Black Boys and Native Sons

Howe, Irving

James Baldwin first came to the notice of the American literary public not through his own fiction but as author of an impassioned criticism of the conventional Negro novel. In 1949 he...

...V Looking back to the early essays and fiction of James Baldwin, one wishes to see a little further than they at first invite:—to see past their brilliance of gesture, by which older writers could be dismissed, and past their aura of gravity, by which a generation of intellectuals could be enticed...
...And in that way he kept faith with the experience of the boy who had fought his way out of the depths, to speak for those who remained there...
...If Bigger Thomas, as Baldwin said, "accepted a theology that denies him life," if in his Negro self-hatred he "wants to die because he glories in his hatred," this did not constitute a criticism of Wright unless one were prepared to assume what was simply preposterous: that Wright, for all his emotional involvement with Bigger, could not see beyond the limitations of the character he had created...
...No matter how much qualifying the book might later need, it made impossible a repetition of the old lies...
...and so one had to keep insisting that such writers were nevertheless presenting actualities of modern experience, not merely phantoms of their neuroses...
...No longer is Baldwin's prose so elegant or suave as it once was...
...At the end, after witnessing a frenzied race riot in Harlem, he "finds himself" in some not entirely specified way, and his odyssey from submission to autonomy is complete...
...What, then, was the experience of a man with a black skin, what could it be in this country...
...The two pulls upon his attention are difficult to reconcile, and Baldwin's future as a novelist is decidedly uncertain...
...These last years were difficult for Wright, since he neither made a true home in Paris nor kept in imaginative touch with the changing life of the United States...
...If Wright portrayed the violence gripping Negro life, that was because he was really obsessed with it...
...For a novelist who has lived through the searing experiences that Wright has there cannot be much possibility of approaching his subject with the "mature" poise recommended by highminded critics...
...Without the terror of that nightmare it would have been impossible for Wright to summon the truth of the reality—not the only truth about American Negroes, perhaps not even the deepest one, but a primary and inescapable truth...
...That he did not fully succeed seems obvious...
...That the party leadership manipulated members with deliberate cynicism is beyond doubt, but this cynicism was surely more complex and guarded than Ellison shows it to be...
...there was no alternative...
...Yet it should also be recognized that these essays gain at least some of their resonance from the tone of unrelenting protest in which they are written, from the very anger, even the violence Baldwin had begun by rejecting...
...The word "really" or more sophisticated equivalents could do endless service in behalf of a generation of intellectuals soured on the tradition of protest but suspecting they might be pygmies in comparison to the writers who had protested...
...The long speech by Bigger's radical lawyer Max (again a device apparently borrowed from Dreiser) is ill-related to the book itself: Wright had not achieved Dreiser's capacity for absorbing everything, even the most recalcitrant philosophical passages, into a unified vision of things...
...Forgiveness cannot be speedily willed, if willed at all, and before it can even be imagined there will have to be a fuller discharge of those violent feelings that have so long been suppressed...
...Later Baldwin would see the problems of the Negro writer with a greater charity and more mature doubt...
...The problem of homosexuality, which is to recur in Baldwin's fiction, is confronted with a notable candor, but also with a disconcerting kind of sentimentalism, a quavering and sophisticated submission to the ideology of love...
...Brutal and brutalized, lost forever to his unexpended hatred and his fear of the world, a numbed and illiterate black boy stumbling into a murder and never, not even at the edge of the electric chair, breaking through to an understanding of either his plight or himself, Bigger Thomas was a part of Richard Wright, a part even of the James Baldwin who stared with horror at Wright's Bigger, unable either to absorb him into his consciousness or eject him from it...
...Baldwin's second novel, Giovanni's Room, seems to me a flat failure...
...This book has been attacked for presenting Negro life in the South through "old-fashioned" images of violence, but one ought to hesitate before denying the relevance of such images or joining in the criticism of their use...
...It is not a pretty thought, but neither is it a mere "unrewarding rage...
...Baldwin's most recent novel Another Country is a "protest novel" quite as much as Native Son, and anyone vindictive enough to make the effort, could score against it the points Baldwin scored against Wright...
...Wright confronts both the violence and the crippling limitations of Bigger Thomas...
...The kind of criticism Baldwin wrote was very fashionable in America during the post-war years...
...This question, more portentous than profound, cannot easily be reconciled to a character who has been presented mainly as a passive victim of his experience...
...He understood that the fantasy of rape is a consequence of guilt, what the whites suppose themselves to deserve...
...And in pieces like the reports on Harlem and the account of his first visit South, Baldwin realizes far better than in his novels the goal he had set himself of presenting Negro life through an "unspoken recognition of shared experience...
...And all the recent writing of Baldwin indicates that the wishes of his youth could not be realized, not in this country...
...This was a question Baldwin never seriously confronted in his early essays...
...They got things and we ain't...
