
Shuster, George N. & McCabe, George K. & Sands, William Franklin & Hennrich, Kilian J. & Larsson, Raymond Ellsworth & Boyd-Carpenter

BOOKS A Russian Woman Twice Born in Russia, by Natalia Petrova; translated by Baroness Mary Budberg. New York: William Morrow and Company. $2.00. IN HER introduction to the present modestly...

...The translation is able and adequate...
...At that time we only knew that there were such executions and the way in which they were done...
...The author in his preface discloses the fact that he arrived in Indo-China in November, 1927, and "left via Siberia for Moscow and western Europe in July, 1928...
...The people who surround the foredoomed hero of In the Red—the coarse and kindly father, the thin-natured yet devastating mother, the livery-stable-keeping grandfather who is shrewd and humane, the farmer-deacon grandfather who is a miser and a hypocrite, the hired men and midwest village drifters—are presented with enough real power to enable us to sense their comic possibilities, and we are baffled and then bored when the story continues in the strain of uncompromising gloom...
...Lenin himself recalled him...
...No doubt, one of the greatest contributions in this field made by the studies is the large number of tests worked out, applied and evaluated...
...Wish you were here," in Madame Bibesco's own effective handwriting on the back...
...There is no original research, but some comments by the author based upon the privilege of having seen the countries with his own eyes...
...A tremendous battery of tests occupies most of the pages...
...Through ceremonial resemblances and because a statue of Amenhotep IV "looks just like a young bishop," she sees a rather sketchy parenthood between the ancient Egyptian religion and the Catholic Church...
...Laski and Mr...
...New York: D. Appleton and Company...
...Arrests threatened us all at any hour and in those days an arrest was equal to death...
...When Mr...
...The average reader will be most interested in the practical findings of the research as found in the last three chapters...
...That they are not working in America today is due, he suggests, to the fact that so large a portion of new American citizenship is not interested in the English political thought from which American ideals were developed and that so large a proportion of the old American citizenship has rejected its early tradition in favor of forcing conformity to its own pet bigotries and shibboleths...
...Possibly our western impatience to get things settled is the real cause of our dissatisfaction with results as yet achieved...
...As a consequence this temperate and quite unassuming writing, which never seeks to generalize individual experience and invariably remains calm, seems an addition of major importance to the literature dealing with the world's bloodiest revolution...
...And "it can hardly be expected that most children can be taught to be responsive to social ideals unsupported by group code or morale...
...The Revolution of 1905 was hardly more than a menacing rumor to children brought up in this manner...
...Vance's languidly omniscient cogitations through several earlier mysteries...
...Nor does he seem, in the six poems of Ash-Wednesday more closely related, for the time elapsed between them and The Waste Land, to Julian of Norwich, who could say: "After this I saw God in a Point, that is to say, in mine understanding—by which sight I saw that He is in all things...
...Education tends the same way through mass production and the discouragement of the individual...
...careful thought and its expression is not "knocking...
...Eastman's refusal to protest the payment of 85 percent of his company's net income as a war tax, while many of his fellow industrialists have not yet left off growling about the levy...
...Eastman in 1913, when faced with a dangerously retroactive patent suit and a federal suit to dissolve the company, looked upon the stockholders' equity as lost...
...It may be also that the western powers are alarmed because revolution and revolutionary ideas spread from Russia right across Siberia, and penetrated into central Asia, possibly into the Indian peninsula, just as they ran through southern China from Canton...
...Bevis, by Richard Jefferies...
...This view found expression in the payment of wage-dividends and the sale of stock on very advantageous terms to the factory operatives...
...New Haven: Yale University Press...
...Relief came through the Catholic Mission headed by Father Walsh, in whose office Natalia Petrova was employed as a secretary...
...The walls of the hut were covered with inscriptions of farewells to relatives...
...New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company...
...The world it reflects is Cocteau's world of bric-a-brac...
...The conclusions reached in volumes I and II are again checked by further experimentation...
...Natalia Petrova was born into a noble and wealthy family which, though beclouded first by dissension between the father and the mother and then by both their deaths, remained typical of upper class Russian menages...
...The idealistic leaders may have reigned in Moscow...
...New York: The Fortune Press (limited, signed edition...
...Then marriage and removal to a country estate altered the circumstances of Natalia Petrova, enabled her to see and know the peasants (what she writes about them is, in its unassuming way, of great sociological interest) and in a measure prepared her for the catastrophe which would soon ensue...
