The Great Shame

Keneally, Thomas

priest, the good Abbe Peryramale, to the thropologist seeking to study a phe- Catholic physicians who honestly...

...Like- • Catholic Schools in the 2000s: discrimination...
...massive volume the highly regarded Australian novelist Thomas Keneally INFORMATION tells the story of what he chooses to call Contact: Mary Beth Banken OSB the Irish "diaspora...
...Born in 1823, he lived a Ecclesiology The Great Shame swashbuckling life: member of the revoPaul Rill -June 19-.July 7 And the Triumph of the Irish lutionary Young Ireland movement, Fundamental Moral Theology in the English Speaking World under sentence of death at the age of Mark Mallak • July 10-28 Thomas Keneall y twenty-five for treason (later commuted Mystical Theology of Christian East ?van A. Talesc Dou!lcday, $35,712 pp...
...Such a scholarly effort is estimable, but the Fenian incursions into Canada: it would have been more impressive if We are the Fenian Brotherhood, • Human Resources Keneally had been more judicious in the Administration skilled in the arts of war, use of his raw material...
...Their stories might well make Rites of Christian Initiation you wish to visit Lourdes, if not as a pil- Steven Englund, a frequent contributor, Maxwell Johnson -June 19-July 13 grim seeking a miracle, or a social an- lives in Paris where he writes for UNAIDS... "transportation for life" to Australia), Randall Morris • June 19-July 7 an escapee to New York, commander of Introduction to Christian Tradition Anthony Sciglitano • June 19-July 28 the Union Irish brigade in the American Civil War, acting governor of Montana, Psalmody/Hymnody Mark Rhoads • June 19-July 13 James Duffy and dead at forty-four as the result of suiMusic in the Small Parish cide or assassination or drunken accident...
...there are simply too of the book is the author's inclusion of learning communities with a clear many players and incidents to follow...
...The first part of The Great Shame tells Larkin's story-his deportation in 1833 through his old age as, ultimately, a free citizen...
...But at other times, particu- in America...
...BOSTON preferable to brutal life in Africa...
...El Mary Forman 0SB • June 19-July 28 wonder...
...Box 7288 • Collegeville, MN 56321 The prolific Keneally, searching for a 1-800-361-8318...
...Ulti- Although Keneally covers much mately, Mitchel returned to his home- ground that others have plowed before COLLEGE land, becoming an Irish member of the him (notably in Cecil Woodham-Smith's Lynch School of Education House of Commons...
...the to the learning agenda for students...
...These figures appear only at the shame of British rule and anti-Catholic fringes of the narrative thereafter...
...narrate the escape of four Fenians aboard ally discussed-in opposing Republican an American whaler, a rousing story in rebellion in Ireland and Fenian agitation Housing available on campus..., a learning community, and Carthy and Private Patrick Keating and Keneally sets forth multiple meanings a faith community, linking that James Wilson of the 5th Dragoon Guards, for the "shame" referred to in his title: the leadership with the professional and Private Michael Harrington of the 61st shame of the failure of nineteenth-centu- religious development of the staff tied Foot, and Thomas Darragh of the 2nd ry Irish activists to establish a nation...
...However, Larkin is a tame figure compared with the more dramatic-even melodramatic-characters Keneally traces through Commonweal 30 April 21, 2000 lieving "slavery the best state of existence bellished with fictional touches is often for the negro," Christian slavery being annoying...
...Take Thomas FranRichard Dillon • June 19-July 28 cis Meagher...
...The effort is Leadership Program tive...
...He, too, Richard Proulx • June 19-30 B clined by almost half, prin- escaped from Australia to the United Gregorian Chant IIII cipally through emigration, States but, unlike Meagher, became a Gerard Farrell OSB • July 17-21124-28 both forced and voluntary, and the dev- vocal supporter of the Confederacy, beastation of the potato famines...
...320-363-2102 subject after the great success of Schindler's wwwt List, both novel and movie, focused on an ancestor of his wife, one Hugh Larkin, sentenced to a lifetime banishment in Australia for participating in an assault on his landlord's mansion...
...Commonweal 3 1 April 21, 2000...
...Anthony Ruff OSB • July 17-21 etween 1841 and 1881, the Or John Mitchel, a Young Ireland jourLiturgical Music Composition population of Ireland de- nalist, transported for sedition...
...Take for instance an anthem written for message, community and service...
...But his cast is too large and the One of the most pleasurable features leadership of Catholic schools as movement dizzying...
...Ke- American Fenians, veterans of the Amer- Administration July 8 & 9, 15 & 16 neally is a skillful writer, as his many ican Civil War, who plotted to invade This two-weekend course is designed novels have shown, and he moves easily Canada as a means of sapping British reespecially for Catholic School from place to place and person to per- solve to retain dominion over Ireland... justice around the themes of ography run to more than seventy pages...