...Native Son, though preserving some of the devices of the naturalistic novel, deviates sharply from its characteristic tone: a tone Wright could not possibly have maintained and which, it may be, no Negro novelist can really hold for long...
...has led us all to believe that in Negro life there exists no tradition, no field of manners, no possibility of ritual or intercourse, such as may, for example, sustain the Jew even after he has left his father's house...
...We black and they white...
...Beyond that Bigger cannot go...
...And he kept writing, steadily experimenting, partly, it may be, in response to the younger men who had taken his place in the limelight and partly because he was a dedicated writer...
...The history of literature is full of such painful ruptures, and the issue Baldwin raised is one that keeps recurring, usually as an aftermath to a period of "socially engaged" writing...
...Apparently drawing upon Baldwin's youthful experience as the son of a Negro preacher, the style of these essays is a remarkable instance of the way in which a grave and sustained eloquence—the rhythm of oratory, but that rhythm held firm and hard— can be employed in an age deeply suspicious of rhetorical prowess...
...He is not the first American Negro to find the war between his social and artistic responsibilities all but irreconcilable...
...He has written three essays, ranging in tone from disturbed affection to disturbing malice, in which he tries to break from his rebellious dependency upon Wright, but he remains tied to the memory of the older man...
...During the last few years Baldwin has emerged as a national figure, a leading intellectual spokesman for the Negroes, whose recent essays, as in The Fire Next Time, reach heights of passionate exhortation unmatched in modern American writing...
...Invisible Man is a record of a Negro's journey through contemporary America, from South to North, province to city, naive faith to disenchantment and perhaps beyond...
...yet whatever may have been the objective inadequacy of his polemic against Wright a decade ago, there can be no question that his refusal to accept the role of protest reflected faithfully some of his deepest needs and desires...
...Though they fail to yield any clear line of chronological development, these stories give evidence of Wright's literary restlessness, his often clumsy efforts to break out of the naturalism which was his first and, I think, necessary mode of expression...
...Native Son is a work of assault rather than withdrawal...
...That Native Son has grave faults anyone can see...
...In "The Man Who Lived Underground" Wright shows a sense of narrative rhythm, which is superior to anything in his full-length novels and evidence of the seriousness with which he kept working...
...Many times he had come into a hotel room carrying luggage or food and seen naked white women lounging about, unmoved by shame at his presence, for "blacks were not considered human being anyway...
...He wanted to move, as Wright had not been able to, beyond the burden or bravado of his stigma...
...Wright drove his narrative to the very core of American phobia: sexual fright, sexual violation...
...each had to release his own agony before he could regard Negro life with the beginnings of objectivity...
...I was a non-man...
...And it is not hard to surmise the reasons for this change...
...But if rage makes for power it does not always encourage clarity, and the truth is that Baldwin's most recent essays are shot through with intellectual confusion, torn by the conflict between his assumption that the Negro must find an honorable place in the life of American society and his apocalyptic sense, mostly fear but just a little hope, that this society is beyond salvation, doomed with the sickness of the West...
...they might easily have been echoed by Richard Wright...
...The beginning is both nightmare and farce...
...These portions of Another Country tend to be abstract, without the veined milieu, the filled-out world, a novel needs: as if Baldwin, once he moves away from the Negro theme, finds it quite as hard to lay hold of contemporary experience as do most other novelists...
...we can, at best, try to remake them...
...Enormous courage, a discipline of self-conquest, was required to conceive Bigger Thomas, for this was no eloquent Negro spokesman, no admirable intellectual or formidable proletarian...
...probably, since they were mere mortals living in the present society, they were contaminated...
...Practical jokes, humiliations, terror—and then the boy delivers a prepared speech of gratitude to his white benefactors...
...It is in revolt that man goes beyond himself to discover other people, and from this point of view, human solidarity is a philosophical certainty...
...Like many of us, he had somewhat lost his intellectual way, but he kept struggling toward the perfection of his craft and toward a comprehension of the strange world that in his last years was coming into birth...
...Throughout the fifties Richard Wright was struggling to find his place in a world he knew to be changing but could not grasp with the assurance he had felt in his earlier years...
...Baldwin's rebellion against the older Negro novelist who had served him as a model and had helped launch his career, was not of course an unprecedented event...
...Indeed, the last word is given not to Max but to Bigger...
...It violates the reality of social life, the interplay between external conditions and personal will, quite as much as the determinism of the thirties...
...In about half of Another Country —the best half, I would judge—the material is handled in a manner somewhat reminiscent of Wright's naturalism: a piling on of the details of victimization, as the jazz musician Rufus Scott, a sophisticated distant counsin of Bigger Thomas, goes steadily down the path of self-destruction, worn out in the effort to survive in the white man's jungle and consumed by a rage too extreme to articulate yet too amorphous to act upon...
...IV In his own novels Baldwin hoped to show the Negro world in its diversity and richness, not as a mere specter of protest...
