
CONTENTS COMMONWEAL Volume CXX, Number 4 Correspondence 2 Editorials 3 Mr....

...Clinton's inScreen: Richard Alleva augural rhetoric of shared responsibility, now repeated in his economic plan, sounds Poetry: Rosemary Deen good...
...New York, N.Y...
...In each instance Mr...
...sues doesn't mean that Clinton can proceed to act as if the Republicans were voted Business Manager: Richard Haas down on the sociocultural issues...
...But when the rights cases that will follow and make their way to the courts the issue first surfaced in the early seventies, fetal tissue research (as one gay activist responded to this line of argument: we don't was about human experimentation, informed consent, and ex- come out of the closet in order to remain celibates...
...to do with the nature of the military but a lot more During the campaign, President Clinton stated that his with the nature of homosexuality...
...the country is likely to remain in deep and durable conflict...
...Clinton, make them rare: Raymond L. Flynn 4 Editor's notebook: Robert G. Hoyt 4 To arm or not to arm...: Robert J. Carraro 5 A glitch or a gulf?: Jon Nilson 6 They call themselves liberals: David R. Carlin, Jr...
...whether it's sound public policy to enact statutory proin the industrial world of support for women during and tections of gay and lesbian rights in housing, employment, after pregnancy...
...No reason a presidential cabinet canready serve in the military, the effect of the ban is simply to not be a species of the balanced ticket, except that: first, you dismiss people who are found out...
...the old Publisher: Edward S. Skillin perhaps more than the young...
...To wit: the nation's sense of wellbeing-really the lack of it-and the unease most Americans feel about the future...
...Telephone: (212) 732-0800...
...such research now includes many other On cabinet quotas, it is true that a balanced ticket has a long complex issues (Commonweal, editorial, June 19, 1992) that bear and worthy political tradition expressive of solid party discisharper scrutiny than Mr...
...It is especially important that the president hear The struggle over admitting self-acknowledged hothe voices raised in concern by a significant part of the coali- mosexuals into the armed services has something tion that was a deciding influence in his election...
...For the past twelve years, we have seen complete ahandonment by Washington of working families, the needy, AN EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK and urban communities...
...Beneath all of this lies a gnawing apprehension of the ways in which crime, violence, drugs, teen-age pregnancies, single-parent families, unemSTAFF ployment, and welfare dependency corrode the sense of solidarity that knits the soEditor: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels cial fabric together...
...By his actions last week, he has moved to make ity is chosen or discovered...
...CONTENTS COMMONWEAL Volume CXX, Number 4 Correspondence 2 Editorials 3 Mr...
...second, proponents ing them is a form of job discrimination, which is wrong...
...What will President Clinton do to en- inheritance law, admission to the military, etc., and thereby to hance support for prenatal and postnatal care for women foster greater tolerance and, eventually, social acceptance of and children) kAYMOND I...
...And yes, we think on the failure of two poMr...
...SPEAKING OF ASSUMPTIONS I played a very active role in the Clinton campaign as national campaign co-chairman, because 1, like many Catholics, [cc] that President Clinton will lead and unite the country on the common ground of social and economic justice...
...whether gays are predatory recruiters for their "lifetions rare'?The United States has perhaps the worst record style...
...James Carville, famously pointed: "It's the econGeorge M. Anderson 16 omy, stupid...
...cuts or compliments and complements the male-female variety...
...Clinton hopes to rebuild the in my home...
...But it is more than that...
...The further study urged by Senator Nunn and the joint chiefs Mayor Raymond Flynn raises some below on the abortion makes sense...
...and fourth, insisting on a particular kind of person for a job is not balance, but a form of obsessive behavior...
...This social philosophy inspired many sons nation's morale and restore a sense of trust in the government's and daughters of Catholic working- people to work for so- ability to solve at least some problems in a fair and efficient way, cial justice, care for the sick, the hungry and the homeless, he cannot become an advocate for cultural values about which and help build strong families and communities...
...04106 (207) 7994387, classified advertising correspondence to 15 culture wars...
...Moritz Susan Rea President Bill Clinton has at last focused his attention where his camPeople are getting hurt: paign manager, Mr...
...Janet seems like a rearowing up the son of a dockworker and clean- sonable compromise...
...If Mr...
...Gay rights, abortion, affirmative action are among the flash points in America's 11 Graffam Rd., So...
...Carville was right again: "Maybe make them rare God is punishing us for not picking someone with a normal a name, like Mary, Susan, or Elizabeth...
...whether it can and should be them safe and legal, but what will he do to make abor- "cured...
...third and obviously, it isn't balanced if they're all lawyers no matter their gender or shade...
