Index to Volume CXXVIII

Index to Volume CXXVIII January 12,2001 to December 21,2001 Articles and Poetry Appleton, Sarah..................From 'Book of My Hunger, Book of the Earth': a poem 11:18 Je 1 Baldwin,...

...8:4 Ap 20 A Personal Odyssey, 3:26 Fe 9; 6:4 Mr 23 Peru, 10:5 My 18...
...15:14 S 14...
...myopia 8:8 Ap 20 Israel's moral burden 9:10 My 4 Bob Kerrey's war 10:8 My 18 Albanians in Macedonia 15:10 S 14 Beware the jackals 16:7 S 28 Seeds of war 18:9 O 26 An old story 19:8 N 9 Dangers of victory 21:7 D 7 Fhan, Peter C.....................................This too shall pass 22:13 D 21 Porter, Jean.......................................Misplaced nostalgia 8:12 Ap 20 What kind of'war...
...19:7 N 9 Arafat, Yasir, 8:9 Ap 20...
...17:4 O 12 history, 5:16 Mr 9; 5:17 Mr 9; 7:2 Ap 6; 7:4 Ap 6; 7:29 Ap 6; 8:4 Ap 20...
...17:8 O 12...
...22:4 D 21 Food, 4:6 Fe 23 Fox, Vicente, 2:9 Ja 26...
...4:2 Fe 23 Single parents, 3:31 Fe 9 Sisters of Charity, 4:15 Fe 23 Skillin, Edward S., 11:2 Je 1 Smith, Kevin, 20:9 N 23 Sontag, Susan, 18:8 O 26 South Africa, 21:9 D 7 Spark, Muriel, 10:4 My 18 Spirituality, 8:7 Ap 20 States' rights, 2:8 Ja 26 Stealth bomber, 13:6 Jl 13 Stem-cell research, 14:5 Au 17...
...6:6 Mr 23 Commonweal index, 22:25 D 21 Commonweal statement of ownership, 17:28 O12 Commonweal younger writers contest, 10:11 My 18...
...17:5 O 12...
...2:6 Ja 26...
...20:5 N 23 Francis of Assisi, 18:25 O 26...
...9:37 My 4 preaching, 8:39 Ap 20...
...15:38 S 14...
...21:5 D 7; 21:7 D 7; 22:4 D 21...
...6:6 Mr 23...
...16:8 S 28...
...17:6 O 12...
...16:115 28 Migration, 20:31 N 23 Military spending, 15:5 S 14...
...16:8 S 28...
...13:12 Jl 13...
...8:16 Ap 20...
...12:8 Je 15...
...18:29 O 26...
...15:4 S 14 Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, 18:26 O 26...
...16:9 S 28...
...2:31 Ja 26...
...16:10 S 28...
...16:13 S 28...
...9:10 My 4; 10:5 My 18...
...15:4 S 14 Drive-in movies, 13:19 Jl 13 Drug war, 10:5 My 18 Dulles, Avery, 4:9 Fe 23...
...6:29 Mr 23...
...19:34 N 9; 20:4 N23 Hussein, Saddam, 3:7 Fe 9 India, 3:9 Fe 9; 10:7 My 18...
...3:8 Fe 9; 3:30 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23...
...10:29 My 18...
...8:12 Ap 20...
...13:4 Jl 13 Hannibal, 5:23 Mr 9; 5:25 Mr 9 Hanssen, Robert, 6:7 Mr 23...
...4:10 Fe 23...
...18:29 O 26...
...6:5 Mr 23...
...22:2 D 21 Screen, by Rand Richards Cooper A.I.....................................................14:20 Au 17 Amores Perros......................................11:19 Je 1 Berlin Babylon......................................21:15 D 7 Bridget Jones's Diary......................10:21 My 18 Brothers, The......................................8:24 Ap 20 Cast Away............................................2:18 Ja 26 Chocolat.................................................3:19 Fe 9 Deep End, The ....................................16:17 S 28 Fighter.................................................16:18 S 28 Ghost World.......................................16:178 28 Hannibal................................................5:25 Mr 9 Heartbreakers....................................8:24 Ap 20 House of Mirth, The..........................6:16 Mr 23 Lumumba............................................17:17 O 12 Memento ..............................................11:20 Jel Ozoners................................................13:19 Jl 13 Pearl Harbor ......................................12:22 Je 15 Pledge, The ........................................6:16 Mr 23 Ratcatcher...........................................9:20 My 4 Series 7: The Contenders....................9:23 My 4 Sound and Fury ..................................5:26 Mr 9 Traffic......................................................3:19 Fe 9 Waking Life........................................22:16 D 21 Widow of Saint-Pierre, The ..........10:22 My 18 You Can Count on Me........................2:19 Ja 26 Media, by Celia Wren Jazz........................................................1:20 Ja 12 Boycott................................................6:17 Mr 23 Murder in Small Town X ..................15:22 S14 Sherlockian apocrypha......................22:18 D 21 Media, by William O'Rourke What we saw......................................18:21 O 26 Stage, by Celia Wren 42nd Street..........................................12:21 Je 15 Judgment at Nuremberg....................9:24 My 4 Producers, The....................................12:20 Je 15 Stones in His Pockets........................12:21 Je 15 Trappists..............................................9:25 My 4 Culture Watch, by Richard Alleva Beam me up.........................................1:17 Ja 12 Stop the presses....................................3:21 Fe9 I read the book......................................5:23 Mr 9 And the Oscar goes to.......................7:18 Ap 6 Planned obsolescence........................9:18 My 4 The rap on 'rap'..................................12:18 Je 15 How sick can we get?........................13:17 Jl 13 TV in a time of terror..........................19:14 N 9 A&E gets a face-lift..............................21:19 D 7 Music, by Benjamin Ivry Cat decides, The..................................2:20 Ja 26 Saving the sacred past........................4:17 Fe 23 You could look it up............................5:28 Mr 9 Cries from the scaffold........................7:20 Ap 6 Anon was a woman........................10:23 My 18 De profundis........................................11:21 Je 1 Arvo Part............................................20:20 N 23 Classical dilemma..............................22:20 D 21 Commonweal 30 December 21,2001...
...18:6 O 26...
...5:4 Mr 9; 5:43 Mr 9; 6:29 Mr 23...