...Still, for long stretches Invisible Man does escape the formulas of protest, local color, genre quaintness and jazz chatter...
...Together with several other Negro boys he is rushed to the front of the ballroom, where a sumptuous blonde tantalizes and frightens them by dancing in the nude...
...When Negro liberals write that despite the prevalence of bias there has been an improvement in the life of their people, such statements are reasonable and necessary...
...Such passages are almost as damaging as the propagandist outbursts in Native Son...
...At the end of this section, the boy dreams that he has opened the briefcase given him together with his scholarship to a Negro college and that he finds an inscription reading: "To Whom It May Concern: Keep This Nigger-Boy Running...
...A certain amount of obsession may be necessary for the valid portrayal—writers devoted to themes of desperation cannot keep themselves morally intact...
...To say this is not to propose the condescension of exempting Negro writers from moral judgment, but to suggest the terms of understanding, and still more, the terms of hesitation for making a judgment...
...he wanted to enter the world of freedom, grace, and self-creation...
...Like all attacks launched by young writers against their famous elders, Baldwin's essays were also a kind of announcement of his own intentions...
...we need not battle for it...
...But we do not make our circumstances...
...Another Country has within it another novel: a nagging portrayal of that entanglement of personal relationships—sterile, involuted, grindingly rehearsed, pursued with quasi-religious fervor, and cut off from any dense context of social life—which has come to be a standard element in contemporary fiction...
...Like Dreiser, Wright wished to pummel his readers into awareness...
...If Native Son is marred by the ideological delusion of the thirties, Invisible Man is marred, less grossly, by those of the fifties...
...He wrote admiringly about Wright's courage ("his work was an immense liberation and revelation for me"), but now, precisely because Wright had prepared the way for all the Negro writers to come, he, Baldwin, would go further, transcending the sterile categories of "Negro-ness," whether those enforced by the white world or those defensively erected by the Negroes themselves...
...The boy then leaves for New York, where he works in a white-paint factory, becomes a soapboxer for the Harlem Communists, the darling of the fellow-travelling Bohemia, and a big wheel in the Negro world...
...Between Wright's feelings as a Negro and his beliefs as a Communist there is hardly a genuine fusion, and it is through this gap that a good part of the novel's unreality pours in...
...But in regard to contemporary writers one finds it very hard to distinguish between a valid portrayal of violence and an obsessive involvement with it...
...Speaking from the black wrath of retribution, Wright insisted that history can be a punishment...
...The observation is expert: he knows exactly how zootsuiters walk, making stylization their principle of life, and exactly how the antagonism between American and West Indian Negroes works itself out in speech and humor...
...In reply, there was no way to "prove" that Dreiser, Farrell and Wright were not contaminated by the false values they attacked...
...If Farrell showed the meanness of life in the Chicago slums, that was because he could not really escape it...
...James Baldwin first came to the notice of the American literary public not through his own fiction but as author of an impassioned criticism of the conventional Negro novel...
...He has brought a new luster to the essay as an art form, a form with possibilities for discursive reflection and concrete drama which makes it a serious competitor to the novel, until recently almost unchallenged as the dominant literary genre in our time...
...and it has the sad advantage of being true, first as Baldwin embodies it in the disintegration of Rufus, which he portrays with a ferocity quite new in his fiction, and then as he embodies it in the hard-driving ambition of Rufus' sister Ida, who means to climb up to success even if she has to bloody a good many people, whites preferably, in order to do it...
...or even, merely a Negro writer...
...His whole experience is to follow this pattern...
...He had resigned with some bitterness from the Communist Party, though he tried to preserve an independent radical outlook, tinged occasionally with black nationalism...
...It could be urged, perhaps, that in composing a novel verging on expressionism Wright need not be expected to present the Negro world with fullness, balance or nuance...
...He understood that the white man's notion of uncontaminated Negro vitality, little as it had to do with the bitter realities of Negro life, reflected some ill-formed and buried feeling that our culture has run down, lost its blood, become febrile...
...No more important words could be spoken in our century, but it would be foolish, and impudent, not to recognize that for the men who must live by them the cost is heavy...
...The author of this novel is caught up with the problem of communication, the emptiness that seeps through the lives of many cultivated persons and in response to which he can only reiterate the saving value of true and lonely love...
...No American Negro exists," Baldwin would later write, "who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in the skull...
...I think he went astray whenever he abandoned naturalism entirely: there are a few embarrassingly bad experiments with stories employing self-consciously Freudian symbolism...
...It abandons Negro life entirely (not in itself a cause for judgment) and focuses upon the distraught personal relations of several young Americans adrift in Paris...
...For the novel as a genre seems to have an inherent bias toward extreme effects, such as violence, cruelty and the like...
...I felt doubly cast out... Dreiser, to overpower them with the sense of society as an enclosing force...
...For Wright was perhaps justified in not paying attention to the changes that have occurred in the South these past few decades...
