Vol. 8 • July 1961 • No. 3

The City: a poem 219
Nichols, Robert
The Three Faces of New York 222
Bell, Daniel
Poverty and Destitution 233
Day, Dorothy
New York in the Thirties 241
Howe, Irving
New York City: a Remembrance 251
Abel, Lionel
Real Estate Confidential 260
Friedenberg, Daniel M.
Notes on New York Housing 277
van den Haag, Ernest
Public Housing: Tenants and Troubles 282
Miller, Mike & Werthman, Carl
The West Village: Let There Be Blight 289
Zoll, Stephen
New York Could Die 297
Chase, Edward T.
Banning Cars From Manhattan 304
Percival & Goodman, Paul
Robert Moses, Glutton for Power 312
Cook, Fred J.
Marginal Industries, Low Wages, and High Risks 321
Tyler, Gus
"Communitas" and Its Impact on City Planning 326
Gans, Herbert J.
Lincoln Center, Emporium of the Arts 333
Goodman, Percival
The Village Beat Scene: Summer 1960 339
Polsky, Ned
The Village 360
Schleifer, Marc D.
The Politics of Virtue, or, the New Tammany 366
Nichols, Mary Peret
Harlem Today 371
Harrington, Michael
Harlem, My Harlem 378
Brown, Claude
A Puerto Rican in New York 383
Diaz, Eileen
Obstacle Course to Mecca: Jazz in New York 386
Hentoff, Nat
Off-Broadway, 1960 392
Otis, Mary
The Mama of Us All 398
Tallmer, Jerry
The Person Alone 404
Solomon, Barbara P.
"She Thought the Russians Was Coming" 408
Mailer, Norman
The Juvenile Delinquent and the Mythic Hero 413
Slochower, Harry
The Common Harvestman 420
Halsey, Margaret

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