There goes the neighborhood:
McCarthy, Abigail
But to the degree that parents get blamed, tieth century) is virtually unlimited per- you have attacked all the other doctrines the lion's share of the blame is assigned sonal...
...Yet it is difficult to think the right to abortion is a fundamental of doctrine, no matter how illogical or conof anything, including male prejudice, that human right...
...that are derived from it...
...service agencies...
...BOX 4866, HAMPDEN STATION, BALTIMORE, MD 21211-4866 ample of love and try not to judge their perPHONE: 410-516-6995, FAX: 410-516-6998 secutors...
...Or it's like the trasigning blame to individuals...
...can well seem disruptive in a hitherto Nevertheless, participation in good works Traditionally Catholic churches have quiet area...
...They try ISBN 0-87840-544-5/272 pp... the aftermath of Vatican II, largely betemples were the meeting places for youth Some church groups whose congrega- cause our charity was compartmentalized...
...A homeless...
...There are day-care tivities on their property that are clearly good unto others, especially those in most centers for children and the senior citi- outside any liturgical or charitable func- need... those who disagree with critics of the ried or remain married...
...There may always be the "insensiLN in Church tivity, self-centeredness, greed...
...So why do apparently in- of an ideological package...
...Many in the Washington area, in an ecumenical spirit, do reach out and are Edoe ivl*1 P.Lnaaa51...
...Universities How to persuade the community of ?h~~si~E ssi~Es this...
...THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD So what interest is blinding people to THE CHURCHES DISTURB THE PEACE the fact that the single-parenthood epidemic has been a social disaster...
...Jones, we're says, over plans to build, to expand, or to ing to relocate in an area near the State not blaming you, we're blaming the cul- add new forms of ministry...
...Edited by John P Langan, S J aware of their neighbors' feelings...
...Protestant churches and Jewish strangers, many with troubled histories...
...Others sactelligent people keep giving these reasons...
...groups, women's groups, men's groups, tions largely have homes elsewhere have We tended to express it by supporting reetc... persuade progress, as the burden of single-parenthood...
...Some al respectability...
...tural diversity is to be prized regardless hence you have indirectly attacked all 3. "The critics are conservative males of the content of the culture...
...The secular religion The smoking analogy provides a clue...
...The virtue behind the current churches as do support groups for the live and return only to worship and vol- controversy is the acknowledgment by mentally ill recently released from treat- unteer in the church projects...
...recent Washington Post (Sept- based as much on suspicion and dislike of Others (especially women) don't want ember 18, 1993) report by Kirstin Downey "the different' 'as on the ministries proposed to hear about it because they find themselves Grimsley lists church after church ha- or the buildings to be built...
...The ing Washington and in the District itself...
...trine: attack one doctrine, and you have made unlimited personal freedom the sum- But this is followed by others: (2) cul- attacked the church's teaching authority...
...There are classes for retarded chil- Grimsley points out, have permitted "ac- or she is personally responsible for doing dren and adults...
...In the built parochial schools on their property- In an urban area plagued by drive-by Protestant churches it has its roots in the often the school before the church-and shootings, car jacking, kidnapping, vio- missionary and Social Gospel movements all the school-related activities like sports, lent theft, and mugging it is not entirely of the nineteenth century...
...mum bonum of human life...
...More impor- number of doctrines...
...Of interest to everyone concerned volunteers to help the troubled where they with the future of Catholic higher education...
...This is why John Leo is as has so retarded the progress of women in other fundamental human right...
...don't like the steeples," writes Grimsley, pivotal ethical doctrine of this ideology is Some of these, it must be admitted, were "and some don't like the singing, which the one mentioned above, namely, that the what the residents in old neighborhoods one successful church opponent called summum bonum of human life (or at least might consider exotic and alien congrega- `noise pollution...
...3) the sex- church doctrine...
...and of likely to persuade Katha Pollitt to change recent times, especially their economic course (6) regardless of whether or not her mind as is the A.S.P.C.A...
...And zoning Department, a Jewish congregation planture," they can't help but feel guilty...
...Above all, they give the exP.O... part and parcel of church life...
...In Catholic games, club meetings were an accepted unreasonable for residents of a neigh- churches outreach of this kind only tendpart of the school's presence in the com- borhood to be disturbed by an influx of ed to become a regular part of parish life munity... its responsibility to its members...
...It's like the three musketeers: one tantly, most critics are not interested in as- this: (1) the good society is the society for all, and all for one...
...Now Alcoholics Anonymous and Nar- true of the members of large inner-city But charity was always and is at the heart cotics Anonymous groups meet in the churches who have fled to the suburbs to of religion...
...of them, and you have attacked the rifice contrite hearts...
