My boss is a Jewish carpenter

Garvey, Michael O.

MY BOSS IS A JEWISH CARPENTER Michael 0. Garvey he National Catholic Reporter fied and nearly...

...He is bored is indeed, as NCR editor Michael Farrell and hopeless faces-each with its own by some sorts of music and greatly dehas suggested, a harbinger for Y2K devastating particularity-was to meet lights in others...
...But gaze after doomed Michael O. Garvey is the author of Findgaze from these photographs-of a terri- ing Fault (Thomas More Press...
...My better be that kind of divinity...
...He lives in this and only one, of the countless and most- been silent...
...Perhaps this "Jesus 2000" cross, because to look into these shocked anges, figs, and almonds...
...To say that he straction for reverence, preferring a def- innocents who were sacrificed, along lives in "the victims of Cambodia's erentially metaphorical Jesus to a specif- with at least 2 million others, to Pol Pot's killing fields" may be true, but it obic Jewish guy...
...It had reign of terror from 1975 to 1979...
...Nor could a divinity be woman, little boy, and little girl who son to be fully human and fully divine less abstract than the one whose mercy stared helplessly at a camera lens in a without staking one's entire life and long- they surely implored in those horrifying blood-washed room of the old Tuol ing on the belief that there is one such moments at Tuol Sleng, the divinity who Sleng School...
...The kind Jesus calls Father... clerk's wife, whose screams he sand years ago...
...O that soon a bench would be placed in front of the wall... see the onant or perhaps a high and nasal voice...
...Commonweal 3 1 February 25, 2000...
...He has a deep and resChristendom of "what kind of divinity it the eyes of Christ crucified... feel the heft of the unanswerable ac- other things about him, but it is certain Obedient children of the Enlighten- cusation, first heard by Cain, "What have that among the ways he is like us is in ment that most of us have been raised to you done...
...But to see Jesus as an average, test that awarded first prize a beatifically grinning and apparently re- even as the average, of humanity, is to to an image of an androgynous Jesus be- tarded man-struck me with a force that disfigure him, and perhaps humanity longing to no particular race or ethnic made my knees weak, and I found my- as well...
...He lives in Sork Huy and person: a male native of Bethlehem, one, seems, at least from this distance, to have Ti Nen and Ang Sieu...
...There is no friend, a curator at the museum, told me other kind...
...Jesus is like us in all things but sin, may never have been imagined by My impulse was to make a sign of the which is to say, he likes or dislikes or(hu)mankind...
...The divinity whose silence young bank clerk about to be executed ly anonymous Judaean victims of the we fearfully interrogate in our most des- for betraying Kampuchea and in the Roman occupation of Palestine two thou- perate prayer...
...The photographs had from Nazareth and sired one baby boy been taken to supplement dossiers com- who grew up, made a name for himself in piled by the staff members of Prison S21, one troubled region, was arrested, torthe former Tuol Sleng School in Phnom tured, murdered, and then astonished his Penh, where at least twenty thousand best friends a few days later by sharing men, women, and children were tortured with them a lakeside breakfast of grilled and murdered during the Khmer Rouge fish...
...He is less like all of be, we sometimes seem to mistake ab- stract than these portraits of a hundred us than like each of us...
...A more inclusive figure self thinking, "Why not a kneeler...
...It is imposunfolds...
...will look up to as the next millennium hand of an off-camera captor gripping He may or may not snore...
...He/she is an abstract Jesus for the biceps of a collapsed young man was sible to get a fix on these and a million an abstracted millennium...
...Nothing could be less ab- our individuality...
...The Jewish man who claims to be this must hear as she is beaten to death in a Not long ago at the University of Notre excruciatingly silent God's only begot- nearby cell...
...MY BOSS IS A JEWISH CARPENTER Michael 0. Garvey he National Catholic Reporter fied and nearly weeping little boy, of a African-American woman or Native recently sponsored a na- despairing grandmother, of an exhausted American man who might be reading tionwide religious art con- and apparently resigned teen-age girl, of them...
...Dame's Snite Museum of Art, I walked ten son claims also to live within each of The "kind of divinity (we) will look up into a gallery where an entire wall had these doomed Asians, as well as within to as the next millennium unfolds," had been covered with 100 photographic the distracted Caucasian man now writ- better be the same kind Abraham, Isaac, prints for a traveling exhibition titled "Fac- ing these words, as well as within an and Jacob looked up to, the same kind ing Death: Portraits from Cambodia's that impregnated one young woman Killing Fields...
...It's disconcerting enough highly abstract idol, a pre-industrial scures the fact that he lives in each man, to speculate on what it means for a per- agrarian utopia...

Vol. 127 • February 2000 • No. 4

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