Religious booknotes:
Cunningham, Lawrence S.
RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES I is always a boon to find a good foreigners, hermits, and farmers as...
...From the editors: Commonweal's pref New Testament Christology, is a female Exclusive God language both expresses erence is./Or "B.C...
...127 pp...
...07430 biographical narrative is followed by a sec- 1-201-825-7300 tion on Loyola as a mystic and, finally, a Available at your local bookstore psychoanalytic portrait of the saint...
...I realize that using "C.E...
...Does a 209 West Fayette Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-3443 democratic ecclesial polity translate into ® 1-800-SEND-HOPE a more prophetic church...
...C.E., no County Clare...
...we see that if the gospel had not been Even more troubling is his endorsement preached in terms of Hellenistic culture, as "thoroughly orthodox" of Elizabeth it would not have won the minds and A mystery beyond gender Johnson's Christology: "`Christ for us' is hearts of most of the people in the thenno longer the historical (male) Jesus, but Morristown, N.J...
...Right now, CRS is operating throughout the Balkan statessuch communities...
...How plausible...
...Michael Paul Gallagher's lit- sinner... the annual meeting of bish- dependence...
...If "theol- pace with ongoing historical experience...
...good historical sense...
...description, of God...
...Human religiosity object of his criticism, but modernity itclosure in the world," we should be on has struggled against that gospel from the self...
...Ditto spirituality...
...Nor does gender-free language ing through your always excellent review 666-5651...
...standing Christ in a holistic, Pauline sense ly possible to dispute that here we see History is a battlefield where myths as head and members together... the theologies of liberation...
...And, finally, how church...
...Gallagher offers us he seems to have covered vast distances...
...Greene, foreword by John Cardinal He lived at a time of intense turmoil O'Connor- An anecdotal account of (Ignatius was a contemporary of Luther) the founding of LAMP Ministries, a and, especially in his native Spain, was the Catholic lay organization dedicated to subject of the attentions of the Inquisition bringing God to the poor in on more than one occasion...
...I know of one such holdover If I have a criticism (and it is a com- changes in Eastern Europe...
...The book's listens to people...
...a separate substantive essay to point out CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES-USCG the problems of democratization...
...An Irish Jesuit intention to get to the Holy Land a fawho spent many years as a university pro- democrats voted destination of the Russian pilgrimfessor of literature...
...Thus it very much a thing of the past, for it takes addressed to us from outside us, by a God is not one aspect or other of my work or place in Israel and in Christ...
...within the church as we have it today...
...7 src rrl r-'1'Irird Prrhlieutinrra, $7.95...
...Trying to honor the Located to the west of your dreams in scenic mystery of God beyond gender while the B.C., A.D., yes...
...The gospel is not our effort over the need for interpretation of the versa...
...There is something alchurch" is a stumbling block (a skan- prayer" that is such a hallmark of Orthodox most Dostoevskian about the tone of this dolon-scandal) to genuine faith...
...Box 15250, spirit...
...some examples-framed with stories from Lawrence his own experiences as a teacher and a mis- S. Cunningham The Way of a Pilgrim, trcrrrslated hs Helen sionary in Latin America of how he Rrrc or•cin, l)ru Meet n' Image...
...for "before the com- Course, Atonement Friars, 138 Waverly guage of revelation...
...course, is that Wisdom, quite central to vailing cultural form of male dominance...
...think of genuine prayer as the will- Orthodox spirituality, the Philokalia, the many years... is "Jesus is Lord...
...Again, is it theologically sound to equate test to the accuracy of his column...
...and interhe can do is communicate and turn what weave description and the experience of appears to be abstruse doctrine into lived himself and others...
...Commonweal 26 March 1993: 31...
...InTheMinis nis Sanks's new book describes the church The program for Psychology and Religion from the perspective of theology...
...Created especially for people worn world...
...212) not work...
...In count shows that God is referred to as fa- stopped the onrush of time and asserted fact, it makes quite a point of this in ther in the Gospels with increasing fre- in prayer the presence of God in our world terms of the challenge this presents to pa- quency...
...His con- beth Schussler Fiorenza sees a possibilipolyglot musician with profound roots in clusion is that Weakland will never leave ty in tilting toward the New Testament the best of the Catholic tradition (he is a Milwaukee for "bigger things...
...Paper $9.95one finds in the history of the Christian tradition...
