Harrington, Lloyd & Leiter, Robert & Young, James P. & Rothstein, Dan & Smith, Rand
THE WEST BANK STORY, by Rafik Halabi. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 304 pp. $12.95. On the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, the protests, demonstrations, and riots by Palestinians are...
...At the worst, Prescott says, these children are ungovernable...
...The following spring another radical leader came into power, this time in Israel...
...In the end, this endeavor leads to the destruction of the environment, the establishment of a set of low, material goals, and the triumph of gigantic, inhuman institutions...
...Schaar's position can perhaps best be defined negatively...
...more have been added since...
...The law guardian is placed in a difficult position, for the child is not the accused and often is not present at the hearing...
...But he was quick to sense, even with Moscow's about-face in 1935, a continuing, if now unexpressed, conviction in the 377 Communist camp that social democrats remained the enemy...
...In response to all this unrest, Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon vows to continue a policy of harshly putting down any signs of Palestinian opposition...
...While pursuing this more lucrative career in Toronto, Lewis served as national vice-chair, and later as national chairperson of the CCF in the 1950s...
...In this study of a coal-producing valley in central Appalachia, John Gaventa recounts one of his earliest experiences in the region—a conversation with a retired miner living in one of the valley's innumerable hollers...
...q 378 LEGITIMACY IN THE MODERN STATE, by John H. Schaar...
...But how can we be certain that these values were accepted "by the colonized...
...Our watchword must be, "All Power to the Fragments...
...and Britain, attempts to form a stockholders' protest, and so on...
...Only then, Schaar maintains, will meaningful participation be established and meaningful authority restored...
...The Begin government, on its part, anxious to establish what it called "irrevocable facts," increased the settlements in the occupied territories and reacted harshly to Palestinian protests...
...Press and public were barred from the court to protect the child's interests...
...From this point of view, the welfare state with all its undisputed deficiencies is a vital necessity...
...THROUGHOUT THE 1950s the CCF opposed the policies of continentalism, which had long characterized the country's lop-sided economic development...
...Singlehandedly he has insisted that lawyers always be present in New York juvenile-court hearings as checks against the abuse of judicial power...
...Though she is on welfare, Martin claims to play pro ball and expects to be paid $17,000 when, any day now, she is called to play for a team called the Nationals which is managed by Yogi Berra...
...This section describes various approaches the citizens took to confront American Association: appeals to regulatory agencies regarding the company's destructive strip-mining, media campaigns in the U.S...
...For instance, hearsay testimony is permitted in childabuse cases...
...Despite these failings, the author's unique perspective and intelligence makes the book informative and interesting, offering an analysis of the past as well as suggestions for the future...
...The other side argued that suppressing another people could certainly not guarantee the country's security and would lead to moral decay...
...Despite hostility from both sides, Halabi continued to report on settlement activity and the resulting opposition among West Bank Arabs...
...It is difficult to be deeply enthusiastic about the welfare state, but to contemplate life without it is possible only if one is prepared to accept widespread suffering...
...In 1970 King Hussein, threatened by the growing influence of the PLO in Jordan, massacred thousands of Palestinians and drove those who remained alive to new refugee camps in Lebanon...
...The West Bank Story, by Rafik Halabi, an Israeli television correspondent, presents some of the Israeli opposition's thinking...
...It might also have been valuable to discuss which Palestinians have benefited economically from the occupation...
...New York: Alfred A. Knopf...
...As for developing a strategy for rule in the territories, temporary or permanent, Halabi cites the advice of Yigal Allon, the late deputy prime minister, who warned that, in shaping its occupation policy, Israel must recognize its opportunity to establish genuine coexistence...
...Lewis had been a first-hand witness to the disunity of the left in Europe, and in the context of the early 1930s he was to entertain some thoughts of unity with the Communists...
...Has the opening of job opportunities for Palestinians in low-paying jobs in Israel increased or decreased the gap between the wealthy and the poor...
...The philosophy that supports the juvenile court is based on the works of Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria...
...Early in his life, with the encouragement of a strongly pro-Zionist father, he had left his native Druze village near Haifa to study at an elite Jewish high school...
...Schaar is quite right to note the irony of the career of Henry Adams who was so spared and who anguished over it to the day of his death...
...This volume collects the essays of one of the most thoughtful academic theorists writing on American politics today...
...This tough policy only strengthened the resolve of the opposition...
...How, confronted by glaring inequities and exploited openly by a dominating coal company, could this miner and thousands like him in the valley so passively accept their condition...
...Her skill in baseball has something to do with the "new eyes" she received as a child, after plastic surgery...
...Alas, however, the Oriental Jews have also suffered economically, culturally, and politically at the hands of various Israeli Labor party governments...
...Delores Martin saw nothing wrong in having sex with her child...
...Schaar argues that if his criticism of the left seems disproportionate it is because the right has not succeeded in producing anything in recent years worth bothering with...
...He seems to assume his readers' prior knowledge of that by no means trivial public opposition...