...I beheld and considered, seeing and knowing in sight, and with a soft dread, and thought: What is sin...
...Its publication made one more acutely aware of Mr...
...In the nature of the case he must have spent some considerable portion of this period in traveling from place to place as he mentions that he visited Annam, Tongking, southern, central and northern China, then proceeded to Manchuria, Korea and Japan and the far eastern region of Soviet Russia...
...Naturally, "results seem to point directly to the home as the outstanding source of right or wrong...
...Dryly, his voice intoned: "I can connect Nothing with nothing...
...The fact is of extraordinary interest...
...Current American conception of democracy "is a fallacy...
...Occasionally she achieves luminous insight and at times reaches the depths of obscurity, but throughout she is quietly sophisticated and writes with fetching grace...
...Iliff has little understanding of the principle of relief...
...With the recurrent phrase, Anche oggi finito, she has accomplished a finer, more artistic effect than could have been achieved through the medium of many more words...
...She learned how to cook, sew, live on nothing, sleep anywhere...
...Whitley's uncommonly discerning book that it would be a mistake to emphasize anything more specific than his general usefulness as an art historian...
...It would be the greatest impertinence to speak these things were their existence not seeming to induce disintegration of a fine talent, and were it not true that they apply, almost without exception, to the vast majority of American poets... applying eighteenth century ideas and institutions to the problems of a twentieth century civilization...
...No part of the story is more interesting than the chronicle of Constable's slow rise to fame...
...Eliot's hierarchial tendency somewhat more apparent, but that was all...
...This book is exactly what it purports to be, and therefore will prove to be of extraordinary usefulness to all students of the arts...
...During 1924 the agreement between Rome and Moscow came to an end, and "with three roubles in my pocket, a light suitcase and a child," Natalia Petrova left for Moscow...
...Murder among the Egyptologists is its theme, and the device for deflecting suspicion from the murderer is so clever as to constitute what may be called a new discovery in mystery technique...
...The Cricket on the Styx Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems, by T. S. Eliot...
...To quote: "The presence of prejudice . . . makes difficult or impossible the open-minded search for truth...
...William Franklin Sands...
...Dividing social thinkers into biologists, ideologists, materialists and institutionalists, the author mght be taken as a member of the last-named division...
...L HIS book has the in-and-out quality of the usual first novel of promise...
...and ending, "I should be glad of another death...
...Professor Kenneth McKenzie set forth the relationship between Virgil and Dante, doing excellently with an old theme...
...We have an instance of the exercise of the former in Mr...
...It is natural that European political students should also choose just that example, for America was the promised land to all who aspired to personal liberty among the disheartened masses of Europe...
...1924, a period of 2,145 years, China had had within the area now called China proper, no less than 116 revolutions, out of which number twenty-one were successful...
...Miss Richter writes with amazing detachment and cautious scholarship...
...Masters of Nineteenth Century Prose...
...but the majority of Chinese know nothing else but this and often are content with what they have...
...It is well to remember that much of Asia is today subject to discontent and unrest, but equally Asia has not yet copied the holocaust of murder that disgraced France and European Russia in their revolutionary movements...
...Still, in these new poems, the dominating note is the negative one of an unregenerate victim of self, possessed by a projected world, possessing none, helpless to articulate for a single moment a singleness of identity to receive a world restored: "Because I do not hope to turn again Because I do not hope Because I do not hope to turn Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope I no longer strive to strive towards such things (Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings...
...Analytical and hierarchial, they revealed only those qualities of care, honesty, circumspection, just intelligence one had grown to expect...
...Briefer Mention The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks, by Gisela M. Richter...
...But there is so much else in Mr...
...Eliot's tragic position: at war with himself, impotent to achieve a firm ground from which to make tentative advances in countries of dubious firmness, to claim them solid or eschew them as not yet firm...
...Photographer George Eastman, by Chart Acker-man...
...To release, and with release, renewal, balance ? Balance to race one imponderable wire over wastes, to come, at last, to some conclusion like an endless colonnade...
...The director of the Peoples Institute takes American institutions as they are and as they were set up and traces their loss of vigor to the loss of individuality among Americans, to the disappearance of the rational and conscientious free man, and to our tendency to conform to the crowd, permitting any invasion of our personalities providing we retain sufficient liberty to make money...
...Now for the first time an "aristocratic" Russian woman tells what happened to her personally under governments as diverse as those of two czars, Kerensky and the Bolsheviki...
...One respected his silence, broken only at intervals, and then by papers on the writings of several deans...
