Migrating Anglo-Catholics

Jaskunas, Paul

of cutting the costs of employing more people," he says. "This ...

...There questions of group arrangements with the Catholic church and can only be one captain of the church and in the end that's the building custody have yet to be answered...
...Kramer adds that hav- dropped by almost one-third...
...Dressed in a ogy] is such a mess it ceases to be anything you can have conkilt, his grey hair in a braid, Gradidge exemplifies the sort of fidence in being true...
...And with her family, was liquidated soon after...
...Says Michael Barwick of Saint Matthew's, "I town...
...Workers from a Brooklyn, New York, plant told of a failed strike against a contract similar to the one Staley wants in Decatur...
...He USSR, where Irmgard had been deported It was helpful to me...
...They were outmiddle-of-the-road Protestants, and Latin-chanting Catholics...
...Touching hard Saint Mary's enthusiast, compares his church of forty-some on a thread common to all strands of the Anglo-Catholic opyears to a club, a place in which people may be themselves...
...Historically, companies used overtime as a way The dilemma facing Anglo-Catholics, whether to remain in 8: 4 June 1993 Commonweal the Church of England or to find a place in the Roman fold, are members of the Church of England and of Saint Mary's, was clarified on April 23 when Cardinal Basil Hume, archbishop and I pray to God we can always say that-but I don't know of Westminster, announced the Catholic church's acceptance how it can happen," he says...
...Their attempt to maintain hope saw them packing their bags and bringing them on the freight cars...
...They come to celebrate Mass properly, brilliantly, with passionately believe the Church of England may not decide clouds of incense and a paid choir...
...While a com- es, union with the Catholic church is no longer the guiding light mission made of both Catholic and Anglican bishops will be in the far-off future...
...Not only the acs .a r1, r.,;:yrn ne€ s:ks~M~ s,,, Zii:i ncj* Aiegv big things like their faith (which Elie j v~k L',Yf Wiesel said was consumed by the flames at Auschwitz) and their belief in huI4flJa Cdv a WanFi~dr manity (which Anne Frank wrote that she still maintained, despite all that had happened) and their hope (which the Nazis did everything within their power to destroy) and each other (which became impossible), but they held onto their belongings: their toothbrushes, mirrors, umbrellas, and their shoes...
...There is an emotional aversion to the Catholic "eventual total integration...
...The General Synod and [Archbishop of decide to cross lines will depend partly on whether or not the Canterbury] George Carey I have no time for whatsoever...
...So I really only have one day with my family...
...Irmgard is what was printed on the card then in a film of still photos of some of Irmgard and her family were never heard given to me as I entered the museum, yet the children orphaned by the Holocaust, from again...
...ting professional counseling to try to cope with the stress the new work schedule places on the family...
...Larimore coached Little MIGRATING ANGLO-CATHOLICS League, but his new workweek forced him to stop...
...I can't see any of his games...
...What," he found a way to interfere with their family life-it separated the asks, "is the point at which an individual cannot couple and forced them onto different shifts so that they do not walk down the same road in fellowship with anshare the same days off...
...Every face cried out for recognition but so many simply flashed onto one of the many screens and then disapNO ORDINARY MUSEUM peared...
...I couldn't absorb it all...
...Estimates vary, but the Catholic church in England the more ardent traditionalists, eliminated the need for the preguesses that up to three hundred clergy may convert and only tense of compatibility...
...slowly back and forth on a bed...
...The Reverend John Broadhurst's question hangs in Their children are grown, but the Hannas say management still the air like the smoke from his cigar...
...My boy plays bas- President Dave Watts says "management wants to run the plant ketball...
...The Minsk ghetto in the such cards as a condescending gimmick...
...The Catholic church, The cardinal's announcement left much to be resolved...
...Their meeting indicated that there would be further resistance to management's would-be norms...
...There was a film clip of a mother and mination camp...
...It's the truth that's important will not leave the church, as he mistrusts the Vatican as a guardian and you can't vote the truth away," he says...
...rmgard Rosenberg was twenty-six tied as I walked through the United States So I tried to hold onto just a few years old when her brother Heinz Memorial Holocaust Museum in Wash- faces-usually the faces of children...
...A leader of the Anglo-Catholic opposition to female priests Mohan denies there is a policy to separate married couples...
...people earnestly, desperately wanted to hold onto their "articles of daily living...
...He has been the English population darkens Anglican church doors on following the debate in the Church of England while studying Sundays...
...Home Protestant sect), hasn't the authority to make critical doctrinal of the highest Anglican rite in London and a well-to-do con- decisions such as who may enjoy the privilege of celebrating gregation, the ornate church draws worshipers from all over the Eucharist...
...At Saint Matthew's and similar churchtime will tell how many lay people will follow...
