Shalom, Israel

Lapierre, Jean-William

With the following article we continue our discussion, from various points of view, of the problem of war and peace in the Middle East. We welcome comment from readers who disagree with M....

...One speaker publicly denounced the patriotic lies and conspiracy of silence with regard to the "incidents" that inevitably occur in the occupied territories...
...Without reverting to the 1948 U.N...
...Nothing remains, therefore, but a division of territory between two independent states that little by little, perhaps, might develop the bonds of an economic community and even of political confederation...
...The chief stumbling block is the fate of the refugees whom Israel has for 20 years refused to repatriate, and whom the Arab states have for 20 years refused to integrate into their populations as immigrants...
...It goes without saying that any peace arrangement necessarily obliges the Arab states in no way to restrict the free navigation of Israeli vessels in the Straits of Than and the Suez Canal...
...Does this degree of partici pation in the government enable the Mapam to balance the influence of the Rafi group of Dayan and Ben-Gurion, and really bend Israeli policy in a direction that favors peace...
...The dean and the general-secretary, M. Bourjac, replied that they had come to the same decision...
...They cannot approve a policy of prolonged occupation...
...If the Mapam wishes effectively to oppose the policy of prolonged occupation, faits accomplis, and annexation the party must win over a proportion of Israeli public opinion that far exceeds its usual political following...
...the "terrorist" organizations represent only a small minority of extremists among the Arabs who live in the occupied territories, among whom they are "fish out of water," their social basis being the subproletariat of the refugee camps...
...But the present does not simply repeat the past...
...Dayan alone is capable of defending and protecting us," my neighbor on the return flight home told me...
...What would democracy mean for an ethnic and cultural minority isolated in this aggregation...
...ever since U Thant's inexplicable decision to withdraw the U.N...
...Nevertheless, I question the chances of peace...
...The binational state was a possibility up until 1948, and it had fairly numerous supporters among socialist Jews, although fewer supporters among progressive Arabs...
...Men can certainly be found in both camps who are ready to accept them, despite the sacrifice of national pride that they demand...
...It has only eight deputies in Parliament, and will retain them after the next elcetion only by presenting its candidates on the shared lists of the Front...
...All propaganda that exalts the chauvinism of one side or the revolutionism of the other, that condemns one for "imperialism" or denounces the other as "reactionary," is war propaganda...
...The "feudal" princes of Arabia—themselves the dependents of the great oil companies—contribute generously to the commandos...
...The "rapporteur" for the first thesis was Raymond Aron, director of Studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes...
...the ideological tradition of this movement, which between 1936 and 1945 had as its leader Haj Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and a friend of Hitler, is not revolutionary but reactionary and is akin to that of the Muslim Brotherhood...
...Israelis would be mistaken to trust too much in these "moderates" or "realists...
...if Israeli authorities pursue a policy of economic and social development in the occupied territories, they will easily put an end to "terrorism...
...Very important elements are pressuring for an indefinite prolongation of conflict and for war, by gambling on feelings of exacerbated nationalism...
...religious fanaticism and the wish to perpetuate privileges may be present...
...Not many planes or bombs are needed to destroy Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba...
...It has not caused the government to take initiatives that many of the delegates to our conference judged essential: for example, an unambiguous official statement that the government intends to apply the Security Council's resolution of November 22, 1967, and does not intend to annex the occupied territories...
...Free circulation between this Israeli city and the internationalized city would be assured...
...There were no police on hand to bludgeon them...
...On the last day of the conference, poster-carrying Israeli students from the extreme Left organization Matzpen demonstrated before the great amphitheater of the Hebrew University, protesting, quite like students elsewhere, against imperialism and calling for immediate JEAN-WILLIAM LAPIERRE evacuation of the occupied territories...
...After these incidents the same group of "contestaire" students shouted slogans against Raymond Aron in the courtyard and in the street: "Aron Fascistel" This is what things have come to...
...In 1956, the Mapam opposed the Sinai War, but did not prevent it...
...The demographic imbalance and the difference in standards of living and development would be such that, in effect, this would amount to Jewish domination of an Arab minority...
...To cite a French example: in 1940, French resistance to the Nazi Occupation was confined to a few groups, each acting on its own in the midst of a citizenry that was maintaining a wait-and-see attitude or was beguiled by the prestige of Marshal Petain...
...THERE ARE IN ISRAEL brave and clearthinking men who are neither militarists nor imperialists...
...A Palestinian Arab state independent of Transjordan...
