CORRESPONDENCE Second, not all opponents of gay rights are on the upbringing of children, a focus that Superb...
...Yet, Woodward is unable, or unwillof the teaching I do...
...ism" that informs the gay rights-move- as lackeys of the capitalist class...
...Single Copy, $2...
...Angela's efforts...
...which doesn't mean forgivable) conse(REV... this class I caught the The writer is professor of history at "correct" enough for Mr...
...Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Review Now, such marriage, considered in ab- Digest and Book Review Index...
...It's like don't seem to be bothered by the demo- cism of Catholic colleges in admitting mace...
...266 the word "homosexual" was substituted terization of large groups...
...Where is that there is little in his remarks I disagree things are always getting better and worse is pariahhood when we really need it...
...He at- LOYOLA HOUSE accept any reduction of social perks which tributes extreme views to those with whom Guelph, Ontario Mr...
...and social ministry...
...Canada, $71...
...foreign, $44...
...519) 824-1250, ext...
...are teaching, Rembert Weakland rather than nect to Dr...
...Franciscan University has My remarks focused on the experience doctoral dissertations on Day (Robert never issued me such an invite, which is of undergraduate Catholic education...
...Does a Catholic say, "I you...
...The gay-rights movement, like Bookmen and Wranglers...
...Just $26, published quarterly by the National Pastoral Life Available from your bookstore or Center: (212) 431-7825...
...where it is understood that faith-and, yes, As a product of Catholic education God knows the need is present...
...This is what Catholic colleges don't read or hear something that I can con- by what appears to be a glaring blind spot...
...dollars by International Money ly...
...Disagreement and Fax (519) 767-0994 for "heterosexual...
...Carlin would impose on a'child-free' he disagrees-for example, homosexuals For further information contact: heterosexual marriage...
...patible with keeping the focus of marriage 2: 18 June 1993 Commonweal matter of time before Act-Up would emerge...
...wonderful suggestions on how Catholic ed- Notre Dame, and with Father Aloysius The past three years, however, I have ucation might begin to focus its intellec- Kelly of Fairfield University on the need spent getting an M.A...
...Good member of President Clinton's cabinet at The difficulty I have in answering Hoyt and evil flourish in the world together...
...published as Thomas Merton and the university regards as orthodoxy...
...this after smugly discourses that focus on the Catholic/Christian sponses...
...all we know, fierce monsters dwell...
...So too, obedience and submission to legitimate authrough my undergraduate years, with a I believe, are the resources necessary to thority-are not incompatible with the master's and a doctorate from leading find ways of remaining true to the Catholic life of the intellect...
...At all events, it now retired, and a longtime subscriber to points, which comprises the heart of his is a vast, unexplored territory, where, for Commonweal...
...First, its long and trou- dents and professors it may be safe...
...we decide what beliefs and at best plant the seeds which may motiManichaean tactic, dividing the world into values will prevail in this country, not vate a serious student to pursue a higher angels and devils...
...Before I knew what hit me I was read- Union County College in New Jersey...
...The lowed at Franciscan University...
...Many thanks...
...FULLNESS OF FAITH makes clear the social significance of Deadline: June 30...
...My 25 viewers of C-Span discovered a leadviews in Robert Hoyt's "Editor's Note- preferred scripture on this topic is the ing spokesman for Act-Up "outing" a book" of May 21 ("Is It Ideology...
...I don't suppose the Magis- Thomas Merton, writers Coles lectures on demic events there...
...Paulist Press, 997 Macarthur Blvd., Mahwah, NJ 07430 1-201-825-7300 299 Elizabeth St., NY, NY 10012-2806...
...teration since the shift from polygamy to p. 9, Schwadron, Rothco...
...April 91 answers his own critithe accusation of homophobia...
...For further inforFULLNESS OF FAITH, The Public Significance of mation, send resume to Rev...
...and writes about...
...For gay pariahhood has diminished almost to than twice in a nine-month period is a my part, I flavor my natural American the vanishing point... theology at tual energies and, one hopes, its resources, for the Catholic higher education com- Franciscan University...
...Hogan's class in particular, or He takes an utterly gratuitious (and inacSoren Kierkegaard, and it is the American history in general...
...And so do my stu- history stands among the great intellectu- ing, to see this in actual practice as it is in dents...
