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Warshaw, Peter
Peter Warshaw Anaximenes Only Miletos of the cities that make the modern world can boast a man the like of Anaximeites. Old, perhaps, oar master and friend showed us how the very stars in...
...Old in the service of philosophy, truth in full measure his, how shall we believe him now, who tells us knowledge brings sadness...
...wisdom, sorrow in its wake?w in its wake...
...Old, perhaps, oar master and friend showed us how the very stars in their crown circle round the head of our tired world, to disappear behind the wild peaks at the edge of earth, now shining now dark...
...And he taught us foremost of all comes air, life's everything whose simple breath we breathe and whose transparent arms hold in place the moon and the sun...
Vol. 123 • August 1996 • No. 14
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