...The obvious answer is that without measuring the values of the people themselves, we cannot be certain...
...The events Halabi covered in the years that followed did little to bring the two peoples closer together...
...Again following Arendt–and before Arendt, Aristotle–his deepest belief is that the life of politics, the life of "ruling and being ruled in turn," is the highest, most fully human form of life...
...At the television authority, a state-funded but semi-independent body, Halabi joined a group of Israelis committed to the highest standards of critical, in-depth investigative reporting...
...Any solution that would provide a place of refuge for homeless and persecuted European Jews was welcome...
...This failure to make peace with the Zionists led to humiliating political defeat...
...Didn't District 19 officers and members have good material reasons for supporting Boyle...
...Following an extended (overly so, to my mind) theoretical discussion of power, Gaventa divides his study into three parts...
...This friendship was to be of great value to a struggling Canadian socialist in the years ahead...
...If that life is not necessarily the highest form of human action, it is surely of potential importance not only as a means for the protection of one's interests but also as a means of selfdevelopment and collective social reform...
...And in the months prior to his July 1932 departure for Oxford, David Lewis participated in two Toronto meetings where a "brain trust" of the soon-to-be-established Cooperative Commonwealth Federation party (CCF) was organized as the League for Social Reconstruction (LSR...
...We now have only a larger bureaucratic and legal maze...
...Canada's Liberals were also urgently pressed by the CCF to develop a long-range national fuel plan that would comprehensively embrace coal, electric power, oil, and gas in a working partnership with the ten provinces...
...To do so would require a comparison of District 19 with anti-Boyle districts, but this is not attempted...
...Yet, Halabi writes, the military still believed it could quiet the local population because, as one senior military official put it, "the Arabs are intimidated by force, and a firm hand will settle them down...
...Perhaps the best place to watch these rights deteriorating would be a courtroom from which both press and public are excluded...
...In December 1974, a conference of Arab nations in Rabat, Morocco, recognized the PLO as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, thereby initiating, Halabi writes, a new era on the West Bank...
...swept in was a group of young, educated, and fairly wealthy new leaders most of whom identified openly with the PLO...
...He attempts to demonstrate 376 that oppressive conditions do not necessarily generate anger and rebellion while also cautioning that quiescence may not indicate approval of one's plight but may result from domination of consciousness by those who wield power...
...The emphasis upon a "personalized" and "socialized" justice allowed lawmakers to proclaim constitutional guarantees unnecessary...
...Resistance to the company proved futile...
...HAVING WITNESSED and reported on such crucial events in recent Israeli history, Halabi provides valuable insight into today's problems in the occupied territories...
...If "consensus" no longer works, other guises are required: political influence, legal maneuvering, threats, and repression...
...Halabi's comments on these matters—also part of the larger West Bank story—would have been relevant...
...Even if one accepts his "colonization" analogy, how does one establish that ". . the dominant set of values and procedures (was) accepted by the colonized...
...It is all here: the lawyers who put their names in for occasional Family Court work, not because they are idealistic but because they are incompetent and need the money...
...It was Emily White, a particularly competent and sensitive worker at the Neglect and Abuse Bureau, who devised a game in which Lila confessed to what her mother had done...
...The CCF," in Lewis's appreciative assessment, "was never a movement which degenerated into a party...
...Rebellion becomes possible when people begin to believe in their collective power...
...For example, there are the cases of PINS (People In Need of Supervision...
...Arthur built a local coal empire that soon determined economic life, political institutions, and, more subtly but just as surely, set the dominant values of the valley...
...If the energy ideas of the CCF had been implemented in those years, Canada would be far more free of external forces in that sensitive area today...
...In this volume of political memoirs Lewis records the intelligence and decency of a Russian-Jewish family that emigrated to Montreal in 1921...
...Because children were not considered criminals—were, in fact, considered incapable of committing a crime—they would not be granted equality under the law, nor would they be stigmatized by a criminal record...
...In turn, the local political authorities bent to the need to establish a "good business climate...
...The problem for democratic theorists is to find institutional mechanisms that will allow the integration of participatory and representative politics...
...542 pp...
...Insisting on the child's best interests tends to cloud the issue...
...From there he went to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and graduated with a degree in the Hebrew language and literature... is also the capacity to determine which issues become "proper and acceptable" subjects for public debate...
...But from the outset some, including the Union of Palestinian Teachers, encouraged civil disobedience...
...The case is odder than it sounds, for shocking as the allegation is, no one seriously thinks the child much damaged by these events...
...Lewis, with his European experiences, was much perturbed when North American socialists mindlessly repeated that fascism was simply the "final stage of capitalism...
...The citizens later obtained a copy of the film and used it to build support within the valley and elsewhere...
...There are problems with this analysis...
...He took a leading role in the formation of the New Democratic party (NDP)—whose principal components were the Canadian Labour Congress and the CCE In 1962 Lewis entered upon an impressive parliamentary career as MP for Toronto's South York constituency...