...The actual area of the countries named as visited, amounts to more than four and a half million square miles, with a population of slightly more than five hundred millions of people—thus the daily survey would be immense—to which must be added that the author apparently speaks no Asiatic language and would be dependent upon interpreters and English-speaking friends...
...When, some ten or twelve years ago, it still was possible excitedly to argue about these times as the machine age then about to dawn, I had the honor to be scoffed at by my friends for declaring that our civilization would result in a reawakening of the ego, and that, with this reawakening, there would occur the integration of a profound religious impulse...
...There have been many volumes by exiles, male and female, summarizing their impressions and experiences...
...It is acceptable also because there is decided beauty and restraint... some respects it is disquieting to the rest of the world...
...Art in England: 1821-1837, by William T. Whitley...
...Among them are: "Prevailing ways of teaching ideals and standards probably do little good . . . and may do harm when the ideals set to form the precepts contradict the practical demands of the very situation in which the ideals are taught...
...To his spirit, they are like grasshoppers where leaves should be...
...Our political system according to him encourages and develops that amorphous mass aspect against which Martin warns...
...Thus ends an absorbing story, the pertinence and informative value of which are as obvious as its constant charm...
...Eliot had, it seemed, realized the terror of his situation as a human being, if he could not apprehend the nature of that terror...
...widening the market by repeated price reduction...
...If this America of ours is worth so much study to all the rest of the world why is it not to the plain everyday American ? "Boosting" and professional optimism are very well in their way...
...Then again, he has been known for thirty years as the leading exponent of liberal treatment of employees...
...The professor of political science attempts to show that those sacred institutions themselves are not practical...
...Such great names as Constable, Turner, Blake, Nollekens, Lawrence and Landseer grace the present volume, which stresses as its chief item the establishment of the National Gallery...
...Therein he inhabits the true province of poetry, and it is not surprising, therefore, that one looked to him to discover to us that province and that world, for had he not discovered with singular poignance the self alienated from the not-self, the "I" divorced from the "it" ? Mr...
...Raymond Ellsworth Larsson...
...Canton and Shanghai The Chinese Revolution, by Arthur Norman Holcombe...
...This is not the mere effect of our having followed Mr...
...The unexpected rise went to their heads like wine and lured them to embezzlement...
...It began: " 'A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.' " continuing to recount the journey, and to comment on it dubiously, querilously: "All this was a long time ago, I remember, And I would do it again, but set down This set down This: were we led all that way for Birth or Death...
...Kilian J. Hennrich...
...SERIES of brightly colored picture post cards from Egypt, with an elaborate version of "Having a swell time...
...Cambridge: Harvard University Press...
...It is to be hoped that when the International Research Bureau again send out persons to the Orient to make a survey they will send at least one equal in education to the author, who can speak and read the oriental languages...
...This resolution finds Mr...
...America," says Mr...
...In Eliot, the world found dissolution, and in the world, Eliot his dissembled self...
...Ackerman's story: an open mind even in regard to affairs that closely concern him, and a persistent dissatisfaction with his own achievements...
...We did not see them...
...While Gondolas Pass, by Helen Mackay...
...Another remarkable find is "there is probably a slight influence by club leaders, but we have here no evidence to show that either day-school or Sunday-school teachers are contributing to the moral knowledge of children...
...It is not yet grasped in many quarters that China has been in revolution some nineteen years, a short time in the life of the nation, but she has to change a people from a monarchy run by a scholastic body into a government with a constitution working through a bicameral system with partially new civil service and in many provinces new officials...
...Then famine came to the Crimea, slaying other thousands and leading to unparalleled demoralization...
...All of this is to be thrust upon a people, who in the vast majority cannot read, cannot write, and in many cases do not want to learn these arts, as the traveling theatre and story-teller still provide all they really want...
...Eleven are enumerated...
...Eliot's conversion to Anglo-Catholicism followed...
...translated by Helen and Raymond Everitt...
...Comedy has the double purpose of making us laugh and enhancing tragedy, and a conscientious young writer, even if he scorns the first, should give a thought to the second...
...but the representative of Central Soviet authority, the Hungarian Bela-Khun, raged so ferociously in the Crimea that in Simferopol alone about eight thousand five hundred people were killed by the stroke of his pen...
...Later on we heard that his cruelty was disapproved when it became known to the rulers in the Kremlin...
...Yet nowhere has the author allowed herself to pile horror on horror in the unfoldment of Za-bi's hardships...