...His schedule is a problem: "When I'm only what they are told by the company...
...One reporter "There's something rather dubious and lower-middle class asked the cardinal if his statement marked the end of the over about being nonconformist...
...For many Anglo-Catholics, women priests are another of England...
...Joe Dwyer, a Teamster leader from Tate & Lyle's Western Sugar plant in Billings, Montana, and president of the ad-hoc council, announced that the various unions supported the AIW's fight in Decatur...
...Nevertheless, a future in a church which allows manifestation of the potent liberalism imported from America women priests is unsettling for Gradidge...
...We should be waiting for the in Britain, and about the senseless murders, the sort formerly dust of feminism to fall," says the Reverend Bill Scott, vicar only heard of in American cities, that are being committed in of Saint Mary's...
...At what point does a difference become a division...
...Though no women will be ordained until the legisthe days of the year...
...On the first day, I cott of Tate & Lyle's Domino, GW, and Redpath sugars, their sleep until 4 P.M...
...There's no consistency to my days off," he complains...
...The Hannas say every other married other...
...The parishioners anticipate liberation...
...PAUL JASKUNAS should say Mass...
...My daughter is on the drill their way, so we're letting them do it...
...Elizabeth Mills, who those words has not yet been determined, the historical impli- sits in the front-row pew at Saint Mary's every Sunday, says, cations of the announcement could not be denied...
...hammering out the specifics of an agreement behind closed doors The official Anglo-Catholic complaint about the November over the next few months, individual Christians are struggling 11 vote is that the Church of England, as a branch of the one, to discern where they should worship each Sunday...
...How much people try to K-;n.;tha6,r ,r*F,, hold onto what was theirs...
...AIW Local 837 working, I can see my kids one hour a day...
...All I know about looked so quiet and still and vacant...
...For some families trying to admuch patience with the kids...
...Rodrick Gradidge, a die- on its own...
...Mohan acknowledges that production has have to work on her graduation night...
...it is an immediacy...
...But in a poor, east London area...
...On April 4, officials of seven unions representing Tate & Lyle workers in the United States and Canada met for the first time...
...It is about the escalation of crime and homelessness in London this spring...
...REPORT FROM ENGLAND Denton Larimore also pans the six-day week...
...Though the specific meaning of church for many upper-class Anglicans...
...OF SEVERAL MINDS Liz Leibold McCloskey glass case documented important information...
...Maybe we've lived in a cloud-cuckoo-land with Such aversion to Catholicism is not to be found at Saint Anglicanism," admits the Reverend Christopher Bedford, vicar Matthew's, a parish surrounded by public housing developments of Saint Matthew's, an Anglo-Catholic church in London...
...Prejudice But traditionalists have heralded the vote as an intolerable usurpa- against Catholics, Mills says, "is deeply entrenched within the tion of doctrinal authority belonging only to the Catholic British psyche...
...The long-awaited invitation was offered While Saint Mary's will lose a substantial fraction of the conwith the stipulation that defecting clergy be reordained, and on gregation, and maybe even its clergy, to the Catholic church, the condition of an "individual yes" from every convert and most will stay...
...eccentricity characteristic of Saint Mary's...
...position, he laments the increasing influence of secular liberSipping his pint in a nearby pub after Mass, he explains that he alism in British Christianity...
...That's not how Henry Kramer, a worker with over twenty For the time being, workers at the Decatur plant are doing years' seniority, sees it...
...Leaders of Tate & Lyle's Australian unions telegraphed a message of solidarity, while union leaders from a Tate & Lyle plant agement gave each worker a personal schedule for a full year: in Silvertown, England, spoke by telephone to the meeting and "I know one guy who carries his schedule around in his pock- explained their struggle against a proposal virtually identical et so he knows when he's off," he says...
...On the second day I'm all right, just to the new work rules, that would seem like the company but on the third day, I have to get my schedule into swing with was getting its just deserts...
...PETER DOWNS work...
...I can't be A TANGLED PAST & FUTURE involved in church activities, scouting, or even bowling league...
...lation passes several parliamentary and synodical hurdles, the Professor Clements, however, notes that Staley's twelve-hour historic vote has forced the Anglo-Catholic contingent to outshifts actually decrease leisure time because employees work wardly organize, inwardly re-evaluate its place in a remarka hundred hours a year more than they did with a five-day, forty- ably diverse church...
...With they feel, will offer them a new spiritual home...
...It was the fall of Some critics, I know, regard the use of her son, a toddler, who was rocking 1943...
...He struggles to pinpoint the passion...
...She's a senior this year, and I tion has suffered...
...It was a singularly English damental issues have existed in the Church of England for years...