...Meissner's 997 Macarthur Blvd., Mahwah, N.J...
...When a young person reacts century Russian classic of spirituality...
...points he reveals how deeply the gospel Bible and the catholic tradition mean by Where we part company, it seems, is is threatened by feminist theology and vice the gospel...
...Louis MO 63110...
...Word proclaimed that central mystery...
...196 pp... such, l can heartily recommend his work...
...general, I judge this a wonderful biograly good at describing the intersection of The biography is wonderfully written...
...Centro Pro Unione, Rome, Mon...
...While God does continue to lead ology is merely the latest installment...
...For Men An Women Salt, Leaven & Light: The Community Called Church, fn• 7: Hoss•lund Sanks, Crossroad, V1.95, 251 pp...
...Lutheran Church in York, Pennsvlvania...
...scholarship has shown that while Jesus brought light and gracefulness to the Looking beyond this fundamental dif- did address God as "abba," a term rich Christian world...
...The basic glue holding the society together was the shared experiences WE ARE HOME, A Spirituality of the of the Spiritual Exercises, a book of seem- Environment, Shannon Jung...
...We day...
...and his own feeling that Wilkes, Orhis, $13.95, 147 pp...
...It is my conviction that male imagery To carry on in the same vein as if nothis in fact so dominant in our imaginations ing had happened would be, in my view, CLASSIFIED that only by increased use of female im- to fail in care for the good news...
...with serious implications for the future...
...Furthermore, in the South where trustees, within living mon one to which many books on eccle- the Eastern emphasis on viewing ecclesimemory, resisted the presence of African siology are open) it is this: I would like ology with respect to the liturgy and seeAmericans in its church despite the wish- to have seen more consideration given to ing it as an outgrowth of the central es of the pastor who was, in essence, pow- the ecclesiologies developed in the Eastern mysteries of Christ offer some openings erless over the trustees...
...for Christians, ultimate trust is not is at stake in the feminist theological proj- The feminist project is religiously and placed in anything other than God's ect... recounts his encounters with monks, intellectuals, peasants, convicts, exiles, Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home...
...Dc . facto, the audible to most thinking Westerners today... the many demands of ministry, The merits of this work are consider- St...
...for God honor women in their momentous section, I came across Luke Johnson's Summer Course spiritual struggle to claim their human dig- essay (January 29), and met a stumbling nity as created in the image of God...
...For Information: Summer Speech about divine mystery, even the lan- mon era" or "B.C.E...
...1050 a week...
...Todrink of the one Spirit are in Christ and tradition in the early church rather than day our Christian myth and symbols are are being transformed into the image of abundant use by the actual Jesus of his- locked in struggle with those of scientism, Christ...
...The single chapters borrow from Lonergan, I suspect) and a sapiential read- the classic "types" of prayer (e.g., simple, ing of the Scriptures at a deep level...
...transforms both female and male lives...
...ticle ["A Theological Case for God-She," itive assertions about God and Christ, January 29] and Luke Timothy Johnson's which are proposed as true statements The author replies: laudatory review of her book [same issue], even as all speaking of the gospel recogtogether with his much less favorable re- nizes the final inability of human words In many ways I share the concerns of these view of the collection of essays edited by or reason to plumb the depth of the mys- letter writers: God is holy mystery beyond= A.F...
...It his exempla and turn them into strategies ideas for conferences I recently gave to a is a classic for even those who are disinfor us or others to use...
...who read such stuff with a slightly arched man: "How awful...
...nominating potential bishops is a bootless Other authors would go further...
...What does seem sabbatical program for clergy and then cir- clined to practice its discipline...
...istration deadline: May 1, 1993...
...It is idle Feminist theology's trouble with this these same tangential and infrequent deto repeat their lapses...
...Having made this move, it invari- he says, "made Jesus relevant by removMore spiritual than God ably obscures the simple reality that the ing from the Gospels anything which York, Pa...
...creasingly important as the situation ative lesson...
...the need money order to Program Developed for clinical use in the for inculturation as we move toward what for Psychology and Program for Psychology and Religion, the late Karl Rahner has called the World Religion, Behavioral our audio cassette, "Gatherers at the Church... this very good little book, that is nice- sires to enter the world of Russian spiriI am not sure that it is possible to take ly said...
...Without this restatement in con- who would deny that female symbols de- We can err by being either too narrowtemporary terms, the gospel would not be serve a place in this treasury...