...The author asserts this in the first paragraph of the preface and invites his readers to find the conclusions of his study and journey in the final chapter entitled Epilogue, in addition to which there are ten chapters and nine appendices...
...V/RIGINALLY published in an expensive limited edition, Miss Richter's book now appears in somewhat smaller format but with only one regrettable change—the omission of the colored plates...
...Whitley is able to adduce a mass of new information and to correct many an error...
...There are 767 half-tone illustrations which constitute a succinct digest of Greek sculptural achievement during the thousand years preceding the birth of Christ, and afford evidence upon which the judgment of pertinent art problems can be based...
...This robs the volume of its opportunity to compare favorably with the excellent series of art histories now being issued by the Prophylaen Verlag...
...Laski asserts that our political system necessarily fosters that decadence...
...Professor Junius S. Morgan reviewed the Virgilian bibliography, pointing out the most notable of the old editions and referring in particular to treasures in the Princeton library...
...2. What are the contributions to the knowledge of character...
...Minor Poets of the Eighteenth Century...
...Perhaps they made Mr...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated, go cents each...
...George K. McCabe...
...It is a neat and learned quarto...
...PROFESSOR REILLY offers still another anthology of Romantic and Victorian prose, the aim being a volume as comprehensive and representative as possible...
...Egyptian Day, by Princess Marthe Bibesco...
...George N. Shuster...
...Martin, were the product of English Liberal thought, which was the best political thought of the eighteenth century...
...Proof of the second quality mentioned above, his impelling discontent, is found in his enthusiastic investment of time and money in the fledgling motion picture industry in 1897, despite the fact that he had already attained fame and fortune in the camera business...
...To cover this evolution of business policy, the history of the company, and all the extra-curricular activities of our hero, the author has had to give sketchy treatment in several places...
...Then, some two years ago, there appeared in pamphlet form, a single poem, unpublished here and difficult to come by, called Journey of the Magi...
...Had he retired at that time to the polo stable or the bidding up of primitives, the monumental fortune and noble gifts that have made him a national figure would not have been possible, because it has been the motion picture film that squared the Eastman income year by year...
...Here Russian orthodoxy and western culture were dominant influences, surrounding the feminine members of the family with conventions which were partly shields and partly obstacles to free development...
...With some of the piquancy which distinguished "Catherine-Paris" and "The Green Parrot," the book takes one up and down the land of Egypt and up and down the Princess's ideas on religion, art, undertaking and other subjects suggested by the scene...
...The other section of the book is text, partly an illuminative summary of the Greek spirit and technique and partly a running historical and aesthetic commentary on the illustrations...
...Professor Charles G. Osgood's spirited address concerned itself with Virgil and England—an influence the ramifications of which may be traced in almost every department of English literature...
...The success of this corporation from the beginning has been due to: endless search for improvements rather than exploitation of patent monopoly...
...and the notes furnish the necessary adjunct information...
...Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company...
...The story of early Bolshevik days has often been told, with particular reference to the new kind of inequality—dependent upon degrees of power and authority—which began to emerge...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...Thus this volume is another compilation based on information obtainable from the writings of others...
...It would thus appear that this present revolution was evidence that China was running true to past form...
...They may be summed up by answering three questions: 1. What contributions to character measurements have been made...
...It is probable that no other American work of a similar character can be likened to hers for authoritative completeness...
...They destroyed each other, through envy...
...Impractical Liberty The Dangers of Obedience, by Harold J. Laski...
...New York: Charles Scribner's Sons...
...We are not tired of him, but there is a suggestion that Mr...
...Everyman's Library: American Short Stories of the Nineteenth Century, etc...
...None yet has shown a tree without grasshoppers...
...A comparison of the time taken and the area to be surveyed discloses a position which is as ridiculous as it is humorous...
...With remarkable diplomatic ingenuity, she managed to open and conduct a kindergarten under the aegis of the white army...
...The authors think that any form of conduct is the outcome of natural processes, and, that "conduct represents an achieved association between a certain type of situation and a certain type of response...
...Eliot's possessions are these...
...It is a fine, practical book for which the publisher might have found a more spacious and agreeable format...
...Yet thought once uttered can never be fettered...
...Traditional theories concerning what character and personality are have no bases in scientific fact...
...There is a difference between one who is an American and one who for convenience assumes the rights of American citizenship...
...and embezzlement brought execution...
...checks and balances of government are so perfectly adjusted that government becomes easy to manipulate and difficult to concentrate on any consistent policy, resulting in a nullifying struggle for power between the legislative and the executive branches and the avoidance of responsibility...