...The sense of seeing only fragments of the horrible madness of the Holocaust made its sheer magnitude that much more real...
...hour week...
...Hume out Mills's childhood, was always associated with affairs of took a deep breath and said, "Could be...
...As most Anglo-Catholics will argue, today's in many places, regain, its position as England's moral cencontroversy is about a great deal more than whether or not women ter...
...With the AIW calling for a boys ing three days off in a row "is not worth it...
...Not House of Bishops, when it convenes later this month, can agree long ago that would have been a fairly outrageous statement for upon some sort of alternative episcopal structure to appease tra- an Anglican vicar to make...
...of unhappy Anglicans...
...holy, catholic and apostolic church (and not an autonomous, Saint Mary's is home to over one hundred Christians...
...The worst Peter Downs is a free-lance writer who reports frequently stress, Kramer finds, is with his children...
...We can still say we that, once inside the church house doors, will only wreak more Commonweal 4 June 1993: 9 havoc on a timeless perfection...
...When I get up, I'm a zombie and I don't have sales may show a drop as well...
...It [liberal theolof truth as much as he now mistrusts the synod...
...He says they are get- from the Midwest on labor topics...
...I simply cannot imagine being it is more than I knew about the hundreds, on a screen in a narrow hallway with in her shoes...
...was taken to the Treblinka exter- ington, D.C., during its opening week...
...I can't see her perform...
...Indeed, the prospect While the traditionalists condemn this breach of Catholic traof conforming to papal infallibility, to a universal authority, dition all over the London Times's editorial pages, a less pubpresents an ironic identity crisis for the Anglo-Catholic who lic mistrust of progressive ideology quietly drives the opposition has, for so many years, thrived on the extreme edge of the Church forward...
...The pile of toothbrushes was among the most troubling displays...
...Indeed, many Anglicans feel the richness of their church lies The Irish Catholics, on the other hand, have historically been in that it can accommodate hand-clapping Evangelicals, quiet victims of discrimination in English society...
...Maybe they had been his faAMTUCHF VERMERKE 1J*A $ LI Z .' VI I ther's shoes...
...As a result, "producteam...
...But the November 11 vote has, for ditionalists...
...The vicar, Bedford, has written a never until the eleventh of November was it actually said that letter to the Anglican bishop of London that asks for permiswe would do something that actually contradicts [the Catholic sion to move Saint Matthew's and all its assets to the Catholic tradition...
...The church's ruling body, ples, but he blames the union for these scheduling problems the General Synod, shocked Anglican conservatives on because it refused to help the company implement its final offer...
...This enthusientire parishes clamoring to secede from the Church of England, asm is fueled by the unwavering papalism of the clergy...
...This is an alternative way of doing that...
...While newspaper pundits complain when one lives in a fog one tries to be as careful as one can of the corruption of British youth and the increasingly secuuntil the fog lifts...
...thousands, of other faces I saw there...
...experience that was very much attached to a specific building...
...At the museum there was a huge pile of shoes-little children's shoes, 10: 4 June 1993 Commonweal...
...It's very much living in a fog, as it were, and London neighborhoods...
...He leans his head back, takes a thoughtcouple they know of at Staley likewise was separated by man- ful drag...
...lar nation crawls wounded out of the recession, a divided Church At no point in recent history has the Church of England been of England is being forced to examine how it can maintain and, in such a fog as this...
...it was toA PLACE TO TAKE OFF ONE'S SHOES tally overwhelming...
...I can't have a consistent part in my family's life...
...How many Anglicans pope," says Bedford...
...state and society: "brownie" service, morning matins, the milThe irony of the controversy is that disagreements over fun- itary medals her father wore to church...
...Each ning, there was a little orphaned boy holding a pair of grown-up shoes and laughing...
...The Church of England, throughfour-hundred-year-old schism between the two churches...
...I can't be involved in anything outside of work," he says...
...in the Church of England, Broadhurst is responsible for ponHe acknowledges that management knows who are married cou- dering such fundamental queries...
...November 11, 1992, by voting in favor of female priests, jerkHe says that twelve-hour shifts are actually better for workers: ing tears of joy from one side of the debate, tears of grief from they increase leisure time because workers "only work one-half the other...
...It is about the fact that less than 3 percent of Paul Jaskunas is a student at Oberlin College...
...to the one in Decatur...
...siders and poor and worshiped in tin huts, she explains...
...Bill and Nancy Hanna are married and both work at Staley...
...Each about ten or twenty different films runBut it was Irmgard's identity card I car- screen displayed powerful footage...
...It's like we're tools the company uses and then stores in a toolbox when it doesn't need us...

Vol. 120 • June 1993 • No. 11

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