...Some people (especially males) don't want to hear about it because this will call f the mark of the truly faithful is County, Jehovah's Witnesses in Maryupon them to change their lives, to adopt to endure persecution, the church- land's Prince George's County, a Buddhist habits of responsibility, including sexual es of the Washington, D.C., area group in an up-scale area of Washington...
...In other words, interests have a tendency to blind people to facts...
...1$14.95 to share with the community their concern for the weak and helpless they care for and GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS invite its help...
...She cites a church with a mission- church and the local congregation that its with Alzheimer's disease...
...racism, CHL-RCH and classism," of which Caldwell also AND and Society speaks...
...For smokers, it's a question of a bad habit they've grown to love...
...ning to build a school in Fairfax, Virginia, But the intellectual defenders of single- The report listed difficulties experienced Catholics building a "too-tall" rectory in parenthood (who might also be called The by churches in almost all of the Maryland Alexandria, Virginia...
...For tobacco companies, it's a question of in- OF SEVERAL MINDS Abigail McCarthy come...
...A church once alive only on Nearby residents may also question the Methodist pastor in Houston, the Reverend Sundays and special feast days may now trendy youth leaders who offer their in- Kirbyjon Caldwell, is quoted in another report (Washington Post, September 21) as putting the reason for this very succinctly, "The community is only as strong Catholic as the church's presence in the community...
...This is especially abandoned or orphaned in specific ways...
...These may have brought occasional instituted uses of their church property with ligious orders or organizations founded to complaints but not the kind of attack the little regard for the feelings of the people take care of the poor, the sick, the old, the churches face today...
...Apologists for Murphy Brown) have yet and Virginia suburban counties surround- "Some don't like the bells...
...But to the degree that parents get blamed, tieth century) is virtually unlimited per- you have attacked all the other doctrines the lion's share of the blame is assigned sonal freedom...
...They want to put women `back forward in the advance of civilization...
...They F,,..d~ leiJ.O com.5'- do such simple, peaceable things as buildForeword by Leo J O'Donovan, S; j. ing parking lots on their own properties to In this volume, distinguished scholars and le experts define the reduce congestion...
...5) the right to suicide is an- trary to fact...
...left in the neighborhood...
...It is also the acknowledgment of the zens, including the frail elderly and those tion...
...Mention of the Santaria reminds us that John Leo school are devoid of intellectu- These doctrines and others are all part religion always involves sacrifice... the single-parenthood situation, raising rassed by the neighbors and the commu- But opposition has flared up, as well, children with minimal or zero assistance nities in which they minister...
...Attack any one religions sacrifice chickens...
...They join with neighkey questions and explore the future implications for American boring churches of different faiths to inCatholic colleges and universities of Ex corde Ecclesiae, the Roman vite the community to liturgical celebrations to reassure them that worship is a prioriCatholic Church's first significant legislative enactment on the nature ty...
...An attack on any to males who have walked out on their From this single axiom are deduced a doctrine, then, is an attack on the whole parental responsibilities...
...Some church- ary training academy that housed an responsibility to the community is as great es run soup kitchens and shelters for the elephant and two leopards on the grounds...
...supreme axiom upon which they are all of the cultural Left sacrifices the prosperity We understand why some people refuse based...
...Some another motive: the ideological motive...
...Neighborhood against more established and mainline refrom fathers...
...Heading the list is system...
...But churches can also reach out to SOCIETY their critics and be sensitive to their probA DiALOGLE ON A Dialogue on Ex corde Ecclesiae lems...
...0 10: 22 October 1993 Commonweal...
...but attack the central axiom, and and happiness of millions of children...
...who are distressed to see women rising in ual liberation movement is a great step At all events, subscribers to this ideolthe world...
...4) ogy cannot afford to yield on a single point in their place...
...Others, as the contemporary church member that he ment...
...stitutions for rock and rap concerts, no to shore up or to supplement the founder- The concomitant traffic and parking matter how effective such gatherings may ing and overwhelmed government social problems, plus an increased noise level, be in drawing in the young...
...A In these cases the opposition might be more happy-go-lucky style of life...
...But the real problem of human life in America in the late twen- tions: a mosque in Virginia's Fairfax seems to be that the churches these days Commonweal 22 October 1993: 9 are offering social services which seek be abuzz with activities all week long...
...responsibility, where they would prefer a must be doing something right...
...are rather than importing them...
...there are children involved, society has adherents of the Santaria faith to renounce In other words, the arguments offered no business pressuring people to get mar- the sacrifice of chickens...
...Instead they whose only common good is the agree- ditional notion of the unity of Catholic docblame a contemporary culture that has ment not to agree on any common good...
...They adopt inner-city parishes and send and role of the Catholic university...
...El to acknowledge the evidence that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer...
...And no matter how often the activists are feuding with the churches, she ligious groups: a Presbyterian church seekcritics say, "Don't worry, Ms...
...regulations are the weapons of choice...
Vol. 120 • October 1993 • No. 18