...The weapon of choice for even the by contrast, most people who have ap- ["Catholic Higher Education: What Hapmost genteel members of the movement is propriated the title "liberal" for themselves pened...
...the tares...
...Second, the university's effort to po- right on target...
...not so much liberalism as utopianism...
...Is there no spite their sexuality... about a crisis confronting the feeder ology and chaplaincy departments) is In the same April 9 issue, Kenneth schools on which a good part of the col- ruled over by those who interpret the leWoodward's marvelous "Catholic Edu- lege admission structure still depends...
...this impressive work of synthesis is not ituality, plus practical help with parish or- only original and engaging, but it may change your life forever as a believer and citiganization and staffing...
...course offerings speak to the heart of Father and determined both to adapt to our new are read and enthusiastically discussed, and Schroth's challenge...
...The Spiritual Exercises of St...
...One to the monastic life, Day to the lay aposbled history with the charismatic move- of my biggest gripes as a parent, howev- tolate, and (thank God) Coles is to the secment does not portend at-homeness with er, is the number of Catholic colleges ular university...
...and remain vital" is suggested by Patrick eralizations about the institution without JOSEPH A. NORTON Kelly's excellent article on "Schools ever having paid it a visit-although, I'm Worthy of Kids" in that same issue...
...Salary competitive...
...At best, this shift is incom- p. 18, Valerry...
...Perhaps that's an ad hominem church experience and organizational abil- Trappist, Ky...
...Canada, $41...
...CORRESPONDENCE Second, not all opponents of gay rights are on the upbringing of children, a focus that Superb issue moved by high-minded concern for marriage has already grown fuzzy in recent times...
...Does a Protestant say, "I sympathize, but all movements, has its good side and its As to peace and justice, if Woodward every Bible verse I find on the subject ap- bad...
...straction from the rest of social reality, 1, 1924, to current issues available through University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 may be in itself a good thing...
...parable of the wheat and the tares...
...Gift card included, or buy Paper $14.95 a subscription for yourself...
...In listing great literary figures, on-down invites all the time...
...Nowadays, To the Editors: Kenneth L. Woodward ment...
...Sidney Callahan Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY design, illustrated...
...He has also directed not education...
...learned from Frank O'Malley, in a more has always considered homosexual conduct Back to the parable of the wheat and mature setting than discussions of the as sinful...
...Box 245, Mr...
...If I were com- GUELPH CENTRE OF SPIRITUALITY reasonable, as homophobic, it was only a mander-in-chief of the gay rights move- Symposium on Ignatian Spirituality ment (an unlikely eventuality, I realize), The Eighteenth Annotation CORRECTION Because of an editing I would declare victory and go home... to alter the nature of the institution of Illustrations: Cover, Emil Antonucci...
...fax (212) 274-9786...
...The English philosopher Isaiah 3330...
...It is a disagree- Then consider Act-Up, the radical gay book reviews, is great, I was particularly ment not so much at the level of facts as rights group among whose claims to fame impressed by Robert Hoyt's insightful re- at the level of interpretation...
...That's the moment in American history when anyone who writes about gay rights more like flavoring curry with hot peppers...
...Once the won tolerance...
...But the trou- and on Microfiche from Bell & Howell, Wooster, ble is, it cannot exist apart from the rest Ohio 44691...
...A hothouse re- Education of the Whole Person...
...I am proud and a poem about 'Yertle the Turtle,' contemhappy that my children have learned at Saint plating cave art, Gothic art, and New York Steubenville, Ohio Mary's College and Marquette University City `street' art, listening to the genius of To the Editors: Kenneth Woodward's analthe value of volunteering their time to Paul Robeson, Izzy Stone, and the 2,000- ysis in his "Catholic Higher Education: teach deprived adults to read and write in year-old man, and seeing history in the world What Happened...
...Dear me...
...The "homophobic" charge is correct end of the political spectrum...
...For instance, he summarizes his case at the same time...
...What his undergraduate days at Notre Dame but akin to the "red" or "pink" charge in the it boils down to is that the American cul- on the graduate level at several other unidays of Joe McCarthy: a way of silencing tural elite is saying to the great unwashed: versities...
...the wider Catholic tradition which I cher- which pass themselves off as universities...
...higher education is already being folTo the Editors: Raymond Schroth, S.J., But Band-Aid checks will not cut it...
...and the family...
