Continuing the conversation
Macchiarola, Frank J.
From the archives Throughout 1999. Commonweal will be celebrating its 75th anniversary. Here trow thf March 10,1950 issue is an editorial, titled "Go Climb a More Meaningfut Tree,"...
...I'lie work of E.B...
...Will the wrj* nr;vr qwl going rowui unA roxmii...
...things which can be f.ifilely sjtirized: Pearl Harbor invostination*, radio commercidls military men, ipy hunts, .Veil1 Yi»t T<me> editorials, Lifi-'s conci'rn with se\ aru.1 religion, b«-st sellers, etc...
...White tears and dearies...
...It is a fantasv -satin- on the de&trm timi ol tho world...
...Vhite's sermons from stones: perceptive and restrained remarks on nature and man (in Hit- anniversary issue, rain and a tugboat captain...
...There is none, il life is no more than and belief in the goodness of the cool rain...
...The .Wa1 > orkir savs that man i .in never be wholly mechanized, human spirit will sur\i\e...
...line can lament the...
...liir 1-nniw.s Commonweal 7 April 23,1999...
...heapenin^ human life and human relationships in an arliticial, repiniented, and commercialized environment...
...fact that there is no woi Id government to prevent war...
...l< th'v Hi1 enJ to thi* hi'jm/ I'arrouM'i o?nulw.-hNc idea:-.' Will «e one erer catch the /:ra« ring...
...Whitels lack of metaphysical reach...
...These essays are wonderfully written, right and truthful in what they My, but they say little...
...The good lite as it i> seen on West 4 Vd Street is...
...hut it is stupid to act as llunigh it wore only perversity on tlie part ot tho rest of us that blocks it...
...Ihc positive thought whence thc-M- opinions spring is not so firm...
...White, sentiment is ini'fleilual...
...ind 1i»r
...sadly, impotent against barbarism...
...His short sUiry in thr [tw^ntv-fittlil .mni\ier>>dr\1 issue is chiirji"teri*>tic...
...Then: art- many tiling Mr...
...The magazine's belief in "the American concept of individual dinnity" often expresses itself in Mr...
...but the essential attack is d^ainst...
...They are lontenl with sentiment, and in this atomic age which so disturbs Mr...
...It is ungracious- tn bo critical mi birthdays, hul Iho New Yorker's, position as ch.impiiin irf individual dignity makes u.- rather uncomfortable...
...lgainst "furtherdebasemtTit of t.iste .md inli-llt\tu;il lift- in j;eneml...
...n-\ wiling...
...I his is a terrible c r...
...This is a pretty strung position...
...hen- is the brass ring...
...Whitedominatf> tho atnimi-nt made in "The Talk ot the Town...
...The dignity ol the person requires that we commit ourseh es to more than quiet in terminals and the shattering beauty of the cold morning...
...Hut man ian destroy his values- and his own sanity: that is what Mr...
...Here trow thf March 10,1950 issue is an editorial, titled "Go Climb a More Meaningfut Tree," taking issue with NewYorker writer E.B...
...While im IuiIi-k in hi^ ratiu'r MVivpin)* satire of our ¦¦ociety...
Vol. 126 • April 1999 • No. 8