...The New York-based Lawyers The New York-based Lawyers CommitteeCommittee for Human Rights has been for Human Rights has been a persistent watchdog of U.S...
...It is levels of detail and sophistication...
...Economically, the debt has been paid...
...Potter argues that by all sides...
...policy in Central America...
...Center of Concern, 1989, 191 pp., of Concern, 1989, 191 pp., S6.95 (paper...
...Co-sponsored by institutions fromstitutions from 20 countries (including 20 countries (including NACLA), the project revolves around NACLA), the project revolves around anan essay and poster competition, and a essay and poster competition, and a seriesseries of conferences throughout the of conferences throughout the continent...
...Politically,litically, no more will be paid...
...Activists and What We Can Do U.S...
...However, the pamphlet promisesHowever, the pamphlet promises more more than it delivers by devoting only four than it delivers by devoting only four pages to government monitoring in the pages to government monitoring in the eighties...
...FromFrom 1984 through 1988, organiza- 1984 through 1988, organizations opposed to U.S.tions opposed to U.S...
...What comes through loud and clear use...
...Done in the style of the organizingizing tools which got the solidarity tools which got the solidarity movementmovement off the ground ten years ago, off the ground ten years ago, this video is simple, direct and moving...
...A rich chronicle of the eight year A rich chronicle of the eight year war from Carter through Reagan...
...VoicesVoices for Independence: Portraits for Independence: Portraits of Notable Individuals in Support of of Notable Individuals in Support of Puerto RicanPuerto Rican Independence by Jean Independence by Jean Wiley Zwickel, White Star Press (2150 Wiley Zwickel, White Star Press (2150 Goff Ave., Pittsburg, CA 94565), 1988 Goff Ave., Pittsburg, CA 94565), 1988 131 pp., S8.50 (paper) plus S1.50 post- 131 pp., S8.50 (paper) plus S1.50 postage...
...This slim volume, a collection of reminiscences volume, a collection of reminiscences of independentistas she has met, recap- of independentistasshe has met, recaptures moments of struggle in a simple tures moments of struggle in a simple and intensely personal way...
...policy in a persistent watchdog of U.S...
...and intensely personal way...
...From from the Atlanta Penitentiary...
...From that moment on she has dedicated her that moment on she has dedicated her political activism to Puerto Rico's political activism to Puerto Rico's struggle for independence...
...The accompanying narrative is tury...
...War at Home: Covert Action Against War at Home: Covert Action Against U.S...
...Metzi is also a marvelous sto- poverty...
...Underwriting Injustice: AID and El Underwriting Injustice: AID and El Salvador's Judicial Reform Program, Salvador's Judicial Reform Program, LawyersLawyers Committee for Human Committee for Human Rights,Rights, April 1989, 181 pp., S12 April 1989, 181 pp., S12 (paper...
...South End About It by Brian Glick...
...His on-the-ground view of revolution is both a revelation and an revolution is both a revelation and an inspiration...
...America: La patria grande, published America: La patria grande, published by the Foro y Concurso Internacional by the Foro y Concurso Internacional Independiente,Independiente, "Emancipacion e Iden- "Emancipaci6n e Iden-tidad de America Latina: 1492-1992" tidad de America Latina: 1492-1992" (Apartado Postal 80-bis, Mexico, 1, (Apartado Postal 80-bis, Mexico, 1, D.F...
...pp., S15 (paper...
...AnAn extremely useful and readable extremely useful and readable overviewoverview of the debt crisis that argues of the debt crisis that argues forcefully for debt repudiation by Third forcefully for debt repudiation by Third World countries...
...Washington's War on Nicaragua by Washington's War on Nicaragua by Holly Sklar...
...Co-sponsored by in- of the Americas...
...This new magazine is part of a vast This new magazine is part of a vast efforteffort by an illustrious group of Latin by an illustrious group of Latin AmericanAmerican left intellectuals to organize left intellectuals to organize anan alternative celebration of the five alternative celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of the conquest hundredth anniversary of the conquest of the Americas...
...The accompanying narrative is humorous, insightful and quite provoca- humorous, insightful and quite provocative...
...Potter argues that "Economically, the debt has been paid...
...Carefully documented, with 40 pages of fully documented, with 40 pages of notes, the book is ideal for classroom notes, the book is ideal for classroom use...
...His on-the-ground view of ryteller...
...As one human rights worker system...
...An Central American intellectuals...
...Written by former Report on the Americas editor Martha Report on the Americas editor Martha Doggett, this, their tenth report on El Doggett, this, their tenth report on El Salvador, is a detailed, sober account of Salvador, is a detailed, sober account of the failure of U.S...
...Power in the Isthmus: A Political Power in the Isthmus: A Political HistoryHistory of Modern Central America of Modern Central America byby James Dunkerley, Verso, 1988,691 James Dunkerley, Verso, 1988, 691 pp., S47.50 (cloth), S19.90 (paper as of pp., S47.50 (cloth), S19.90 (paper as of 8/89...
...Provides a well-organized historical background and ganized historical background and analysis of past debt crises, the post- analysis of past debt crises, the post-war international economic system, the war international economic system, the current crisis and the many solutions current crisis and the many solutions offeredoffered by all sides...
...The Good Neighbor: How the United The Good Neighbor: How the United States Wrote the History of Central States Wrote the History of Central America and the Caribbean by George America and the Caribbean by George Black, Pantheon, 1988, 200 pp., S9.95 Black, Pantheon, 1988, 200 pp., S9.95 (paper...
...this video is simple, direct and moving...
...As one human rights worker told the Committee, "What they have told the Committee, "What they have donedone is strengthen injustice...
...Press, 1989, 92 pp., S5 (paper...
...attempts to sabotage peace end, U.S...
...Activists and What We Can Do About It by Brian Glick...
...on how to minimize their damage...
...With 150 photographs on the Americas...

Vol. 23 • July 1989 • No. 2

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