...Richard Wright came from a broken home, and as he moved from his helpless mother to a grandmother whose religious fanaticism (she was a Seventh-Day Adventist) proved utterly suffocating, he soon picked up a precocious knowledge of vice and a realistic awareness of social power...
...the author yields himself in part to a vision of nightmare...
...For "Even the hatred of squalor/Makes the brow grow stern/Even anger against injustice/Makes the voice grow harsh...
...But Wright was correct in thinking that the problem of detail is the most vexing technical problem the naturalist writer must face, since the accumulation that makes for depth and solidity can also become very tiresome...
...But even Ellison cannot help being caught up with the idea of the Negro...
...And how, precisely as one does sympathize, can one avoid the conclusion that in this effort Baldwin has thus far failed to register a major success...
...The failure of the protest novel "lies in its insistence that it is {man'sl categorization alone which is real and which cannot be transcended...
...There were times when Baldwin grasped this point better than anyone else...
...perhaps the later Wright tried too hard, read too much, failed to remain sufficiently loyal to the limits of his talent...
...And again like Wright, he gives way on occasion to the lure of black nationalism...
...Wright needed the accumulated material of circumstance which naturalistic detail provided his fiction...
...What astonishes one most about Invisible Man is the apparent freedom it displays from the ideological and emotional penalties suffered by Negroes in this country—I say "apparent" because the freedom is not quite so complete as the book's admirers like to suppose...
...Though the unqualified assertion of self-liberation was a favorite strategy among American literary people in the fifties, it is also vapid and insubstantial...
...Naturalism pushed to an extreme turns here into something other than itself, a kind of expressionist outburst, no longer a replica of the familiar social world but a self-contained realm of grotesque emblems...
...The young Wright learns how wounding it is to wear the mask of a grinning niggerboy in order to keep a job...
...For at the end Bigger remains at the mercy of his hatred and fear, the lawyer retreats helplessly, the projected union between political consciousness and raw revolt has not been achieved—as if Wright were persuaded that, all ideology apart, there is for each Negro an ultimate trial that he can bear only by himself...
...Is it impudent to suggest that one reason he felt the book to be a liberation was precisely its rage, precisely the relief and pleasure that he, like so many other Negroes, must have felt upon seeing those long-suppressed emotions finally breaking through...
...About this we know very little and would be well advised not to nourish preconceptions, for their feelings may well be closer to Wright's rasping outbursts than to the more modulated tones of the younger Negro novelists...
...Alfred Kazin, for example, had found in Wright a troubling obsession with violence: If he chose to write the story of Bigger Thomas as a grotesque crime story, it is because his own indignation and the sickness of the age combined to make him dependent on violence and shock, to astonish the reader by torrential scenes of cruelty, hunger, rape, murder and flight, and then enlighten him by crude Stalinist homilies...
...The unevenness of his writing is highly disturbing: one finds it hard to understand how the same man, from paragraph to paragraph, can be so brilliant and inept...
...His most interesting fiction after Native Son is to be found in a posthumous collection of stories, Eight Men, written during the last 25 years of his life...
...Yet it should be said that the endlessly repeated criticism that Wright caps his melodrama with a party-line oration tends to oversimplify the novel, for Wright is too honest simply to allow the propagandistic message to constitute the last word...
...In response to Baldwin and Ellison, Wright would have said (I virtually quote the words he used in talking to me during the summer of 1958) that only through struggle could men with black skins, and for that matter, all the oppressed of the world, achieve their humanity...
...Today it is likely to strike one as a note whistled in the dark...
...If it is true, as Baldwin said in "Everybody's Protest Novel," that "literature and sociology are not one and the same," it is equally true that such statements hardly begin to cope with the problem of how a writer's own experience affects his desire to represent human affairs in a work of fiction...
...No party leader would ever tell a prominent Negro Communist, as one of them does in Invisible Man: "You were not hired [as a functionary] to think"—even if that were what he felt...
...The climate of the book, "common to most Negro protest novels...
...For Bigger white people are not people at all, but something more, "a sort of great natural force, like a stormy sky looming overhead...
...And he grasped the way in which the sexual issue has been intertwined with social relationships, for even as the white people who hire Bigger as their chauffeur are decent and charitable, even as the girl he accidentally kills is a liberal of sorts, theirs is the power and the privilege...
...In Black Boy, the autobiographical narrative he published several years later, Wright would tell of an experience he had while working as a bellboy in the South...
...Still more troublesome, both as it breaks the coherence of the novel and reveals Ellison's dependence on the post-war Zeitgeist, is the sudden, unprepared and implausible assertion of unconditioned freedom with which the novel ends... is a novel in which the writer withdraws from a detested world and coldly piles up the evidence for detesting it...
...The day Native Son appeared, American culture was changed forever...
...we need only to do what is infinitely more difficult —that is, accept it...
