
CORRESPONDENCE turn to issues that affect ordinary Catholic Prospero aiio nuevo Walk it off ...

...What I wish I had is Feli Navidad a ti y Prospero Ano Broyard's enormous politeness, his con- Benicia, Calif...
...7th Ave...
...per_ and Ruy- U Costa the psychological...
...Mathematics provides READINGS IN HER STORY heading+ liberation theoiugfans address the us with a most denuded reality, a world Women in Christian Tradition often-undiagnosed misunderstandings and f:dt[ec...
...Edited by I r.irira• Al...
...Single Copy, $2...
...sideration of others, and his sense of To the Editors: David Carlin's column on CAMILLUS THIBAULT, A.A humor...
...But if a Boston narrow to the point of distorting reality...
...71 e Aatmreal (.i7rter fir the h uih '. DAVID K. O'ROURKE, O.P...
...According to a study conducted by the National Catholic Education Asso-, ciation a few years back, more than 50 percent of American Catholics have had no LENT formal religious education at all...
...Catholics LISTEN...
...Again I see mostly elitist issues Collegeville, Minn...
...An aftcrawon of prayer and reflection...
...those in positions of power or influence ing at my elbow...
...the "bathos" of what follows... enough to dismiss most of the talk But there was, and is, a group of that came from the pulpit, and all the talk American Catholics whose roots are not that came from the Boss Tweeds in Roman in the city, who lived, and live, in the coun- collars who ran the urban chanceries...
...But great-grandparents, they lived, died, and they were not consciously "Irish Catholic," are buried in small-town America...
...To write that TRANSFIGURATIONS " [tjoday, our most secure knowledge of Theology and the French Feminists Edited by C Itr :17uggtc lfin7...
...Mass included...
...Commonweal 12 March 1993: 29 First, he talks about Catholic ghettos, pre- since there were no Catholic schools, but sumably urban since they were large also by choice... be anything other than small-town They helped to build, they taught in, they American Catholics...
...sons all too obvious and even obscene- spite the media juggernaut launched to And yet it's still important to me to write pussyfooting...
...510.95 paper his tli,, pest olloci iun of primary texts ities... I took a coffee break ity, last resort, the distinction between di- "news" monopoly...
...Mass included...
...Seeing the rapid erosion of the "Dewey," and "Lily"-did it for me...
...Christian Aid to react in this way...
...Later energy of the poem in the "irony" spark- values that have made America the great- I read "Malcolm X" and, as I expected, it ing between the grandiosity of the title and est nation on earth, they have no cham- told me a lot about the Lord's Incarnation...
...My own experience leopp...
...injunctions against abortion or homo- Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, Earlier the cathedral was slated (roofed) sexuality brands us as "religious fanat- Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Review for preservation...
...Microfilm from Vol...
...renewed my subscription after the elec- New York Times, the Washington Post, p. 14, Stowell, Rothco...
...something in return...
...of the world, upon which the security of i ;*p• $14.95 paper AruilubIi'July 1993...
...I was disappointed but the network pundits, the Ted Turners, the p. 7, Baloo, Rothco...
...I picked up the Down," February 12...
...20, 28, Ross, Rothco...
...irtl pir dr,ailr...
...dies" grappling with one another marks Commonweal Foundation...
...involved in Catholic institutions other than the parish church are a minority...
...Second, Mr...
...633-2252, Ext...
...HER STORY Ecology, Feminism, and Christianity To make such a claim, he must bypass the Women in Christian Tradition ,4NNY t'rt'1.Allw' PPl abstract nature of his discipline...
...Your Christimas issue • the Editors: Quoting, in its entirety, John to join them against the ever-increasing proves me right about my feelings and Ashbery's poem: tide of cultural barbarism...
...sons and daughters...
...Speakers are Man.- Elizabeth 'lirnnie I )unnc and I)avid Parente from perience and do not prize...
...voted out of office, your journal might re- NORVELL B. DE ATKINE 2: 12 March 1993 Commonweal I am dying-albeit slowly-of prostate policeman can call Robert Coles "arrocancer and doing it in my own fashion, gant," no one can be sensitive enough CORRESPONDENCE just as Broyard did in his...
...CORRESPONDENCE turn to issues that affect ordinary Catholic Prospero aiio nuevo Walk it off people...
...EXPERIENCE... my port or engage in it...
...Like my parents, and grandparents, and Some were, like me, Irish in name...
...NURTURE...'s overwhelming...
...Take long walks...
...and find "two mommies" or "two dad- and at additional offices...
...LENTEN PROGRAMS We feel no nostalgia for an urban ghetto because we did not know it...
...14.95 paper Broyard's way HISPANIC WOMEN Prophetic Voice in the Church Postage and handling Red Bank, N.J... Is ,rlrar r 1 MUCHurrrr map models of mutually affirming stripped of its rich texture and varied qual- theologies [LSopp...