...Fic- tired lawyer...
...Improving Catholic Education immigrant Irish served on both sides of Despite the author's daunting inclu- (cosponsored by Boston College and the conflict, often but not always hero- siveness, he still leaves the reader with the NCEA), focuses on ways in which ically, and suffered much...
...such questions as the role of the Catholic the social teachings of the Church are Keneally's talents as a novelist help him clergy-much mentioned but never re- integrated into Catholic schools...
...Liturgical Year Jeffrey Kemper • July 10-28 Preaching for Lay Ministers Alvin Rueter • July 10-14 FAR-FLUNG IRELAND Wisdom Tradition David Cotter 0S8 -June 19-July 28 Pauline Letters their careers in exile...
...are invariably cast...
...history em- lished by Simon & Schuster next winter...
...priest, the good Abbe Peryramale, to the thropologist seeking to study a pheCatholic physicians who honestly and nomenon, or a journalist angling to get + SaintJohn's fairly ran the Medical Bureau at Lour- "the story," then as a human being hopdes, to, well, perhaps to the Blessed Vir- ing to know oneself and the human conSchool of Theology, Seminary gin herself-are all interesting, unusual, dition a little better, and sensing that this and worthy dramatis personae who be- cannot happen unless suffering and illA SUMMER TRADITION speak individuality and depth, who ness, marginalization and stigma, faith JUNE 19 - JULY 28, 2000 break through the molds in which they and the supernatural, are considered...
...Besides treating standard topics of principal characters, but do we need to with the boys in blue, personnel administration, the course know that his fellow prisoners in an Irish And we'll go and capture Canada focuses on the leadership of a human jail were Color Sergeant Charles Mc- for we've nothing else to do...
...and the meeting of the Selected Programs for the roster-all to prove the point that the shame of transportation itself...
...contemporaneous poetry, much of it po- Mission and Identity, with a distincThe research required to produce this litical, a great deal of it amateurish, but tive integration of faith, culture, and history was prodigious: notes and bibli- nearly all moving and often amusing...
...How do we know that Larkin "found somewhat like listening to a captivating Boston College, Campion Hall 205 the unpeopled bush a drastic contrast to bard in an Irish saloon, telling a rollick- Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3813 the crowded, sociable countryside of Ire- ing, compelling, and disjointed tale, but (617) 552-4185 land, and in its fearful spaciousness an en- one that goes on too long...
...The Great Hunger and Robert Hughes's These are amazing tales...
...Unfortunate- The Fatal Shore) he also explores (at least Catholic School Leadership Program ly, when they are woven together with for this reader) interesting new territothe stories of countless others the result is ry, especially the saga of the quixotic • Foundations of Educational confusing, not to say overpowering...
...larly in the saga of his wife's ancestor, All my reservations aside, The Great For further information, contact: Larkin, he gives a fictional, or at least un- Shame is a fine entertainment for the The Boston College Catholic School substantiated, twist to the factual narra- reader with enough stamina...
...In this Call for separate listing of Lifelong Learning workshops...
...The course explores the son...
...His novel, Factions, will be pubtion based on fact is one thing...
...John land, the land that we adore, This two-weekend course is designed especially for Catholic School educaBoyle O'Reilly, for example, is one of the Many battles we have won, along tors...
...0 Visit the BC Graduate School couragement to a morbid revisiting of the of Education Web site: personal rashness, the unchanged griev- James Duffy is a New York writer and re- ances, which had landed him here...
...This book is a work of scholarship Lectio Divina These lives also bespeak mystery, and and sympathy that, if I may close as I Columba Stewart OS8 • July 17-21 make an honest person, agnostic or be- opened, drinks very deeply of its subject Rule of Benedict lieving, think-and more than that, without remotely giving a bad taste...
...Too often the And we're going to fight for Ire- July 22 & 23, 29 & 30 reader chokes on a glut of facts... early and of itself...
...for reservations...
...survival shame" analowise, it appears that the author has reca- gous to the shame of Holocaust survivors, Integrating the Social Teachings pitulated every American Civil War bat- "the irrational but sharp shame of still of the Church July 5-9 This couse, linked to the annual tle in which an Irish name appeared on standing when so many fell...

Vol. 127 • April 2000 • No. 8

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