...Presenting the news no matter what the consequences (including threats on his life), Halabi was soon accepted as a friend and colleague...
...these same second- and third-rate lawyers buying their way into judgeships...
...More often than not, the parents don't know what they want...
...But what do you do, Schinitsky asks, when a kid who's had both arms broken wants to return to his home...
...The second section, "The Maintenance of Power Relationships," brings the historical discussion into the present and again draws an equivalence between coal company and UMWA domination...
...thesis, it contains lapses into "dissertationese"—jargon and convoluted statistical manipulations...
...A chapter on the UMWA again demonstrates the pitfalls of the "ideological domination" approach...
...The other, opposing view, at the time a minority position, argued that the territories should be annexed...
...What had been two differing political views after the 1967 war had evolved into a bitter and emotional confrontation between two camps...
...Why was there no rebellion...
...Gaventa's approach is to analyze what he inelegantly calls the "ideological apparatus," or the process that shaped people's wants and beliefs: the introduction of consumerist values by the new elite, control over "the socializing agencies of government, church, school," and so on...
...He nevertheless continues to hope, believing that he and others who share these concerns not only can but must act soon to prevent further polarization...
...One of these was a Scot, Alexander Arthur, who formed a London-based company called American Association, Ltd...
...By December 1980 there were 68 such settlements (though with a population of only 17,500 people) strategically scattered all over the West Bank...
...Galenta cites a few "myths" that were widely circulated by Boyle forces about Yablonski and his outside supporters, but he gives no evidence that these myths were more widely accepted in District 19 than elsewhere...
...But this is radically misleading...
...But Canada's federal Liberals dismissed the CCF proposals in favor of a plan to have a needed pipeline built through private— mainly U.S.—interests...
...It is unfortunate that David Lewis did not live to continue these perceptive memoirs: to include a record of his parliamentary years, and to evaluate his leadership of the New Democratic party...
...David's father, a leather worker and a leader in the local Bund, was arrested and in danger of execution for his Menshevik sympathies, which only confirmed his assessment of the Bolsheviks as inherently ruthless...
...Arthur's coal empire dictated a new economic order, destroying noncommercial farming and imposing dangerous work, low wages, and economic dependency on the local population...
...For him the welfare state is mistaken on principle because it is a part of the whole modern, Faustian project—the attempt to subordinate nature and the inevitable vise of large-scale, bureaucratic, and technologically dominated organizations that is associated with this ultimately Sisyphean effort...
...For the miners, economic survival meant bending to the company's will...
...The people learn that the company's power has many faces...
...In 1943, a still youthful David Lewis sought election to Canada's House of Commons from the largely Jewish riding of Montreal Cartier, where the Lewis parents still lived...
...Tragically, the move toward peace with Egypt decreased the likelihood of any dialogue between the Israeli government and the West Bank leadership...
...The price is too great, Schaar believes, and the only way out is to abandon not just the welfare state but the state as such...
...On the dust jacket his publisher notes that he often draws on conservative sources and indeed he does...
...Prescott cannot be held accountable for presenting us with a lamentable situation...
...What is genuinely disturbing is a political system that actively discourages participatory activity from those who wish to engage extensively in the life of politics...
...Does one then need to speak of "ideological domination...
...Prime Minister Begin's government declares that the 1.1 million Palestinians living in the occupied territories will have to accept permanent Israeli rule, signaling the hardening of a shortsighted position...
...Israel responded by deporting the first group of political leaders (not to Jordan or Lebanon as soon became official practice but, interestingly enough, to other cities in Israel proper...
...One, growing in influence, called for unilateral annexation based on historical right and security imperatives...
...There is no reason to think the case is finished...
...We require opportunities for face-to-face democratic politics, but we also need large-scale representative institutions...
...This policy, however, does not go uncontested in Israel...
...On the West Bank, Halabi relates, Israeli policy 370 did manage to quiet a large segment of the local population...
...Schinitsky has argued that when a defendant may lose his liberty, then by rights the case is an adversary proceeding...
...It shows the conditions under which rebellion becomes possible and demonstrates the limits of that rebellion...
...If one must have a label to characterize Schaar's position it should probably be that of a radical democrat...
...But again, this is not the standard rightist vigilante position and Schaar warns us that we are perilously close to the condition against which Henry Adams warned when morality is confused with the police...
...In this first section of the book, we are also given an account of the "rise and quelling" of union protest, focusing especially on the Depression coal wars of 1929-33...
...While not systematic, they are learned, eloquent, intellectually independent, deeply troubled and often deeply troubling...
...But though Prescott, by his own admission, gives an unbalanced amount of attention to violent crimes, and though . . . there are children from whom society must be protected...
...As Sar Levitan and Robert Taggert have shown in their fine study Promise of Greatness, the programs of the Great Society had a substantial positive effect, particularly for blacks and the poor, and there was even a modest, if temporary, movement toward redistribution...