...Strip down a pretense, whether by choice or accident, and you will suffer penalties, since the rickety structure of Negro respectability rests upon pretense and those who profit from it cannot bear to have the reality exposed (in this case, that the college is dependent upon the Northern white millionaire...
...All but irreconcilable: the phrase strikes a note sharply different from Baldwin's attack upon Wright in the early fifties...
...Black Boy, which appeared five years after Native Son, is a slighter but more skillful piece of writing...
...With the publication of Native Son, however, Wright forced his readers to acknowledge his anger, and in that way, if none other, he wrested for himself a sense of dignity as a man...
...In "The Man Who Lived Underground" Wright came close to solving this problem, for here the naturalistic detail is put at the service of a radical projective image—a Negro trapped in a sewer...
...Native Son assaulted the most cherished of American vanities: the hope that the accumulated injustice of the past would bring with it no lasting penalties, the fantasy that in his humiliation the Negro somehow retained a sexual potency—or was it a childlike good-nature?—that made it necessary to envy and still more to suppress him...
...The unfortunate fact remains that to define one's individuality is to stumble upon social barriers which stand in the way, all too much in the way, of "infinite possibilities...
...He told us the one thing even the most liberal whites preferred not to hear: that Negroes were far from patient or forgiving, that they were scarred by fear, that they hated every moment of their suppression even when seeming most acquiescent, and that often enough they hated us, the decent and cultivated white men who from complicity or neglect shared in the responsibility for their plight...
...The narrative voice is a voice of anger, rasping and thrusting, not at all "literary" in the somewhat lacquered way the earlier Baldwin was able to achieve...
...He found life in America intolerable, and he spent his last fourteen years in Paris, somewhat friendly with the intellectual group around Jean-Paul Sartre but finally a loner, a man who stood by the pride of his rootlessness...
...Like Richard Wright before him, Baldwin has discovered that to assert his humanity he must release his rage...
...Richard Wright died at 52, full of hopes and projects...
...Time after time the narrative texture is broken by a passage of sociological or psychological jargon...
...The language is often coarse, flat in rhythm, syntactically overburdened, heavy with journalistic slag...
...In the early fifties he published a very poor novel The Outsider, full of existentialist jargon applied but not really absorbed to the Negro theme...
...But these essays, like some of the later ones, are marred by rifts in logic, so little noticed when one gets swept away by the brilliance of the language that it takes a special effort to attend their argument...
...This note of willed affirmation was to be heard in many other works of the early fifties, most notably in Saul Bellow's Adventures of Augie March...
...Wright remembered, and what he remembered other Negroes must also have remembered...
...There are clear allegorical intentions (Ellison is "literary" to a fault) but with a book so rich in talk and drama it would be a shame to neglect the fascinating surface for the mere depths...
...Bigger was the worst of Negro life accepted, then rendered a trifle conscious and thrown back at those who had made him what he was...
...Compulsively reenacting and magnifying his trauma, the protest novel proves unable to transcend it...
...After this hard and dismal decade, what strikes one most of all is the sheer pathos of these early writings, the way they reveal the desire of a greatly talented young man to escape the scars—and why should he not have wished to escape them?—he had found upon the faces of his elders and knew to be gratuitous and unlovely...
...Like Wright before him, Baldwin wrote from the intolerable pressures of his own experience...
...and despite some flaws, the story is satisfying both for its tense surface and elasticity of suggestion...
...Surely Rosenfeld was not here inviting an easy acquiescence in violence...
...His first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, is an enticing but minor work: it traces the growing-up of a Negro boy in the atmosphere of a repressive Calvinism, a Christianity stripped of grace and brutal with fan-asies of submission and vengeance...
...Blindfolded, the Negro boys stage a "battle royal," a free-for-all in which they pummel each other to the drunken shouts of the whites...
...They do things and we can't...
...He examines the life of the Negroes and judges it without charity or idyllic compensations—for he already knows, in his heart and bones, that to be oppressed means to lose out on human possibilities...
...Ralph Ellison expressed this view in terms still more extreme: "Thus to see America with an awareness of its rich diversity and its almost magical fluidity and freedom, I was forced to conceive of a novel unburdened by the narrow naturalism which has led after so many triumphs to the fin and unrelieved despair which marks so much of our current fiction...
...James Baldwin's early essays are superbly eloquent, displaying virtually in full the gifts that would enable him to become one of the great American rhetoricians...
...he has at the moment no other choice...
...All that has happened since, bears him out...
...and it could not be otherwise...
...If he could speak of the "unrewarding rage" of Native Son, he also spoke of the book as "an immense liberation...
...He was a writer in limbo, and his better fiction, such as the novelette "The Man Who Lived Underground," is a projection of that state...
...This autobiographical memoir, a small classic in the literature of self-discovery, is packed with harsh evocations of Negro adolescence in the South...
...He can accept his people as they are, in their blindness and hope:—here, finally, the Negro world does exist, seemingly apart from plight or protest...
...yet Ellison writes with an ease and humor which are now and again simply miraculous...