...I make no claim to infallibility...
...In actuality, would it not amount to the Jews being dominated by the Arabs...
...But what does secularity mean in a Muslim political aggregation...
...Was the expansion of Islam achieved without wars or conquest...
...If in Europe, following the Second World War, the Oder-Neisse Line must be considered the frontier of peace between Germany and Poland, although it was imposed by force and at the price of a largescale exodus of refugees—and the same could be said of the present frontier between Poland and the U.S.S.R.—then a peaceful frontier can and must be established and recognized between Israel and the neighboring Arab states, although it may result from Israel's having been victorious in three wars and be imposed at the price of a large-scale exodus of refugees...
...But in the relationship between occupier and occupied there is a certain dynamic— and it was, precicely, one of the intellectuals who had come to the conference from SHALOM ISRAEL Czechoslovakia who strongly underscored this point...
...Some members of the audience reacted with heat to remarks that seemed to them unduly favorable to the policy of annexation...
...As for the claim to the whole city of Jerusalem, it is in no way justified by considerations of security but is dictated by patriotic and "cultural" (or religious) motives...
...Naturally, it would still be possible for the State of Israel to maintain its political capital in the western and modern part of this sprawling city...
...So, to my way of thinking, it is only reasonable that Jerusalem have an international status of a special kind if one truly wants a just peace that wrongs neither Jews, Arabs, nor Christians...
...But experience shows that if such a movement survives and grows, in the long run it is the revolutionary groups that take over and exercise a preponderant influence, if only because such groups are better officered and more capable of organized action...
...Al Fatah speaks of a multicommunal state (the two communities, Jewish and Arab, having equal rights), a secular and democratic state that would be integrated within a Union of States of the Middle East—that is, within a Pan-Arab union...
...Obviously Palestine is not Algeria, and Israeli irritation over certain comparisons is understandable...
...Its people have the right to live in peace and security...
...Two attitudes were possible in view of the likelihood of disturbances: either to hold the "soutenance" in a room to which the public was not admitted, or else to let it be known to the "contestaires" that it would be held openly and in the hall originally designed for it and that any demonstration which made this impossible would be most unfair to the candidate (he holds a provincial teaching post and would be forced to make a second journey to Paris...
...Within Israel, this prolongs a perilous status quo (occupation, terrorism, repression, constant tension along the cease-fire lines) and plays into the hands of the partisans of a Greater Israel, of the Gahal (the front for rightist parties), and of General Dayan...
...A twenty-minute walk through the picturesque streets of the Old City takes one from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the West Wall of the Temple and to the admirable Mosque of Omar...
...The Six Day War could have turned out very differently had the Egyptian Air Force not been destroyed on the ground in the first few hours of hostilities...
...A stirring reply but not entirely persuasive, coming as it does from this old socialist theoretician who is well-grounded in Marxism...
...There are always some men prepared to "collaborate" with the occupier to protect their interests, even though they contribute through other channels to the resistance...
...But the experience of nations stronger than Israel shows that the most modern and best equipped army is unable to put down a national resistance that begins as the "terrorism" of small, isolated groups and ends as a guerrilla war fought by large military contingents on their own soil, with at least the tacit support of the population and the "logistical" support of neighboring states...
...Either they are integrated into one and the same binational state (eventually a federal state if the two populations are not intermixed throughout the whole area) or they constitute two independent neighboring states (eventually confederated if they realize that in international political life they have common interests to defend...
...They realize that a prolonged stationing of troops in territories occupied by the Israeli Army in 1967 would be dangerous and unjust...
...This is the essential point, the sole basis for peace in this part of the world...
...Meir Yaari, secretary general of the Mapam, answered such questions, in a conversation at Kibbutz Merhavia: "We have an ideal, an ideal of a socialist Zionism, and that is what we count on...
...If the Palestinian Jewish nation must not be destroyed by the Arabs, the Palestinian Arab nation must not be annihilated by the Jews...
...If, in order to escape from this dilemma, Israel falls into the trap of a policy of annexation and a new "preventive" and offensive war (the only kind of war she can win), this will constitute proof that she is indeed an imperialist power, and Palestinian Arab resistance will be greatly strengthened...
...A feeling of insecurity, combined with pride in military superiority, makes public opinion very receptive to the arguments of the "realists," who promise peace through a policy of "positions of strength" and "faits accomplis...
...I fear for Israel and for the Palestinian Arabs during the months and the years ahead...
