Recent books
editors, Dissent
Dissent has a policy of not reviewing books by members of its editorial board or, for the most part, collections in which they appear. Periodically, though, we inform our readers of their work....
...Breakable You, forthcoming from Harcourt, September 2006...
...Norton, 2005) and Andrew Jackson (Times Books/Henry Holt, 2005) The Worlds of Irving Howe: The Critical Legacy, edited by John Rodden (Paradigm Publishers, 2005...
...paperback 2nd edition, 2006...
...George Packer, The Assassin's Gate (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005) Ann Snitow and Rachel Du Plessis, eds., The Feminist Memoir Project Voices from Women's Liberation, reprinted...
...Erazim Kohdk: Zornym uhlem filosofa (Erazim Kohak: A Philosopher's Perspective...
...paper, 2006...
...Games We P/ay(Chelsea House Publications, 2005...
...Joanne Barkan, Looking Good (Chelsea House, 2005...
...and Upton Sinclair and the Other American Century (Wiley, 2006) Deborah Meier and George Wood, Many Children Left Behind: How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools (paper, Beacon Press, 2004) Brian Morton, Window Across the River (Harvest Books: paper edition, 2004...
...Partial list of contributors: Mark Levinson, Brian Morton, Marshall Berman, Nicholas Howe, Ian Williams, Alexander Cockburn, Joseph Epstein, Robert Boyers, George Scialabba, Morris Dickstein, Leonard Kriegel, Samuel Hux...
...Edited by Marie Skybova (Prague: Jezek Publishers, 2004) Jeremy Larner, Chicken on Church & Other Poems (Big Rooster Press, 2006) A Matter of Principle: Humanitarian Arguments for War in Iraq (University of California Press: cloth & paper, 2005), edited by Thomas Cushman...
...Fighting for Time: Shifting Boundaries of Work and Social Life (N.Y.: Russell Sage Foundation, 2004) Todd Gitlin, The Intellectuals and the Flag (Columbia University Press, 2006) Irving Howe & the Critics: Celebrations and Attacks, edited and with an introduction by John Rodden (University of Nebraska Press, 2005...
...Contributors: Lionel Trilling, Alfred Kazin, C. Vann Woodward, Mitchell Cohen, Newton Arvin, Charles Angoff, Edward Dahlberg, Isaac Rosenfeld, Richard Chase, H.D...
...Forthcoming from Rutgers University Press Michael Walzer, Arguing About War (Yale University Press: cloth, 2004...
...What Is Density?(Scholastic, 2005) Marshall Berman, On the Town: One Hundred Years of Spectacle in Times Square (Random House, 2006) Paul Berman, Power and the Idealists: Or, The Passion of Joschka Fischer, and its Aftermath (Soft Skull Press, 2005...
...Listed below are publications that have appeared since our last listing, as well as some soon to come...
...DISSENT / Spring 2006 n I07...
...Contributors: Christopher Hitchens, Jeffrey Herf, Jan Narveson, Mitchell Cohen, Roger Scruton, Mehdi Mozaffari, Daniel Kofman, Paul Berman, Ian Buruma, MientJan Faber, Jonathan 136e, Norman Geras, Richard Just, John Lloyd, Richard Herzinger, Michel Taubmann, Anders Jerichow, Thomas Cushman and Adam Michnik, Josê Ramos-Horta, Johann Hari, Pamela Bone, Ann Clwyd, Tony Blair Kevin Mattson, When America was Great The Fighting Faith of Postwar Liberalism (Routledge, 2004...
...Michael Kazin, A Godly Hero: The Life of William Jennings Bryan (Knopf, 2006) 106 n DISSENT / Spring 2006 BOOKS Erazim Kota: Svoboda, svedomi, souziti (Freedom, Conscience, Community) (Prague: Sociological Publishers, 2004...
...paper, 2006) Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jackson to Lincoln (W.W...
...Selected journal articles from the years 1998-2004...
...Jeff Faux, The Global Class War: How America's Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future—and What It Will Take to Win It Back (Wiley, 2006) Cynthia Fuchs Epstein and Arne L. Kalleberg, eds...
...Lasswell, Dennis Wrong, Michael Harrington, Christopher Lasch, Robert Coles, Daniel Bell, Malcolm Cowley, Arthur Schlesinger, Theodore Solotaroff, Clive James, Norman Podhoretz, Nathan Glazer, Philip Green, William Phillips, Leon Wieseltier, Lewis Coser, among others...
...Politics and Passion: Toward a More Egalitarian Liberalism (Yale University Press: cloth, 2005...
...We invite you to visit our Web site,, where you will find links to reviews...
...What Is Velocity?(Scholastic, 2005...
Vol. 53 • April 2006 • No. 2