...16:10 S 28 Portier, William L.........'Queen of Victory, pray for us' 5:47 Mr 9 Pratt, Charles W.........Walter Jones's Orchard: a poem 19:12 N 9 Pulaski, Phillip......................................Summer reading 12:29 Je 15 Quirk, Katie........................A modest hope for Modesta 1:31 Ja 12 Ramsey, William M.........................Antibodies: a poem 13:10 Jl 13 Ranly, Ernest..............................................Wholly family 22:31 D 21 Reidy, Maurice Timothy...................Where's the beef...
...19:7 N 9; 20:28 N 23...
...By Michael Ruse................................John F. Haught 5:38 Mr 9 Canon Law as Ministry By James A. Coriden......Lawrence S. Cunningham 14:28 Au 17 Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965 By Michael Phayer..............................Richard Cohen 5:29 Mr 9 Catholic Church in the Twentieth Century, The Edited by John Deedy................................Jon Nilson 5:40 Mr 9 Christ By Jack Miles ............................Daniel M. Murtaugh 22:21 D 21 Christ of Velazquez, The By Miguel de Unamuno ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 6:26 Mr 23 Christian Faith and Modern Democracy By Robert P. Kraynak....................Patrick J. Deneen 18:26 O 26 Christianity in Jewish Terms Edited by Tikva Frymer-Kensky, et al...
...Commonweal 28 December 21,2001 20:13 N 23...
...9:36 My 4 Faith-based organizations, 4:5 Fe 23 Families, 3:31 Fe 9; 5:45 Mr 9; 11:31 Je 1; 13:31 Jl 13...
...4:4 Fe 23...
...9:10 My 4; 10:4 My 18 Beckmann, David, 2:4 Ja 26 Belief, 15:14 S 14...
...11:16 Je 1; 11:17 Je 1; 11:18 Jel Globalization, 21:11 D 7 God's Name in Vain, 1:2 Ja 12 Gordon, Mary, 3:8 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23 Greeley, Andrew M., 19:10 N 9; 21:4 D 7; 22:2 D21 Haessler recording company, 4:17 Fe 23 Haight, Roger, 10:6 My 18...
...21:8 D 7 foreign policy, 3:7 Fe 9; 4:8 Fe 23...
...Cunningham 1:26 Ja 12 Van Gogh and Gauguin By Deborah Silverman.................Donna Gustafson 6:19 Mr 23 Virgin of Bennington, The By Kathleen Norns..............................Valerie Sayers 10:24 My 18 Waging Modern War By Wesley K. Clark..............................George Jaeger 15:24 S14 Western Monasticism By Peter King..............,...Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:26 S 28 What Government Can Do By Benjamin I. Page and James R. Simmons ..................................................W...
...16:5 S 28...
...8:4 Ap 20...
...10:30 My 18 Remond, Rene, 10:12 My 18 Retreat, 19:38 N 9 Ridge, Tom, 19:5 N 9 Robards, Jason, 6:4 Mr 23 Romania, 3:10 Fe 9 Powerlessness, 18:8 O 26 Russell, Bertrand, 16:22 S 28...
...21:4 D 7 Willis, Ellen, 5:7 Mr 9 Wilson, E. O., 5:10 Mr 9 Wolfe, Alan, 9:26 My 4; 9:28 My 4 Wolfe, Gregory, 5:12 Mr 9; 8:2 Ap 20 World Bank, 21:11 D7 Writing, 9:12 My 4 Young Adult Catholics, 20:9 N 23...
...4:4 Fe 23...
...17:4 O 12 Jeffords, James, 12:5 Je 15 Jesuit Education 22, 8:26 Ap 20...
...20:15 N 23...
...22:5 D 21...
...2:8 Ja 26...
...22:7 D 21...
...17:31 O 12...
...13:4 Jl 13...
...3:11 Fe 9; 4:6 Fe 23...
...21:6 D 7 Israel, 8:9 Ap 20...
...15:9 S14 A beautiful day 17:6 012 Making nice with Muslims 21:6 D 7 Garvey, Michael O.............................The genome & us 11:18 Je 1 Death in Terre Haute 13:9 JI 13 Gleeson, Andrew...................................Love, sex & aids 21:9 D 7 Glendon, Mary Ann ............The sources of 'rights talk' 17:11 O 12 Godfrey, A. W...........................................Crowd control 3:31 Fe 9 Grayson, George W......................Fox & the governors 2:9 Ja 26 Foxy Catholic 16:11 S 28 Greeley, Andrew M...................A cloak of many colors 19:10 N 9 Higgins, Thomas J.......................The politics of power 11:8 Je 1 Hillenbrand, Barry..................................No easy choices 15:11 S 14 Hitchcock, James..........................Interpreting Vatican II 5:16 Mr 9 Holtschneider, Dennis H. Keeping the faith on campus 8:20 Ap 20 Houghton, William............................My children at sea 11:31 Je 1 Hughes, Austin L...............................The genome & us 11:16 Je 1 Imperatori-Lee, Natalia....................In their own words 20:13 N 23 Jabusch, Willard Francis............A papal visit to Russia 5:11 Mr 9 Johnson, Luke Timothy A disembodied 'theology of the body' 2:11 Ja 26 Jordan, Patrick......................................Sanctions on Iraq 3:7 Fe 9 WTC 16:31 S 28 Kane, Paul Q...................Critics' choices for Christmas 21:27 D 7 Kavanagh, Peter..............Critics' choices for Christmas 21:21 D 7 KeIsay,John....................................Denouncing the Jews 12:10 Je 15 Koller, Christopher....................Prescription for trouble 12:12 Je 15 Komonchak, Joseph A.................All dressed in scarlet 4:9Fe23 Krisak, Len ...Rondel of Charles D'Orleans, #1: a poem 10:20 My 18 Langford, Jeremy..............................In their own words 20:13 N 23 Layton, Peter..................................................flay: a poem 4:20 Fe 23 Lethbridge, Lucy ............Critics' choices for Christmas 21:24 D 7 Lindeman, Jack................................Epiphanies: a poem 13:10 Jl 13 Loxterkamp, David..........Marchers in an ashen parade 4:31 Fe 23 Lozada, Carlos ........................................Bumpy landing 12:31 Jel5 Mandle, Jay..........................................Follow the money 13:12 Jl 13 Mantel, Hilary.......................................Summer