...I wanted particularly to write about some aspect of the condition of human rights in our society today...
...It would have taken us years of struggle to reach this kind of mass unity and elation...
...In the war on poverty, he tells us, poverty won a decisive victory...
...Lewis went to Ottawa to work at a legal job, and also as the unpaid assistant national secretary of the CCE In 1938 he assumed the post of national secretary full-time...
...Lewis insists that "it is the defenders of the capitalist ethos who are doctrinaire " In The Next America (1981) Michael Harrington has perceived the United States as being the "most ideological nation on the face of the earth...
...As Gaventa and the organizer described the local injustices they had "discovered," they registered the miner's reaction...
...This is the central issue of Gaventa's study, and his answer is clear: to understand why people do not rebel in situations of exploitation, one must understand power relationships...
...what the press doesn't tell us . . . is how few of these sensational cases there really are, what a small percentage they represent among the hundreds of thousands of children who run afoul of the law...
...Permitted entry, in David's words, were "pitifully few victims" of Hitler's madness...
...Turnblazer remained District 19 president for many years, then was replaced by his son, William Jr., who was convicted in 1972 along with other District 19 officials for conspiracy to murder the leader of the UMWA reform movement, Jock Yablonski...
...At the same time it is not at all clear that Schaar fully recognizes the potential dignity of the private life...
...Has that past experience discouraged them from moving away from Begin now, despite the present government's diversion of scarce resources away from social needs in Israel to the West Bank settlements (populated almost entirely by Ashkenazi, not Oriental, Gush Emmunim settlers...
...Others went further and joined a network of terrorist cells organized by then littleknown Yasir Arafat, who had slipped across the Jordanian border into the West Bank at the beginning of the occupation...
...BUT SCHAAR'S CRITIQUE of the welfare state goes much deeper than an assertion of its ineffectiveness...
...Outside agitators"—the film crew and community organizers, including the author—were probably a precondition for this protest...
...It is a recurrent Lewis contention that ideology is far from dead, and he insists that democratic socialists are commonly less dogmatic than their "free-enterprise" adversaries...
...As Prescott notes, these theories "fit the American temper—its can-do optimism, its hustling determination to do good, to do the impossible, to straighten out intractable problems with liberal lashings of generosity and technology...
...Finally, Israeli society is also divided along class and cultural lines in ways that may indirectly influence government policy in the territories...
...In Montreal, Lewis senior became a cutter in a men's clothing firm, an active member of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union, of the Workmen's Circle and, somewhat later, Canadian secretary of the Jewish Labor Committee...
...and secured coal rights to over 80,000 acres in Clear Fork Valley for as little as 50 cents an acre...
...On the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, the protests, demonstrations, and riots by Palestinians are intensifying...
...In addition to drawing questionable parallels between the Arthur-dominated coal empire and the Lewis-ruled UMWA, this section raises but does not adequately resolve a fundamental problem inherent in the author's "ideological domination" approach to power...
...Gaventa tells us . . . the answer lies in the powers of the industrial society for establishing control and for breeding consensus...
...He recounts his efforts in those delicate transitions so needed to meld a Canadian unity of trade unions and democratic socialist thought... be able to participate meaningfully in politics is undoubtedly of great human importance and it is a right not readily available in complex, bureaucratized, representative democracies...
...At its best, sometimes liberalism can be sublimated into artistic pursuits, as John Adams suggested when he said that he engaged in politics in the hope that his descendants would be spared that necessity and freed for higher things...
...Parens patriae was the earliest expression of this concern, "a legal provision allowing the state to assume, in the event of presumed parental default, responsibility for the custody and protection of children within its jurisdiction—and of their property interests as well...
...Yet the cooperation they initially advocated was soon to change into open confrontation...
...But Lewis, even then, was in the painful process of accommodating himself, not so much to the ideology of Zionism—which he and his father had long rejected—as to the harsh realities of the Jewish predicament in the Hitler-blighted years...
...It is not a criticism of these programs as such that their effects were undermined by the war in 379 Vietnam...
...The deficiencies of the welfare state cannot be corrected by its abolition...
...THOUGH THE FOCUS of The Child Savers is narrow, the book comes to tell us much about our country's entire justice system...
...We are faced with a crisis of legitimate authority, Schaar believes, with the absence of the sense of willing obedience that stems from the existence of a healthy social order...
...But because there were no restraints upon the 373 court, judges did as they wished with children...
...While difficult to measure, such domination surely exists...
...they must serve as an excuse to pry the girl away from a mother who is demonstrably mad...
...And that difference," Lewis was to insist, "is big enough...
...Those in the north rallied to the more radical leadership in the cities of Nablus and Ramallah...
...In the end, the company's resources simply overwhelm the protest, and the movement subsides...
...Urbana: University of Illinois Press...
...Neither assimilationist nor religiously observant, the Lewis family in Canada adhered to their Jewish identity with pride...
...Yet the Lawyers' Code of Responsibility is clear on the matter: a lawyer must represent the will of the client...
