Africa founders
Pfaff, William
proach is suggested in kenotic theology, or the idea that God gives Godself com- pletely in the Incarnation. In God's hu- WILLIAM PFAFF mility, God accepts self-limitation on be- half of...
...The French invented a version of demons, to put it bluntly...
...The analogy of prayer as a magnifying glass has been used...
...A large part of ZimSince God continuously creates as well as African societies still in possession of babwe's army is committed to the war sustains the world, humans cannot know the structures of constitutional order in the Congo, ruled by Laurent-Desire what potentialities and creative possi- and laying claim to democratic creden- Kabila, supporting him and his allies bilities exist in an open universe... power but undermines one of the few African tradition...
...But what else is there...
...The Spirit continues to work T voked in Zimbabwe-the his followers attempt to maintain what through human hearts, minds, and former Rhodesia-in an has become a corrupt regime...
...God depends on humans-as he violence that President exodus of whites accompanied by reco-creators-to bring Christ's work to Robert Mugabe has pro- pression and struggle, as Mugabe and completion...
...Democ- THEOLOGICAL racy movements" were launched elsewhere but repeatedly foundered...
...Themes in Luke -Acts, more...
...Easily accessible by Metrorail...
...holding up the glass allows the sun's encompassing rays to be focused and intensified, so that fires can be lit on earth...
...There is a struggle for wholeness going on as our creation groans in its birth pangs...
...murder of close to a thousand cult members in Uganda was a phenome- Credit or audit options...
...They were, [in Liberia were...
...That, nomic interest with an effort by church- legacy...
...0 The oil and mineral companies terest in African stability, and still know © 2000, Los Angeles Times Syndicate...
...the Congo's immense mineral resources...
...proach is suggested in kenotic theology, or the idea that God gives Godself completely in the Incarnation...
...Debt relief, even new money from colonies of the 1950s what immediate nocents, have recently taken place...
...5213 Registration deadline: May 31, 2000...
...Its countries need to develop civil ard men, the walking dead...
...What most of Africa needs is nomic disorder or collapse, the return associated with political power, and may years, even generations, of political and of the forest and its secret forces, "the be accessed through the death of others...
...South Africa liberated itself, under international pressures...
...Ethnic rivalry drives many of them, tems can work together for good in his- card against his opponents in the par- but mostly it is a competition to pillage tory...
...In Rwanda (and Burundi), democra- WEEK ONE: JUNE 19-23 WEEK TWO: JUNE 27-30 tic elections exacerbated ethnic tensions, Healthcare, Healing SpiritualPathsforthe overturning established hierarchies...
...of colonialism and exploitation, in any case, would defy the convenes and "progressive" reform forces to important though this is...
...11 Commonweal 8 April 21, 2000 lowed, caricatured today as simple ex- ment [March 17] that the sources of the region, but they have neither the auploitation, combined imperial and eco- Africa's problems "lie not only in the thority nor the wish to intervene...
...Since God does not coerce, human efforts and prayers invoking divine aid make a difference in the workings of chance and necessity...
...E-MAIL: elsewhere...
...The Soviet Union, Cuba, and the United States fought coldwar skirmishes at the expense of African WASHINGTON clients...
...The problems are terrifying, at the time...
...Yet evil, sin, suffering, and death His followers have been encouraged Worse is the social and moral dehave already entered the story in this to occupy white-held farmlands-basic struction that has occurred in parts of creation, and they remain to be strug- to the national economy-and, on April Africa, the result of colonialism and of gled against until the final day...
...God's ultimate victory of love over suffering and death is assured in the coming of the kingdom, but in this "not-yet" time our creative work and prayers for healing count...
...The employment of scientific medicine and the complement of alternative modalities of care, are also graced operations of the healing Spirit...
...No one wants lish a cooperative or voluntary version neocolonialism to protect French eco- to try...
...given its freedom, and both chance and lawful necessity operate in an evolving universe...
...sometimes even invented, tribalism...