...Even if he belongs to the Left and is entirely prepared to recognize the national rights of the Palestinian Arabs, no Israeli is capable of speaking dispassionately of Al Fatah and the Palestinian commandos...
...T T HE PRINCIPALS of a Iational and lasting peace between Israel and the Arabs are very clear: (1) The State of Israel exists and its existence must be recognized...
...In a sustained state of war with the Arab states...
...which presents a more positive view of the Israeli position...
...Obviously, one can discuss the past until one is blue in the face, polemicize endlessly for or against Zionism, object to the way the Jews have "colonized" Palestine since 1880, criticize the partition devised by the United Nations in 1947, wax indignant over the fate of the Arab refugees, etc...
...In an Israeli Army occupation of the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, West Jordan, and the Gaza Strip...
...I visited one near the road that follows the cease-fire line on the Golan Heights, between Kuneitra and El Hamma...
...N N ONETHELESS, I did not return home without anxieties about the future of Israel and the chances for peace...
...History, however, has made Jerusalem a holy city and a spiritual capital not only for the Jews but also for Muslims and Christians...
...Our international situation is just as good, and our domestic situation is much better, since the Six Day War...
...No one wishes for a peace settlement more than they, because their position is now very delicate...
...With the following article we continue our discussion, from various points of view, of the problem of war and peace in the Middle East...
...Today Mapam is associated with the Workers' Front, which is dominated by the big social democratic party, the Mapai, of which General Dayan is a member...
...The resistance-repression cycle in such situations has well-known effects: it mobilizes the population that is subject to an occupation and increasingly strengthens its solidarity with the combatants, even if the latter continue to be a minority...
...the decision must be reached through self-determination...
...Yet is there another and better means of international control... is also a city with a mixed population, and a historical city in the collective memories of three civilizations...
...General Dayan's popularity is rooted '`What Things Have Come to...
...But were the moment of truth to come, were a clear choice to be offered between their return to Israel to become Israeli citizens, like the 300,000 Arabs who did remain in Israel, and their establishment, with respectable indemnification, as citizens of a Palestinian Arab state, how many would choose the first alternative...
...This is the affair of the people directly concerned...
...It is true that Israel has lost confidence in the U.N...
...It is possible that I am wrong...
...These are mainly military settlements—the land is cultivated by soldiers of both sexes...
...We welcome comment from readers who disagree with M. Lapierre...
...One need only visit the rugged Golan Heights to realize that whatever the frontier may be, there will always be elevations from which the Syrians can fire on the Israelis...
...The territorial division must be equitable...
...During our stay in Nazareth, Abdul Azziz Zuabi went to Nablus both to intervene in behalf of some young women who had been arrested during a demonstration against the occupation forces and also to forestall a fresh demonstration...
...task force at Nasser's insistence, precisely when its presence would have been most useful...
...The truth is that whatever Israel's frontiers are, she will never have safe frontiers so long as her frontiers are not recognized by her Arab neighbors...
...The Mapam participates in the government, although its two ministers occupy posts of secondary importance...
...Now, a military kibbutz is less permanent, if one may put it so, than a civilian kibbutz, although in Israel—a nation that for the last 20 years has been under arms and at all times capable of total mobilization—the distinction between civilian and military has less meaning than elsewhere...
...SRAELIS attach particular importance to ' a clause in the Security Council's resolution of November 22, 1967, which affirms the right of every nation in the Middle East to "live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force...
...In the growth throughout the occupied territories of what can be called variously, depending on whether one is for or against them, the "terrorism" or "resistance" of the Palestinian fellahin, but which is in actuality a struggle, based on a claim to national sovereignty, against an occupying power...
...Therefore, it would be more to Israel's advantage to keep no part of what she conquered by arms in 1967, and even to agree to "modifications on the frontier" in favor of the Palestinian Arabs, if in exchange she obtained from the Arab states not only de-facto but de-jure recognition...
...It is most remarkable that men "of the Left" in France and elsewhere— who, out of ideological passion, would willingly sacrifice Israel to Pan-Arabism in the name of "anti-imperialism" and who are very vocal about the sacred rights of the Palestinian Arabs—are much less so about the fate of the Kurds, oppressed by the Arabs, or about the black peoples of the Southern Sudan, enslaved and repressed by the "Arab" government of that country...
...They recognize the Palestinian Arabs' right to a national existence...
...Foreign delegates who wanted to talk with them were able to do so with complete freedom...
