Editors: I have subscribed to Dissent for many years—since 1960, I believe—and know I have helped the magazine gain a wider exposure. I convinced a librarian at the University of Western Ontario...
...4) the continued division of the Protestant and Catholic working-class people by the ruling elites and a few demagogues such as Paisley and the late Bradford...
...Copies Printed (Net Press Run): Average no...
...But the contribution that traditional republican groups can make to a new experiment in social democracy is as much a mystery to most Northern Catholic voters as it is to me...
...The party is in a sorry state of disarray and on the verge of collapse especially in the aftermath of the hunger strike...
...E. Total Distribution (Sum of C and D): Average no...
...I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete...
...The Irish Independence and Sinn Fein parties could deal it a death blow through election interference...
...First, a matter of principle...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-6,728...
...Several years later, thousands of UVF members were slaughtered on the Somme—for the Crown...
...Nonetheless, I share Metress's hopes...
...The crisis of Jewish culture and identity in America is a social crisis manifested in personal ways...
...Unfortunately, there is no persuasive evidence that young voters are altering the political patterns of their parents, nor does the uniting of a badly deteriorated industrial base in Ulster with the EEC-supported agriculture of the South (also dominated by multinational industries) inspire great hope...
...Actual no...
...I frequently receive requests from a variety of organizations for financial help and it is often difficult to decide if and how I should contribute...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-7,550...
...B. Annual Subscription Price: $14.00...
...Metress mistakes the intense public sympathy for the suffering of the hunger strikers as an endorsement of the goals—and methods?—of the republican paramilitary organizations...
...I am currently chairperson of the Cincinnatiarea Common Cause, and CC, as you know, is launching a nationwide campaign for nuclear disarmament...
...The British government has allowed the ruling class of that fascist statelet to abuse the rights of the nationalist community for 60 years...
...Further, until now unionists have only had to speak up and demonstrate for the crown—not die for it...
...The Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI), with over 13,000 members, is in absolute numbers . . . one of the largest activist Zionist organizations in the world...
...Good luck on reaching $40,000...
...of Issues Published Annually: Four...
...q A Welcome Decision Editors: As Irving Howe pointed out in "This Space Reserved," people do grow tired of being asked for financial assistance...
...q Editors: John Kurt Jacobsen's analysis—"Stalemate in Northern Ireland," Dissent, Summer 1982—is superior to that of most American academics and political observers...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-822...
...The strike was discontinued by the prisoners not because of lack of public support but because of the extreme pressure exerted on their families by the Catholic Church as well as the promise of concessions by the government...
...6. Names and Complete Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas, Inc., 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...In looking for signs of a Jewish revival, turn first to the reborn Jewish homeland and the reborn Jewish people—and among them tens of thousands of former Americans for whom unorthodox Shabbat services were never enough...
...Actual no...
...The agency for change will be a movement —not lone individuals—or it will not be...
...There is no evidence that they would be willing to die for union as nationalists have suffered and died for freedom...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-105...
...8. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 percent or more of total amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or other Securities: None...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-112...
...They're looking in the wrong hemisphere...
...I wish to present Dissent as a good source of articles on this issue...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-6,616...
...The reunification of Ireland along with the youthful demographic profile of the Irish people could significantly alter the political balance...
...The thriving English language press in Israel, including not only the famous Jerusalem Post but a wide range of left publications, headed by New Outlook, testifies to the successful transplantation of thousands—estimates run as high as 50,000—of American Jews to Israeli soil...
...Actual no...
...However, there are some sociohistorical and ideological problems with his analysis...
...The bloodbath "myth" is not to be dismissed lightly, although I agree that the possibility is purposefully exaggerated into a certainty by British authorities...
...Jacobsen also seems to accept the "bloodbath" myth...
...1. Office Use, Left Over, Unaccounted, Spoiled After Printing: Average no...
...People moved by this threat, the possibility of the extinction of humanity, when exposed to the other democratic socialist issues explored by Dissent may find an intellectual home...
...C. Total Paid Circulation (Sum of 10B1 and 10B2): Average no...
...D. Free Distribution by Mail, Carrier, or Other Means...
...B. Paid Circulation...
...SEAMUS METRESS Toledo, Ohio JOHN KURT JACOBSEN Replies No need to quibble over census data, unless Professor Metress suggests that a hitherto concealed Catholic , majority exists in the six counties in question...
...I will continue to tout Dissent at our monthly meetings, and am now attempting to find someone to give a subscription to the Cincinnati Coalition for Peace, a local library/resource center...
...Actual no...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-7,550...
...1. Title of Publication: DISSENT A. Publication No.: 00123846...
...A small but influential minority, living mainly in the counties of Antrim and Down, was allowed to dictate a solution for the other 30 counties...
...9. For Completion by Nonprofit Organizations Authorized to Mail at Special Rates (Section 411.3, DMM...
...1. Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, and Counter Sales: Average no...
...While any war-zone political poll is obviously problematic, the enormous support recorded by the parties (including, most of all, the much maligned SDLP) demanding the departure of British troops indicates that Catholics are not successfully deterred from expressing preferences...
...I convinced a librarian at the University of Western Ontario to establish a subscription, and to order all available back issues...
...The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes have not changed during preceding 12 months...
...127 Jewish Revival Editors: "The Jewish Revival," by Bershtel and Graubard (Dissent, Summer 1982) is an interesting article whose usefulness is somewhat diminished by the fact that the authors' thesis is entirely wrong...
...Samples, Complimentary, and Other Free Copies: Average no...
...4. Complete mailing address: Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas, Inc., 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...Extent and Nature of Circulation: A. Total No...
...A bluff...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-1,025...