...VISIT OUR WEBSITE: British scholar Christopher Clapham WASHINGTON THEOLOGICAL UNION • 6896 Laurel Street, NW • Washington, DC 20012 wrote in London's Times Literary SuppleCommonweal 9 April 21, 2000...
...ten thousand people in the capital city before Africa was "opened" by the EuPrayer may affect those factors that re- of Harare...
...The recent Prayer - Quiet Time - Faith Sharing - Recreation...
...That's why we continue to work, and "pray without ceasing...
...There is real danger of a new ropeans...
...powers, principal destination of African and failing states seems barely imaginThey have since given that up...
...hands in divinely creative ways that will evident attempt to prolong his person- This follows in a depressing modern not violate the freedom given the world... pressure, left Africa during straints placed on their exercise of spir- How can they be provided this dethe late 1950s and 1960s-"leaving no itual power in prewar society, sought velopment time, and these conditions forwarding address," as someone said to garner this power in their own of order...
...The ne- 1, they attacked white participants in a the slave trade's overthrow of the pocessity of physical death for humans is multiracial "march for peace" of some litical and social structures that existed fixed, but the path to it may not be...
...Africa now receives a mere 1.5 SUMMER PROGRAMS 2000 percent of world investment...
...I'd bet my life that prayers and healing Masses make a difference, but they cannot do everything alone...
...An international effort to estabsorry...
...or 202-726-8800 ext...
...God has given up divine omnipotence in the created AFRICA FOUNDERS world of time...
...Augustinian,Redemptorist, Paulist, more...
...means by which societies, indispensable to responsible of course, right...
...The the international lending agencies, deAfrican independence would mean, you omnipresent but invisible forces through sirable as they might be, are not the sowould have been told political and eco- which life is ultimately controlled" are lution...
...liamentary elections set for next month...
...bought their fiefs...
...The old religions returned, but there were WEEK THREE: JULY 3-6 also new ones that were apocalyptic Guided Retreat amalgams of old beliefs and a half- Integrating the experiences of mind and heart: grasped Christian message...
...Most Europeans, under young soldiers, escaping from the con- self-government...
...If where terrible wars of child-soldiers, with are irrelevant to the fundamental probyou asked an "old Africa hand" in the deliberate mutilation of thousands of in- lems...
...5213 non of social distress with precedents Housing available...
...The former European colonial of mandated international rule in failed nomic interests by maintaining order...
...The effort to invent Courses and workshops on: Spirituality as Courses and workshops highlighting spiritual a modern politics for Africa privileged related to Medical Outcomes, Caregivers, charisms of the Union's religious orders: ethnic representation-a revived, or Bereavement, Ministry to Disabled, Healing Franciscan, Carmelite, Salesian...
...beginning with the problem of soverleave for another decade, and were Africa needs to be rescued from its eignty... development, in conditions of return of the Crocodile men, the Leop- "The human sacrifice and cannibalism order...
...He described tional shibboleths about racism, coloEuropeanize Africans-for their own the perceived connection between tem- nialism, and neocolonialism...
...This greatly contributed to cul- poral and spiritual realms found among The Clinton administration's minor tural dislocation and alienation...
...Since Mugabe's defeat in a Febru- against Congolese groups in rebellion may be many possible plans for each life, ary referendum on self-serving consti- and intruders from Rwanda and Uganmany ways in which complicated sys- tutional changes, he has played the race da...
...The Portuguese refused to right...
...In God's hu- WILLIAM PFAFF mility, God accepts self-limitation on behalf of human freedom...
...The creation has been Can anything be done...
...Spirituality New Millennium Genocide ensued...
...CALL: 1-800-334-9922 ext...
...The UNION African economy declined, its part in A Roman Catholic graduate school for ministry world trade falling from 6 percent in f r e e d o m f a i t h i n t e g r i t y 1960 to 2 percent in 1995, and still less today...
...The colonial program that folmain open and subject to chance and creativity on the part of God and humanity...
...There tials...
...refugees and migrants, have a direct in- able...
...people in the West African forest belt, trade concessions and market nostrums It was still going on forty years ago...
Vol. 127 • April 2000 • No. 8