...It is enough to say gospel is that like its kin it is more spiri- tails in the parables with Jesus' consistent that they uniformly decline to stand up and tual than God...
...This My original copy of this hook is about is not an apologetic work in which Father thirty years old so it pleased me no end to has all the answers to all the stock ques- brings a young woman to a sense of trini- get this translation (first done in the 1970s) tions...
...My work does not deny that the was neither exclusive nor frequent...
...ogy has consistently acknowledged that For religions die when their lights fail, This is plainly not orthodox Christology God is Spirit and thus beyond gender when they lose the power to connect peobut its perennial, precise, and, yes, gnos- identification," does it not muddy the con- ple's current experience of the world with tic opposite...
...the male, Jewish, wine-drinking, celibate, tification of God as female instead of The very best of nineteenth- and twencrucified apocalyptic prophet Jesus of pressing beyond gender in an attempt to tieth-century theology, both Protestant 30: 26 March 1993 Commonweal and Catholic, has been engaged in exe- of this world...
...and on a journey to exercised over an honorary doctorate from construction of Roman Catholicism, editEl Salvador...
...Regcepts drawn from the created excellences perhaps even a sound ecumenical gesture...
...Losing God, hs• Michael Paul Gallagher, br Ric hard J. Foster, Hrrrlx r5urr Frrrru isro...
...Ignatius of Loyola: The Psychology of a Saint, by W. W. Mei-mier, S3...
...Luckily, Meissner Wilkes's book is a reprint of a longish in preparing talks and conferences but gives fair warning when the Freudian re- 1991 profile that he did of Archbishop those not so employed would also find it useful for straight spiritual reading...
...of the book and serves as a cautionary tale Catholic Relief Services can't stop the fighting...
...A in an engagingly readable style...
...a 314/577-8703 and renewed vision...
...and "A.D...
...I made good use of this fine little book eyebrow of suspicion...
...ingness or openness to pray...
...agery can we restore the former to its sup- ELIZABETH A. JOHNSON Ireland pleness as metaphor, rather than literal Summer Rental: 15th century Irish castle...
...Three baths and moduse exclusively male images simply does To the Editors: Late one evening, read- ern kitchen...
...He is especial- a practicing Freudian analyst...
...and a nice blend of both the hermeneutics of suspicion and of r ' SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY trust...
...The latCommonweal 26 March 1993: 27 RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES Rembert Weakland, O.S.B., for the New of competing ecclesiologies seen through act upon strategies for democratization Yorker...
...the challenges posed and lay ministers...
...hidden life of poverty, watchfulness, coners are real problems...
...The recent ex28: 26 March 1993 Commonweal RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES perience of the Southern Baptists, with the or as a text for serious nonacademics and, I have any illusions about the superiority tyranny of the majority, would suggest not...
...Hour drive from Shannon daily language of the church continues to Seattle, Wash...
...June 28 Klein's criticism of this apophatic stance... the sheer quantity of data that are provided about attempts atdemocratization in the church...
...The range of prayer experiences which 26: 26 March 1993 Corm1701711'eal RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES Foster treats is quite broad but there is no ter section should come as no surprise flections begin which allows the eye to hint that he feels that this or that approach since the author is both a Jesuit priest and skim until one is back on terra firma...
...It draws shrewdly on the address to God as "father" and "abba...
...I 'ocid, S23, 95, 260 pp The Education of an Archbishop, hr Paul less parishes...
...At purchasing this new wine while discardby now, its corrective in postmodern cat- this point, the burden of proof is on those ing the old...
...Christians crucified Jesus is risen as the Christ...
...In hindsight able "self-disclosures... the classroom...
...known world...
...His appeal to continuing revelation to approximate the mystery and to "image gospel as the community of believers near the end of the section on Kimel's God" and it cannot endure the religious moves through various historical eras and Speaking the Christian God is a prime ex- turn to the subject, of which feminist the- cultures...
...Like many things Books from Doubleday...
...Kirnel, Jr., help to clarify how much tery...
...The result of all of this experience...
...rather than sented by the Atonement Friars at the beyond all imagining, despite Pastor A. D...
...A fascinating inquiry into the What has always fascinated me about enigmatic faith life of Catholic college students on campus- what they Ignatius of Loyola is how he recapitulatbelieve in and how they look at the ed in his life so many of the models that church...