...Even groups which oppose the annexation policy and declare that Israel must restore to the Arabs the larger part of the areas occupied since the Six Day War cite this clause in demanding "secure boundaries"—which, if one may call a spade a spade, means some territorial annexations...
...In what Arab country would such a public confrontation, with governmental policy and certain prestigious officials openly criticized and foreign delegates taking an active part, be possible today...
...And so today, even if the Palestinian "terrorists" are not currently supported by the united Arab population of the occupied territories, were the occupation to be prolonged it is very likely that the repressive measures occasioned by the terrorists' actions will gradually assure them such support... 1965, it won 7 percent of the votes cast to elect the Knesset and 15 percent of tt.e SHALOM ISRAEL votes electing the directors of the Histradut (the sole Israeli trade-union organization...
...Certainly, no one can expect an Israeli, even were he a left-socialist, to accept peace terms that do not imply recognition of the SHALOM ISRAEL right of the Jews to a national existence in Palestine—and by extension, recognition of the State of Israel...
...Some people in Israel propose organizing in the occupied territories a kind of autonomous Arab region attached to the State of Israel...
...A frontier capital city remote from the territorial center of the nation is certainly not a "capital of security...
...3) Since two peoples can legitimately claim the right to a national existence within the same borders, two modes of political organization are possible...
...We will fight—with our bare fists, if need be—against a policy that is dangerous for Israel...
...Did it succeed, for instance, in block ing the establishment of new Jewish kib butzim in the occupied territories...
...The one reasonable solutionwould be—the Heights having been restored to the Syrians—demilitarization, rigorously controlled by United Nations, of a broad swathe embracing all the heights and slopes that directly dominate the Jordan Valley...
...The dean and M. Polin several times appealed in vain for order...
...What nation in the world has come into being that has not, at some moment or another in its history, had recourse to force of arms...
...Elsewhere, a lecture hall had been assigned to the general assembly of the sociology students, arranged for the same time as the "soutenance" (which was to take place in the Salle Louis-Liard...
...Within the Arab states, it serves the purposes of those who wish the destruction of Israel and who to that end are counting on the internal and external difficulties for Israel that an indefinite prolongation of the status quo cannot fail to provoke...
...He had resumed discussion of the principal thesis when a large number of students began beating on the outsides of the windows of the hall and made it impossible for him to continue speaking...
...When you want to make a given policy prevail, can you dispense with an analysis of the real balance of power and of the trends in public opinion...
...LE FIGARO JEAN-WILLIAM LAPIERRE in this need to be reassured...
...the student group that challenged the chauvinism of certain speakers was called the Movement for Security Through Peace...
...It may be that certain tendencies of the Palestinian Arab movement are reactionary...
...By 1944, the situation was quite different...
...This amounts to demanding that the Arab states, which since 1948 have consistently challenged the very existence of Israel, make their major concession in advance of any talks...
...The 16th kibbutz was opened at NathalArgaman, in West Jordan, on May 6; three had already been organized in that area, plus two others in the Sinai, and ten on the Golan Heights...
...Ultimately, any escalation of resistance and of reprisals would probably shake the loyalty of these Arab citizens of Israel, who would thus risk again being subjected to the military government's special security regulations, which were lifted in 1966...
...How really potent is this current of pro-peace opinion in the country as a whole...
...As a result of the disturbances (interruptions, heckling, shouting) the jury twice adjourned the "soutenance" in order to give the candidate a fair chance...
...that account first appeared in Le Figaro and was then reprinted in Encounter.—En...
...Raymond Aron, Balandier, Daval and Polin) to expect possible trouble and to consider their position...
...The presence of Mapam in the government has not caused the administration to budge from its intransigent position on the necessity of direct negotiations...
...Within the borders of what state...
...The situation is entirely different, of course, for the political leaders of the 300,000 Israeli Arabs, such as the Mapam militant who made us welcome to his village of Baka, or the deputy mayor of Nazareth, Abdul Azziz Zuabi, a deputy to the Knesset, whom we visited in his home...
...And the future will not repeat the present...
...For a period of time, in order to avoid "incidents," a zone established in equal depth along both sides of the newly established frontiers should be demilitarized and placed under international control, without any possibility of either of the interested parties' being able unilaterally to terminate this control...
...There was complete freedom of expression...
...I should like to think they are practicable...
...The jury decided on the second alternative...
...It is not without cause that the word "security" figures also in the names chosen by the groups that oppose a "Greater Israel": the March conference was organized by the Movement for Peace and Security...