reading 12:25 Je 15 Marciniak, Ed.................Racisn isn't what it used to be 11:12 Je 1 Marget, Madeline......................................Not yet in line 4:13 Fe 23 Marino, Gordon........................Avoiding moral choices 6:11 Mr 23 Kerrey's culpability 11:9 Je 1 Markey, Eileen..........................................Memory & war 19:9 N 9 In their own words 20:14 N 23 Martin, Paul....................................The Moment: a poem 21:12 D 7 Mathias, Anita..................Critics' choices for Christmas 21:23 D 7 Matovina, Timothy............................Hispanic Catholics 15:19 S14 Mayhall, Jane......................................The Guess: a poem 7:10 Ap 6 McCarraher, Eugene............Theology at the barricades 13:21 Jl 13 McGowan, Jo ................................Corporal punishment ¦ 3:9 Fe 9 Lyrics to live by 7:7 Ap 6 Caste away 10:7 My 18 Lies, damn lies & statistics 14:8 Au 17 An annunciation, of sorts 22:7 D 21 McWilliams, Wilson Carey Politics after September 11 21:13 D 7 Morey, Melaine M...........Keeping the faith on campus 8:20 Ap 20 Murphy, Louise................................Setting Sail: a poem 13:16 Jl 13 Murphy, Peter E.................................Art Song: a poem 17:20 O 12 Murtaugh, Charles......................................Shun cioning 10:9 My 18 Murtaugh, Daniel..............................................Our town 18:10 O 26 Naffziger, Ann..............................................Other voices 15:17 S 14 Nussbaum, Anna....................................Axioms of faith 15:14 S14 O'Brien, Dennis ........................Power & powerlessness 18:8 O 26 O'Gorman, Ned........................................Naked: a poem 2:14 Ja 26 O'Malley, John W.......................Interpreting Vatican II 5:17 Mr 9 O'Toole, James................................Empty confessionals 4:10 Fe 23 O'Rourke, David....................................Quarried stones 7:9 Ap 6 Pendergast, Mary Carita......................At bayonet point 4:15 Fe 23 Pfaff, William.......................................The end of NATO 4:8 Fe 23 The Balkans boil over 7:8 Ap 6 U.S...
...17:4 O12 Ex corde ecclestae, 6:6 Mr 23...
...10:29 My 18...
...Peter Steinfels 20:15 N 23 Index of Principal Subjects in Articles, Editorials, and Letters Abortion, 1:2 Ja 12...
...13:12 Jl 13...
...8:20 Ap 20...
...3:4 Fe 9 human rights, 17:11 O 12...
...3:4 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23...
...15:18 S 14...
...22:13 D 21 theology of the body, 2:11 Ja 26...
...18:6 O 26...
...18:30 O 26...
...13:8 Jl 13...
...By David Lodge.........................................Jack Miles 14:24 Au 17 Truth of Catholicism, The By George Weigel........................Terrence W. Tilley 19:18 N 9 Truth of Power, The By Benjamin R. Barber.............................Alan Wolfe 15:28 S14 Under His Very Windows By Susan Zuccotti .............................Richard Cohen 5:29 Mr 9 Understanding Early Christian Art By Robin Margaret Jensen ............................................LawrenceS...
...7:12 Ap 6; 9:4 My 4 Abstinence, 2:5 Ja 26...
...16:2 S 28...
...2:4 Ja 26...
...3:30 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe23 Dalai Lama, 12:9 Je 15...
...5:7 Mr 9; 6:4 Mr 23 Cloning, 10:9 My 18 Cohen, Richard, 7:6 Ap 6 Colombia, 10:5 My 18 Commonweal, 4:2 Fe 23...
...6:29 Mr 23...
...15:17 S 12...
...5:4 Mr 9; 5:43 Mr 9; 5:44 Mr 9; 6:29 Mr 23...
...16:4 S 28...
...16:13 S 28...
...18.8 O 26...
...10:17 My 18...
...18:4 O 26...
...20:2 N 23...
...5:4 Mr 9; 5:11 Mr 9; 5:42 Mr 9; 7:30 Ap 6; 9:5 My 4; 12:10 Je 15...
...20:25 N 23 writers, 9:12 My 4; 10:4 My 18 youth, 15:6 S 14...
...5:4 Mr 9; 6:6 Mr 23...
...13:30 Jl 13 Ensoulment, 17:4 O 12...
...18:9 O 26...
...22:5 D 21 politics, 2:4 Ja 26...
...3:5 Fe 9; 3:11 Fe 9; 7:12 Ap 6; 12:5 Je 15...
...20:15 N 23...
...20:14 N 23...
...20:9 N 23 theology, 2:11 Ja 26...
...17:31 O 12...
...6:4 Mr Commonweal 29 December 21,2001 23...
...1:7 Ja 12...
...15:5 S 14...
...17:2 O 12 O'Connor, John, 1:2 Ja 12 Opus Dei, 6:7 Mr 23...
...17:2 O 12...
...11:9 Je 1 Virginity, 2:5 Ja 26 Vladimiroff, Christine, 14:6 Au 17...
...4:23 Fe 23...
...8:35 Ap 20...
...14:8 Au 17 International Monetary Fund, 21:11 D 7 Iraq, 3:7 Fe 9 Islam, 12:10 Je 15...
...Luke Timothy Johnson 8:32 Ap 20 Cold War Civil Rights By Mary L. Dudziak............................John Summers 10:27 My 18 Colors of the Mountain By Da Chen......................................Nicholas Clifford 1:25 Ja 12 Communion Ecclesiology By Denms Doyle..............Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:31 N 9 Constantine's Sword By James Carroll ......................Robert Louis Wilken 2:22 Ja 26 Corrections, The By Jonathan Franzen............................Valerie Sayers 22:23 D 21 Councils of the Church, The By Norman Tanner ........Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:26 S 28 Cultural Dilemmas of Progressive Politics By Stephen Hart........................Eugene McCarraher 17:25 012 Desert Wisdom By Yushi Nomura............Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:26 S 28 Do Not Go Gentle By Ann Hood........................................Anita Mathias 2:28 Ja 26 Does God Need the Church...
...15:14 S 14...
...8:36 Ap 20...
...4:13 Fe 23...
...19:4 N 9; 21:29 D 7 Bresson, Robert, 3:13 Fe 9 Brown, Robert McAfee, 20:4 N 23 Bush administration, 1:5 Ja 12...
...8:20 Ap 20...
...5:4 Mr 9; 6:4 Mr 23...