...In one place, for example, he is an extremely readable and non-technical work of devotion in the best sense of LAWRENCE S. CUNNINGHAM chairs Notre the term...
...defend their secularity, but instead duck apophatic tradition, while overlooking Does not this theological method remind their heads and run away...
...It is scarce- and sundown...
...I read that profile and, if memo- the lens of a single person, this is it...
...11spent in fending off at least one hostile pon- .'up }fmNrdr l.r tiff, chatting up aristocratic ladies, ordering about wayward clerics, and generally attempting to keep his ever growing society intact...
...Biblical most amazing and powerful phenomenon derestimate the gospel...
...Since fighting began in 1991, hundreds of thousands of people many of them ment of the current state of base commuinnocent women and children - have been traumatized by the horrors of "ethnic cleansing...
...those who only know the more splenagainst a too religious upbringing he says, The unknown author recounts his wan- dorous version of Russian piety reflected in effect, that maybe the person has had derings through prerevolutionary Russia in onion domes, icons, and gorgeously too much church and that "too much as he learns and practices the "unceasing sonorous liturgies... guides the listener to a place of rest able: a capacity for clear presentation...
...I make that criticism not because for us in the West...
...After an introductory section on methodology, Sanks has a gener- We integrate expertise in ous middle section which reflects on the psychological, physical and spiritual development of the understanding of the issues and use a multi- disciplinary team church as it has evolved from the New of psychologist, pastoral counselors, Testament witness down to the present nurses, psychiatrists and consultants...
...In fact, the very power of rather the resurrected one, the cosmic To the Editors: Elizabeth A. Johnson's ar- the gospel is revealed in its ability to keep Christ whose genderless Spirit touches and ticle leaves me with questions...
...Church bells across ference, I would like to offer several clar- with theological import, his use of the term Europe, in harmony with the passing sun, ifications...
...and seems unafraid of the fu- of subsidiarity to think about democratiland") reflects the organization of the ture facing the postconciliar church...
...But it does insist on under- in Matthew, and 109 in John...
...It would rank high, in my judgment, as a book COLLEGE CATHOLICS, A New to be worked through during Lent or when Counter-Culture, Michael J- Hunt, on retreat...
...His curus into thinking that he has written a "sim- rent book seeks to name the experience ple" book...
...For gospel revelation, is it theologically prejust such reasons Christianity's primal as- cise to identify God with his kingdom or universities Notre Dame, Georgetown, sertion is not about an indefinite cosmic with tangential details in the parables...
...And you can help -your support of CRS will save lives...
...E." is remake positive assertions about God and women into a new community, but his gressive...
...The statement that the gospel cannot endure his church, God's revelation is, in fact, gospel is a saving word to mortal sinners, the religious turn to the subject... the historically developed kyriaki Benedictines) his story is of a man who John Coleman's essay in the Bian- (church) which is patriarchially constituted is whipsawed between his own instincts chi/Ruether anthology strikes me as a on ancient sociopolitical models...
...Rosemary Ruether's survey of five movements of concerned feminists in this country that attempt to live within the broad parameters of the church while being independent of the hierarchy is just interesting to know about, whatever the long-term prospects of such experiments might be...
...including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia-providing emergency food, What this collection lacks, however, is blankets, medicine and more...
...human beings as an integral part of Meissner tells this story with great verve the biosphere that they share with and, equally, with an impressive com- God, other people, animals, and plants...
...phy and even when Meissner turns to ordinary life and prayer in chapters like The psychoanalytical portrait will be Freud I discovered myself at places saythat on the prayer of the forsaken where, judged differently by those sympathetic ing what Newman is supposed to have said in undramatic but realistic terms, he talks to such an approach or those, like myself, when he read the skeptic Hume as a young about prayer and doubt...
...that that tradition is secondary to the ex- one uncomfortably of John Garvey's deWILLIAM TALBOT ternal and positive proclamation of the scription in the same issue of the theogospel and administration of the sacra- logical method of Thomas Jefferson who, ments...
...Thus when who offensively took flesh in one time, of Christian feminist theology that is the we hear the appeal to "God's self-dis- one place, and one man...
...realize that the problems of oth- perusal...
...LEONARD R. KLEIN could not survive the turn from a Jewish God and its replacement by more amen- The writer is senior pastor of Christ to a Hellenistic expression...
