For the Common Woe
Wickham, Harvey
FOR THE COMMON WOE By HARVEY WICKHAM THIS article should really be sent to the authorities—say to one of the high lord executioners of the Ku Klux Klan— for it contains, or is about to contain,...
...regard it as proof of—well, whatever it is that they are then trying to prove...
...Meanwhile Eleanor was working for the London Gas Workers' and General Laborers' Union, and in a subsequent letter Engels boasts that the gas workers are being gebosst—by "Tussy," this "Tussy" being but Eleanor by a more familiar name...
...Aveling, who had himself formed "a free union" with Eleanor, youngest daughter of Karl Marx, joined himself with yet another subversive body, the Independent Labor party, founded, with intent to abolish the Fabians, by Friederich Engels and Keir Hardie...
...Aveling had been in close touch with the Internationale—no longer the First, or even the Second, but the Third, usually referred to as Moscow...
...This will give Mr...
...See Engels's letter to Sorge, July 20, 1889...
...FOR THE COMMON WOE By HARVEY WICKHAM THIS article should really be sent to the authorities—say to one of the high lord executioners of the Ku Klux Klan— for it contains, or is about to contain, evidence of a new "Catholic plot...
...Aveling all committed suicide—which is neither here nor there...
...For then it was that a number of Proletarians, taking advantage of the Exhibition, arrived from France and, meeting with their English confreres, formed an organization which came to be described as the First Internationale and shortly fell beneath the sway of one Mordechai, better known as Karl Marx...
...It is therefore the heir of Justice, and of the Call...
...Let us go back to the year 1862, the date of the Great Exhibition in the Cromwell Road, England...
...Vide, Adolphe Smith, The Pan-German Internationale, page 6.) What has all this got to do with anything in particular...
...George Bernard Shaw...
...Aveling fell out...
...Vide, Webster, World Revolution, The Plot against Civilization, Constable and Company, Limited, London, 1921, page 266...
...A little later, Dr...
...It is equally true that The Calvert Associates are, or is, the Social Democratic Federation, the Socialist League, the British Communist party, and several other things, in disguise, and in close touch with the Third, or Moscow, Internationale...
...But let us see...
...They had passed through a great many wars (of words) side by side, organizing, disorganizing and reorganizing a great many associations...
...But what is both there and here, is this...
...But, being in a relenting mood, I am, at the risk of conviction as an accessory after the fact, sending it to Suite 4622 of the Grand Central Terminal...
...Without a little patience it is impossible to discover a "plot," even on the part of the Catholic Church...
...His connection with Shaw is more subtle, but evinced (as much as by anything) in his Fabian tone...
...As members of the Federation, which was now termed the British Socialist Party, both Hyndman and Dr...
...Aveling, Friederich Engels, Keir Hardie, prewar Hyndman, Mordechai, William Morris and Semi-anarchist Scheu...
...In 1884 this produced an offshoot, known as the Socialist League supported by William Morris, by an Austrian "semi-anarchist" named Andrea Scheu, several English "compleat" anarchists, and a Dr...
...By the same token, Michael Williams, the present editor, has but taken up the gebossting let fall by Tussy, Dr...
...If this be not a logical deduction, it must be admitted that it is much more logical than most of the deductions made in similar cases, and I see no reason why future "historians," finding this article in the archives of a still greater New York, should not...
...It is now sufficiently obvious, I hope, that The Commonweal, entered as second-class matter at the post office at New York in 1924, is nothing but the successor of the Commonweal printing first-class matter under the direction of the son-in-law of Karl Marx...
...Also in 1883, the Social Democratic Federation, with Justice as its organ, was founded by H. M. Hyndman...
...In 1883, by which time the First Internationale had become the Second, a Fabian Society was inaugurated, and "fell almost immediately under the control of Mr...
...The deserted British Socialist party immediately changed its name to the British Communist party...
...A great many things had changed their names while remaining the meme chose, among them Justice, which had become the Call...
...These are the facts—a rather new thing in Catholic conspiracies, but facts they are, documented and admissible in any court of law: On November 7, 1924, an organization, viz., the Calvert Publishing Corporation, caused to be entered at the post office at New York the title of a weekly periodical, to wit, The Commonweal, and privilege was granted for its transportation as second-class matter...
...It was thus that Hyndman, instead of waving the red flag, showed what his late partner deemed the white feather, re-created the Federation, and eventually passed out of the picture...
...It was given out that the title, The Commonweal, had been furnished by a certain gentleman living in the more or less Middle-West, acting innocently, spontaneously, without arriere pensee and in obedience to sudden poetic inspiration...
...The Fabians, it was thought, were not sufficiently Marxian, and needed to be gebosst...
...During the war (in 1916, to be exact) Hyndman and Dr...
...No wonder it is read all over...
...Knights of Columbus and Calvert Associates of the thirty-second degree will know what I mean...
...But now that it was a case of shooting off cannons rather than mouths, Hyndman decided that Tussy's free-union husband was too much gebosst, not only by Tussy but by Kaiser William II...
...Before he died, Aveling, who had been editing the Call, changed its name also, to—the Commonweal...
...This done, Tussy, her elder sister, and Dr...
...Michael Williams, president of the Calvert Associates, an opportunity to pack his bag and baggage for the Citta Vaticana...
...The Calvert Publishing Corporation was itself but the organ of an older (and darker) organization, known as The Calvert Associates...
...He may yet be safe if he crosses the Tiber—in time...
Vol. 12 • June 1930 • No. 5