...16:8 S 28 The next generation: a diagnosis 20:15 N 23 Urbanski, Grace M.......................................Other voices 15:17 S 14 Van Allen, Rodger...................Theologians in the dock 9:6 My 4 Van Beeck, Frans Jozef........................God's best friend 7:31 Ap 7 Vitullo-Martin, Julia..........................Rights & freedoms 17:8 012 Firefighters & cops 20:8 N 23 Walker, Jeanne Murray Or to Put It Another Way: a poem 22:14 D 21 Warren, Deborah..................................Medium: a poem 1:9 Ja 12 Washburn, Susanne...Memorial Day, Dorset, Vermont 10:31 My 18 White, Robert E...............................What kind of 'war...
...11:2 Je 1; 12:4 Je 15...
...8:2 Ap 20 Orthodox Christianity, 5:11 Mr 9 Palestinians, 8:9 Ap 20...
...22:13 D21 Vatican II, 5:16 Mr 9; 5:17 Mr 9; 8:4 Ap 20...
...16:8 S 28...
...15:18 S 14...
...13:29 Jl 13...
...1:15 Ja 12 liberal Catholicism, 7:12 Ap 6; 11:2 Je 1 Lithuania, 7:9 Ap 6 liturgy, 8:39 Ap 20...
...12:4 Je 15 bishops, 8:12 Ap 20...
...19:34 N 9; 20:4 N23 Humanae vitae, 2:11 Ja 26...
...18:21 O 26...
...20:13 N 23...
...19:6 N 9; 19:8 N 9; 20:2 N 23...
...4:24 Fe 23...
...19:8 N9;21:5D7 Binsse, Harry Lorin, 20:21 N 23 Biological warfare, 17:9 O 12...
...17:4 012 Russia, 5:11 Mr 9 Rwanda, 13:5 Jl 13 Sanctions, 3:7 Fe 9 Santa Fe, 3:30 Fe 9 Saudi Arabia, 18:9 O 26 Schmidlin, Donald, 8:39 Ap 20...
...5:6 Mr 9 Commonweal Associates, 4:25 Fe 23...
...14:5 Au 17...
...16:7 S 28...
...By Gerhard Lohfink........Lawrence S. Cunningham ll:27Je 1 Does God Suffer...
...18-6 O 26...
...16:11 S 28...
...19:5 N 9; 20:5 N 23...
...6:5 Mr 23 Education, 10:10 My 18 Egan, Edward, 6:5 Mr 23...
...22:9 D 21 anti-Semitism, 3:8 Fe 9; 7:2 Ap 6; 7:4 Ap 6; 7:9 Ap 6; 7: 29 Ap 6; 16:19 S 28...
...17:2 O 12...
...12:4 Je 15 Marriage, 13:31 Jl 13 McCarrick, Theodore, 6:5 Mr 23 McCarthy, Abigail, 4:6 Fe 23 McGuire, Al, 5:47 Mr 9; 8:38 Ap 20 McVeigh, Timothy, 13:9 Jl 13 Media, 1:7 Ja 12 Medieval universities, 8:12 Ap 20 'A Memo to American Muslims/ 19:6 N 9 Memorial Day, 10:31 My 18 Mexico, 2:9 Ja 26...
...3:5 Fe 9; 4:5 Fe 23...
...14:7 Au 17 How it felt 16:5 S 28 Arguing about God 16:13 S 28 Galston, William................Contending with liberalism 7:12 Ap 62 Garvey, John...................................Giving death its due 2:7 Ja 26 The lessons of complexity 5:10 Mr 9 'Dies irae' 9:9 My 4 Sinning & sorrowing 13:7 JI13 Is nothing sacred...
...17:5 O 12...
...12:10 Je 15...
...15:38 S 14...
...17:29 O 12 Stiglitz, Joseph, 21:11 D 7 Super Bowl, 2:6 Ja 26 Supreme Court, 3:11 Fe 9 Syria, 12:10 Je 15 Taize, 6:30 Mr 23 Tanzania, 1:31 Ja 12 Tavener, John, 2:20 Ja 26 Tax cuts, 3:5 Fe 9; 5:4 Mr 9; 6:8 Mr 23...
...21:4 D 7; 21:28 D 7; 22:4 D 21...
...15:8 S 14...
...12:7 Je 15 Philosopher on call 15:8 S14 Getting it right 20:7 N 23 Carberry, Mary Margaret...................A movable priest 9:39 My 4 Coady, Mary Frances......................Christ rises at Taize 6:30 Mr 23 Cohen, Richard................Critics' choices for Christmas 21:22 D 7 Cooley, Peter............The Day of Small Things: a poem 16:16 S 28 Cornwell, John......................................The genome & us 11:17 Je 1 Cort, John C...............................................Calling retreat 19:38 N 9 Crowley, Paul....................Finding 'The Catholic thing' 8:16 Ap 20 Cunneen, Joseph................The films of Robert Bresson 3:13 Fe 9 Davidson, James D.................Yes, Jesus is really there 17:14 O 12 Davidson, Margaret............................Biological warfare 17:9 O 12 Davis, Robert Murray..................Report from Romania 3:10 Fe 9 DeBernardo, Francis..............................Summer reading 12:24 Je 15 Dionne, E.J., Jr...................Still fighting the Civil War...
...13:29 Jl 13 Darwinism, 9:4 My 4 Day, Dorothy, 12:6 Je 15 Death, 2:7 Ja 26 Death penalty, 13:9 Jl 13 Debt relief, 2:4 Ja 26...
...9:4 My 4 Egan, John }., 11:6 Je 1 Election 2000,1:5 Ja 12...
...20:9 N 23 Pope Pius XII, 5:29 Mr 9; 7:2 Ap 6; 7:4 Ap 6; 7:6 Ap 6; 7:29 Ap 6; 8:37 Ap 20...
...11:2 Je 1; 12:4 Je 15...
...21:30 D 7 Environment, 11:5 Je 1 Ethics experts, 6:11 Mr 23...
...6:8 Mr 23...
...7:30 Ap6 tradition, 12:7 Je 15...
...19:4 N 9; 21:29 D 7 Gender wars, 9:8 My 4 Genocide, 13:5 Jl 13 Genome project, 6:9 Mr 23...
...5:4 Mr 9; 6:4 Mr 23...
...6:29 Mr 23...
...16:4 S 28...
...9:39 My 4 priesthood, 8:2 Ap 20...