...Couchman's point was lost when down and explains away his mischarac- Guelph, Ontario N I H 6J9, Canada Tel... quite penetrating and, order to pass a GED exam and qualify for around me...
...By the air you To the Editors: Couldn't you have found Position Opening breathe...
...MICHAEL R. BECKER Now I won't go so far as to deny that I quence of pariahhood...
...It addresses NEWLY ASSIGNED PASTORAL MINIS- major theological and social questions in the light of OF FAITH TERS, SEMINARY GRADUATES, JUBI- classically Catholic categories: creation, grace, incarna- "Ihc !' ihlit tion, sacramentality, and community...
...If a student feels the need Another area besides course offerings Steubenville...
...But here I go again, risking crankdom with liberal doses of skepticism about the Evangelicals, and probably more so, April status by responding to the critique of my inevitable progress of the human race...
...It has always been an ex- essay, I continue to nod in agreement...
...Woodward asks, in the quest to "adapt and remain vital...
...The Woodward to review Anna Quindlen's National Pastoral Life Center in New York book ["A Visit to QuindlenIand," May City is looking for an assistant director with O'Malley lives 21...
...The political stances of Catholics and the witness ministry, Scripture, current theology, spir- of our faith are shown to be necessarily one...
...Microfilm from Vol...
...But now that counting my responses to letters to the ed- anyway) with the spice of pessimism, i.e., gays are at least as respectable as Protestant itor...
...Commonweal exciting, but the claims and One significant difference between the arguments have always been fair...
...Copyright © 1993 Berlin has pointed out that many genuine Commonweal Foundation...
...Intellectually and spiritually sound than of a spirit facing the reality of crisis nery O'Connor, Cardinal Newman, et al...
...religious belief through an examination of six central symbols of the Christian creed...
...stop treating gays as pariahs, Carlin on Hoyt and Act-Up will wither away...
...And at worst, it will completely derange relaTo the Editors: I am an Anglican priest, when I read the elaboration of those two tions between the sexes...
...It is a "Look here...
...As one tells us [Correspondence, April 9] that programmatic, operational, and intellec- who has, in contrast with Woodward, David R. Carlin, Jr...
...It told, he has been invited...
...munity to find ways to promote Catholic "I wonder how many Catholic universiNot the least of his suggestions is that high school and grammar school educa- ties offer [courses in Catholic literature] Catholic colleges and universities offer tion...
...And if you get uppity with us, we know level of learning, as Woodward surely sympathize, but I belong to a religion which how to put you back in your place...
...It is not call for thoughtful consideration, debate, Catholic education...
...They are most applienough to point to the problem...
...The Center serves ticle ["Catholic Higher Education"] was DORIS R. ASMUNDSSON many networks of people in pastoral ministry...
...Context matters greatly...
...Does a nonreligious person say, its good side...
...Each issue offers articles and reviews on `If you have ever longed to see the Church's social teaching fully grounded in theological reflection, this is the book for you...
...Couchman wrote: my disappointment with the tone of some "Let me go out on the limb a little fur- editorials and some columns, particularly September 24-26, 1993 ther and suggest that gays would gladly those written by David R. Carlin, Jr...
...p. 15, Ross, Rothco...
...Hoyt is umn on gay people in military service, and was provided by Hoyt when he said that far from condoning such outrageous conby Edward Gaffney's brilliant assessment his "besetting ideological temptation...
...Philip J. Theology, Michael J. Himes and Kenneth R. Himes, 0.F.M...
...p. 8, Ray, Rothco...
...But Bob Hoyt says he flavors Newport, R.I...
...Mark him down as a homophobe...
...I especially appreciated the The author replies: sition itself in the supermarket of higher example he gave of Frank O'Malley's legLet's see, I've mentioned Franciscan education as a place where obedience to endary classes at Notre Dame in the forUniversity at Steubenville twice in my life the (capitalized) Magisterium governs all ties and fifties, and how Robert Coles is and both times the university's public re- gives further pause...
...0 tempora...
...In other words, it has end to these homophobic bigots...
...Nothing Steubenville says about itself suggests that it is other than a sequestered Ad personam review college campus with none of the crossCLASSIFIED winds that buffet real universities...
...This institution (especially its thetime...
...For Ellsberg of Orbis Books) and Merton to say I've never really been invited at all...
...Query: if this American...
