The MOMENT Classified

THE MOMENT CLASSIFIED You can have your own classified ad in these pages... and reach more than 50,000 MOMENT readers. To: MOMENT Magazine, Classified Department, 462 Boylston Street, Boston,...

...moment box no...
...north of Boston...
...Three young kibbutzniks searching for fellow stamp collectors...
...4 Cincinnati Council for Soviet Jews 3525 Middleton Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 Fight cults, send S.A.S.E., "Jews for Jews" kit, free, Rabbi Dobin, P.O.B 6194 Surfside, Florida 33154 Rabbi—Waterville, Maine...
...Unique Judaica, Limited 601 West 67 Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64113 In dire need of moment Vol...
...II no...
...experienced Rabbi & Founder of 3 Congregations seeks creative & challenging position...
...1. Will exchange, moment box no...
...of #of # total rate total Cost: words X times = words X per word = enclosed Copy: Name_,Address _ City_ State_Zip Telephone - Signature - Marathon Runners, Please Note...
...70 cents/five...
...Need Commentary back issues VOLUME 39, 1 and 2; Volume 47, no...
...Wanted—Quality Jewish Paperbacks (e.g...
...3-A Hay and straw for horses or mulch...
...Have we got a mezzuzah for you—we also have challah and matzo covers, bride's Bible covers, kiddush cups, wind chimes, sculptures, aprons, miniatures, memo pads, laundry bags, smocks, planters, bookmarks, money clips, pillows, brit gowns with yarmulke, and more...
...Payment must accompany order...
...Donations to Cincinnati Council for Soviet Jews 3525 Middleton Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 Soviet Jewish Studies, the complete international guide to periodicals and organizations...
...moment cordially invites you to a post-Marathon get-together for all out-of-town running friends (of whom we know there are at least a dozen... Middletown...
...Boston, home of the Boston Marathon, is also the home of moment magazine...
...Fred Ariale lives...
...Shop by mail—save gasoline and time...
...Please drop us a note or call us when you get to town, and keep the evening of April 19 free...
...Write for our free Spring 1980 catalgoue...
...60 cents/ten (Box and telephone numbers count as two words each, moment box number available for $3.00 additional...
...No charge for zip codes...
...6. Will buy or exchange, moment box no...
...posesses varied Governmental Executive experience including Mental Health & Geriatrics...
...Schocken, JPS) for distribution in USSR...
...Sheldon Benjamin, editor...
...To: MOMENT Magazine, Classified Department, 462 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Rates: Per word, based on number of times per year your ad runs: 80 cents/one...
...Will trade Israeli stamps for Science, Nature & Sport, moment box no...
...I no...
...Wife is a Jewish Musicologist, Organist & Choirmaster...
...Youth—adults in established-growing conservative community yearning for cultural leader/teacher...
...Also serves as Learning Disabilities Teacher in Public School System, moment Box no.3-B...
...3, and moment Vol...
...former Director of Jewish Family Service...
...Rabbi & Social Service Executive...
...3 1/2 hr...

Vol. 5 • March 1980 • No. 3

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