...The Israelis have several good reasons for responding to this alternative by declaring it a mealymouthed scheme that says nothing worthwhile to them...
...i.e., there is nothing new under the sun, and things will remain always as they are or have been...
...Thus, the Mapam peace program calls for "the inclusion of the Gaza Strip, for reasons of security, within the frontiers of the State of Israel" and the establishment of Israeli defense posts on the Golan Heights, and affirms that a "unified Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel...
...Many of us are likely to disagree at one point or another with M. Lapierre's views, but the kind of methods employed against him make rational discussion impossible and lead to one or another kind of totalitarianism...
...They wish their country to adhere to a policy of peace that excludes both domination and expansion, a policy contrary to that advocated by General Moshe Dayan or the partisans of a "Greater Israel...
...Meanwhile, it is worth noting that despite his criticisms of the Israeli government, M. Lapierre has come under attack from New Left students in Paris, who recently engaged in a disgraceful exhibition of hooliganism to disrupt his thesis defense at the Sorbonne...
...For 20 years, the refugees have been maintained at the expense of the United Nations in misery and idleness, but also in the hope that, the State of Israel and all its achievements having been swept from the map of the Middle East, they will soon return to their homes and fields...
...JEAN-WILLIAM LAPIERRE The people in Israel whose views run counter to the prevailing opinion, the people who say that there is no security except through peace, and who urge their government to act accordingly appear to me to be seeing things as they are...
...In France, at the beginning of the Algerian War, we used to hear it said—and not only by politicians of the Right—that the Algerian "terrorists" were a mere handful of retrograde fanatics who dreamed of returning to the times of Abd-el-Kader...
...but it is the Israelis who wish it so, for all that one cannot then justify annexing Ram Allah, Jericho, and Bethlehem on the ground that this capital must be surrounded by a protective zone...
...N PRACTICAL TERMS, where does the security of Israel lie if the situation created by the Six Day War, which has already lasted two years, is prolonged indefinitely...
...In any case, there is no such thing as a nation without territory, and the national existence of the Palestinian Arabs can become a reality only in Palestine...
...The erstwhile small farmer, the owner of a few hectares now occupied by an airport or a factory, has been allowed to believe that he will recover his plot of land... such, it serves the oil interests or the strategy of domination of this or that great power, but it does not serve the interests of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples or the cause of peace...
...On the Thursday an evening paper announced the meeting of the sociologists, which led the members of the jury (under the presidency of M. Stoetzel, with MM...
...Labor leaders, intellectuals, university professors, and political militants (the latter mainly from the left-socialist party Mapam) followed each other to the podium to affirm their wish for peace and their determination to search in good faith for the just and reaReprinted, in slightly condensed form, with permission, from Esprit...
...One owes one's friends the truth...
...she was a young sabra who works in a big Tel Aviv hotel...
...The arguments one hears or reads on this crucial point can be summarized thus: the terrorism carried out by the Palestinian Arabs is not guerrilla warfare, for they attack the civilian population and not our armed forces...
...But one cannot turn backward...
...In every national resistance to a foreign occupation, quite diverse ideological currents are provisionally united...
...Security continues to be the primary preoccupation of this small nation of 2.8 million people surrounded by hostile neighbors...
...When the windows of the hall were broken, the jury decided unanimously to suspend the session, which will be resumed at a later date...
...On p. 521 will be found an account of the violence directed against M. Lapierre...
...Raymond Aron had, in fact, been the previous evening to see M. Las Vergnas, the dean of the faculty, and had told him that he refused to officiate either in conditions of secrecy or of tumult...
...Although no longer on the staff of the Faculty of Letters, from which he voluntarily resigned in January 1968, Raymond Aron acted as "rapporteur" for this thesis according to tradition, since this responsibility had originally been his...
...It is in order to impose at least de-facto recognition on the losers in the 1967 war that the Israeli government insists on direct negotiations aiming at an eventual peace treaty...
...In which currently existing Arab nation can one find an example or model of democracy...
...the result, as has been evident for two years, has been to block all possibility of negotiations...
...They were all agreed that the doctorate, though fully deserved by a candidate of proved intellectual and moral standing, could not be conferred without the customary "soutenance...
...Greater Israel JEAN-WILLIAM LAPIERRE that is to say, the annexation by Israel of the whole of Palestine, which at present she occupies—would be the negation of this right...
...2) The Palestinian Arabs constitute a people that has a right to a national existence, and this existence must be recognized...