...Natalia Petrova writes a chapter one paragraph of which seems a complete picture: "The new aristocracy grew like a mushroom on dissolution and demoralization, but its fierce growth led just as rapidly to annihilation...
...This gives one rebellion in each eighteen years and one successful revolution in each 100 years...
...In all other respects Miss Richter's treatise is admirable...
...In the Red, by Milton Iliff...
...Nobody remained long on top...
...and many others...
...He shows an appreciative mental attitude toward his subject in the chapter dealing with the Five Power Constitution...
...during this traveling he asserts that he visited thirteen of the eighteen provinces of China and ten out of eighteen provincial capitals...
...However, the complications of the present plot are enough to carry the rather mechanical writing...
...The Scarab Murder Case, by S. S. Van Dine...
...This work she describes succinctly, giving an illuminating impression of the intrigues which constantly surrounded it...
...The Tradition of Virgil... A.D...
...What has happened to us in our change of ideals is not only disappointing to us...
...but one day assuredly, a new generation will reap its fruit...
...The end one anticipated: ". . .In the juvescence of the year Came Christ the tiger"— and Mr...
...That impulse is at work among us, but the diversity of its manifestations, the apparent impotence of these times cohesively to resolve it into unified action is an unhappy sight...
...Fleeing from St...
...And business men in these parlous times may be interested to know that Mr...
...Catholics having definite and immutable truths about the freedom of the will, the fall of man and the operation of grace will judge and solve the problems of behavior accordingly...
...JL HE best virtues of English research characterize Mr...
...A Battery of Tests Studies in the Organization of Character, by Hugh Hartshorne, Mark A. May and Frank K. Shuttleworth...
...The victims were first undressed, then chased in groups into a hut where they waited their turn while the first hundreds dug their own graves and were shot...
...Snorre Sturlason's Heimskringla (Norse King Sagas...
...Those same eighteenth century ideas and institutions, says Mr... best, Mr...
...The new titles include: Smollett's Peregrine Pickle, in two volumes with a good introduction...
...Princeton: Princeton University Press...
...Petersburg to Moscow and thence to Crimea, Natalia Petrova found herself stranded with two small children in the midst of an indescribable chaos of armies, fugitives, barterers, mobs and red officials...
...The opinions about the book under review will be as many as it has readers...
...This simplicity and effectiveness is surely one of the characteristics which brought While Gondolas Pass the Prix Portique in Paris...
...John Cournos's selection of older American short stories ((William Austin to O. Henry): Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz, in a good prose translation...
...Cocteau's appraisal of the world and Gertrude Stein's pronouncement of damnation here find resolution...
...e., the poverty of essence) of these times as The Waste Land, first published in 1922...
...contracting with dealers to prevent their selling any goods other than Eastman brands...
...1 HE ideas of the gentleman who continues to call himself Mr...
...Venice— not the artificial life of her Lido, but the struggles of her poor and suffering—is so vividly presented that the city becomes almost a character...
...Whitley's studies in the history of his country's art...
...The selections include many favorite pieces and some less well-known things...
...Yet at times he is compelled to draw his illustrations from America...
...His chapters on education, recovery of citizenship, Rousseau, Machiavelli and equality are all general... regarded not as final immutable laws but as hypotheses...
...Each man wanted to be above the other, and talking of equality dreamt only of promotion...
...EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY has been experimenting with new covers and forms of appeal, but remains essentially a remarkably good series of reprints...
...New York: Ginn and Company...
...New York: Harper and Brothers...
...Such traveling arouses the question did the author and those who sent him have an adequate idea of the immensity of the problem which was to be surveyed and studied...
...New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company...
...Anent these group codes, the authors write elsewhere that "It is essential that the ethical dicta of the great moral leaders...
...But after a series of adventures which might have challenged the stoutest masculine heart, life came to mean obedience to the Tcheka: "We never knew on going to bed whether we would awaken in the morning...
...The theme, the victimization of a sensitive boy by a possessive harpy of a mother, is handled with seriousness and conviction, but Mr...
...American bankers who have been too far-sighted in the matter of stock market loans may derive some consolation from the fact that the president of the Eastman Company, Colonel Strong, had a broken bank on his escutcheon...
...Eliot bleakly inhabiting an unpeopled world...
...Eliot is still the cricket on the Styx...
...The time taken according to the statements in the preface was 273 days...
...JLvURING October of last year Princeton classicists gathered in honor of Virgil...
