Who's driving?
Pfaff, William
From the archives Thwuxhoiil 1999, Commonweal will be celebrating it* 75th amiimmiy. Here fiom the wry fir-it...
...Hut the practical result of our conviction and our coniidence is Hiis: that when people say to us, "Your system is quite unsuited to the modern world," we answer, "If that is so, things look rather rotten for the poor old modern world...
...we do not feel the slightest respect lor the crude and sentimental rhetoric in which it is recommended to us...
...Slated in its human terms the pl.iii is substantially this...
...It is a work for a lifetime, and most married lives are loo short tor it...
...In other words, the founding of a family means the feeding of a family, (he training, teaching, and watching of a family...
...J-or those who believe in (iod and also believe in the meaning ol words, it is final and irrevocable...
...While it is a creative act like that of an artist it is also a collective .ut like that of a small community...
...It takes two to make a quarrel, especially a lovers' quarrel...
...November 12, 7924, ;'s an exeer/il from "Religion and $e\" by G.K...
...From the archives Thwuxhoiil 1999, Commonweal will be celebrating it* 75th amiimmiy...
...Here fiom the wry fir-it i^ue...
...It also takes two to make a lovers' agreement that their love shall be put before their quarrels...
...It is, perhaps, the one artistic work in which collaboration is a success and indeed a necessity...
...Chesterton, e^iiifisl, fot'l .iDitl (iui luir of the luthcr Itrcwn sfcrfrs...
...1 his continuity is secured, not by "marriage laws," which our modern plutocracies can pull about as they please, but by a voluntary vow or invocation of Clod made by both parties, that they will help each other in this work until death...
...In short, we do not in the least believe in the greater happiness promised to mankind bv the dissolution of life-long loyalties...
...But by definition the agreement of the two is not merely the concern of the I wo, but, in a very terrible sense, of others...
...That love which makes youth beautiful, and is thr natural spring of so much song and romance, has tor its final aim and issue a creative act, the founding of a family...
...The founding of a family, like all creathe acts, is an awful responsibility...
Vol. 126 • January 1999 • No. 2