...He relates that immediately after the '67 war Arab leaders in East Jerusalem persuaded the local population to maintain order and to refrain from any act that might provoke the military government...
...He uncovered many of the rabidly anti-Jewish statements made by West Bank leaders...
...After a year on the job, Halabi regretfully realized the difficulty of bridging that chasm...
...At best, they are victims of parents who need help in raising children, or who want the state to relieve them of their children...
...Moreover, he is frequently critical of the left in these essays...
...A GRAVE PROBLEM of juvenile justice centers on how juvenile criminality is viewed by our society...
...Canadians were taxed to underwrite an outside takeover of essential natural resources...
...The dismissal backfired, sparking more acts of violence against the military...
...And yes, it is true that liberalism—and even more specifically capitalist liberalism—has contributed to this situation...
...Halabi describes the emergence of two different approaches to that rule...
...Whatever its problems of method, Power and Powerlessness is to be saluted for underlining the importance of "ideological domination" in power relationships...
...At the same time the new Arab leadership on the West Bank began to take positions that were independent of the official PLO policy made in Beirut...
...Halabi, as a highly visible television reporter, often was an easy target for both Palestinians and Israelis unwilling to consider the legitimacy of each other's positions or needs...
...Dramatic changes followed in the relationship between Palestinians and Israelis in the occupied territories...
...Boyle was defeated in a special 1972 election by Arnold Miller, 56 percent to 44 percent...
...He wrote his book in the best journalistic tradition—to point out that a situation exists...
...He is disturbed by the long association of liberalism with capitalism and despises that tradition's lack of concern for authority and community as well as its corresponding commitment to what he sees as a corrosive individualism...
...When he got back from Oxford, in August 1935, the CCF was a political reality...
...The process was like a colonizing process...
...Power is the cultural and ideological domination of peoples' perceptions of their situation— in a word, their consciousness...
...He offers the Charles Schinitskys and Emily Whites as the true heroes of his sad tale...
...Of the two, Bolshevik occupation was more stressful...
...But a majority in the older Trades and Labour Congress of Canada (TLC) had declined to support the socialists, in deference to traditional AFL policies...
...244 pp...
...Those in the south, linked to Sheikh Ja'abri, the mayor of Hebron, favored close ties to Jordan's King Hussein and temporary acquiescence in Israeli rule...
...We must move away from statist, centralized, and specialized organizations...
...The formal annexation of the Golan Heights now has even provoked violent opposition from the formerly quiescent Arab Druze sect...
...From its inception, juvenile law has been carefully isolated from the rigors and precedents of common law...
...Clearly, David Lewis would have extended that perception northward to take in the branch plant operators and their political servants in his own land...
...Given his hostility to the modern state, John Schaar will not help as much as he might in seeking this delicate balance, but we are in his debt for a sensitive and often brilliant articulation of the participatory ideal...
...At just this time Halabi began his career as the Israeli television correspondent responsible for covering the West Bank and the Gaza Strip...
...Halabi, a member of the Druze sect (one of only two Arab sects that serve in the Israeli army), has written an account of his life and work that offers a powerful exposition of the dangers inherent in the present government's policies...
...As a prominent political figure on the Ottawa scene, Lewis inevitably was involved in the constant pleading with federal bureaucrats and Members of Parliament about easing Canada's harshly restrictive immigration rules...
...And this the author does not— perhaps cannot—provide...
...but the evidence is thin...
...When the funds required for the vast undertaking failed to materialize, the Liberal administration provided the money from the public treasury...
...He intended simply to portray the process of justice, without offering solutions...
...Clearly, purposive social action undertaken by government can "work...
...Unfortunately, his book fails adequately to address some other important aspects of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians...
...Decisions were rarely monitored...
...Although all leaders articulated some kind of unified opposition to Israeli rule, the West Bank Arab leadership was far more divided than the community in Jerusalem...
...Participatory democrats need to find ways to engage in meaningful political action within the framework of the large state...
...Then came his post as an assistant to Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem, and thereafter service in the army's officer corps...
...The author's own evidence supports an alternative explanation for the vote for Boyle in District 19: the district frequently received huge "loans" from the International...
...But parens patriae is viewed by legal historians, either with irony or contempt, as merely a "quasi-legal camouflage for a multitude of legal sins...
...His book does more than cover many of today's immediate problems in Israel and the West Bank...
...HALABI RECOUNTS AND COMMENTS on the years and events that followed...
...We are caught in a dilemma only half of which is brought into focus by Schaar...
...Much of Schaar's argument results from his view of classical liberalism as a doctrine in which political action is systematically downgraded and in which the center of human activity is shifted away from the political arena into the sphere of economic striving...
...You be the mother,' Emily said, 'and you do to me what she did to you...
...This section is the weakest of the book...
...THE MOUNTING OF PROTEST against the coal company by people in the valley is the theme of the final section, and this is the book's most original part...