...In the late fifties Wright published another novel, The Long Dream, which is set in Mississippi and displays a considerable recovery of his powers...
...He keeps running...
...It is a question that would soon be tormenting James Baldwin, and almost against his will...
...he was trying to suggest the historical context, the psychological dynamics, which condition the attitudes all Negro writers take, or must take, toward violence...
...By the time he is seventeen, preparing to leave for Chicago, where he will work on a WPA project, become a member of the Communist party, and publish his first book of stories called Uncle Tom's Children, Wright has managed to achieve the beginnings of consciousness, through a slow and painful growth from the very bottom of deprivation to the threshold of artistic achievement and a glimpsed idea of freedom...
...Yet in Notes of a Native Son, the book in which his remark appears, Baldwin could also say: "One writes out of one thing only— one's own experience...
...but quite another for a writer with Baldwin's background and passions to bring together successfully his sensibility as a Negro and his sense of personal trouble...
...More subtle and human than Baldwin's criticism is a remark made some years ago by Isaac Rosenfeld while reviewing Black Boy: "As with all Negroes and all men who are born to suffer social injustice, part of [Wright's] humanity found itself only in acquaintance with violence, and in hatred of the oppressor...
...It was a lesson, said Wright with a touch of bitterness yet not without kindness, that the younger writers would have to learn in their own way and their own time...
...The protest novel, wrote Baldwin, is undertaken out of sympathy for the Negro, but through its need to present him merely as a social victim or a mythic agent of sexual prowess, it hastens to confine the Negro to the very tones of violence he has known all his life...
...No longer mere victim or rebel, the Negro would stand free in a self-achieved humanity...
...More important, Kazin's judgment rests on the assumption that a critic can readily distinguish between the genuine need of a writer to cope with ugly realities and the damaging effect these realities may have upon his moral and psychic life...
...And when we come to a writer like Richard Wright, who deals with the most degraded and inarticulate sector of the Negro world, the distinction between objective rendering and subjective immersion becomes still more difficult, perhaps even impossible...
...Bigger's cowering perception of the world becomes the most vivid and authentic component of the book... was as essential to his ultimate effect of shock and bruise as dialogue to Hemingway's ultimate effect of irony and loss...
...As the hero abandons the Communist Party he wonders ,"Could politics ever be an expression of love...
...and two years later he printed in the same magazine "Many Thousands Gone," a tougher and more explicit polemic against Richard Wright and the school of naturalistic "protest" fiction that Wright represented...
...Gawd, Ah wish all them white folks was dead...
...and today one can imagine them being repeated, with a kind of rueful passion, by James Baldwin...
...He complained that in Wright's novel "a necessary dimension has been cut away...
...It would be well to see this violence as part of an historical experience that is open to moral scrutiny but ought to be shielded from presumptuous moralizing...
...Reviewing in 1959 a book of poems by Langston Hughes, he wrote: "Hughes is an American Negro poet and has no choice but to be acutely aware of it...
...And in the final scene Ellison has created an unforgettable image: "Ras the Destroyer," a Negro nationalist, appears on a horse dressed in the costume of an Abyssinian chieftain, carrying spear and shield, and charging wildly into the police—a black Quixote, mad, absurd, pathetic...
...And it seems hardly an accident that even as Ellison's hero asserts the "infinite possibilities," he makes no attempt to specify them...
...There is a great deal of superbly rendered speech: a West Indian woman inciting men to resist an eviction, a Southern sharecropper calmly describing how he seduced his daughter, a Harlem streetvendor spinning jive...
...What Baldwin was saying here was part of the outlook so many American intellectuals took over during the years of a post-war liberalism not very different from conservatism...
...Whatever his ultimate success or failure as a novelist, Baldwin has already secured his place as one of the two or three greatest essayists this country has ever produced...
...Bigger was drawn—one would surmise, deliberately— from white fantasy and white contempt...
...Its formal creed does not interest him, for he knows it to be shoddy, but he is impressed by its capacity to evoke norms of discipline among its followers at a time when the Negro community is threatened by a serious inner demoralization...
...One would need a heart of stone, or be a brutal moralist, to feel anything but sympathy for this desire...
...But what have these to do with the way Negroes feel, with the power of the memories they must surely retain...
...The novel is a] so striking as a modest Bildungsroman, the education of an imaginative Negro boy caught in the heart-struggle between his need to revolt, which would probably lead to his destruction in the jungles of New York, and the miserly consolations of black Calvinism, which would signify that he accepts the denial of his personal needs...
...and the arena of choice and action always proves to be a little narrower than we had supposed...
...No other writer has captured so much of the hidden gloom and surface gaiety of Negro life...
...The mood is apocalyptic, the tone superbly aggressive...
...But it would be a mistake to claim too much for this first novel, in which a rhetorical flair and a conspicuous sincerity often eat away at the integrity of event and the substance of character...