...This is a great victorymovement discovered it could get away with as much of a victory, I would argue, as attacking its enemies, including the most can reasonably be asked for...
...Nor other year and hope for the best...
...Hardly a day goes by where I for the most part, accurate, yet it is marred employment...
...I agree completely...
...In brief, Frank O' Maltion does not mean that Steubenville is tradition, though for some kinds of stu- ley was to Notre Dame what Merton was on the right track...
...Chestertonof history at a community college, I dear- enriching ways from our parents' gener- show that they are, in fact, essential to that ly prize the Catholic roots and substance ation, an ideal that in the fullness of its life...
...I have no trouble heed- now doing something very similar at lations officer has invited me to come look ing said magisterium since I know its lim- Harvard in his "Literature of Christian for myself... theourselves in and remain vital at the same versities as a challenge, for we are talk- ology...
...1-1 „11,1:H ~ ,'I ,i professional magazine" for pastoral min- -Richard P. McBrien isters, is a welcome gift for pastoral minis- University of Notre Dame ters-newly graduated or long experienced...
...It is not the first time he has to read Kierkegaard later on, his books will where Catholic higher education can "adapt done so in print, offering sweeping genalways be available on a library shelf...
...Only cellent publication, but I cannot recall Despite this, Hoyt is correct in sensing utopians or rationalists (in the pejorative any other issue as superb as that of May that he and I have a basic disagreement sense of that term) would care to rush in...
...Elizabeth Liebert, S.N.J.M., Professor San Francisco Theological Seminary ent family is a normative social institution To the Editors: Enclosed is my last-minute • Lawrence Murphy, S.J., Provincial, that would be weakened by the legitimation renewal, sent with misgivings because of Irish Province, Dublin of alternatives, Mr...
...the gay rights march in Washington...
...Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...LAWRENCE D. HOGAN versity is not politically or religiously were pretty basic...
...p. 2, marriage, perhaps the most significant alChariot...
...Philadelphia, Pa...
...KENNETH L. WOODWARD a less spiteful person than Kenneth Position Serving Pastoral Ministry...
...CORRESPONDENCE early '50s and now is that in the old days Forty years as a subscriber is a lot of America's liberals knew that it was wrong momentum, I guess, so I'll hang in for an(Continued from page 2) to demonize your enemy, and said so...
...confronted by a letter-writer, he backs Loyola House, P.O... error, the meaning of a passage in a letter DAVID R. CARLIN, JR...
...All Canadian and foreign subscriptions things can be maximized simultaneous- must be paid in U.S... beat, after all, is terium is ever wrong at Steubenville...
...nonviolent personalities can use it nization tactic as long as it comes from the that his intellectualism did not develop in effectively...
...We regret the error...
...Another homopho- nowadays...
...Serials Data program No.: ISSN 0010of reality...
...I received politely supportive re- to their students...
...cause that's the side too little stressed Another homophobe...
...Gift Suggestion FULLNESS "This book is a model of Catholic theology... you tell the difference...
...we are chal- and a program of action-and their needs cable to the large, well-known Catholic lenged "to adapt to the new era we find should be seen by our colleges and uni- university where I earned my B.A...
...p. 7, Punch, Rothco...
...Attractive, colorful zen...
...curate) slap at Franciscan University of Catholic tradition...
...But I get to scandalized when, on occasion, it gets Woodward omitted Dorothy Day and know campuses by participating in aca- things wrong...
...Catholic culture, belief, Schroth's challenge with telling insights into change of letters with Fathers Edward A. and practice, along with the sincere piety where we have gone wrong, and several Malloy and Theodore M. Hesburgh of of orthodox students, are routinely mocked...
...arguing that the two-par- Niantic, Conn...
...0 mores...
...Perhaps Franciscan Uni"...The only courses I have taken here the West...
...But I fully recognize that it has bic religion... another...
...Continued on page 29) by saying: "First, not all gay supporters of It is one of the merits of Hoyt's essay gay rights are apostles of normlessness...
...prompted me, as I suspect it did many other The chief irony of this is that the preRescuing our heritage readers, to write a check in support of Saint scription Woodward offers for Catholic Cranford, N.J...
...Though it has not yet attained "I sympathize, but I fear that homosexual its goal of respect for gays and lesbians marriage will cause damage to the family, because of their sexuality, it has at least the most fundamental of all social institu- won nearly universal respect for them detions...