...15:4 S 14 Vouchers, school, 3:11 Fe 9 Weakland, Rembert, 14:6 Au 17...
...3:4 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23...
...16:2 S 28 Missile defense, 4:8 Fe 23 Moral Freedom, 9:26 My 4; 9:28 My 4 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1:6 Ja 12 NATO, 4:8 Fe 23...
...8:20 Ap 20...
...13:6 Jl 13 women's basketball, 8:6 Ap 20 Untouchables, 10:7 My 18 Vietnam War, 10:8 My 18...
...20:14 N 23...
...13:29 Jl 13...
...9:10 My 4; 10:4 My 18...
...15:14 S 14...
...9:6 My 4; 11:5 Je 1; 12:5 Je 15, 12:6 Je 15...
...15:36 S14 Real Presence, 17:14 O 12...
...14:6 Au 17...
...16:7 S 28...
...19:10 N 9; 20:9 N 23...
...9:10 My 4; 10:4 My 18 Ash Wednesday, 4:31 Fe 23...
...13:8 Jl 13...
...15:18 S 14 infallibility, 13:4 Jl 13 Islam, 12:10 Je 15 Jews, 1:12 Ja 12...
...16:5 S 28...
...16:9 S 28...
...10:29 My 18...
...19:10 N 9; 21:4 D 7 Mexico, 16:11 S 28 parishes, 10:4 My 18 politics, 5:7 Mr 9 Pope John Paul II, 2:11 Ja 26...
...Therese Lysaught 20:26 N 23 Moral Freedom By Alan Wolfe .............................R, Bruce Douglass 9:26 My 4 Morte D'Urban By J. F. Powers........................................John Garvey 17:19 O 12 Night of Stone By Catherine Merridale..............Susan McWilliams 15:30 S14 On the Lord's Appearing By Jonathan Robinson ....Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:27 Je 1 One True God By Rodney Stark................................Paul J. Griffiths 19:26 N 9 Orwell By Jeffrey Meyers..................................John Rodden 1:24 Ja 12 Our Vietnam By A. J. Langguth....................................Chris Appy 3:24 Fe 9 A Personal Odyssey By Thomas Sowell ..................................Don Wycliff 3:26 Fe 9 Pleasure of Their Company, The By Doris Grumbach........Lawrence S. Cunningham 1:28 Ja 12 Poetic Imagination, The By William Countryman ...........................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:29 Je 1 Poet's Jesus, The By Peggy Rosenthal........Lawrence S. Cunningham 6:25 Mr 23 Popes against the Jews, The By David Kertzer..............................Marc Saperstein 16:19 S 28 Commonweal 27 December 21,2001 Prayer of Saint Francis, The By Leonardo Boff............Lawrence S. Cunningham 14:29 Au 17 Procedure, The By Harry Mulisch ........................Charles Murtaugh 17:23 012 Public Vows By Nancy Cott..................Barbara Dafoe Whitehead 10:25 My 18 Rackets, The By Thomas Kelly .................................Tom Deignan 15:32 S 14 Riders for God By Rich Remsberg........................Michael O. Garvey 5:31 Mr 9 River Town By Peter Hessler..............................Nicholas Clifford 11:22 Je 1 Saint Francis of Assisi By G. K. Chesterton ............................Patrick Jordan 18:25 O 26 Saint John of the Cross By Kiernan Kavanaugh......Lawrence S. Cunningham 6:24 Mr 23 Salvation By Valerie Martin................................Patrick Jordan 18:25 026 Scripture in the Tradition By Henri de Lubac..........Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:28 S 28 Solanus Casey Edited by Michael Crosby ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:30 Je 1 Soul of Latm America, The By Howard J. Wiarda..........................Carlos Lozada 20:24 N 23 Stay against Confusion, A By Ron Hansen....................................Suzanne Keen 13:27 Jl 13 Still Learning By Robert Kiely...............Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:30 N 9 Stories of J. F. Powers, The By J. F. Powers........................................John Garvey 17:19 012 Story of Christian Mysticism, The Edited by Gordan Mursell ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:28 S 28 Talk of Love By Ann Swidler..................................Maura A. Ryan 17:21 012 Thich Nhat Hanh: Essential Writings Edited by Annabel Laity ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 16:30 S 28 Thinks...
...20:5 N 23 culture, 2:5 Ja 26...
...20:5 N 23...
...11:2 Je 1; 11:4 Je 1; 15:38 S 14...
...8:16 Ap 20...
...10:30 My 18...
...8:2 Ap 20 Health care, 12:12 Je 15...
...15:14 S 14...
...21:8 D 7; 22:4 D 21...
...2:8 Ja 26 Assad, Bashar al, 12:10 Je 15...
...5:46 Mr 9 Liberalism, 7:12 Ap 6 Lisker, Roy, 3:21 Fe 9 Lithuania, 7:9 Ap 6 London, 19:9 N 9 'Malcolm in the Middle,' 13:31 Jl 13 Macedonia, 15:10 S 14 Male development, 5:6 Mr 9 Maritain, Jacques, 10:17 My 18...
...22:9 D 21 Journet, Charles, 20:17 My 18 Judgment, final, 9:9 My 4 Just-war criteria, 11:9 Je 1; 16:8 S 28...
...4:14 Fe 23...
...13:6 Jl 13...
...16:2 S 28...
...18:9 O 26...
...16:10 S 28...
...16:9 S 28...
...By Thomas G. Wemandy..............John C. Cavadmi 5:41 Mr 9 Einstein in Love By Dennis Overbye................................Chet Raymo 1:22 Ja 12 Exploring Christian Spirituality Edited by Kenneth J. Collins ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 1:26 Ja 12 Faithful Dissenters By Robert McCIory..........Lawrence S. Cunningham 1:27 Ja 12 Feast of the Goat, The By Mario Vargas Llosa............Gene H. Bell-Villada 19:20 N 9 Food's Frontier By Richard Manning..............Margaret L. Zupancic 11:25 Je 1 Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society, The By Hans S. Reinders..................Jean Bethke Elshtam 16:24 S 28 Gaudi By Gijs van Hensbergen................Donna Gustafson 19:24 N 9 Geometry of Love, The By Margaret Visser..........Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill 9:32 My 4 Goodbye to Catholic Ireland By Mary Kenny..................Mark Patrick Hederman 6:22 Mr 23 Greenspan By Justin Martin..................................Carlos Lozada 13:24 Jl 13 Hamlet in Purgatory By Stephen Greenblatt..................Edward T. Oakes 9:29 My 4 Hill Bachelors, The By William Trevor....................Daniel M. Murtaugh 6:20 Mr 23 Humanity By Jonathan Glover............................Paul J. Griffiths 11:23 Jel In Good Company By James Martin.........................Christopher Ruddy 5:34 Mr 9 In the School of Love Edited by Edith Scholl....Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:28 Je 1 Inventing Catholic Tradition By Terrence W. Tilley........................Paul J. Griffiths 5:36 Mr 9 Jesuit Education 21 Edited by Martin R. Tripole ............Dennis O'Brien 8:26 Ap 20 John Newton and the English Evangelical Tradition By D. Bruce Hindmarsh ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 14:30 Au 17 Kosovo Edited by William Joseph Buckley......John Langan 15:26 S14 La Cosecha By Eduardo C. Fernandez ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:28 N 9 Life Script By Nicholas Wade....................M...