...For example, in Southern elections held after the strike ended the overall vote for H– Block candidates plummeted, and both seats won earlier by strikers were lost...
...Not the other way around...
...The survival of the Provisionals since 1970 and the perseverance of the nationalist community in the face of daily harassment, torture, internment, diplock courts, and murder is testimony to their stance on the basic issues...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-7,550...
...I did...
...In that election, 80 percent of the people of all Ireland voted for a united and independent Ireland...
...Actual no...
...Prime Minister Asquith chose not to call it...
...No knowledgeable member of either the nationalist or unionist community accepts such a prediction...
...Northern Ireland, which consists of six of the nine counties of historic Ulster, was created as a gerrymandered state in order to assure a unionist majority...
...They should be looking at Ein Hashofet, the first of the "American" kibbutzim (its original name was "Kibbutz America"), which just celebrated its 50th anniversary...
...But, especially in these conservative times, the significance of a publication such as Dissent far outweighs my satisfaction from reading it or yours from publishing it...
...A new 32county Ireland could, at best, destroy the old parties and create new ones...
...Please carry one such article in each issue...
...Managing Editor: Edith Tarcov, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...2) the loss of a great number of capable leaders in the civil war between republicans and "Free Staters...
...GARY WARDLAW q • To all those who wrote letters similar to the one above, sent contributions, and/or made pledges, thank you...
...Thank you for your kind cooperation...
...I contributed my own copies to fill the gap between reprints and copies then available so that library would have a complete run...
...Actual no...
...2. Mail Subscriptions: Average no...
...They must be typed, double-spaced, and carry the full address and name of the sender...
...of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date4,316...
...Political polls in northeast Ireland are as inaccurate as the census data that suggest a 2:1 Protestant numerical majority...
...If I had a job I'd give it myself...
...2. Returns from News Agents: Average no...
...I do not believe that anyone in Ireland today feels that the SDLP represents the nationalist community...
...This is a scenario that must threaten the present generation of political hacks in Dublin...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-7,550...
...Dissent provides an intellectual format for many of the ideas that I have come to support and that I think are vital to our future...
...Actual no...
...This situation is not the fault of republicanism...
...If you haven't yet sent your contribution or made your pledge, there is still time to do so...
...As for the representativeness of the SDLP, I'll refer readers to the results of the October 20 Ulster Assembly elections...
...FRANK PENDLE Cincinnati, Ohio q Re: Letters • Dissent welcomes letters, but we must ask that they be kept within bounds, about 225 words...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-4,145...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-6,420...
...In referring to the "collapse" of the hunger strike, Jacobsen has misread the situation entirely...
...copies of single issue published nearest to filing date— None...
...A unified Ireland would be free to combine the industrial base of the northeast with the agricultural resources and growing industry of the south to, hopefully, embark upon a new experiment in social democracy...
...G. Total (Sum of E, F 1 and 2—should equal net press run shown in A): Average no...
...A. No...
...I had the library at King's College, an affiliate of UWO, subscribe, while I was teaching there part-time...
...7. Owner: Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas, Inc., 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...Here was the spectacle of a Protestant community armed and prepared to kill British soldiers in order to retain the right to fly the Union Jack...
...Actual no...
...Whether one imagines a "revolutionary" (that is, Zionist) or "reform" (autonomist) solution to the decline of American Judaism, it cannot be imagined simply as the sum total of individual acts...
...Jacobsen neglects to mention the election of 1918— the only election ever held on the national issue...
...It is considered a British or middle-class rationale for the continued presence of British troops...
...It is caused by a number of factors: 126 (1) the abortion of the Irish revolution by the partition in 1921...
...Letters will not be returned to senders unless they are accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes...
...I believe that Common Cause's current effort to educate people and to lobby against our wasteful and dangerous military policies will attract many members...
...Today's situation indicates a need for changes north and south of the border...
...At least, it could change the political party structure that has dominated a partitioned Ireland...
...These articles so impressed an older MD that he subscribed, at my urging...
...3) the continuance of colonialism in northeast Ireland and the neocolonialist relationship between the "Free State" and Britain...
...3. Frequency of Issue: Quarterly...
...With your request, I do not find it so difficult to make a decision...
...SIMONE PLASTRIK, Business Manager 128...
...To Professor Jacobsen's credit, he accurately portrays the plight of the working-class people both north and south of the border, regardless of religious preference...
...Editors: Irving Howe, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...We reserve the right to edit letters down to fit our space and to choose which shall be printed...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-2,275...
...Let me urge you to publish regularly articles on nuclear disarmament of the quality of those written by H. A. Feiveson and Bogdan Denitch in your spring and summer 1982 issues...
...In addition to the 1918 election I neglected to mention—because of space constraints—that there is the formation of the 1912-14 Ulster Volunteer Force to oppose impending Home Rule in Ireland...
...Does Professor Jacobsen, or any other political observer, really believe that people are going to identify their true feelings about the British presence in Ireland for a pollster...
...of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-2,300...
...Actual no...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months—None...
...The solutions, if there are solutions, are social and not individual...
...2. Date of Filing: Sept...
...Their paramilitary descendants (UVF, UDA, Red Hand Commandos, Ulster Freedom Fighters, and so on) engaged in several memorable sectarian murder campaigns during the '70s when British security measures were deemed less than satisfactory...
...5. Location of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the Publishers: 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...F. Copies not Distributed...
...Second, the "saving remnant" of American Judaism, the "Jewish revival" the authors are hoping for, will not be found in Greenwich Village and on the Upper West Side...
...copies each issue during preceding 12 months-6,525...
Vol. 30 • January 1983 • No. 1