...they also conUp, my anti-utopian pessimism tends to demned those of the Left, namely, Getting students started maximize it, leading me to see Act-Up as Communists and fellow travelers (the true a logical consequence of the "Left McCarthy- reds and pinks) who dismissed all critics Oak Park, III...
...To permit homosexual marriage would Order or by check on a U.S...
...Gilles Cusson, S.J., Founder, Centre d A problem of tone Responding to an April 9 column by Da- spiritualite tgnatienne, Quebec vid R. Carlin, Jr...
...In other words, the am myself a utopian...
...I suspect the has been its desecration of the Mass at Saint sponse to David R. Carlin's April 9 col- clue to why these interpretations conflict Patrick's Cathedral in New York...
...When homosexuals crank...
...Woodward's ity for promoting and supporting pastoral To the Editors: Kenneth Woodward's ar- entire review an ad feminam attack...
...and at additional offices...
...consequently not all good Special two-year rate: U.S...
...foreign, $77...
...But where Hoyt's utopian optimism did they confine their condemnation to de- ROBERT W. MARRION tends to minimize the significance of Act- monizers from the Right...
...Tell me, David, and those favoring women clergy...
...After all, Americans sins of Act-Up are at least in part the sins are utopians by nature, and I'm a good of society...
...February 121 stopped tual problems facing all the Saint Angelas spent the last ten years of my life on short of where we need to go in finding of our Catholic world-whether in inner Catholic campuses, I can vouch for the or restoring what is Catholic in our Catholic cities, affluent suburbs, or rural areas-, truth of his laments about the state of institutions of higher education...
...but, thinking now in Raymond missing Franciscan University, where, as body of literature, which ranks among the Schroth's terms, their replies strike me as it happens, those courses are taught, where great intellectual achievements of Western full of images of "death and fire," rather Christopher Dawson, Walker Percy, Flanculture...
...I consider Mr... duct, but he says it is "the predictable of the Waco tragedy...
...disagreeable views have always made Commonweal 18 June 1993: 29 doesn't think that's a big deal, he's missed ing a travel book by Mark Twain, writing Woodward's blind spot something fundamental...
...gitimate development of doctrine to mean cation: What Happened...
...How Jackson Heights, N.Y...
...his utopianism with "spices from the is so, why has Act-Up surfaced at precisely To the Editors: Some instinct tells me that Sermon on the Mount...
...anticipates A year or so ago I initiated an ex- its overthrow...
...A not untypical comment: al, cultural, and spiritual achievements of Steubenville...
...Our greatest apolosecular institutions, and today as a professor ideal of education that we inherited in such gists-e.g., Newman, G.K...
...Commonweal 18 June 1993: 31...
...JOHN MALLON 30: 18 June 1993 Commonweal ish...
...era and remain vital...
...Murnion, Director, NPLC, 299 Elizabeth St., New York, NY 10012 or tax (212) 274-9786...
...In my business I get y'all-come- its as well as its necessity, and I am not Reflection...
...Although every article, including the on the gay-rights issue...
...When The Secretary, would this be carrying fair play too far...
...I recommend tii6nilic:n}cc LARIANSf CHURCH magazine, rated by this volume enthusiastically, not only for personal study (W71'11011,1,0 the Catholic Press Association as "the best ut also for college, university, and seminary courses...
...Coles also That some Catholic colleges and uni- ligious environment is not the best con- gave the Merton lecture at Columbia versities are lax in passing on the tradi- text for nurturing a Catholic intellectual University last year...
...An undergraduate education will your critics by demonizing them...
...that he recognizes that homosexual mar- Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, riage is the fundamental question at issue...
...Yearly goods are ultimately incompatible with subscriptions, U.S., $39...
...Well, I used up my quota before utopianism (which, I suspect, is ultimate- were truly pariahs, no such ill-mannered the end of February (and that's not even ly derived from the Sermon on the Mount organization manifested itself...
...such an education, it is necessary but not (Thomas Del Prete, whose thesis was later Nor would I be, I suppose, given what the sufficient to teach the Christian classics...
...Ignatius from Max Couchman [Correspondence, Presenters May 211 was altered, not to say mangled...
...If I have emphasized the bad, it's bepears to condemn homosexual conduct...
Vol. 120 • June 1993 • No. 12