...1:4 Ja 12 Hudson, Deal, 9:6 My 4 Human rights, 17:11 O 12...
...5:46 Mr 9 Catholic Church/Catholicism, and abortion, 7:12 Ap 6 altar railings, 7:31 Ap 6; 9:4 My 4 America, 15:6 S 14...
...4:24 Fe 23...
...19:34 N 9; 19:35 N 9; 19:36 N 9; 21:28 D 7 Regional theater, 9:18 My 4; 11:4 Je 1 Religion and psychology, 8:7 Ap 20...
...16:9 S 28...
...6:28 Mr 23...
...13:4 Jl 13...
...20:15 N 23 decentralization, 9:5 My 4 dissent, 10:6 My 18 economics, 7:12 Ap 6 ecumenism, 1:15 Ja 12,3:4 Fe 9 education, 8:12 Ap 20...
...10:4 My 18 Jews, 1:12 Ja 12 Johnson, Luke Timothy, 2:11 Ja 26...
...22:5 D 21 Theology, 16:13 S 28 Transcendence, 11:7 Je 1 Under His Very Windows, 5:29 Mr 9; 7:2 Ap 6; 7:4 Ap 6; 7*:29 Ap 6 Union organizing, 10:10 My 18 United Nations, 17:11 O 12 United States, and Afghanistan, 18:5 O 26...
...18:12 O 26...
...18:9 O 26...
...18:4 O 26,18:6 O 26...
...18:31 O 26...
...10:17 My 18 Hispanics, 15:19 S 14...
...13:29 Jl 13...
...18:10 O 26...
...16:9 S 28...
...21:30 D 7 Church & state, separation, 4:5 Fe 23...
...4:2 Fe 23 Academy Awards, 7:18 Ap 6 Acton, Lord, 18:8 O 26...
...8:36 Ap 20 homosexuality, 1:4 Ja 12...
...20:9 N 23...
...4,23 Fe 23...
...15:4 S 14 Web sites, 3:6 Fe 9 White, Robert, 18:12 O 26...
...2:8 Ja 26 Tax cuts 6:8 Mr 23 The never-ending tax bill 12:8 Je 15 Lawsuits & price controls 13:8 Jl 13 Rockaway, Queens 20:6 N 23 Dix, Tara K...................................................Other voices 15:18 S14 Doering, Bernard......................................Silent dissenter 10:17 My 18 Donlon, Tom....................................To St...
...19:5 N 9; 21:13 D 7 Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 17:11012 Universities, 10:10 My 18 University of Notre Dame, 12:6 Je 15...
...14:4 Au 17 Rap, 12:18 Je 15...
...12:4 Je 15 identity, 8:16 Ap 20...
...18:6 O 26...
...11:9 Je 1 Korea, 6:6 Mr 23 Left Behind, 1:17 Ja 12...
...5:4 Mr 9; 5:43 Mr 9; 6:29 Mr 23...
...15:17 S 14...
...22:6 D 21 Parenting, 7:7 Ap 6; 11:31 Je 1 Pendergast, Mary Carita, 4:15 Fe 23...
...16:2 S 28...
...18:30 O 26...
...19:5 N 9 Bishop, Clare Huchet, 20:21 N 23 Blair, Tony, 3:6 Fe 9 Bowers, Veronica, 10:5 My 18 Boy Scouts of America, The, 17:7 012...
...13:8 Jl 13 Hennessy, Tamar and Martha, 12:6 Je 15 Hierarchy, 14:11 Au 17 Higgins, George G., 12:6 Je 15 Holiness, 5:8 Mr 9 Holy Land, 8:9 Ap 20 Homosexuality, 1:2 Ja 12...
...Peter, a poem 5:22 Mr 9 Donnelly, Daria ..............................Do I know this guy...
...4:13 Fe 23...
...4:13 Fe 23 Time stops for no mouse 7:21 Ap 6 The mouths of babes 15:6 S 14 Wanted: hobbits, fairies & wind-up toys 20:21 N 23 Doyle, Brian................................Dalai Lama m Oregon 12:9 Je 15 Flagrant foul 21:31 D 7 Echlin, Edward P...................................Apsed Catholics 2:31 Ja 26 Elie, Paul....................................................The innocents 17:31 O 12 Englund, Steven..................................L'Eglise de France 10.12 My 18 Commonweal 25 December 21,2001 Feitlowitz, Marguerite..........................Summer reading 12:27 Je 15 Feuerherd, Peter...................The territorial imperative 8:39 Ap 20 Post-Cana realities 13:31 Jl 13 Big city, small town 18:31 O 26 Fisher, James T...................Young American Catholics 20:9 N 23 Freeman, Mary Lee ........Critics' choices for Christmas 21:25 D 7 Friedman, Richard D..............................'Bush' v. 'Gore' 1:10 Ja 12 Gallicho, Grant......................................Summer reading 12:26 Je 15 Got religion...
...11:2 Je 1; 11:4 Je 1; 15:6 S 14...
...15:17 S 14...
...17:2 O 12 Commuting, 11:7 Je 1 Confession, 4:10 Fe 23...
...15:35 S 14 universities, 8:12 Ap 20...
...Therese Lysaught 20:26 N 23 Little Saint By Hannah Green............Lawrence S. Cunningham 1:28 Ja 12 Lying Awake By Mark Salzman............................Marian Burkhart 7:25 Ap 6 Maestro By Bob Woodward..............................Carlos Lozada 13:25 Jl 13 Making of the Magdalen, The By Katherine Ludwig Jansen ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:33 N 9 A Marginal Jew, vol...