...Saturday 4:00 pm and Sunday-, ti: 43, 10:3{1, 12:00 & 5:15...
...Canada, $39...
...Canada, $66...
...John The Baptist Church Centro Pro Unione, Rome, Mon...
...I'm loath to differ sion...
...8, 26, Paul Valerry...
...Most Americans do from writing reports for guys who are askrect and indirect killing, etc.," says Stephen not consider homosexuality anything ing for postulancy in our religious famiJ. Pope ["You Can't Keep a Good Theory more than it is-a dysfunctional perver- ly (the Assumptionists...
...June 28 )-v, than h in thr• ,itt when Inuit nwrrr• i,'m ham...
...They, and I, went to administered, and they sent their children state or private universities-again by "We seem to be the only hippos here...
...Where Rothco...
...I )arid Couturier, ()FM, Cap...
...Catholic education ["From Ghetto to HillI find it very difficult to see Broyard top," February 12] makes a few assumpas Marget described him: "supercilious, tions about American Catholics that are It doesn't add up superficial, and affected...
...They were that we all had our roots there...
...Compelling it is rich tare...
...BryantGUmbeltOdeSCrlbePhylhSSChla- 1, 1924, to current issues available through University Let him who is without pun cast the first Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 slate...
...Copyright © 1993 Whose side are you on...
...Unfortunately it hasn't been tected segment of our society much eas- one of my regular readings, but I feel betier...
...p. 18, Harrison, tion with the misguided hope that once the etc., and on the other we have...
...The American Catholic family is in deep The first three articles-"Luck," Frank McConnell [January 29] finds the trouble...
...SC 1+11)J) 5 .95 paper [January 15] of Anatole Broyard's han- STATIONS OF THE CROSS dling of his fatal disease in his book A Latin American Pilgrimage Intoxicated by My Illness...
...k will help Perhaps Marget has had personal expe- us to learn again what we have to mourn and what we have to celebrate.'' rience with terminal cancer that caused her -MICHAEL H TAYLOR- Director...
...To suggest that it is somehow un- and on Microfiche from Bell & Howell, Wooster, natural for little Johnny to come home Ohio44691.Serials Data program No.:ISSN 0010- 00103330...
...the unrelenting leftish propaganda of weening power of the Hollywood moguls, Illustrations: Cover design, Emil Antonucci...
...hemence of Madeline Marget's criticism M.1RiA MIA: AS...
...1 (800) Justice, Peace, Ecology and Global Awareness...
...I don't even know if you'll hasn't been a just war yet, and to act as if Most Americans are not afflicted with ever read this, because editors are far-away there could be one in reality is-for rea- AIDS and will never be touched by it, de- people, like Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates...
...They the public schools not only by necessity, did not make use of the Catholic schools in the cities because their urban, ethnic quality felt so foreign...
...For some of us, that is neither a problem nor an anomaly...
...w.corr 5r• uflh: the world is mathematical" undermines the ,.urd .5uxzri .7Jr77[7rICrftfy security of our directly lived experience I "pores the challenging work of this genera...
...for• the Editors: When I subscribed to ly, "thugs...
...Summer Course in Ecumenism: "Introduction to the Ecumenical Movement" presented by the Atonement Friars at the St...
...p. 30, Les bete noire of the "Catholic" Left was is Commonweal in this war...
...I y s most notable French feminists...
...To talk of sin or to cite biblical Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to tion-the irony in the word "slated...
...eign, $72...
...a Catholic counterculture we didn't exA day of reflection and cliscussiori...
...What ghetto...
...In many ways to be certain he is not goring someone's (Continued from page 2) I resemble him...
...POWERS of the only truly oppressed and unpro- years now...
...Pittsburgh, Pa...
...ics" (words used one recent morning by Digest and Book Review Index...
...A brilliant proposal to reorient the whole THE BODY OF GOD discipline around hearing women's actual Professor Raymo's parody of theology An Ecological Theology voices to create a feminist social theory ,siii:r A1 1;rt r: of religion e,opp 51: • 0s paper and his proposal for a mathematical cor'A brcakrhr~rlg7h...
...He seems pion or institution to articulate their (Continued on page 29) to have missed-or at least does not men- views...
...Slated for demolition... as "intolerant," "bigots," or, more late- subscriptions, U.S., $36...
...For Information: Summer 210 W 31st Street fat 7th Avenue) • New York, NY 10001 • (212) 564-9070 Course, Atonement Friars, 138 Waverly Send by the f:rrpur-hin Yiiurs Place, New York, NY 10014-3845...
...X1:30 am to 5:011 pm...
...foreign, $41 Special two-year rate: U.S...