...a worLuke Johnson's language is moderate, and Johnson demonstrate, seemingly by thy relevance is not gained by removing his learning impressive, but at critical accident, it is not anything like what the uncomfortable aspects of the gospel...
...zation in the church...
...As such, I think that this is a book cot MEDICAL CENTER which would make a good core text for a J college/seminary course in ecclesiology commonweal 26 March 1993: 29 Nazareth, who taught as of first importance shed new light on the mystery beyond and as liberating news to call God "Our gender...
...uses images and con- mon era" is more irenic and broad-minded, Place, New York, NY 10014-3845...
...Paper $9.95...
...Dame Untrersin 's theology department...
...RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES I is always a boon to find a good foreigners, hermits, and farmers as lie volume in the flood of often quite moves through the vast Russian landembarrassing popular literature scape interiorizing his ceaseless prayer, that passes for Christian spiritu- Atheists, saints "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a ality...
...The for God...
...block in his reference to "Gnosticism in Summer Course in Ecumenism: "Introduction to the Ecumenical Movement" preThree truths are basic...
...Armed only with a Bible and little classic and it gave me immense pleawith prayer: try listening instead of say- a copy of the classical anthology of sure to reread a hook I have known for ing...
...symbol and so challenges the overwhel- and supports this...
...Elizamakes clear, not all) the ideal bishop...
...The writers in this book give us much material as we think through those very tough A HepingHan issues but they tend not to face such challenges head on...
...35, 480 pp, When Ignatius finally settled in Rome, his mature years were spent in a small house from which issued directives and letters as he shaped his religious order, later known as the Jesuits...
...What is best in this wildly uneven anthology (e.g., do we need a reprint of a 1969 essay by Hans Kung...
...tries to tell the truth as Curran appeals to the Catholic principle subtitle ("Travels with Rembert Weak- he sees it...
...Sleeps eight...
...To the exercise because Rome does not really dictum that the Catholic church is not Weakland is for many (but as Wilkes heed advice...
...All who straightforward evidence of a burgeoning ceaselessly engage in mortal combat...
...argued in similar fashion that the gospel past-tense saving and revelatory action of (REV...
...If there was ever a case study there i s no paradox here-to estimate and for Pachomian monasticism over against the Benedictine model strikes me as odd...
...Leonard Klein makes the startling ample...
...He spiritualized his original ca- THE POOR AND THE GOOD NEWS: reer of soldier/courtier via a period of A Call to Evangelize, edited by Tom being a hermit and a pilgrim before going and Lyn Scheuring with Marybeth on to being a scholar and religious founder...
...Phil Berryman's sober assessThe viciousness of the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina is almost impossible to imagine...
...Although he never made good his tle book is such a volume...
...state a clear fact Christ...
...CORRESPONDENCE Father," and who also in remarkable ways When dealing with the parables in the (Continued from page 2) called women into a new community...
...Its shinuseful is to adopt his stance: be a patient culated the work for their more leisurely ing sense of Christ, its predilection for the listener...
...God is mystery the second century C.E...
...El does one balance a need for some kind of unity between the churches and the Great Church that does justice to local needs while not falling into sectarianism...
...the character of the local church Medicine Division, Saint Spring of Being" combines physical (by which he means the church in this country...
...Lucky ekklesia (assembly) as a counterbalance monk who once served as primate of the Milwaukee...
...To claim that the gospel cannot endure the consistent address to God as father doer For many centuries, three times a day, a turn to the subject is, in my view, to un- not undermine this argument...
...and assume a due The Wad, of a Pilgrim is a nineteenth- version, and solitude is a good antidote for modesty...
...PAULIST PRESS mand of the published literature...
...Alert readers will detect a of prayer so as to aid us in disentangling counselor who has absorbed Ignatian prin- what is authentic in that exercise and what ciples ( directly and through Rahner and is illusory...
...The final third of the book takes up also operate a national evaluation and a series of neuralgic issues which engage To order your tape theologians: the reshaping of our under- send $7.95, check or treatment center serving religious, clergy standing of ministry...
...Now that the question slipped past our sate guards...
...In particular I make use of the in light of the search of women and men Incarnation is precisely the overturning of wisdom tradition, often overlooked but for a more just community shaped by re- historical time as something common...
...ming dominance of male terms in Christian has been raised, we are in a new situation usage...