...The words come from Camus...
...Behind the book one senses the molding influence of Theodore Dreiser, especially the Dreiser of An American Tragedy who knows there are situations so oppressive that only violence can provide their victims with the hope of dignity...
...A blow at the white man, the novel forced him to recognize himself as an oppressor...
...But we do not make our circumstances...
...The novel is an inherently ambiguous genre: it strains toward formal autonomy and can seldom avoid being a public gesture...
...The world "tends to trap and immobilize you in the role you play," and for the Negro writer, if he is to be a writer at all, it hardly matters whether the trap is sprung from motives of hatred or condescension...
...Obviously both...
...In 1949 he published in Partisan Review an essay called "Everybody's Protest Novel," attacking the kind of fiction, from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Native Son, that had been written about the ordeal of the American Negroes...
...To write simply about "Negro experience" with the esthetic distance urged by the critics of the fifties, is a moral and psychological impossibility, for plight and protest are inseparable from that experience, and even if less political than Wright and less prophetic than Baldwin, Ellison knows this quite as well as they do...
...his scenes rise and dip with tension, his people bleed, his language sings...
...Ellison makes his Stalinist figures so vicious and stupid that one cannot understand how they could ever have attracted him or any other Negro...
...but there can be little doubt that in this respect Baldwin did score a major point: the posture of militancy, no matter how great the need for it, exacts a heavy price from the writer, as indeed from everyone else...
...A blow at the black man, the novel forced him to recognize the cost of his submission...
...Ellison has an abundance of that primary talent without which neither craft nor intelligence can save a novelist: he is richly, wildly inventive...
...The main literary problem that troubled Wright in recent years was that of rendering his naturalism a more terse and supple instrument...
...And what that voice says, no longer held back by the proprieties of literature, is that the nightmare of the history we have made allows us no immediate escape...
...Nor is one easily persuaded by the hero's discovery that "my world has become one of infinite possibilities," his refusal to be the "invisible man" whose body is manipulated by various social groups...
...He forced his readers to confront the disease of our culture, and to one of its most terrifying symptoms he gave the name of Bigger Thomas...
...What is more, the very act of writing his novel, the effort to confront what a Bigger Thomas means to him, is for such a writer a way of dredging up and then perhaps shedding the violence that society has pounded into him... this book it is harsh, clumsy, heavy-breathing with the pant of suppressed bitterness...
...He became absorbed in the politics and literature of the rising African nations, but when visiting them he felt hurt at how great was the distance between an American Negro and an African...
...The last phrase apart, something quite similar could be said about the author of Crime and Punishment...
...The rhythm of Ellison's prose is harsh and nervous, like a beat of harried alertness...
...Is Bigger an authentic projection of a social reality, or is he a symptom of Wright's "dependence on violence and shock...
...If Dreiser wrote about the power hunger and dream of success corrupting American society, that was because he was really infatuated with them...
...No other work of American fiction reveals so graphically the way in which an oppressed minority aggravates its own oppression through the torments of religious fanaticism...
...In the intervening years Baldwin had been living through some of the experiences that had goaded Richard Wright into rage and driven him into exile...
...One generation passes its dilemmas to the next, black boys on to native sons...
...he too, like Wright, had been to hell and back, many times over...
...Religion has of course played a central role in Negro life, yet one may doubt that the special kind of religious experience dominating Go Tell It on the Mountain is any more representative of that life, any more advantageous a theme for gathering in the qualities of Negro culture, than the violence and outrage of Native Son...
...Now I think it would be well not to judge in the abstract, or with much haste, the violence that gathers in the Negro's heart as a response to the violence he encounters in society...
...As Baldwin put it some years later, he hoped "to prevent myself from becoming merely a Negro...
...The middle section of Ellison's novel, dealing with the Harlem Communists, does not ring quite true, in the way a good portion of the writings on this theme during the post-war years does not ring quite true...
...In the most fundamental sense, however, he had done his work: he had told his contemporaries a truth so bitter, they paid him the tribute of trying to forget it...
...Baldwin's formula evades, through rhetorical sweep, the genuinely difficult issue of the relationship between social experience and literature...
...A timid Negro boy comes to a white smoker in a Southern town: he is to be awarded a scholarship...
...The "sociology" of his existence formed a constant pressure on his literary work, and not merely in the way this might be true for any writer, but with a pain and ferocity that nothing could remove...
...James Baldwin did not want to pay with his youth, as Richard Wright had paid so dearly...
...At first Native Son seems still another naturalistic novel: a novel of exposure and accumulation, charting the waste of the undersides of the American city...
...Some of the stories, such as "Big Black Good Man," are enlivened by Wright's sardonic humor, the humor of a man who has known and released the full measure of his despair but finds that neither knowledge nor release matters in a world of despair...
...Baldwin has not yet succeeded—the irony is a stringent one—in composing the kind of novel he counterposed to the work of Richard Wright...