...Here are worthwhile old books in almost infinite variety and at a moderate price...
...To what end...
...WHEN Jean Cocteau declared his impotence to regard the world as nothing more than random bric-a-brac, and Gertrude Stein pronounced that this is a damned generation, they made statements the devastating truth of which it has taken time to demonstrate...
...There is only the sound of a dry stirring, like that of a tree leafed with grasshoppers...
...and the avoidance of litigation with the federal government during the anti-trust tempest of 1910-15...
...There was a great deal of hubbub, but Mr...
...Though his talent was recognized by acute critics and though the merits of his great canvases were apparent, Constable failed, time and time again, to secure election to the Royal Academy...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...Eventually marriage witb a foreigner altered her status and brought her liberty...
...His manner is excellently narrative, inclusive, sometimes appealingly contumacious...
...Eliot paid no attention to it...
...3. What are the contributions to character education...
...fixed retail prices...
...It seems almost incredible that a woman thus reared should have proved able to meet the harrowing experiences with which the second and longer portion of her book is concerned...
...Fragments of thought...
...Martin agree as to the phenomenon as far as the United States are concerned but not wholly as to the causes...
...Iliff learns to see all around his material, he will probably do excellent work...
...No single literary composition has so clearly shown the essential poverty (i...
...LASKI, professor of political science at the University of London, adds his analysis in The Dangers of Obedience to that of Everett Dean Martin in Liberty...
...The vast majority of the Chinese live lives away from western influences and thoughts, in areas that are roadless, trolleyless, railroadless, and to our western minds therefore awful...
...Again as regards the revolution itself, there is little that is peculiar in this, for the late Professor Liang-Chi-Chao, himself a leader of the revolution, if not one of its creators, drew attention to the fact that since 221 B.C...
...Za-bi, otherwise Angela Maria Consolata Marchesin, with the support of her younger brothers and sisters thrust on her at the age of fourteen, is the eternal mother, willing to work herself into illness, to sacrifice her love, that her little family may be held together...
...If as a result the reader gets pure information, unrelieved by any literary grace, he must accept what is offered in the spirit of one knowing that the newer American exhaustiveness—admirable for objectivity and factual pertinence—is partly the result of a self-established imaginative vacuum...
...THIS volume completes the series of Studies in the Nature of Character, of which volumes I and II were reviewed in The Commonweal for November 7, 1928, and January 8, 1930...
...S. S. Van Dine are as ingenious as ever, but his manner— which is to say, the manner of Philo Vance, his elegant detective —begins to wear a little thin...
...integration of the film and camera business by the purchase of patents and the plants of any concern that excelled in some photographic process...
...IN HER introduction to the present modestly autobiographical book, Dorothy Thompson says that the author (who is veiled by a penname) "stayed in Russia, and with several opportunities to escape, for ten revolutionary years, right down to 1928...
...Prosperity may postpone the gathering of the harvest...
...Van Dine is...
...To enter into details is not possible with a volume of 500 closely printed pages...
...There are many things about our present-day America that require clear thought and plain speaking on the part of everyone who aspires to be an intelligent citizen...
...Why not satisfy the reader's curiosity by identifying the London bankers who were so short-sighted as to forbid the use of their names as references in the Eastman prospectus soliciting funds for the expansion of the company in the motion-picture film field...
...Long after, the people of the town would visit that garden of torture as one goes to a shrine...
...THE kodak king has at least two attributes of greatness according to Mr...
...There is only one defect in the book: diffidence about mentioning the names of persons still alive...
...The major contributions to the occasion were three addresses, here reprinted in a "holiday volume" embellished with many pertinent illustrations...
...Both books are studies of the causes of worldwide invasions of personal liberty and both theses are illustrated by the loss of individuality in the United States...
...It deals with the inner aspects of the various types of behavior and their relations to one another and concludes with an empirical determination of character and summing up of the general results and conclusions of all three volumes...
...But to what end this realization...
...This is apparent from page ix of the preface, where acknowledgments for translations from the Chinese is made...
...TPHIS volume, published under the auspices of the Bureau A of International Research of Harvard University and Radcliffe College, purports to be an investigation undertaken with the apparent final objective of estimating the influence of the Chinese Revolution upon the relations between the powers in the far East...
...1 HE story of Za-bi is, as Andre Maurois says, "sentimental, but the sentiment is acceptable because it is real...
...Nothing better in the way of a Virgilian souvenir has as yet appeared...
...edited by Joseph J. Reilly...

Vol. 12 • September 1930 • No. 19

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