...The often mentioned desire in some Israeli political circles for an indigenous Palestinian leadership willing to deal with the Israelis seemed to materialize...
...Gaventa asks: Why did District 19 continue to support Tony Boyle and oppose the reform movement in the UMWA...
...His return to the law, 12 years later, was dictated by the need to provide for his growing family...
...When we quit the field of politics," he writes, "we quit the best proving ground for the development of our humanity...
...In one of the many disturbing case studies that Prescott cites, a mother, Delores Martin, was accused of lesbian practices with her four-year-old daughter, Lila...
...Toronto: Macmillan of Canada...
...If Schaar is a conservative at all, he is not the ordinary sort and is most certainly worth bothering with...
...Abuse and neglect cases are legally difficult to define...
...How has this affected the politics of the region, if at all...
...They called, for example, for coexistence based on a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel...
...With Lewis finishing at the very bottom of the poll—the successful candidate was a Communist...
...359 pp...
...police officers at odds with district attorneys who, they contend, "manage to combine laziness with overwork and who will allow two killers immunity if they will testify against a third, 'when all three of them should fry.' " But what is most distressing is that if we search 374 through any of the literature on the juvenile justice system—say, Lois Forer's No One Will Lissen, Lisa Richette's The Throwaway Children, or the chapter on the subject in Charles Silberman's Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice—we find that since the early 1960s nothing has changed...
...CCF leader M. J. Coldwell and his socialist colleagues, inside the House, with Lewis outside, as CCF national chairperson, vigorously advocated a publicly owned natural-gas pipeline that would bring the gas from Alberta's ample gas fields west to British Columbia and east to Ontario and beyond...
...But the people had gained, however briefly, a sense of collective strength, and the company no longer could easily equate quiescence with loyalty...
...The first examines the historical formation of power relationships in the valley, focusing on early coal development and efforts to unionize...
...the development of dominance of one set of values and procedures over another . . . out of which the dominant set of values and procedures is accepted by the colonized...
...It is possible to sympathize with Schaar's position...
...The sad fact is that rank-and-file militancy met fierce resistance not only from coal 375 owners and their political flunkies...
...seem unfamiliar with a basic premise of trial practice, which is that the business of a defense lawyer is to defend his client vigorously, and not condescend to him or, having predetermined his guilt, conspire with judge and prosecutor to arrive at a semblance of equity...
...but in District 19 he received 81 percent...
...Halabi then heard many Israeli army officers conclude that the Palestinian movement was in its death throes...
...While these positions hardened in Israel, conflict between Palestinians and Israelis deepened as resistance to the military government increased...
...The attempt to use the state as an aid to the solution of the problems of modernity has only succeeded in making it a part of the problem...
...Power and Powerlessness is a case study of how powerful interests linked to a multinational energy corporation exercise domination over the people of Clear Fork Valley, near the Cumberland Gap on the Kentucky-Tennessee border...
...For Gaventa power is more than repression, coercion, or even influence...
...The author's approach clashes sharply with much contemporary research that either interprets quiescence as a sign of positive approval of the status quo or views rebellion as the inevitable consequence of anger generated by oppressive conditions...
...From time to time, Delores Martin has appeared in Family Court seeking a modification of visiting rights, but each time the judge has denied her application...
...As the U.S...
...Young David, who at the age of 12 had to sit in class with six-year-olds because he did not speak English, was at Oxford 11 years later as a Rhodes scholar...
...A modern political economy exhibits most of the costs Schaar notes, but it extends benefits as well, beginning, needless to say, with increased life expectancy...
...For example, Oriental Jews, who came originally from 372 Arab countries in North Africa and the Middle East (where many of them suffered harsh discrimination and persecution), are often said to be supporting Begin, primarily because of his chauvinistic and anti-Arab policies...
...New Brunswick: Transaction Books...
...Among contemporary barriers to participation, however, one of the most important is economic deprivation...
...Through the work of one man, a lawyer named Charles Schinitsky, who plays a prominent role in The Child Savers, many of these abuses are beginning to be corrected...
...became industrialized in the late 19th century, demand for coal rose and the mountains of Appalachia swarmed with developers and speculators snapping up coal rights from unassuming mountaineers...
...I wanted desperately to believe that the faithful reporting of events could somehow bridge the yawning chasm between two peoples and revive 371 the hope in the prospect of attaining peace through mutual respect and recognition...
...In Clear Fork Valley, this occurred in 1972 when a crew from England arrived to make a film about American Association's operations in the valley...
...In Svisloch, a shied that became part of Poland at the end of World War I, David Lewis experienced three years of German occupation—to be followed, in 1919, by six months of Bolshevik rule...
...The more violent the incident, the greater the attention shown...
...Believing themselves threatened by the Camp David accords, the mayors, despite some popular demonstrations of support for Sadat, followed PLO directives and denounced the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty...
...Despite this, Schaar is, to say the least, not an enthusiast for the welfare state...