...And only through violence does he gather a little meaning in life, pitifully little: "he had murdered and created a new life for himself...
...If such younger novelists as Baldwin and Ralph Ellison were to move beyond Wright's harsh naturalism and toward more supple modes of fiction, that was possible only because Wright had been there first, courageous enough to release the full weight of his anger...
...Mimicking the Freudian corrosion of motives and bristling with dialectical agility, this criticism approached all ideal claims, especially those made by radical and naturalist writers, with a weary skepticism and proceeded to transfer the values such writers were attacking to the perspective from which they attacked...
...For the reality pressing upon all of Wright's work was a nightmare of remembrance, everything from which he had pulled himself out, with an effort and at a cost that is almost unimaginable...
...In his role as spokesman, Baldwin must pronounce with certainty and struggle with militancy...
...this dimension being the relationship that Negroes bear to one another, that depth of involvement and unspoken recognition of shared experience which creates a way of life...
...Still another ground for Baldwin's attack was his reluctance to accept the clenched militancy of Wright's posture as both novelist and man...
...The novel barely stops to provision a recognizable social world, often contenting itself with cartoon simplicities and yielding almost entirely to the nightmare incomprehension of Bigger Thomas...
...In a remarkable sentence appearing in "Everybody's Protest Novel" Baldwin wrote: "our humanity is our burden, our life...
...So choked with rage has this kind of writing become, it cannot show the Negro as a unique person or locate him as a member of a community with its own traditions and values, its own "unspoken recognition of shared experience which creates a way of life...
...we can, at best, try to remake them...
...No white man could have written it, since no white man could know with such intimacy the life of the Negroes from the inside...
...Freedom can be fought for, but it cannot always be willed or asserted into existence...
...All one can ask, by way of reply, is whether the refusal to struggle may not exact a still greater price...
...He would describe accurately the limitations of Bigger Thomas and then, by one of those rhetorical leaps at which he is so gifted, would assume that these were also the limitations of Wright or his book...
...Wright was an existentialist long before he heard the name, for he was committed to the literature of extreme situations both through the pressures of his rage and the gasping hope of an ultimate catharsis...
...How could a Negro put pen to paper, how could he so much as think or breathe, without some impulsion to protest, be it harsh or mild, political or private, released or buried...
...One criticism made by Baldwin in writing about Native Son, perhaps because it is the least ideological, remains important...
...Apart from Bigger, who seems more a brute energy than a particularized figure, the characters have little reality, the Negroes being mere stock accessories and the whites either "agit-prop" villains or heroic Communists whom Wright finds it easier to admire from a distance than establish from within...
...III Baldwin's attack upon Wright had partly been anticipated by the more sophisticated American critics...
...And he meant also to evoke something of the distinctiveness of Negro life in America, as evidence of its worth, moral tenacity and right to self-acceptance...
...It is one thing to call for the treatment of character as integral and unique...
...In all its crudeness, melodrama and claustrophobia of vision, Richard Wright's novel brought out into the open, as no one ever had before, the hatred, fear and violence that have crippled and may yet destroy our culture...
...He goes to his college and is expelled for having innocently taken a white donor through a Negro gin-mill which also happens to be a brothel...
...he wished to show it as a living culture of men and women who, even when deprived, share in the emotions and desires of common humanity...
...Both truth and terror rested on a gross fact which Wright alone dared to confront: that violence is central to the life of the American Negro, defining and crippling him with a harshness few other Americans need suffer...
...The usual naturalistic novel is written with detachment, as if by a scientist surveying a field of operations...
...Bigger Thomas may be enslaved to a hunger for violence, but anyone reading Native Son with mere courtesy must observe the way in which Wright, even while yielding emotionally to Bigger's deprivation, also struggles to transcend it... may doubt that any Negro writer could... is disconcerting to reflect that few novelists, even the very greatest, could pass this kind of moral inspection...
...Chekhov once said that what the aristocratic Russian writers assumed as their birthright, the writers who came from the lower orders had to pay for with their youth...
...The novel is intense, and the intensity is due to Baldwin's absorption in that religion of denial which leads the boy to become a preacher in his father's church, to scream out God's word from "a merciless resolve to kill my father rather than allow my father to kill me...
...No American Negro exists who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in the skull...
...The sentiments of humanity which had made him rebel against Richard Wright have now driven him back to a position close to Wright's rebellion...
...Yet the comparison is finally of limited value, and for the disconcerting reason that Dreiser had a white skin and Wright a black one...
...The Negro writer who has come closest to satisfying Baldwin's program is not Baldwin himself but Ralph Ellison, whose novel Invisible Man is a brilliant though flawed achievement, standing with Native Son as the major fiction thus far composed by American Negroes...
...Even if all the visible tokens of injustice were erased, the Negroes would retain their hatred and the whites their fear and guilt...
...How can one not sympathize with such a program...

Vol. 10 • September 1963 • No. 4

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