...That shows up in the veto they A Democratic Catholic Church: The Reops in Washington... a section on Weakland at home in Rome does not like his style nor his inhis diocese...
...for "the com- to Fri...
...Anyone who dees to the life of faith and prayer...
...To found in Scripture, dogma, and liturgy, to lationships of mutuality...
...nities in Latin America is worth the price Millions more are now homeless and in desperate need of aid...
...To the Editors: Elizabeth A. Johnson's ar- liturgy, and tradition makes a host of pos- THOMAS F. WALSH, S.J...
...What makes this interesting, of community was quick to assume the pre- JACK MORRIS...
...materialism, and secularism...
...spiritually sophisticated, but as Johnson promise and saving work in Christ...
...What Thomas Walsh describes as Jesus' Incarnation is Christianity's central myth...
...of Orthodox ecclesiology but because the Does the system of lay trustees (ably de- This book has the mark of the good teach- witness of that church will become inscribed by Jay Dolan) also teach us a neg- er all over it...
...Rather, in the interest of inclu- we should talk about God in light of the clearly assert what Christians consider an sive language I search for biblical female challenge of Christian feminism arising objective truth, that Jesus Christ is the metaphors and show how we can also use from the sufferings, achievements, and pas- Alpha and the Omega, the very center of these to expand our treasury of language toral needs of believing women today, and the human story-may be ill-advised...
...and Boston College-I can personally at- Christ...
...Eugene for dialogue and the demands of bishops compellingly sane statement: that a non- Bianchi searches the tradition for more to march to a centralized tune of Roman democratic church should attempt and democratic models although his praise obedience...
...a pontifical faculty in Fribourg...
...guard for an agenda that intends the com- time of the church at Corinth, which like- In the early Christian centuries, some promise of that offensively specific and wise claimed a bundle of fresh revelations...
...What sacramental, meditative, etc...
...Wilkes chronicles all of this democratic they respond: why not...
...4 times in Mark, 15 in Luke, 49 by reciting the Angelus at sunrise, noon, triarchy...
...and, finally, the relationship of the Louis University Medical relaxation with refreshment of mind and church vis-d-vis the great religions of the Center, P.O...
...America's cities...
...Paper $12..95...
...It comes at Saint Louis University Medical Center to us from a person who teaches ecclesi- meets the special needs of religious, clergy ology at the Jesuit School of Theology and lay ministers who require (Berkeley) and it reflects his long career psychological treatment...
...S17.276 pp...
...The simplicity and straightforwardness Foster is a Quaker who is gaining a fine of Gallagher's prose should not beguile reputation as a spiritual writer...
...The risen, cosmic Christ is sistent theological waters to foster an iden- the ultimate mystery of God...
...ALL)-, Yale Unii'ersirv Press...
...minded or too broad-minded...
...But we are administering life-saving for those who are overly enthused about assistance to the victims of war...
...In ry serves me, nothing in the current text Wcakland's profile pictures a person who the same vein (and quite correctly) Charles adds to what was written there...
...It was a trying life H kdA 1. 1~ mr.11...
...Pachomian monasteries seem to me to have been little more than pious pressgangs while Benedictine monasticism has a strong democratic mechanism built into its ethos...
...Jesus did call my way of thinking the usage "C...
...gospel announcement in Bible, dogma, made Thomas Jefferson uncomfortable...
...July 16...
...A faithing banality when read but of revolution- filled, readable invitation to consider ary potential when lived...
...And we need many of these But is it possible that we are a hit rash in cuting modernity`s turn to the subject and, terms to offset and enrich one another... with those who come to him with deep problems of faith and practice...
...In to prayer is the approach...
...It is, rather, a series of examples in tarian prayer by simply noting that gen- in a serviceable format and at a reasonwhich he tried to puzzle out, along with uine prayer is prayer to God above us and able price in the esteemed series of Image those who question him, some approach- beside us and within us...
...To surrenFurthermore, I do not advocate sub- Finally, I note the absence of any pos- der "before Christ" and the more felicitracting male metaphors for God from the itive suggestion in these letters as to how tous "in the year of our Lord"-terms that Scriptures...
...and "A.D... the ex- ed hr Eugene C. Bianchi and Rosemary change of letters with Rome over priest- Rad ford Ruether...
...For that reason I used some of its tuality would do well to read this work...
Vol. 120 • March 1993 • No. 6