...As a man caught between two nationalisms, who defines himself as an Israeli patriot though he is not a Jew, Halabi's account invites attention to broad issues...
...Neither father nor son ever departed from that early evaluation...
...In 1930, Lewis's activity in the Montreal branch of the Young People's Socialist League took him to a Yipsel national conference in New York, where he met Walter Reuther...
...In the Gaza Strip, terrorist cells dominated political life...
...To their disappointment, he showed no surprise, no outrage, only resigned acceptance...
...At one point the military government dismissed Rashad A-Shawa, the mayor of Gaza, for having refused to follow orders...
...One proposed that the occupied territories be used as a bargaining chip, to be given up in exchange for a real and lasting peace with neighboring countries...
...As the Reagan administration progresses we shall discover the value of these programs—as they are eroded or destroyed...
...But though Schinitsky has accomplished much, the New York City courts are, as Prescott shows, a troubling mess...
...After the return of the Sinai, Israel's refusal to consider relinquishing any more territory has helped stir a new wave of anti-Israeli activity...
...Surprised by the PLO decision to encourage participation, the government was even more overwhelmed by the outcome of the voting...
...She belongs to a family homosexual group called "The Cloth," which meets regularly in her home and includes Lila's paternal grandmother...
...By the end of June 1967 the Knesset had formally annexed East Jerusalem, and new Jewish neighborhoods began to spring up in that part of the city...
...The little support Hussein still retained in the West Bank was eroded even further when he refrained from entering the 1973 Arab-Israeli war...
...Reflecting the views of many who worked with him in Israeli television, he writes of how he believed, when he began working, that...
...Young David Lewis's first decade in a new land involved him in efforts to master a new language and to achieve good grades...
...However, in June 1980, when he reported on the expropriation of private lands (rather than "public domain") for the sake of building the Elon Moreh settlement near Nablus, Halabi was attacked in the Knesset by Ariel Sharon, the man in charge of the settlements and then minister of agriculture...
...And the CCF, which was showing signs of running out of steam on its own, adapted itself with surprising grace to a projected union with the merged labor movement...
...And one of the saddest ironies about abuse cases is that, though the parents are at fault, it is the child who is shipped off to an institution...
...probation officers in despair over psychiatric reports filled with Freudian jargon...
...We can only hope that such people continue their fine work and emerge victorious...
...Given the space he devotes to the PLO and Jewish settlement activity, one might have expected a full discussion of the Israeli peace movement, its strengths and weaknesses...
...And with Menahem Begin's election, the establishment of Jewish West Bank settlements by the ultranationalist Gush Emmunim group, which had begun in 1973 during the Labor party's administration, increased significantly...
...In July local Arab leaders began to organize resistance... fact, its philosophical underpinnings derive not from law but from humanitarian concerns and from prevailing fashions in sociology...
...The traditional culture of the mountaineers was simultaneously degraded and appropriated: the new elite patronized the locals as "idle and shiftless" and renamed towns, schools, and streets...
...Only a full-scale biography of the eminent Canadian socialist can now fill that need...
...A four-page handwritten letter from CCF leader J. S. Woodsworth detailed the stark penury of the new party, but urged Lewis to aid the small Ottawa parliamentary group... offers the hope—however frail—of distributing economic well-being widely enough to provide a common basis for political action...
...This book joins a handful of studies, such as Barrington Moore's Injustice and Sennett and Cobb's The Hidden Injuries of Class, which examine, in Moore's phrase, "the social bases of obedience and revolt...
...Following Hannah Arendt, Schaar believes we are well down the road to a loss of any humanly meaningful authority so that there is a real sense in which law and order is the basic issue of our time...
...First, Halabi's treatment of Israeli opposition to the settlement activity and government policy is insufficient...
...Swept out of office were the older leaders who had advocated loyalty to Hussein and cooperation with the military government...
...In April 1976 the Labor party allowed municipal elections on the West Bank, fully expecting the PLO to call for a boycott...
...It seemed to me that if, as I suspect, these rights are not a stable commodity, children (who are often held by our society to be marginal citizens) might have the most difficulty maintaining theirs...
...Part of the interest of Schaar's work is that he does not fit easily into any of the standard ideological categories...
...Both believed that the law should provide penalties severe enough to maintain security and order but that anything beyond this was tyranny...
...As socialists in the Bund tradition, however, they were not Zionists...
...Halabi concludes the book with a warning that the relentless friction between Israelis and Palestinians is bound to polarize the two camps ever more drastically...
...By the mid-1950s, however, with the merger of the two labor federations imminent, a majority for support of the CCF—or of a new party with the same social democratic philosophy—was evident...
...Their dedication to addressing all aspects of Israeli society, including the most unpleasant, incurred the wrath of the present government and of the Labor governments that preceded it...
...Today lawyers are not unwelcome in the juvenile system, but "in the profession's opinion it is not a forum for real law (and certainly not for real fees...
