LETTERS Edicon: Let me take mil ocaaion to congratulate you on your survival of the fint ,eaf of pubUauoo, and to es.tend to you my very beJI wiabel for .ua:eu in rhe coming year and...

...things m_ be aid...
...to the dfcctivmea of the formal and emu dclicn...
...TbeIe II no ..lid _ tbey uid _ be cridc:laed wben _y bell • to he at fault...
...I would like to add • word on a conaovrny that lroee In JOUr m.aguine over critidlm aimed at Sidney Hooll...
...I.menu already fig...
...and lI•• N_ '-<In type 01 llbenl·aoeIalbt...
...muld not the Socialist International aU...
...or later will Ibten to . _ ••• try ID alIlftIt...
...to of£er more than a brief c0mment at thiJ time...
...and it hal forad me to do • lot of thillking in the area of politics whieb I would nol have olhnwile done...
...preliminary beari..p in secret...
...Let thia oa:asion nOI be JOlt 1001 -Th...
...01 DUUHT goes 10 plUl...
...Why should not open and public hearings be iruilted upon...
...Milovan Djilaa and Vladimir Dedijer...
...in the name of ita democratic ideals...
...R. H. H. E.diron: ThiI ill to let you know how mueb I enjoy D...
...lhe IDOIC apTly awaited -.prine that I -.e...
...bUilding up of.• heresy-bunting atmoopbere aDd, not least of all...
...J.IL B. DPIa _ DHIJer Th...
...W. are lberelore unabl...
...cialisu and democra~ alike cannot fail 10 vi...
...It baa eully...
...Further, too many familiar and dis.....[u...
...ure in lb...
...ia reponed .. tltia i...
...ia aIoo the _ in..l· k<tuaIly _UladDI mapzlne lbot I know or tad...
...IIavian IOcialiau...
...I have appr<cialed In particular Qloer and Howe', arUde "Imaps of 5odalbm", which quieted many doubt...
...is • dUIic occuion for the intmlatioDaJ anciaIist and labor movement to intnvme...
...that you UJ<d in the article (1UJD1Dft ltmc) on the future 01 R...
...Your m.guiDe drsenes credit in every respect-from the excellent way in wbich liIe artic1C1 publUhed have (uHilled your commendable high purpose...
...trial befbre lbree IlOvc:nun.nt apPointed judgn, wilbout a jury...
...of lb...
...anxiety a aituation in which m.n are 10 be placed on trial (or holding diuentiog views...
...LETTERS Edicon: Let me take mil ocaaion to congratulate you on your survival of the fint ,eaf of pubUauoo, and to es.tend to you my very beJI wiabel for .ua:eu in rhe coming year and thereafter...
...10 have oboerven and lawren present at lbe trial...
...I have had witb rapeet to 'bat pbllooopby...
...and I _nuly ffiOmmmd lhe t<dlnlque 01 lb...
...witlt k...
...pre-trial prepara.......: denunciations in the ~ m.nt controlled praa: m:aPU· tions by [ormer lISIOCia...
...once apin...
...of the accused...
...right 10 tIisoent" ay out on behalf 01 lb...
...aae 01 lb...
...But...-how you IItftII 10 aft your Ills barbI for theml It Jacb a _ 01 eharity...
...You arc JcuderiDc an invaluable IIe1'Yice to • group 01 people who bad almOlI COBle to the condusion that toeialisr thou,tlt in America had wi_ in lhe _. G. S. £dimn: ConpatulationJ upon the lint birth· cIa,- of DIISENT...
...You .....uld try 10...
...Elem.ntary buman' IOli· darity and del...
...two d.f.ndants...
...two V...
...Whatever one', Yiews on TilOism and VugooIavia...
...Is it too much to mggest that here...
...B. H. Editon: I haft found your maguiDe ~lmnely Kimulating...
...apetlaIly line:< lhe bteed ia IOllI<What ....led...

Vol. 2 • January 1955 • No. 1

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  Kanda Software, Inc.