MOMENT Poll: Women as Rabbis
From time to time—it's been a while now—we invite our readers to share with us and each other their views on an issue of interest. The results, and a selection of the comments, are printed in a...
...Very much in favor Very much opposed of ordaining women 10 98765432 1 Oto ordaining women (circle one) 5. Have you ever participated in a worship service led by a female rabbi...
...This month, we ask that you participate in a poll on women in the rabbinate...
...Of great concern 10 9876543210 Of no concern (circle one) 4. Where do you stand on the issue...
...We'd like to be able to say how moment readers feel, and if you'll take just a minute to fill out the questionnaire below, we'll publish the results in a couple of months...
...Orthodox ? Conservative ? Reform ? Reconstructionist ? Other (specify)_ 7. What do you consider yourself...
...Orthodox ? Conservative ? Reform ? Reconstructionist ? Other (specify)_ _Age -Male _Female A MOMENT POLL: WOMEN AS RABBIS Momcnt/63 Comments: Fold here Thank you for sharing with us...
...Fold here Affix postage here...
...1. Were you aware that the issue of ordaining women was on the agenda for decision by the Conservative movement...
...yes ? no 2. How did you learn about the decision...
...yes ? no What denomination...
...Late in December, the Jewish Theological Seminary, the principal seminary for the ordination of Conservative rabbis, decided to continue its traditional policy of not ordaining women...
...yes ? no 6. Are you affiliated with a synagogue or temple...
...The decision had not been expected, and it occasioned a fair amount of debate...
...secular newspaper ? Jewish newspaper ? sermon ? moment ? friends ? other (specify) - 3. Is this issue of concern to you...
...The results, and a selection of the comments, are printed in a later issue...
Vol. 5 • March 1980 • No. 3