...Everything that has been achieved in this country is the fruit of that ideal...
...Their fate depends not only on themselves but also on the international balance of power and the struggle between the imperialisms of the great powers...
...What social forces can this active minority count on in order to prevail over the partisans of a policy of faits accomplis and territorial expansion, who argue their case from the vantage point of security needs...
...Can you be satisfied merely to invoke an ideal...
...Naturally, the speakers revealed differences about the ways peace could be achieved...
...some may be interested in turning back to an article by Abraham Friend, in our July–August issue...
...But to establish people on the land with the intention of cultivating it is this a good way of showing that one is prepared to return it in exchange for a peace settlement...
...For quite some time to come, Israel can preserve her military superiority and win fresh victories in wars of the classical type...
...Another delegate, the spokesman for a student group, questioned the contrast between the values he had been taught to respect and the conduct of his country's public officials: "Was my education, then, only a sham...
...It is true that Gaza has never belonged to Egypt, but it is no less true that Gaza can with reason be claimed by Palestinian Arabs...
...So I must say to those who welcomed me in Israel that they risk committing a grave mistake in their interpretation of the movement of national liberation that has arisen among the Arabs of Palestine because of the occupation...
...this Palestinian movement is not new, for ever since 1936 there have always been Arab organizations in Palestine that have opposed by violence the formation of a Jewish state here...
...To ward off the temptation of a swaggering nationalism, is it enough to affirm that the majority of your civil administrators and military leaders were brought up in kibbutzim, and that 60 percent of all workers are employed in the public sector...
...recommendation, with its complicated frontiers, narrow corridors, and territorial interpenetrations, Israel, in return for recognition by her neighbors and sure frontiers—sure because they will be recognized—must unquestion SHALOM ISRAEL ably agree to relinquish certain areas conquered on the occasion of one or another of her three victories, and must not insist that every frontier rectification be exclusively to her advantage...
...One cannot destroy the State of Israel without physically liquidating a people ready to defend it to the end and firmly resolved to remain there because they consider Palestine the home of their ancestors and because nowhere else have they a homeland...
...She will some day have her nuclear capability...
...But I did return from Israel convinced that, on balance, the prolongation of the occupation and the growth of Palestinian Arab resistance constitute for this small nation a far greater danger than the united armies of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan...
...These peace principles seem to me just and rational...
...Everything indicates that public opinion in Israel is not moving in this direction...
...Assuming that the West Jordan area is relinquished, Jerusalem is a frontier city...
...sonable conditions that would make peace possible...
...Mapam is a minority party...
...Exactly like the arguments of highly placed officials in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this line of reasoning postulates something that to me seems most debatable...
...It is just that Israel recognize their right to repatriation or to indemnification...
...To this I can testify after attending a three-day international conference organized by the Movement for Peace and Security and held last March in Tel Aviv, at the Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, and in Jerusalem...
...The Palestinian resistance organizations have a large reserve army at their disposal: a multitude of desperados from the refugee camps, who have nothing else or better to do than to enlist in the guerrilla forces, and who also have nothing to lose—which is clearly not the case with the rich middleclass Jordanian owners of the villas one admires on leaving Jerusalem by the road that leads to Ram Allah and Nablus...
...Their pride in the three victories of 1948, 1956, and 1967 does not blind the Israelis to their vulnerability, particularly to air attack...
...Our kibbutzim are less vulnerable to enemy fire" is what highranking officials responsible for Israeli foreign affairs say when someone voices in their presence any concern about the future of their country, assuming that the direct negotiations they demand will continue to be rejected by the Arab states...
...Paris THERE WERE disturbances at the Sorbonne on Saturday, during the "soutenance de these" which M. Lapierre, of the Nice Faculty of Letters, should have given on "The Treatment of News from Israel by the Great French Dailies in 1958" (these complementaire) and "Essay on the Basis of Political Power" (these principale...
...Cultural differences between the Jews and Arabs, and, above all, the last 20 years of conflict and hatred make such a solution currently unattainable if one truly wants a peace without one people's dominating or exploiting the other...
...One significant detail: the map of Israel that is supplied to tourists embraces without distinction, within the limits of the new cease-fire line, both occupied and other areas...
...Although obviously in quite different forms, the first solution is envisaged both in the political program of the Palestinian Arab movement Al Fatah and in some of the plans put forward by Israeli public figures and political groups...

Vol. 16 • November 1969 • No. 6

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