...When a government attempt to expel the mayor of Nablus, Basem Shaka, was blocked by the Israeli Supreme Court, the Arab mass demonstrations that followed prompted Ibrahim Tawil, the former mayor of El-Bireh, to tell Halabi: "I'm glad that Shaka was arrested...
...These deportations, Halabi writes, whatever they may have achieved from the Israelis' point of view, only hardened the opposition of local Arab leaders...
...The reasons for the exclusion of press and public have their origin in the establishment of the juvenile courts: From its inception in medieval English chancery courts, juvenile law has been of all legal disciplines . . . the least firmly grounded in the assumption and traditions of "due process...
...With each step his personal life and career were tied more strongly to the fate of the country...
...Eventually though, after surviving an attack on his life, Shaka as well as Tawil and other West Bank mayors were dismissed by the military government in the spring of 1982...
...Soon thereafter, Halabi's responsibilities were restricted by the director of the television authority (a recent Begin appointee...
...Second, the book focuses on a few major personalities, glossing over the real divisions in Palestinian society between wealthy landowners and political leaders on one side and the poor fellahin (peasants) on the other—although the more oppressive aspects of the occupation may have united them for now...
...Lila, obviously bright but frightened, after a time complied...
...Within days of that return to Montreal, David's, and his wife Sophie's, political life began to unfold...
...And many attorneys...
...In the fall of 1933, when the miners of this area (UMWA District 19) sought to gain control over their union, they were crushed by John L. Lewis, who also imposed his own "consensus" and proceeded to rule through a hand-picked representative, William Turnblazer...
...The concept came to be known as the "laissez-faire" approach to crime...
...if I presented the harsh truth about life in the territories, I could make the Israelis see that their blind devotion to the conventional wisdom was actually undermining the security of the State of Israel...
...267 pp...
...This increased settlement activity following the 1977 elections heightened Arab fears about the intentions of the Begin government...
...Taken aback by its success in 1967, Israel was illprepared to rule over a million Palestinians who were living on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip...
...he no longer had the right to cover any activities connected with Jewish settlements on the West Bank...
...Ideologically, David Lewis projected opposition to all dogmatism...
...At first fearful to speak before cameras because of possible reprisals, local citizens came to see the filming as an opportunity to address grievances to their absentee owners indirectly through the media...
...Respect for their ancestors was part of their lives... was always both at the same time...
...Such cases in Family Court tend to continue indefinitely...
...He was forthright in asserting that since fascism completely destroyed the working-class movement, it could reasonably be argued that the difference between capitalist democracy and fascism was the difference between life and death...
...The case was only resolved when Lila's father sued for custody, and won...
...The Good Fight: Political Memoirs 1909-1958, by David Lewis...
...Originally written as an Oxford Ph.D...
...above all else he is not a liberal...
...Soon thereafter the military governor asked the deposed mayor to resume his duties, and only then did anti-Israeli actions subside...
...With the death of David Lewis in May 1981, democratic socialism in Canada lost one of its most dynamic leaders...
...Juvenile court was to be the child's friend, "the state as wise adult sitting in for the child's defaulting parents...
...All the areas of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip gradually moved toward open confrontation with the military authorities...
...But these attacks and hardships only alienated West Bank residents from King Hussein and drove them into the arms of the PLO...
...As an Israeli, Halabi had an impeccable background...
...THE Canadian Congress of Labour (CCL), which has incorporated Canada's CIO affiliates and several purely national unions since the early 1940s, had given near-unanimous support to the CCF...
...Peter Prescott, book critic of Newsweek, wrote this study of the Juvenile Justice System in New York City, knowing and keeping in mind that he was not qualified to discuss either the causes of juvenile crime or the means of preventing it...
...And this has continued almost unabated to the present...
...Even if resistance was temporarily thwarted, political jostling in the widef Arab world influenced the development of a fiercer and radicalized opposition to the occupation...
...Accompanied by a local community organizer, Gaventa had climbed the narrow path to the miner's cabin to seek his support for a citizens' lawsuit challenging the low taxation of surrounding coal property...
...His answer: "The position of dependency within the union, relative to the powerlessness outside it, allowed and encouraged the response of loyalty to the regime when challenge to it occurred...
...I did not become a Zionist", he relates, "but I ceased being critical of Zionism because the survivors of Nazism . . . were entitled to find a home where they would feel fully secure and free as Jews...
...A criminal was to be punished only after the crime was committed, and the punishment was to be specific in the hope of deterring future criminals...
...Resented by those Israelis who did not appreciate his commitment to presenting all sides of the news, and detested by many Palestinians because of his continuing identification as an Israeli, Halabi had to face the tragic irony of being attacked by both sides...
...The book focuses on the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians by tracing the deepening of that antagonism since the 1967 Six-Day War...
...But he was characterized in the proceedings as a wino who had never married Delores and who had once attempted suicide...
...Surely we would have missed the histories of Henry Adams had he been able to realize his political ambitions...
Vol. 29 • July 1982 • No. 3