Pi in the Sky
Raymo, Chet
ical implications? theologians! LaCugna's book is serious I am conscious...
...Financial assistance is available...
...It requires but the human mind and the cosmos...
...Of course, the two themes are inyear are the only on-campus There is no greater mystery than this- tertwined, as they should be...
...Physicists Consider the following passage which a simple step to imagine that mathematinvestigate the creation (the big bang) stands as the conclusion of Barrow's book: ics allows us a glimpse of the eternal, omwith the mathematics of relativity and Many see the mathematics and the nipresent, creative foundation of the world...
...SAINT MARY T•H-E W O.O-D•S COLLEGE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN P1 IN THE SKY selves: (a) Mathematics is a human inPASTORAL Counting, Thinking, and Being vention, like the English language or the John D. Barrow game of chess, which has proven particTHEOLOGY Oxford University Press, $25, 317 pp...
...The phrase is If I were a theologian, this is where I metaphors with a perverse fervor...
...Through mathematical thought we ologians still basically offer us the God of emphasizes the mysterious capacity of have come to know the big bang, the uniMichelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling, a the human mind to build mental images verse of the galaxies, and unfolding ingray-bearded version of ourselves en- of external realities...
...numbers, but that would be a mistake...
...It is the fundamen- es philosophy (and theology) by counting Indianapolis, Indiana tal epistemological question...
...This idea may sound shocking, even blasSeveral possible answers suggest them- phemous to many theologians...
...Q Studies Thomas J. Tobin, S.J...
...They do it because the tantalizing nature of their in- mystery more likely to provide a bridge "it works...
...This entific image of the world, neither mathDevelopment of personal observation filled Galileo with wonder ematicians nor scientists understand what spirituality with the knowledge and delight...
...Gnosticism Urban C. von Wahlde Johannine Studies John L. White Pauline Studies Two programs for full-time students which draw on the distinctive resources of the Roman Catholic theological tradition...
...This depen- might seem to change...
...Biologists study the ge- scientific edifice that is built upon I'm not a theologian, but I know a ripnetic code as a kind of counting...
...It is hard to imagine any els of consciousness...
...Neuro- it as the antithesis of traditional im- ping good mystery when I see one...
...Perhaps this reference for future efforts to explore bespeaks the fact that serious theology the reality of God for us: the blessed is indeed hard to read, even for full-time Trinity...
...This particular metaphor God...
...of truth...
...We are the children medieval times has no relevance in mod- mysterious sense mathematical...
...to the cores of our beings...
...the mathematical way of know- completeness...
...It church and professional life...
...Barrow, and discussions of the nature of Practical application of specific Today, our most secure knowledge of mathematics bear striking similarities to skills essential for ministry...
...Indeed, his inability to successive equal intervals of time and choose is the point of his book...
...matics] so strangely attractive-we Let the theologians take up where Barrow The human mind evolved in response have been there before...
...the world is mathematical...
...The way as our senses of sight, hearing, and ical structures in the world is mereChain of Being that worked so well as a smell...
...John scientists and artificial intelligence material conceptions of reality...
...For all metaphorical, but so is every other defi- would begin constructing my concept of of their efforts to sound up-to-date, the- nition of God...
...D IC = GOD...
...on the fingers that gives its conclusions John D. Barrow, a professor of astron- weight...
...Through math sconced in some heaven up there in the sky...
...Program in New Testament & Early Christianity David E. Aune Hellenism and Christian Origins Wendy J. Cotter, C.S.J...
...Our ability leaves off...
...the efficacy of mathematics as mediator ers may be impatient to get to the juicy between mind and nature...
...Synoptic Gospels...
...Indeed, it can traditional theological discourse: "Change Limited time on campus...
...that is to say, it is mathematics is the gray-bearded person of medieval the- We ourselves are mathematics incarnatethat provides the mysterious link between ology...
...And this is why we across the chasm that has separated sciing has proven overwhelmingly success- find the Platonic world [of mathe- ence and theology since the time of Galileo...
...At root, and skills to assist others...
...bers beginning with unity: 1, 3, 5, etc...
...812-535-5206 the Sky: Counting, Thinking, and Being...
...His conclusion: The book of mathematics is or why it works...
...quantum physics...
...He measured the dis- Barrow does not choose any one of External Degree Format tances the ball traveled in these alternatives...
...mathematics is more compatible with the we have plunged into the heart of matter, What's up there in the sky is pi, says substance and spirit of modem science than and explored mysteries of life and mind...
...Nothing in the world eludes mathemati- is precisely the way this book approachSheila Gilbert cal expression...
...For more information contact: omy at the University of Sussex in Britain This reviewer is inclined to believe that Graduate Office-Guerin Hall Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and an accomplished science writer, takes any theology relevant to the late-twentiSaint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876 up the question in his latest book, Pi in eth century must begin with mathematics...
...Ecology John Haughey, S.J...
...Public Policy William C. French War and Peace Studies...
...It is the source of our power, our a philosophical reflection upon the nature one 8-day summer session each hegemony, and our hubris...
...What we take philosophical questions, and skip the de"The program affords me the to be fundamental laws of nature are ex- manding chapters on the anthropology of luxury of integrating home pressed in simple mathematical form...
...Certain readrequirements...
...b) the universe is intrinsical"I wanted the theological Chet Raymo ly mathematical and we learn mathemateducation and I wanted it with a ical thinking by studying the world...
...The modem world began when ideal, outside of nature, and reality, inCommander William Ditewig, USN Galileo rolled a polished met- cluding the human mind, participates in Bowie, Maryland al ball down an inclined this preexisting order...
...em science, yet theologians cling to the old you will, the mind of God...
...Fundamental Ethics Ph.D...
...Orthodox 26: 29 January 1993 Commonweal theology remains grounded in nonmathe- to the world in which we live, in the same to create and apprehend mathematmatical, pre-Galilean cosmology...
...nature is written in the language of math- our faith in science is religious, says ematics...
...The be said that nonmathematical knowledge `mathematics' to `God' and little else external degree format begins is held suspect by scientists...
...Call it, if as well as the mothers of invention...
...issues I have raised are replete with Her book will serve as an indispensable "seems" and "appears...
...Chicago, IL 60626 312-508-2353 LOYOLA 1870 UNIVERSITY CHICAGO o AA o Department of Theology Commonweal 29 January 1993: 27...
...L Ph.D...
...Hellenistic Judaism...
...If we are mathematical creatures, ly a consequence of our own oneness framework for theological discourse in it is because the world is in some deeply with the world...
...LaCugna's book is serious I am conscious that the questions and theology and very worth the wrestling...
...Three weekends and knowing...
...Yet D. Barrow's book is an excellent approach researchers construct mathematical mod- at root they are strikingly similar in to the mystery...
...with a weekend on campus, dence upon numbers as the guarantors of Pi in the Sky is really two books: a followed by work at home in regular consultation with truth defines the modern, Western way of provocative history of mathematics, and professors...
...or (c) pastoral emphasis...
...ularly useful as a tool for learning about the world...
...I work mathematics exists as a kind of Platonic full-time...
...As a metaphor for God, finities of space and time...
...Application deadline is February 1. For more information write to : Director of Graduate Programs Department of Theology Loyola University Chicago 6525 N. Sheridan Rd...
...Although Basic theological concepts and found that they increased as the odd num- mathematics is the foundation of our scimethods related to ministry...
...Program in Christian Ethics Philip J. Chmielewski, S.J...
...Social Ethics...
...Business Ethics Michael J. Schuck Social Ethics James J. Walter Bio-medical Ethics...
Vol. 120 • January 1993 • No. 2