...the Democrats once successfully ran several cities On gay rights Mr...
...Clinton argues that since, in fact, gays al- based on that fine art...
...whether the effect of the gay sensibility on politics, family 4: 26 February 1993 Commonweal...
...Display advertising Clinton was not elected to realign America's cultural values toward the culturcorrespondence should be sent to Ruth E. Taylor, al left...
...two different things and believes that a rigorous code of sexuOn fetal tissue research, Mr...
...fetal tissue research, insisting on a woman for attorney general-by a narrow defCommonweal 26 February 1993: 3 inition of what is at issue, but seems oblivious to the serious, row point...
...Abortion proponents defend itary will maintain that distinction...
...Boston's life...
...8 Prejudice or disagreement?: John Garvey 9 When the banks went off the rails: Harold Isbell Stay focused Poetry: A.F...
...tween the haves, the former-haves, and the never-have-hads...
...Yet just because the Democrats trumped the Republicans on the economic isColumnists: John Garvey, J. Bryan Hehir, Abigail McCarthy, David R. Carlin, Jr...
...Managing Editor: Patrick Jordan Republicans believed that what was wrong with this country was the decline of Associate Editor: Paul Baumann Production Editor: Jacqueline Dowdell personal virtue and the loss in individuals of a sense of social responsibility...
...Commonweal, [ISSN 0010-3330] A Review of If, because of pressing the sociocultural agenda of the Democratic party's left Public Affairs, Religion, Literature, and the Arts, is wing, Clinton looses his leverage to address domestic and economic issues, it is not published biweekly except Christmas/New Year's...
...But if Clinton is to carry out the major tax, fiscal, and economic adjustments he calls for and convince Congress and the country to support him, it is on the econBOOKS omy that he must remain focused...
...ing woman, Catholic social teachings on the respect and The cultural values that have divided the Democratic party dignity of a job and on the rights of workers meant a lot since McGovern continue...
...Clinton defends his actions-liberalizing aborDutch St...
...Clinton, tential attorney generals, Mr...
...It strikes me as position on abortion was to make abortions safe, legal, a battle over assumptions: whether homosexualand rare...
...Clinton cares to give it...
...The Senior Writer: Robert G. Hoyt Democrats believed the problem was unemployment, a declining job and wage base, Design: Emil Antonucci failing urban centers, and a maldistribution of the country's resources...
...Esteem Enlivened by Desire: Christopher Lasch 22 It is the economy...
...The economy is why Clinton beat George Media: Frank McConnell 20 Bush...
...We think he is naive about it on the grounds that if it's good for abortion, it's good...
...Clinton insists that status and behavior are issue...
...Time to "face the facts," Mr...
...ploitation of poor women...
...Clinton urged in the pre-sell Screen: Richard Alleva 19 to his State of the Union message...
...whether gays and lesbians can be good parents...
...Clinton gives no evidence of com- al conduct for both heterosexuals and homosexuals in the milprehending its larger consequences...
...His slale- whether the notion of same-sex marriage cheapens and undermenl was released on January 26, 1993...
...FLYNN homosexuality...
...Yet military life is more than a job, it is a way of reasonable, and contrary views of his fellow citizens...
...As president of the United States Conference of Mayors this past year, I have seen a total lack of any concern for America's cities and their people GAYS, LESBIANS & SOCIETY: by the White House...
...Barring gays and dismiss- don't announce that's what you're doing...
...POSTMASTER: Send address changes to tion regulations, lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military, proceeding with Commonweal, 15 Dutch St...
...Personal responsibility for self and others, and the Staff: Harriette Balsky, Carmen Alava, lack thereof, is precisely what is eating at the national soul and what many-yes, Pamela Quatse even some Democrats-believe lies at the heart of our economic disequilibrium...
...just the Democratic party that will lose, but all those eager to narrow the gap beand monthly July and August, by Commonweal Foundation, 15 Dutch St., New York, N.Y...
...Anatomy of Love: Dennis O'Brien 24 Though the reference point is the economy, the real anxieties are both larger and Seeing Things/The Never-Ending more practical: they are about jobs now and jobs for our children in the future, about Story/Covenant: Suzanne Keen 26 education and the ability of younger Americans to become productive workers, about American Catholic Arts and Fictions: the social fabric that nurtures children and sustains families, neighborhoods, and Carl L. Bankston III 28 whole communities...
...This looks like focus after the new administration's rocky start...
...Clinton is right on this nar- (a good rule of thumb used to be: you talk, you're out...
...In of particular job candidates don't go public, even anonymously that respect the ban is wrong...
...Portland, Me...
...Let Advertising Manager: Ruth E. Taylor us quickly add, not just the poor but the rich and the middle class as well...
...Raymond L. Fh•nn is the r avor o/' Boston...

Vol. 120 • February 1993 • No. 4

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