...Shepherdson Abell 4:22 Fe 23 Wheat that Springeth Green By J. F. Powers........................................John Garvey 17:19 O 12 When Prophecy Still Had a Voice Edited by Arthur W. Biddle ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 14:29 Au 17 Why Religion Matters By Huston Smith................................Paul J. Griffiths 11:23 Je 1 Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar Edited by Amy A. Kass and Leon R. Kass .............................................................Maura A. Ryan 7:27 Ap 6 Words Alone By Denis Donoghue............................Gregory Wolfe 7:24 Ap 6 A World Made New By Mary Ann Glendon..............................James Finn 9:33 My 4 Writing New England Edited by Andrew Delbanco ....................................................William H. Pritchard 22:24 D 21 Young Adult Catholics By Dean R. Hoge, William D. Dinges, Mary Johnson, and Juan L. Gonzales Jr...
...16:2 S 28...
...Index to Volume CXXVIII January 12,2001 to December 21,2001 Articles and Poetry Appleton, Sarah..................From 'Book of My Hunger, Book of the Earth': a poem 11:18 Je 1 Baldwin, Mkhael...The Heart Has Its Reasons: a poem 7:19 Ap 6 Baumann, Paul..............................Waugh on the media 1:7 Ja 12 Catholicism & anti-Semitism 3:8 Fe 9 Agent Hanssert 6:7 Mr 23 You will eat again 9:8 My 4 Free to do what...
...14:5 Au 17...
...21:5 D 7; 21:7 D 7; 21:8 D 7; 21:13 D 7; 22:5 D21 California, 11:8 Jel Callahan, Daniel, 15:8 S 14...
...15:36 S 14 domestic issues, 2:5 Ja 26...
...20:29 N 23 leadership, 1:8 Ja 12...
...1:12 Ja 12 Sinyai, Clayton ............................Academic sweatshops 10:10 My 18 Slaughter, Anne-Marie........................Terrorists on trial 21:8 D 7 Spak, Jason A...............................................Other voices 15:18 S 14 Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien Abigail McCarthy, 1915-2001 4:6 Fe 23 Public religion 5:7 Mr 9 Death & lies in El Salvador 18:12 0 26 Steinfels, Peter......................Examination of conscience 4:14 Fe 23 What kind of 'war...
...9:5 My 4 China, 4:15 Fe 23 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 10:6 My 18...
...7:30 Ap 6 Journalism, 20:7 N 23...
...16:2 S 28...
...13:30 Jl 13...
...19:7 N 9; 20:28 N 23...
...21:5 D 7 Kerrey, Bob, 10:8 My 18...
...2:8 Ja 26 Nussbaum, Anna, 10:11 My 18...
...15:5 S 14...
...21:15 D 7 Berry, Wendell, 5:10 Mr 9 Bin Laden, Osama, 16:4 S 28...
...13:4 Jl 13 culture, 5:12 Mr 9; 5:47 Mr 9; 20:9 N 23...
...7:30 Ap 6; 20:15 N23 social teaching, 17:11 O 12...
...4:24 Fe 23...
...13:4 Jl 13...
...12:10 Je 15...
...15:9 S 14...
...17:8 O 12...
...7:2 Ap 6; 13:7 Jl 13 Rwanda, 13:5 Jl 13 sexuality, 2:11 Ja 26...
...15:4 S14...
...4:4 Fe 23...
...7-5 Ap 6; 7:8 Ap 6; 8:8 Ap 20...
...16:13 S 28 Beliefnet, 14:7 Au 17...
...4:24 Fe 23...
...8:35 Ap 20...
...20:29 N 23 apologies, 13:5 Jl 13 authority, 12:7 Je 15...
...3 By John Meier........................Luke Timothy Johnson 19:21 N 9 Memories of Grace By James Stephen Behrens ............................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 14:29 Au 17 Metaphysical Club, The By Louis Menand..........................John T. McGreevy 14:22 Au 17 Mexican Phoenix By David A. Bradmg..................Carl L. Bankston III 18:23 O 26 Milosz's ABCs By Czeslaw Milosz ..............................Harold Isbell 4:20 Fe 23 Misunderstood Gene, The By Michel Morange ................M...
...17:5 O 12...
...1:30 Ja 12 Elephants, 11:7 Je 1; 13:29 Jl 13 El Salvador, 18:12 O 26 Energy, 11:5 Je 1; 11:8 Je 1; 13:29 Jl 13...
...11:5 Je 1; 11:8 Je 1; 11:12 Je 1; 11:13 Je 1; 12:12 Je 15...
...12:4 Je 15...
...15:18 S 14...
...21:31 D 7; 22:4 D 21 Sexuality, 2:5 Ja 26...
...20:29 N 23 Powerlessness, 18:8 O 26,20:2 N 23 Powers, J, R, 17:19, O 12...
...10:30 My 18...
...15:8 S 14...
...17:2 O 12...
...15:34 S14 Berlin, 14:9 Au 17...
...20:2 N 23 Adler, Mortimer, 19:38 N 9 Admissions policies, 5:5 Mr 9 Affirmative action, 5:5 Mr 9; 11:12 Je 1; 11:13 Jel Afghanistan, 16:4 S 28...
...12:18 Je 15...
...17:2 O 12...
...1:10 Ja 12...
...16:10 S 28...
...16:31 S 28...
...16:7 S 28...
...19:5 N 9; 20:5 N 23...
...3:4 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23...
...20:13 N 23...
...15:5 S 14...
...21:4 D 7 Gauchet, Marcel, 10:12 My 18 Gay rights, 17:7 012...
...18:29 O 26...
...19:36 N 9; 19:37 N 9; 20:9 N 23 Campaign finance reform, 13:12 Jl 13 Capital punishment, 13:9 Jl 13 Carroll, James, 2:22 Ja 26...
...5:4 Mr 9 Ashcroft, John, 1:5 Ja 12...
...20:2 N 23 Pregnancy, 22:7 D 21 Racism, 11:12 Je 1; 11:13 Je 1; 13:30 Jl 13 Radical orthodoxy, 13:21 Jl 13...
...21:11 D 7 Dialogues of the Carmelites, 7:20 Ap 6 Dogs in church, 7:31 Ap 6; 9:4 My 4; 11:2 Je 1 Douglas, Mary, 14:11 Au 17...