...Nuevo a Commonweal...
...ticulxrru I Mac Hank Primavesi's radical assessment of the The growing body of scholarship ort women ecological challenge leads her to find in DAVID L. SMITH trorn the eariv church through the struggle Genesis a basis for a profound rethinking to cirdtiniti >n...
...I have are wits...
...all the sciences ultimately depends...
...As authentic a faith experience as I've To the Editors: I am sure that others be- ever read...The book truly presents...
...Adu Mui5a 1-+ux-Riuz and Ydlandu ldran4v costs are additional...
...What we get wrong for not reading the magazine more THE CATHEDRAL IS are trendy discourses on "God is a she... the public schools... done on notions such as proportional- Hollywood, academia, and the liberal At 5 P.M...
...Armand I )asses ille, OFM...
...A .cLxtderful work...
...What friends OX...
...As far as I know, there vironment...
...511.95 paper of sin and redemption...
...Director, Mater Dei, E. by Fr...
...Much more work needs to induce hysteria by the unholy alliance of this letter...
...that have little relevance for a family Mexico City, December 21, 1992 • the Editors: Having it both ways is what struggling to maintain a semblance of To the Editors: I've never done anything war comes down to for Christians who sup- moral values in an increasingly hostile en- like this before-write to an editor...
...Yearly Fayetteville, N.C...
...July 16... Fri...
...And they looked to choice, thinking them to be the best...
...That goes about Clinton but never mentioned that our vocational center is located...
...Registration deadline: May 1, 1993...
...America magazine...
...I am a writer...
...Unwittingly, the supremacy attributed to WHERE SILENCE SPEAKS Feminism, Social Theory, mathematics denigrates all other domains and Religion of knowledge and relegates them to the hiC -)nil l-rr L-rnCksrvrr category "subjective...
...Recognizing M A R C H 2 0 that we are called to be countercultural, THE VOCATION OF THE LAITY IN THE WORLD: we see no particular benefit in supporting The Spirituality of Work...
...I have people who feel It's good to be human-and to be God's grateful for my writings and wish to do Ghetto...
...Summer Course 1\cdnesdav h:30 pm...
...I've been for the editor of Commonweal too-and his first act was to make the destruction receiving the magazine for three or four the former editor...
...Give that Abigail McCarthy's column [Feb- brought in from our parish-we don't it up, sir...
...All Canadian and foreign subscriptions Commonweal it was my impression that On one side we have a brightly pack- must be paid in U.S...
...1 2 noon to 4:1)11 pm...
...They except when it came to choosing spousliked it there, it felt like home because it es...
...They looked to the parish enough to support institutions, and assumes priest only for the sacraments...
...If La Civiltd Cattolica can do it, ruary 12] expressed all sorts of concerns have direct mail in the part of town where so can you...
...Southgaw I Intel, 31st St...
...Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...405 Sinto, Spokane, WA 99202...
...When Raymo writes, "We ourselves about women Irl JTrtstian[n' dvai]able FROM APOCALYPSE are mathematics incarnate-to the core of rsl:T I Y I1rl]LRU ' )Opp S 10.05 paper TO GENESIS our beings," it sounds like an oxymoron...
...30: 12 March 1993 Commonweal..., this is a first...
...dollars by International Money I would find some intellectual relief from aged amoral administration, the over- Order or by check on a U.S...
...ter when I have intelligent, nonclerical, Church & slate Ordinary Catholics need the church and faithfully Catholic, and challenging readWalnut Creek, Calif...
...Under55... .4ruiluhk April 109arective remind me as a psychologist of that is likely to have an impact comRieff's Triumph of the Therapeutic, a cri- parable to Models of God I thoroughly STRUGGLES FOR enjoyed this work and found it to be im- SOLIDARITY tique of the contemporary penchant to mensitlr helpful PFTFR IIC 1K ~c?~ Liberation Theologies in Tension collapse all categories of knowledge into '4~PP S1%.y: paper Asmi efnA /i1aC 1'05...
...8.95 paper makes me look to Broyard for guidance...
...Barton, Rothco...
...Carlin's assumption that Catholics "generally" are connected with Catholic educational institutions is incorrect...
...On the abortion battlefield I note copy of Commonweal that had just been with a Pope, but with this one I must...
...Homily at the 12:15, 1:00-5:15 Mass Mondav-1~ridav...
...The AT ST JOHN'S institutions most Catholics are connected with are civil and secular...
...To the Editors: Professor Raymo's review of Pi in the Sky [January 291 demonstrates how positivism and scientism continue to permeate our culture...
...sides myself were taken aback by the ve- the gift of Hispanic women...
...For the most part, they had no desire was home, and they didn't feel out of place...

Vol. 120 • March 1993 • No. 5

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