...9:6 My 4; 10:29 My 18...
...19:7 N 9; 20:28 N 23...
...15:34 S 14 Auden,W.H.,16:5S28 Baptism, 15:34 S 14 Barak, Ehud, 8:9 Ap 20...
...18:29 O 26...
...15:17 S 14...
...18:9 O 26...
...17:14 O 12...
...An interview with Alan Wolfe 9:28 My 4 Crossing 125th Street 11:7 Je 1 Anthropology with a difference 14:11 Au 17 My son the boy scout 17:7 012 Scrutiny & then some 19:7 N 9 At sea 22:8 D 21 Burrell, David B.....................................Warring stories 8:9 Ap 20 Byrne, Harry J.............................................School choice 3:11 Fe9 Byrne, Katharine........................................Blueberry hill 14:31 Au 17 Callahan, Sidney......................Toward a brainy church 1:8 Ja 12 The call to holiness 5:8 Mr 9 Spiritual symptoms 8:7 Ap 20 Key to Citations for Volume CXXVIII Issue number page date | -p p— 11:18 Je 1 The pope says...
...9:5 My 4; 19:10 N 9; 21:5 D 7 cardinals, 4:9 Fe 23...
...8:2 Ap 20...
...18:7 O 26...
...19:5 N 9; 20:8 N 23...
...15:19 S 14...
...6:28 Mr 23...
...3:4 Fe 9; 4:2 Fe 23...
...16:19 S 28...
...7:2 Ap 6; 13:7J113;14:4Aul7 Constantine's Sword, 2:22 Ja 26...
...16:8 S 28...
...9:6 My 4; 10:5 My 18...
...4:23 Fe 23...
...18:8 O 26...
...9:6 My 4; 10:6 My 18...
...16:9 S 28 Wolfe, Gregory..................I was a teenage conservative 5:12 Mr 9 Wycliff, Don..................Racism isn't what it used to be 11:13 Je 1 One journalist's beginnings 22:9 D 21 Book Reviews An American Story By Debra Dickerson...............................Don Wycliff 3:26 Fe 9 At Home in the Cosmos By David Toolan....................James E. Huchingson 8:30 Ap 20 Bad News Commonweal 26 December 21,2001 By Robert Shogan ............................Robert Schmuhl 14:26 Au 17 Basic Guide to Young Adult Ministry, The By John C. Cusick and Katherine F. DeVries ................................................................Peter Steinfels 20:15 N 23 Before the Storm By Rick Perlstein ................................Kevin Mattson 9:35 My 4 Bellow By James Atlas....................................Mark Krupnick 4:18 Fe 23 Bernard of Clairvaux By Gillian R. Evans..........Lawrence S. Cunningham 6:24 Mr 23 Bertrand Russell By Ray Monk......................................Dennis O'Brien 16:22 S 28 Better Part, The By Thomas Keating........Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:29 N 9 Body Artist, The By Don DeLillo.....................................Tom Deignan 8:28 Ap 20 Breaking Faith By John Cornwell..........................Terrence W. Tilley 19:18 N 9 Can a Darwinian Be a Christian...
...4:4 Fe 23...
...15:35 S 14 Benedictines, 14:6 Au 17 birth control, 10:17 My 18...
...6:8 Mr 23...
...4:14 Fe 23...
...22:31 D 21 Florida, 20:31 N 23...
...15:4 S 14...
...16:10 S 28...
...4:23 Fe 23...
...12:31 Je 15 Pharmaceutical industry, 12:12 Je 15 Plane crash, 20:6 N 23 Poetry month, 8:5 Ap 20 Popes against the Jews, The, 16:19 S 28...
...22:5 D 21...
...15:38 S14 Roberts, E. F.............................................Florida facades 20:31 N 23 Rodden, John...............................'Barbed-wire Sunday' 14:9 Au 17 Russett, Bruce Martin......................What kind of 'war7 16:9 S 28 Ryan, Jerry..................................................1054 & all that 1:15 Ja 12 Sasanov, Catherine......................................Saint: a poem 8:21 Ap 20 Sayers, Valerie................Being a writer, being Catholic 9:12 My 4 Senser, Robert A...................................Nobel sentiments 21:11 D 7 Shannon, Elizabeth................................Summer reading 12:28 Je 15 Shannon, Thomas A.......................The human genome 6:9 Mr 23 Siegel, Joan I...........................To My Daughter: a poem 22:12 D 21 Signer, Michael A.................Can Jews trust Catholics...
...9:10 My 4; 10:4 My 18...
...12:8 Je 15 Terrorism, 16:4 S 28...
...21:5 D 7; 21:7 D 7; 22:6 D 21 Africa, 1:31 Ja 12 AIDS, 21:9 D 7 Albanians, 15:10 S 14 Alleva, Richard, 5:46 Mr 9; 15:36 S 14 American tourists, 12:31 Je 15 Anonymous 4,10:23 My 18 Anthropology, 14:11 Au 17 Anti-Semitism, 12:10 Je 15...
...20:14 N 23...
...10:4 My 18 School choice, 3.11 Fe 9 Self-publishing, 3:21 Fe 9 September 11, 2001,16:4 S 28...
...20:15 N23 Catholic Church and the Holocaust, The, 5:29 Mr 9; 7:2 Ap 6; 7:4 Ap 6; 7:29 Ap 6 Cavanaugh, William, 14:4 Au 17 Chartres, 2:31 Ja 26 Chavez, Linda, 2:6 Ja 26 Cheney, Dick, 11:5 Je 1 Childhood, 14:31 Au 17 Children's books, 7:21 Ap 6; 20:21 N 23 China, 4:15 Fe 23 Chittister, Joan, 14:6 Au 17...
...14:4 Au 17 reconciliation, sacrament of, 4:10 Fe 23...
...18:10 O 26...
...22:13 D 21 France, 10:12 My 18...
...22:6 D 21 Japan, 15:11 S 14...
...7:5 Ap 6; 7:8 Ap 6; 8:8 Ap 20...
...15:14 S 14...
...20:9 N 23...
...7:5 Ap 6; 7:8 Ap6 Neuhaus, Richard, 1:2 Ja 12 New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 5:28 Mr 9 Norton, Gale, 1:5 Ja 12...
...19:5 N 9; 20:5 N 23...
...15:6 S 14...

Vol. 128 • December 2001 • No. 22

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